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Re: Bag Balm

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" Hi all. I know we talked a little bit about this bag balm stuff 2 weeks


and I mentioned that my fiance used it for his dry hands. Well, I actually

used it " down there " this weekend when I got a rather large anal cut (which

I think is related to this whole vulvodynia problem that I'm having in that

it's an indication of some sort of skin disorder) as well as on another cut

closer to the vulva (at the 7:00 position, outside the outer labia -- that's

what I get for using a washcloth a little too hard down there). And you

know what -- not only did the cream soothe the cuts, but the cuts were gone

in less than a day!! Amazing.

I might start using this stuff on my vulva regularly, along with estrace. I

know people were talking about using it on their regular skin or on baby's

bottoms. But has anyone used it directly on their vulva? Any thoughts? "

Hi ,

I purchased the Bag balm a few days ago and also sent a tin to my mother &

my aunt. This product is truly amazing!!! My mother used it on her hands &

feet and she said the very next day, she couldn't believe the difference in

her skin!! I'm not at all surprised that it helped heal your cuts

overnight! The reason I first posted about Bag Balm to this list was after

I read the following statement:

" I'm an RN and used to work in a nursing home. Many of our patients had

severely dry skin. Just after showering them, we would put a bit of Bag

Balm on a damp VERY WARM wash cloth and gently smooth a very thin layer

over their entire body while they were STILL WET. It really helped

retain moisture in their dry skin. Even though we were short staffed, we

had very little skin problems with our patients compared with other

facilities in the area that were better staffed. FOR RASHES AND CHAFFING


as a balm for chapped, cracked lips. "

In terms of using it on the vaginal area, you might want to contact the

manufacturer & ask them first. The website for Bag Balm is www.bagbalm.com

Let me know if you get any answers. Thanks.




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Debra wrote:

In terms of using it on the vaginal area, you might want to contact


manufacturer & ask them first. The website for Bag Balm is


Let me know if you get any answers. Thanks.


I'm a little afraid to e-mail the BagBalm people for 2 reasons:

1) I'm not actually using the " BagBalm " brand product -- I'm using a

different one which may have different ingredients;

but more importantly,

2) their web site doesn't even mention using it for people -- just cows,

horses, and pets. So I don't want to freak out some farmer-type person by

asking them if it would be ok to use it, not only on people, but on women's


I might just play guinea pig on myself and try it out. If it doesn't

irritate, I'll keep using it until I see either a noticeable difference, or

until sufficient time passes (a month?) and I don't see a difference.

Although I sorta want to just keep using the estrace, I think I may have

plateau'd with that (using it every day for a month) and am almost ready to

add something for more healing power. My fiance has been trying to get me

to try the bag balm stuff down there for a year now! Maybe I'll pull the

trigger later this week.

As always, I'll keep you posted.

-- G.

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