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updated good vs evil and religion

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In religion, there is talk of good people

going to heaven, while evil people going to

hell. But, that is, after they die, and in their

afterlife. Whereas while people are still

alive, this sorting into two different places

does not yet occur. So that here on earth

while people are alive, good people and

evil people live together in the same place

here on earth, and are not separated from

each other into two separate places. One

then might think this religious idea of

separation into two separate places, one

good, and one bad; would have no

consequence, at least not amongst the

living. But what has occurred here is that

the concept of sorting into two separate

piles has been introduced, and indicates

that the days of allowing good and evil

things to be together, are numbered. Now

personally I would cheer and applaud

religion for introducing this concept of

separation and sorting whereby good and

evil things are separated from each other

and sorted from each other; because if done

correctly, such actions have the potential of

delivering great benefits to us, even here on

earth while we are alive.

Now then; religion doesn't wait until we are

dead to sort things and separate the good

from the evil; but does enact the concept of

separation and sorting here on earth among

we living people. Of course, at the level of

an individual human person, is the

exception, where some religions promise to

not sort human individuals until after they

die. But concerning other things; religion

proceeds full ahead to sort all sorts of

aspects of life and behaviors of the living

into good vs evil categories, and so does

robustly apply the concept of sorting to the

world of the living (with the exception of

not sorting the whole individual while they

are alive but only after death, concerning

the Christian religion).

We are considering the concept of that

which is good. And we are considering the

concept of that which is destructive. How

many things do we have? Some might

think there are 2 things; but actually there

are 3. Sometimes what we have before us

can be easily separated or sorted into that

which is good vs that which is destructive.

But other times, a thing cannot be

separated into good vs destructive, by us,

and even does both good and destruction in

the same action. So that we in reality have,

-the good, -the bad, -and the goodandbad;

which is 3 types of things, not 2.

Unfortunately for we who are human and

lack the power of God with the ability to

divide all things into good vs destructive

components; when we try to separate all

our human things here on earth while we

live into two separate piles of good vs evil

components; we do spoil that sorting or

separation action and make it of no

account, where it could have been a great

benefit for us. And the reason we spoil it is

because we try to sort our reality into black

and white: into two separate piles, when at

our level of ability, our reality is made of 3

distinct types of things -all good things,/

-human things which are a mixture of good

and destructive things,/ - and all destructive

things. And that what we should be doing

as humans, is to sort things not into two

separate piles, but into 3 separate piles, in

order to reap the benefits of these sorting


Realize that when we take a human action

(it still has both good and bad intertwined),

and sort it to either the all-bad side, or the

all-good side, that we have done an

inaccurate sort action, because we've just

added some good to the all-bad side, so it is

no longer all bad and so do feed that all bad:

or have added some bad to the all-good

side, corrupting it so it is no longer all

good, and may even burn down in a


So that when these people acting in

accordance with the two dimensional

sorting which has pervaded so much of

human life; come to you and ask you which

side you are on, concerning some criterion

of sorting that they have selected (such as

whether or not you attend church regularly;

or whether or not you feel Wiener

should step down) : what would be a good

thing to do, would be to prevent them from

enacting their 2 dimensional sorting, and

insist instead on a 3 dimensional sorting

which includes human entities as a third

pile; explaining to these people that you do

not categorize 2 dimensionally according to

this (or any) criterion, and that you do not

accept, or pander to, 2 dimensional

categorizations, but instead only use 3

dimensional ones. And one does then sort

their ineffective 2-d sorting action into the

same human pile that one sorts many of the

imperfect human things the 2-d sorting

action rails against.

So that when we apply our effective 3-d

sorting; we sort their ineffective 2-d

condemnation of into the

imperfect human pile, right along with the

imperfect himself; so that they are

at home, together with each other.



Often in the areas of human hungers, it is a

no win situation where if we do satisfaction

of the hunger, one area benefits while

an other area suffers; but if we abstain,

then this other area benefits while the one

area suffers.

I would argue then that in these situations

the best way to go, is to do a medium or

middle doing of the hunger satisfaction so

that neither directive of either doing, or

abstaining from, the hunger satisfaction is

favored over the other, so that all areas

have something.

Now, this middle or medium level can be

achieved in different ways. One can

cycle about the medium level, by doing

full 'on' of the hunger satisfaction for a time

and then full 'off' for an equal time. And

the cycling frequency can be adjusted so

that one doesn't spend too long in either the

'on' or 'off' part of the cycle so that one is

not hindered excessively by the shortages

created in different areas due to the

unbalanced nature of this no win situation.

Another way to achieve the medium level,

is to do the hunger satisfaction at a constant

or non varying medium level that is mid

way between the full 'on' state and the full

'off' state. These two ways of achieving the

medium level each have their own

advantages and disadvantages. The cycling

on and off way allows one to go to higher

intensity in both 'on' and 'off' areas,

allowing more concentrated attention to

each individual area without being

hindered by the demands of the other areas.

But on the down side, one must work to

regulate this repeating on and off cycle, and

cannot rest or take one's attention off it.

Whereas with the non varying constant

medium level, one can just let it go and not

have to work at regulating it so much. xx

Note that another part of the human

condition is that we all die and are mortal;

-so that activities we would otherwise

consider as all good and evil free and above

the human condition; are part of the human

condition due to our mortality: and so our

response is to do these things at high

medium or cycling about high medium,

even though we would otherwise do them

at high and full on. Like, even if

what we did was all goodness, when we

died, that goodness would be destroyed and

the people depending on our goodness

would be harmed by our death. However,

if we were mean and cruel, then when we

died, that cruelty would be destroyed,

resulting in a benefit to those who would

otherwise suffer our cruelty. Now, we

should still make a distinction between

actions that are otherwise all good vs those

which have more imperfection and are

based on human hungers; by acting to keep

these somewhat separate from each other

(even though both are mortal actions).

At this point I want to interrupt in and place a few inserts that are repeated

later in this work, here, so as to enlighten more quickly:

Start first insert:

We shall see that, putting human life at

medium level (not rich nor barren level), is

important to achieve.

At this point, let me expound upon the

concept of fearing one's own demise. It is

unknown what will become of our void

when we totally go to nothingness and exist

only as a void. But that is not where we are

at right now while we are alive. -To get to

that point of nothingness, we would have to

go through points of life at lower and lower

levels of ability, which traps that life in

barrenness where its forces don't separate.

While we are alive, we need to move away

from that nothingness, that is, away from

existence at a low level in barrenness

(which does approach the zero level of the

void of nothingness); and move instead,

towards a medium level existence: because

it is at medium level that our imperfect

human life does naturally separate into

more good vs more destructive. And we

can work with that to attempt the

generation of an all good entity.

This is what we can do as imperfect,

transient human lives. No matter how

much thoughts of how much you are

condemned may appear; this is the place to

be, and the response to take. So go and

pull parts of yourself and others that are

low and in barrenness, up and into medium

level, and center there for as long as your

life allows; as that is the centre for

imperfect human life to exist at, while it is

alive. And the parts that are more good

that separate off from this, can attempt to

form a more good entity which may then

generate human material of a next


This is irregardless of any religious or

societal condemnation or acceptance that

one may think they are under. This is the

choice to choose, and the stance to take,

because of who one is, as an imperfect,

transient human being. So that if one is

thrown into low levels as punishment for

their human imperfections, they should

reject that as their place, and fight against


Now, concerning a representation of a

deceased loved one that is part of you: it is

now at low and barren level, and needs

help shepherding back up to medium level.

You might try to do this, but sometimes

this can be so overwhelming that it

threatens to pull you down also into low

and barren level.

And then there are those parts of you

through the living of your own life, that

have utterly failed, and that trap the 'God

-spark' of life as your life in this long term

trap of being at low and barren level. And

this may even include if you fall so

extremely in love with someone, but they

don't or no longer want anything to do with


Now then; No matter how it happens, we as

imperfect humans can get caught by

overpowering destructions that bring us

low and trap us at low, unable to bring

ourselves up to medium. Even though we

choose to be at medium, we can find

ourselves unable to attain that; -trapped at a

low and barren level. And so, we might

think of asking for help from an entity

outside of us, as all our own high entity that

we had generated at previous medium level

human ruminations, has been defeated by

the overpowering destruction. But other

human life entities are struggling

themselves, and can't afford to help us lest

they themselves be brought down into our

fate that we ourselves are trying to change.

And high powered entities even as high as

God, are being Holy and separate from the

evils/destructions of the human earth, so

that they won't come down to help us at

this time while evil/overpowering

destruction is still alive and feeding. What

we need, is an entity with some of the high

power (even as high as God), who will

leave the protection of Holiness to come

down to us to help us and shepherd us.

Who could it be who will do this? And of

course, it is the name of the good shepherd,

Jesus Christ who comes to mind. But the

idea to give up and ask for outside help just

goes against the training and the

brainwashing that we are to value self

sufficiency and making it on our own

without outside help. But eventually we

realize the nature of our state of who we

are (that of imperfect human life, which has

a centre of being at medium level), so that

some of us do accept that outside help, and

are freed from our being trapped at low

level barrenness. So that the parts of us

that were trapped at low level, are then

freed up to medium level. But the parts

of us that weren't trapped at low level,

at medium level; don't need this help,

so that they miss out on this connection

with the wonderful Jesus Christ. But the

parts of us that were trapped at low level

and which called out for Jesus Christ; Do

have this connection with Christ. But then,

some may say, you are not your own

anymore, but now belong to Christ, and

from now on, need to follow what Christ

wants, not your own (human) desires. But

this is misleading because the parts of you

that accepted Christ, were on death's door

and were a total loss already, -already

written off as a total loss, so that the entity

they are now as they are joined to Christ; is

mostly Christ; so that they are going to do

what Jesus Christ wants, naturally, because

that is who they mainly are. And since

they are now at medium level, thanks to the

intervention by Jesus Christ, they soon

separate in their forces and join the all good

entity, so that they really don't have time to

change much in their composition. But; as

high part entities they may then generate

new human material. It is this new human

material that doesn't yet have a joint entity

with Christ.

And also; the other parts of you that aren't

trapped in low levels as such, don't need to

be shepherded back up to medium, so they

don't yet need to call for this union with


Now the thing about this joint union with

Christ, is that it isn't a thing to be taken

lightly. You see, with the power of God,

this joint entity very completely achieves a

medium level existence. And soon after, as

it ruminates there, its forces begin to

separate; so that the 'God-spark' of life that

was held there to give you life in this area,

does escape back up into the high power of

God, and is no longer trapped in this

suffering low level life that was you

trapped in this low level. And a lot of it

goes on to generate just in the high Godly

material, and never generates in the human

area again. So that you do a good thing by

freeing this Godly spark from no longer

suffering as you in this trapped situation.

However, because this God-spark is no

longer present in the human area; your life

no longer exists. You as a human entity do

die. And this is how one dies to oneself in

the human area. Now then, even though

this decision to form a joint entity with

Christ has caused this low part of you to

cease to exist due to the extreme separation

of the forces at enhanced medium provided

by the powerful Christ; not all of the good

that separated away was as powerful as the

God-spark that returned permanently up

into God. Some of the good that separates

away is lesser good. And it is this lesser

good that is unable to generate new

Godly material in its generatings, but does

generate human material instead. And it is

from this lesser good material that

regenerates a similar 'us' in a resurrection

type of way.

And since our other parts that did not

yet form this union with Christ, are still

present and alive in the human area; the

resurrected human material does join the

human material still there.

Then some may say that you can't join

Christ part way: that it is either all or

nothing. But I say that all who claim to be

completely one with Christ, are not

necessarily liars, but are inaccurate.

Because any human who joins completely

with Christ, would soon decompose and no

longer exist as a human entity. So that

since these people are still walking around

as alive human beings and satisfying

human desires; it is obvious that they

haven't completely joined with Christ.

That's right; there is no need for a roman

gladiator to dispatch us Christians, or a

roman emperor to order us crucified: the

mere act of joining completely with Christ,

soon ends whatever human life that does

this. (It is said that no human can see God,

and live.) So that as human life; if

we find our selves at medium levels; that is

where we should be; and we can realize that

that is where we should be and where we do

generate good. And if we humans are

able to recognize that this is where human

life should be; God is certainly also able to

discern this. So that even if we choose to

throw our whole selves at Christ to be

totally one with him: Christ may not allow

that as long as we are at medium level.

(This is Christ exercising his will to do

what he thinks is best, over what we may

will.) At medium level, we are where we

should be as human life, and do not need a

good shepherd to come in. But when parts

of our life do fall into traps of barrenness

and lowness: that is not where we should

be; and if unable to get out on our own, then

we Are in need of a good shepherd. And

when this trapped human life at low levels

asks for oneness with Christ, Christ then

does take in this life, and it does expire and

die to its human self (including one's asking

for Christ to come in). So just realize that

whatever part of your human life is here

alive at medium level; is life that is not

completely joined with Christ yet; (so if it

is still alive in human form, perhaps still

asking Christ to come in; then this is life

that Christ hasn't joined yet); and this

includes the new human life that

regenerated/resurrected from the material

that did completely join Christ.

Now in any case, when imperfect material

at medium does separate into all good vs all

destructive; not all separations are the

same, and sometimes a lesser all good is

generated, while at other times, a greater all

good is generated; so that there's a spread

in the all good generated from any given

medium level imperfect material. And the

greater, more powerful all good would

then generate more all good in its new

generatings, while the lesser all good,

would generate imperfect human material

in its new generatings. So that these joint

entities with Jesus Christ, will, in their

lesser parts, generate and fulfill all human

desires and hungers, in a good way (with

each segment having an all good segment

backing it up), for the glory of God. And

Jesus Christ is not someone who is against

a party, since he turned the water into


Oops; I'm having second thoughts about my

speculation that Christ only completely

joins our lowest parts. Perhaps Christ

might humor me and allow me to join just

my lowest parts in dire straits; but I now

feel this is an unwise choice, which causes

me to suffer unnecessarily. The new idea is,

that joining with Christ is not as lethal as I

made it out to be. I still think that there is a

death and a dying to ourselves as the part

that is in Christ's extreme medium

environment, does soon separate and

release the all good 'god spark' that is

within it, thus resulting in the 'death' of that

life in the human plane. But now I place

more emphasis on the Lesser good that also

separates; which does then generate

new Human material. It is this new human

material that is similar to (but not the exact

same specific material) that decomposed or

separated; that does replace the human life

that was lost; so that after a short delay, the

human area is just as active and alive as it

was before (just with new human material

that is continually being replaced). So let

us go through what I speculate happens to

our material that is above dire straits, that

has us doing some good and achieving

some degree of medium level environment.

If it too completely joins with Christ, then

Christ's extreme medium environment

causes it to soon expire in the human plane.

But it is also soon replaced, so that the

human plane is repopulated with a sort of

reincarnated/regenerated 'us'. So that now

we not only have a representation in the

human plane, but have lesser high material

in the godly plane that backs it up and

keeps continually regenerating it.

Now this brings back full force, the

argument that now that we belong to

Christ, we are no longer our own, and that

we must now lay aside our human desires

and ways. That not our will be done, but

Christ's will be done. And once again, I

say, that our will isn't done, because our

original representation has already expired

and died to itself (in Christ's extreme

medium environment). And that the

representation that is currently alive and

doing things in the human plane, IS that

which has come through Christ, and

therefore Christ's will is being done

(because it is Christ's will that imperfect

human material be done at medium level,

even though it contains imperfection).

But the idea is; what is actually Christ's

will, that we are supposed to do? I claim

what a shepherding entity, such as

Jesus Christ does, is to 3 d sort off and

away all the evil/destruction it is able

to sort off; but that with the human material

where it is unable to sort the good from the

destruction; it puts that material at extreme

medium level; which means it puts that

human material, -all good and bad parts of

it, to medium level, and lets it ruminate and

go. So that the human hungers which

contain both good and bad; we will be

doing at medium level, in moderation,

under Jesus' approval and direction, (even

though they are imperfect and do contain

some bad). These human hungers will be

done and completed involving us, but it

won't be under our control; as the human

material is in rapid flux between being

regenerated by lesser high parts, and soon

coming to Jesus' extreme medium

environment and expiring in the human

plane, to generate another full spectrum of

high good parts. So that the human material

which contains both good and bad, and

contains some bad, doesn't have much time

to accumulate any history before it is

processed up into the Jesus' shepherding

entity, washed clean of any bad, and

regenerated back to the human plane from

pure all good lesser high parts.

So, imperfect human mentality is not in

control, but that the all good is more in

control. So just let it go and complete its

cycle. So, claims that we are departing

from what Christ wants when we find our

newest parts imbibing in the human

hungers; I claim, are inaccurate and untrue.

(Our original human representation has

already died in the human plane; and that

whatever life now exists in the human

plane, is a regenerated representation that is

already through Christ; but that has yet to

be joined completely with Christ, but will

soon join completely with Christ, due to the

rapid flux that is occurring here.)

Oops; now I'm having second thoughts on

my second thoughts about Christ joining

every part of us. You see, when a human

part of us is joined completely in Christ,

the extreme and complete medium

environment (over every aspect and area),

causes that imperfect human part to soon

separate in its forces with the all-good

going up into God. And as previously

stated, that all-good then after a time, does

generate additional material. (Now, if that

all good was a greater all good, then it

generates more all good; but if that all good

was a lesser all good, (as in the separation

of the forces, a spectrum of all good is

generated, with some of the all good being

greater all good while some of the all good

being lesser all good) -if that all good was

lesser all good, then it generates more

Human material in its generatings.) And this

is how the flux (as previously described)

comes about. Now, the lesser all good that

generated this imperfect human material,

would generate it to be at medium level

as much as possible; but it may not be at

medium level in all respects, (as it would be

with Christ), since this is a lesser all good

that isn't quite as capable. So that the

newly generated human material may be

doing some good, and is not in total

barrenness, but it is not perfect. Now, even

though this human material is generating

some good, due to some of its areas being

at medium level, (and is not suffering in

total barrenness); our newest directive is to

join all material completely to Christ.

Now, if we join any newly generated

human material completely to Christ as

soon as possible, as soon as it is generated;

then it won't have had time to ruminate or

separate in its forces in its imperfect way at

all. So there will be no improvement

whatsoever in this human material over

how it was initially generated as human

material, (due to not having had any time

to ruminate). So that when this new human

material separates in its forces in the

extreme medium environment of Christ;

the good that separates off won't be any

improved over the lesser all good that

generated it; thus favoring the generation of

more lesser-all-good, and not favoring the

generation of greater all good, in the

spectrum of all good that separates off this

unimproved human material. With more

lesser all good around; it then generates

more new imperfect human material in it's

generatings. And if this newest human

material keeps being immediately joined

completely in Christ, then a snowballing

effect occurs where more and more human

material is generated. But the thing is:

high powers want to avoid generating a lot

of imperfect human material, but instead

want to generate more high material

instead, in their new generatings. So now I

see there is a place for imperfect human

material to ruminate as imperfectly or

partly brought to medium level, where it

generates some good and improvement,

as some separation of the forces occurs;

but without being joined completely to


So that once again, I feel that Christ does

join the lowest material that is in dire straits

that does need the help of a good shepherd;

but that he doesn't join completely, human

material that isn't in dire straits, that has

some medium level environment, even if

not complete, where some good is being

generated. And I feel he does this, so as to

allow this human material to improve and

accumulate goodness, in a way that mimics

the generation of all-good true godly parts,

but which aren't good enough to be true

godly parts, but are godly part wanna bees

which are still human; so that after a time

of rumination; he then does completely join

this improved human material; so that in

his extreme and complete medium level

environment; the spectrum of all good

which separates off, is more towards

greater all good, and not so much towards

lesser all good. (So that in the further

generatings done by this spectrum of all

good; that the generation of more imperfect

human material is not favored while the

generation of more all good Is favored.)

And this is especially emphasized due to

the material taken in at dire straits favoring

the generating of Human material in its

further generatings; so that the other

material has to go that much more in the

other direction of separating off more

greater all good, to make up for that. (So

that imperfect life in minor discomfort is

not easily taken in.) So that there is

definitely a large area of us that is left

without being joined completely in Christ,

to ruminate there; even if we chime in that

we choose to be joined completely in

Christ; Christ may exercise His will, and

not do it. But there is a silver lining. Our

imperfect but not in dire straits, human

material, doesn't ruminate in this imperfect

goodness forever; but after a time of

improvement Christ then does completely

join this improved material at our request,

in the end; and true godly parts (a greater

portion being greater, over lesser, godly

parts) are then separated off in Christ's

complete and perfect medium level


Like when we are doing a human hunger;

good parts may separate off before the

hunger is completed, especially if there is a

barrier to the completion of the hunger.

Then in the additional parts that this good

part generates in its further generatings, it

will generate parts which do deliver what

the original good parts lacked (in addition to

more of the same human parts); so that the

good parts which separate off from that,

will also have what the original good parts

lacked; and so eventually the human

hunger will be completed in both a human

plane and a good plane. And with no

human hunger being unsatisfied to distract

it, these good parts will be more suited to

generate greater (not lesser) all good true

godly parts when Christ joins them

completely in the end.

Now; if one's human area starts to become

excessively rich due to successful

ruminations, so that this threatens the

medium level of these human parts; then in

this case, Christ may come in periodically

and receive some of this excess material to

bring one's human area back to medium,

(periodically) at our request before any

final end. -Otherwise that richness would

spoil the human area by bringing it above

medium level, (thus making doing of good

actions more difficult, by making the input

of doing good (that is, voids), to be in short


So now then: since it is only our parts in

dire straits (and also excess richness),

which are presently joined completely in

Christ; it is only them that you can expect

to no longer respond to human desires.

And they have already died to the human

plane and are already transformed into

godly parts and are already doing what

Christ wills. It is the rest of us that's not in

dire straits, that isn't yet completely joined

in Christ, that you cannot expect this from.

-That you can expect just imperfect

human stuff from; as it has not yet joined

completely with Christ (until the end).

Now then. When fighting against an

overpowering destruction, I have proposed

the generation of rich and high powered

human parts to fight against an

overpowering destruction. But when not

fighting; not only had I proposed against

generating rich and high powered human

parts; but that when human parts start to

become rich, they need to be absorbed by

Christ; otherwise their richness would just

become corrupted and destroyed down by

the badness which is one part of human


But now, perhaps before one generates high

rich human parts to fight against the rich

power of an overpowering destruction; that

one may first attempt to send the richness

of the power of the overpowering

destruction up into Christ, so that the

richness is gone, and therefore the

destruction will no longer be overpowering.

If one can successfully do this, then they

won't need to generate high powered

human parts to fight against the

overpowering destruction. So one could try

this first; especially with the representations

of an overpowering destruction that are

within oneself; where the overpowering

destruction has carved out representations

within oneself.

(Just remember that when any material that

is getting too rich is fed up into Christ, that

although Christ does take in this material,

that he doesn't take in all of this material,

but instead leaves some of this same

material behind as unjoined, so as to

maintain medium ability, so as not to throw

this area into barrenness.)(However, in the

dire straits situation, Christ doesn't leave

anything behind, but takes it all into

himself for processing.)

And before I finish here, I just want to

reiterate that we should not allow people to

fall into barrenness and be destroyed if we

can help it, since we will just have to work

that much harder to make up for all the new

imperfect human stuff that will be

generated after Christ rescues that material

in dire straits and transforms it into low

level godly material.

Now then: Take a look at your own

individual human life. You realize don't

you, that you don't have much. You live

for awhile and have a life and experiences;

but before too long, you start to get old,

and then you die and are no more. To see

how fleeting your human life is, just take a

look at the previous generation that has

already passed, and see what is left of

them. They all had lives just as valid and

intense as yours is now, but what is left of

them now? Some were rich and powerful

and others made great scientific advances,

and don't forget the great literary works and

songs; but many just lived their lives in

mediocre jobs. But all that is mostly gone

now. So that it can be questioned how 'real'

are we at all? 'All I have to do is live and

die, but I'm in a hurry and don't know why.'

And with current human life being so

fleeting, why is there such an emphasis on

doing things a certain way, over and over

again? Why is it so important that we do

things in one way or another that is dictated

to us? Why should anybody care? I mean,

we're all just going to eventually die, and it

will all come to mostly nothing. Why

should it be so important that we have a

strong work ethic, and that men and women

should behave morally, and why should we

respect money, and it be so important for

those who have money, to have things done

just the way they insist on having them

done? What does it really matter? (Of

course, we do pass along these traits to the

next generation, and thus do keep these

things alive, even if we, and our

observance of these traits do/does pass

away for our generation.)

What would seem more logical, would be to

have no dictated path, but to do many things

and try out many different possibilities.

Because to absolutely insist on just one

way, does eliminate all the other

possibilities, and prevents us from

attempting change out of the pitiful state

we are in, of not having anything matter

(but the present generation)* in the end.

*except in those infrequent present

generations which find themselves mostly

wiped out by some disaster, so that all the

knowledge many prior generations had

invested in this present generation would

be lost; thus starting this meaningless cycle

all over again (until it breaks out of its

cycle of absolute rules over transient, non

absolute, and barely real life forms).

But do not be deceived by the barren

environment. Yes, it is one of the

possibilities, but it isn't the only possibility.

When all the possibilities are tried, in a

place that is full of life (unlike this present

barren environment) you will be there

somewhere among them all. So that your

death, which is the absence of you; will not

exist; because 'you', as one of the

possibilities, will always exist; somewhere,

out there, in areas full of life more so than

in the barren areas where there is no life.

So do not let the barrenness of an area fool

you into thinking that death has any power

outside of the barrenness possibility,

because in the areas filled full of all

the possibilities of life; death doesn't even

exist at all.

Now then: some in the atheist groups have

put forth the belief that there is no God, and

that Jesus Christ has no power, and that he

is like all other dead men, -gone and now

powerless. And logically, there is not much

difference in the outward appearance of the

two belief systems. Like, God is Holy, so

that He stays away from our corrupt human

life; so He isn't around for us to see or

experience Him; so this is very similar to

the other possibility that He doesn't

actually exist at all. And then there is my

finding, that a large part of us needs to

ruminate by itself without being joined

completely with Jesus: that this is very

similar to the possibility that Jesus is not

there at all anymore. And of course, this

theme is also put forth in the Bible, where

Jesus has gone away for a time, and is at

the right hand of God (who is removed

from humankind; whom we cannot see);

but will come again some day in power.

The possibility that Jesus will come back

in power in a second coming; is very

similar to the possibility that Jesus no

longer exists anymore at all, just like the

rest of us humans who have died. (That is,

during the time we await his return.)

So, because I am not able to absolutely

prove which possibility is true; I do humor

the possibility of the atheist here now. For

the sake of covering all the possibilities, I

now consider my response in a Godless

world. What I do know for sure that Exists,

is we imperfect humans; and that I have

shown that we should seek a medium

environment. And as our forces separate in

this Medium environment; the parts of us

that are more good, begin to generate an

environment of excessive richness, which

would need to be removed up into

Jesus. But now since we are considering

the possibility that there is no longer any

Jesus, it is still easy enough to just let these

more good parts of us be 3 d sorted away

from us, so that they remove themselves

from us into a richer place, that is away

from our less perfect human self. And

we can form a lesser powered shepherding

entity that does all the functions that we

would want Jesus to do. However; with

this lower powered shepherding entity,

would arise times when overpowering

destructions could overpower it, and bring

us into low and barren levels, where we

don't want to be. In this case, what do we


Recall that I had said before, that our higher

parts should generate high powered human

parts when fighting against an

overpowering destruction, (and then break

off their attack after all was brought to

medium level)? Well, in this case without

Jesus, we might find ourselves trapped at

low levels, and overpowered, so that we

would be unable to generate anything

high powered to go up against the

overpowering destruction. Before, we had

depended on Jesus to rescue these parts of

us that were trapped in low and barren

levels. But now, without Jesus; what do we

do? Well, what these low parts can do, in

a possibility without Jesus, is to go up

against, and attack the overpowering

destruction anyway. Now, this will be a

suicide mission, and they will be totally

destroyed as a result. But the natural law

that destruction eats power, still applies

even in a possibility without Jesus; and the

overpowering destruction will have its

power lowered from overpowering (ie high

power), down to medium level, anyway, as

a result.

And so the choice by the life in lowness and

barrenness to attack, will have resulted in a

Medium level environment; which is just

the productive environment all human life

needs; which will result in great good

(separating off from that). However, this

low and barren life, unlike in the Jesus

possibility, won't be around to enjoy this,

because it will have been totally destroyed

and no longer exist, also as a result of its

choice. So we have a choice for this low

level life to make: either to continue

existing as low level life; or to cease to

exist at all because they were totally

destroyed when they attacked an

overpowering destruction. ('To be, or not to

be; that is a question').

But let me expound upon this low level life

that has become trapped at low levels and

barrenness. Being imperfect human life

trapped in a low level and barren

environment; prevents the 2 forces from

separating, and keeps this imperfect

human life as it is, as imperfect, and doesn't

allow change out of this imperfect

condition. However, human life is fleeting,

and its hold on being real, is tentative at

best. Still, being trapped at low levels

causes the human life there to be preserved

and to not change, thus fooling it into

thinking it will be around for a long time.

These low levels do fool the human life

there that they are more real than they

actually are, because of the trapping nature

of the low levels that traps the two forces of

good vs bad, together with each other, for

long periods of time. So that not only does

the human life trapped there at low level

barrenness, feel like it is more real and

permanent that it actually is: it emphasizes

that this realness and permanence is that of

permanent unpleasantness and torment.

But when this low level life goes up against

an overpowering destruction and is totally

destroyed; that's different than being at low

levels. The void that once was the low

level human life, feels nothing and is no

longer tortured, and can pass enormous

passages of time in a twinkling and not feel

it. And the reality that its life is one of the

(albeit many) possibilities that life forms

can take; means that it can be recreated

elsewhere (in areas full of life) at any time,

and that that cannot be destroyed; is a truth

that does exist even in the possibility

without Jesus and the traditional God, as

well as in the possibility with Jesus and

God. So that the wise choice for human

life trapped in low levels and barrenness, is

to rise up against overpowering

destructions in a suicide run, knowing they

will have set things in motion towards their

eventual reincarnation, which will feel like

the twinkling of an eye for them.

Now then, if the Jesus possibility Is

available, then a low level life should take

that; because even though as a void, it

wouldn't feel the passage of vast amounts

of time; The other parts it came from which

weren't at low levels, will miss it and be

dragged lower by its absence, if it is killed

off. So that low level life should try Jesus

first; but if that doesn't work out due to

unavailability of Jesus for some reason or

other; then they do have this backup

plan, which is not as good, but still seems

workable. So that one as imperfect human

life is not thrown into total barrenness even

if one's religion rejects or condemns or

forsakes one as imperfect human life; but

instead can find this (albeit imperfect)

medium level existence, which is what

human life needs. And religions do have a

habit of condemning, rejecting and

forsaking some of us, especially when we

don't conform to their dictates. Even Jesus

is reported to have experienced a forsaking

by his God, as He hang dieing on his cross,

when he cried 'My God, why hast thou

forsaken me?' So that this realization that

we are immortal (due to the fact that in

areas full of life, we* are one of the

possibilities (that has been proven to be

possible due to our own existence); and

that we can be regenerated there at any

time *(this even includes Jesus Christ

himself)); so that we no longer accept the

fate of having our imperfect human life

being put into low levels and barrenness as

a result of any religious or other

condemnation, as we reject that as our

place; and we instead take initiative to

change that.

At this point I have an emergency insert that

I want to interrupt here:

It seems that in Jerusalem, an osuary has

been found that may contain the bones of

Jesus Christ. Since the main tenant of the

Christian religion, is the literal resurrection

of Jesus Christ, one might think that Christ

did not actually get resurrected. And this is

now more than ever, one of the

possibilities. But what supersedes this, is

the concept of an area that is packed so full

of life, where all the possibilities of life,

that carbon and even silicon atoms can be

arranged in, exist and is tried out. We have

some life here on this earth, but we don't

have this possibility of super richness of

life. (And the reason why we don't, is

because we haven't effectively dealt with

the factor of destruction and


But just because we don't have this

possibility doesn't mean it doesn't exist

someplace else. But of course, it is also

possible that it doesn't exist someplace else,

since we don't have it here. But even if this

is the case, it is still possible that it could

be generated in the future; and if this is the

case, then we here on earth would be good

candidates to generate it, since we do have

some life that is pretty complex and

intelligent. But we can't absolutely

assume this is the case, because it is still

also possible this full of life area does exist

somewhere away from us. And if this is

the case, then it's also possible that Jesus

Christ actually did resurrect. If the shroud

of Turin is actually Christ's burial shroud, it

does show evidence of some radiation

imprint. So that it is possible that the life

essence of Christ transferred to a new body

(provided by this full of life area), leaving

his old body behind. But it is also very

equally possible that there was no actual,

literal resurrection at all, and that this full

of life area does not exist yet. And that the

shroud of Turin was just a fake created by

Leonardo Davinci, according to some

conspiracy theorists; or was just a result of

off gases from christ's decomposing body,

according to some scientist.

And then there is the consideration that

even if this full of life area does exist, that

they may have some non interference

directive whereby we must develop our

own full of life area ourselves./ But what is

known more certainly, is that while Jesus

was alive, He did possess extraordinary

spiritual powers of healing and ability to do

miracles. And if Christ did not actually

resurrect, then how did the Christian

religion get so big under the roman empire

with so much persecution, after his death?

The early accounts of people, including

doubting , seeing a resurrected

Christ (in his new body); is a good reason

of how that could have happened. And the

fact that Christ doesn't show himself

around here anymore, can still be

legitimately explained by the directive that

this full of life area needs to be holy, needs

to avoid destructiveness to preserve their

rich, full of life status. Of course, it is also

equally possible, now more than ever, that

none of this is actually the case, and that

Christ is gone just like the rest of us who

pass, are gone. What can no longer be

expected of us is to have us absolutely

assert that Christ literally resurrected;

because we are just not powerful enough in

knowledge to know that for sure. And like

a thief in the night, Christ has just stolen

our absolute religion from us. We must

now think for ourselves, and can no longer

just have 'the truth' dictated into us and

programmed into us for us to mindlessly

recite./ However, the writings which I

present to you here, Are based on thinking

and reasoning. So that if it is the case that

Christ is nothing special: the concepts I

have been espousing, are still just as valid;

and all that needs changing, is to replace

'Christ', with a Christlike entity that needs

to be generated./ And since the realization

that we are truly immortal in the sense that

we are just one of the possibilities that

carbon atoms can be arranged as; and that

we can be recreated again and again: does

exist with or without Christ; then we need

not despair at Christ not providing this for

us. I hope that He does, but if not,

someone else, or some other society, will.

Now, what might be the response of others

to this finding of Christ's bones, is that they

may extract DNA from them, and then

clone him. And from this, a powerful

leader could be created, who could act as

the Antichrist as depicted in the Bible. It

could be that the end of the world is

actually near.


And although it is inconvenient for

us, and then for those around us, to die and

then be reincarnated elsewhere; we no

longer accept a prolonged existence in low

level barrenness as our place as imperfect

human life; and are no longer fooled by

these low levels/barrenness that our

existence there is more real or more

permanent than our fleeting existence is

anywhere else.

(Note this suicide attack against

overpowering destruction: Is in addition

to the attacks our human side does unto

overpowering destructions in order to allow

Jesus to come in, (where before, Jesus had

been blocked by that overpowering

destruction and was unable to come in).)

Now, of course, when not considering the

low level example; there is also the

medium level possibility. Human life at

medium level, doesn't want to go up

against and fight any overpowering

destruction; in either the Jesus, or the non

Jesus possibility.

Now; I have indicated that Christ leaves

behind some of the rich material we do

give to him, so as to maintain medium level

in our human side. But it would seem after

some point of our advancement, that He

might take all of us into himself in a final

end; since we had by that point, advanced

above low level life; (because the high parts

generated by our being fed into Christ

would be of adequate high power so as not

to generate too much new human stuff in

their further generatings). However; Christ

has a problem with the low levels that He

rescues. Sure, as a good shepherd; these

low levels need His help; but when He

rescues them, they are transformed into

mostly low level high godly parts which do

generate an excessive amount of new

human material in their new generatings.

So that instead of a suicide run; or instead

of Christ rescuing these low level human

materials; I propose that a high powered,

but lesser than Christ; human material,

rescue these low parts instead. This high

powered human material would have a

large spread of medium levels (but not as

large of a spread as Christ) to put these low

parts into: so that what these low parts

would transform into, wouldn't be low level

godly parts, (but lesser than that):

they would be medium level Human

parts (which is still 'up' from the low level

human parts they started out as). And this

would solve the problem, since the low

level human parts would now be out of

their low levels; now at medium level;

where they would commence a successful

medium level rumination as human


Now, where this high level human material

at medium would come from, would be

from the advanced human material that

the high Christ left behind (to maintain

medium level), after rich human material

asked to be fed up into Him. Thus

eliminating the need for any 'final end' for

the whole of life that was starting to get

too advanced. 'And we're climbing a

stairway to heaven.'

To rehash: when a human life trapped in

low level barrenness called out for Christ's

rescue, Christ would take all this material,

and instead of taking it into His high self;

would put it into His lower self(made

from the left behind rich material). Thus,

what transformed from this low human

material, would be medium human

material, (instead of low Godly material).

The medium human material would then

be free to successfully ruminate as human

material. Only when it has achieved

richness as a result of richness separating

off in that rumination; would (a large

portion of) that material then be joined to

the high Christ, to expire in its human

plane; to then join the godly parts (with a

greater portion being high godly parts, and

not so much being low godly parts).

When barren human material asks Christ for

a rescue; Christ then orders it joined to the

high level human material He has left

behind, (still in the human realm). When

the Barren human material joins with the

high level human material, the high level

human material then gives its excess

richness (that is always generating from it)

to this barren material, instead of giving it

to Christ: so that this barren human

material is transformed into medium

human material, in a weak transformation.

The consideration of further generating new

human material isn't a concern, because

medium human material isn't able to

generate excessive amounts of new

material, (like Godly parts are).

-And I say, a 'weak' transformation, because

if the barren human material becomes a

joint entity with the left over high level

human material; the rumination of that joint

entity, doesn't cause what used to be the

barren human material to decompose into

godly parts by releasing the 'god spark';

but that it remains in the human area and

continues on as part of this joint entity with

the high-level-left-behind-human-material;

(which is Christ's lower part). (Now, as

these human materials continue to

ruminate: -after bringing barren parts up to

medium, they go on to generate richness;

the excess of which, Christ does take in;

which in a strong transformation, is

transformed into Godly parts, releasing the

'God spark', so as to no longer live in the

human realm. So that here, eventually, a

part of the once barren human part, does

make it to high godly parts (but of course,

not all, as some is still left behind to carry

on in the human realm as high,left over,

human material, which is Christ's lower


(Note that Christ doesn't deliver the


unto MEDIUM-level-human-material for

rescue, but passes over that; because doing

so would just drag down the medium human

material lower, below medium, (thus

stopping the separation of it's forces). Thus

the medium level human material is free of

this concern.

-Christ only delivers this rescue material to

high level human parts which would

otherwise generate excess richness,

(that would need to be fed up into Him).)

-(And when enough low rescue material has

been delivered to some high level material

so the overall output is on average, of

medium level; then this high entity is also

passed over for additional rescue material

being assigned to it.)

Also remember that in New material which

is just starting out and therefore isn't

generating excess richness; that Christ

doesn't take in this material; unlike the

Older material that Is generating excess

richness, which He does take in (part of).

(So the new material is also free of this

concern (until it begins to generate excess


Now then; I am having second thoughts

about the suicide run as a viable plan. I

now think it's not workable by itself. It

may be good for bringing down a rich area

to medium; but it doesn't end there. Since

we're all connected, in a fabric like type of

arrangement, the act of one part dying,

brings us all down. That may be a positive

thing if it brings down a rich part to

medium; but it also simultaneously brings

down surrounding medium parts into low

level. So that this would encourage another

round of suicide of this new low level; and

it would never stop until all parts had

committed suicide. So, by itself, the

suicide way is an unworkable plan. A little

bit of a suicide run may be ok to facilitate

something that can't be achieved any other

way; but then some other plan needs to take

over after that. What is a better plan, is the

way of the would be rich parts, to rescue

the low parts. You see, life at Medium

level naturally separates in its forces, and

generates more good, (and also more

destructive things) in its place. (And this

occurs in the Jesus possibility as well as the

no Jesus possibility.) (The all destructive

things generated, do self consume), but the

all good things live and build up richness.

Usually, the all good things separate off to

a better place; but before they do, they can

rescue the existing low level life and bring

it up to medium; (while passing over, and

going around, the existing medium level

life and not involving it in such rescue).

This is the plan that works. Once the low

level life is rescued and brought to

medium, there is no life suffering at low

levels. Problem solved. So that in

response to an overpowering destruction,

we not only attempt to send its richness up

into Christ, but also with the high human

parts here on earth, do rescue the parts

brought to low level and suffering, but not

completely destroyed; up to medium level;

when destruction has brought them low.

So that these exhortations to throw the

young teenager out into the cold and low

and barren levels, so as to teach them

responsibility, and for them to find their

own way in the world, in a 'tough love' type

of way; are fine if that teenager is totally

evil and has no good whatsoever within


However, if that teenager is only an

imperfect human, with some good, as well

as some bad; then this is not what we as a

society should be prescribing upon them;

but instead, as rich and established adults,

should be delivering our resources to those

who are at low and barren levels, to move

them to medium levels; even if they are

imperfect, and do have some badness (as

well as goodness) to them; including our

own offspring. Now, you may not accept

this; and even a majority of you and your

associates may shut up your bowels of

compassion against a poor (imperfect and

human) person. But all it takes is one

bleeding heart liberal to give a handout to

this poor person, to bring them up out of

the low levels and into medium levels, to

put an abrupt end to the manipulations of

this whole group; as this person is no

longer suffering in low levels, and is no

longer fooled by the low levels into taking

any of this seriously, to be any more real

than the fleeting life we all live. 'Don't

worry, be happy.'

And now to apply this to the reproductive

drive area. In present society, men and

women may be attracted to each other, but

only a person and their spouse are allowed

to satisfy that attraction. That leaves all

other attractions unsatisfied, at low and

barren levels. So that for the most part,

men and women do not satisfy their

attractions for each other. And even in the

marriage; the richness of satisfying that

human desire that occurs here (unlike the

poverty of unsatisfaction of this

everywhere else); is also not helpful with

this imperfect human thing that needs a

medium level. (Even if one wanted to, they

would be unable to physically satisfy all

the possible attractions that exist); but with

the way of only with one's significant other,

being allowed to satisfy that attraction, in

place; there is a majority of unsatisfaction

of these desires. My point is, that there is

a lot more dissatisfaction in this area

generated, than satisfaction; so that one

needs to use the plan of rescuing this low

level life, because there is lots of low level

life generated in this area.

There is a lot of pain out there, and our

rich parts need to act to rescue and suck up

all the dissatisfied parts of us, to be at

medium, (before they ruminate further to

generate more all good, and deliver that

excess richness to better places). And

whatever small amount of medium level

Satisfaction of the reproductive drive that

does occur; is just a minor happening and

consideration compared to the large

quantities of dissatisfaction that are also

being produced around this area.

And once all the dissatisfaction and low

level life has been sucked up and removed

to medium level life; then this forgettable

part of our current human way will no

longer have any power to fool us into

thinking it is any more real than any of the

other very fleeting and transient parts of

human life that temporarily exist. And its

importance that it must absolutely be done

this way, will decline greatly.

So that the motivational structure which

depends upon the use of threatening to put

one into low levels if they don't obey;

will become non workable. -Who's going to

obey the boss, if they can't hurt you? And

so, a new system of doing things, based

much less on pain and how much they can

hurt you, will be come to develop, because

you cannot be hurt so much anymore.

Now then; let me restate that in the

reproductive drive area, there is a

tremendous amount of dissatisfaction and

trapping of life parts at low levels, being

generated. Once we realize this, we can

make it a bonanza for us. You see, we as

imperfect human life, have an imperfect

center where we generate all of our

activity. As our action gets older, it gives

most of its richness away to Christ, and just

maintains a medium activity level. But

with all this low level life out there needing

rescuing, it can instead, go into high

generation mode and keep all the richness

it generates, so as to share it with the low

material needing rescuing, which will then

ruminate to generate richness, of which the

excess of will be given to Christ. (Of

course, one can instead, just keep excess

richness; but that is a dead end since

it just becomes corrupted by the evil in the

human area and burns down.) But my point

is, that with all this low level life being

generated from the dissatisfaction and poor

performance of the reproductive drive area;

that this is a great opportunity for us to act

as rescuer, and bring all this low level life

up to medium; which gives us and our

imperfect center of generating our activity,

a chance to generate albeit temporary

richness which won't be corrupted, which

we use to rescue all this low material.

Now, eventually, we will run out of

material to rescue, at which point our

imperfect activity generating center will

gear back down to only keeping medium

activity (and delivering the excess to

Christ); but until then, it sure makes a good

run. And when the occasional hot member

of the attracted sex does come along in a

sexually satisfying way; that does stop our

main thrust of helping low material in this

one instance; but we are able to participate

in this distraction; and then return to our

main thrust, when finished. (Or we can try

mixing it up together.)

Now then, some retro:

But before I leave you to this retro writing, I

wish to summarize it. It is my previous

attempts at solving the above problems. In

it, I had come up with the idea of having

high, or godly parts continually generate

replacement human material, to replace

what destruction had destroyed; and also

the idea that these high or godly parts

would generate high level human material

to fight against overpowering destruction

until both were destroyed down to medium

level: thus taking advantage of the concept

that destruction universally destroys power,

even the power of the overpowering

destruction itself.

A drawback of the idea for high godly parts

to keep regenerating the human parts that

are destroyed, is that the force of

destruction is fed. But in the current plan of

just rescuing whatever low level suffering

human life is generated; what destruction

does destroy, is not replaced, and so the

destructive force is not fed.

And then in the plan of generating rich

human parts to fight against the

overpowering destruction, this does stop a

prolonged feeding of the destructive force,

as once it causes everything to be at

medium level, then the attacking human

part, then switches course to avoid further

fighting. So this would seem to work out,

and be an alternative plan to the current

plan. In this plan, the generation of low

level suffering human material is avoided,

or is tried to be avoided, since the fighting

human material (once at high level and

richness), which is now at medium level;

does switch course and now avoids further

fighting and destruction, thus tries to

maintain medium level. But the point I

have been missing, is what happens at

medium level as the forces separate. When

human material separates in its forces at

Medium level, parts that are more good, do

separate and get away from parts that are

more destructive. Previously I have been

considering the fate of the good parts, and

assuming the destructive parts would just

self consume. But now I consider that

some of the separations that occur here are

imperfect and incomplete separations,

where a more bad and more destructive

entity is generated, but that it is not totally

all destructive, and that it still contains

some good. This has an uncanny similarity

to the position of human material being

overcome by an overpowering destruction.

So that these situations of human material

being decimated by an overpowering

destruction; and low level suffering human

material needing rescue; are just

byproducts of imperfect separations that

occur in human material ruminating at

Medium level, and that this is what is left

after the good parts have separated away

and left, leaving the bad parts. So that the

better parts which have just separated

away, don't want to form a joint entity with

these bad parts that they have just gotten

away from, due to a directive requiring

them to help suffering low human parts:

because that would just feed the destructive

force that they had just gotten away from

and were trying to let self consume. So,

the idea the generation of low level

suffering human parts can be avoided by

high level attacking human material

breaking off its attack and avoiding attack

after it is brought to medium from its

fighting; is in error, because low level

suffering human parts will always be

generated by the natural separation of the

forces that does occur in human material at

Medium -(with the suffering human

material being part of what is left behind in

the bad part of the imperfect separations

that occur here all the time).

But since the bad parts from these

separations occurring here, are loaded with

overwhelming destruction (at least in the

eyes of the small amount of suffering

human material they trap), and are

composed mainly of destruction, (where

the force of destruction mainly is); then this

is not a place where the good forces want

to help out or be a part of, since that would

just feed this destructive force and prevent

it from self consuming and burning itself

out completely. So that my current plan of

helping the suffering low level human

material is in jeopardy as being

unworkable. But this other plan, to send

high level human material to fight against/

attack an overwhelming/overpowering

destruction (which is what the bad side of

the separations generating from Medium

level human material, are);

IS a workable plan. Even though this plan

doesn't avoid generating low level

suffering human material (in the grasp of

overpowering destruction); it IS the

solution to this presence of this low level

suffering human material in the grasp of

overpowering destruction. So that before

rich parts (which separate off from human

material at medium), do deliver resources to

the poor suffering human material, so as to

rescue it: these rich parts need to send

resources to attack the overpowering

destructions that often surround poor

suffering low level human material. And

once that overpowering destruction has

burned down to not-so-overpowering; then

they can come in and rescue the poor low

level human material in my most recent

plan. And this will be a recurring theme

because as a result of human material being

at medium; the forces do separate; and in

the bad side of those separations, suffering

human material is often trapped in these

bad sides due to imperfect and incomplete

separations that occur here.

Ok then: let me go over my latest plan. First

realize that when imperfect human material

ruminates at medium levels, that a

separation of its forces occurs; which

generates an improved good side which has

escaped at least some of its badness. So

that a good side appears which begins to

generate excess richness. (And this occurs

in both the godless, and godly possibility.)

(But that when human material separates

(in its forces) inside of imperfectly crafted

medium environments, that are not so all

encompassing like the one which Christ

provides; then an imperfect separation is

more likely to result, which results in the

generation of a bad side which has trapped

in it, some residual good. And that from

the perspective of that residual good: it is a

small thing in the grasp of an

overwhelming and overpowering

destruction. Now, not all poor and

suffering human entities at low level, are as

such; but due to the natural separations

which occur with human materials in

imperfect medium environments; many of

them are. So that the last thing a good side

that just separated from a bad side wants

to do, is to rejoin that bad side in helping

this residual good. First all the evil must be

dealt with. Now, if it were just all evil,

then it would be ok to let it sit and self

consume, needing no action from the good

side. But with some residual good left

trapped in this bad side, rescue action is

warranted. So, what the plan is, is this: The

imperfect good side, first, sits and

ruminates in its goodness. Doing this

generates richness and a buildup of

resources, since they are no longer

consumed by the bad side which it just

separated from. The good side then divides

into two halves, both of which are rich.

One half then takes on the bad side, while

for the time being, the other half hangs

back. The half which takes on the bad side,

does so not by forming a joint entity with

the residual good of the bad side, but only

by delivering resources to it. And this is to

avoid contamination from all the evil of

that bad side. And the delivery of

resources to this residual good, is done not

to bring it up from low levels unto medium

level, (at first); but only to maintain it at

low level; -preventing it from being totally

destroyed. Additionally, this low level

residual goodness is instructed to go into an

all out attack mode at its low level, against

all the surrounding evil which surrounds it.

Because of the law of power, which states

that destruction consumes all power, even

the power behind an overpowering

destruction; even an attack by a low level

entity, will burn down the overwhelming

power of the surrounding destruction. And

since the low level residual goodness is

such a small target; the cost in resources to

maintain this low level residual goodness at

low level during the attack; will be low,

and affordable to the imperfect good side

half which is supplying it. This is similar

to the suicide plan, in that the low level life

goes on an all out attack; but unlike the

suicide plan, the low level life isn't killed

off, but is maintained in low level by the

outside good half. (And this makes it

similar to the plan whereby a high good

entity backs up the human material in

distress by continually regenerating what

evil destroys, thus being its backup in the

high plane. -But which doesn't result in

excessive feeding of the destructive force,

as it is a destruction of destruction type of

thing where the destructive force consumes

itself to a large degree.) Note that the

good half which has been supplying this,

doesn't give up so much resources so as to

put itself below medium level, but only the

excess richness which it generates. Then,

the good half which hung back, does

deliver its excess riches/resources to the

half which expended its excess resources to

maintain the attack.

The now-refreshed-good-half-that-is

-involved, then instructs the low level

residual good to break off its attack, when

its surrounding evils are no longer

overwhelming, but of similar size; and to

then seek to separate from them. As it does

this, part of the involved good half then

joins it in a joint entity and all of this good

half then supplies this low level residual

goodness up to medium level, where it is

let ruminate and where another round of

separation does occur.

It is then the new high good generated in

this newest separation that then takes on

the mantle of supplying any good left

behind on the bad side of this separation,

which would be surrounded by

overwhelming destruction in this separation

of the forces; thus allowing the high good

that did this previously, to now deliver its

excess richness to heaven (or wherever

richness is kept away from the imperfect

and partly destructive, human area). This is

the current plan.

Note that the reason for all this dividing

into halves, and also having only part form

a joint entity; is for preventing

contamination from the evil of the bad side;

so that if one of the good members is

contaminated, there will always be a


Now let me revisit the reproductive drive

area. Usually, the material needing rescue

here, due to all the dissatisfaction in this

area; doesn't have this surrounding large

evil, since the hurt is caused by going

ahead with one member of the attracted

sex, does cause other members to have that

area spoiled; and not from separation

occurrences that occur at medium level.

(However, some people who have a mean

streak, can pose an exception to this, even

in their sexual area.) Yes, only guppies and

the weak willed allow the sexual need to go

to completion. It is the strong who

interrupt it mid stream and demand

concessions from their partner, and use this

as a way to dominate them and thereby be

the head of that household. Oh, excuse me.

I guess I take the position of being the

guppy and the weak willed. But this does

bring up the point of the nature of sexuality

itself. In that it is those who are

participating in sexuality who are more

vulnerable and needy to having that go to

completion and climax, compared to those

who are not participating at all. So that one

uses the goodness obtained at their level of

sexual completion, to rescue their

neediness at that level of sexual

incompletion, so that they can stop there at

that specific level. As that entity ruminates

at rescued medium ability level, more

separation occurs, which eventually results

in moving closer to completion and climax.

And this cycle can repeat until climax is

shamelessly achieved, with no concessions

or dominance by either partner.

Note that rescuing all this low material from

the ones they are 'not doing', does allow

one to go longer with the one they are

'doing', but eventually it all gears back

down to medium level with the excess

going to Christ. But note that at this

Medium level, separations continue to

occur, and new things do generate: their

newness allowing for another flush of

itself, and also a minor flush involving all

the other older things, through their

connection with the new action. So that

those who were left out before, become the

new engine driving the oneness of us all

together as one, to completion.

Unfortunately, those who are expressing

richness of relationship with their

significant other, will stop the progression

from this point, until they bring that

richness down to medium level (hopefully

by delivering the excess to Christ/ -or using

that excess to rescue needy parts, including

at times, to supply a low level good trapped

on the bad side of a separation, to at least

initially to go into an all destructive mode

so as to burn down its surrounding

overpowering destruction). It is at

this medium level, where the forces do

separate, and new things/relationships are


Note that although some may say that Tiger

Woods acted selfishly by having relations

with so many women; the act of hoarding

the sexual love of one's significant other all

to oneself, and preventing any other from

participating in that; is the most selfish act.

And it is then incumbent upon such a one,

to rescue all the low level material of all

these other people that this one has put into

pain through this extreme selfishness.

Let me go over this again more clearly:

When one engages in sexual activity with

their partner, one generates goodness, but

also neediness. Part of one experiences

such intense goodness, that the other parts

of one that are about to experience that

goodness, but that have not yet experienced

it, are then aware of their inferiority, where

they were unaware before. So that if they

are forced to wait too long in an unsatisfied

state, they will become harmed and will

suffer destruction.

Now, the parts experiencing goodness, will

have to deliver excess goodness to Christ

so they can maintain medium level and

won't go to richness in the corrupt human

environment. But they can instead, use the

excess richness being generated, to rescue

and deliver the parts of themselves that are

low and in pain from not having this sexual

goodness (yet); so that we then have parts

of ourselves not experiencing the sexual

goodness, but also ok with that, and not in

pain, but delivered to medium level out of

low level. And this is provided by the

other parts that Are experiencing sexual

goodness, and from the richness generated

from that; so that the excess richness is

delayed being delivered to Christ, and is

used for this purpose of rescue instead. So

that these parts can enjoy excess richness

of sexual goodness as long as they are

using that to rescue their other parts which

aren't able to experience this sexual

goodness at that time. But eventually these

other parts are raised from lowness and

pain, into medium level/ability, to exist as

they are without yet experiencing sexual

goodness, yet being ok with that. And then

at this point, the parts that are experiencing

excess riches of sexual goodness, then no

longer keep that excess richness, but

deliver that to Christ (or now, since their

seems to be the possibility that they have

found Christ's osuary and bones; we do

deliver our excess to the best Christ like

replacement we can generate that is free of

the human realm and represents the all

good realm). So that what we have at this

point, is sexual parts at medium level, and

non sexual parts at medium level. Now, at

medium level, things are unstable, and

forces separate and human material

decomposes; so that some of the non sexual

parts do find the realm of the sexual area*.

(Don't forget to support a temporary all

destructive mode for small pieces of good

trapped on the wrong side of imperfect

separations that may occur at medium level


*As they do, they need not give any of their

newfound riches to the old sexual area,

because the old sexual area already has

what they have just gotten. But often, they

don't stop at just what the old sexual area

had achieved, but do then go beyond that.

(Because it is this area which has all the

new growth and activity and force of

growth; that wishes to keep on growing

even after it has achieved what the old parts

have.) It is at this time, that the tables turn,

and where the new sexual parts then rescue

the older sexual parts and make it ok to be

old sexual parts (in the new area/ while not

delivering rescue material concerning the

old area). And this cycle repeats itself until

both halves achieve climax, and then

deliver their excess riches to Christlike

entities. One point I want to make here, is

that although we do deliver and rescue

those who are left out of this sexual

activity: it is the two who are involved in

sexual activity who have the most needy

parts. So that one should not confuse this

with having to choose between partners.

This occurs within each partner that one

'does'. And if there are multiple partners,

each pair experiences a half of them that Is

generating the latest sexual goodness; and

also a half of them that lacks the latest

sexual goodness, -that is in pain and

lowness for lacking that goodness. So that

it is mainly not a matter of cheating on one

partner over another; as each pair has this

excess, and also, poverty dynamic acting

within them. So that every pair does

experience being chosen to experience

sexual goodness, and also simultaneously

being left out of that sexual goodness, in

their different internal parts.

So that whatever pair happens to be

coupling at that moment, might as well

work out that dynamic unto climax, and

then come back down to medium level;

because that is where the greatest need is

due to their most recent sexual activity. It

is a cheating within oneself where ones

own internal parts cheat (or I should say,

rescue) each other back and forth until

climax is reached for all, and a win win

situation for all ones internal parts is

realized; and shamelessly so.

To restate: I say that instead of delivering

the excess riches generated from one's

sexual activity to Christ; or letting that

richness be corrupted in the human area:

that one delivers it to the neediest parts

in pain for not having any sexual activity,

so they are now raised up to medium level,

and are ok with not having any sexual

activity. And the neediest parts are within

oneself, so that one delivers the excess

richness there to oneself. Then one

delivers the excess richness to the next

neediest parts. And those are in one's

sexual partner. (But one should also

instruct ones sexual partner to deliver

within their own parts as a priority over this

between-person delivery of rescue material,

since greater needs are filled between parts

of the same person than between parts of

different persons.)

And then one delivers excess richness to the

next neediest: and those are others who

have an interest.

And to those who are not interested at all,

they have no need because they haven't

been affected by this sexual activity; so

there may be no need to give them

anything. So the more needs one can fill

like this, the longer one can go in their

sexual parts and sexual activity that does

generate excess richness. But once all the

needs are filled, then the excess richness

needs to be sent up into Christ otherwise it

will corrupt if left in the human area. So

that as excess riches are at this point sent

up into a Christlike entity, the sexual parts

then move back down to medium level: and

with the rescued non sexual parts also at

medium level; everything is at medium

level. And as the sexual and non sexual

parts ruminate at medium level, their forces

separate, and since sexual activity is

attainable (as proved by the existence of

the sexual parts); the non sexual parts may

also achieve that in this rumination. Now

since the sexual parts already have sexual

activity; what they are able to advance into

due to the separation of their internal forces

at medium level, is any body's guess. But

whatever they accomplish will be harder

and slower coming because they've already

accomplished the easy stuff.

As the non sexual parts advance into

sexuality, they need not give any rescue

material to the older sexual parts in this old

sexuality, because these already have that.

But as they surpass the old sexual parts,

then in the new area, they do find a place to

give rescue material. And the lesser parts

can continually come from underneath and

surpass the formerly higher parts. So that

whatever high part is high at the moment

need not fear, and needs to expect the

lower parts to come from beneath them and

then to surpass them.

Now then however: if one doesn't act to

rescue one's 'low' parts with the goodness

generated from ones 'high' parts, within

oneself; then one can now see how the

sexual area can drive one crazy. -How one

is tempted/motivated to move on to another

partner because the pain generated with

their current partner is too great, to

continue additional sexual activity with that

most recent partner. Woah man.

(But perhaps this isn't quite the whole

picture (although it is a large part)).xx

Another thing that can occur, is that once

one achieves the sexual area with their

partner in satisfaction, that other areas of

spirituality can become the prize to

achieve; with the satisfied sexual area

being in the subordinate position; just as

the non sexual parts were subordinate to

the sexual parts when sexuality was the

prize, and it was sexuality that generated

the excess richness.

Now that I have explained the cycle as I see it; I can say that one needs to

determine what kind of a part one has, and act accordingly; and not confuse this

with choosing between partners. If one has their most advanced (sexual) part

that has run out of steam (and they will run out of steam after they have

rescued all the other lower parts to medium level); then one just ruminates with

this part as it has geared back down from richness to medium level. It has the

most achievements, so that further advances will be slower and harder to come

by; so that one just ruminates with this here, and it kind of acts as a baseline

or backdrop.

Now, if one has a lesser part that has been rescued to medium so that it is not

in pain, even though it lacks what the more advanced parts have; then one also

ruminates with this part at medium. But here, this part is more likely to

advance and grow into what the more advanced parts have. If this is the part we

have, then we allow it to grow and don't give its excess riches to the more

advanced parts (although it still does help rescue other parts that are even

lesser than it is). Since its excess riches are not used much for rescue, they

are soon delivered to Christ; while still doing this area at medium level; so

that only the newness of these new growths allow for a brief flush of richness

here. As this type of part continues to ruminate at medium, new growth and

advancement is rapidly achieved, so that a new type of part soon follows. And

so then, if we have a part that has recently achieved what the older advanced

parts have, and is now surpassing the older advanced parts; then we need to act

with this part by not delivering material to the older advanced parts, in the

older area; but simultaneously do deliver rescue material to the older advanced

parts, in the new area. And such rescue actions allow this part to go longer in

richness. So that if the older advanced parts had not been able to achieve a

climax before they ran out of steam, then this part may be able to do so, in its

steam. And so I have just lain out a plan of action based on what type of part

one has, irregardless of which person it belongs to.

Let me interject here to warn against guilt

trips. Do not be deceived when things go

badly and you fail to live up to what you

want to be, and think you are condemned

for committing some irrevocable sin that

cannot be taken back; suggesting that you

can't take your failure back. I say this

because oftentimes a bad situation is

represented by low level material that

needs to be rescued. If one fails and has a

misstep; that low level material needing to

be rescued is often still there; and one can

just pick themselves up and try again, and

rescue that low level material in their

second or third try; so that ones failure in

their first try didn't really bind one to that

failure; in many cases.xx

Then one day I came across someone who

believed that parents should discipline their

children so as to set them on the correct

path for their own good. And they gave a

convincing argument for this. They said

that as a teenager, they themselves had

partied heavily, but that later in life they

had grown up and seen how much damage

heavy partying can do; and that they wish

to help their own kids avoid the same

mistakes they had made, by discouraging

such in their own children. And this seems

to be very convincing, until I think about it

more. And I start with this comment of

how heavy partying is so destructive. And

why would this be so? And it is so. There

Is a danger in heavy partying. With the

intense pleasurable and good feeling from

this partying, what happens, is one tries to

bring this intense, rich goodness and

pleasure unto their human self. But

bringing richness into oneself, in one's

imperfect human plane (which contains

some of the destructive force); does corrupt

that goodness and pleasure. A wise man

once said 'don't store up riches here on

earth where the moth corrupts and the thief

steals; but store up riches in heaven'. So

that to bring intense rich goodness, even of

a pleasurable feeling, unto one's imperfect

human self/plane, just ends up in that

richness being corrupted (by the destructive


However, the solution whereby one stops

generating riches and lives a barren low

level life, and imposes that on their

children; isn't a good solution either. As

neither barrenness nor richness are good

matches for our imperfect human self.

(The good solution, is to proceed at a

medium level, in moderation, between

barren and rich. However, when one acts

thusly; one's forces do separate, resulting in

the generation of a good side which

generates excess richness, that needs to

eventually be removed away from the

human area.)

A good solution, is to go ahead and allow

the generation of this excess richness, but

to not try and hold it or keep it in ones

(human) self, but instead, allow it to escape

one's human self through Christ, where it

dies to its (human) self, and its goodness

escapes the human plane, and goes up into

God**. So that just because someone has

failed at partying, doesn't mean they need

to form an ethos of disciplining their

children so as not to make the same

mistake: But instead, should go to a 'party

school' where they can learn how to

successfully party. And this party school is

held every Sunday morning; and it is

called 'church'. Where they lead you to

Jesus Christ. And it is then through Jesus

Christ where one can take one's excess

richness, that one often generates when

operating at medium level, so that it doesn't

corrupt one's human plane; but instead

separates in its forces (with the goodness

escaping up into God), in the extreme

medium environment provided by Christ.

(And He'll turn the water into wine for

you.) (a Motel 7 promotion). **Oh yea,

don't forget to rescue any low material

generated in that partying, or by being left

out of that partying; before sending the

excess goodnesses from that partying up

into a Christlike entity. -So what if you

send the excess riches up into Christ but

then later discover that there is low level

material that needs rescuing? Do you ask

for the riches to come back? No, that

isn't necessary, and is counterproductive to

keeping the high good parts holy and safe

from destructiveness. What had separated

towards the good side (in the separations

occurring at medium level) does generate

excess richness, and will continue to

generate excess richness, so that if you just

wait a bit, more excess riches will be

generated, which then can be used to rescue

the low material up to medium, instead of

delivering these new excess riches up into


Speaking of the separations which occur

naturally at medium level: these occur

naturally with no extra effort (extra effort

which would move areas above medium

and into richness). One thus need put no

extra conscious effort into this material

other than to deliver it to medium level.

But then, if this is something that occurs

naturally here, that one puts no extra effort

into; then how can one expect to be paid

for something they have put no extra effort

into? And when the expectations of those

who would pay you, are not met, then they

mete punishment unto you for not living up

to those expectations. Here we see that it is

those who operate under motivations of pay

and rewards and punishments; are what

cause the problem. It is at this point that

we no longer rest, but go into conscious

action to separate away the destructions of

their punishment and act to restore material

that has been brought low by punishment

or denial of reward, back up to medium


Note that oftentimes, others around one are

better and richer than one is. Do not let

this discourage one, or be envious or

jealous of how much better others are than

oneself; since this is often the result one

will experience when one gives up their

excess riches to Christ and heaven. It is

just that these others who are better, haven't

given these things up, and are still trying to

have these excesses in their human plane.

Do not follow in these footsteps, but

instead, send as much of even these

excesses as possible (where they interface

with oneself), up into Christ, also.

Now then, let me revisit the concept of

trying to send the richness of an

overpowering destruction up into Christ, as

a way of removing its attack.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work out.

Christ does not accept this material,

because an all destructive thing, such as an

overpowering destruction, is not to be

raised to medium level in Christ's extreme

medium environment; but is instead to be

given no goods whatsoever; in accordance

with 3 d sorting. And even if this

overpowering destruction makes itself out

to be a human component by using the

small goodness that it has trapped; Christ

doesn't take in this poorly performing

'human' material either, (because the godly

material that would generate from this in

Christ's extreme medium environment,

would be low level godly material that

would generate a lot of human material in

its new generatings). So that one is left with

the plan where the low level suffering

human material that is trapped, just goes

into an all out attack mode, where it attacks

the overpowering destruction, but where it

isn't itself totally destroyed due to it being

supplied and backed up by the imperfect

good side, that was also generated from the

imperfect separation which occurred in the

imperfectly medium environment.

(But of course, the excess richness we

deliver to Christ; Christ Does take in, since

it is not evil, and there is enough goodness

to it that it can escape the evil of our human

mortality when it is put into Christ's

extreme medium environment, so that it

will become high godly parts more than

low godly parts.) But any richness

associated with an overpowering

destruction that isn't able to be sent up into

Christ, or isn't able to be used to rescue low

level human material, will just be burned

up in the all out destruction that is done to

burn down the overpowering destruction.

Now for the retro writing:

No matter how we (as imperfect

human life) get to Medium level: -whether

it be through being shepherded up to

medium level by joining with Christ; or

being generated that way by a lesser high

part (that is not high enough to generate

further high parts, but only human parts

in its generating); or as a result of our own

activities: no matter how we got there;

being at medium level naturally causes our

imperfect human life to separate in its

forces so the good escapes from the

bad/destructive. This escaping all good

does then go on to place a representation

into the high or almost high good parts.

But as a consequence, the human material

'fades away', as its component parts have

decomposed or separated. Note that this

'fading away' of human material, is not a

loss or a death concerning that human

material, since its all good parts that

separate away are still alive and in a much

better position to enjoy life and do things as

part of the all good entity. (Note that

starting off, the high part is no more rich

than the medium level it separated from;

but being separate from its prior human

destructions, it soon generates richness,

given rumination time, due to being

separate. So that initially, a new high

part is not rich, but it soon is rich in a bit of


Now then; what happens when human

material generates segments for a time in

an environment free of overpowering

destruction, but then before the human

hunger is completed, an overpowering

destruction does step in? As the human

material developed free of overpowering

destruction, no union with the shepherding

entity was realized. So those many

sequences of human material are without

the protection of the shepherding entity;

and now that an overpowering destruction

has newly appeared; they stand to loose all

the sequences they have built so far. What

should they do? If they go against the

overpowering destruction, they will be

killed, and the void generated won't be

filled with a replacement of all these

segments by the shepherding entity but

instead with just the base or initial

sequence; or with perfect non human


When high good fragments do

exist which then generate a human

segment; then that human segment is in a

good position to fight and to go into a death

spiral with the overpowering destruction,

since it is continually being re-generated by

the high part generating this human

material, (with that high part itself not

fighting with the overpowering


The fighting human segment would

bring the overpowering destruction down

from overpowering, to medium; so that

even if a shepherding entity wasn't able

to get to it to 3d sort it; it would still

separate in its forces due to being at

medium level.

So the first thing to do, is to form a union

with the shepherding entity, and form a

presence in the high good parts.

Ruminating at medium level is how human

material separates in its forces and

generates a presence in the high good

entity. So, human material that doesn't have

a union with the shepherding entity, should

not fight, but should seek first that union

with the shepherding entity. But once

human material has a representation in the

high good entity that keeps regenerating

it; then is the time for this human material

to fight and go into death spirals with

overpowering destructions. But there is a

good way and a not so good way to do this.

When fragments of the high good entity

are generating human material: if they

generate medium level human material,

then after that material has gone into a

death spiral, it will be at low level, which

will need to be rescued by a shepherding

entity. But if instead, the high good entity

generates human material at a high level;

then after it goes into a death spiral with an

evenly matched overpowering destruction,

both will be at medium level; whence it can

break off its attack, ruminate at medium

level, and separate in its forces with the all

good generated returning to the high good

entity, thus making a new representation in

the high good entity for this latest segment

of the human material. So that medium

level human material shouldn't fight, but

high level human material should fight. And

in response to an overpowering destruction;

the good entity should generate High level

human material of a next segment, so it

can fight; and then enter a cease fighting

mode at medium, whence it returns to the

high good entity as its forces separate.

The thing is, that when a human hunger is

not complete when an overpowering

destruction sets in, that the older high part

segments that are in the hands of the

shepherding entity, do continually generate

Human material of the newest segment. So

that no matter how often the overpowering

destruction destroys completely the human

material of the newest segment; the same

or almost the same human material does

replace it.

(Just like as humans, our cells die off and

are replaced by new cells, so that after a

time, we are not the same exact person we

were before. And even with the nerve cells

that don't cycle in this replacement; they

change and continually form new synapses,

and loose older synapses. So that it can

truly be said that we are not the same

person we were a time ago. That constancy

of person is something we never had in the

first place, as imperfect human beings.)

So that there is never a void in the newest

segment; but always human material. -That

as previously stated, goes into a death

spiral with the more powerful

overpowering destruction, greatly softening

it up by injecting some destruction into its

power, due to the natural law that

destruction eats power so the

'overpowering' destruction is no longer

anywhere near overpowering, so that the

shepherding entity can now handle it. And

even if the once overpowering destruction

completely destroyed all the human

material of the newest segment; the prior

older high segments would just generate

the same or nearly the same human

material to replace it.

So, in one path, (as human material only),

you may go on for awhile and get a few

things accomplished; but will be cut short

when an overpowering destruction pops up.

What is a more sure path, is forming a

joint entity with the shepherding entity and

representations in the high good parts.

Then that accomplishes much more.

(Quoting from the Bible: 'know ye not, ye

must be born again'.)

So the thing for these sequences without

good entity backing, under attack, to do

is -even though they are being decimated

into swiss cheese; for the remnants to keep

mindlessly fighting to the end (oops, this is

not to be done until these remnants secure a

place with the high all good parts, which

will most likely have a hodgepodge

representation). Then let the fighting


This purpose of fighting and sticking it to

the overpowering destruction, is all this

hodgepodge has left: as completing a

human hunger (that they are assorted

segments of), is highly unlikely due to their

disconnected hodgepodge nature; that is,

until they form a complete joint entity with

the shepherding entity. -There they can

achieve the purpose of completing a human

hunger satisfaction, which is what they

started out as. But until then, they might as

well put it out of their mind, and not expect

that, and work instead on this other

purpose, of sticking it to the overpowering

destruction, instead (that is, after they form

representations in the high parts). This is

what unfortunately happens to a set of

sequential hunger satisfaction sequences

that don't have a joint entity with the

shepherding entity, and when they come

across an overpowering destruction.

What I think is a central point, is that it isn't

enough to just be human material. What's

needed in addition, is a representation in

the all good entity, so that the part in the

good entity will continually generate the

same human fragment as older parts of this

human fragment are destroyed down by

destructions. Otherwise, human fragments

would be completely changed and totally

destroyed, and unable to boldly go up

against the destructions present in the

human area. This doesn't mean human

material without a good entity

representation behind it, is worthless; just

that it needs to seek that representation and

not do any fighting against destructions in

the human area until it first finds that joint

venture with the all good entity. When

destruction brings human material without

a good connection, low, but not totally

destroyed to nothingness; an outside

shepherding entity is needed to bring that

low human material to medium level. And

once that is done, there is human material

at medium level.

When high level human material fights

against overpowering human destructions,

and all is brought down to medium level;

then here we also have human material at

medium level.

And when a good part is done generating

high level human material, because the

once overpowering human destruction has

been deal with; and it then proceeds to

generate medium human material: then

here again, is human material at medium

level. No matter how it gets there, human

material at Medium level, soon separates

into all good and all destructive. The all

destructive soon self consumes when 3d

sorted, but the all good forms part of a

good entity; and the human material no

longer exists (as its good parts have gone to

be part of the all good entity). Only human

material that is rich or poor sticks around as

human material for long.

Now, human material at medium, does

soon become high good material. But if

the human material at medium is from an

incomplete segment of human hunger or

activity; due to denials, adversity, and

destructions (often found in human life):

then the high part generated from this

will be incomplete in the human

component; so that the material it then goes

on to generate, will be human material of

the next segment of the human hunger or

activity. As that human material is

shepherded to medium level, it too goes to

high good parts, so that this latest segment

now has a representation in the good entity.

Since human material at medium soon

decomposes to all good and bad; the human

hunger may not have had time to be

completed; and this is another reason this

keeps cycling from the human side, to the

all good side, back to the human side, etc.

-(But when this is happening; don't prevent

the human material from decomposing to

become a good fragment/segment so that

you can uninterruptedly finish satisfying

the human hunger; As that prevents the

human material here from having its all

good representation. -Instead, allow that

human material to interrupt your human

hunger satisfaction as it decomposes into a

good part segment, which later then

generates the next human hunger segment;

and eventually your human hunger will be

satisfied in both the good plane, and human


With representations of all good entity

eventually shadowing each segment of

the human activity/hunger satisfaction,

and the human side seeking medium level:

the human hunger is eventually completed,

(irregardless of how the human world tried

to stop or prevent it). One would think the

human material would then fade away into

the all good entity. But as long as there are

these fragmented segments of the all good

entity generating their fragment of the

human material; there just keeps being new

human material that continually replaces

the human material that completes its

satisfaction and fades away. So what is

needed next, is for these separate segments

of high good part material, to grow together

and join together as one complete unit in

the all good plane; and once this happens,

this complete good entity satisfies its needs

through a high good way, and no longer

generates these human segments.

As human material proceeds at medium

level, it decomposes into, or does generate,

all destructions (among other things (like

all goods)). Now, why would a

shepherding entity want to come in to 3d

sort and so defile itself, when this human

material itself can act as an amateur

shepherding entity, and can send the all

destructions it generates (because it is

decomposing at medium level) to the same

place in accordance with 3 d sorting? So,

the shepherding entity doesn't come in in

this initial stage.

Now, this human material may keep going

on, and may complete its hunger, and may

separate in its forces and fade away

(leaving nothing in the human area). But if

it runs into an overpowering destruction at

any time or part of its sequence, then this

human material then acts to no longer

remove the all destructive it generates to

the all destructive pile in accordance with

3d sorting, but instead, delivers it (probably

in violation of 3d sorting), unto the

overpowering destruction; and also has its

activity level ramped up so it is at high

level so it generates lots of destruction to

deliver to the overpowering destruction.

As it does this, it, and the overpowering

destruction do go down in a death spiral.

Here is where the shepherding entity steps

in and 3d sorts off the now not so

overpowering destruction, and other

destructions, and restores remnant human

material to medium level, so the human

material here in this now older segment

no longer handles the destructions it

generates as that is now done for it by the

shepherding entity, due to the involvement

of the shepherding entity; and this older

segment doesn't revert back to letting its

human material deliver destructions to the

same overpowering destruction that still

exists in the newer segments.

Now then; the idea of sticking an

overpowering destruction with the all

destructions generated by decomposing

human material at medium; doesn't have to

be a violation of 3d sorting, since both can

be all destructive. And even if it is in line

with 3d sorting, it is a good activity. But

what I was thinking was that an

overpowering destruction might cloak itself

with trapped human material so as to be

classified also as human material, so that it

would be a violation of 3d sorting to dump

our All destructives on it. (And that since it

is overpowering, it is able to resist the

actions of the shepherding entity.) Every

destructive thing which has a little bit of

good in it, we are obligated to raise (only

the good part as much as possible) to

medium level (while we don't help at all,

any all destructive part). But we don't want

these mainly destructive things to go to

high level, ie to be overpowering. So that

we generate high level human material to

dump their all destructives here in violation

of 3d sorting (since human material, even

thinly veiled human material, shouldn't

have All destructives dumped on it, since

they aren't the same things in a sorting

mentality). So in this case we as humans

have an advantage over higher forces that

are bound to uphold 3 d sorting, as we as

meager, transient, already violating,

humans have nothing to loose. So that the

natural law that destruction consumes all

power, even the power of 'overpowering'

destruction, will be enacted; and the

overpowering destruction will thus be dealt


Now, once the overpowering destruction's

power is burned down to not so

overpowering (by the human entity

delivering to it the destructions it

generates); then the shepherding entity can

come in and 3d sort it. And after the

shepherding entity 3 d sorts it, And also

sorts off the all destructive material that the

human entity generates (so that the human

entity no longer delivers this destructive

material to anything); Then the human

material is no longer run at high activity

level, as there is no longer a need to

generate lots of all destruction since there

is no longer an overpowering destruction to

deliver it to. -So one might think the

remaining human material should just fade

away. But although the human material

isn't run at high activity level, it is still run

at medium level, since that it what human

material needs, and hence, that is its resting

level, and it doesn't fade away to nothing

until it frees itself from its human state and

separates into all good and all destructive

-ie, it doesn't strand itself in barrenness by

lowering its activity level to nothing.

One may be repulsed by the human material

they do, in that it isn't perfect, and does

contain ugly destruction. But don't in

response, shut down and do little, because

that just traps this human life in barrenness.

Instead, do that human life at medium

level, anyway (even though it isn't perfect

and contains some ugly stuff); and at the

medium level, these forces will separate,

and the ugly evil will be removed by self


Note that it isn't the same entity that handles

the all destructive material that the human

entities generate. When an overpowering

destruction is around, the shepherding

entity mainly steps back and it is the

'trapped' human material that handles the

all-destruction it generates. But after the

overpowering destruction is burned down

to a manageable size (by the 'trapped'

human material dumping its all destructive

material on it), then the remaining human

material relinquishes that handling of the

all destruction it generates, back to the

shepherding entity, which does act in

accordance with 3 d sorting (unlike the

human material). The same entity doesn't

do both these things. It is two different

entities, the shepherding entity, and then

the human material entity that do trade off

with each other (within us).

Now then; the overpowering destructions

we may encounter, sometimes are

represented by actual human beings, who

are rich and powerful and also mean,

demanding, and destructive. Sometimes

one, as human material, may wonder how

they are to deliver the all destructive that

they generate when they are at medium

level, unto this mean and powerful person.

Well, the thing about most mean and

powerful people, is that they mark off areas

of you that they claim do not belong to you,

but belong to them instead. (How else do

you think they become rich and powerful?)

So that there is no need to try to track

down these mean and powerful people,

when there are areas within yourself that

belong to these people, right inside of you.

So, just dump the all destruction you

generate from your human activities at

medium, there, within yourself, first. And

then when that burns down, relinquish the

Handling of the all destructive you

generate (from the doing of your human

things at medium level); to your

shepherding entity, which no longer

violates 3 d sorting, like you have (of

necessity), done.x


Second repeat segment:

In this out of place insert, I was reading in

the philosophy section, and discovered the

argument about if there is evil in the world,

that proves that there is no benevolent, all

powerful omnipresent God. -That either he

wants to remove all evil, but can't (and is

therefore not all powerful); or he IS able,

but doesn't want to (making him


But my answer to this is that God IS dealing

with the evil in this world; and that the

situation we see today of God to be

nowhere in sight, with evil running freely

about with no almighty Godly intervention,

IS the process whereby God is successfully

dealing with all the evil. Because

evil/destruction is a parasitic force and not

self sufficient; by just leaving it alone, it

self eliminates. For an almighty or God the

Father to come down in power and

richness/love to confront evil/destruction,

would just provide the material for the

force of evil/destruction to grow. So that

Gods presence would just perpetuate and

encourage/grow evil. So to eliminate evil,

almighty God acts by staying away; and

sends a lesser powered representative,

Jesus Christ, to separate these all-evils off

human actions so the evil is totally isolated

and can self eliminate. -these evils that

keep popping up due to people's free will,

whereby they are learning to advance to be

more and more powerful as well as good.

Now because the moral evils perpetrated

by humans, demarks areas where God stays

away in his process of eliminating evil;

then natural destructions that occur in these

same areas don't change that. Hence

Christ's words about natural evils that the

people caught in them aren't any more

sinful than others, but that those not in him

will all likewise perish; indicating that

those who are in him, have the presence of

God to protect them; not on this earth, but

in that they die and are resurrected again in

perfection in him. So that from a

philosophical sense, there is no trouble

with the existence of an almighty

benevolent God; although He is

deliberately not omnipresent; as a tool to

remove evil.

However, God is omnipresent if you count

Jesus and the rest of us underlings who

work in the name of Jesus.





Consider that goodness, growth, and being

kind to one another, is a better force than

the force of destruction, death, decay, and

being mean to each other.

(To do this, we consider all the possibilities)

Let's consider a universe of only the force

of destruction and death. As death

/destruction progress, they take whatever is

alive, and kill it, so that where life once

was, now exists (is produced) nothing and

nothingness. Pretty soon, life becomes in

short supply, while a whole lot of empty

space and inanimate material is left behind.

After awhile, all the life is killed, and then

what? With no life left to kill, the force of

destruction comes to a stop (no more

destroying can be done).

Now consider the force of good-and

-growth as being the only force around. As

this force acts, it takes nothingness/lifeless

matter (dust), and creates Life in its place.

Soon everything starts to come alive. Pretty

soon we begin to run out of improvements

to make. Emptiness and undeveloped raw

material (dust) starts to come into short

supply. If everything is alive, then no more

growth/goodness can be done, and thus the

force of good is stopped, right? Well,

there's not so much an absolute ceiling, as

there is an absolute bottom. You see, life

forms can advance/be advanced and

become ever more capable and alive; and

this thus continues the force of good. And,

a universe that is alive (full of life), is very

capable -able to do lots of things, (unlike a

barren universe consisting of nothingness).

And with that life/capability, it can bridge

barriers and reach new raw material (dust)

that had previously been separated from it

by a barrier.

ALSO, it takes life-and-capability to do or

be either 'the force of good-and-growth', or

'the force of destruction'. The lack of life

can't do/be either force. Since what the

force of good produces is life, such life can

continue to do forces. But since what the

force of destruction produces is death and

nothingness and voids in life; since this

cannot do or support either force, then the

force of destruction alone is destined to a

quick end while the force of good and

growth alone is destined to continue.

ALSO, since only life can do-be either

force: When destruction experiences what

it produces, or is applied to itself, it doesn't

grow, but instead shrinks to nothing. But

when goodness experiences what it

produces, (when goodness is good to itself)

it does not die, but instead, grows. So, the

force of destruction needs something other

than just itself to exist (is a parasitic force),

while the force of good does not and is self

sufficient with just itself. This is an

advantage: -When the force of destruction

can be escaped from; (the good separated

from the destructive); that which is

destructive, when alone, burns itself out,

finds itself boxed in by barriers, and ceases

to exist; Whereas the good alone, survives,

bridges barriers, and continues to grow.

From this we can see that good and growth,

is a superior force to the force of death and


Inputs and outputs:

-that the force of destruction takes in that

which is alive as its input/raw material; and

produces voids-in-life / inanimate material

as its output, as what it produces.

-That the force of goodness/growth takes in

voids-in-life and inanimate material, as its

input/raw material; and produces -life- as

its output and what it produces.

With these concepts in mind let's consider

the situation of the force of destruction in a

rich environment. Not only does this force

have plenty of its raw material or input

(life), present here in the rich environment;

-destruction also has what supports what

either force is made of (which is also, life).

Thus here the force of death-and

-destruction can grow rapidly and become

quite large here, in a rich environment.

Let us now consider the reverse situation:

-that is with the force of Goodness-and

-growth in a barren environment. Here the

force of goodness has an abundance of its

input/raw material (that being voids in

life/inanimate material), but unlike the

previous situation, it doesn't have an

abundance of what supports what either

force is made of (which is life). So here,

even though it has plenty of its input/raw

material, this force of goodness isn't able to

grow rapidly at least not right away, -until

it is able to generate enough life from the

inanimate to support what it is made of.

With both the forces at low ability, neither

is able to do much, so the force of good is

unable to get away from the force of

destruction, thus preserving the

togetherness of the 2 forces in this

situation. Hence in neither a rich nor barren

environment can the forces separate.xx

When both forces are around, the

force of good generates life for the force of

destruction to feed on and destroy as it

survives. (and the force of death/decay

generates voids, which the force of good

uses as its starting material.) This is the

way things are here on earth. And both the

forces of; good, and destruction, have an

easy time finding material to work with

(compared to if they were alone). /

Here on earth, we live with what is

destructive and also that which is good and

growing. In this respect, we often do

actions which contain both goodness and

growth and also destructiveness in the same

action. These actions I would term 'human

actions' (also referred to as 'gray actions' ).

These human areas are hopelessly a mixture

of both goodness and destruction (at our

level of ability we're unable to separate the

forces), and there is no purity of action in

them, as they contain both goodness as well

as destructiveness inescapably intertwined

in the same action. These mainly center

around human hungers and needs. So that

whether or not a human action is done,

partially done, or refrained from; some

destruction is always present, just in

different areas. Like when we eat, this is

good for our survival, but at the same time,

destructive to the plant or animal we ate.

But if we don't eat, that is good for the

plant or animal we don't eat, but bad for us

as we starve.

When we humans are going about our daily

lives, most of what we do is neither all

good nor all destructive but is usually some

of both. And this is due to that the human

ways/actions available to us usually contain

both goodness and also destructiveness as

part of the same action. So that we produce

both life and voids in life, which tends to

result in a medium environment (between

rich and barren). And in our medium

environment, the Destructiveness force

(which is one part of our human ways),

doesn't have access to an excessive amount

of its input (which is life), and doesn't have

access to an excessive amount of what it

can be made of (which is also life). It is

thus NOT able to grow incredibly rapidly

(like it would in a rich environment). We

are thus able to avoid and get away from it.

(When we get away from it, it(destruction)

no longer has a source of good to feed it. It

is alone, and alone it consumes itself and

dies, unlike when good is alone and is able

to survive when alone.) Here we can see

how a medium ability environment is

useful where evil is present that needs

separating away, to separate the forces.

Here we're able to get away and separate

from the evil, whereas in a rich

environment the evil would grow too fast

for us to do so. (And in a barren

environment, the directive of good has no

special advantage or fast growth; (it thus

remains unable to get away/separate from

the destruction it is with); so that won't

help either).

Also, in a rich environment; not only is

destruction's input in huge supply; good's

input is scarce. Since when rich, one

already has everything they want pretty

much; one's activities of achieving good,

are atrophied, because one already has

everything; so that one does not exercise

their activity of producing good things.

And if you don't use it, you loose it.

Whereas at medium level, both forces are

on an equal opportunity level; that is, a

more level playing field concerning the

opportunity for active doing of good

actions vs destructive actions.

(We can see that neither rich nor barren

environments are effective, but that

medium, middle environments are

effective.) And once separate from the evil,

the evil has no food supply and it burns

itself out and disappears, while the good


When an area receives destruction all the

time, it becomes barren and desolate.

When an area receives goodness all the

time, it becomes rich and at high ability.

This is what is created when rules are

applied to a gray action.

Rules put a structure to the gray actions so

that their goodness and destructions are

fixed to the same areas; unlike a haphazard

doing of the gray actions under no rules.

When an area receives destruction some of

the time and goodness other times, then the

area becomes of medium ability -neither

desolate nor rich. This is what results when

no absolute rules are applied to a gray


When rules are applied to gray actions, the

destructiveness of the gray action is

segregated to one area while the goodness

of a gray action is segregated to other

areas, so that a patchwork of desolate

environments and rich environments is the


In this tangent, please consider that since

enforcing rules over the gray areas of living

life causes a patchwork of rich and barren

environments(rules structure and FIX

WHERE the good; and destruction,

respectively, of a gray action, are done):

my question is, why do we scrape together

these rich environments where there is the

force of destruction nearby -(as destruction

is inescapably a part of all gray actions at

our level of ability)?

This will just result in successive firestorms

where the gray actions' destructiveness

burns down the rich parts of the patchwork.

All this does is feed evil/destructiveness.

As for myself, I do not wish to succor and

feed the force of destructiveness.

When we have a perfected area and are

satisfied with it, we usually keep it the way

it is and don't change it. Here we shut off

alternative possibilities and stick with what

we've got. But if an area is a work in

progress and is imperfect, such as the gray

areas of human hungers, then on

the contrary, we don't want to preserve it

and keep it the way it is but instead, are

open to change. Here we're open to all the

possibilities and are not so quick to shut out

possibilities by applying absolute rules in

order to select just one way. By applying

detailed absolute rules to these imperfect

human hunger areas and ascribing those

rules to God; does then tie God to, and

makes God an owner of the imperfection of

these imperfect areas that are fixed in place

in their imperfection by these absolute

rules. Who would do such a thing? God,

who is Holy separate from the imperfection

of our human morass; so much so that no

man has seen hide nor hair of God and

lived to tell about it, except of course for

Abraham, who it is reported, claimed to

meet with God and bring down His 10

commandments? -and then, also, Jesus,

who solves this dilemma by taking the rap

for All human imperfections (many that

have been fixed in place by absolute rules).

-Do not be afraid to bring out and do your

imperfect human hungers at medium level,

just because of a claim that you will be

offending God's absolute rules. -Do not

lower your doing of your imperfect

human hungers to low and barren level

because of a fear of violating 2dimensional

absolute rules over your human hungers

some of which are claimed to be from God;

because by doing so, you will just preserve

the evil in your human hungers and be

trapped by your human hungers; because at

low levels, the forces within your imperfect

human hungers won't be able to separate,

and the good in these imperfect human

hungers will be trapped there as imperfect

human material and won't be able to pass

on to the perfect high parts.

Now, in spite of my disapproving words

about absolute rules: a set of 3 dimensional

sorting actions based on separating what

is destructive from that which is good,

kind, and growing: is still a helpful

thing to do, and worthy of having God

behind it. Just realize that these rules can

easily be distorted into a 2 dimensional

form that is no better than the imperfect

human life it tries to sort.

End repeated segment.







What can one person do? What can one

person do when there are labs and scientists

and a whole system that could do so much

more? Unfortunately, the system of ours is

flawed in one aspect. The flaw I speak of is

in our free enterprise system of supply and

demand. Supply and demand serves us well

in distributing resources to where they are

needed, to produce products that are in

demand. The flip side to this is that nothing

can be super abundant relative to other

things in this system. If something is too

abundant, supply will exceed demand, and

its price will go down. Resources used to

produce this product will be directed

elsewhere, where they can make more


This system encourages a negative

motivation of creating shortages where

abundance existed before: If a commodity

is abundant and bountiful, there is no way

to make a profit on it (too much supply

means prices go down). But if that resource

can be destroyed through pollution or some

other bad management, then it can be

reduced to a limited supply, whereby it can

be (monopolized and) sold for a profit.

(Supply being reduced means prices, and

profits, go up.) This is what I mean by 'the

negative motivator of creating markets

where none existed before'. There is the

motivation to take things that were once

abundant, and partially destroy them so the

supply is more limited, and money can then

be made on them. Our system will never

achieve abundance because there will

always be the temptation to destroy some

of that abundance to make money.

Since our system doesn't work when things

become too abundant and plentiful; this is

why we have so many useless management

positions and bureaucracies (where people

make life difficult for each other). If we all

worked on production lines, we'd produce

too much and blow out our system with too

many plentiful supplies.

Our economic system takes abundance and

cuts it down to a more limited supply (for a

better profit). So instead of being at high

capability, our system brings us to medium

capability. Thus our economic system

works to keep us and our world at reduced

capability, in the trap of evil. This sucks!

Also, even when there is a sound production

producing economically, a product that

everybody needs and making a good profit:

that is spoiled by wall street buying and

selling this company on the stock market.

One big money tycoon buys this company,

then another tycoon buys it from him, and

another, and another. They take out loans

to do this, so that they attach a big debt

load to this good production, so that the

slightest downturn makes this good

production unable to meet its debt

obligations, thus bankrupting a perfectly

good and sound production. This sucks.

But wait a minute. This does not suck. This

is just what the Dr ordered. In order to get

us out of our human hungers and the gray

evils which go along with them, an

environment of reduced and medium

ability is just what is needed. And this

economic money system naturally seeks

the medium level. This is the area of

coexistence between the money system and

the force of good system. The force of

good system also seeks to bring medium

ability to where there are human hunger

evils, (and also goods). However, once a

thing has been freed from its human hunger

evils, it becomes rich and of high ability,

and needs to be removed from the money

system, otherwise it will just be pulled

down again. At this point, the money

system and the force of good system part

ways and do not share a common path; and

the perfected force of good here needs to

part ways and get away from this now

detrimental money system.

The term 'republic' means a balance of

powers. One might hope that the extension

of the word 'republic' to 'republican' would

carry this over. The free enterprise system

of supply and demand and the business

world, is one powerhouse. It needs to be

balanced against another source of power;

that of the government. If one eliminates

government; one will not be left with a

utopia, as the marxist's claim when the

state withers away; nor with freedom, as

the republicans say. No, one is forgetting

the other source of power, that of big

business, that will remain after the

government is shrunk to nothing. With

nothing to balance its power; the absolute

power of big business will then monopolize

us and corrupt us absolutely.

As the purpose of the free enterprise system

of supply and demand is to seek the

medium level; to have a balance of powers;

also helps in the purpose of seeking the

medium level.


Sunshine, water and sometimes fish are

commodities that can be plentiful without

human help. When they are abundant, no

money can be made from them because

supply so greatly exceeds demand. Yet we

all benefit greatly from them (and for free

too). But if someone were to come in and

destroy or pollute these resources so there

was a more limited supply, then money

could be made selling the remaining

supply./ We will never make things

abundant in our economic system, because

the temptation is always to make things

less abundant so as to get rich.

Supply and Demand supposedly helps us

distribute resources where they're needed.

When there's a shortage of something,

people will pay more for it, and the price

goes up. Those who produce the product

make more money doing so. Others see the

opportunity to make good money and join

in the production. More product is

produced, and the shortage is alleviated.

This is how supply and demand is proposed

to work for our benefit. But it doesn't


There's a fault in supply and demand: If

people don't have enough money in their

pockets for the (prices of) the products out

there, then supply and demand won't work

(to alleviate shortages). The core idea was

that people can make more money when

there is a shortage of a product everybody's

got to have. But higher prices for a product

don't necessarily mean more money will be

made. If there's a lack of money in people's

pockets, they'll just be forced to buy less.

It's not that starving people don't want to

buy food; it's just that if they have no

money, a demand for food won't show up

in economic terms. Here is a failure to

seek the medium level.

Note that you may be impressed by riches

and power. Don't be. God is not. God is

rich and powerful, but He doesn't show His

face around here. And do you know why?

Because He knows that richness and power

can't protect you from evil/destruction; in

fact it is a magnate for destruction because

that is the force of destruction's input and

the food it needs to exist. So that if one is

to be rich long term, they must also be free

of destruction and destructiveness. But

those here on earth who are rich and

powerful but who are also mean and

destructive (mainly because they have

become rich and powerful by meanly and

destructively removing the goods and

power of others); these people stand in the

way of the shepherding entity sent by God

to free us non powerful, non rich humans

from our chains. So what we as non rich,

non powerful humans need to do, is to

show the natural law that any destruction

feeds on and destroys any power, to these

rich and powerful people who live in glass

mansions who are always throwing stones

at us; that the meager stones that we throw

back are just as effective at bringing their

glass mansions to rubble; and to do so and

fearlessly bring their power to rubble, so

that the shepherding entity, a separate

entity, can come in and (3d) sort this whole

mess out. And this includes powerful

organizations that claim the authority of

God as their own; since the authority of

God should not be anywhere near the evil

of this earth, but should be away from,

separate, and holy, away from the evil of

this earth.


Now, when we do a human hunger in a

cycling mode, we can either cycle it

piecemeal; or all at once. The reason we do

cycling in the first place, is to allow each

component of a thing to have itself

emphasized without the constraints of the

other components so much. So this is a

reason to cycle the sequential components

of a hunger satisfaction as opposed to

cycling the entire hunger satisfaction at


And when we are cycling sequential

components of a hunger satisfaction, our

desires get in the way. You see, each

component contributes its own production,

but also consumes its own specific

supplies. As a whole, there is a balance

where each component produces what

another component needs. So if one

stays too long in any one component,

overproduction of that component occurs

and also shortage of the supplies it uses

also occurs. So that as one does any one

component, ones desire for it (based on

shortages and supplies) is soon met; and as

one continues producing this one

component, one no longer feels it filling

any need or satisfying any desire.

These needs and desires are then based

on the whole hunger satisfaction as a

whole; which can be represented by the

constant medium doing of that hunger

satisfaction. But since we are trying to

express each component as not hindered by

the other components with a cycling mode;

this does not fit. So that when one does a

component to the point one feels satisfied

with that component; that represents the

constant medium level. One should go

beyond that and do that component beyond

the satisfaction of their desire for that

component, in order to facilitate the

excesses that are needed to perform a

cycling mode. So one doesn't do a

sequential component forever, but does

do that component past the satisfaction of

their desire for that component so as to

facilitate a cycling mode, over a constant

medium level mode. Xx


Let me interject here, that before we start

dividing ourselves into different entities (ie,

such as a shepherding entity, and a human

hunger satisfying entity, and high part

wanna be entity, etc; that our first priority

as imperfect human life, is to be at medium

level. And if dividing ourselves into all

these entities is beyond our abilities, and

puts us low, below medium level, to do so;

then we should not do so, but should just

live life simply as one imperfect human life

entity, and allow that to generate a high

part representation naturally; which then is

the start of these different entities. Just

realize that if one is in the low position of

imperfect human life entity, that they

should not expend conscious effort to

generate these other entities, but to just

ruminate as themselves as a whole single

entity at medium level, and let these other

entities generate naturally, without any

extra (conscious) effort. -Because extra

effort on the part of this human entity

would put it down from medium and into

low, and would prevent its forces from

separating and prevent it from generating

these extra entities. Keep this in mind

when reading further and do this and not

what I suggest.

End insert.

Now, even though we are mortal, we can

still do a loose 3 d sorting. We start by

dividing ourself into a higher ability

shepherd or sogp or jesus representation

type entity that will watch over and protect

our human hunger satisfying type entity; vs

the hunger satisfying type entity itself. The

hunger satisfying type entity that we divide

into, we set lower, at medium ability

because that's what is needed in the

imperfect, human, hunger satisfying

environment. Note that this is one degree of

separation, that we do non destructively

unto ourselves so the hunger satisfying part

of us does not reside in the same place or

mind as our higher part which shepherds

over that hunger satisfying part, but which

is not involved in any hunger satisfying

actions itself. The shepherding entity does

act to make some separation between itself

and active hunger satisfying parts.

(The shepherding entity also acts to remove

from off the hunger satisfying entity, any

all-destructive parts which might condemn

or attack that human part, and puts them

into an all-destructive pile which is

separate from the rest.) (Note that the

shepherding action of casting off all

destructive attacks (into the all destructive

pile), tends to be cycling about medium

high level as opposed to being at a constant

medium high level, because the nature of

casting off evil is that once it is done, it no

longer needs to be done because the evil

self consumes, boxes itself in, and no

longer needs attention.)

Out of place insert:

On the religious message boards, I caught a

piece of a conversation where one person

commented about his opinion of Christ not

accepting a person even if they asked for

Him; apparently that this person was that

bad that Christ would not accept him even

if he asked for Christ to accept him.

And my response to this line of thinking is

that we are all humans, who have sin and

imperfection, so that there is some bad in

all of us. And how that 'badness' or

evil/destruction is dealt with, is by Christ

taking us in (and putting us at extreme

medium level in all areas, where the good

and bad separate out). So that the act of

Christ taking us in, is the way Christ

processes us to remove the evils/badness

that is part of all of us as humans. There is

no badness of ours that escapes this

processing or that is spared being removed

from us and fed into hell fire. So that to

say Christ refuses any human is to say that

Christ spares a badness. And I don't

think Christ makes any exception for any

badness, but processes it all and removes

all good from it. If a person were all

evil/destructive with no good whatsoever in

them, then in this case, there would be no

need to process this person through Jesus.

But then, this person would no longer be

classified as a human, because humans

have some good and also some bad as their

definition. But to be able to attain the state

of being all destructive with no good, I

would say is nearly impossible, just as it is

nearly impossible for a human to attain the

state of being all good. As anything that is

all evil/destructive has a problem of self

consuming right there on the spot without

massive feeding on other good or human


Also, to hear some man tell me what Christ

has decided, is not the same as Christ

himself telling me what he has decided

through his holy spirit. Christ is sitting at

the right hand of God, away from this

human earth, and communicates with us

through his holy, I repeat, holy, spirit. This

man isn't sitting at the right hand of God,

but is instead, still on this earth,

communicating with me through the

internet. It is not the same.

And you can apply the same about my

communications of what I think Christ is

like, and also seek what Christ says through

his Holy spirit. I do not claim to speak on

Christ's behalf, but only speak to you as

another human, in the human realm where I

speculate how Christ will act.

So that this idea about Christ not accepting

someone who called on him in their lowest

levels; when this brings me as low, I also

give this part of my life of me thinking this

thought, to Christ. By my act to give this

to Christ, it also becomes no longer a part

of my human area that I believe has not yet

joined Christ. What Christ actually does

with this is up to Christ and is no longer

my concern. But what I do know, is that it

is no longer a part of my life in my human

arena, and no longer brings me down below

medium level. And that is a good thing.

Now of course, this person has touched

upon the greater truth of what I believe to

be where Jesus refuses to completely join

all of us Christians who are alive, but not

yet in dire enough straits; leaving us alive,

as we are, still asking to be completely

joined, but refused by Him; for our own

good; whereby Christ's will, and not our

will, is done here on earth (as it is in


End out of place insert.

Skip this segment:

The hunger satisfying part of us, we set at

one (low medium) level; while the part

which shepherds over that, we set at

higher level, a high medium level. The

shepherding action (set at high medium

level), does a lot of non destructively

sorting, or separating different entities from

each other. And when we need more (low

medium level) hunger satisfying action; the

shepherding entity does another division or

separating action, this time upon itself so as

to split off a part which will become new

hunger satisfying entity material. Now

even though the new split off material will

eventually be at low medium level in its

hunger satisfying environment; the

separation action of splitting off a part of

itself to generate this; itself is an action that

is done, and is at home being done at the

high medium level; along with all the other

separating (or sorting) actions the

shepherding entity does. So that the

shepherding entity not only directs its own

entity, but also directs the initial part of the

hunger satisfying entity, as it splits off part

of itself to deliver new hunger satisfying

entity material.

End skipped segment.

Note however that sometimes the opposite

situation is present. Sometimes the hunger

satisfying action tends to take over and be

all that there is so there is no shepherding

entity to watch over the hunger satisfying

entity; so what we want to do is have more

of the shepherding entity. At this point I

note that the higher level shepherding

entity can split some of itself off to be

hunger satisfying entity; but if all of the

shepherding entity moves into hunger

satisfying entity; it cannot easily or

immediately move back to the shepherding

entity position, because of the internal evils

it works with in the hunger satisfying

actions. Only when its material escapes its

internal evils (which it does (to some

degree) when it operates at medium level):

only then can that material populate higher

entities, some of which can move down to

populate the shepherding entity. So that if

the hunger satisfying entity is already of a

good size in comparison to the shepherding

entity; the shepherding entity should clamp

down and do no more splitting more of

itself off to be hunger satisfying entity, (nor

move as a whole to be hunger satisfying

entity). So that we have a balanced structure

with both shepherding entity and hunger

satisfying entity. Xx

Now because we are mortal, and contain

the destruction of death over us, we cannot

set any part of us at full on or high level,

because of that; so we might think that

because we have no genuine high parts, we

can have all our parts that are not doing

human hungers, to be acting in shepherd

mode. However, there is something to be

gained by only setting part of this material

of us to be in shepherd mode, while setting

another part of this would be shepherd

material (and otherwise all good material),

to be relaxing from the shepherding

activities and not doing them, but instead

ruminating within themselves and enjoying

themselves, (with only a small part not

doing this relaxing so as not to be at full on

with this). And the purpose of such, is to

provide material to be attempting to

generate out of our very mortality and

trying to get into being true high parts by

escaping the destruction of death; as (high)

medium level material will do against this

remote destruction from death we are under

in our mortality. So that this represents

attempting to get into being high parts

when we do not actually have any true high

parts. So we have high part wanna be

material, shepherd material, human hunger

satisfying material, and all destructive

material, all separated off within us (with

all separating/sorting activities being

done by the shepherding entity): and realize

that the all-destructive material doesn't last

long in separation; so that we mainly have

high part wanna be material, shepherding

entity material, and hunger satisfying

material. And also realize material can

easily choose to move from a higher entity

to a lower entity, but not so easily move

back from a lower entity to any higher

entity due to the ever greater levels of

destruction that are worked with/against in

the lower entities. So that a cycling stance

is not favored in our structure here, but a

constant level is.

However, a slow cycling is superimposed

upon this. What happens is that when the

hunger satisfying entity is operating at its

medium level, material naturally frees itself

from its internal destructions and escapes to

join higher entities. This loss of material

puts the hunger satisfying entity down from

medium to low ability level, which would

stop further escape of the material there, if

it were not for the shepherding entity

splitting some of itself off to replenish the

hunger satisfying entity back to medium

level. But this brings the shepherding

entity lower in amount of material. (The

shepherding entity can then work within

itself to increase growth); and also the

material that escaped its internal evils from

the hunger satisfying entity can move to

higher entities that trickle down to

replenish the shepherding entity. Thus

there is a cycling superimposed on the

constant levels. Just don't forget to

replenish the shepherding entity back to

about its normal level with the material

that has been freed from the hunger

satisfying and has moved/escaped to higher


Now I have kind of used the hunger

satisfying entity interchangeably with also

the entity which works in the area where

death is, where the destruction from death

is and where our mortality is evident; since

both entities are forced to work with a

destruction they can't get away from that is

intertwined with the goodness that is there.

Since we are mortal, we eventually die,

from old age, from diseases, from

accidents, from murders, wars, from natural

disasters, from poisonous snakes scorpions

spiders insects etc. The life that makes us

up is a collection of mostly carbon atoms

arranged just so; and all the things we think

we need in the outside world, just interface

and are limited by that chemical/electrical

structure that makes up our life. And when

that fragile intricate chemical/electrical

structure breaks down; all these other

outside things become meaningless when

we don't even have control over our own

lives to prevent the destruction of death. Xxx


Note that there is only a certain amount of

ways that carbon atoms can be arranged, so

that there is a finite number of people who

can exist. Of course that number is

astronomically large, but it is still finite.

So that if we lived in a loving, growing,

full of life world with God, where all the

possibilities existed; instead of our stagnant

world saddled with destruction, then all of

us would exist and be represented. So that

just because we may have died here on

earth, doesn't mean we can't be recreated or

exist in a Godly world that is full of life

where all the possibilities are tried and

represented. We need not be deceived by

this stagnant world saddled with

destruction where only a limited number of

possibilities are allowed, that is not packed

full of life.x Note that sexual morality does

cause us to explore the differences that our

genetics can provide; however, taken past

an optimum point, that morality does not

allow us to put those differences back

together to make a complete human being;

and so does limit what we can be, if not

interrupted at the optimum point.xxxx


When other people die from far away

natural disasters, we never really knew

these people, and did not really have an

internal connection to them. But when

someone dies whom you loved, then you

feel much more of a loss. It is not that

these far away people are of any less worth;

it is instead because, although you are

alive, and others are alive; you are not alive

together. It is that when you are alive, you

see others, and they come to have a

representation within your life; but that

they are also alive in their own life (also

with their own representations of others

within themselves); and these two things

are not the same thing, but are individual

entities. So that when a loved one dies, one

of those entities is completely destroyed.

And it is not the person who dies who feels

the loss. It is the other entity that resides in

the surviving person who is still alive

therefore it is still alive, but no longer

receiving stimulation, so that it is now at

barren ability. Because of the destruction

infested nature of life on earth, that

material needs to be at medium ability, not

barren, otherwise at barren, the material

no longer escapes its earthly evils, and is

trapped by its earthly evils. So what

can we make of these situations? As

humans, we don't even have say over our

own lives, let alone to be able to reverse the

destruction done to these people and bring

them back to life. But to a high powered

force of good, whom some might call God

the father, His problem is having made

things so rich with life, there is a shortage

of voids to make improvements on; so that

the void of a dead person is very attractive

and is a food source to God, when all evil

is gone. The only reason He would be

unable to feed on this void and put life in its

place, would be if we humans were still

working with it. So we as humans since we

are unable ourselves to bring these people

back to life and reverse the destruction of

death that has befallen them, we should

vacate their actual entity and leave that to

someone (God) who is more powerful than

us to have it, as it is they who can do

something with it, not us.

This however still leaves the entity within

the surviving person that is the

representation of the deceased person. This

is part of us who still live, and will not

receive God's full activity in, since it is

still part of us.

Not only does the shepherding entity split

off and give a part of itself to bring this

representation entity up to medium; the

shepherding entity also acts in its high

medium capacity to do other

sorting/separation actions to move that

representation entity away from the

destructions of the death, and also away

from the actual entity of the deceased so

that God may have access to it; and also

keep it away from the high parts of itself

that escape its evils and then becomes

non involved high part or high part wanna

be material: with the shepherding entity

also keeping itself from contact with the

high part (wanna be) material. -But not

keeping material that is escaping its evils

from then joining with the high parts after

they have escaped their evils.

When this is done, then the material of the

representation entity will be able to escape

not only the evils that caused the death of

the actual entity, but also its own internal

evils which are part of the representation

entity as well as of the surviving person

who's life it is part of. The material

escapes these evils to join higher entities,

such as the kickback non involved

high part entity. And also replenishes

the shepherding entity. Towards this new

high material; the active/involved

shepherding entity still acts to keep the

destructions of death away from it, but no

longer acts to keep it from the actual

representation of the deceased.

When material escapes (from the imperfect

material at medium level, to the high parts),

that causes a shortage in the imperfect

material still remaining; so remember to

replace it with more split off material from

the shepherding entity, so it stays at

medium level and doesn't fall to barren


Start skip: To do this, the shepherding entity

first creates a part of itself that is slowed

down to low medium level (but that is still

not participating in the imperfect material);

and then the rest of the shepherding entity

that is at high medium level then acts in a

high medium way, to separate that low

medium part of itself, away from itself, to

be together with the imperfect material,

whence this low medium part that once was

part of the shepherding entity now

commences to participate in the imperfect

material. Let me repeat this: Part of

shepherding-us acts to lower its level

to medium low. Then the remnant part of

shepherding-us that is still at high or high

medium, acts to remove that lower part into

a different area, and make this the place

where we do our imperfect human hunger

actions. Our shepherding entity then

shepherds over this.

Let me state that when material escapes to

higher entities; when it escapes to high part

wanna be entity or actual high part; it no

longer avoids the actual entity that death

destroyed, but then acts with God to restore

that void to life much fuller than it was on


Note also that the high part wanna be

material/actual high part material do

not participate in the shepherding activities

which generated it and continue to generate

more of it. This material is free from that;

free to go and be its own person, which is a

combined entity of the survivor and the

survivor's representation of the deceased.

Some of this material may allow itself to

be split off so as to join the shepherding

entity (and it does this by doing no change

in its high medium level; and the part

leaving the high part (wanna be) is the part

that initiates the leaving, not the part that

stays behind as high part material, (unlike

transfers from shepherding entity to the

imperfect low medium human area)); but

this high part wanna be (or high part)

entity itself is not burdened with the

burdens and the work of the shepherding

entity. Note that when the shepherding

entity acts to keep imperfect human

material away from the high parts (wanna

be); that it does not act and does not

prevent material that has just become free

from the evils in the imperfect material,

from moving to join the high material.

End skip.

Note that there needs to be a balance

between these entities so a person is never

all shepherding entity nor all high part

(wanna be) entity nor all low medium

human entity; but instead contains some

of each.

In this way we can help achieve 'death

where is thy victory, where is thy sting?',

and help work to overcome and defeat the

enemy of death.

Now we can be more loving and kind to the

people who are around us and in our

family, as they will no longer be so

devastated when we die. We no longer

have to be so distant and formal in our

relationships, as now we can survive the

loss of a loved one, and no longer need to

depend on degrading that relationship with

formality and distance or even just plain

meanness so that our surrounding kin won't

be devastated when we die. We can be

closer and more loving. xxx

So far we have considered hunger

satisfying, and our mortality from death.

But while we are tying millstones on, let

me add the concept of work. Since work

often involves taking in destruction, in that

one must lay aside what one wants to do,

and instead do what the boss has instructed;

and also that work often involves doing

nasty things that one doesn't like to do; one

must take in some destructions in order to

do their work. Thus because work is

imperfect, and is a human action; it is to be

done at low medium level; and not at high

medium level or high level; because of

those destructions that are inescapably tied

to it. That being said; work still holds an

important place in our lives as it represents

our contribution to the societal entity. And

in that respect, I will argue that the optimal

society balances the societal entity against

the individual entity, so that it is neither the

societal entity nor the individual entity that

has absolute power, but that it is a balance

between the two.

Oftentimes around the water cooler, there

are those who find it enlightening to attack

those who are freeloading and somehow

getting a free ride. Now, because work

is often an imperfect human action, it is

then a no win situation where there is a

down side to being a freeloader or being a

workaholic. But for those who attack

freeloaders or workaholics; unfortunately,

such attacks are all destructive, whereas the

freeloading or workaholicing are just

imperfect human acts. So that, in our 3 D

sorting activities, we remove these all

destructive attacks from off the imperfect

human stuff, and put the attacks in the all

destructive pile. And so we must find some

other way to find the balance between work

vs not work. xx

Now, perhaps I have gotten off track with

this material about death and human

hungers. The point I feel I am close to, but

yet missing, is the creative ability of God.

That perhaps we are alive right now

due to the active creating actions of God.

That God starts off being and doing in this

world, but then gets snagged on something,

and then becomes an inferior being, which

is us. If this is the case, then what we

should do, is pick ourselves up and move

away from God. (Note that our high part

(wanna be) entity doesn't move away, and

only our shepherding and lower entities

do. -however, the separation between high

part wanna be and actual true high part; is

still maintained.) We do this to keep God

pure and holy and protect Him from our

evils, because not only does the evil we

have encountered have a hold on us, we

also have a hold on this evil (that turned a

part of God, into the inferior being of us),

and other evils that make us up. So that

we hold this evil and move it away from

God, so as to free God from this evil, so

God can grow better in this area. We

take on the form of the shepherding entity

which one of his functions is to keep evil

away from God the father.

Note that even though we do a lot of

separation actions and moving different

entities away from each other; this action to

have an imperfect human entity at low

medium level, is our response to things we

are unable to directly separate the good

from the evil here, and we don't waste

effort trying to separate things we are

unable to separate at this time. xx

Note that as we move high part wanna be

entity material away from God, it goes to

shepherding entity. We may wish to then

move shepherding entity material to

imperfect human entity; and to some

extent, we do do this. But such a move is

limited because we can only bring this area

up to medium level, and that limits the

amount of material that can be moved here.

Thus, it is the shepherding entity area that

can take any excess material, as we move

material away from God, but not so much

into the imperfect human area.

Now I still don't think I have a clear picture

of what's going on here, and so I will try


Note that the high part Godly material does

not have this pain of loss that our lower

parts have, since it has everything and

every representation within its high ability

world that is free of destruction. And note

that the high ability Godly parts are kept

separate from all lower material including

the shepherding entity, by the shepherding

entity. So that we never have any direct

contact with the loved one we lost who is

now only in the high Godly material. And

even within ourselves; the new high Godly

material (that had escaped from our lower

entities), no longer has any further contact

with our lower entities which it came from;

and we are even still alive. However, the

separation isn't absolute, as a percentage of

this newly escaped high material comes

back down as shepherding entity. And of

course, the imperfect medium level human

area is where material escapes from to

become these higher entities. But high parts

don't usually like to come back down to the

imperfect corrupted human area, unless

there is a need for them to do so; as that

spoils what they can be and accomplish as

high Godly parts. Now, if there is an

imbalance between the entities and there is

no shepherding entity, then that is a reason

for some material to come down (into a

destruction infested environment) to be

shepherding entity. And when a loved one

has died, that might also be a reason for

some material to come back down (not to

replace the actual person who died, but to

heal the representations of this person that

are within other living people) . But to

have all the representations come down as I

had suggested, probably isn't a good idea,

because that just provides food and feeding

of destructive forces. High material wants

to send the minimum amount of material

possible, so as not to spoil its good course.

And our imperfect human entity realizes

that the material that came down, is no

longer the lost loved one, although it used

to be just moments ago when it was part of

the high parts. I think where the idea for

clearing ourselves out of the way of God,

came from, is that there are now two

sources of incoming material for the

imperfect human area that had been

lowered below medium (to barren) by the

death of a loved one. When we are existing

as imperfect humans at Medium level,

some of us escapes our evils and becomes

a higher entity*, leaving a vacuum in the

human area; *(a percentage of which

comes back down as shepherding entity;

which can then split off a medium level

part which can then be moved to the

imperfect human area, to alleviate that

vacuum) where material then escapes

again to higher entities. But it takes time

for material to escape its evils, and then to

initiate a split whereby that part comes

back down as shepherding entity, which

then splits again into a lower (medium)

level part which is then moved to the human

area. This is one source of material for the

imperfect human area (maintaining

medium ability). But there is also another

source. That is high part material that is

already part of the high parts, that has

already split from the high parts staying

behind and not returning to the destruction

infested lower entities; that is just waiting

for we in the imperfect human entity to ask

for it to come down to help us. (It doesn't

come down automatically, because it wants

to avoid the destruction infested areas if it


But I think the best way to do things here is

to integrate both sources in supplying

needed material for the imperfect human

entity, together in the human entity. And

when that integrated human entity passes

time at medium level, some of its combined

material escapes its evils and goes into that

one source, even though it came from both

sources to start.

Now, since some material escaped; then

some human material was left behind.

Now if all the material escaped, one could

make an argument that there would be no

need, in this human area, to replace the

material that escaped. And on those rare

times when all the material does escape,

that may be the time NOT to replace that

material back in the human area. But most

of the time, there is remnant material that

did not escape. And this material is at

barren level due to the loss of the escaped

material; so there is a need to bring things

back up to medium level by bringing

material back in; and this is done from the

two sources for this. The one source that

has a delay in getting material back here,

develops a large shepherding entity, which

is good for casting all destructive attacks

off of this human area. (And jumping

ahead: since this shepherding entity isn't

directly involved with the destruction

infested doing of the human activities; it

needn't hesitate to cast off all-destructions

(nor let the human area have a first try at

this, so much); and it can do a complete job

and separate the all-destructions off

completely and not just partially, as it isn't

tied so tightly to the presence of human

need, since it didn't come down from the

high parts, but only from the shepherding


Now, with this one source material that

escaped from the evils of the human area;

sometimes some parts escape better than

others, whereas some material doesn't

completely escape all its evils but only

some of them. With these not so good

escapees; they are more favored to provide

material to return to the human area over

material that has escaped more of its evils.

So that the one source is favored to fill

what it can first, and then the other source

can secondarily fill what yet needs to be

filled. (Also, the one source generates the

needed amount of shepherding entity, so

it is to be relied upon first, due to this.)

Start skip:

However, the material that the one source

provides the human area sometimes lags

behind what the human needs; and

sometimes the human is unaware of the

second source that comes in and gives the

human area the new thing that the old

material needs. This second source only

gives to the human area when it needs

something that the other source does not

provide, as it wishes to remain with the

high parts and not enter the human area

corrupted with destructiveness if it doesn't

have to, if there is no need to be filled. But

when there is a need to be filled, it does

come in at a human request. (Note that it

minimizes the shepherding entity created

and maximizes the needed new material for

the human area, in its delivery.) But if the

human doesn't realize this or believe in this

second source, then when some of the

combined human material escapes, and

material is needed to replace that material

that escaped: when old material from the

first source replaces what escaped, it

doesn't contain the new stuff, so that the

small amount of remnant new stuff holds

further material from escaping because it is

at barren level, and the old replacement

material from the first source doesn't lift it

above barren level because it lacks the new

stuff. So that what one needs to do is to

recognize the second source, and continue

feeding a more (a double helping) of the

new material from this second source, so

that not only does new stuff go with the

escaped material; that there is also some

new stuff for the human area that is left

behind (so as to maintain a medium level

in that imperfect human material so

it will continue to escape its evils); until the

material that comes back down from the

one source eventually contains the new

material. So, there will be times when the

second source (which is for generating new

materials), will be repeating itself and thus

not generating NEW material, because it is

drawn to fill the need here, which in this

case is a need for more of this same (new)

material (thus making this material no

longer 'new'). But of course once that

newer material has made its way through

the time delay of the first source, then the

second source no longer needs to supply it,

as the first source now is; and the second

source can then go back to generating even

newer material, (as Need be). End skip.

At this point I have realized I have left out

an important component. That just because

the first (or 'one') source is an Able supplier

of material, and the second source even

more so: that these sources should step

aside and let the less competent human

material remaining, have first dibs and first

crack at filling these voids: Because

anything it can do to even partially fill

these voids, means material doesn't have to

come down from these sources and be

spoiled by the corrupt human area. So that

we don't get in an automatic process of

automatically referring to these sources to

fill these needs (in a moving us out of Gods

way type of action), we let our remnant

human area try first instead; and then after

the human area has tried, then the sources

can fill what the remnant human area had

been unable to, according to the previous

recipe. Now, the best place to let the

remnant human material try to fill needs

within itself, is its needs for new material;

because letting it try to fill needs in old

material means it has already tried before to

fill needs here and hadn't been able to the

first time; and a second or additional tries,

although not contraindicated (especially if

ones remnant human material is feeling

especially able); probably won't result in

any additional success.

Note that when these sources fill needs in

the human area; they don't completely

fill the needs, because there always needs

to be the presence of (great) need for these

high parts to give up their high life as high

parts (in God) to come and do this.

Start skip:

Oh, and I guess I have gotten it mixed up as

to which source comes first. Yes, perhaps

when a great need exists in the human

parts, it is the second source that starts to

fill needs, and then after a time delay for

when material escapes its evils and some

comes back down as the 'one' source; then

is when the 'one' or 'first' source takes over.

/(Don't forget that the material from these

higher parts lowers itself to a lower

medium level, before it is delivered to the

human area.)/

Getting back to the human area trying to fill

its own needs; it is possible for the human

area to be trying to fill needs in its newest

area while simultaneously, the sources are

filling needs which the human material was

unable to, in older areas./End skip.

And the idea that the human area stops

trying after the newness has worn off, is

blown away by my realization that this

recipe doesn't fit well with a cycling mode.

When we are satisfying human hungers,

often a cycling mode is what's called for.

But when sources are reluctant to send

material down due to the destruction

infested nature of the human area: when the

full 'on'/high activity part of the cycle is

needed, then these sources must loose a lot

of material; but when the low level part of

the cycle follows, then all that material

can't easily just go back up to the high parts

because it has been corrupted by the human

area; and although material does escape

from medium (or about the medium) level

human area, that escape is limited and can't

be depended upon. So that our bringing

down material from the sources, favors a

constant medium level mode; whereas the

satisfying of human hungers often favors a

cycling mode. So that we have work to do

in trying to integrate these two systems.

Start skip:

One thing we don't want to do, is to take

advantage of the long 'off' setting we were

in before we started the hunger satisfying,

to start a round of full 'on' setting, (in the

cycling mode). This is because when we

first start something, material coming down

from the 'second' source must not only

build up the human area, but also replace

what escapes the human area but hasn't had

time to return material to the human area

via the 'one' source. Not only is it loosing

material to initial escape without return, it

must build up to high level for this part of

the cycle; and this just requires a

tremendous amount of material to be lost

from the high parts to be corrupted by the

human area. But if we first establish a

constant level of hunger satisfying (even

though this isn't where we want to be

ultimately), then the material that escapes

the human area will in time generate a

return to the human area via the 'one'

source; so that a cycling action can be done

from this position without such large

demands for high material to come down

and be corrupted. After the constant

medium level has been established, we then

do a deliberate full 'off', in the first segment

of the hunger satisfying (while leaving the

rest at medium). Material then backs up in

the return from the high parts of the 'one'

source. After the deliberate full 'off', a full

'on' is then done with this segment; while

the next segment starts its deliberate full

'off', with the following segments still at

medium. This wave continues through the

hunger to the end segment. After each

segment goes full 'on' they then go to 'very

low'; and this can be done via the human

area itself, requiring nothing to have to

come down from the sources. End skip.

So that the

human area doing for itself stays active

even until the end of this cycling hunger


Now, I have just stumbled onto a mistake in

these logics that will shake them up into a

new form. The concept has been that at

medium level, material Escapes from

human areas -thus bringing the remnant

human area below medium due to the loss

of material; thus requiring material to be

restored from higher sources so as to keep

material escaping.

But this is in error. What happens to

corrupt human areas at medium is that the

material doing the human actions

eventually escapes its internal evils. If a

sorting action is then applied that separates

this material away, there is then a loss to the

human area, moving it below medium. But

human areas and actions left to their own

devices without interference, generate a

medium level, and material escapes its

internal evils at that medium level. What is

needed is to modify any external sorting

action so that this is not spoiled. So that

additional injection of material having

to come down from the high parts is not

needed to fix what a generic sorting action

caused. It is the shepherding entity that

does these sorting actions; so what it does

different, is that when human material

escapes its internal evils, it doesn't remove

them from the human area, but just puts a

barrier between this (formerly) human

material (that escaped its internal evils), and

the very similar human material right next

to it (that is still captive of its internal evils).

The evil-free-formerly-human material still

produces what it used to produce (but now

evil free of its former internal evils), and

that is still delivered to the human area as

before; so that the human area stays at

medium level. Now, since this part has

escaped its internal evil, it can produce

higher than at medium: but from that, the

shepherding entity only delivers medium to

the rest of the (evil laden) human area.

There is then, now no need for material to

come down from the high parts; and the

human area maintains medium level on its

own here, just like it would if it were left

alone without interference from any

external sorting actions. -There is

no need for sources to come down and

deliver material to the human area

(except to make sure there is adequate

shepherding entity (if not supplied by

escaping human material)).

The shepherding entity acts on the human

area to put a barrier between human

material that escaped its internal evil, and

human material that still has its internal

evils (so that the newly evil free material

isn't re corrupted by the still human

material), while still allowing the

production from both materials to be for

the whole human (and formerly human)

area -with the condition that only enough

material is delivered to the human material

still with its internal evils, so as to bring it

up to medium ability, but not rich ability;

whereas with the material that has escaped

its internal evils, it can generate to higher

than medium, to rich.

-The shepherding entity acts, in addition to

putting up a barrier; acts as a middle man

to deliver material produced by the now

evil free formerly human material, to the

still human material (but only up to

medium ability); so that the still human

material doesn't notice a loss of this

formerly human material. (Note that the

shepherding entity itself doesn't participate

in any of the hunger satisfying

actions(especially the still corrupted ones),

but does work with those actions.)

(And, one way the the shepherding entity

might accomplish the delivery of only a

medium level from the rich evil free

formerly human parts, (especially if in a

pinch), would be to do only a partial

separation or an incomplete or weaker, non

absolute barrier between these two parts.)

As more and more human material escapes

its internal evils, the shepherding entity

does move its barrier to account for this,

until all the human area has escaped its

internal evils. So that within the formerly

human parts that have escaped their

internal evils, there are not multiple entities

where the oldest ones are the richest and

the newest ones are the poorest; but that

any barriers between these are dissolved

and the material there is joined as One

entity (-the shepherding entity acts to

dissolve barriers here, (even as it erects

barriers elsewhere)). So that what some of

the oldest material had accomplished

initially, it will re accomplish and repeat as

a combined entity as new material comes in

and is joined. And this is good as it builds

up the active doing of the force of good

here. (As it is easier for the force of good to

do something it has already done before,

than to try to make it accomplish new

achievements.) Actually, once a human

part escapes its internal evils and becomes

an all-good-part, and is then joined to the

all good entity: even though it starts out

not much higher than the human part it

came from; it is seen by the rest of the

high good parts, as a destination for their

goodness, and it is lavished upon until it

too is just as high as every other part of the

high good parts. This intense

goodness that these high good parts do

directly to each other, is unlike what is

done to the human parts where a 3rd party,

the shepherding entity, takes a small 'tax' of

this intense goodness and delivers it to the

human parts only up to medium ability for

them, (and also puts up a barrier (non

absolute), between these almost high good

parts, and the human area); and also more

forcefully (but non destructively), removes

the all destructive away from these parts, to

the all destructive pile, (and with a more

absolute barrier or complete separation,

keeps them away from both the human, and

the almost high parts).

This shepherding entity delivers nothing

good to the all destructive parts, and does

Not bring them up to medium level.

Note that the shepherding entity only joins

the Good evil free formerly human material

that has escaped its internal evils into this

good entity, and not the remnant human

material (which is supplemented to

medium with the production from the good

material)-but only supplemented to

medium where human material is, and not

supplemented where the all destructive

material is, where human material once

was, but where this has separated and the

good material has escaped leaving only all

destructive material.xx

So, good evil-free material doesn't move

out of evil's way, but evil is moved out of

the (formerly) human area. Now, the

shepherding entity that does this, isn't a

high part, so that high parts don't have to be

sacrificed to give up their high life.x

Note that the human area's internal evils are

unsolvable and the shepherding entity is

unable to separate them, and This

(ruminating at medium level) is how

the shepherding entity deals with that. But

external all-evils attacking the human area

are a different story; and the shepherding

entity Does act additionally to separate

these all-destructive attacks away, into the

3rd pile, -the all destructive pile.x

Now, perhaps one dividing line between

that which is evil-free formerly human

material, vs regular human material; is old

vs new things being done. When

something is old, it has had a chance to

operate at medium level and have its evil

separate away. But when an action or

component is new, if it has a part in

humanness, then it won't have had a chance

for its evil to separate away. So that

perhaps a place for our shepherding entity

to erect a barrier (and also transfer supplies

to medium); is in that which is newly

undertaken vs that which is older.

Note that the idea to Join formerly human

material that has escaped some of its

internal evils, into an evil free (or less evil)

good entity, should also include a full 3 d

sorting action, especially on the older

Human parts at medium where the good

and evil have separated; where the good to

be joined has escaped (and left behind) its

internal evils -with those internal evils now

taking the form of an all destructive entity

which seeks to feed on the remnant human


Yes, with the older human material that

has ruminated at medium, which has

separated into all good, /still human, /and

also some all destructive; not only should

the shepherding entity join and separate

the all good together into a good entity;

it should also (forcefully but non

destructively) remove the all destructive to

the all destructive pile; and also the remnant

human material to the human pile (which is

separate from the all destructive pile) (and

which is towards the new material). And

it should do this 3 d sorting before it

delivers production from the good entity;

and only delivers production to the

human pile needing to be brought up to

medium; and Not at all to the all

-destructive pile. (In fact, casting away the

all destructive to its pile needs to be done

first and continuously, while the joining

away of new all good material isn't as

urgent and can be done periodically.)

(Since our human material ruminating at

medium continuously generates

destructive parts (as well as good parts):

casting out other external evils is often

less of a priority compared to casting off

this internal evil that is right in front of us

and is within our grasp (so we aren't

blindsided by it).)

Since new material hasn't had a chance to

ruminate at medium, and thus hasn't had a

chance for material to separate from its

internal evils; there is thus more human

material here, and so this is where the

older, remnant human material is sorted

(unto its own kind). Also, since new

material hasn't been done yet, it is thus at

barren level, so there is much human

material here needing to be raised to

medium level. So it is here in the new

material where the shepherding entity also

delivers more of the production-to-medium

from the good entity.

-So that it is more expedient, after any all

destructive is separated away to its pile,

(generated from the ruminations at

medium); to wait to separate the all good

generated from these ruminations to the

good entity, until one first moves these two

different parts as a unit, to the new area;

and one can then remove the good parts to

the good entity and simultaneously deliver

replacement production from the good

entity to this part of the human area which

includes the now remnant human part,

(from the older activities). Otherwise one

would have to relocate the production just

delivered to the remnant human part,

(along with the remnant human part), to the

new area and the new human parts, (which

also need new production delivered to them

since they are at barren from not being

done before).

And if one has branched out into several or

many different areas that are all human;

when one is moving the human material

and good material as a unit (after the all

destructive has been cast away to its pile),

one can move all of these together, so when

the good materials are separated and joined

to the good entity, and the remnant human

materials are given production to medium;

that the remnant human materials thus

won't be scattered all about, but will be

able to interact together as a human entity.

And as any further branching out occurs,

this can be repeated, so that one is not

doing too many things at once, and is able

to manage one's human entity. And since

all the material is human, sorting it into its

own pile is in line with our 3 d sorting


But this is in contrast to a situation where

we are doing one human action or

sequence, and are then distracted to do

something else before we are finished with

the first thing.

-And also even the situation of just the

sequences of doing one human action.

When one does a first part of a human

action; that material being done at medium

level separates into all good, and all

destructive, and also remnant human

material. Our shepherding entity then

removes the all destructive to its pile as

soon as it is produced. This leaves the all

good material to be sorted to its entity; but

that has been delayed for reasons of

expedience. But then when one wants to

go onto the next segment in doing the

human action, the new segment contains a

lot of new human material that starts to

separate and to introduce new all

destructive into this older material that

contains the all good. And that isn't a good

thing. Of course, being ready for the next

step in a sequence, is what the expediency

was waiting for, so that the shepherding

entity sorts the all good to its entity at this

time thus alleviating this problem. But

when something interrupts or distracts our

doing of a human action; our shepherding

entity also needs to take that as a que to no

longer postpone the sorting of the all good

that has been generated, to its all good

entity. And if our shepherding entity does

this, then the situation where there are

multiple human areas with lingering all

good needing to be brought together, and

then delivering the all good to its entity (as

just discussed); won't happen. So that the

previous excuse for postponing sorting

the all good generated to its entity, isn't

valid. (The only remaining valid reason

for postponing that sorting, remains

moving that material to the area where the

next step will soon be undertaken.) (And

yes, this is about our sorting; and we are

neglecting that sorting if we allow all good

to be contacted by all destruction in the

human area.)

So that if we are interrupted in our doing of

a human action, then there is no new next

step. So that we should no longer postpone

sorting the all good generated up to

this point, to the good entity; but should

immediately sort that all good here out of

the human pile, to the good entity. And

concerning representations of deceased

loved ones that are in us: since they won't

be generating new material here (since

the loved one is deceased), there's no reason

to delay sorting the all good here as we

do with the rest of our living activities; and

we can sort it immediately to the all good

pile also.

And concerning our interactions, including

romantic ones, with other people who snub

us vs those who freely interact with us; we

would do well to not hold the all good

generated for long but to soon sort it to its

good entity, since there isn't likely to be

much prolonged Human interaction with

these people who snub us. Hopefully this

will prevent us from giving ourselves pain

through our dealing with these people.

Note that even in our living human

actions and interactions with our friends,

that when at the end of our production, we

also stop holding the all-good generated

from being sorted to the good entity. And

that we do this not-holding-up-sorting-the

-good-material, in the case of people who

snub us, not as a vengeful thing, but only to

prevent the pain to ourselves that

neglecting to 3 d sort would cause us in

these situations.

And once we sort this all good material to

its good entity, there is a flurry of activity

where the rest of the all good entity lavishes

its richness upon this new all good material

and brings it up to richness with the rest of

this all good area.

Now, when we find ourselves constantly

distracted by new things to the point we are

unable to get anything done, then it is time

to prioritize things. And we can choose to

favor one of these things that is further

along in its action, that is closer to

completion than the other things. And we

can do this by more immediately sorting

the all good generated, in the things we

wish to postpone; while allowing the all

good generated in the thing we choose to

pursue at this moment, to linger and not be

sorted right away to its good entity.

What is going on here is that when mostly

all good material is allowed to linger, it

generates excess material and starts to

become rich; and when after a time it is

sorted to its all good entity, it leaves behind

excess production. And the shepherding

entity can then use that production to dole

out to the next step so as to keep it at

medium level. But when there is no excess

production right there, then the shepherding

entity has to bring it in from the all good

entity, which represents a downgrade for

that production as it has been injected into

an area where there is more destruction; so

that the shepherding entity likes to

minimize what it delivers to only save

existing human material (by keeping it at

medium level), and not so much to do

activities that the human material wants to

do: so it is mostly a maintenance of

existing human material that is constantly

shrinking as that material separates in its

forces and those parts are sorted away. But

once one finishes one thing, then they can

move onto one of these neglected things by

no longer immediately sorting the all good

generated to the good entity, but letting it

linger here in the human area before sorting

it to the good entity. So that the

shepherding entity will have material

already in the human area, stained by the

human area, to allow next steps of that

human action to not only be maintained but

also to do more of the human ruminating

things it wants to do, thus eventually

achieving completion of that human

activity, allowing one then to move onto

the next human activity. x

Now, if one is at an end of a production, or

one is at a time of no new material, then

remnant human material can find itself very

lonely. -It has lost the material that trended

towards all good, and also the material that

trended towards all destructive; and it has

no New human material it is to be joined

with. So that in some ways, it is very

needy of material that the shepherding

entity delivers from the formerly human,

good, almost high parts. And when this

remnant human material Receives that

support material unto medium level, it

continues to separate in its forces from its

internal evils.

And as the shepherding entity does

additional 3 d sorting to it, -casting away

the all-evils, and removing the all-good to

the almost high parts (via the barrier); there

becomes less and less remnant human

material so that eventually all the remnant

human material has separated in its forces

and there is no remnant human material.

(And when there is no remnant human

material, the shepherding entity no longer

delivers material to bring up to medium

level here.)

And don't forget to have the shepherding

entity remove the remnant bit of

all-destructive material generated in this last

separation event to the all destructive


Note that simultaneous to our shepherding

entity delivering a medium level

environment to remnant human parts (plus

its other sorting activities), that our high

good parts are lavishing goodness to high

level upon the new good parts the

shepherding entity has just sorted off from

the (remnant) human area (that is

ruminating at medium level (where the

forces are separating and new good parts

are being generated)); and that these two

actions are not the same action but are two

distinct actions. xx

(In all this focus on the shepherding

entity, don't forget a balance with non

working high parts.)

Now, this whole idea about sources

supplying material to the human area that

had to come down from high parts, no

longer applies Here. And this is great. This

problem has been solved here. But what

this is, is the constant medium level of

doing the human area or satisfying human

hungers. This is a good starting point, but

human hungers also like to be done in

cycling mode. (And in this case, material

from the sources might be used in this

setup, to generate the high levels that are

part of the full 'on' part of the cycle.) But

instead of high parts, we can use the human

parts that have just become freed from their

internal evils, as a source for material for

the full 'on' part of a cycle. Being free of

their own internal evil, they can be done at

higher level, thus generating the needed

material. They are almost like high parts,

except that they are in contact with the

shepherding entity. /Now, when new

human material frees itself from its internal

evils, initially, it isn't generating at high

level; but even so, it is still put together

with the other evil free formerly human

materials that are generating at high(er)

level of the good entity; and they express

their force of goodness by lavishing to

richness upon these new good parts./

Now, I want to get back to the idea of

letting the all-good, generated from the

human material at medium, to linger with

the human material before being sorted to

the good entity. The shepherding entity

does both 3 d sorting; as well as placing a

non absolute barrier between the human,

and all-good entity which includes

delivering material from the all-good entity

(to the human entity to maintain medium

level in the human entity).

These are two actions of the shepherding

entity. What if we could combine these

actions? Because, it is easier and safer

against contamination by evil, to let the all

good generated by the human material at

medium, to linger and generate production

for putting the human material at medium;

instead of having the shepherding entity

sort the all good generated immediately to

the good entity, and then having the

shepherding entity return material from the

good entity back across the barrier to the

human material in order to put it at medium


So with this easier way (when available),

the shepherding entity isn't needed to sort

the good material (right away), and isn't

needed to deliver material from the good

entity across the barrier. Now when the

lingering good material has generated

enough production to put the human

material at medium, and then starts to put

the human material into richness: then is

when the shepherding entity acts with its (3

d) sorting action to finally remove (some

of) the lingering good material to the good

entity. So that now, the shepherding entity

mainly manages things with its sorting

action, and only delivers material across

the barrier from the good entity when there

is no lingering all good material in the

human area to provide this. Note that

lingering all good material in the human

area can generate more human material so

the human area is not totally vacated by the

sorting actions of the shepherding entity.

And once all the sequences of a human

hunger have been filled (by having each

build up to medium level before the

shepherding entity removes (sorts) any

additional lingering good material (which

means the shepherding entity is Not

removing lingering good material when a

segment is below medium level)); then the

human hunger can be satisfied.

You see, before a human hunger is satisfied,

it is all human material, as it is imperfect;

and even though one may do many sorting

actions with their shepherding entity; not

much all-good material will be removed

away, because the material is mainly still

human. But once the hunger has been

satisfied, there is more all-good material

due to the satisfaction, and a sorting action

by one's shepherding entity at this time,

Will remove substantial good material to

the good entity. Skip: So that at this time,

one should adjust their sorting action (from

their shepherding entity), to although

sorting most of the all good material to the

good entity, to leave a little bit of the

satisfied all good material behind

(lingering) with the human material. -So as

to eventually generate a medium level at a

later date, as this represents the 'off' part of

a human hunger cycle. -Or alternatively, to

sort all of the all-good to the good entity,

and return a small bit of material and

production from that rich good entity

across the barrier. End skip.

Note that even though the shepherding

entity is Not acting with its sorting action

when it lets all-good material linger in the

human area: at the same time, it Is

acting with its sorting in removing the all

-destructive (that is also continuously being

generated (at medium)), to the all

destructive pile.

Note that in the case of a Destruction that

one's shepherding entity is unable to sort

away; that one's shepherding entity should

immediately sort any lingering all-good in

that area and surrounding area, to the good

entity right away, as a response to all evil

and cruel people, or destructiveness of

death (Oops, this is no longer our response).

Now then, once again, I may have made an

error, and don't have the clearest picture of

what is going on here. I have come up with

this 3d sorting action to sort all-destructive;/

human;/ and all-good materials, into

separate piles. What gives me the right to

delay sorting the all good material

generated, right away to its all good entity

but instead, allow it to linger in the human

area? If this 3 d sorting is to take on a

religious and holy act, it should not be

allowed to be hampered at all. However,

the reason 'lingering' IS allowed, is in

support of the very important concept of

maintaining medium level in the human

area. However, the idea of doing 'lingering'

in order to generate additional human

material, is an error, and is no longer valid.

You see, life material in the human area is

trapped and tortured by being in the human

area; and to deliberately put additional life

into a human area, isn't a desirable thing.

So that when there is a void, and forces of

good seek to fill that void; it is preferred

that it be filled with all-good life. And this

is the way it should be, that now, all-good

entities have priority to filling any voids.

However, if voids aren't able to be filled

by the all good (due to contamination from

destruction) then secondarily, human

life may then have priority to fill them. So

that there still is a minor role for generating

new human material through lingering.

What I think and theorize is actually going

on, is that the All Good entity Is what

generates new human material. It is

by forces of good always trying new

things, to grow and cross barriers, that

this happens. You see, two actions may in

themselves each be destruction free, but

when they are combined and done in new

ways, that these new ways can contain

some destruction, due to entropy and that

destruction is one of the possibilities. So

that new human material is generated as a

byproduct of the activities of the all good

entities. But we shouldn't generate human

material just for the sake of generating

human material, but do so only as a

byproduct of other activities of the all-good


And with the case of immediately removing

all good from a human area where

destruction threatens or meanness is

present, (in order to save that material to

the good entity and so as not to feed

destructive forces); actually does not cause

the remnant human material to disappear as

I had thought earlier. You see, as all good,

and also all destructive material are sorted

immediately to their respective piles, there

is a lot of material that is being removed so

that the remnant human material is quickly

lowered from medium to barrenness, so

that the forces quit separating. It is only in

the human area Not attacked by

overpowering destruction, where the

lingering all-good keeps this area up to

medium; so that when the remnant human

material (all the remnant human material)

has thus separated into all good vs all

destructive, and sorted to their respective

piles, then the lingering all-good is

also completely sorted to the all good

entity, leaving nothing in the human area.

And this void surrounding the

overpowering destruction is not replaced

and acts as a quarantine to separate away

that all destructive thing. (But in the voids

even further away from the destruction,

there is opportunity for new human

material to be generated; but this is mainly

the playground of the all good entity to

generate all good into this void.)

Now, there is the opposing idea of the

survival of the strongest, and that imperfect

or human material, should be put out of its

misery to make room for perfect life forms

to have that place instead. -reminding me

of the transformer movie where the 'bad'

transformer states that optimus prime's

weakness is that he cares about the weak.

(ie, the poor). Yes, there is the idea of how

to deal with the undesirable existence of

the imperfect human area, by just killing it

and destroying it, as a solution to its

existence. Since if it is killed, then it can't

generate more human life, and it can be

eliminated that way. But if the human area

isn't the only source of human life, but if

the all-good area also generates some

human life as a byproduct of its activities,

then this solution won't be a final solution.

And, this is not a workable solution because

doing so just feeds forces of destruction,

and the large presence and allowance of

destruction, makes the whole area a

'human' area, because it is destruction itself

that is the main imperfection, and enemy.

And then there is the fact of how sexual

morality has caused individuals to be

focused as being good at one area, and thus

poor at other areas, so as to build a powerful

societal entity. So that these imperfect

individuals, who would be killed or

relegated to poor stations in life, are the

ones who come together as the most

powerful societal entity, which overcomes

the disorganized collection of survival of

the fittest strongmen, and removes their

survival of the fittest, killing of the weak,

mentality/solution. (Of course, as the

societal entity is taken to its extreme,

leaving the individual nothing, then in this

case, maybe it is alright to let that thing


Let me go over in more detail what happens

when parts in the all good entity generate

human material. When the good entity

generates human material, the good parts

that generated it must move away from the

human material if they want the

shepherding entity to come in and sort it to

the human pile, since the shepherding

entity isn't allowed contact with the all

good material. And once the shepherding

entity sorts the generated human material

away (from its good parents), it is all alone,

and quite possibly unable to generate to

medium level on its own, at least initially.

So in this circumstance, the policy of

lingering isn't enough; and this is a rare

instance where we use the previous plan of

the shepherding entity's barrier plus taking

some production from the all good entity

(including the parts which generated the

human entity); and giving it to the human

entity to bring it from barren to medium.

Once the human material is at medium, it

generates all-good, and that then can be

allowed to linger, so that beyond the initial

startup, the shepherding entity delivering

material from the high parts is no longer


You see, it is the shepherding entity's job to

keep human material away from high parts,

but when high parts themselves generate

human material, They then need to step

away from these human parts before the

shepherding entity can come in and sort

these human parts to the human pile./

Also note that in addition to the shepherding

entity no longer immediately sorting the

all-destructive to the destructive pile, in the

area where a meanness is;

that our all good entity also refrains from

generating human material in this area, but

generates the human material away from

this area (by doing new things, and the

things that are known to generate human

material, there; while only doing old things

that don't generate human material, above

the area where meanness is). -And also

that the human material in this area also

refrain from generating more human

material. So that if the meanness destroys

the only thing in front of it (which is the

remnant human material), then it is not

replaced, and there is then nothing in the

grasp of this meanness, and it, alone, self

consumes and disappears. (So in this

case, destructiveness Has eliminated

human material.) Of course, if the

meanness doesn't kill the human material

there, it just sits there and doesn't advance

to the high parts unlike other human

material that isn't in the grasp of the

meanness, which Is advanced to no longer

be human material but to join the high

parts. Note that even if one's shepherding

entity fails to do its response to a

meanness; that the response of the all-good

entity, of not generating more new human

material in the area of meanness, or the

area surrounding the meanness, but to, yes,

allow itself to generate new human material

outside these areas; is quite an effective


Now, when one is doing work, which of

necessity involves human material: when

that human material is trapped under a

mean boss or forced to work with a mean

co worker; (and also in the non work, sexual

situations where a jealous rival intrudes);

it is here where one's shepherding entity

has been unable to completely separate/3d

sort, the all destructive away (to the all

destructive pile).

(Oops, the following is no longer

our response.): So that one's shepherding

entity here is forced to no longer allow

lingering but to immediately sort the

goodnesses generated and within their

grasp, to the all good pile (which is the

other part of 3d sorting that the

shepherding entity does). Their

shepherding entity does this so as to

remove these goodnesses so they're not

destroyed and so they don't feed this

destruction. However, this act leaves the

remnant human material abandoned and

lowers it below medium so that it no longer

separates in its forces, and traps it to

remain as human material, not advancing

to join the good high parts. So that

this is an undesirable outcome, so that

in addition to this forced move by the

shepherding entity in this area; the

shepherding entity additionally moves its

creative activities away from the meanness,

and does lingering to the human material

not in the grasp of the meanness. So that

the human material away from meanness's

grasp is cleared away with the good parts

removed to the all good entity. And

eventually all that remains is the human

material within meanness's grasp that it

hadn't destroyed. This quarantines this

meanness so that it is alone and separated

and by itself. By itself, it self consumes,

and usually takes the trapped human

material with it.

Unfortunately, this doesn't bode well for

the idea: Now because meanness and

destructiveness is the weaker force; the

shepherding entity is able to sneak in, like a

thief in the night, and when the meanness is

inattentive, to rescue that remaining human

material and finally linger it away into

separating in its forces and remove the

good parts to the all good high parts. But

until this final time, one should busy their

shepherding entity to attending human

material that is out of the meanness's grasp.

Let us instead, use this unsortable

overpowering destruction as the dumping

ground for all the other all destructions that

we sort off our doing of our human hunger

satisfyings, as well as any other external all

destructions we encounter that we can sort.

With all these destructions consuming

each other; any trapped human material

will also be consumed. (So in this case, the

destroy the human material option is used,

but it is the destructions themselves that do

this destroying, and not any good or

shepherding entity.)

In the case of a deceased loved one: who

they are right now, is a void. This void

cannot feel the pain of their death or the

passage of time. But this void is under the

control of the destruction that killed them,

and as such, the high good cannot come in

and fill this void until these (not void)

destructions there are dealt with. Now if

the overpowering destruction can feed on

forces of good, then it can continue to

exist for a long time, and can prevent high

forces of good from filling this void, for

as long as the destruction exists. Since the

destruction itself isn't a void, it too feels

the passage of time as long as it is alive.

And even though our deceased loved

one is a void and cannot feel the pain

of their death; we who are still alive, do

feel the pain of their death. And some of

our human material associated with our

loved one, has become trapped by the

destruction that caused our loved one's

death, (while other parts of our human

material associated with our loved one, does

surround this area; and even other parts of

this material, is even further away and is

completely outside the area of this

destruction.) What we can do, is make this

area within ourself, a dumping ground for

where we sort all our all-destructive

material to that we are able to sort. But

with our human material associated with

our loved one that surrounds this area, we

linger it to medium and sort the all good

and all destruction generated from it; and

don't replace any new human material to

this area. And with our human material

associated with our loved one that is

completely outside of this area, we linger

with it and sort its products, and also allow

new human material to be generated in this

area. By so quarantining this destruction

that we are unable to sort, not only is the

trapped human material eliminated as the

destructions consume themselves; the

destructions are also eliminated and turn

themselves (and any trapped human

material) into voids free of any control of

any destruction; so that the high good can

then come in and feed on it and make high

good of it.

Now, this idea does violate our 3 d sorting.

Human material isn't supposed to be sorted

together with all-destructive material. So

that this is an exception to our 3 d sorting.

So that before one allows trapped human

material to be treated like this, they should

make sure they are totally unable to sort

this human material away from any all

destructive material. And if they aren't

able, then it is ok to call this material as

trapped human material, and treat is so.

However, one should be open to allowing

more capable entities to sort this trapped

human material away from the destruction,

and should not hinder their actions by too

quickly using this area as a dumping

ground. So that one sorts their all

destructive material right away to another

all destructive pile, and then slowly moves

that pile to join with this dumping ground

area. (But by then, much of the all

destructive material may have self

consumed, and won't be available to dump

on this area.)

And also, before one treats an all

destructive material as needing to be

quarantined like this, they should try to sort

it to an all destructive pile first, and then if

they are unable to sort it thusly, it can then

be treated as this overpowering destruction,

as I have just outlined previously.

Now. There is the idea of an insidious

powerful evil that takes what is normally

known as all destructive, and changes that

into human material, by devouring and

destroying shepherding entities as they try

to rescue trapped human material or try to

3d sort this overpowering destruction. And

this can work because the shepherding

entities are usually of sizable capability

level, which is great food for destruction to

go to town in. Since no one seems to be able

to separate the trapped human material from

the normally all destructive material, then

this whole unit must be called a human

entity because not being able to separate

good and destruction is what human

material is defined to be. But one can

differentiate this type of human material

from other human material by that it

attacks, destroys and feeds on shepherding

entities that try to work with it. However,

what the more powerful shepherding

entities find unable to separate, the lowly

human entities, are able to separate. Yes,

if surrounding (medium) human entities

get together: since this overwhelming

destruction is powerful, that power is

vulnerable to consumption by evil. So

if the lowly human material at medium,

does dump the all destructions it generates

which it is able to separate away from the

doing of its human activities, upon this

'human' entity* that feeds on and destroys

shepherding entities *(in violation of 3 d

sorting), then these multiple all-destructions

will consume the overpowering

destruction's power, so shepherding

entities can then safely come in and

separate the trapped human material

from it, Thus removing a large evil from

masquerading as a human entity, to the all

destructive pile. And since the surrounding

'trapped' human material is not high power,

it itself is not good food for this powerful

evil to consume and destroy. So that

perhaps it isn't a good idea for a

shepherding entity to act to immediately

remove any last bit of all good from human

entities in the presence of one of these

overpowering evils, but only remove itself,

and leave the 'trapped' human material with

the all good it generates, to linger with it,

so that it continues at medium, to separate

in its forces and generate all destructive

material, which it can then sort away from

itself and onto the overpowering

destructive 'human' entity, (which does

violate the 3 d sorting concept), but thus

defeating this overpowering 'human' evil.

So that now, we no longer immediately

sort every bit of all good off of the human

material as a response to overpowering

evils (we are unable to sort away), which

would trap that human material due to it

being lowered from medium level to barren

level by this removal of all good material.

Our response is then mainly: our

shepherding entity no longer immediately

sorts away the all destructive generated by

the human material, but mostly removes

itself and charges the human material to be

its own amateur shepherding entity, to

act in violation of the 3d sorting the

shepherding entity does, and to on its own,

deliver its generated all destructive, to the

overpowering 'human' evil; while the

shepherding entity still lets the all good

generated by the would be 'trapped' human

material to linger with it so it keeps it up to

medium level and not barren level. The

difference is that now, the shepherding

entity no longer immediately sorts away the

all destructive generated, and leaves that

for this human material (to deliver to the

overpowering destruction in violation of 3d


Otherwise, when dealing with friendly

people and non overpowering destructions;

here, the shepherding entity still

immediately sorts the all destructive

material generated, as well as any external

all destructives, away to an all destructive

pile, and never violates 3 d sorting.

This is now the response a shepherding

entity does when it comes across an

overpowering destruction: -It stops sorting

the all destructive generated by medium

human material in the grasp of and

surrounding this overpowering destruction.

Now, when under this circumstance,

although lingering* is practiced (in order to

bring up to medium), the human material

should not be allowed to go above medium

to rich, because the nearby all destruction

that is also not sorted away would burn

down this material; so that the shepherding

entity steps in to remove/sort excess all

good material away to the good entity to

prevent a rich level from occurring.

*(lingering is also a 'hands off' stance

concerning the shepherding entity). And

also that this isn't the time for the human

material here to test the richness that it can

be, which it sometimes can do when not

under an overpowering destruction.

So that it isn't the same entity that handles

the all destructive material that the human

entities generate. When an overpowering

destruction is around, the shepherding

entity mainly steps back and it is the

'trapped' human material that handles the

all-destruction it generates. But after the

overpowering destruction is burned down

to a manageable size (by the 'trapped'

human material dumping its all destructive

material on it), then the remaining human

material relinquishes that handling of the

all destruction it generates, back to the

shepherding entity, which does act in

accordance with 3 d sorting (unlike the

human material). The same entity doesn't

do both these things. It is two different

entities, the shepherding entity, and then

the human material entity that do trade off

with each other.

Now then; the overpowering destructions

we may encounter, sometimes are

represented by actual human beings, who

are rich and powerful and also mean,

demanding, and destructive. Sometimes

one, as human material, may wonder how

they are to deliver the all destructive that

they generate when they are at medium

level, unto this mean and powerful person.

Well, the thing about most mean and

powerful people, is that they mark off areas

of you that they claim do not belong to you,

but belong to them instead. (How else do

you think they become rich and powerful?)

So that there is no need to try to track

down these mean and powerful people,

when there are areas within yourself that

belong to these people, right inside of you.

So, just dump the all destruction you

generate from your human activities at

medium, there, within yourself, first. And

then when that burns down, relinquish the

Handling of the all destructive you

generate (from the doing of your human

things at medium level); to your

shepherding entity, which no longer

violates 3 d sorting, like you have (of

necessity), done.x

Now then; I consider the sequential steps

which come together to in the end; satisfy a

Human Hunger: At first, one tries with their

shepherding entity to remove the all

destructions generated to the all destructive

pile. If one's shepherding entity is able,

then great. But if one's shepherding entity

is unable, then this step finds an

overpowering destruction; and then the

shepherding entity steps away to let the

human material trapped there to instead,

deliver the all destructive it generates, to

that overpowering destruction. The

overpowering destruction then has its

power burned down, so the shepherding

entity can come in again and this time,

successfully sort this now not so

overpowering destruction to the all

destructive pile. Eventually these

sequential parts of the human hunger are

completed and the hunger satisfied. But

there is the situation where part of the

sequences are completed, but at some point

in the middle, an overpowering destruction

is encountered. The question here is, do

the early segments where the shepherding

entity is successfully removing the all

destructive generated, then revert to having

their human part deliver the all destructive

they generate to the overpowering

destruction of the latest segment? Or do

these prior steps continue having the

shepherding entity remove the all

destructive they generate; while only with

the current step, does the shepherding

entity relinquish its presence to let the

human material here deliver just its

production of all destructive to the

overpowering destruction? And I would

choose this later stance. And my reasoning

is that when the human material here acts

as amateur shepherding entity to deliver its

all destructive to the overpowering

destruction; it is basically committing

suicide, and is also being degraded as it is

going down along with the overpowering

destruction. As such, it is no longer at

medium level. No longer at medium level,

it no longer separates in its forces, and thus

no longer generates all destructive material.

Without additional all destructive material,

the overpowering destruction may be able

to recover and continue being

overpowering. So by having a prior

sequence that Is at medium level, under the

successful actions of the shepherding

entity; it continually generates material that

feeds into this latest sequence, thus keeping

the human material in this latest sequence

at medium, -providing material that

separates in its forces, part of which

becomes all destructive, which is thus

continually thrown into the overpowering

destruction by the human material there (in

current violation of 3 d sorting).

With a continuing barrage of all

destructive material, this overpowering

destruction is overcome, and its power is

burned down so that it is no longer

overpowering. We thus can continue on to

the next step and the next step in the

sequence, until the hunger is finally


So that now, in the sleepy hollow literature

that we might have read as part of our high

school education, where all the escape

attempts we thought were going so well,

were in the final realization, only a dream,

and the final realization is that of a body on

the hangman's noose: this is the

overcoming of that final sequence. -That

we don't allow the overpowering

destruction of the final sequence to have

access to the human material of the

previous sequences, but only to the human

material of its current sequence. And since

it has access to the human material of the

current sequence; that human material has

access to it: -to deliver the all destructive

that it continuously produces(thanks to

human material in prior sequences that are

free of it), to this overpowering, final

sequence, destruction.

Note that here in America with all the

touting of how freedom is a big thing; that

that only applies to corporations so they are

free to do as they please. You as an

individual are not free to do as you please,

because that might interfere with corporate

interests. The government has invested

years of schooling to program and

condition you to have a work ethic for the

benefit of corporations. And they do not

appreciate it when in a few bouts of taking

drugs, all that programming is destroyed.

And in your job, too much partying and

fooling around is not allowed because those

pleasurable distractions interfere and short

circuit the rewards program that they have

set up for guiding you to perform for them.

However, because corporations often

represent an overpowering destructiveness,

they need to be burned down with the all

destructions you generate from partying,

even if that is illegal. But don't do this with

your whole self, but only in the parts of you

that are overcome from the corporate

power over your life; so that the non

involved parts can continually generate

material to go into the area that is

overcome by corporate power and

continually violate their corporate

programming within yourself, in a party

atmosphere, whereby you continually

dump the all destructives generated from

your partying, upon their overpowering

corporate meanness over areas within

yourself, which does degenerate down in

destruction and death, to this part of you,

and also to them and their

corporate/government power

over you; and doing this as a group, do

thereby show that destructiveness, plus

richness and powerfulness, doesn't work,

because of the natural law that destruction

feeds on richness and power, and burns it

down to nothingness. As it is one of our

purposes as imperfect human beings, to

help overcome overpowering destructions

where the more powerful shepherding

entities, and all good entities, are unable, by

themselves, to do so. However, this part

where we take on these overpowering

destructions in a lawless anarchist death

spiral, does not occur with our whole self,

(for this to work), but only occurs in our

newest step we are undertaking, or where

the overpowering destruction is. As we

clear away and defeat the overpowering

destruction's control over that area of our

life, we relinquishes it to our shepherding

entity, which does not act lawlessly and

does enact 3 d sorting.

Note that although we work with the pain of

human hungers, or the pain of abstinence

(if we are in an abstinence stance), to

deliver those destructions to the

overpowering destruction: that when our

shepherding entity steps in to 3 d sort

everything (when the now not so

overpowering destruction has been burned

down enough); that although our

shepherding entity eventually 3d sorts the

human us, and our human hungers or

abstinence stance to now remove the all

destructions these generate; that the main

focus initially, is to 3d sort the once

overpowering destruction, which may or

may not have had anything to do with these

human hungers (which our human entity

used to bring down this once overpowering

destruction). -So that it isn't only all about

our human hungers, but more about these

other things that act as overpowering


Note that when our human entity is

generating lots of destructive material (that

it delivers to the overpowering destruction),

that our human entity does act at a high

activity level. (-so it also generates much

all good; -much of which needs to be

removed by the shepherding entity, so as to

maintain medium level in the human

material) -(or some controlled burn down

to medium level by feeding it to

destruction, but only if the shepherding

entity is unable to come in; since this does

feed the force of destruction.)

Now, once the overpowering destruction's

power is burned down to not so

overpowering (by the human entity

delivering to it the destructions it

generates); then the shepherding entity can

come in and 3d sort it. And after the

shepherding entity 3 d sorts it, And also

sorts off the all destructive material that the

human entity generates (so that the human

entity no longer delivers this destructive

material to anything); Then the human

material is no longer run at high activity

level, as there is no longer a need to

generate lots of all destruction since there

is no longer an overpowering destruction to

deliver it to. -So one might think the

remaining human material should just fade

away. But although the human material

isn't run at high activity level, it is still run

at medium level, since that it what human

material needs, and hence, that is its resting

level, and it doesn't fade away to nothing

until it frees itself from its human state and

separates into all good and all destructive

-ie, it doesn't strand itself in barrenness by

lowering its activity level to nothing.

Note that when one is going through the

sequences of a human hunger satisfaction,

and the older parts are under the control of

the shepherding entity, being done at

medium activity level; the newest step

might think it should be done at high level

where the human material is in control (of

dealing with the destruction it generates)

and the shepherding entity is staying out

due to an overpowering destruction. But

what if there isn't an external overpowering

destruction needing to be dealt with? Well

in this case, there is no need to run any

human part at high activity level to

generate lots of destruction. And the

human material, including the newest part,

is run at medium level, and in accordance

3d sorting to remove the destructions

generated; until such time as an

overpowering destruction is encountered.

Now, there is the consideration that there is

always overpowering destruction out there;

or the situation of the newest segment is

normally in overpowering destruction; so

that it is the newest segment's place to run

at high level, and be in charge of the

destructions it generates (to throw them

onto any overpowering destructions); so

that it doesn't permanently assume the

resting stance of medium activity until it

has proved itself against evil. And if the

human hunger is the only evil out there at

the time, then in this case, it really Is all

about that human hunger. So it is unclear

to me what the stance of the newest

segment should be. But what is more clear

to me, is that there should be older areas

that have proved themselves against

overpowering evils, and have allowed the

shepherding entity to come in and 3d

sort these now not so overpowering evils:

-it is these older segments free of the

overpowering destructions (that do

themselves at medium level) where the

shepherding entity resides and removes

their destructions they generate for them,

that should remain in this resting stance

and should not join in the lawlessness and

high activity level of the newest segments.

(so as to keep generating newest segments,

as older newest segments keep getting

expended and stalled out in their fight with

overpowering destructions).

These older segments are not under the

influence of the overpowering destruction,

and are the home of the shepherding entity,

since they have already overcome the

overpowering destruction (in a prior joint

cooperation with the shepherding entity).

It is the newest segment that hasn't

overcome the overpowering destruction,

that is where the shepherding entity has

made itself scarce, and is where the

overpowering destruction dominates. But

of course, this is the strength of the meager

human material of the newest segment: and

that is to be able to stand up against

overpowering destructions that are much

bigger, and deliver the destructions

generated from their human actions, thus

burning down the power of the now not so

overpowering destruction so the

shepherding entity is able to then come in

and apply its law and 3d sort that once

overpowering destruction.

Let me revisit the newest segment once


When there is no overpowering evil at the

moment, the newest segment proceeds at

medium level (with an option to cycle:

which allows for temporarily higher and

then also lower activity levels). As it

proceeds, it generates all destructions

(among other things). Now, why would a

shepherding entity want to come in and

defile itself, when this human material

itself can act as an amateur shepherding

entity, and can send the all destructions it

generates to the same place in accordance

with 3 d sorting? So, the shepherding

entity doesn't come in in this initial stage.

Now, this human material may keep going

on, and may complete its hunger, and may

separate in its forces and fade away

(leaving nothing in the human area). But if

it runs into an overpowering destruction at

any time or part of its sequence, then this

human material then acts to no longer

remove the all destructive it generates to

the all destructive pile in accordance with

3d sorting, but instead, delivers it (probably

in violation of 3d sorting), unto the

overpowering destruction; and also

ramps its activity level up so it is at high

level so it generates lots of destruction to

deliver to the overpowering destruction.

As it does this, it, and the overpowering

destruction do go down in a death spiral.

Now is when the shepherding entity steps

in and 3d sorts off the now not so

overpowering destruction, and other

destructions, and restores remnant human

material to medium level, so the human

material here in this now older segment

no longer handles the destructions it

generates as that is now done for it by the

shepherding entity, due to the involvement

of the shepherding entity; and this older

segment doesn't revert back to letting its

human material deliver destructions to the

same overpowering destruction that still

exists in the newer segments. The human

material here, continues at medium under

the protection of the shepherding entity,

and continually generates the newest

human segment, which then acts against

overpowering destruction plaguing the

newest segment; on and on, until

overpowering destructions are removed

from all segments; and the human hunger is

satisfied; (once satisfied, the perfection of

the non human, high all good entity can be

reached), and the human material continues

on at medium until it fades away from

eventually completely separating into all

good vs all destructive, and that being 3d

sorted by the shepherding entity. New

human material may come in from other

sources, but that specific human material

will have completely gone its way. And

our stance is that it is not desirable to

generate human material to fill voids, but

instead high and evil free material; but that

often the generation of new human material

is unavoidable; and it is not to be rejected;

just that it is not sought as a first choice.

The thing is, that when a human hunger is

not complete when an overpowering

destruction sets in, that the older segments

that are in the hands of the shepherding

entity, do continually generate Human

material of the newest segment. So that no

matter how often the overpowering

destruction destroys completely the human

material of the newest segment; the same

or almost the same human material does

replace it. (And the human material of the

older segments, even if they all separate in

their forces and fade away, leaving no

human material, but only all good entity

material: because they are segments that

comprise an incomplete human activity;

they are thus tied (as part of their action) to

generating the newest segment, which is an

imperfect human entity.)

(Just like as humans, our cells die off and

are replaced by new cells, so that after a

time, we are not the same exact person we

were before. And even with the nerve cells

that don't cycle in this replacement; they

change and continually form new synapses,

and loose older synapses. So that it can

truly be said that we are not the same

person we were a time ago. That constancy

of person is something we never had in the

first place, as imperfect human beings.)

So that there is never a void in the newest

segment; but always human material. -That

as previously stated, goes into a death

spiral with the more powerful

overpowering destruction, greatly softening

it up by injecting some destruction into its

power, due to the natural law that

destruction eats power so it is no longer

anywhere near overpowering, so that the

shepherding entity can now handle it. And

even if the once overpowering destruction

completely destroyed all the human

material of the newest segment; the prior

older segments would just generate the

same or nearly the same human material to

replace it. And once the overpowering

destruction is cut down to size in this

segment, the shepherding entity steps in to

3d sort it, and also the human material that

is present in this newest segment. So then

this segment comes to belong to the

shepherding entity, and the next segment is

then generated and is now the newest


But what happens when human material

generates segments for a time in an

environment free of overpowering

destruction, but then before the human

hunger is completed, an overpowering

destruction does step in? As the human

material developed free of overpowering

destruction, no union with the shepherding

entity was realized. So those many

sequences of human material are without

the protection of the shepherding entity;

and now that an overpowering destruction

has newly appeared; they stand to loose all

the sequences they have built so far. What

should they do? If they go against the

overpowering destruction, they will be

killed, and the void generated won't be

filled with a replacement of all these

segments by the shepherding entity, but

instead with just the base or initial

sequence; or with perfect non human

material. So that this human material's

drive for self preservation has it worried

that it isn't going to survive. What should

it do? Well, first of all, it doesn't want to

engage the overpowering destruction, but

wants to get away from it. Since doing the

next segment is what brought it to this new

overpowering destruction, the first move is

to cease and desist and to not advance into

generating the next segment. Even so,

there is no guarantee the overpowering

destruction won't track it down and eat its

lunch. But with whatever time it has left, it

avoids engaging the overpowering

destruction. It hopes to fade away at

medium level to separate into all good and

all destructive. (Note that this 'fading

away' of human material, is not a loss or a

death concerning that human material,

since its all good parts that separate away

are still alive and in a much better position

to enjoy life and do things as part of the all

good entity.)

Another thing these stranded incomplete

sequences of human material can do as

they await confrontation with the new

overpowering destruction; is to work on

transforming themselves, into being all the

initial sequence. Then when they do their

death spiral with the destruction, and are

then taken up by the shepherding entity

into the resting stance of an old segment;

they can act in medium level, as this initial

segment together with the shepherding

entity, to generate the next segment, which

again does battle with the overpowering

destruction, and again becomes a joint

entity together with the shepherding entity;

which generates even the next segment.

And this continues until the whole of the

overpowering destruction is overcome and

the human hunger completely satisfied with

all its sequences completed.

So, in one path, you may go on for awhile

and get a few things accomplished; but will

be cut short when an overpowering

destruction pops up. What is a more sure

path, is forming a joint entity with the

shepherding entity. Then that accomplishes

much more. But of course, you can't reach

this point until you draw out the

overpowering destruction in the first place.

(Quoting from the Bible: 'know ye not, ye

must be born again'.)

Note that when a loved one dies, they have

encountered their overpowering destruction.

So that the best thing for the remnant

human material of them which resides in

others, to do, is to be nurtured back up to

medium level where its good parts will

naturally separate and join the all good


The initial form of this loved one is what

they were when they first met; or when they

were an infant baby. It is from there that

this remnant human material can restart this

lost loved one through a joint entity with

the shepherding entity; as it can now after

forming itself into the initial sequence, then

confront the overpowering destruction

-(doing itself at high activity; delivering its

generated destructions to the overpowering

destruction; and then having the

shepherding entity take it up); reliving its

life again in a kind of resurrected

reincarnation. (You see, the human

material can't completely 'fade away' until it

completes all its sequences and satisfies all

its human hungers; so that by placing

human material into the initial sequence;

that then requires all the sequences be done

again in order to achieve satisfaction in this

human material.)

But now I am realizing that the move to the

initial segment may not be the best

response. When the overpowering

destruction destroys, the result may be only

the initial segment being replaced; but that

doesn't mean that the sequences under

duress should try to form themselves as

such. If they instead, (after securing their

place in the high parts by ruminating at

medium), (then generate human material

sequences) that come down in power and

fight against the overpowering destruction

as just what sequence they are; that may be

the best stance for them to take.

Overpowering destruction may or may not

be able to completely destroy all the initial

sequences. Whatever isn't completely

destroyed, can then form a union with the

shepherding entity. And also, there may be

parts of the human that have faded away

into the all good entity, but which still

generate human material as part of a next

sequence. So that after an overpowering

destruction comes in and destroys a bunch

of sequences that haven't joined with the

shepherding entity yet; there will be great

loss, but probably a hodgepodge of

remnant human material that then does

forge a joint venture with the shepherding

entity, and thus scattered good remnants

which generate human next segments (and

which had also joined with the shepherding

entity). -high good material generated as a

result of human material ruminating at

medium. This disconnected, scattered

hodgepodge of good material, still generates

a hodgepodge of disconnected human

segments, that can still vent their generated

all destructions onto the overpowering

destruction. -As long as the shepherding

entity fills in the missing segments so as to

maintain medium level.

But no, this is incorrect. These

disconnected segments get what they need

from their status as high parts or their

individual joint venture with the

shepherding entity, so as to be able to

generate the next human segment at

medium, from this source, and do not need

a continuous line of sequential segments to

do this. Never mind that these

disconnected segments are a hodgepodge;

they still exist at medium, (even if not for

long) to generate destructions to stick that

to the overpowering destruction. And once

the overpowering destruction is brought

down, and the shepherding entity steps in,

and thus forms a joint venture with this

hodgepodge, then we see an entity with

a lot of holes and voids in it. But wait.

This is the type of thing that high good

entities crave; and they can fill these

complete voids with the whole of God,

which includes that particular human

individual, but also much more; so that it

isn't limited by being any particular

individual. So the

thing for these sequences without good

entity backing, under attack, to do

is -even though they are being decimated

into swiss cheese; for the remnants to keep

mindlessly fighting to the end (oops, this is

not to be done until these remnants secure a

place with the high all good parts, which

will most likely have a hodgepodge

representation). Then let the fighting


This purpose of fighting and sticking it to

the overpowering destruction, is all this

hodgepodge has left: as completing a

human hunger (that they are assorted

segments of), is highly unlikely due to their

disconnected hodgepodge nature; that is,

until they form a complete joint entity with

the shepherding entity. -There they can

achieve the purpose of completing a human

hunger satisfaction, which is what they

started out as. But until then, they might as

well put it out of their mind, and not expect

that, and work instead on this other

purpose, of sticking it to the overpowering

destruction, instead. This is what

unfortunately happens to a set of sequential

hunger satisfaction sequences that don't

have a joint entity with the shepherding

entity, and when they come across an

overpowering destruction.

Now then; the idea of sticking an

overpowering destruction with the all

destructions generated; doesn't have to be a

violation of 3d sorting, since both can be

all destructive. And even if it is in line

with 3d sorting, it is a good activity. But

what I was thinking was that an

overpowering destruction might cloak itself

with trapped human material so as to be

classified also as human material, so that it

would be a violation of 3d sorting to dump

our All destructives on it. Every destructive

thing which has a little bit of good in it, we

are obligated to raise (only the good part as

much as possible) to medium level (while

we don't help at all, any all destructive

part). But we don't want these mainly

destructive things to go to high level, ie to

be overpowering. So that we generate high

level human material to dump their all

destructives here in violation of 3d sorting

(since human material, even thinly veiled

human material, shouldn't have All

destructives dumped on it, since they aren't

the same things in a sorting mentality).

So in this case we as humans have an

advantage over higher forces that are bound

to uphold 3 d sorting, as we as meager,

transient, already violating, humans have

nothing to loose.

Now, I am having second thoughts about

this fighting to the last with the human

material, especially the human material that

doesn't yet have a union with the

shepherding entity. If high good material

fragments exist which then generate a

human segment; then that human segment

is in a good position to fight and to go into

a death spiral with the overpowering

destruction, since it is continually being

re-generated by the high part generating

this human material, (with that high part

itself not fighting with the overpowering


But a group of sequences or the remnant

of a deceased loved one, that doesn't have

this high good connection to keep

regenerating it; is not in a good position to

go into a death spiral. If it attacked the

overpowering destruction, that would

bring the overpowering destruction down

from overpowering, to medium; so that

even if a shepherding entity wasn't able

to get to it to 3d sort it; it would still

separate in its forces due to being at

medium. However, the human

material in the death spiral, would be

brought to low level or even totally

destroyed. At low level, barrenness, this

human material would be trapped, unable

to separate in its forces, and it would await

a shepherding entity to rescue it up to

medium ability.

The position of being totally destroyed and

existing as a void, would allow the human

material to pass enormous amounts of time

to await resurrection by a shepherding

entity; but would not guarantee that this

void would be resurrected as such at all, as

high good may make something entirely

different from its void. So the first thing to

do, is to form a union with the shepherding

entity, and form a presence in the high

good parts. Ruminating at medium level is

how human material separates in its forces

and generates a presence in the high good

entity. So, human material that doesn't have

a union with the shepherding entity, should

not fight, but should seek first that union

with the shepherding entity. But once

human material has a representation in the

high good entity that will keep regenerating

it; then is the time for this human material

to fight and go into death spirals with

overpowering destructions. But there is a

good way and a not so good way to do this.

When fragments in the high good entity

are generating human material: if they

generate medium level human material,

then after that material has gone into a

death spiral, it will be at low level, which

will need to be rescued by a shepherding

entity. But if instead, the high good entity

generates human material at a high level;

then after it goes into a death spiral with an

evenly matched overpowering destruction,

both will be at medium level; whence it can

break off its attack, ruminate at medium

level, and separate in its forces with the all

good generated returning to the high good

entity, thus making a new representation in

the high good entity for this latest segment

of the human material. So that medium

level human material shouldn't fight, but

high level human material, should fight; and

the good entity should generate high level

human material of the next segment, so it

can fight; and then return to the high good

entity in a cease fighting mode at medium.

Now, it is true that high level human

material doesn't separate in its forces (due

to it being at high level instead of medium

level). But it is still human material. And

all human material has an up side and a

down (or destructive) side: so that this high

level human material can just point its

down side at the overpowering destruction,

or take all destructives generated by other

human material that are at medium, and

deliver them to the overpowering


So the high good parts generating high

level human material, is still a 'go'. But

from now on, when a high good segment is

generating the next segment of human

material in the face of an overpowering

destruction, it should generate some

medium level new human material along

with the high level new human material, so

that the high level human material will

have the all destructive which the medium

level human material will generate, to

throw at the overpowering destruction.

At this point, let me expound upon the

concept of fearing one's own demise. It is

unknown what will become of our void

when we totally go to nothingness and exist

only as a void. But that is not where we are

at right now while we are alive. -To get to

that point of nothingness, we would have to

go through points of life at lower and lower

levels of ability, which traps that life in

barrenness where its forces don't separate.

While we are alive, we need to move away

from that nothingness, and away from

existence at a low level in barrenness

(which does approach the zero level of the

void of nothingness); and move instead,

towards a medium level existence: because

it is at medium level that our imperfect

human life does naturally separate into

more good vs more destructive. And we

can work with that to attempt the

generation of an all good entity.

This is what we can do as imperfect,

transient human lives. No matter how

much thoughts of how much you are

condemned may appear; this is the place to

be, and the response to take. So go and

pull parts of yourself and others that are

low and in barrenness, up and into medium

level, and center there for as long as your

life allows; as that is the centre for

imperfect human life to exist at, while it is

alive. And the parts that are more good

that separate off from this, can attempt to

form a more good entity which may then

generate more human material of a next

sequence, that can be generated at high

level in order to fight against an

overpowering destruction if one of those

appears, or just at medium level if not

fighting an overpowering destruction. This

is irregardless of any religious

condemnation or acceptance that one may

think they are under. This is the choice to

choose, and the stance to take, because one

is an imperfect, transient human being.

And if you find yourself as the recipient of

punishments that try to bring you low and

into barrenness, as a result of some

motivational system you are under; go

ahead and violate that and attempt to bring

yourself up out of barrenness and back to

medium level; but once there, do not fight

them further from this medium level life,

but let that life ruminate there; and instead,

fight them with the additional high

powered human material that one generates

well down the line from this medium level

human life: to the extent that one is able:

while one is still alive at all.

The human life ruminating at medium level,

is as stated, at medium level. The good

parts separating off from this to join a high

good entity, however, are at high or higher

level. The human material that this high

good then generates, (especially if it is a

high good part that came from an

incomplete human fragment): -this human

material, is also at high level (if it is going

up against an overpowering destruction).

But unlike the high level good part, this

high level human material goes in to fight

and take down the overpowering

destruction, and also be taken down by the

overpowering destruction until both are

brought down to medium level; whence

this once high level human material does

break off its attack, and lets the whole mess

ruminate at medium level. So when you

have medium level human material; that

doesn't fight. But when you have high

level human material; that does fight. This

is kind of a picture of what our current

structure is like.

What I think is a central point, is that it isn't

enough to just be human material. What's

needed in addition, is a representation in

the all good entity, so that the part in the

good entity will continually generate the

same human fragment as older parts of this

human fragment are destroyed down by

destructions. Otherwise, human fragments

would be completely changed and totally

destroyed, and unable to boldly go up

against the destructions present in the

human area. This doesn't mean human

material without a good entity

representation behind it, is worthless; just

that it needs to seek that representation and

not do any fighting against destructions in

the human area until it first finds that joint

venture with the all good entity. When

destruction brings human material without

a good connection, low, but not totally

destroyed to nothingness; an outside

shepherding entity is needed to bring that

low human material to medium level. And

once that is done, there is human material

at medium level.

When high level human material fights

against overpowering human destructions,

and all is brought down to medium level;

then here we also have human material at

medium level.

And when a good part is done generating

high level human material, because the

once overpowering human destruction has

been deal with; and it then proceeds to

generate medium human material: then

here again, is human material at medium

level. No matter how it gets there, human

material at medium level, soon separates

into all good and all destructive. The all

destructive soon self consumes when 3d

sorted, but the all good forms part of a

good entity; and the human material no

longer exists (as its good parts have gone to

be part of the all good entity). Only human

material that is rich or poor sticks around as

human material for long. And our stance is

that it isn't desirable to generate human

material, and one prefers to generate high

good material; but that it is ok to generate

human material if one cannot do better.

Now, human material at medium, does

soon become high good material. But if

the human material at medium is from an

incomplete segment of human hunger or

activity; due to denials, adversity, and

destructions (often found in human life):

then the high part generated from this

will be incomplete in the human

component; so that the material It goes on

to generate, will be human material of the

next segment of the human hunger or

activity. As that human material is

shepherded to medium level, it too goes to

high good parts, so that this latest segment

now has a representation in the good entity.

Since human material at medium soon

decomposes to all good and bad; the human

hunger may not have had time to be

completed; and this is another reason this

keeps cycling from the human side, to the

all good side, back to the human side, etc.

-(But when this is happening; don't prevent

the human material from decomposing to

become a good fragment/segment so that

you can uninterruptedly finish satisfying

the human hunger; As that prevents the

human material here from having its all

good representation. -Instead, allow that

human material to interrupt your human

hunger satisfaction as it decomposes into a

good part segment, which then generates

the next human hunger segment; and

eventually your human hunger will be

satisfied in both the good plane, and human


But with representations in the all good

entity eventually backing each segment of

the human activity/hunger satisfaction,

and the human side seeking medium level:

the human hunger is eventually completed,

(irregardless of how the human world tried

to stop or prevent it). One would think the

human material would then fade away into

the all good entity. But as long as there are

these fragmented segments of the all good

entity generating their fragment of the

human material; there just keeps being new

human material that continually replaces

the human material that completes its

satisfaction and fades away. So what is

needed next, is for these separate segments

of high good part material, to grow together

and join together as one complete unit; and

once this happens, this complete good

entity satisfies its needs through a high

good way, and no longer generates these

human segments.

Let us apply these things to the human

hunger satisfaction of the sexual drive.

When a man and women marry, then all

other men and women are denied access to

this couple. But the shepherding entity

does take the desires of all these others that

has been brought low, and nurtures them

back up to medium, whence they become

an incomplete fragment or segment of an

all good part. And eventually through the

previously described way; all these people's

desires for this couple are satisfied and

become all good entity. It is only in the

couple themselves where there is a danger

of not having an all good representation of

their (sexual) love for each other. Now if

this couple keeps their desires for each

other at medium level, then they can forge

this representation in the all good. But if

they go to excess; or through anger and

fighting do destroy it down to low; then

that human material won't separate and

won't form a representation in the all good.

And if that (sexual) love gets completely

destroyed, then they will have lost that

representation in the human entity since

there is no representation in the all good

entity to regenerate it.

-Something for the all good entity to work

on in later workings through further human

generatings. So, isn't it different, that all of

the rest of us who are denied fulfillment of

our human desires by the human world,

will more surely find complete satisfaction

of these desires in both the human and all

good sphere; thanks to the love of God, and

the shepherding actions of Jesus: while it is

the couple themselves who Are allowed

fulfillment of their desires by the human

world, that is most in danger of not being


At medium level, human material does

separate in its forces, and generates all

good, and all destructive, (the all good

going on to form the all good entity). So,

as imperfect human life, we seek to be at

that medium level, as that fulfills our

purpose as what we are. So that we pass up

opportunities that would degrade us and

bring us to low level in order to produce

more for our human bosses. This angers

our human bosses due to our not generating

maximum output; and the savvy ones then

do overpowering destructions to us in

response. This brings us down from

medium, to low and barren level, thus

trapping us as human material in a tortured

state, unable to fill our purpose as the

imperfect human life that we find ourself

as. Well, no matter how it happens, we as

imperfect humans can get caught by

overpowering destructions that bring us

low and trap us at low, unable to bring

ourselves up to medium. Even though we

choose to be at medium, we can find

ourselves unable to attain that; -trapped at a

low and barren level. And so, we might

think of asking for help from an entity

outside of us, as all our own high entity that

we had generated at previous medium level

human ruminations, has been defeated by

the overpowering destruction. But other

human life entities are struggling

themselves, and can't afford to help us lest

they themselves be brought down into our

fate that we ourselves are trying to change.

And high powered entities even as high as

God, are being Holy and separate from the

evils/destructions of the human earth, so

that they won't come down to help us at

this time while evil/overpowering

destruction is still alive and feeding. What

we need, is an entity with some of the high

power (even as high as God), who will

leave the protection of Holiness to come

down to us to help us and shepherd us.

Who could it be who will do this? And of

course, it is the name of the good shepherd,

Jesus Christ that comes to mind. But the

idea to give up and ask for outside help just

goes against the training and the

brainwashing that we are to value self

sufficiency and making it on our own

without outside help. But eventually we

realize the nature of our state of who we

are (that of imperfect human life), so that

some of us do accept that outside help, and

are freed from our being trapped at low

level barrenness. So that the parts of us

that were trapped at low level, are then

freed up to medium level. But the parts of

us that weren't trapped at low level, that

were at medium level; don't need this help,

so that they miss out on this connection

with the wonderful Jesus Christ. But the

parts of us which were trapped at low level

and which called out for Jesus Christ; do

have this connection with Christ. So that

some may say, you are not your own

anymore, but now belong to Christ, and

from now on, need to follow what Christ

wants, not your own (human) desires. But

this is misleading because the parts of you

that accepted Christ, were on death's door

and were a total loss already, -already

written off as a total loss, so that the entity

they are now as they are joined to Christ; is

mostly Christ; so that they are going to do

what Jesus Christ wants, naturally, because

that is what they mainly are. And since

they are now at medium level, thanks to the

intervention by Jesus Christ, they soon

separate in their forces and join the good

entity, so that they really don't have time to

change much in their composition. But; as

high part entities they may then generate

new human material. It is this new human

material that doesn't yet have a joint entity

with Christ.

Now then, since an overpowering

destruction was strong enough to bring you

down to low level; it also might cause the

joint entity with Christ which is at medium

level, to generate less powerful all good

material, so that that all good material,

instead of generating more all good

material, would generate human material.

Now in any case, when imperfect material

at medium is separating into all good vs all

destructive; not all separations are the

same, and sometimes a lesser all good is

generated, while at other times, a greater all

good is generated; so that there is a spread

in the all good generated from any given

medium level imperfect material. And the

greater or more powerful all good would

then generate more all good in its

generatings, while the lesser all good,

would generate human material in its

generatings. So that these joint entities with

Jesus Christ, will, in their lesser parts,

generate and fulfill all human desires and

hungers, in a good way (with each segment

having an all good segment backing it up),

for the glory of God. And Jesus Christ is

not someone who is against a party, since

he turned the water into wine.

Now, concerning a representation of a

deceased loved one that is part of you: it is

now at low and barren level, and needs

help shepherding back up to medium level.

You might try to do this, but sometimes

this can be so overwhelming that it

threatens to pull you down also into low

and barren level. And if this is the case,

then it is time for this part of you to take in

Jesus Christ to form a joint entity.

And then there are those parts of you

through the living of your own life, that

have utterly failed, and that trap the 'God

-spark' of life as your life in this long term

trap of being at low and barren level. What

these parts of you can choose, is to choose

the escape valve of forming a joint entity

with Jesus Christ. (And this may include if

you fall so extremely in love with someone,

but they don't or no longer want anything

to do with you.)

Now the other parts of you that aren't

trapped in low levels as such, don't need to

be shepherded back up to medium, so they

don't yet need to call for this union with


Now the thing about this joint union with

Christ, is that it isn't a thing to be taken

lightly. You see, with the power of God,

this joint entity very completely achieves a

medium level existence. And soon after, as

it ruminates there, its forces begin to

separate; so that the 'God-spark' of life that

was held there to give you life in this area,

does escape back up into the high power of

God, and is no longer trapped there in this

suffering low level life that was you

trapped in this low level. And a lot of it

goes on to generate just in the high Godly

material, and never generates in the human

area again. So that you do a good thing by

freeing this Godly spark from no longer

suffering as you in this trapped situation.

However, because this God-spark is no

longer present in the human area; your life

no longer exists. You as a human entity do

die. And this is how one dies to oneself in

the human area. Now then, even though

this decision to form a joint entity with

Christ has caused this low part of you to

cease to exist due to the extreme separation

of the forces at medium provided by the

powerful Christ; not all of the good that

separated away was as powerful as the

God-spark that returned permanently up

into God. Some of that good that separated

away was lesser good. And it is this lesser

good that is unable to generate all good

Godly material in its generatings, but does

generate human material instead. And it is

from this good material that regenerates a

similar 'us' in a resurrection type of way.

And since the other parts of us that did not

yet form this union with Christ are still

present and alive in the human area; this

resurrected human material does join the

human material still there. And boy, is this

regenerated human material hot as a

hornet*. /But the material which joined

Jesus which started all this, is far from

being 'hot as a hornet', but is instead in

desperation and exhaustion and does not

have anger, but is in defeat, and doesn't

have hardly any energy at all./

*It has been formed by the lesser Godly

parts that have just experienced an

overpowering evil, and the human material

they generate is just coming down at high

level to just rip into that evil (through

delivering all destructions generated by

other medium level human material, to it)

until it is down to medium level, as the

first order of business; (along with some

additional medium level human material

also generated). And the high good parts do

generate a continual stream of this high

level human material (plus medium level

human material) until the overpowering

destruction is brought down to medium.

And if some of that human material is

brought to inescapably low level in the

fighting, then it can also call on Jesus and

join in the resurrection that generates this.

So woe unto those who stand with this

overpowering destruction; as their plans for

future activities will be wiped away, and

changed (for the better). And then after all

is brought to medium level, the lesser

Godly material does generate a continual

stream of medium level human material

that does not fight.

Note that due to our human mortality and

that we age and die; that all our human

parts can eventually choose to form this

union with Christ due being inescapably

trapped at low levels, and experience this

resurrection through Christ.

Hunger insert:

But the exception to moving creative

energies outside the area where there is

an overpowering destruction; is

where one has sorted the all good

to the good entity after Satisfying a

human hunger, and is at the 'off' part

of a hunger satisfaction cycle, where one,

in satisfaction, uses the action

-of immediately sorting the goodnesses

(generated by the satisfaction of the

hunger) to the good entity, in order to

remove material, so the prior period of

excess material is balanced with a period of

less material (in this human area), which is

the 'off' part of the cycle. So that at this

end of a human hunger, one just rests

(without additional creative expenditure in

away areas) as one immediately sorts this

good material to the good entity. And

when the off part of the cycle is finished,

no more activity is needed in areas without

human material; only in remnant human

material. Now, even though one's

shepherding entity sorts all this good to the

good entity at the end of a satisfaction, and

without seeking to generate in surrounding

areas; thus leaving nothingness in this area:

additional human material may appear in

this area (if it is an area outside of any

evil's grasp), due to it being generated as a

byproduct of other activities of the all good


Note that you may be impressed by riches

and power. Don't be. God is not. God is

rich and powerful, but He doesn't show His

face around here. And do you know why?

Because He knows that richness and power

can't protect you from evil/destruction; in

fact it is a magnate for destruction because

that is the force of destruction's input and

the food it needs to exist. So that if one is

to be rich long term, they must also be free

of destruction and destructiveness. But

those here on earth who are rich and

powerful but who are also mean and

destructive (mainly because they have

become rich and powerful by meanly and

destructively removing the goods and

power of others); these people stand in the

way of the shepherding entity sent by God

to free us non powerful, non rich humans

from our chains. So what we as non rich,

non powerful humans need to do, is to

show the natural law that any destruction

feeds on and destroys any power, to these

rich and powerful people who live in glass

mansions who are always throwing stones

at us; that the meager stones that we throw

back are just as effective at bringing their

glass mansions to rubble; and to do so and

fearlessly bring their power to rubble, so

that the shepherding entity, a separate

entity, can come in and (3d) sort this whole

mess out. And this includes powerful

organizations that claim the authority of

God as their own; since the authority of

God should not be anywhere near the evil

of this earth, but should be away from,

separate, and holy, away from the evil of

this earth.

Some argue that the Bible is the word of

God and has been inspired by God and

belongs to God. Thinking that this is true,

we should render to God what (belongs to)

God, and give this book back to God to

who it belongs. You see, rules and

regulations and commands are needed by

the rich and powerful to keep that richness

evil free so that destruction doesn't get in

and burn down all that richness. But to

those of us humans who are not rich; all

these rules don't benefit us in this way. So

let us give these rules and regulations to the

rich/powerful people/organizations who

need them, in accordance with 'render unto

God what is God's'.

Then there is the theological question of

whether God should reveal Himself as what

He wants individually to each of us, or go

with a centralized organization which

hands down His wishes which contains the

authority of God. Because God needs to be

separate and holy from the evil of this

earth; what is easier to get a message to

around that evil, is an individual person

who is at low power; and not a more

powerful organization of people. But there

is something to be said for a centralized

emissary so that God doesn't have to

repetitively make contact with individuals

since that repetitiveness would bring

danger of its own. But the thing is, that

whatever centralized emissary with the

authority of God that there is, doesn't reside

that authority here on earth, but also

remains away from earth, separate and holy

from earth, with God. And that emissary,

Jesus Christ, is reported to be at the right

hand of God, and is not here on earth any

longer. And He communicates with each

individual through the emissary of his holy

spirit. Jesus Christ, not having the full

power of God the Father, even more so,

needs to avoid the more powerful evil of

organizations of men, and deal only with

low powered individuals. So that the

authority of God does not reside with any

organization or individual here on earth;

but resides instead with Jesus Christ who is

not on earth, who sends God's messages to

us individually through the emissary of the

Holy Spirit. And doesn't even the Bible

itself say that it is the Holy Spirit who

reveals the understanding of the scriptures

to believers? So this doesn't leave much

room for any organization of men to have

the authority of God to determine how the

scriptures are to be interpreted.

End Insert.

Note that this moving one's creative

energies away from the area of an

overpowering meanness is done by both the

shepherding entity, and also the all good

entity, which are independently involved in

this generating outside the grasp of an

overpowering destruction.

END PREVIEW. xxxxxxx


Note that in all writing past this preview,

the term 'shepherding' entity, although never

called 'shepherding' again, is referred to as

'sogp', and jesus representation, and they

are the same entity. End note.


In this introduction, we see that in contrast

to our stagnant universe that doesn't grow

well; that in an all-good universe with lots

of growth, no one is left behind, but are all

advanced to high levels, in good time. (We

are so used to a stagnant universe devoid of

growth that we loose touch with what we

would do if there was a lot of growth

around.) -/insert: This brings up the point

as to what one of our big purposes is here

on this imperfect human earth. In a world

that is full of life, and all the non

destructive possibilities are represented, We

have a representation there which is

permanent. But here on imperfect earth

where life is not filled to overflowing, we

have a representation that is not permanent.

What we as imperfect life here on the

imperfect human earth can do that our

perfect representation cannot do, is to act in

violation of 3 d sorting to deliver the

destructive parts that generate off of our

human activities unto entities that are now

classified as human entities, but which are

really overpowering, high powered

meannesses and destructivenesses that have

trapped and joined some human material;

which can be exposed, and have their

meanness and destructiveness separated

away, by having their high power burned

down by the meanness and destructiveness

we deliver to them (in a temporary

violation of 3 d sorting), generated from

our doing of our human activities.

(And this starts first by our delivering this

human destructiveness to areas of ourself

that they control.) This is what our

imperfect human representation can do that

our perfect and permanent representation

can't; and these 2 representations can work

together to accomplish overall effective 3 d

sorting./ end insert.

(Note: FogoHC means Force of good of

High Capability. And force of good means

to generate positive growth)


When the joint venture of GROWTH and

gripping, does growth and gripping on

itself; there's a circular feedback created

that produces tremendous quantities of

growth. When forces of good are producing

capability (exhibiting growth); they can

either produce new forces-of-good; or new


Forces of good are made of capability. And

for one force of good to produce a second

force of good; is a force of good producing

a force of good. A force of good can also

be a force of good, by producing neutral

capabilities. There are great advantages for

forces of good to produce more forces of

good, as opposed to neutral capability. For

one thing, the newly created force of good

can in turn produce force of good of its

own; and an exponential increase in the

production of the force of good will result.

Whereas, with the increase of neutral

capability, only a flat rate of capability

increase is achieved, and no new force of

good is produced.

For another thing, the forces of good are

protected by the fogoHC, while neutral

capability is not (not absolutely). Thus

forces-of-good producing forces of good, is

more advantageous than forces of good

producing neutral capability.

However, before something can be a force

of good, it usually has to have some

minimum level of capability. Like, it might

help if something were alive, so it could

reproduce itself; or that it be intelligent, so

it could rise above random action, which

produces decrease(destruction) as well as

increase(growth). Thus even though the

forces of good may want to increase force

-of-good capability right away, they have to

go through an increase of neutral

capabilities to reach a minimum level,

before forces of good can start increasing

forces of good. (And, a neutral capability

cannot be gripped before it exists/-before it

is produced.) When a force of good that is

able to do gripping- (that is, a fogoHC),

comes in contact (together) with neutral

capability produced by forces of good; that

neutral-capability becomes a part of the

fogoHC, and is thus protected. We see a

picture of the fogoHC going about gripping

forces of good and gripping the neutral

capability that all forces of good initially

produce. With more neutral capability

being produced; those forces of good who

can do gripping (that is forces ogoHC),

have more neutral capability to grip, and

thus turn into force of good capability. As

we can see, there is always more and more

neutral capability (to grip) that is being

produced. But where does the capability go

after it has been gripped and is a marginal

force of good? Well, there are 2

possibilities: A) it goes no further and

serves to produce neutral capability for the

fogoHC. it remains at about its original

level of capability and fails to advance:

being frozen at some level of advancement

so that it is useful to the fogoHC, but that it

advances no further. or possibility B.

B) it could advance in its abilities to first

become alive; then advance in intelligence;

and finally become a fogoHC. it continues

to advance and eventually becomes a

fogoHC itself. With possibility A, more

and more neutral capability is produced.

The amount of it increases exponentially.

But the fogoHC becomes no larger. There

is no growth in the fogoHC because no

lower capabilities are allowed to become

fogoHC. For the fogoHC to produce more

of itself, it can replicate itself. But this is

taking lower forces of good and advancing

them to be a fogoHC. This is example A

not example B, so the fogoHC doesn't do

this. It finds itself with an ever growing

supply of neutral capability to make contact

with. It might get swamped by the size of

it. It needs to grow in size to match the

growth of the neutral capability. It could try

and make itself more powerful and become

of higher capability within itself. But

whether it could do this or not is uncertain;

whereas the creation of itself has been

proven possible by its own existence. The

fogoHC must increase its own power at an

exponential rate just to keep up with the

neutral capability. But this is unlikely as

the fogoHC would be increasingly more

busy trying to handle the exponential

growth of the neutral capability, that it

would have less and less time to work on

its own advancement. Also, it is into

uncharted areas, as it has never been that

powerful before. It is a driven and

desperate fogoHC, that is forced to keep up

a growth output and is driven by growth

needs, if it can keep up at all. In this picture

of a universe, it is easy to see how a

fogoHC could become overextended and

how the marginal force of good and neutral

capability could overgrow a fogoHC, and

eventually become unmanageable. It could

cease contacting the neutral capability, but

that would make it vulnerable to evil. Thus

the force of evil would step in and

stagnation would result after some point of


Possibility B: Now let's observe a universe

where the basic forces of good produced,

do advance to finally become a fogoHC.

With possibility B, there would be more

and more fogoHC to keep up with the more

and more neutral capability being

produced. There would be no problem of

the fogoHC getting swamped.

Here, the contacting of the ever-growing

neutral capability is provided by a fogoHC

that is also growing exponentially.

Also, the fogoHC isn't forced to grow in

uncharted areas; only in the replication of

more of itself, which by its existence, has

already been proven possible to do. So it's

very probable that not only does the

fogoHC contact neutral capabilities and

turn them into marginal force of good

capability; the fogoHC also advances these

marginal-good capabilities to be very

intelligent, capable, alive; and finally to be

forces ogoHC. (Growth plus advancement.)

End introduction. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



Consider the concept of supply and

demand; as applied to human beings. If

there is a shortage of humans, then they

will have a higher value (and will be treated

better). But if there is a surplus of humans,

then their value will be low, and they will

be treated poorly, according to their low

value according to supply and demand. So

that when women are considering how

many humans to produce in terms of how

large a family to have; collectively, they

have quite an impact on how we're all

treated by those economic forces that rule

over us. Xxxxxxxxxx In response to this,

someone wrote: " According to the law of

supply and demand, a shortage or surplus

of humans would not affect their treatment

but their 'price'. In some cases, a high price

might lead to worse (or better) treatment,

but there is no necessary connection. "

xxxxxxx And I responded: -A high price for

humans, means that they are paid a high

wage. A high wage means that they are not

in abject poverty.

Sometimes too much money leads people to

be unhappy. But a little money keeps them

out of the other unhappy extreme of abject

poverty. Another way to look at this, is to

look at Mexico. There the catholic

traditions against birth control and for big

families means that there are always a lot

of little Mexicans running around. And the

resources of the society must be divided up

again and again amongst them all so that

they mostly live lives of abject poverty.

That's not to say one cannot be happy in

abject poverty, it's just that it is a challenge

to overcome. And in a world where there is

destructiveness around; a medium ability

environment is what is needed, not those of

abject poverty, nor richness. Note that

Bible prophecy predicts plagues and

famines for an apocalyptic end to the

world. And if people overpopulate the

world under religious direction, then the

plagues and famines will appear, as


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx And then there is the

conservative, religious rules over our

sexuality. But first let us consider sexual

reproduction in itself. Sexual reproduction

produces offspring that are not exact copies

of their parents but are different from their

parents to some degree. So, sexual

reproduction generates differences between

each of us; it is a generator of differences.

But people who are different, do not hang

together. no, it is people who are alike, who

hang together. And E Harmony matches to

those who are alike, not to those who are


Now, if we were all to have sex with each

other in unrestricted sexual reproduction,

then our genetics would be well mixed; and

those differences would be spread all back

among our population and we would not

build on or accentuate those differences.

But that's not the way sexual reproduction

works in our world. Sexual reproduction is

restricted to one man one woman and to

form a family grouping to raise the

offspring produced. People of like interests

and skills tend to hang around with each

other; and that is where they are likely to

meet a mate, where they will spend a

lifetime together with someone with

common interests. This leaves the people

that are different, as not reconnected

together. So that the genetic differences

generated by sexual reproduction are

preserved and compounded over each

successive generation. Being different,

means that they are good in different areas.

So that different groups of people are

developed, each being good in one

particular area, while not so good in the

other areas (exploring the scope of genetic

differences that human genetics allow). So

that as individuals they cannot function

well, but only as a group can they work

together to combine their good areas to

make a complete and competent societal

whole. Thus the rulers of a society have at

their beck and call, all the humans of the

society to do their bidding, because as

individuals they are all unbalanced in their

skills, incapable of being self sufficient as

individuals, who can only survive and

excel by joining the societal group each to

contribute their best skill. So that what the

conservative rules over our sexual

reproduction do is to breed individuals who

are slaves who are easily molded by the

rulers of a society, who are incapable of

much independence as individuals, so that

we are more so a commodity to be used by

those who rule over us.

Human sexuality doesn't stop, but continues

to generate differences in the offspring; and

with the conservative rules remaining in

place, this results in ever increasing

specialization in an individual's best skill

area, while the rest of the individual's areas

lag further and further behind; so that

individuals become more and more

unbalanced so that eventually the

individual becomes a commodity (which is

their best skill), and is not so much alive

anymore in any of the other areas; as

generation after generation of sexual

reproduction under conservative protestant

rule progresses.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In a world where the

force of destruction is a problem, we shall

see that being at medium ability, not at

barren, neither rich ability; is the solution.

Concerning the unbalanced individual;

being at barren ability in all the other areas,

is not good; and the other areas, although

lagging behind, need to be advanced too,

eventually; otherwise it doesn't work out.

However, outside the considerations of

dealing with destruction; what is the best

configuration to have, concerning the

societal entity (which is made up of the

best skills of each individual); and also

concerning the individual entity?

The societal entity, and the individual

entity, are both areas (of value) that can be

grown into and improved. To leave a

vacuum in any one of these areas,

represents an improvement that can be

made and grown into. To act so that either

of these areas is to be sacrificed, is

destructive, and is against the directives of

growth/goodness and love, which God

purportedly is. The force of good-and

-growth needs/is able, to scale and cross

barriers to find raw materials separated by

barriers, so it can continue to grow. This

represents many individuals(representing

the individual position) trying out all the

many different possibilities until one is

found that works; not the elimination of

options(eliminating the individual

positions) and choosing just one (societal)

way; especially before one has found the

answer to the next challenge to growth.

Also there is the consideration of

coordination. As unbalance progresses in

the individual, the individual looses sight

of where its best skill fits into the other

societal areas, as its own 'other areas' are so

feeble. Eventually the societal entity

becomes the individual, as the individual

entity no longer exists. What was the

individual entity, is now like cells of the

body -incapable of any life or action

outside the body

-there is no longer any intelligent life at this

level. The result of all this, is the causation

of a rich area (the societal entity); and a

barren area (the individual entity); from

what used to be a medium ability situation.

What has occurred, is a polarization to

absolutes, by using sexual reproduction and

conservative rules over sexual

reproduction; over the generations. Note

that neither of these absolutes(barrenness

nor richness) is capable of dealing with the

problem and force of destruction; whereas

the medium ability environment is. And

since we live in a world still with the

problem of destruction, we will need to

bring back these medium ability

environments. And this means we at some

point need to interrupt this conservative

breeding program that has been cornering

the effects of human sexuality; and violate

it. Otherwise we will be in hell. (// Note

that to actually obey the command to die to

yourself for Christ's sake; that when you

take into and part of yourself (so that it

becomes part of yourself), this action to die

to yourself; that you must also die to this

dying to yourself; so that an incomplete

dying to yourself actually results; which

provides the medium environment needed,

not these absolute polarizations.//) The

religious exhortations to be like a seed and

die to yourself so you can be part of the

great big religion in the sky; so that you

can be part of the body: an arm, a leg, an

eye or an ear or a hand maybe; so that you

can die to yourself and be one(in the

(societal)body): are all leading you down

the wrong path; it seems to me.

Because the appeal of Jesus Christ, and

need that He fulfills, as being part of

humanity; as being in between the

absolutes of highness and lowness,

representing humanity and the in between:

is not found here.

And the creation of a barren area in what

used to be the individual entity, is against

the directives of growth and love. Now, in

response to a totally evil environment, this

would be a good response. Like a case can

be made that the world of the Roman

Empire, needed to be brought to an end.

But life is no longer so much so. Yet the

controls are set on autopilot in this

direction, and need to be changed. A little

bit of this unbalance is OK, because it

causes the individual entity to also share

with the societal entity, so that both entities

can exist and grow. But too much

unbalance forces the individual entity to

death so that only the societal entity

remains. But then I am reminded of the

idea that if high good ways exist, we as

individuals should seek to give up our

individual ways, because individual ways

are fraught with more destruction and are

not as good as the higher ways (of a

societal entity). But wait a minute: this is

not that situation. The directive to bring the

individual entity to nothing as a means of

solving the imperfections of the individual

entity/position; is a different solution than

the solution of having a robust individual

entity lay aside its ways and let the societal

ways fill its needs (with the medium level

Jesus Christ entity as facilitator); because

in this solution, both the societal entity and

the individual entity EXIST and are well

grown into.

(Not all of the individual's actions are

defective; some are wholly good and evil

free.) Now then, not all evils are based on

need. The ones that are, are eliminated by

both these solutions, dealing with the

neediness of the individual position. But

other evils that pop up, well, if there is no

individual position, then they must be dealt

with by the only remaining position -the

high and rich societal position. And as we

shall see, when an evil is put into a rich

environment, a firestorm results and the

whole thing is burnt down. Better to let

evils be worked out in the individual

position, so that the societal position,

(which is made of the best parts of the

individuals collectively and is very rich)

can know how to avoid these evils, having

learned from its individuals. Once again, I

reiterate: we are screwing ourselves if we

continue down this path to death of the

individual entity through conservative

running of our sexual reproduction! Get off

your ass and fuck different people (while

trying to avoid a venereal disease, which is

the weakness of this directive). And have

some, but not too many kids from this.

Otherwise, if you insist on being good and

morally, sexually conservative; you along

with the rest of your kind will be the cause

of the end of the world scenarios that

religious fundamentalists predict.

Because when hatreds are worked out on

the individual levels, it is with guns and

knives and clubs. But when there is no

more individual level, and there are still

hatreds to be worked out; the societal

entities work these out with atom bombs.

And who wants to be responsible for

blowing up the whole world? Who is the

biggest terrorist now? Why it is the

conservative fundamentalists. So, in the

war on terror, we ask you to loosen your

morals a little. Or if you insist on one man

one women, then find a mate who is out of

your class and social group, who is

different from you, to marry and have kids

with. (Stop catering to 'the MAN'(so much

/so absolutely).)

Ending up with a burnt out cinder for a

world after we have committed armageddon

against each other, is really not an

acceptable direction to seek to produce. I

mean, there is certainly no harm in trying

to do better than this. Xxxxxxxxx

Note that we have been handed a legacy

from many generations of mammalian

reproduction; which is that human infants

are very helpless. This is a result of that

good societies are superior to cruel

societies. You see, if a society is cruel, it

won't care for its infants well and they will

die due to their helplessness and put an end

to that cruel society. But good and kind

societies will thrive because the helpless

infant will thrive. This is a legacy we have

from many generations of cave men before

there was organized religion. But now with

our women, (and men) insisting on people

not cheating; a family structure is enforced.

With a family structure where the parents

are made responsible for raising their

offspring; the helpless infant is raised till

they are of age and are no longer helpless;

where they can be fodder for their society

that can be as evil and cruel as it wants,

because the infant is no longer an infant

and is no longer helpless. In this society, if

there is something that is supporting evil

and allowing evil; we usually take action

and stamp it out. What we can do then is to

stamp out this enforcement against

cheating because it is what prevents us

from using our legacy of our helpless

infants to make our societies good. And

we are forced to reprove over and over

again that good societies are superior to all

the evil/cruel societies that we now allow,

that before would have been eliminated. xxxxxxxxxxx

In this insert, let us consider the racial

purity philosophy of Hitler and the Ku

Klux Klan and others. The idea is that one

race is superior and that the other inferior

races need to be exterminated. To

exterminate the differences brought to the

global societal entity by other 'inferior'

races, does curtail and handicap the societal

entity; thus providing some favor to the

individual entity (of the surviving race).

This stops the perpetual advancement of

the societal entity at the expense of the

individual entity under conservative

sexuality. And when genetics under

conservative sexuality causes some

individuals in the master race to be too

different from the standard of the master

race, these individuals too can be

exterminated or sterilized.

Thus the ultra specialization brought by

continued conservative sexuality is

stopped, as individuals who are too

specialized are exterminated. So this

seems to work, theoretically. But getting to

this point is the problem. Not all races are

willing to lay down and be exterminated

without a fight like the Jews in ww2. And

now the Jews of today in Israel are

certainly not going down without a fight.

So that the end of the world will be

achieved by trying to exterminate the other

races in the world war this would cause.

Much better to loose the conservative

sexuality to achieve the same result,

without all the destruction and end to the

world. But perhaps having the different

races intensely prejudice of each other will

keep them from joining together into a

greater societal entity, thus limiting the

societal entity, which is what is needed in

systems of continued conservative

sexuality. Perhaps this may explain why

prejudice exists today, and what function it

serves. However, this is not the best

system that can be. As a better system is

one that puts together the differences of the

races (not all the time), but periodically;

and this would replace systems of eternal

prejudice; and it would not be a system of

eternal conservative sexuality.

End insert.


Now, with the Amish, individual expression

is stamped out, and everything is plain. So

that when a woman is looking for a mate,

she has a harder time finding someone just

like her, due to them all looking pretty

much the plain same. Thus the Amish may

not have so much of an accentuation of

differences as their generations pass. And

with the Mexicans, the man has a few kids

with one woman and then moves onto the

next woman to do the same, and the next

and the next etc. Thus there is good mixing

of the genetic material, and differences are

put together again. The same is true of the

African American male/ also the gang

banger, who does a bit of philandering and

doesn't spend much time in the home; thus

providing the needed genetic mixing. And

with the Arabs, (and the Mormons) the

harem provides a genetic mixing and

melting pot. And with the Americans, a

melting pot where different types

intermarry, brings genetic differences back

together. But with the conservative

Protestants, no such getting the genetic

differences back together occurs. They may

not overpopulate the world like the

Catholics, but they instead create ever more

unbalanced offspring eventually no longer

capable of any individual existence but

only of a societal existence, resulting in

societal conflicts that will annihilate the

world (as predicted). This is unfortunate for

them (and everybody else). Now, if you go

with the free love of the communes, the

hippies, and the 60's, and Disco 70's, you

can have individual expression as well as

good genetic mixing.

(But what about inbreeders? Since they are

of the same family, there is much similar

genetic material. Here again, it is people

who are the same getting together, but

these people are so much the same

genetically, that weaknesses in genetics are

not complimented by a different partners

genes, and these people often have serious

physical problems due to genetic deficits.

However, the differences generated by

sexual reproduction ARE put back together.

So that if a well balanced well rounded,

self sufficient group of individuals does

this, they preserve themselves. But if an

unbalanced group does this, that is where

the trouble is.)

Of all these things I have spoken against

religion, you might think I am against

Christ. Well, I am not against a Christ who

values both advancing the individual entity

as well as the societal or body-of-Christ

entity. But I am against a Christ who

sacrifices the individual entity completely

and absolutely to the societal entity; who

does not advance the individual entity

along with the societal/christ body entity.

-Because that is extremely

destructive/wasteful as it brings about the

end of human life on earth. And also

hinders the force of good from finding

solutions to barriers to new growth, which

it needs to do to be able to live in a rich

environment without the force of evil. And

I will replace this 'bad' Christ, with the

'good' Christ, who is more fit at being

savior of the world, unlike the 'bad' Christ,

who is unfit to be our savior, but serves

only to be our destructor.

Obviously there is only 1 Jesus Christ, and

reportedly He is still alive, having survived

the crucifixion. But He is now at the right

hand of God, so that we may all have His

Holy Spirit; so that He is not easily

accessible to settle which interpretation of

" die to yourself for Christ's sake " did He

mean. -Did He mean to completely and

absolutely sacrifice the individual entity for

the societal body of Christ? or did He mean

to partially sacrifice the individual entity so

that both the individual and the societal

entities would prosper? Depending on His

answer, is my answer of either support, or a

true need to find a better savior; not only to

save us but also Him. xxx Obviously there

is only one Jesus Christ, but there may be

two answers. Some may claim the Holy

Spirit has led them to one interpretation,

while others, to the other interpretation. I

claim the Holy Spirit, through logic, has

led me to the interpretation that causes both

the advancement of the societal body of

Christ entity, as well as also the

advancement of each individual entity;

(and by doing so, also claim to be a

Christian); albeit a non traditional one:

mainly because of Christ's stand that we

love and be kind to one another. If you

can't stomach that, then I think we need to

be separate from one another.

xxxxxxxx Maybe I just don't get it. I'm still

not going to restrict my sexual lifestyle

according to the conservative Christian

way, which as I have explained is part of

the fallacy of sacrificing the individual

entity absolutely and entirely for the

societal entity. It won't be me who throws

Christ out, but perhaps Christ will throw

me out if it turns out that He is for the

interpretation of absolutely sacrificing the

individual entity for the societal, body of

Christ entity. In that case, there still exists

inside me, a christ like part which functions

to intercede between my absolute, high

good parts and my human parts; which will

continue to act, and will be thrilled to join

with a Christ like savior who is of similar

make up, who actually can function as a

savior. But I have faith, that Christ will

come through for me, and for us all. xxxxx

There is a concern about anybody who is

against Christ, is an anti Christ, and who

could be the big anti Christ who will bring

about the end of the world as predicted in

the Bible. So that we must all be careful to

be just like Christ in our beliefs and actions

to avoid this. Kind of like 'simon says',

except it is 'Jesus says'. So that our

thoughts and beliefs are under societal

control and anything outside of what Jesus

says, is to be eliminated. Thinking for

ourselves is more difficult as anything that

is outside of what Jesus says, must be

disposed of. This may work out if Jesus

always has the correct answer as to how to

think and how to be; but even so, and

irregardless of that; we always have the

enactment of having to compare our

thoughts and actions to that of the current

view of Jesus, and eliminating that which is

not in line with that. The action to

eliminate involves the use of destruction,

(self destruction). That may work well

when what we destroy in ourselves, is also

destructive; but when we make a mistake

and are destructive to that which is not

destructive, then we have become the

perpetrators of destruction. When we use

destruction as a tool, it requires us to know

all and get it right all the time. And that is

a difficult tightrope act that few can follow.

But that is not what this anti Christ idea is

all about in reality, although it is what it

has become-that is Christianity patrolling

and policing your thoughts and dictating

how you are to think, lest you be labeled

and anti-Christ, and be disposed of.

Just what does it mean to be against Christ,

which is to be anti-Christ? When Christ

was alive, they condemned him and

persecuted him and his followers. That is

what it means to be an anti-Christ: that is to

condemn and do harm (to Christ and his

followers). If I discuss the pros and cons,

mainly cons of some of the sexual

regulations; that doesn't mean I have

condemned Christ.

Now there are those who condemn and do

harm to Christ and his followers, and there

are also religious people who condemn and

do harm to those who they may say are

anti-Christ or who they may say are

heathen or blasphemers (recall the

inquisition). And I guess we could call

these people anti anti-Christs. What I

would like to point out is where does Christ

fit into this picture? Christ never

condemned anyone. That is a line that can

be drawn. All these people, the anti

-Christs, and the anti anti-Christs all

condemned someone. But there is another

position outside of both of these; and that is

to not condemn and not to be destructive to

another, which by the way is the side of the

line Christ is on. Any of these (either the

anti-Christs or the anti anti-Christs) could

be the big anti-Christ. But by choosing to

not condemn or be destructive to others,

including any 'bad Christ', I put myself

outside this anti-Christ, and anti anti-Christ


Important insert:

In Christianity, mention is made of those

with eyes who do not see, and those with

ears who do not hear. But coming to

Judism, Christianity, Islam, and secular

tabloid newspapers with some creep into

the regular news: those with brains who do

not think.

We have an activity, of sorting; -of sorting

that which is good into its own kind, and

that which is destructive, or evil, into its

own kind. And in areas that can be sorted

completely into that which is good vs that

which is destructive; this sorting activity

works well to advance goodness over

destruction; as that which is all destructive,

self consumes while that which is all good,

survives, when these forces are separate.

But what do we to do with human areas

and actions that have goodness and

destruction intertwined in the same action;

which do both good and destruction

inseparably from the same action (to

different areas)? What do we do with these

human actions, concerning our activity of

sorting? What if we realize that there are 3

types of things: -1, those things that are

mostly all good; -2, those things that are

mostly all destructive; and 3, those things

that are hopelessly both good and

destructive intertwined. Then we could,

possibly, apply a 3 tiered structure to our

sorting activities.

But what if we instead, denied the natural

trinity of our situation, and applied only a

two dimensional sorting action to our

situation anyway? We could take an

imperfect human action with good and

destruction intertwined, like the

reproductive drive area (an area that has a

large influence because it effects us all),

and we could sort some of it as good and

some of it as bad. We could sort those who

didn't cheat into the good side as a holy

estate ordained by God; while we could

sort those who did cheat to the bad side;

and so enact a 2 tier structure to our sorting

activities. (But what is so great about

forcing a 2 dimensional solution upon a 3

dimensional reality?) Since the reality of

our situation is that the human reproductive

area is one with good and destruction

hopelessly intertwined; what we would

have done is to corrupt the all-good side

with the destructive part from the holy

estate ordained by God that is sorted to the

all-good side; and also provided the evil in

the all-bad side a source of good to feed off

of, from the good in human material that

was sorted to the all bad side, so that the

evil would then not self consume and die.

So that the benefits that could possibly be

achieved from doing sorting activities;

would in actuality, not be achieved; thus

making our sorting activities unproductive

and of no account.

So that when a person idles their mind and

applies a 2 dimensional sorting action to a

3 dimensional reality, is it any wonder

things don't work out so well and this area

continues to be problematic.

Realize that when we take a human action

or part of a human action (it still has both

good and bad intertwined), and sort it to

either the all-bad side, or the all-good side,

that we have done an inaccurate sort action,

because we have just added some good to

the all-bad, so that it is no longer all bad; or

have added some bad to the all-good, so

that it may no longer be all good, and may

even burn it down in a firestorm. Xx

One might be able to believe that short

sighted old men would come up with these

crappy 2 dimensional solutions; but one

would expect God to be beyond that. And

with the inclusion of Jesus Christ; 2

dimensional thinking can expand into a 3 D

reality with a trinity that includes Jesus

Christ; as it was Jesus Christ who took a

stand by not condemning the woman taken

in adultery; while short sighted religious

and secular men, even to this day, did/do.

Unless you are as powerful as God, and are

able to sort all things into all good vs all

bad, then as humans, we must place what

we are not able to separate into all good vs

all bad, into a third pile. (end insert) Xxxx


One can find Biblical condemnations of

how God condemns homosexuals, and

fornicators and adulterers, and how any

lustful feelings are guilty of adultery. So I

could say it seems God condemns all forms

of human sexuality. And if we look at it

from this angle, there may be some truth in

it. You see, in order for a part of us to

become a high part and to join God, it

would have to outgrow and escape the

imperfect human sex drive. So that

perhaps what is being said here is that God

condemns these forms of sexuality from

Himself: -that anyone who would claim to

be God, or a high part in God would be

required to have gotten beyond the

imperfect human sex drive. And this is

true, that imperfect human activities are to

be kept separate from perfect high parts.

But if a person is willing to come out and

admit that they are not God; that they are

less than God, that they are not perfect, and

that they are instead human; then I think it

might be possible that these condemnations

do not apply to them, as they were only

meant for those who would be God, or part

of the high God. Yes, it is not totally

inaccurate to say that a God who condemns

forms of sexuality in just the Godly area, is

a God who has condemned these forms of

sexuality (without mentioning it is just over

the Godly area, and does not include the

human area). Because if one says that God

condemns forms of sexuality in the human

area, then it draws God into being part of

the imperfect human area by this need to

police the human area; and that just doesn't

happen. And it is instead the Jesus entity

who acts to keep the human stuff away

from the high parts, and also casts off all

bad parts off of the human stuff in a 3

dimensional sorting.

For the Jesus entity to

condemn human sexuality in humans as all

bad, is just inaccurate because human

sexuality from the human sex drive, is one

of those human things that is neither all

destructive nor all good. -That even we

weak and imperfect humans can see that

the sexuality that comes from within us

imperfect humans, is neither all destructive

nor all good. And that to label it as such, is

just inaccurate, and is part of the 2

dimensional sorting that is flawed. So that

when some religious humans claim these

things about God condemning human

sexuality in humans; even we weak and

imperfect humans know this is inaccurate,

and if we believe it were true then we

thereby believe that God is also inaccurate

and flawed, giving us a queezy feeling, and

an aversion to these religious people. So

that my interpretation of these

condemnations of sexuality in the Bible, is

that it is for marking off a separation

between that which is high Godly area, and

that which is human area; and that this part

of the human area is to stay away from the

high Godly area; and that is all it is for.

And that within the human area, these

sexual things are in their place and are, as

all human things are -neither all bad nor all

good; and are certainly not absolutely

condemned. -that this Biblical

condemnation does not apply here and was

not meant to apply here. And to those who

would insist that it does apply to us as

humans; just shows me how 2 dimensional

they are and how I do not go along with

that, because if I did, that would just

degrade and defile God, the persona and

attributes of the most high God. Because

God does not act 2 dimensionally as these

do. Xxxxxxx

At first we start with a kind and gentle man,

Jesus Christ, who reportedly healed many

of sickness, and overcame death.

How then does that translate into this end

where we end up with a controlling

influence over us all whereby if we don't

do and think the way Jesus says, then we

are condemned? Now this forces Jesus to

get it right every time. -(And apparently,

the right response is to remove oneself and

become separate from the evils in worship

and religion; and to contact one's followers

through one's spirit; outside the evils of

worship and religion: and that is where

love, God's love is.) -(This is an example of

how God does not condemn these

imperfect human things in the human area

(that is, religion and worship) and allows

them to exist in the human area, while still

keeping them out and away from the Godly


Because of this

threat of condemnation over our head all

the time, a destructive factor is placed upon

us to eliminate all that is outside of what

Jesus says. Because destructiveness is used

against that which is bad (ie, that which is

outside of Jesus), this forces Jesus to get it

right all the time, otherwise destruction is

done to us. And when there comes up

issues about what Jesus wants for our

sexuality where on one hand some say

Jesus condemns human sexuality, but

others say, no, Jesus just keeps human

sexuality away from entering into the

kingdom of heaven. Well, the idea is that

when the Bible says the adulterers,

fornicators, homosexuals, idolaters, etc

won't enter the kingdom of heaven; some

people react to that to think that these

people will be condemned because

everybody wants to get into heaven, and if

you don't make it to heaven then you are

then going to hell where you will be

tortured and tormented for eternity -a fate

worse than death. But on the other hand;

this same denial of fornicators, adulterers,

etc, from entering heaven, can just be a

separation of that which is godly, from that

which is imperfectly human (and of course,

fornication, adultery, etc, represents the

imperfect human sex drive, which is part of

human things). Some people apply a 2

dimensional sorting to this, but with a 3

dimensional sorting of this, things work out

quite differently. The fact that imperfect

human things are sorted away from perfect

heaven and God, does not condemn them,

but helps them. So that in one way of

thinking, one may think Jesus wants us to

eliminate these imperfect human activities

of the human sex drive; while in another

way of thinking, one may think it is best to

allow a medium amount of these imperfect

human sexual things in a human area, as

the best way for these things to escape their

imperfect humanity and pass to perfect

heaven and God; and think that this is the

way Jesus wants it. So that if we don't

know exactly what Jesus wants here, then

we are always in risk of being condemned

according to this condemning paradigm

that has grown up around Jesus for not

aligning yourself completely with Jesus.

What I say is a problem, is this

condemning paradigm about aligning

yourself completely with Jesus, itself. The

problem is due to the destructiveness it

holds near to us all. It is destructiveness

itself that is the enemy and the problem;

and this condemning paradigm contains a

heavy use of destructiveness, and is

therefore part of the problem. Remember,

Jesus was a kind and gentle man, who had

nothing to do with terrorizing people with

destructiveness if they didn't do what he

wanted. Now, on the contrary, roman

emperors WERE people who would cause

excessive destructivenesses to be done to

those who didn't do exactly what they said.

It appears that a roman influence has

overtaken the worship of this kind, gentle

and loving man, Jesus Christ, has taken

place. And if I were a follower of Jesus

Christ, (and I'm not saying I'm not), I

would be kind of upset, and would act to

remove (as non destructively as possible)

this destructive thing that surrounds

my(and perhaps your) fellowship/oneness

with this kind and gentle, loving man/God.

(Note that total oneness can be achieved

when we have all shared what we have

gained and are in the all equal and all self

sufficient part of a cycle. But when we are

in an unbalanced part of a cycle, that

oneness must be limited to a partial

oneness where there is some presence of an

individual entity for each individual.) x

But no one can deny the ambition of 'no

man comes to the Father but by me'

statement, and other statements requiring

one to lay aside whatever one wants and do

just what Jesus wants, which is to spread

the gospel. This is the nature of ambition

and dominance. Humans dominate each

other all the time outside of religion, in the

work world. This assertion by Jesus of his

dominance, just gives people who use

dominance a taste of their own medicine.

People who use dominance to get things

done, know how it feels to be on the giving

end of dominance, and it feels good. But

so that these people are not deceived by the

use of dominance which will one day be

turned back upon them, they are given a

taste of what it feels like to be on the

receiving end of dominance, and it doesn't

feel so good. But for those of us who do

not use dominance so much, and who are

instead mostly dominated by others; this

assertion of Jesus' dominance is neutralized

by what Jesus 'dominates' us to do; and that

is to love and be kind to everybody. So that

if we are doing things to benefit us all, and

be kind to us all, then we are doing what

Jesus has 'dominated'. Still, the use of

domination, itself is a use of destruction.

Now when destruction is used against

other destruction, that works out. But when

destruction is used against something that

contains some good, then that destruction

also becomes part of the problem and is no

longer perfect.

But I think I have gotten off track here.

If we all become one in Christ, and through

love, we then come to the Father; then it is

a true statement that we have come to the

Father through Christ, because we are all

one entity, that includes Christ as part of it./

Yes, when it comes to the high good parts;

these need to be separated and protected

from the lower parts which contain evil.

And it falls to the Jesus entity to maintain

this separation or holiness. So that it is

Jesus who prevents human material from

joining the high parts until it has become

free of its internal evils (not to mention also

casting out all destructive material away

from both the human material and the high

parts into a 3rd pile) . And not only does

Jesus maintain this (3 d) separation or

barrier to keep human material separate

from all good material: it is also Jesus who

shepherds the human material by delivering

some production to it so it is at medium

level, so it separates in its forces and frees

itself of its internal evils, so it can then be

joined to the high good parts by Jesus. So

that the saying 'No man comes to the Father

but by me' is not meant to be an offensive

statement, but is instead a statement of

burden and responsibility that Jesus has

lovingly taken upon himself for us, as a

good shepherd, that delivers wonderful

benefits for us.

But then, I am only thinking internally, and

haven't considered externally. How

insensitive of me. Like, what about the

followers of Mohamed, or Bud ah? How

does this statement by Jesus that he is the

only way to the Father, affect them? It

seems unavoidably to be a divisive

statement that incites intolerance between

these groups. Normally I would agree with

that. But in this case, Love conquers all.

You see, in addition to this statement that

can easily be taken in a divisive way; Jesus

spent an inordinate amount of his ministry

identifying himself with the principles of

love and kindness to one another. And so

with that addition of love as the supreme

concept; what would Jesus do if Bud ah or

Mohamed needed some help with their

salvation and their ascension into God the

Father? Well, if we apply the principles of

love and kindness to one another, we must

conclude that one would help the other out

and vice versa, if one of them needed help

getting up to God. So that not only is the

one who identifies themselves with love as

the supreme concept, burdened with

helping ones rival into heaven; they are

also burdened with helping the followers of

their rival, into heaven, even though these

followers have worshiped someone else

and not them. So that whosoever identifies

themselves with love as the supreme

concept, does take on this burden. And

Jesus has identified himself with love and

kindness as the supreme concept. And

whosoever also identifies themselves with

love as the supreme concept, whether that

be Mohamed or Bud ah or anyone else; can

join Jesus in this burden. Let each of us

also take on this burden.x

And then there are the Bible sayings that

boil down to 'those who believe on Christ

are saved, while those who disbelieve, are


Well, the Bible also says that God is love.

That is, God equals love. So that if we take

in love and kindness as a supreme concept,

and ask it to be our savior, then it can be

stated that we have also taken in Christ to

be our savior by this act, even though we

may not have specifically invoked Jesus

Christ. But if you have specifically invoked

the name of Jesus Christ to be your savior,

that won't hurt you either. So that I am just

leaving open the door for Jesus to save

even those of other religions who have

identified themselves with love and

kindness, but who have neglected to

formally do this same thing by invoking the

name of Jesus.

Now, another point to be made here, is that

oftentimes, human religion is human and

imperfect. So that it is often better and

easier to determine what favors the concept

of love and kindness, and do that, instead

of what the imperfect religion paints Jesus

Christ as, and what Jesus Christ would

want; especially since at this time, Jesus

Christ is so distant and unaccessible to

settle disputes and differences of opinion

(but more importantly because human

religion is human, imperfect, and often

inescapably contains some component that

contains some error).

Note that if you are against the concept of

love and kindness as a supreme concept;

that you are not saved, and not destined to

be one with God.

Note that when there was no savior; the

concepts of love and kindness directed for

there to be a savior. But now in the

situation where there is an announced

savior, the concepts of love and kindness

direct that we should be unified together

under love and kindness. So that since

Jesus has already claimed that role, he got

there first, and it is best that we also

support him in that, and not try ourselves to

be a savior unless we truly ourselves poses

the super power / love of an almighty God.

So that whatever Jesus was when He was

alive, doesn't matter. The fact that He

identified Himself totally and completely

with love and kindness, is enough.

Now, if we specifically invoke love and

kindness as our savior, and do not

specifically invoke Jesus, that is misleading

to us. In God's world, love is supreme and

full of love. But in our human world, we

often build our lives around non loving

directives, and are not guided by love. And

when we find ourselves doing things that

are not loving, then to call these things love

also, is misleading. When we do loving

things, there is no need to cover these

things up or to associate them to any

religion or religious leader. But when we

fall short of love and do non loving, human

things, these things aren't the same as

totally loving things. And if we see the

error of these non loving things, and desire

to change them to loving things instead,

then we can give them a name that is not

'loving things', but 'things that want to be

loving, but aren't yet', so as to indicate to us

that they are not yet the same as loving

things, but that we want a change. And this

is the area Jesus seeks to be big in. so that

when one invokes the name of Jesus, they

are right away, indicating an imperfection

and a need for healing, and that they are

calling for the name of Jesus to cover an

imperfection. Love speaks for itself, but

other things need the cover of Jesus, or a

concept of love that acts as a savior to

cover imperfections (which is what Jesus

is), before a loving God, where love is

supreme. But for one to do this, one must

be beyond believing that God exists, and be

actually feeling the pressure of God and

supreme love.

But since our imperfections are human and

imperfect, and contain destruction: for us to

continually hold onto them and use the

name of Jesus to cover these things forever,

in order to have these imperfect things

instead of love; does defeat the purpose of

Jesus and uses Jesus to replace love with

imperfection and non loving things. That is

not Jesus' purpose and Jesus doesn't allow

that. The name of Jesus is only a

temporary permit, and is designed to allow

some non loving things a temporary, Not

permanent, existence in their transition to

loving things. And this is where Jesus'

insistence on giving up our (Non loving)

life, and dieing to our (Non loving) self,

comes in. Yes, we do give up these

imperfect human things, but not into a

vacuum, but only in order to exchange

them for totally loving things. So that it is

easy to give up my non loving parts and

life (thus dieing to my (non loving) self) for

the sake of love, to replace them with love.

But when this total love has not yet

appeared, then it is not time to give them

up, but instead, cover them with the name

of Jesus, or some other deference to love as

the supreme concept and that ours is a love

wanna be, but admission of imperfection,

that we are not there yet, label. And we do

this as a communication to a loving God

who we are feeling the pressure of being

under due to our non loving things; which

somehow gets mixed up in a directive to

convert others to our religion. Go figure?

It is a good thing that we can die to

imperfect religious directives which we

have made a part of our self, (only when

there is totally loving stuff to replace it).

But what may be going on here is that we

are working with human material above

barren level, at medium level, and some all

destructive has separated off, and we are

ashamed and reject that all destructive part

that generated from us. What we need to

do, is go with a sorting action (done by a

shepherding entity), to sort off this all

destructive part to an all destructive pile.

Recall Christ's exhortation that if a part of

one offended oneself, one was to cast that

part away. x

Now, Christ does not allow these imperfect

non loving things forever to replace total

love, as He requires self (non loving self)

sacrifice, and dieing to our (non loving)

self, (but only when there is total love there

to replace them). So that if we do not

desire total love to eventually replace our

non loving human things, then there is no

sense in taking up Jesus' name or talking

about Jesus, because Jesus will not allow

destruction or destructiveness or meanness

to be victorious through himself, through

the use of his name, as that is not his


But there are people who profess the name

of Jesus, but who support policies that are

harsh on the poor, but which line the

pockets of the rich. They don't care about

the poor, like Jesus did in his ministry, and

they support policies that take the last

farthing from widows. Ie, they seek to

abolish social security and medicare, which

makes it hard on old people, which is what

widows usually are. This is how the

religious leaders of Jesus' day were, and

this is how religious leaders of this day are,

and that hasn't changed. But make no

mistake: the name of Jesus, doesn't cover

these non loving acts forever, and these

rich powerful people need to sell all they

have, give it to the poor, and follow Jesus;

or just quit using Jesus' name and admit

that they don't care to have love conquer

all, and aren't on the side of love at all.

With Christ and God, the criterion to focus

on, is loving vs non loving. This means, it

is not the criterion of being democrat or

republican, or the size of government, or

one's stance on taxes and spending in

government, that is to focus on and hold

supreme. So that if one rejects another

because they aren't of the same political

philosophy, when that is not the same as

rejecting that other position due to being

non loving; then one isn't acting in a

Christian, or loving, way; and one has

departed from holding the concept of love

as supreme; no mater how often they go to

church or talk religion. And government

programs to help the poor, are directly

helpful, or loving, to them. One may wish

to indirectly help the poor by not giving

them a handout but by instilling the

motivation and drive to make it

independently for themselves. (However,

the cumulative effect of sexual morality

over many generations, creates individuals

who are dependent; who have lost their self

sufficiency.) Now, since one is not directly

loving to these poor and seeks an indirect

rout; the burden of proof is upon one to

show that one truly is loving, since they

have taken the indirect rout and are

not directly loving to these poor on the

direct face of it. Unfortunately, often I

think that these indirect plans of not

directly loving the poor, are instead just

motivational structures to line the pockets

of the rich and support a system of haves

and have nots.

Now then, in my writings, I have portrayed

the existence of different entities, some of

which are rich, some of which are just

below rich, like the shepherding entity,

some of which are medium and not rich,

like the human area, and some of which are

barren, like the destructive area. For

government to make everybody equal, just

wouldn't be in line with the structure of

these writings. So that the rich in society

would represent the high parts, which are

rich and separate from the rest of us lower

entities. However, these are not the same.

The rich in our society today, are not truly

rich or truly high parts. That is because the

things that make people to be the rich in

our society, are not from making being

loving vs non loving as the supreme

concept. When you have a group of

people, then collectively they can generate

more wealth and richness than any

individual, regardless of what concept they

hold supreme if any. And so they can

generate a rich environment, but not

necessarily a rich environment that has

freed itself from destruction or destructive

forces. And a rich entity not free of

destructiveness, is just a firestorm waiting

to happen, and is not a stable or

longstanding entity. And when a group of

people collectively generates a rich

environment, but then separates away and

prevents some of those who generated that

environment from further contact or use of

that rich environment, then that is an act of

destruction upon these people. By electing

our leaders, and attempt is made to include

the wishes of each individual in how the

wealth of a society is used. (And that

doesn't even involve allowing the

individuals to vote on each proposal, but

just on a leader.) But do we elect

our bosses in industry where our wealth is

created? No. So here in industry, no

attempt is made to include the wishes of the

individuals who work together to generate

the wealth of industry.

Now, the rich societies here on earth, do

misdirect us in how richness acts. You see,

in the rich entities which are also free of

destructivenesses, they seek out poor

entities (that are evil free), to lift them up,

and these are a valuable commodity to

them: unlike the rich here on this earth,

which seek to distance themselves from the



Coming to Jesus insert:

After reading in the gospels, which I hadn't

done in awhile, I had a coming to Jesus

moment. And I will try to capture the jist

of my thoughts: From my

reading of the gospel, I find a seeming

error in Christ, which turns out not to be an

error, but does fix Christ's place in my life.

From my reading, I get the jist that Jesus

was a representative, come down from God

the Father, who did a bunch of good things

and healings, but who at the end, even

against his own will 'father, if it be

possible, let this cup pass from me,

nevertheless, thy will be done'; fed himself

to the evil/destruction of this earth, and turn

the other cheek. The error I speak of, is the

idea that we are all to be like Jesus, and

that God the Father wants all to feed

themselves to the destruction of this earth.

Also noted is the Ineffective 2 dimensional

sorting of the religious leaders of his day,

as in 'the salt that has lost its savor', but

also of the effective 3 dimensional sorting

that can be, in that 'I came to fulfill the law,

not subvert it'.

Perhaps this is a stretch, but 3 d sorting is

an effective action, and its effectiveness

comes from starving evil/destruction, not

feeding it. But the gospel suggests that

God the Father wants Jesus to feed himself

to evil/destruction against his better

judgment and that we are to do likewise in

following in Jesus' footsteps. That is an

error. The power of God the Father is built

upon being separate and Holy, and not a

part of evil/destructions. And it would be

an error for God the Father to come and

feed himself in total to the forces of

evil/destruction. However, in the rich and

opulent world of God the Father, it is a

whole different world full and bursting at

the seams with life and goodness from

what we are used to down here on earth.

And in the fight between the forces of

good vs evil/destruction, the force of good,

wins, but not by much. The idea is that the

force of good can exist independent of any

evil/destruction (while the force of

evil/destruction cannot), but that that

existence is difficult and strained. So

that Jesus represents God the Father's

controlled use of destruction (via self

sacrifice) to rearrange His universe to

greater benefit for all, without having to

resort to the much slower, complete

absolute independence from the force of

destruction all the time. So that if we are to

retain the image of God, which it is said that

we are created in; then not all of us should

be sacrificed in the way of Jesus. But on

the other hand, there needs to be a part of

us which fails to partake of the effective 3 d

sorting, and causes it to be sacrificed to the

evil/destruction of this earth, which helps

provide God the Father what He can use to

make much benefit for us all. So that my

final resting point is that some parts of

oneself need to be effectively 3 d sorted

and not being taken as a sacrifice; but that

also, other parts of us need to relinquish

effective 3 d sorting, and be taken as a

sacrifice for Christ's sake and the Gospel's.

(However, since we no longer generate

trapped human material, finding material to

sacrifice will have to move on to the

material that has allied itself with the force

of destruction/that is a force of destruction.)

Note that if all of us and all of God the

Father were to sacrifice themselves to the

forces of destruction; that would be an

error indeed, and is not what I recommend,

and that I would be against. -As I don't

believe that God the Father is a vengeful

God, but is instead a loving God, due to the

force of love and kindness being more

powerful than the force of meanness and


Note that whatever percentage of sacrifice

vs sorting the good to the good pile, that we

go with (even if we sacrifice all): that we

move our New activities away from this

area where destruction is, and no longer

work with this area where destruction is. It

is an error to try to continue to act in areas

where a defeat from destructiveness is.

And in our new plan, our shepherding

entity is mostly gone away and not there, as

a response to an overpowering destruction;

as lingering represents a directive of non

action by the shepherding entity on the all

good that medium human material

generates; combine that with the plan to not

separate away the all destruction that also

generates from medium human material,

and that leaves only the occasional action

to remove excess all good material to the

all good entity so the human material

doesn't go from medium to rich. This

allows the shepherding entity to mainly be

away and not available to the overpowering

destruction to feed on it or destroy it.

Because when responding against

destructiveness, or from religious

impositions, prevents us from acting by

sorting away all destructions generated in a

human area caught by a destruction, then

we need to move out of that area and into

other human areas where we can do this

sorting away the all destructive generated.

This means that our shepherding entity no

longer works much with this human

material(in and surrounding the

overpowering destruction), but moves to

surrounding human material outside of that

destruction's grasp.

(The shepherding entity intervenes more

strongly than just lingering in the area

outside the destruction, at least initially.)

(But if there isn't any surrounding human

material, that is one exception where the

shepherding entity doesn't intervene at all,

-when it usually makes it a point to (as its

response to when denied access to an area

due to an overpowering destruction).)

('But if there isn't any surrounding human

material, that is one exception', -this doesn't

occur, because the activities of the all good

do generate incident human material, and

don't restrain that generation outside the

area of an overpowering destruction. -But

this exception Does occur, because the all

good entity Does restrain generation of

incident human material, But just in the

area in and surrounding the destruction,

-for the purposes of generating a

quarantined area to quarantine the


Once the surrounding human material is

processed and turned to all good and all

destructive, with these being sorted to their

respective piles, then there develops a void

surrounding the overpowering destruction.

As the destruction is isolated, it becomes

separated from any more food to feed on.

Alone, then, that destruction self consumes

and disappears. (And it is unlikely any

trapped human material, if there were any,

would survive this.)

In the void left behind, that is free of any

destructions except for their existence as

voids, the high force of good can then

come in and generate to high and rich

level, and replace all that was destroyed

and even more.

Now then. Recently I have discovered my

error of the shepherding entity immediately

sorting the all good of a human area when

that comes under an overpowering

destruction that it can't sort to the all

destructive pile; which does then trap

this human material. We no longer do this

as a response to an overpowering evil, so

that we no longer generate trapped human


(Instead, the shepherding entity refrains

from sorting away the all destructive

generated, as its response, so that this

human material can then deliver it to the

overpowering evil.) -(and it also continues

the action of lingering, which is also a non

involvement by the shepherding entity; -the

only action by the shepherding entity is

to remove any excess all good so this

human area doesn't go from medium to


But the larger point is, that the idea to

quarantine evils and destructions is still

valid, and that we still move new growth

and our attention away from these evils; it is

just that we no longer leave trapped human

material behind to be abandoned by our

shepherding entity.

(Since the overpowering destruction can't

be separated away from the human

material, it can then be classified as human

material; but then what one human material

does to another human material, is between


no longer completely valid: And now,

speaking of the all good material

that is abruptly sorted to the all good pile,

when an evil appears, VS, the all good

material sorted to the all good pile after a

human hunger has been satisfied:at first, the

good from the abrupt sorting, starts out at an

inferior level. But the nature of the all

good entity, is to seek areas needing

improvement, and to lavish upon them up

to high level. So that these Abruptly sorted

goods become a valuable commodity, and

are brought up to the same highness,

actually even higher highness, than the

good that came from the Satisfied sorting,

to which All these goods are at this highest

highness. So that there is quite a difference

in how life is lived between the life in the

all good pile vs life in the human areas

('where many of the first shall be last and

the last shall be first'). Still valid:

And in the sexual area, 'they neither marry

nor are given in marriage, but are as the

angles are'. So that there's not all this

gossip over and keeping an eye on people

to see who's cheating, and who's getting

married, etc. Yes, when our all-goods all

become one in the all-good pile; those who

have been satisfied in their spouse will

share that satisfaction with all the rest of us

who lack satisfaction in that spouse,

bringing us all up to high, satisfied, level in

every respect.

When it comes to turning the other cheek,

there are some nuances:

Well, if you don't turn the other cheek, then

you have to go through life with only one

cheek, and that is human life at a barren

level, which is trapped as it no longer

advances ie, no longer separates in its

forces. So one solution is to turn the other

cheek and put oneself out of ones misery.

With oneself destroyed, it is only the

society that destroyed one that is left to

suffer the loss of one. (This is the thing

about the death penalty: the criminal feels

nothing after the execution. All it does is

to hurt the rest of us who still live. Yes, it

hurts the liberals first. But eventually it

hurts us all.)

And then, there is a point about this that I

have been missing all my life, that better

delineates what I have been wrestling here.

It is the idea of fighting that which is

destructive/ vs giving up and sacrificing

oneself to that which is destructive. I have

suggested that both have their place, but

finally finding the crux point where they

delineate, is nice, to say the least.

What I am talking about, is a careful

reading of 'turn the other cheek'. The idea

of turning the other cheek, only involves

the other cheek. No mention is made of

future material that doesn't exist yet,

because as not existing yet, it is not part of

'the other cheek'. When

it comes to our growth what we do New:

there is no requirement to do that growth

and feed it into the destruction. In fact,

where there is destruction, we should halt

any new growth and no longer grow in that

area but seek areas outside of the

destruction to do new growths. And this

act doesn't violate 'turn the other cheek'. -If

no cheek exists, there is nothing to turn.

And material outside the grasp of a

destruction, is a different type of material,

and isn't another 'cheek'. If destruction is

unable to strike the first 'cheek' then this

command doesn't apply to the material that

isn't able to be struck. So that we don't

bring to the destruction (or 'turn'), the

material which the destruction isn't able to

strike. And this is where we act against and

do fight the force of destruction. We can

Choose to bring our new growths unto

destruction to be destroyed, as who we are,

thinking that this is what 'turn the other

cheek' requires (and this will bring us

pain); Or we can be someone who stops

new growths in areas of destruction, and

grows outside the area of destruction. This

is who we are. And we can turn who we

are, that is, ourself, to destruction (in

accordance with 'turn the other cheek'). If

destruction destroys us, then we no longer

have any cares about this or any

destruction, and destruction will have just

hurt what remains alive, including itself.

But if destruction doesn't destroy who we

are, then we can continue acting against it

by not growing nearby it, but away from it.

So we can shut off future growth in areas

where destruction steps up its attacks. But

the idea to sort away all good material that

is already present in the area of destruction,

seems to violate 'turn the other cheek'. But

what is actually going on here, is that the

forces are separating in the human material

at medium level. When human material

separates into good and destructive forces,

the good has escaped the destructions. This

is something that naturally happens to

inanimate forces. This may violate 'turn

the other cheek', but what violated 'turn the

other cheek', is mindless and unable to

think or obey religious directives. So if

anyone is going to hold accountable for this

violation, they can burn inanimate things in

hellfire, to no effect, as there is no mind or

life there to feel pain or to care what

happens to it. Now once mindless good

material has escaped the forces of

destruction it was once together with: for a

minded entity to take that material and feed

it back into destruction, is also wrong,

because now this material is free of that

destruction, and it is a new material/entity

that never had its first 'cheek' struck, so that

'turn the OTHER cheek' doesn't apply to it.

And since the violation of 'turn the other

cheek' occurred not as caused by the will of

any minded entity, but from a natural

inanimate result; any blame or retribution

for that violation need not be attached to

anything but that natural law. So that even

in the good that separates naturally from

the human material (which contains some

destruction) at medium, that material can

be removed to a good entity by a

shepherding entity with a mind and a will,

without that shepherding entity being held

accountable. (Otherwise, when Jesus went

ahead and did good on the sabbath and

healed anyway, (in accused violation of

'don't work on the sabbath'); He will find

himself opposing the doing of good in

accused violation of the 'turn the other

cheek' command, and will be acting

hypocritically). And note that 'lingering', or

the delay of moving that good material

away from the human material, is favored

by the 'turn the other cheek' command. And

it is such lingering that raises the human

material to medium and causes the forces

to separate in it, mindlessly violating the

'turn the other cheek' command. And with

outside destructions that seek to break in

and feed on this material: it isn't a violation

for shepherding entities to move good

material away from this all destructive

force before that good's first 'cheek' is

struck. -It is only human material

where good and destruction are forced to

be together and are naturally always found

together, not these external all destructive

attacks -seeing how once a thing is together

with destruction, its first cheek Will be


(Then again, perhaps Christ's exhortation to

turn the other cheek, is to tell us not to

expend extra conscious energy trying to get

away from destructive forces, because that

will naturally be given to us as a result of

the forces separating at medium level.)

Getting away from 'turn the other cheek', I

want to get into Christ's major thrust for

self sacrifice, and dieing to yourself. He

speaks of 'the worm that never dieth, and

the fire that is not quenched'. And yes, our

human hungers can be thought of as that.

And to self deny, starves these hungers

and causes them to shrink; while living the

rich life feeds these hungers and causes

them to grow. But in the starved state, one

is at barrenness, and that isn't good for

separation of the forces, (either). And this

brings me to my major point, and that is

that Christ's self denial and self sacrifice, is

an incomplete act. In the starved life of

self sacrifice/denial, both forces are there

chained to each other in their original

human configuration at about equal

strength, and we are not free of either one.

x(That is why one tries to 'turn the other

cheek' as much as possible -so as to put this

trapped good material out of its misery.

-thus making this a more workable plan.

But unless one is absolutely certain of the

existence of a loving God the Father; then

totally self eliminating, is an irresponsible

plan if one favors goodness over

destruction, as one would be depending on

others* to not follow this plan in order to do

the work of bringing about the eventual

overcoming of the force of destruction.

*(others who likely value goodness and

kindness much less, favoring a more

vengeful, less loving result) Because if

everyone followed this plan, then the

trapped good would first be destroyed, and

then the remnant destruction would then

self consume, leaving nothing. This void

would be tasty food for a high power

loving God; but without a loving God, it

would be pointless. Or why would God

resist the generation of new godly material

from the natural way.)x

In the starved life of self sacrifice/denial,

both forces are there chained to each other

in their original human configuration at

about equal strength, and we are not free of

either one. (Here, the worm and the fire

are not favored like they are with the rich

life, but neither is goodness favored either.)

The next step, and the completion of

Christ's act, is to choose one or the other, or

choose the human form of them both

together, (by remaining in barrenness of

self denial). Following Christ through his

self denial, brings each to the point of

choice, but Christ does not choose for us.

When we choose, we thereby complete

Christ's act of what He has done/imposed

upon us through his exhortations to self

deny/sacrifice. Because if we remain in the

barrenness of self denial in the human area,

the forces don't separate, and this is an

unproductive position to be in, other than

it representing a position of choice.

And isn't it kind and good for a religious

leader such as Jesus Christ to bring us to

the point of decision, but not to force us to

choose his way or impose his way upon us,

but instead to let us choose on our own and

for ourselves?

Also incomplete about, or not specifically

included in, Christ's exhortation to self

sacrifice, is for those of us who choose the

force of good and kindness; is to deny new

growth to areas laden with the all

destructive force, and making that up to the

human life that will be trapped there*, by

diverting our new growth away from these

areas of all destructiveness; and so enacting

our choice and fight against the force of

destruction. *(It would be advantageous for

the Human material trapped here to self

sacrifice to the destruction here, to turn

the other cheek to, (so as to put itself out of

its misery of being trapped here under this

destruction), representing a partial doing of

Jesus' plan -But now that we no longer

generate this 'trapped' human material, this

point is no longer valid.) -However, the

medium human material that delivers the

all destruction generating from it to the

nearby overpowering destruction; that also

lingers with the all good that also generates

from it so as to maintain its medium level;

will probably at some point be consumed

by the overpowering destruction that is

quarantined and self consumes; -even

though this human material is not 'trapped'

human material, but is the material that

effects the quarantining and self consuming

of the overpowering destruction. So that as

it is also consumed; it can be the sacrifice

spoken of; while also being the ones to put

an end to this overpowering destruction

(which is something 'trapped' human

material wouldn't be able to do). And as

the overpowering destruction self

consumes, and diminishes in power,

remnant human material may be able to be

separated from it/survive/escape it.

But perhaps I am mistaken about Christ's

way not being complete. The self denial

brings us to barren, but the turn the other

cheek command causes us to do lingering,

as any all good generated is required to

remain with the evil of the human material.

-remaining with the human material is the

essence of lingering. And with lingering,

the human material is brought out of

barrenness and up to medium level, which

greatly enhances the separation of the

forces. And if one separates away the all

destructive generated before it has a chance

to strike its first cheek, then there is no

requirement to keep it together with the

human, or the all good material.

Also, we can move new growth away from

areas containing overpowering destruction

and not be in violation of turn the other

cheek. It is only in the eventual sorting of

all good away to the good entity, or the

immediate sorting of this all good to the

good entity near a destruction, where there

is some finagling with turn the other cheek.

(although, once the other cheek has been

turned to the (human) destruction, and it

has not struck the other cheek, then it

would seem that condition has been

fulfilled, and that surviving material can

then be removed.)

But let us simplify things and just go with

the directive to do things that favor love

and kindness to one another instead of

these religious rules that can become quite


Now let me say, that the marriage

requirement that religion imposes upon us,

does limit our sexual activity of our human

hunger of sexuality. But it doesn't totally

eliminate it, as a call for abstinence would.

Both the marriage requirement and a call

for abstinence fall under the 'self denial'

category. But the marriage restriction

neither encourages nor prohibits our sexual

hunger. And since our sexual hunger is a

human thing containing both good and

destruction in it, allowing it a presence, and

then forcing it down into barrenness, is the

same choice position that religion imposes

upon us with its self denial. How we

choose from there, is up to us. How I

would suggest we choose, is to choose

goodness over destruction. And how we do

that, is to get a little more sexual activity

going than is recommended, to bring us out

of barrenness in this area up to medium. At

medium, the forces within this human

thing, start to separate a lot more than they

would at barrenness. So that right away,

we need to expect the generation of some

all destructive material, and right away,

separate that away. But with the all good

material also generated, I suggest that we

don't likewise sort it right away to its good

entity, but instead linger and hold onto it

for a time in this human area, so as to

move the remaining human material to

medium level.

(Note that until we start doing more human

material above the barrenness of self

denial, to bring it up to medium, that these

things won't happen; but that after we do

start doing more human material up to

medium, we need to be watchful to remove

the all destructive that will then be

generated (but only when not responding

against an overpowering destruction).)

As we let the all good generated linger with

the remnant human material, it starts to get

richer. Allowing it to be brought to

medium is what we want. But when a

segment starts to get above medium

towards richness, we then act to partially

end lingering by partially removing some

all good to the good entity; but only some,

so as not to bring the remnant human

material back down to barrenness but to

maintain it at medium level. But with other

newer segments of this hunger, we don't do

this, but do full lingering with, to build

them up to medium level; until they too

start to become too rich, whence we then

do this partial removal of the all good to

the high parts. As more and more of this

material exists at medium, its forces

separate, and the human material is turned

into all good and all destructive (with the

all destructive immediately being sorted to

the all destructive pile in both instances

(oops; now only in one instance));

then the human material is all transformed

and disappears. Once that occurs, then the

all good remaining is completely (not

partially) sorted to the all good pile, with

a satisfied, and without a rebound search

for human material, (such as what occurs

when responding against an overpowering

destruction). (Once the human hunger has

been completed, then we can, after

lingering, finally sort all this all good

material away from the human area, into

the good entity.) The new all

good material can then be lavished up to

even higher ability in the all good entity.

Now if additional human material then

shows up, the shepherding entity can lower

a part of itself to medium and its higher

counterpart can send it down for an initial

boost, to then do lingering with. And this is

likely (if one is outside of a quarantining of

an overpowering all evil), since the all

good entity often generates human material

as a byproduct of its activities.

End Insert.

When the Bible says fornicators, adulterers,

homosexuals, etc won't enter the kingdom

of heaven; that is one action of sorting (into

two tiers or dimensions). The imperfect

human sex drive is kept separate from the

perfect Godly material, presumably by the

perfect human, Jesus. In a two dimensional

sorting, this leaves the imperfect human

material (that has both goodness and

destruction intertwined), to be together

with/tormented by the all-destructive

material. But if we go a step further and do

a 3 dimensional sorting, Jesus can do

another sorting action to sort the all

destructive material away from the

imperfect human material(which is partly

good and partly destructive), into a third

pile or tier. In this 3 dimensional sorting,

the human material isn't tormented, (and I

say, generates material that escapes the

human area, finds perfection, and joins

God; a small percentage of that material

coming back down and joining Jesus): and

the all destructive material self eliminates.

Because when the all-destructive material

(that was sorted off the human material in

the 3 dimensional sorting) doesn't have the

good from human material to feed off of, it

self eliminates. x

Some of us discover that we are humans

and not Gods, and that we have imperfect

sexual things from our imperfect sex drive

in us that we were born with. We then think

and fear that we won't make it into heaven

(because of them); so try to hide and

eliminate this very human part of

ourselves; and this reflects the two

dimensional sorting mentality where that

which doesn't make it into heaven is

tormented and eternally burned in hell. But

with a 3 dimensional sorting mentality; if

one happens to be an imperfect human, one

needn't fear what and who they are, but can

allow the 3 dimensional sorting actions to

act positively and beneficially upon them;

and not suffer blame and torment for who

they are; and not to be scapegoated as the

cause of the entire human condition as a

response to that condition(their only crime

being born into it as an imperfect human);

-scapegoating, which does nothing to fix or

improve that condition; as opposed to

fixing and improving that condition (which

is what 3 dimensional sorting does)!

Shame on you two dimensional religious

people. Xxx

And then it is these same two dimensional

people who think you are a lower life form

than they are because you appear not to

have left your imperfect human things,

while they are therefore above you;

themselves being more Godly. And they

then try to treat you lower on an economic

scale by suggesting that you have had your

fun and now its their turn for you to serve

them and be their servant so that they can

have their fun, (as we are all allocated

equal shares of fun), in an economic


They further emphasize that they are a

superior being over you by pointing out

how since you haven't left your human

things, that you are devoid of godly things

and are thus a burden and a freeloader on

the rest of godly society, and how much

you owe and are indebted to them.

Well, speaking of voids; we humans use

those human things to partially fill those

voids; and when they try to point out that

we have voids in the godly area, because

we have been sorted out of the godly area

due to our mild use of human things; we

just realize the inaccuracy of this

by realizing that not only can we enjoy life

on the human plane, (because our Jesus

representation has cast off any all-evils that

would attack us in our mild use of human

things); that we also generate a robust

amount of material into the godly plane

from the material that naturally escapes

there from our mild doing of human things;

(which also delivers its small percentage to

our Jesus representation which then keeps

our human plane safe from attacks from

all-evils). So that it is actually these poor

sorry saps who are into holier than thou 2

dimensional sorting, that find themselves

wanting, who are now NOT able to turn that

lack of satisfaction into an advantage by

trying to convince us it is their turn over us

because they have refrained from enjoying

any human things. We realize now that

what they need to do, is just help

themselves and indulge in a mild doing of

human things also, and quit trying to

achieve this holier than thou status through

as humans, eliminating of all doing of

human things from the human area.

Now when religion condemns us as humans

for our use of imperfect human things,

(which is what our imperfect human sex

drive that we were born with, is); that

condemnation is a totally all-destructive

thing; whereas the imperfect human thing

being destroyed, is a thing that has both

goodness and destruction intertwined. If

we were to act from a Jesus representation,

we would sort the all destructive thing, the

condemnation, off of the human thing, that

was being condemned. But even though

they are two different types of things (the

human thing; and the condemnation

destroying the human thing, that is), some

2 dimensional religious people may say, 'so

what'; that's the way my God wants it, and

that's the way it shall be! So, let us see the

result of a 2 dimensional all-destructive

condemnation upon our imperfect human

things. Well, after the condemnation

destroys our doing of the human thing,

there is a void and a nothingness in this

area. We are still human (the part of us

which is still alive and not destroyed), and

are still under the human condition, so that

the void in the doing of this human action

where the condemnation had destroyed; is a

doing of a totally 'off' or abstinent setting,

of that human action. And under the

human condition, both goodness and

destruction results; goodness results in

some areas while destruction results in

other areas, to the extent that the 'some

areas' become rich, while the 'other areas'

become barren; (because this is an

imperfect human area where both goodness

and destruction occur no matter what we

do, just in different areas). And this

polarized situation is not conducive to the

remaining human material advancing to be

high parts, and we find ourselves now

trapped in the human configuration (as a

result of their condemnation).

Now if we rebel, and replace what they

destroyed with the doing of the material

they destroyed, (and use our Jesus

representation to cast off their

condemnations and sort them away into an

all-destructive pile); then we will be doing a

'full on' doing of the human material, which

results in the 'some areas' going barren and

the 'other areas' being made rich; and this

also traps us in our human material from

advancing to high parts; not right away, but

after a time after moving away from the

destructive condemnation; so that we find

ourselves needing that (full off) religious

destructive condemnation of our human

thing periodically, and then rebelling

against it and doing our human thing full

on, so that we cycle about a middle ground

level of doing this human thing. So that we

retain this destructive religious

condemnation to allow us to function and

be able to let our human material advance

to be high parts.

However, if we instead, replace the void

area (where the religious condemnation

destroyed), with a mild doing of the human

action that combines a balance between the

full 'off' of abstinence with the full 'on'

doing of the human thing; then the 'some

areas' would find themselves at a medium

level between richness and barrenness, as

would also the 'other areas'; and our

remaining human material WOULD

advance into being high godly material;

(from which a percentage would replenish

our Jesus representation), which would then

be powerful enough to cast off the all

-destructive 2 dimensional religious


Now with the all-destructive material such

as their condemnation, being sorted in a 3

dimensional sorting into a 3rd pile; it is all

by itself with no human material to feed

off; it thus self consumes.

With no life available representing the all

-destructive, there is no all-destructive life

to carry out the condemnations demanded

by the 2 dimensional religious people, and

their will is not done. Of course, if we

allow ourselves to live under a 2

dimensional religious world, then we allow

the all-destructive to have human material

to feed off of so that there will be plenty of

all-destructive condemnation available to

destroy our human material when we need

that destroyed. But not all of us choose to

live under such a system; and because that

system makes heavy use of destruction, (in

the all-destructive condemnings of human

material); that system is under a less

powerful god than a system that doesn't use

such destruction, because destruction

brings one down and one's system down.

Realize that a 2 dimensional system of

sorting is non functional and doesn't

advance goodness over destructiveness,

whereas a 3 dimensional religious system,

IS functional in the area of advancing

goodness over destruction; as when all

-destructive material/condemnation is truly

alone (with no human material to feed off

of), it does self consume, and is no longer

there. And when goodness is advanced

over destruction, that system is more

powerful. Xx

Note that just because you do what your

told and be faithful and don't cheat, or that

religion destroys in you, parts of your

human self; doesn't change or heal or fix

that this is still a human area that is

imperfect, that has both good and

destruction hopelessly intertwined: -and

needs to be done at medium level, between

full on and full off.

So that when 2 dimensional religion

destroys some of your doing of imperfect

human things; don't let that void stand in

the full 'off' mode: go right away and with

your Jesus representation, fill it with a mild

doing of your human thing that balances

the full off against the full on doing of that

human thing; and defend that mild doing

against further destruction by casting off

the all-destructive condemnation into a 3rd

pile containing all that is all-destructive; as

non destructively as possible(so that your

sorting action itself won't be sorted to the

all-destructive pile). By thus enacting a 3

dimensional sorting, you will overcome the

attempts at 2 dimensional sorting done to

you. And you will be part of a 3

dimensional system that is functional at

favoring goodness over destruction; and

not a part of a pretend 2 dimensional

religious system that is non functional. Xx

When we find our human selves being

attacked for not achieving enough or when

we are thinking of attacking our human self

for not achieving enough; realize that our

human self is a valuable piece of life(do not

forget that that imperfect human life is

valuable and that without it, these other

productive actions have little to no

meaning)that is an imperfect human

material that has an all-destructive thing

(the attack) that is together with it. To

neglect sorting that attack away because

one is trying to divert resources into trying

to do some other productive thing; is a

wrong response. Because allowing the all

-destructive attack to feed on imperfect

human material, not only feeds that all

destructive attack allowing it to

grow/exist; it also brings the human

material towards barrenness; which is a

wrong action because the human material

needs to be at medium ability to allow its

material to grow to escape its internal evil

to join the high parts (this medium level,

being what human material naturally

produces when experiencing what itself

produces (when not under any outside all

-destructive attacks)) -(so that just having

one's human material free of attack and at

medium ability, IS a productive end in

itself; (allowing its material to escape its

internal evil and join high parts)) whereas

at barrenness (which is the result of an all

evil attack together with and upon human

material), the human material is unable to

grow into freedom from its internal evil

and escape to the high parts. So in the

sharing between the individual entity and

the societal entity, the circumstances must

be pretty dire with the societal entity also

under 'a human condition' (and the societal

entity is usually never under a human

condition, but is always rich from receiving

the best parts from its unbalanced

individuals) for the individual to even

consider such a sacrifice of their internal

productiveness; (and if so, that SHARED

sacrifice is not at the same high percentage

that the individual entity normally delivers

to the societal entity), as a society cannot

advance with destructiveness tormenting

and feeding on its individuals. And if a

society is just trying to improve its

production, or competing to do so; that isn't

reason enough to take such a wasteful

action toward the individual's internal

productivity, as the individual person is a

much more valuable entity than any of the

things this individual could produce (who's

only purpose is to enhance the lives of

other individuals; -products which are

worthless at doing that if an individual is in

torment in order to produce these things. It

is the individual in torment that holds the

greatest value in reversing that torment,

with these other things of much less value:

from any perspective -either the individual

under torment, or the whole societal entity.

So that the individual under torment is

almost always right to cast off these

tormenting attacks, whether or not their

societal entity agrees. Because feeding the

destructive force is never a wise course. So

that it is the all destructive attack that needs

to be cast off the human material in order to

make it productive; and not that that human

material needs to be attacked to motivate it

to be productive. Human material should

experience what it produces and reap what

it sows (which is a medium level

environment); and should not be prevented

from experiencing itself by being altered by

an all-destructive attack, that may come in

the guise of being a motivating force to

favor productive actions; but that in reality;

is counterproductive to that. Because by

feeding destruction and not letting

destruction eliminate itself; just brings us

all down. Allowing an attack to be with

our human material allows evil to be fed

and grow. That evil should not be fed with

additional actions of doing anything

productive. Recall that in an all-evil

situation, we do no work, so as not to feed

at all, this all-evil. So that the right thing to

do when our human area is under attack; is

to actively shut off and stop any doing of

anything else productive, so as not to feed

the all destructive attack with that

productive material; and single mindedly

do a 3-D sorting action to remove the all

destructive attack away from ones human

material to a 3rd pile that is away/separate

from ones human material. (Once the all

destructive condemnation is separate and

alone by itself, it self consumes and

disappears.) And once that is done,

when/if one is successful at sorting away

the all destructive; one then reverses one's

stance of actively suppressing any other

productive activity; to now being open to a

medium amount of productive activities,

because now the situation is no longer all

evil, but now has some good. And one can

then do some degree of other productive

activities that one finds interesting while

under the situation where ones human

material is free or separate from any


(Realize that doing our human actions at,

(or cycling about), medium ability is a

separate thing from our sorting-3D (or 2D);

and it is a choice that we choose in addition

to our sorting actions. And it is a choice we

choose, oftentimes against being coerced or

enticed by others to make those areas

barren or rich.)xx

Most of the time, the societal entity is rich

since it receives the best from each of its

individuals. But if a society contains evils

it needs to work out within it, then that

society doesn't want to be at rich, but

instead at medium ability. Now a society

can achieve this medium ability by

squandering its richness down to medium.

Note that a foolish society may cast off

some of its individuals. These individuals,

being imbalanced and cut off from their

societal entity, languish, are barren or die.

Usually the societal entity is rich, but

when a society does this, it can bring itself

down to medium ability since it looses

what these individuals were specialized in.

This is great for this society as its able to

work out its evils in medium ability. And

as for the individuals who are lost; well, it

doesn't care about them anyway, and they

serve to be a lesson to the rest what will

happen if they step out of line. But just

think: this society has taken on the role of

the individual. When trying to solve the

problems of life, this society makes only

one try; whereas individuals who've been

cast out can get together to form a society

of many (medium ability) individuals who

try out MANY possibilities simultaneously.

The (rich)society they comprise is thus

better able to solve new problems; and is

also rich; so this society can

outgrow/overcome the limited societies that

chooses to (take the position of the

individual (at medium ability) by) casting

off many of its individuals into

barrenness. -Who instead can escape that

intended fate to become a better society

that replaces it. So that even when a

society is in a human condition, it is still

right for the individual to cast off evil

attacks that would bring it to barrenness, if

that society has brought itself to a human

condition and medium ability due to

foolishly squandering its individuals.

And since this evil society is not rich, but at

only at medium level; other, surrounding,

good rich societies are more powerful, and

can intervene to put an end to this evil

society's despotic ways, by assisting those

who would otherwise be killed by this

despotic society.


I have been told there is a soul mate, one

spouse who is just for me. -Now, when

people are being generated who are ever

more different and ever more unbalanced;

it is true that there are fewer and fewer

people who are similar to me, so that it can

be said that there is just one person who is

best compatible with me, having the same

like interests as me. But for me to marry

this person and enjoy our lives together,

and have (many) children with, just

perpetuates this tendency towards

unbalance and elimination of the individual

entity for the sake of the societal entity.

Seeing that this isn't what we need at this

point; I thus avoid doing this. Xx

In the relationship with my spouse, I cater

only to her, and vice versa; and we seem to

indicate by this that we are the only people

who matter. But reality check: we are but

two of many people, all of more or less

equal value. And the denial of the worth of

all these other people is a false reality, one

that is not true. One that is also unbalanced.


Let me rehash this stuff a little bit.

When people get married and have kids,

they have to spend a lifetime or a long time

together. It helps if they have common

interests (ie, they are pretty much the same)

so that they can enjoy their time together.

This puts quite a persuasive incentive to

find someone who is similar. So that when

similar or the same people hook up, this

leaves dissimilar people Not hooked up. So

that differences fester and grow so that

eventually in a population, different groups

of people are generated, each being good in

different areas, to the extent the genetics

allow. From this, a societal entity forms

whereby a person who is good in one area

but deficient in other areas, is not weeded

out, but can survive by joining the societal

entity. People can specialize and develop

their good area extensively while letting

their other areas slide; and together with

everyone else, who also specialize in each

respective area, can make a competent

societal whole. But resulting from this is

that no one person is competent to satisfy

their mate; that there are 2 sources of need

satisfying; that compete. Some may seek a

mate based on complimenting (ie, not the

same) skills so they may improve

satisfaction of their needs from the

societal angle, but at the same time, give up

compatibility and enjoy their time together

less. ie, when one marries for money. This

allows for some putting back together of

the different specialized areas.

And also, when people get together

for a short while and then divorce, who are

not necessarily compatible but just

attracted, this also allows for more mixing

and putting back together of the different

areas. So that the absolute directive to take

away from the individual area and give to

the societal area, certainly is slowed; and

perhaps would be enough to prevent the

absolute/complete raiding of the individual

entity for the benefit of the societal entity.


Let me go over this again in a bit more

depth of analysis: One is required to spend

their whole life with their mate in sexual

exclusivity if one follows through with the

conservative way. When people are young,

sexual attraction occurs and boys and girls

pair up. Most of the time they are not

compatible; that is they don't share the

same interests and are not the same. These

then break up and soon after, move on to

another partner. Eventually partners find

themselves with people of similar interests,

who are pretty much the same (ie

compatible); and these people then take the

plunge and get married. (In this insert,

some say that opposites attract. But perhaps

what is going on instead, is that there is a

sexual attraction between most men and

women, and that when they pair up, most

of the time they are different, or

'opposite', while only occasionally do pairs

contain similar people.)

Because the requirements of sexual morality

require us to at least make an attempt to

live with a partner for a long time in sexual

exclusivity; this favors people who are

alike to come together, so that they may

enjoy their long time together pursuing

common interests; thus leaving people not

alike, ie, different, as being left apart and

not connected sexually/genetically. As a

society specializes and its individuals

become unbalanced -that is, they are good

in one area, -maximized in tune with one

area; but deficient in all the other areas: this

provides another need/need satisfaction

source (in addition to the reproductive

drive need and need satisfaction source).

That is, an individual needs to participate in

their society, giving of their good area so

that they may receive their small shares of

the Many(more than 2) other good areas

supplied by Many other unbalanced

individuals (who are also maximized in

their own respective and different good

areas); and thereby satisfy each others

needs (other than sexual) as a societally

competent whole. As a society continues to

specialize, the number of different areas

(manned by individuals who are good in

each particular area) grows well beyond 2.

So that if a person was thinking of giving

up similarity in a mate in order to join a

mate with complimentary skills; this

wouldn't work out well because 2 skill areas

does not a society make. And the society

way would do a much better job at

supplying needs through combining the

skills of a multitude of skill areas (supplied

by individuals) much greater than 2. No,

better a person find someone of like skills

for a mate, and they can both work on

improving their performance in their one

good skill area and thus get better

recognition and pay from their job (joining

with the societal entity and through their

societal connection). And at the same time

they can enjoy each other's like interests.

But what if a person is at the top of the

heap in their good skill area, and already

has good pay? Well, with those needs

satisfied, the only need left is the

reproductive drive. Here, finding someone

of like mind/ability/interests allows this

couple to enjoy their greater command of

resources (from society) together. So, we

see an uninterrupted directive to ever

increase specialization and sacrifice the

individual entity to benefit the societal

entity, so far. However, in some ideas

about good vs evil; life vs destruction, we

will see that meanness and cruelty doesn't

get along with itself. They are the same,

yes, but two mean people, being mean to

each other, do not get along and are not

compatible. Perhaps if they can direct their

meanness to others, they can get along, but

this can be tentative at best, as mean,

competitive people often go after each

other to establish who is dominant. So that

pairing of like people who are

mean/competitive, does not provide

satisfaction in the traditional morality

concerning satisfaction of the sex drive.

These dominant ones find submissive ones

to dominate, and they are not the same, do

not share the same mind, and once the

sexual need is satisfied, they have a lot of

time on their hands with little in common

to do. And there is no harmony here

concerning the traditional way. The societal

way of satisfying other needs, is the only

way that does work for these people. They

are often at the top of their heap and make

good money. It is in the marital area where

things are problematic. Since the traditional

way in the sexual area doesn't work for

these people, they are tempted to model

this area after the way that does work for

them -the societal way. They are thus

tempted to add the sexual area and treat it

the same way other needs are handled by

the societal area. -That is to have the input

of many different people each contributing

their best skill, not just 2 people. This

means multiple partners, maybe a girl in

every port; divorce, bigamy, going from

one mate to another in rapid succession,

etc. It is these kinds of behaviors that mix

the genes, and prevent absolute sacrifice of

the individual entity to the societal entity,

thus saving our ass!

It is odd how a religion based on love and

kindness depends on meanness and mean

and competitive people to save its ass/ our

ass.xxx Opposites attract:

But then one day I was made to reconsider

my stance on this; but not that it changed

much. Men and women are different (or

opposite) (thus they are good at different

things) , and as such they compliment each

other. This probably is the very basis of

the attraction between men and women.

And continuing on with opposites attract,

we would then think that a woman who

was unlike her man would thereby

compliment him; and this may be the very

basis of additional attraction here. But

because of societal specialization; a person

needs many more than just 2 areas done

well; this couple also finds itself wanting at

being satisfied, or balanced and self

sufficient, which leaves areas unfilled so

that there is always potential attraction to

even different partners for the unfilled

needs that they could fill; so that couples

often split up and chase other partners;

chasing after that attraction(due to

attraction to different differences of other

complimentary partners) in an endless

chasing that can never be filled, due to it

takes more than 2 skill areas done well to

satisfy a human being. And it is this

endless chasing of attraction that thus saves

our ass by getting us to mix with different

partners (who are different), thus putting

genetic differences back together through

mating and offspring.

Note however that these partners that we are

attracted to (due to how they compliment

where we are deficient in (due to our

differences and our unbalanced states)); are

not people who we make strong

connections with. Since they are so good

at where we are feeble at, and vice versa;

there is little togetherness of mind or joint


But woe to us who through attraction

between the sexes, (due to the

complimenting differences from being

male and female) are led to join with a

mate who is otherwise similar to us. Here

the pair can and do work together and build

joint achievements together, bonding them

together in a lasting bond. They will

always experience the fleeting attractions

to others, but are taught by religion that this

is the carnal man which is to be put to

death. This long term partnership with a

similar spouse is the type of thing that the

marriage rules and religion encourages and

what also ultimately will result in our

demise if taken to extreme and

absoluteness. So it is the attractions people

feel towards others who are different (or

opposite); which cause them to chase after

an unachievable satisfaction so that they do

a serial line of partners attempting to satisfy

these attractions (the woman at the well

who had 5 husbands and the man she was

living with now was not her husband; is the

biblical example): these attractions cause

some of us to violate the absolute directive

of enactment of the marriage rules;

allowing for genetic mixing and putting

back together genetic differences in the

offspring produced between these

DIFFERENT (and thus maximally attracted

people); thus saving our ass; (even though

the individual never finds and never will

find total or complete satisfaction by

chasing these attractions with any one


So it is these occasional violations

of the marriage rule that are valuable and

are needed to keep our society healthy.

Note that when a society starts out with

self sufficient individuals, they all do all

areas fairly well, and are all similar; so that

because they are not different or opposite;

there isn't much attraction. But as a society

specializes and individuals do one area

really well (while the other areas not so

well); everyones good area serves to attract

each other due to immense differences

between people and hence greater

attraction due to these differences or

'opposites'. So that as individuals become

more unbalanced and specialized; attraction

grows; and normally this would act as a

check (as in checks and balances) to cause

these unbalanced individuals to mix back

together and combine their differences.

However, if a religious dogma keeps them

from doing that, then this check and

balance fails and they continue on into ever

more imbalance, and also greater attraction,

that they must resist.

(This attraction, which comes from people's

differences complimenting each other;

begins with the differences between men

and women, and does continue on in a

societal entity of many unbalanced people,

each good at a different area where the

many different good areas are put together

to make a competent and satisfying societal

whole. Where does the other thing, the one

man one woman thing, fit into this?)

It is the marriage rule and religion that

encourages and incentivizes like couples to

get together long term in spite of the

reduction in attraction (and penalizes those

who chase their attractions too much) as it

is these like people who can make it work

long term; while the maximally attracted

people, (the people more into following

their attractions), find that they can't stay

together long term. Ex: the woman at the

well. So, yes, opposites do attract, and

differences do cause attractions; but these

attractions don't help relationships last long

term. -Because there is no joint

achievements or joint entity, but only

onesidedness where each person dominates

completely where they are good at and

their partner is poor at, in their

complimentary relationship.

-And because once humans become too

specialized; no one mate can satisfy due to

too many areas going unsatisfied due to it

takes the good areas of many more than 2

people to completely satisfy; so that one

must hop from partner to partner to even

approach this satisfaction; which totally

violates the marriage rule.

So that religion and the marriage rule

still do the things that I said and still cause

the individuals generated to be increasingly

unbalanced over the generations; and still

need to be prevented from being enacted

absolutely in order to prevent absolute

elimination of the individual entity

resulting in end of the world scenarios.

And it is attraction itself that does this by

helping break up these long term

relationships between like people to bring

about the needed genetic mixing between

unlike/different/opposite people. We

therefore must take care that we don't

stamp out these violations of the marriage

rule in an absolute enforcement of the

marriage rule; as it is this that saves our

ass at this time.

Note that there still exists a 3 dimensional

sorting plan or religion which actually

works (to advance goodness over

destruction); which we can use within

ourselves* to our and everyone's benefit

*(as within ourselves there exists high parts

and human parts and also sometimes all

destructive parts): even though the pretend

religions of 2 dimensional sorting also exist

along side, but do not work.xx

Let me say that there is an exception. There

is one area that doesn't fit into this mating

scenario; where we do NOT allow different

parts of this area to get together and

compliment each other but instead insist on

like parts of this area to get together; even

if that means a loss of attraction due to

what this one area would contribute. Yes,

in the area of kindness and good vs

meanness and destructiveness, is this

exception where we do do the conservative

religious way, and do not mix the two

together so they would compliment each

other. If we did, that would allow larger

representations of both forces, since each

force supplies the input of the other force.

And with large amounts of life

representing these forces; that life would be

fodder for the force of destruction, as that

is its input. This setting would favor the

force of destruction. Also, nothing else

would get accomplished because whatever

the force of good accomplished would just

get knocked down soon after by the force

of destruction. So that setting would be a

total win for the force of destruction.

No, instead, we should do the setting

whereby we encourage like parts of this

area to get together. That is, nice and good

people should get together, and cruel/mean

people should also be left with each other.

Now we know mean people can't get along

together, so that spoils their fun as far as

any long term relationship. Since we avoid

putting mixed couples together as policy,

that also eliminates long term relationships

there. But what about kind, nice couples?

Here they would build up a rich area rich

in kindness and goodness with many joint

achievements that would bind them

together in the same mind. Having built up

this rich area, they would then find it

difficult to make additional improvements

within themselves, thus limiting their force

of good within themselves. Now let me

deal with these items one at a time.

Because they have built up a rich area, that

is often food for the force of destruction.

And since they are human, and have gotten

together on the basis of sexual attraction;

there is human evil nearby, which could

burn these rich areas down. However, the

sexual area and the concept of good vs evil

(which can cover all areas); do not need to

be the same area. As individuals, we have

all good parts and human parts and we need

to have a system of keeping these parts

separate. (This is one part of 3 dimensional

sorting, (also included in 2 dimensional

sorting).) So that as a couple, rich, all good

areas can be built up outside of the sexual

area/other human areas, and be kept

separate from the human areas. While in

the human areas and the sexual area, these

can be kept at only medium level and not

richness. And when rich areas are kept

separate from the destructive force, they

do quite well, as it is only under the

unavoidable contact with the force of

destruction (as exists in human areas)

where we need to limit things down to

medium level and avoid generating rich


Now as for the building up rich areas only

within the couple; one can avoid that by

interacting with others outside the

boundary of the couple so that they spend

time away from each other, with others,

and do not build up an excessively rich area

just within their couple boundary, but

extend that building up richness to also

include other good people. And who says

they have to be monogamous within their

couple boundary; but instead be

monogamous just within the boundary of

all good people. (And if a good person is

forced by their desires to do the deed with

someone who is not good like they are,

then they should limit that connection with

that person to only a medium level of

human sexuality, and prevent their other

(good) areas from contacting the bad areas

of the other person.)

So then, if a good/kind couple is careful,

they CAN form a long term relationship; if

they do not extend their rich

goodness/kindness into their sexuality, (but

instead only extend medium level

goodness/kindness); and if they do not limit

their generating of richness to the evil free

areas of just themselves but also include

the evil free areas of others outside their

couple boundary.

Note that we maintain some form of a

couple boundary and it is not (necessarily)

a sexual free for all (although it could

almost be); but that that couple boundary is

not an absolute boundary.

I guess I would say that when it comes

down to it, that yes, in the imperfect human

sexual area, we must choose, and we must

commit to one person. But that instead of

valuing that and extending that to a

lifetime; that we should instead, devalue

that, and minimize it to not very long at all.

But just because we end our commitment

with a person, doesn't mean we break up

with them totally, and as time goes by, they

may become the object of our commitment

again (and again).


I heard one single woman who hadn't had a

date in awhile, ask for a relationship where

the guy wasn't a control freak, abusive, or a

cheater. And then later another woman

was feeling some dissatisfaction with her

relationship, saying she wanted more out of

life, but that her partner was content where

he was at. And then another woman

expressed dissatisfaction with her

relationship, saying her partner was boring

and had lost interest.

Now I think the first woman is on the track

of something. She is starting to learn that

all human sexuality is imperfect. But

unfortunately, she still holds out hope for a

man, a happily ever after, a prince, who can

provide a happily ever after relationship.

But the last woman has a partner that

doesn't control or abuse or cheat, and she is

still not happy. And thats just the thing.

What all these women need to realize that

they haven't realized or refuse to realize, is

that all human sexuality is imperfect, and

that because of this, they should clear a part

of themselves apart from all human

sexuality so they can run that at a higher

level and experience the more perfect life

that doesn't involve human sexuality; and

seek more out of life in that area: while

balancing this area without human

sexuality with another part of themselves

set at a lower level, that does involve

human sexuality. But no, they still think

they can achieve a perfect happily ever

after relationship out of human sexuality.

And that just doesn't happen because all of

human sexuality is imperfect. Now just

because human sexuality is imperfect

doesn't mean that it is all bad. However,

the first woman's absolute rejection of

cheaters, is a thing that is all destructive.

I don't know what being controlling, or

abusive has to do with human sexuality, but

cheating is a part of human sexuality, and it

is no more imperfect than non cheating

sexuality, as in my book, all human

sexuality is neither all good nor all bad.

However, the condemnation of one form

of human sexuality, is an all destructive

thing. Being all bad, I act to sort this all

bad thing, off the imperfect thing of

cheating sexuality. Unfortunately for the

all bad thing; without something human to

feed on, it self consumes and disappears,

along with the other all destructive things

like abusing and controlling, when they are

sorted off their food source of feeding on

something imperfect and human, into the

all-destructive pile.


(In this insert, I consider that jealousy is

from a fear of loosing one's significant

other, absolutely, due to the absolute nature

of the traditional morality. Because the

traditional morality is unlike the societal

way of need satisfying, in that it totally and

absolutely shuts out others from sharing in

one's mate's sexuality; one fears any

advances on one's mate by others may

cause one's mate to switch partners, and

thus exchange places so that one is now

absolutely shut out from one's former

mate. It is the absolute shutting out action

that brings this about. If sexuality were not

so absolute, the tensions would be eased,

and sharing could occur without jealousy,

overpowering jealousy. When we deliver

goods and services in our job, we don't

service just one person, but deliver/share

our goods/services to many people. If

sexuality were not so absolute, multiple

partners, and shared relationships would

occur; so that the loss of one lover would

not be as hard to take as in the absolute

world where one has only one lover, whose

loss results in the loss of all the love that

one has. Plus, does anyone person really

have the right to all of another person's


Note that the sexual attraction one person

feels for another, causes them to value the

object of their feeling above all other

people; when in actuality, people are of

equal value; and we do treat them equally

when we are not under a sexual attraction

towards one of them. But when we are

under a sexual attraction to one of them,

this focuses our attention and valuation all

to that one person.

Now if we have sexual feelings for more

than one person, one might think this is

expressing more sexuality. But the most

sexuality one can express is being attracted

to just one person, because the nature of

sexual feeling, is to remove importance

from everyone else, and concentrate it to

this one person. If one removes importance

from everyone else, and concentrates it to a

group of people, that isn't as much of a

concentration. So the person who has

multiple partners, although they may think

they are being more sexual, in actuality,

they are being less sexual, due to the

concentrating nature of sexuality itself.

When a man and woman share their

affection with each other, they may think

that they enjoy that. What do you think?

How can people destroy and prevent the

affection they feel for others to just their

own family, and feel they are doing the

right thing and be unaware that they have

done a destructive thing?

Don't you think that men and women

sharing affection is an enjoyable thing?

And why then is not a good and enjoyable

thing such as this not used to bring people

together in sharing and oneness, but is

instead used to separate and divide us

through jealousy, suspicion, and mistrust?

So then, if we were to all join together as

one entity, then if one had a sexual feeling,

then not only would it be for one's spouse

(which is ordained as an holy estate), but

also for every other member (which is

condemned). So that if one experiences

this cursing and blessing at the same time,

it puts them at medium level, which is what

they need for this human thing of sexuality.

They take this good thing that they enjoy

and limit it and put it under a box and

prevent it from expanding and keep it to

themselves. Now if one were to take the

good news of the gospel and hide it under a

basket and try to limit it, then religion

would be up in arms about that. But more

to the point, when women(men) refuse to

service all mankind's(womankind's) sex

drives except one partner, then there are a

lot of unsatisfied customers out there.

Women(men) may be attractive to

men(women) and some very much so, but

it is all just a tease unless one does submit

to the conservative breeding program that

could very well result in the apocalyptic

end of the world. I would ask the people

attracted here to realize that the

conservative way is a mostly all destructive

entity that does prey upon the imperfect

human area of sexual expression; and that

the sogp/jesus representation (explained

later) can and should (as non destructively

as possible), cast this mostly all evil out of/

off of, the human sexual area; so that our

sexual area tends towards medium ability,

out of barrenness and low ability. End insert.)


Note that although the people of Jesus' day

condemned the adulterous woman; note

that Jesus did not condemn the adulterous

woman; (while still keeping a separation

between the Godly and the human actions

when he said 'go and sin no more').

Now, when people of today work in their

jobs (so they can get paid so they can buy

things to satisfy their other needs (other

than sexual)), they are not absolute in their

action. They do not service just one

customer and deny all the other customers

their service. Instead, they give each

customer a little bit of their time and do

service many customers. But in the

satisfaction of the sexual area, this is NOT

how things are done. Instead, each person

satisfies only one customer, and leaves the

rest unsatisfied.

These two different ways of need

satisfaction are incompatible. For example,

if each worker were to pick one customer

and service only them, then most of the

work would not get done, and this system

would collapse and be unworkable.

But way back in the past, in little house on

the prairie days, when individuals were

more self sufficient, this actually would

work out. Each person would take care of

themselves and their spouse and their

family grouping, and leave the rest of the

world to fend for itself, just like they

fended for themselves. And when the

nearest neighbor was miles away, one man

one woman was how the sexual area was

done also. So that there was no dual or

conflicting ways of need satisfaction. It

was all the absolute way, the all or nothing

way, and each person did not service many

other people, but only their own family


But not only is this way less efficient and

can be replaced by a way of societal entity

and individual entity balanced with each

other: That as I have explained; many

generations of one man one woman does

generate ever more unbalanced, and thus

less self sufficient individuals.

Yes, to start, a group of self sufficient

individuals or family units could choose to

isolate themselves from each other; and this

would favor one man one woman in the

sexual area.

But one man one woman generates ever

more unbalanced individuals. So that out of

necessity (due to the loss of self

sufficiency), a societal entity formed and

lessened the individual entity.

And from that group of self sufficient

individuals who chose to live in quasi

isolation from each other, and who did not

allow the sexual area to mix it up; they are

now forced to be a part of a societal entity

because they are no longer self sufficient,

but are now unbalanced. In this societal

entity there is no longer isolation, but many

people working together and intermixing.

From those interactions, more sexual

intermixing should follow, which thus halts

the ever advancing trend towards

unbalanced individuals. However,

sometimes a society clings to the one man

one woman theme due to religious


So that today, the only thing left of the self

sufficient/absolute way of need

satisfaction, is the sexual area; whereas all

the other need satisfactions are done with

the societal entity and no longer with the

self sufficient individual entity. But if the

societal way were applied to the sexual

area, then people would service many

others instead of just one other, and would

be called 'whores' and 'creepers' and


Now when there is a balance between the

individual entity and the societal entity;

that is the best and most powerful system.

But as the one man one woman, absolute

self sufficient way persists in the

satisfaction of the sexual area; we continue

generating ever more unbalance, and

overshoot balance and end up with all

societal entity and no individual entity; and

that is a lesser state.

And when young women cling to this last

expression of the self sufficient individual/

absolute way in the sexual area, they thus

thereby eliminate completely any

individuality or individual expression

leaving only societal expression. Eve, put

down the apple(of religious rules).

Note how imperfect the area of human

mating/dating is. And that absolute

directives have no place in such an

imperfect human area. When the spouse

strays, note that imperfection. But also

note the imperfection of the other spouse

who stays true. Yes, following an

imperfect rule over the mating area, even if

one does so perfectly, does not make one

perfect, but just emulates the imperfection

within the rule itself. And when a rule

causes a society to overshoot the balance

between individuality and the societal

entity, to eliminate the individual entity;

and also, causes those following it to

become sources for evil; that is an

imperfect rule. Xxxxxx

In today's society, everyone is unbalanced

and not self sufficient. So that when a man

and woman love each other, they generate

an incomplete or unbalanced love. Now, if

one were to generate a complete love for a

complete spouse, that person would not

exist because self sufficient

spouses/individuals do not exist. But if one

generated this complete love anyway, and

then distributed the part that matched their

unbalanced spouse, then that would work

out well to bring multiple unbalanced loves

together into one complete love. And one

may go even further back and generate a

complete entity containing both male and

female essences, which then splits off the

needed parts for one's unbalanced love,

leaving the remnant for balance. And if

one is going to join multiple loves, one

needs to adjust the complete entity one

generates to contain much more of their

core or common self that will then become

multiple copies each copy distributed to be

part of each unbalanced love.

As people become more unbalanced, they

need to get together and each contribute

their best skills to form a competent and

balanced societal whole. We can think of

this like each person represents a part of the

societal body; like one person is an arm and

another is a hand and yet another is a foot,

etc. Now in the dating game, when a hand

gets together with a foot, they don't have

much in common and are thus incompatible

for a long term relationship. But when a

hand gets together with a hand, they do

share common interests and skills, and they

are compatible. However, all the

compatible pairs are of unbalanced

individuals; and the loves that they

generate for each other are all unbalanced.

And since they are acting as a couple, they

don't include others in to provide a

complete, balanced (societal) whole, (since

this is lovemaking/romance between the

couple, and the rest of society is not

allowed into this area). So that we end up

with hand love and foot love and arm love

etc, which are all unbalanced and

incomplete loves, each generating growths

in excess of what they need, and

experiencing shortages of raw materials

that they themselves cannot supply; -the

result of unbalanced growths.(in this area

of romance/love between the couple).





xxxxxxxxxxxxx Let us Consider that

goodness, growth, and being kind to one

another, is a superior force over the force

of destruction, death, decay, and being

mean to each other.

(To do this, we consider all possibilities)

-Considering what'd happen if in a universe

with only the force of goodness-and


-If in a universe where only the force of

death/destruction existed:

-Or if we were in a universe with both

forces. Here on earth we're in the situation

where both forces exist. But that doesn't

mean this is the only way, -that other

situations aren't possible.

Let's consider a universe of only the force

of destruction and death. As death

/destruction progress, they take whatever is

alive, and kill it, so that where life once

was, now exists (is produced) nothing and

nothingness. Ashes to ashes, and dust to

dust. Pretty soon, life becomes in scarce

supply, while a whole lot of empty space

and inanimate material is left behind. After

awhile, all the life is killed, and then what?

With no life left to kill, the force of

destruction comes to a stop (no more

destroying can be done), because from

nothing, this force can go no further from

there. Here is a definite bottom to the

universe. The force of destructiveness

comes to a stop and cannot continue.

Now consider the force of good-and

-growth as being the only force around. As

this force acts, it takes nothingness/lifeless

matter (dust), and creates life in its place.

Soon everything starts to come alive. Pretty

soon we begin to run out of improvements

to make. Emptiness and undeveloped raw

material (dust) starts to come into short

supply. If everything is alive, then no more

growth/goodness can be done, and thus the

force of good is stopped, right? Well,

there's not so much an absolute ceiling, as

there is an absolute bottom. You see, life

forms can advance/be advanced and

become ever more capable and alive; and

this thus continues the force of good. And,

a universe that is alive (full of life), is very

capable -able to do lots of things, (unlike a

barren universe consisting of nothingness).

And with that life/capability, it can bridge

barriers and reach raw material (dust) that

had previously been separated from it by a


Hence, the force of goodness and growth

can survive by itself much better than the

force of destruction/death can. This is an

advantage: -When the force of destruction

can be escaped from; (the good separated

from the destructive); that which is

destructive, when alone, burns itself out,

finds itself boxed in by barriers, and ceases

to exist; Whereas the good alone, survives,

bridges barriers, and continues to grow. Of

course when both forces are around, the

force of good generates life for the force of

destruction to feed on and destroy as it

survives. (and the force of death/decay

generates voids, which the force of good

uses as its starting material.) This is the

way things are here on earth. And both the

forces of; good, and destruction, have an

easy time finding material to work with

(compared to if they were alone). /(insert)

when the force of good is advanced to be

free of destruction, it is under more

pressure to cross barriers and find new raw

material for growth. Thus it needs the

individual entity even more so, and cannot

totally sacrifice the individual entity for the

societal entity here in the end, in perfection

anyway.(as the individual entities are

needed to try out all the possibilities to find

the solution to the next challenge to

growth)(end insert)/ xxxxxxxxxx

ALSO, it takes life-and-capability to do or

be either 'the force of good-and-growth', or

'the force of destruction'. The lack of life

can't do/be either force. Since what the

force of good produces is life, such life can

continue to do forces. But since what the

force of destruction produces is death and

nothingness and voids in life; since this

cannot do or support either force, then the

force of destruction alone is destined to a

quick end while the force of good and

growth alone is destined to continue.


ALSO, since only life can do-be either

force: When destruction experiences what

it produces, or is applied to itself, it doesn't

grow, but instead shrinks to nothing. But

when goodness experiences what it

produces, (when goodness is good to itself)

it does not die, but instead, grows. So, the

force of destruction needs something other

than just itself to exist (is a parasitic force),

while the force of good does not and is self

sufficient with just itself. So that when

alone, good survives while destruction self

eliminates and vanishes. From this we can

see that good and growth, is a superior

force to the force of death and destruction.


Let us consider some situations, while

keeping in mind these truths:

-that it takes life and ability to do/be either

goodness, or destruction (and that lack-of

-life is unable to cause either of these


Inputs and outputs:

-that the force of destruction takes in that

which is alive as its input/raw material; and

produces voids-in-life / inanimate material

as its output, as what it produces.

-That the force of goodness/growth takes in

voids-in-life and inanimate material, as its

input/raw material; and produces -life- as

its output and what it produces.

With these concepts in mind let's consider

the situation of the force of destruction in a

rich environment. Not only does this force

have plenty of its raw material or input

(life), present here in the rich environment;

-destruction also has what supports what

either force is made of (which is also, life).

Thus here the force of death-and

-destruction can grow rapidly and become

quite large here, in a rich environment.


(In this tangent, please consider that since

enforcing rules over the gray areas of living

life causes a patchwork of rich and barren

environments(rules structure and FIX

WHERE the good, and destruction,

respectively, of a gray action, are done):

my question is, why do we scrape together

these rich environments where there is the

force of destruction nearby -(as destruction

is inescapably a part of all gray actions at

our level of ability)?

This will just result in successive firestorms

where the gray actions' destructiveness

burns down the rich parts of the patchwork.

All this does is feed evil/destructiveness.

As for myself, I do not wish to succor and

feed the force of destructiveness. End tangent.)

(2ndinsert: When a man and woman share

their affection with each other, they may

think that they enjoy that.

What do you think? Do you think that men

and women sharing affection is an

enjoyable thing? -a force of good?

In the imperfect area of human sexuality,

some good and also some destruction are

generated. Why is this imperfect good

forced to live in a RICH area, where it has

a hard time finding its input

-voids/improvements to make, when there

is right next door, areas of barrenness that

it needs to make its goodness force active?

Why does one torture their imperfect good

this way? End 2nd insert.)

(Here is another important tangent:

Here on earth, we live with what is

destructive and also that which is good and

growing. In this respect, we often do

actions which contain both goodness and

growth and also destructiveness in the same


These actions I would term 'human actions'

(also referred to as 'gray actions' ). These

human areas are hopelessly a mixture of

both goodness and destruction (at our level

of ability we're unable to separate the

forces), and there is no purity of action in

them, as they contain both goodness as well

as destructiveness inescapably intertwined

in the same action. These mainly center

around human hungers and needs. So that

whether or not a human action is done,

partially done, or refrained from; some

destruction is always present, just in

different areas. Like when we eat, this is

good for our survival, but at the same time,

destructive to some other life form's

survival as a plant or animal had to die to

provide this. And if we don't eat, this is

good for the surrounding plants and

animal's survival, but destructive to us as

we starve.

However, in our human world, not all

actions are these 'human' or 'gray' actions.

Some actions CAN be divided up

completely (or much more so), into all

good vs. all destructive parts. And it is

here, with these non human areas, there can

exist a purity of action as is not seen in the

human actions. Areas of all-good exist, as

well as do areas that are all destructive,

exist. However, when areas of purely all

destructive exist, they soon self consume

and disappear. So that only the areas of all

-good exist with such a purity of action.

Still, if that which is all-destructive can

find a human action, it can feed off the

good in the human action, and it won't have

to self consume. -(It can continue to exist

and not disappear.) So, when the all-good

casts off the all-destructive: -to achieve

purity of action; the all destructive actions

become as ravening wolves seeking to prey

upon human actions, feeding off the good

in human actions, so that they can survive

and won't self consume/die.

And who is going to save a human action

from being preyed upon by these all

destructive actions? It is true that the all

destructive action CAN be separated away

from the human action, (unlike the

destructiveness within the human action

that is part of the human action); but who is

going to do it? The all destructive action is

desperate, as its life depends on preying on

a human action, and so has apparently

overpowered the human action. An all

-good action might intervene and separate

an all-destructive action from a human

action; but if it did so it would spoil its

purity of action and it would no longer be

an all-good action. So that all-good actions

are reluctant to intervene to separate an all

-destructive action from its prey human

action, as they loose their purity of action

in doing so. So it would seem the all

destructive actions (although since they've

mixed with the human actions, are no

longer purely all destructive), have found a

way of survival and a continued food

source by preying on the human actions

and human hunger satisfying; thus making

the human world more towards the

destructive side; towards barrenness (which

preserves the togetherness of the good and

destructive within that human action, as

we'll see later). (Recall the parable of the

good Samaritan.) xxxxxxxxx

However, what about this plan: What if the

all-good actions split off a small part of

themselves to come and deal with this

situation, while leaving their major part of

themselves behind, still separate and still

maintaining their purity of action. (The

smaller part that split off would loose its

purity of action through it's intervening.)

The smaller part that split off would come

and separate the all-destructive part from

the human part so that the all destructive

part would finally self consume and die;

leaving the human action no longer preyed

upon by the all destructive action; so that it

tended not towards barrenness, but towards

medium ability. Thus evil/destruction

would be lessened and much eliminated by

this plan. Xxxxxxxxxx

This segment is skipable for the first read:

Now, in the human areas; when the smaller,

split off, all good part is

generating/creating something (to medium

ability), in the vacuums (where there is

nothing and barrenness) caused by

destruction, even the destruction of rules

over human areas,(and even the

destructions that are part of the human

actions themselves): it is wise for this split

off part to limit its exposure to only the

human part it is presently

creating/generating, and not the rest of that

human area; even if this generated material

is eventually for the rest of that human

area. This is because this smaller, split off,

all good part can limit the loss of purity and

exposure to destruction, to just what is in

the human part it is generating. Once it is

done creating a piece of this material, it can

then withdraw itself and then allow the rest

of the human area to have possession/use

of it. So that the split off all good parts of

us can act to generate material in isolation,

and then shortly, to also act to release

pieces of that material away from itself and

this isolation, unto the rest of this human

area. In these coordinated set of actions that

build parts of human actions/things; once a

certain part has reached medium ability,

this part is no longer generated in isolation,

but other parts are, as the split off all good

does move onto these other parts that are in

need of being brought from nothingness to

medium level. The parts at medium level

that are no longer being generated, are still

participants in the rest of this human area,

and do receive what is released from

isolation; its just that they do not keep on

being generated; so that they do not move

then from medium level to high ability, (as

a result of this generating in isolation and

then release). Xxxxxxxxx

There may be a difference in when a part is

first being created, and when it is added to

in additional generatings. When the split

off good part (sogp) is first generating an

action, it may divide in two and leave the

part to be corrupted in human ways,

behind. In order to do this, it generates

even less than what is needed for medium

ability (in the whole); sort of like the

romantic gestures around valentines day,

which are small, but mean a lot. Then it

moves it all to the half of itself to be left

behind in human ways, thus concentrating

them. At this point they are now at medium

level. (If they had started at medium level,

the concentration into the half that was to

be left, would result in a high level, which

would burn down in the evil present in

human ways.) However, with subsequent

additions to this action, a more robust

doing unto medium level right away can be

done, as there now already exists a

platform and entity to deliver the generated

material to. End skipable segment.

Note that even if, for the sake of argument

say, it turns out that Christianity is a fraud

and that Jesus wasn't anybody special: note

that the structures of Christianity still exist

in our human world and in our universe and

within us, anyway; as some areas are more

easily all good vs all destructive, while

other areas have the destructive and the

good hopelessly intertwined in the same


Where does Jesus fit in? If we take

the Biblical account, Jesus was from God,

(and is therefore rich). But Jesus also

received God's punishment for our sins,

unto death. But he survived it as he was

resurrected. So we can't say he is as high as

God because he also received God sized

punishment. But we can't say he represents

the low point either, because being of God,

he survived the punishment and was

resurrected. Somewhere in between the

high and the lowest points, I would say (the

Bible says somewhat below an angel). Here

we see an entity often in between the

highness of God, and the lowness of death

and nothingness or hell: -who

longstandingly represents humanity and the

in between, and the medium level; better

than any other mortal human ever could.


It is our sogp(smaller split off part from our

all good areas) that then acts to separate

destructive parts away from human areas

that can be separated away; and to fill

vacuums in the human areas to medium

ability; and not done by our main-high-all

-good-parts which are separate and kept

away from the human area. So that if we

are waiting for God almighty to step in and

do this. No. It is the meek and smaller

Jesus representations that are here with us

in the human area, that do this instead.


For our high, all-good parts to be separate

from any/all evil, even the small evil

amount found in human actions; is a

helpful thing. But this directive to label

human appetites as sinful, and make a

distinction between the sinful and the all

pure; can be taken too far. Just because the

all-good needs to be kept ultra pure, doesn't

mean the human appetites and the human

area is valueless or to be discarded. -That

absolute values are applied to say that there

is nothing in the human appetite area worth

keeping. That is why we have a Jesus

representation to intercede between the

high-all-good parts of us, and our human

appetite parts.

Now, superseding all this, is the directive to

either sacrifice completely ones individual

components (for the good of the complete

whole-and-one's high good parts); or to

instead, grow BOTH the areas of ones

individual components, as well as one's

complete whole.

So we want to choose the second option,

and put this spin on all we do.

So that in one's high good area, we actively

generate this dual nature of growing both

the components, as well as the whole. Now

at the border of our Jesus representation, or

sogp, our high good parts are acting to not

go into this area (because destructiveness is

nearby), and are doing this action of

staying out of this area in the dual

generating way/spin, and actively so.

Now, with the Jesus representation, since it is made from small split off parts

from the high parts, it has this dual generating already, and is how it comes

naturally, without additional or active effort (if that is how we did our high

parts)(since our Jesus representation comes from a small split off of our high

parts). And our Jesus

representation acts to cast away any evils

away from our high parts (including

gray/human hunger evils); and also away

from itself, (save those which are gray,

which are part of human hungers); and also

casts away total evils out of gray, human

hunger materials/structures; and finally

generates to medium ability in vacuums

caused by destructivenesses. It is then in

these generatings to medium ability in the

vacuums that active dual spin `generating'

occurs once again. Xxxxx

Concerning the sogp generating to medium

ability in the gray areas; one might

consider that the sogp should generate to

medium ability in all possible gray areas

because these are all (supposedly)

legitimate areas for growth: and that

therefore, one's individual sogp

representation should also generate all

possible gray areas, even if one has no

hunger in some of these gray areas. But the

idea of a gray area is that some goodness is

obtained for the destruction that is also

generated. If you don't have a hunger or

need in a possible gray area, then by doing

the specific motions of that gray area, you

don't derive any satisfaction (or goodness)

from it, but the destruction is invariably

still done. Hence, if you don't have a

hunger or need in a possible gray area, then

it is not a gray area for you, but an all evil


So that once your hunger is satisfied, you

don't continue feeding indefinitely, but do

stop feeding. Now, if a partner is involved

in a gray area hunger/feeding, one should

respect the partner's need to continue

feeding until satisfied; even though one is

right to stop their own feeding once one is

satisfied. But in areas where one

experiences hunger in, it is ok to generate

to medium ability after ones hunger has

been satisfied after finished material

has been spirited away to the all good,

leaving a complete vacuum in this gray

area, but now not so, since one generated to

medium ability before ending the feeding.


In this out of place insert, I was reading in

the philosophy section, and discovered the

argument about if there is evil in the world,

that proves that there is no benevolent, all

powerful omnipresent God. -That either he

wants to remove all evil, but can't (and is

therefore not all powerful); or he IS able,

but doesn't want to (making him


But my answer to this is that God IS dealing

with the evil in this world; and that the

situation we see today of God to be

nowhere in sight, with evil running freely

about with no almighty Godly intervention,

IS the process whereby God is successfully

dealing with all the evil. Because

evil/destruction is a parasitic force and not

self sufficient; by just leaving it alone, it

self eliminates. For an almighty or God the

Father to come down in power and

richness/love to confront evil/destruction,

would just provide the material for the

force of evil/destruction to grow. So that

Gods presence would just perpetuate and

encourage/grow evil. So to eliminate evil,

almighty God acts by staying away; and

sends a lesser powered representative,

Jesus Christ, to separate these all-evils off

human actions so the evil is totally isolated

and can self eliminate. -these evils that

keep popping up due to people's free will,

whereby they are learning to advance to be

more and more powerful as well as good.

Now because the moral evils perpetrated

by humans, demarks areas where God stays

away in his process of eliminating evil;

then natural destructions that occur in these

same areas don't change that. Hence

Christ's words about natural evils that the

people caught in them aren't any more

sinful than others, but that those not in him

will all likewise perish; indicating that

those who are in him, have the presence of

God to protect them; not on this earth, but

in that they die and are resurrected again in

perfection in him. So that from a

philosophical sense, there is no trouble

with the existence of an almighty

benevolent God; although He is

deliberately not omnipresent; as a tool to

remove evil.

However, God is omnipresent if you count

Jesus and the rest of us underlings who

work in the name of Jesus.

(So when medium ability life where

almighty God has stayed away, escapes its

evils and joins the high life in God; it can

thus be said that God reaps where He does

not sow.)

Now then; unfortunately, many who work

in the name of Jesus, have so irritated the

rest of us with their holier than though

behavior and inappropriate restriction of

the sex drive, that it is completely

understandable why some would try to

come up with a philosophical argument

against the existence of a benevolent God.

Its just that that is incorrect as I hope I

have eluded to. Not that it can be proven

absolutely that God exists. Where we

are at now, is that it isn't proven absolutely

either way whether God does exist or does

not exist. Gone is the proof that God does

not exist.

However, I think I have shown that

goodness/kindness is a superior force over

destructiveness; so that the odds are good

that a benevolent God does exist, and that

if not now, that one may exist in the future;

and if that means that this future

benevolent God is not quite God but is only

a near God, an almost God due to the fact

that He did not always exist, then so be it.


Let us now consider the force of


When one person kills another; that is often

referred to as murder, is considered wrong,

and the person is considered a criminal. But

when a soldier kills for his country in war,

he is considered a hero, and that is

considered OK and right.

Then, when a man has sex with a woman,

that is either considered OK and good (an

holy estate ordained by God); or something

terribly wrong, depending on whether the

pair share a marriage license or not. Even

so; whatever the case, a man and a woman

having consensual sex is common to all

these (both right and wrong) cases. Yes,

with just the change of a little window

dressing, reality can change from being

absolutely right, to being absolutely wrong.

(Well, if reality is so easily changed, why

haven't we eliminated suffering?)

With reality being able to be changed from

right to wrong and vice versa, with the

change of a few details, is it any wonder

that reality does change often from right to

wrong and vice versa? With the world

changing so often, is it any wonder that we

might crave something stable; something

that is like a rock and unchanging;

something that is absolute; someone like


Perhaps, however, we might consider that

reality doesn't actually change that much

with the change of a little window dressing.

(This is the position taken by eastern

religions -that " good " and " bad " , " right "

and " wrong " are human judgments, and

have little to no effect on actual reality, the

cycle of life (and death).)

We might consider that there are aspects

inherently within the actions of sex and

violence that are inherently good or bad,

and that do not change based on a change

of some window dressing. -that killing,

whether done for one's country, or for

personal passion, has some things that are

inherently bad. And that consensual sex

between a man and a woman has attributes

of positiveness and/or negativeness that

persist irregardless of whether the pair is

married, not married, cheating, etc.

There is however, one example of reality

changing 180 based on a change in details

concerning the act of killing. Killing is so

negative because it is so destructive of life.

But when destruction is turned back on

itself, a 180, about face is achieved. When

a murder kills, we as society feel the pain

from that destructiveness. But when a

policeman kills a murderer in preventing

other murders, that is a destruction of

destructiveness, which results in stopping

destruction to society in actual reality. So

that in this case, killing is OK; and actually

makes quite a difference in the amount of

overall destruction done.

Let us consider the concept of destruction

and destructiveness. Let's consider it as an

elusive concept; -an unknown quantity.

(how much destruction is there in a given

situation?) -That in a twinkling of an eye, it

can go from almost nothing, to double

trouble; (so that we never really know

(without being really smart) how much

destruction there is or that one has). Like

when the English police (destructively) kill

a terrorist before he can (destructively)

blow up a train, then the result is the public

is saved with little overall destruction


But when the English police mistakenly

(destructively) kill an innocent man who

they thought was a terrorist, but wasn't in

reality; and while doing that, the real

terrorist eludes detection and

(destructively) blows up a train, then

overall, a whole lot of destruction has


But before we explore the concept of

destruction any further; here are some out

of place tangents: Speaking of

destructiveness, what would we have done

if Hitler would have won?

Well, mankind's history is full of examples

where cruel despots did win. In fact, Hitler

loosing seems more the exception than the

rule. Take the roman empire for example.

They conquered and conquered till they

were ruler of the whole area. Nobody could

stop them. And they hung around for a long

time and made life miserable for the slaves

that did all their dirty work. But eventually

they fell. Some say it was their immorality

and wantonness that did them in. Others

say it was their infighting that did them in.

But I think it was their women that pulled

the plug. I think that once there was

nobody else to conquer and take slaves

from, that they had to make slaves of

themselves. And that life for the underclass

which did all the work to build their

extensive building projects to make life

sweet for their elite: -I think that life for

these underclass got so bad that the women

who were part of that society thought that

their world was too bad to bring offspring

into, or that they lacked the resources to

raise children as they were being taxed so

heavily. I get this from the history

channel's mention of how the emperor of

the time noticed how birth rates of his

subjects was declining (and Rome was

famous for taking census'), and that he in

response attempted to bring morality in and

encourage family structure, in order to

bring governmental emphasis onto raising

offspring for the empire.

And of course as we know, the Romans first

persecuted Christianity, then adopted

Christianity (Catholic Christianity) as the

state religion -reportedly in response to a

vision in battle, but I also think,

conveniently to bring emphasis to morality

and harnessing the sex drive to raise

offspring for the roman empire. But it

didn't work out. Where all others had failed

to overthrow the roman empire; when

things got so bad, the women said

collectively that they had had enough, and

they brought it to an end. -by not

having/raising sufficient offspring to

support that empire.

Admire the awesome power possessed by

women who I say brought the roman

empire to an end, where no other was able.

But we do have one relic from the defeated

roman empire -catholic Christianity. Under

this religion, birth control is severely

restricted and its members just pop out

child after child, thinking this is what God

wants. (But there's nothing in the Bible

even mentioning being against birth

control. -totally a roman's catholic

invention.) A ready source of human labor

is the result, but with no roman empire to

put it to work. Just a little too late to save

the roman empire. -so busy raising children

trying to catch up with their population

decline, they didn't have resources to keep

up their war machine. The rest of history is

stuck with this relic -roman's Catholicism,

that keeps its population popping out

children so that the world is so

overpopulated for the resources available,

that when the little ice age hits, it

precipitates disease and the black plague

that wipes out a third of the (over)

population. If humans won't control their

reproduction, nature will do it for them. In

Mexico, they are predominantly catholic,

and it is so crowded there that they leave

their country to come over here for better

conditions as illegal immigrants. But just

think. If those that come over here continue

their traditional ways and overpopulate

over here, the standard of living over here

will become just as poor as where they left,

so what's the point? (of coming over

here?) (Well, perhaps I am too harsh. One

point of coming over here would be to

share in the wealth that American

companies have taken from them through

globalization. However, having too many

children keeps a country weak and ripe for

exploitation such as this.) Our govt (at

least in border areas) needs to pay women a

few million dollars for having one or 2

kids, but nothing if they have more.

-At adult age, the govt could pay women

every month the monthly fraction of 2

million dollars if they had one or 2

children, but the day they had 3, the

payments would end. This would insulate

our society and our standard of living from

those who do not restrict the offspring that

they have, (in a world that is not free of


In today's society, consider yourself a poor

young woman or a poor young man.

Perhaps you have been passed over for the

more favorable positions in your world,

and all you have left to expect is a life of

drudgery. And you say to yourself, there is

nothing else for me to do but to raise a

family and get involved in the life of our

kids. This was how I thought when I was

young, but now wish to sound a warning to

this path. Consider that we live in a

material world, and that everything

including ourselves as persons is given a

value, which is why they call it the 'human

resources 'department at work. Consider

the economic law of supply and demand:

-If there is a surplus of a commodity, then

its value will be low; whereas if there is a

scarcity of a commodity, it will have a high

value. Consider that if men and women in a

family structure spit out child after child

after child, that the supply of people will be

in a surplus, and that they will be treated as

of low value in this economic system we

are in. As a human, if there is something I

can do which will improve the treatment of

my fellow man, I would consider it. And

that if we collectively can limit the number

of offspring we have, then the ruling

system that we are in will be forced in

some respects to treat us better. But you

may say, I am young and I am lonely, and I

need some children to make my life

complete. And I say, OK, have one child,

or at most, two; but please avoid having a

large family -when you are in a system

whereby doing this collectively would

substantially lower everyone's standard of


However, even I have violated my own

advice due to my ignorance of youth.

Consider that if women didn't supply such

a ready supply of humans, then perhaps the

governments that rule over them wouldn't

be so wasteful of the human resources that

they have: that they wouldn't be so easy to

send them into wars where they are

destroyed (wasted).

Governments are often wasteful of the

resources that they have, and this seems to

include human resources.

If we apply the concept of seeking a

medium environment when evil is present;

to whether a woman should have children:

I see this: woman who are in an absolutely

evil society with no goodness, may act to

not have any children, and thereby put an

end to this destructive society similar to the

doing destruction to destruction concept.

And men who are supposed to work, can

do no work and also thereby not feed evil.

But in a society that contains some evil, but

also some good, women in this society can

have a limited number of children (not an

excessive number of children (rich

environment)), and so help create a

medium environment, where the evil can

separate away. And also, men who are

supposed to work, can do a little work (not

an excessive amount) and thereby help

create the desired medium environment.

And of course, women in a totally GOOD

society can have many children and men

can do much work; as here, the rich

environment won't be burned down by evil.

So that the catholic or other religious way

of having many children and not using

much birth control does actually have a

right place. And that place is in a world of

all good where there is no evil, where love

reigns supreme. Here in this kind of world,

this is the right thing to do. But we do not

live in perfection yet, so we need to act

differently with our offspring production.

Also, as the world becomes ever more

populated, the specter of overpopulation

looms. If the world becomes too

overpopulated (and it can be calculated

when the world will become this way at our

present pace), then life will be unpleasant

for most of us, as there won't be enough

resources to share among us all. -until we

find a way to support even more people, or

join us all together as one.

In this tangent, I had the opportunity to hear

the old song about the leader of the pack,

and sorry I hurt you leader of the pack (of

bikers). Unfortunately for the leader of the

pack, he wipes out and dies, when dumped

by his girl at the request of her father. (And

if she wanted to be a rebel herself, in the

sexual area, that would be incompatible

with his desire for a traditional

relationship.) My interpretation of this

song, is that the leader of the pack desired

to settle down with this girl in the

respectable way; ie this was his girl in the

traditional morality. But in other areas of

his life, this leader/biker was not

respectable and in fact was a rebel to

society: and that this contradiction

of/within the different parts of his life, blew

him away. Such is the case with many.

There are many who hate religion and

denounce Christ, but who in the area of

sexuality, cling closely to the traditional

morality of one man one woman and no

cheating. These also, help contribute to the

end of the world just as much as any

religious person.

In another tangent: Some ask the question

do you believe in the existence of God?

And to these people especially I would ask:

do you believe that humans exist? Yes, in a

world made of only winners and losers;

rich and impoverished; where people are

either extensions of God, or extensions of

the devil; where everything/everyone is

seen in either black or white, and absolute

judgments are applied to everyone; where

there is no middle ground, or middle class

anymore: -humans may have existed once

in the distant past, but I'm beginning to

doubt that they still exist today. (because

humans are in between God and

nothingness; and it seems anything in

between is not allowed or tolerated


Unfortunately for us who are actually

human (due to the fact that much of what

we do contains/produces both goodness

and destructiveness (cursing and blessing)

in the same action): but who aren't allowed

to express this humanness (due to the fact

that the goodness and destructiveness that

they produce are segregated into separate

areas; so that the absolutes of total richness,

and total bareness are generated (instead of

a medium result in between rich and

poor)): then this whole system is destined

for eventual self consumption into total

nothingness and bareness (as explained


Fortunately, I take heart in the laws

of God over human sexual expression. As a

human comes naturally, they usually have

an attraction for the opposite sex, so that

left to their own devices they usually have

sexual relations with members of the

opposite sex. I state that at this level (that

of an intact human), that God's laws/rules

over human sexuality are not absolute -are

neither always approving nor always

disapproving of a couple's sexuality.

As we shall see, it is important for us who

must often do both destruction, and good in

the same action (formerly known as

humans), to be in a MEDIUM environment

between rich and barren. In the sexual area,

this can be achieved by humans just being

themselves as how they are naturally, and

then receiving God's judgment for that. So

that when one has sex with a member of

the opposite sex who they are married to,

then they receive approval and the richness

of God; and then when they later have sex

with someone who isn't their spouse, then

they receive condemnation and punishment

from God. Receiving both good reward and

punishment at the same time, results in a

medium environment, which is just what

the human needs to live in. This is what the

soldiers in trouble in Iraq are trying to

accomplish also.

Our government rewards us for killing for

our country, but punishes us for killing for

personal reasons. The soldiers in trouble in

Iraq have done both, and thus they should

receive both good reward, and also

punishment. They hope this will provide

them with the medium environment they

need as humans.

The government however, favors absolutes,

and wishes to thwart this attempt at human

expression by condemning these men to the

death penalty. `Ha, they didn't get to be

human after all, the govt. laughs'. But let's

look at the bigger picture: we have Jesus,

who took upon himself the sins of us all

and received the punishment for it. Now, it

is this scapegoat-ing and segregating of the

negative, destructive, punishments into one

area, while segregating the positive, rich,

rewards to another area, that is something

the lovers of absolutes just love to do; and

it is par for their course. So Jesus, who is

(rich) of God, takes on and receives this

punishment (assumedly from God) for sin.

And of course the wages of sin is

reportedly, death. So Jesus received the

punishment of death: but Jesus lived

through it. So it is then Jesus who by

combining richness (because he was of

God), with bareness (from the absolute

condemnation from God (for sins)); who

has successfully generated this medium

environment, that we humans (formerly

humans, excuse me), so desperately need to

allow our human ways to expire before we

join God; and also to provide in earthly

life, a medium environment over

barrenness in a world with evil where the

ways of God aren't present at that

time/place. Even if these soldiers do not

achieve the humanness they sought, they

needn't worry, because Jesus already has,

and they can just join Him. Consider that

the persona of Jesus Christ, as portrayed in

the Bible, is not an absolute. That at one

end of the scale, is God the Father, who

represents the absolute and extreme of

richness: and that death and the devil

represents the other extreme and absolute

-that of barrenness and poverty. But

consider that Jesus never fits either of these

absolutes or extremes, but is somewhere in

between, representing humanity. This ends

my out of place tangent.

Now we continue with the force of

destruction: If there's no basic difference

between good and evil, then it doesn't

really matter whether you do right or

wrong. -The natural consequences would

be the same. The only people it matters to

are the 3rd parties who say what's right or

wrong. Well, my definition of good vs evil

does have a basic difference. -One destroys

life and shrinks; the other increases life and

grows, (in separation). But when another

definition of right and wrong that does not

have a common thread of basic difference

between right and wrong, appears, it's just a

diversion from the basic differences that do

exist. It's a frustration, a GAME!, a waste

of time. I mean, why bother making

distinction between right and wrong if

they're both the same or of similar make

-up? We don't all like the same things.

Some of us like a little cruelty. Some don't

go for this lovey dovey stuff; and want a

little more discipline and strictness. -What

about these people? Why should God have

a personality more to my liking, while

leaving these people at odds with God?

Why shouldn't God be more like these

people? What makes me so special; to have

God more on my side? Well, God could be

cruel, harsh, and demanding. Or he could

be something else. But we have already

covered this. We've shown that a

benevolent God is the most powerful; and

that a non benevolent God has a weakness

and can eventually be replaced by a

benevolent God. So what can I say? Those

who like to be mean, are going to be at

odds with the most powerful God. I'm sorry

that this is the way it is, but it is from the

effects of meanness itself; that meanness

does not provide the power to support the

most powerful God; while love and

kindness do. In other words, let us

emphasize that which is destructive vs that

which is not destructive, is growing and

loving, as opposed to other criteria.

Let's consider what can be done and how

we can respond to the problem of

destructiveness/destruction. We can use

destruction against itself as a way to solve

this problem. When there is

destructiveness, we all suffer (from the

poverty and bareness it brings). But when a

policeman or lawgiver uses destructiveness

against itself, (by doing destruction to

criminals (who are themselves

destructive)), then society is relieved, as the

destruction from criminals is prevented.

Hence a legitimate organization of police

and lawgivers and laws can grow up

around this concept (of doing (measured)

destruction to those who are destructive (in

a destroying of destruction)). Police and

law enforcers are destructive, yes, but when

that is applied to destructive criminals, it

works out to lower overall destruction. But

when laws grow beyond punishing the

destructive, to punishing people for non

destructive crimes, then the concept falls

apart, and the police and lawgivers

themselves become the

agents/sources/instigators/perpetrators of

destruction, thus increasing the destruction

in society (taking on the role of 'criminal'


-When destruction is applied against itself

(as when police are destructive to

destructive criminals), a net

reduction/lowering in the overall

destruction results. -But when law

enforcers enforce laws against non violent,

non destructive criminals; THIS PURPOSE

ISN'T SERVED; because in this case,

destruction wasn't used against itself: -there

wasn't a destroying of destruction. -So

there's no lowering of overall destruction

but instead, increased destruction, with

police being the perpetrators of this

increase in destruction; as the result.

This method of lowering overall destruction

(by turning destruction upon itself) is a

precarious balance. If one doesn't get it

right and know exactly where the

destruction is (like where are the WMD's) ;

and only destroys what is destructive, then

they themselves -the police, the good guys,

then become agents of destruction and it no

longer works that overall destruction is


Hence this method to deal with (that is, to

lower or eliminate) destructiveness (by

turning destruction against itself), although

in theory it can work; it requires one to

know in depth just where the

destructiveness is, and to only do

destruction there. Otherwise, if one doesn't

get it right, then they haven't solved the

problem of destructiveness, and may well

have made it worse by increasing the

amount of actual destructiveness done. But

when someone is mean and destructive to

you, what else can you do but do

destruction back to them, so as to destroy

destructiveness? It would seem your

choices are to do nothing: or to get back at

them. What else is there?

Well, there is another response, and that is

to be a 'sorter'. In the Bible there is talk of

how God at the end of the world will sort

and separate the good from the evil, the

goats from the sheep, the weeds from the

crop plants. And of course the bad will be

burned in a fire while the good will receive

heaven. (but that here on earth the 'tares'

and the 'wheat' will not be separated and

will live together). What I say is, why wait

till the end of time before this sorting takes

place? Or, let us precipitate the end of time

by doing this 'sorting' now. And do this

sorting in a non destructive way, so that the

sorting itself won't be sorted together with

what is destructive. Yes, each should be

sorted and separated unto its own kind. The

mean and destructive people should be

separated from the not-mean and not

-destructive people.

The sex offenders should be put together so

they may sexually offend each other; the

murderers should be put together so they

can kill each other; the thieves should live

together so that they can steal from each


Who are we to say that these things are

wrong and make laws against these things

and impose our morality on others? If that

is what these people want to do, let them

prove the rightness or wrongness of these

things themselves, by actually doing these

things (to each other).

Who are we to say what is right or wrong

outside of the actions speaking for

themselves -outside of actually proving it

with the actions themselves? How can we

know for sure? How can you be sure that

your version of right and wrong is correct?

If we are to come up with a version of right

and wrong outside of actions speaking for

themselves; we need to come up with a true

version of what is right and wrong; and

what if we're in error and come up with an

inaccurate version of what's right and

wrong? -then our version of right and

wrong becomes an instrument of

destruction, just like the wrongdoers we're

making these laws against.

But the action to sort and separate like

people into groups together (according to

their actions), itself, makes no judgment as

to the rightness or wrongness of their

actions. -It sorts and separates the good

people together just as well. -These good

people must put up with the goodness that

each does to each other. We must put up

with what we produce, when we are sorted

unto our own kind; whether that be

destructiveness; or goodness.

Because of this, we need NOT otherwise

come up with a second system of accurate

laws of right and wrong outside of the

actions themselves (so that the actions will

speak for themselves). So that yes, I am

prejudice and I discriminate (against mean

people). And I believe that people should

be separated and made to live with their

own kind -not according to the color of

their skin, but according to the

destructiveness and meanness that is within

them that they do. -so that the mean people

are put together and that they are separate

from the not mean people that are also put


And the destructive containing versions of

right and wrong will also be sorted and

separated to its own kind.-according to the

destructiveness or lack thereof that it

contains and does. So that instead of doing

destruction back to mean people, I instead

act to non destructively sort them -each to

their own kind -according to the

destructiveness or lack thereof that they do.

And if I myself am not destructive, then I

will be sorting myself away from them (the

meanies). This is a better way than what we

have now. Prisons are a start but they must

be made non destructive and not be places

of punishment (outside of what the

prisoners do to each other), but instead be

places of separation and sorting, where the

mean people are kept together and away

from the rest of us non mean, non violent


However, when considering the gray areas

(of living life on earth), they are by

definition, areas where we're unable to

separate the good and destruction: -where

single actions do both good and destruction

at the same time (to different areas). Here

we're unable to do this sorting, -we cannot

sort good parts from destructive parts, as a

part is both good and destructive. So, here

we must resort to some destruction, not

only in acting in the gray area, but also to

partially destroy absolute rules. Xx

Note also, that there is an exception to this

sorting all to be together with their same

kind. Men and women are different and so

should be sorted away from each other.

But that isn't workable, because men and

women need to get together for


And as we know, we wish to discourage

men and women who are alike from getting

together so as not to squeeze the individual

entity more.

Also, there needs to be some connection

between unbalanced individuals that make

up a societal entity so that they may share

their production with each other, as this is

how the societal entity works; and if they

were forced to be alone with themselves,

they would lack all the other productions

that everybody else produced. So there are

exceptions to this sorting unto like kind.

But when it comes to destruction vs

kindness, it works out well, because it

allows good to exploit its advantage in that

if it can be separated from evil, it will

survive while evil will die. Maybe we can

just stick to using this segregation

concerning good vs evil only.


When we have perfected an area and are

satisfied with it, we usually keep it the way

it is and don't change it. Here we shut off

alternative possibilities and stick with what

we've got. But if an area is a work in

progress and contains imperfection, then on

the contrary, we don't want to preserve it

and keep it the way it is, but instead, are

open to change. Here we're open to all the

possibilities and are not so quick to shut out

possibilities in order to select just one way.

Let us consider where making up and

enforcing rules fits into this. When we

make rules, we eliminate, out of all the

possibilities, that which we don't want.

Obedience to rules requires that someone

do destruction and destroy any emerging

possibilities outside the prescribed course,

whether we destroy them within ourselves,

or enforcers destroy them when we don't

self discipline. Hence rule making and

obeying, is inherently a user of destruction

to obtain its goals. When we close our

minds to destructive possibilities, that

works because being destructive to that

which is destructive, lowers overall

destruction. But if we don't get it right, and

our laws eliminate non destructive

possibilities, then our system of

making/enforcing rules has increased the

amount of overall destruction due to the

fact that making/enforcing rules, itself,

involves the use of destruction (to eliminate

the possibilities outside the prescribed

course). Since this is just another form of

using destruction against destruction, it also

falls under the requirement that the user

know in depth, and get it right. (This is

why 'vengeance is mine sayeth the lord',

because only God knows enough to use

destruction to eliminate destruction without

causing more destruction in the process.)

Not only is the concept of making and

enforcing rules, a user of destructiveness to

accomplish its goal; it additionally detaches

people from reality/actuality.

Because alternatives outside the prescribed

path aren't allowed to exist; they can't be

observed, experimented with, or worked

with (or learned from). And the only

contact with reality / actuality is -what is

within the prescribed path.

(This is unlike the sorting method, where

the evil/destruction still exists -just that it

exists separately (although not for long as it

destroys itself).)

Since using destruction against destruction

requires the user to know it, in order to get

it right and not become a doer, a source of

destruction themselves: if one doesn't know

it all from the start, its difficult to learn

along the way in an environment which is

largely detached from reality. And if out of

ignorance you apply and enforce rules

which are inaccurate then you yourself

become an instrument and source of

destruction through these rules. And since

the use of rules does greatly detach us from

reality; we can continue being inaccurate in

our rules, in our ignorance for quite awhile

without realizing it.

Since rules work by applying destruction

against destruction, this works only when

one knows what's going on. But since the

rules method also greatly detaches one

from reality/actuality (so that one cannot

know, but must take it by faith); this sets

the rules user up to fail more often than not.

Taking something by faith is

understandable if it's something we're

unable to know for sure. But requiring that

we take things by faith when it's possible to

know for sure, but that we don't allow

because we don't allow anything outside

the rules to exist at all, and thus have

nothing to experiment with or learn from:

is just incompetence. xx

There are things which have both

goodness and destruction inseparably in

them, in the gray areas of actually living

life on this earth. None of the previously

proposed ways suggested to deal with and

overcome destruction in this situation,

works. But the making and enforcing rules

method is worst because it freezes this

imperfect situation as it is (by eliminating

all possibilities except that within the

prescribed course; thus preventing change),

and does so in detachment from

reality/actuality and hinders change out of

this situation. Consider a gray action which

inseparably (at our level of ability)

produces both goodness and

destructiveness (to different areas) when

done. What is the result of rules applied in

this action? Well, first let's consider this

area without rules. Suppose when we do

this action, goodness in area A results, but

also, destruction in area B results. If we do

this action then goodness (A) and

destruction (B) will result.

If we destroy, eliminate or don't do this gray

action, then destruction in area A and

goodness in area B will be the result. Either

way, destructiveness is always present (in

different areas). So no matter if we

completely destroy, partially destroy, or do

no destruction to this gray action: we'll

have been unsuccessful at completely

eliminating destructiveness here. The plan

to use destruction against itself won't have

worked here until we're able to dissect this

action and apply destruction only to the

destructive parts of this action. And if we're

unable to do this at our level of ability then

we're unable to eliminate destructiveness

completely. The same problem occurs with

the sort and segregate this action unto its

own kind method. If we're unable to dissect

this action into component parts and

segregate the destructive parts away from

the good parts, (because this is a gray

action which by definition we're unable to

separate its good parts from its destructive

parts at our level of ability), we're thus

unable to do the segregating idea, by


If we apply no rules to this action then a

haphazard pattern of sometimes doing this

action and sometimes not doing this action

can result, with area A receiving goodness

some of the time and destructiveness the

rest of the time; and area B receiving

destruction some of the time and goodness

the rest of the time.

But if we apply a rule either for or against

this gray action, then a structure is put to

the gray action, so that one area will

receive goodness all the time and the other

area will receive destruction all the time as

a result of the gray action. Even if we apply

a rule which allows this action in some

circumstances while prohibiting this action

in other circumstances: this will involve

subdivided area A's and B's. And in these

subdivided areas, some will receive

destruction all the time, and others will

receive goodness all the time. And when an

area or subdivided area receives destruction

all the time, it becomes barren and


When an area receives goodness all the

time, it becomes rich and at high ability.

This is what is created when rules are

applied to a gray action.

Rules put a structure to the gray actions so

that their goodness and destructions are

fixed to the same areas; unlike a haphazard

doing of the gray actions under no rules.

When an area receives destruction some of

the time and goodness other times, then the

area becomes of medium ability -neither

desolate nor rich. This is what results when

no absolute rules are applied to a gray


When rules are applied to gray actions, the

destructiveness of the gray action is

segregated to one area while the goodness

of a gray action is segregated to other

areas, so that a patchwork of desolate

environments and rich environments is the


When life that is mainly destructive, acts, it

produces an environment of desolation.

When life that is mainly good acts, it

produces a rich environment. And when

(earthly) life that is in some ways good, but

is in other ways destructive, acts: it can

produce an environment that is neither

desolate nor rich, but that is at a medium

level. It is in these medium level

environments where the forces separate,

-where goodness becomes separate from


in the rich environment the good can't get

away from the evil due to evil's fast growth

in a rich environment.

-when the life material is fed into areas at

medium level of ability: here the goodness

is able to get away and become separate

from the destructiveness (and when forced

to survive alone, is able to survive).

Eliminating and destroying rules out of

gray actions allows the goodness in gray

actions to be open to all alternatives thus

allowing change and thus be freed from the

destructiveness in the gray action(s). While

applying absolute rules to gray actions,

preserves the state they are in -that is of

having both goodness and destructiveness

together, to the point that gray actions need

these rules in order to persist as gray


Thus it behooves us to destroy and tear

down (in a partial, special way) the rules

that always keep everything the same in

these gray actions (and in Pleasantville),

and allow anarchy to rule in the gray

actions. (Just remember that such partial

destroying of these gray rules is also

impure; and being such, also needs a

mechanism to keep it also from spoiling

our pure areas). Just think, without rules,

the gray actions which do both good and

destruction, can reap what they sow, which

is a medium and middle class environment,

instead of either rich or barren. And here

the good present can heal itself and free

itself from the destruction and escape to a

rich life separate from the destruction.

Whereas with absolute rules over gray

aspects of life; there results a patchwork of

bareness and richness (as a result of that

gray actions do both good and destruction,

and that rules have structured the gray

actions to always be done the same way,

then some pieces of the patchwork always

receive destruction and other pieces always

receive goodness); thus generating a

patchwork of rich and bareness in the

presence of a destructive force (because

gray actions have some destructiveness

inseparably as part of them): thus resulting

in firestorms where that destructive force

burns down the rich parts of the patchwork,

leaving only barrenness in the end.

(This segment is repeated.) Let us analyze

goodness vs destructiveness, and consider

some situations, while keeping in mind

these truths: -that it takes life and ability to

do/be either goodness/growth, or

destruction-and-death (and that lack-of-life

isn't able to cause either force); xx

Inputs and outputs: 1)-that the force of

Destruction-and-death takes IN what's alive

as its input-or-raw material, and produces

'voids-in-life' and 'inanimate material' as its

OUTPUT as what it produces.

2)-That the force of Goodness-and-growth

takes IN voids-in-life and inanimate

material, as its input-or-raw material, and

produces 'life' as its OUTPUT and what it


With these concepts in mind let's consider

the situation of the force of Destruction

-and-death in a rich environment. (Here in a

rich environment, note that the force of

good/growth DOES NOT have much or

any of its input raw material (which is

voids in life), and so it is not capable of

rapid growth here in the rich environment.)

Here, not only does the force (of

destruction) have plenty of its raw material

or input (life); it also has what supports

what either force is made of (which is life).

Thus here in the rich environment, the

force of Death-and-destruction can grow

rapidly and become quite large.

(Compare this to a medium environment:

In a medium environment, destruction

doesn't have as much of its input, nor

does it have as much of what forces can

be made of. Thus destruction can't grow

as fast, thus allowing goodness(which

has more of its input here, allowing for

equal growth footing/opportunity) to get

away from the force of destruction. Once

away from destruction, the two forces

are alone, and the good survives while

the destruction self consumes.)

(In this tangent, please consider that

since enforcing rules over the gray areas of

living life causes a patchwork of rich and

barren environments: my question is, why

do we scrap together these rich

environments where there is the force of

destruction nearby -(as destruction is

inescapably a part of all gray actions at our

ability level)?

(Why do we prevent the force of good from

growing here, -keeping it from its input

(voids-which are scarce in rich

environments)? These rich environments

(which are full of destruction's growth

input) will just result in successive

firestorms where the gray actions'

destructiveness burns down the rich parts

of the patchwork. (and since the force of

destruction has grown rapidly and large in

the once rich environment, it usually burns

this part of the patchwork down completely

to barrenness.) All this does is feed

evil/destructiveness. As for myself, I don't

wish to succor and feed the force of

destructiveness. End tangent.) END REPEAT

Let us now consider the reverse situation:

-that is with the force of Goodness-and

-growth in a barren environment. Here the

force of goodness has an abundance of its

input/raw material (that being voids in

life/inanimate material), but unlike the

previous situation, it doesn't have an

abundance of what supports what either

force is made of (which is life). So here,

even though it has plenty of its input/raw

material, this force of goodness isn't able to

grow rapidly at least not right away, -until

it is able to generate enough life from the

inanimate to support what it is made of.

With both the forces at low ability, neither

is able to do much, so the force of good is

unable to get away from the force of

destruction, thus preserving the

togetherness of the 2 forces in this

situation. Hence in neither a rich nor barren

environment can the forces separate.

When we humans are going about our daily

lives, most of what we do is neither all

good nor all destructive but is usually some

of both. And this is due to that the human

ways/actions available to us usually contain

both goodness and also destructiveness as

part of the same action. So that we produce

both life and voids in life, which tends to

result in a medium environment (between

rich and barren). And in our medium

environment, the Destructiveness force

(which is one part of our human ways),

doesn't have access to an excessive amount

of its input (which is life), and doesn't have

access to an excessive amount of what it

can be made of (which is also life). It is

thus NOT able to grow incredibly rapidly

(like it would in a rich environment). We

are thus able to avoid and get away from it.

(When we get away from it, it(destruction)

no longer has a source of good to feed it. It

is alone, and alone it consumes itself and

dies, unlike when good is alone and is able

to survive when alone.) Here we can see

how a medium ability environment is

useful where evil is present that needs

separating away, to separate the forces.

Here we're able to get away and separate

from the evil, whereas in a rich

environment the evil would grow too fast

for us to do so. (And in a barren

environment, the directive of good has no

special advantage or fast growth; (it thus

remains unable to get away/separate from

the destruction it is with); so that won't

help either).

(We can see that neither rich nor barren

environments are effective, but that

medium, middle environments are

effective.) And once separate from the evil,

the evil has no food supply and it burns

itself out and disappears, while the good


Just think, without rules, the gray actions

which do both good and destruction, can

reap what they sow, which is a medium and

middle class environment, instead of either

rich or barren. And here the good present

can heal itself and free itself from the

destruction and escape to a rich life

separate from the destruction.

Whereas with absolute rules over gray

aspects of life; there results a patchwork of

bareness and richness in the presence of a

destructive force (because gray actions

have some destructiveness inseparably as

part of them): thus resulting in firestorms

where that destructive force burns down the

rich parts of the patchwork, leaving only

barrenness. And not only that: under no

rules, when an environment is middle class

and medium, -no lives are eliminated.

However, in the barren parts of the rule

ridden structure, where this piece of the

patchwork receives mostly destruction: the

material in this area does not survive.

-Because when something is beaten down

again and again and only receives

destruction, it eventually dies and is

completely destroyed. Now the death of

this material doesn't heal the world, as the

world continues being a place where

actions (gray) continue to have both

destructive as well as good effects. -that

hasn't been healed or changed. The world

continues on living, but now gray actions

cannot act on material that doesn't exist.

The material that died no longer exists. So

gray actions in this rulie world are forced to

take remaining material that does exist.

Thus some from the rich area must now be

thrown into the barren area.

And as those in the barren area die off,

more and more from the rich areas must be

sucked down. And it is all so senseless, as

this downward and eventually total self

consumption occurs only in the rulie

version of earthly life. So unless you have a

death wish, and if you want to live and love

and get better, then cast the rules out of

earthly life. Smash them down. As we now

know, they are the sources of death

destruction and stagnation, holding us back

from getting better. Since we know where

the source of destruction is, we can use

destruction against destruction here. Well,

if we can segregate rules away from us to

be with that which is destructive; this is

better because it does not require us to get

it exactly right. But in a pinch, if we're

unable to do this, we can know we're

probably ok to use destruction against rules

over our gray areas of our earthly life.

Rules try to associate themselves with God

and the overall good and try to make

themselves out to be pure and holy. But as

we have seen, rules are users of

destruction. They can dish it out with

impunity, but hide behind God and

goodness when it is their turn to take it. No

longer. They should now take what they

dish out; as we now see they are no better

than the rest of the shit that goes on here on

this imperfect human earth.

However, let us consider another point of

view: Let's consider that by applying rules

to a gray action, we thereby cause

destruction to be segregated to one area,

and goodness to be set aside to another

area, that we thereby quarantine the force

of destructiveness, (where after it brings its

area to desolation, then dies out and is

thereby eliminated).

The only problem with this line of

reasoning is: this is a gray action which by

definition has goodness and destructiveness

inseparably in it (at least at our level of

ability). There is no separation of goodness

from destructiveness, by definition; by the

situation itself. The destructiveness always

has a source of goodness nearby to feed on

through the common link of the gray

action. So that the destructiveness is not

truly quarantined but always has a supply

of goodness nearby due to the nature of

gray actions whereby they produce

goodness and destruction from the same

action. So that destruction doesn't actually

burn itself out and die but is preserved at a

low level, as it is occasionally able to get

some of the nearby goodness common to

the gray action it is part of (and burn it

completely down in a firestorm).

Rules don't work when applied to gray

actions. They don't change the fact that

some destruction is done (they just

regulate where (in which areas) it is done)

and hence are no better than anarchy in the

gray areas in terms of the level of overall

destruction done. And if there are rules

over gray actions (which people say are

from God), that rearrange where

destruction is done in gray areas without

eliminating the destruction in gray areas,

then they tie God to being a doer of

destruction (in the gray areas) done not for

the purpose of eliminating other

destruction. -(that is, being a source of

destruction). Evildoers also do destructive

things not for the purpose of eliminating

other destruction and are also

sources/perpetrators of destruction. These

rules from God over the gray areas then

make God out to be no better than an

evildoer or a sinner. (And to them who

would kill those who speak against the

rules of God as instructed by the old

testament Bible, we should sort them

together with those who would murder and

kill so the rest of us won't have to put up

with the destruction they do.) The rules

over gray areas don't effectively quarantine

its destructiveness to the point it is


The rules actually preserve a gray area in its

present state and prevent the goodness from

being able to be separate from the


And, the rules detach us greatly from reality

by preventing any alternative ways from

existing. and through this ignorance allow

for their continued use to the exclusion of

all else even though they are ineffective

and even a hindrance to goodness.

Why can't earthly life reap what it sows?

-experience what it naturally produces?

Life here on earth that does neither all good

nor all destruction, naturally produces an

environment that is at a medium level

-between desolation and richness.

But if rules are applied here, then medium

level environments will disappear leaving

only patchworks of desolate and rich

environments in its place; which will thus

preserve the earthly life as is and prevent

its change out of the togetherness of

goodness and destruction. But to

accomplish this, the natural product that

earthly life produces -that of a medium

level environment, must be denied it. It

must be acted on to prevent this from

happening. Who or what would want to

preserve earthly life as it is and prevent

change out of this situation? Well,

goodness or God certainly would not. God

has no need of anything we might produce

here on earth. But the force of

destructiveness is an inferior force that

can't survive on its own. If alone it will

bring its area to desolation and then cease

to exist. To keep existing, it requires the

togetherness of good and destruction so it

always has something to feed on. (i.e., the

knowledge of good-AND-evil) -knowing

that good and evil are always together.

So then it is the force(s) of destruction that

desire to detain earthly life in its present

state (of goodness and destruction together)

and prevent its progress out of this

togetherness, so as to preserve the forces of


So any rules in gray areas, although they

may claim to be from God: if they act to

preserve our present gray state, by making

environments of desolation and/or richness

out of environments that would otherwise

be of a medium level; then these rules

actually are from the forces of destruction,

and we are doing their bidding, not God's.

Some may help make and enforce rules

over our earthly gray actions of living

earthly life; and they may also call

themselves champions of compassion,

Christian charity and love (tough love). But

I ask you: what benefit does making and

enforcing rules (over gray actions of human

life), deliver to the all important prime

directive of charity, compassion and love?

No, on the contrary, these rule making and

enforcing over earthly life serve not love,

but instead, destruction. And to mix charity

with destruction is just a feeding of the

inferior force of destruction in a

preservation of the forces of good and evil

together. -the knowledge of good-and-evil.

(the togetherness of good and evil), which

is a tool to succor evil. Now as we go about

our human ways, separating away the evil

therein, using our medium ability

environment to do so: we may realize that

we are humans and not Gods. We may

realize our ways are human and that they

aren't perfection nor absolute. But if by

chance we do come in contact with

absolute goodness, we thus experience a

rich environment. And absolute goodness

has perfect ways which richly supply its

needs, and now ours since we have come in

contact with it. But by habit, we are used to

our human ways, and if we do our human

ways in the presence of absolute goodness,

the destructiveness in our human ways in

the rich environment will eat us alive as the

destructiveness will grow fast and we won't

be able to separate it away in this rich

environment. This is the fear of God.

Also, let us realize that there can be a

competition between absolute good ways

and human ways. In the presence of

absolute goodness, it is clear that the

absolute good ways are better and that we

seek to give up our human ways as we're

well aware that they cause us torment

(when we do them in the presence of

absolute goodness). However, when

absolute goodness is absent and when

human ways are all that's available, then

human ways work fine in their medium

ability environment. -If we were to give up

our human ways with no absolute good

ways to replace them, then we'd throw

ourselves into barrenness as nothing

would get done, and this would also be a

torment because in the barrens, the good

in us wouldn't be able to get away from

the destructive in us and we'd be

preserved, unable for our goodness to

advance to absolute goodness.

(In barrenness, the (lesser/human) good

there has little life making it up (Recall,

it takes capability/life to do either force,

and voids can't do either force), so it

can't do much (even though it has a lot of

its input(which is voids)). The evil there is

also just about out of its input (life), so it

can't do much either. -stuck there

together with each other.)

-We humans need medium environments,

not barren nor rich environments for our

human ways to function, and for the good

in us to escape and join absolute goodness.

So when absolute good ways are available,

we should give up our human ways in favor

of them. But when absolute good ways are

unavailable then here in this area, is room

for human ways. Human ways done in a

medium environment, purify themselves

over time to become absolute good ways.

So there can be a competition within us

between human and absolute good ways.

(unless we are eternally held back from

growing into absolute good, and are

eternally preserved as human, through a

careful living of a rule ridden version of

life.) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Important insert:

In Christianity, mention is made of those

with eyes who do not see, and those with

ears who do not hear. But coming to

Judism, Christianity, Islam, and secular

tabloid newspapers with some creep into

the regular news: those with brains who do

not think.

We have an activity, of sorting; -of sorting

that which is good into its own kind, and

that which is destructive, or evil, into its

own kind. And in areas that can be sorted

completely into that which is good vs that

which is destructive; this sorting activity

works well to advance goodness over

destruction; as that which is all destructive,

self consumes while that which is all good,

survives, when these forces are separate.

But what do we do with human areas

and actions which have goodness and

destruction intertwined in the same action;

that do both good and destruction

inseparably from the same action (to

different areas)? What do we do with these

human actions, concerning our activity of

sorting? What if we realize that there are 3

types of things: -1, those things that are

mostly all good; -2, those things that are

mostly all destructive; and 3, those things

that are hopelessly both good and

destructive intertwined. Then we could,

possibly, apply a 3 tiered structure to our

sorting activities.

But what if we instead, denied the natural

trinity of our situation, and applied only a

two dimensional sorting action to our

situation anyway? We could take an

imperfect human action with good and

destruction intertwined, like the

reproductive drive area (an area that has a

large influence because it effects us all),

and we could sort some of it as good and

some of it as bad. We could sort those who

didn't cheat into the good side as a holy

estate ordained by God; while we could

sort those who did cheat to the bad side;

and so enact a 2 tier structure to our sorting

activities. (But what is so great about

forcing a 2 dimensional solution upon a 3

dimensional reality?) Since the reality of

our situation is that the human reproductive

area is one with good and destruction

hopelessly intertwined; what we would

have done is to corrupt the all-good side

with the destructive part from the holy

estate ordained by God that is sorted to the

all-good side; and also provided the evil in

the all-bad side a source of good to feed off

of, from the good of human material that

was sorted to the all bad side, so that the

evil would then not self consume and die.

So that the benefits that could possibly be

achieved from doing sorting activities;

would in actuality, not be achieved; thus

making our sorting activities unproductive

and of no account.

So that when a person idles their mind and

applies a 2 dimensional sorting action to a

3 dimensional reality, is it any wonder

things don't work out so well and this area

continues to be problematic.

Realize that when we take a human action

or part of a human action (it still has both

good and bad intertwined), and sort it to

either the all-bad side, or the all-good side,

that we have done an inaccurate sort action,

because we have just added some good to

the all-bad, so that it is no longer all bad; or

have added some bad to the all-good, so

that it may no longer be all good, and may

even burn it down in a firestorm. Xx

One might be able to believe that short

sighted old men would come up with these

crappy 2 dimensional solutions; but one

would expect God to be beyond that. And

with the inclusion of Jesus Christ; 2

dimensional thinking can expand into a 3 D

reality with a trinity that includes Jesus

Christ; as it was Jesus Christ who took a

stand by not condemning the woman taken

in adultery; while short sighted religious

and secular men, even to this day, did/do.

Unless you are as powerful as God, and are

able to sort all things into all good vs all

bad, then as humans, we must place what

we are not able to separate into all good vs

all bad, into a third pile. END REPEAT.

Note that with these human areas: no

matter what stance one takes, one cannot

avoid destruction in one area or another. If

one is abstinent and a eunuch, destruction

hits one area. If one is promiscuous,

destruction hits another area. If one is

faithfully married, destruction hits other

areas. If one cheats, destruction hits

different areas. But some destruction is

always present, just in different areas. This

is the way it is with human or gray actions.

And destruction brings us down and makes

us vulnerable.

So that no matter where we are sorted to in

a 2 dimensional sorting; our human area is

vulnerable to attack as being imperfect and

to potentially be subjugated to an all

destructive force that can use it as food for

its destroying. And because our human

area is weak, it might not be able to get out

of this bondage. Just realize that there is no

configuration of your human area that you

can choose that is safe from some form of

attack from the all-evil; even though some

not well thought through 2 dimensional

sorting actions may sort your human

configuration to the all-good side. What

one needs to do instead, is to look to

material that is outside ones human area,

a Jesus representation if you will, that is

not participating in the human hunger, that

then can free and separate away the all

destructive that is preying upon one's

human area. And note, that one's Jesus

representation, or sogp, is part of a 3 tiered

structure, or trinity; and is not 2


So that because the human area contains

some destruction, one's sogp needs to get

as far from these human actions as possible

when maintaining a 3 dimensional sort,

(which is one of the functions of the sogp).

But another function of the sogp is to bring

to medium ability in these human areas,

where there is barrenness. And this causes

the sogp to be closer to the doing of human

actions. So that the sogp must split its

resources, some (say half) of which go and

maintain medium ability in the human

actions, and others of which do a 3 way

sorting action, including casting out all

evils trying to feed here, into the all evil

pile; so that kind of a four dimensional

reality exists with this situation, with the

sorting part of the sogp keeping as far away

from the doing of the human action as

possible, while the bringing to medium

ability part of the sogp, not so much so.

Perhaps the sogp can rotate within itself so

that it can recharge itself in quasi richness

when resting, but leave a lot of that

richness behind when in a working mode of

bringing human actions to medium. Xx

Note that the sorting part of the sogp is still

not pure enough to contact the high parts,

and is part of the human material, and also

acts to keep all the human material

including itself, from contacting the high


End important insert. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx

But then there is the topsy-turvy upside

down situation where human ways are

unavailable to a human, but godly ways are

available, and then absolute godly ways

eventually fill that need. This occurs in the

reproductive drive area where hot babes/ or

studs act to get members of the opposite

sex to compete over their affections; they

pick who they like best and spurn the rest.

The rest are 'scrubs' who will never get

their love. One will get their love but the

rest will not. For the rest, that human way

is unavailable. Recognizing this fact, the

rest of us can open our minds to the

competition to human ways that the ways

of absolute goodness pose. For in this

situation, surely the ways of absolute

goodness will full the needs here before the

human way can. So give up hoping on the

futile human way here and widen your

scope to allow absolute godly ways to

come in.

It is unrealistic in the overall situation that

hot women or studs would be able to deny

us their affection. If they all did then there

would be no offspring, and that way would

eventually bring about its end. But if one

quits competing for the hot babe/stud's

attention, they would loose out to those

who did compete. So let us quit competing

for their attention and fill our needs here

with the godly ways. Thus if we do pick up

a mate, we won't do so in hen/rooster

pecked bondage but will live together in

freedom. Realize that there is a competition

between absolute good ways, and human

ways; and that although there is some room

for human ways, if the human ways can't

get it together, then that option will expire,

and it will be all absolute good ways.

Realize that there is really no room for hold

ups in the human ways, as that represents a

barren environment when neither the

human way nor the absolute good way is


In the barren environment is the raw

material/input for the goodness

directive; but the human goodness

within the barren environment is unable

to grow rapidly here even though

surrounded by its raw material and

input, due to the fact this environment

doesn't supply(life) what can support

either directive. But to high ability

forces/directives of goodness, this is just

the raw material they seek and can make

use of. This attracts them. (as they

already have lots of life which makes

them up) And to those of us who have a

competition between absolute good ways

and human ways within us; this

indicates parts of us are into high ability

goodness (while other parts are not). The

barrenness in this area is a signal for

high ability goodness outside this barren

area to invade this barren area and

bring it out of barrenness (since the high

ability goodness already has the life that

supports its directive, and all it needs is

its input/raw material); whereas within

the human good with the barren area; it

working in the barren area is futile

because although it has an abundance of

input/raw material, it lacks enough of

what makes up itself(its directive): -a

barren environment is no help in

allowing human ways to change to

absolute good ways, as what is needed is

a medium environment. But outside high

ability good entities do take these barren

environments in as inputs; and you may

thus meet God or a high ability good

part of yourself this way. Outside high

entities of good act in barren areas not

only because voids in life (ie barren

environments) are their input; but also

because they know that neither barren

environments nor rich environments

allow for imperfect humans to grow out

of their imperfections. So that because

this area of human reproductive drive is

imperfect, human, and contains some

destructiveness, the intervening high

ability goodness doesn't bring this

barren area to richness, but only to

medium ability. So that the

person who has been rejected in love, will

get their hot babe/stud anyway, or a

reasonable facsimile thereof: -all they have

to do is give up on trying to make this work

using their human goodness; but to open

their mind; look away from the futile

human area, look to and allow the high

ability absolute goodness (actually, the

semi phenomenal, slightly less than

absolute(but still quite capable and above

the barren lesser human good)) goodness of

the sogp/jesus representation) to come in

and supply that very human area to

medium ability. And the only person who

will be held back and be forced to remain

as imperfect human for an extended period

of time in this area, will be the person who

keeps insisting on barrenness in this area

-which is the person who attracts suitors and

spurns most of them.

insert: When a babe/stud rejects you

because of the societal rule that they are

dating someone else, realize that this

rejection is absolute; that they're trying to

apply an absolute, to a human area that is

anything but absolute. Thus in some part of

this human area, there is some area that

gets destruction all the time, leading to

barrenness. The one way gift does take all

-destructive actions that can be separated

away from imperfect human actions, and

does separate them away. Thus the one way

gift removes away their absolute rejection

of you, but only partially and not

absolutely; thus the area that got

destruction all the time, no longer gets

destruction all the time, but only part of the

time, thus upholding medium ability, as

opposed to bareness. end insert.

Now then, let me interject the factor of

our human mortality

in that we die. -Where we're tied to a

destruction we can't avoid and also that we

can't do a full off stance with. Since we are

forced to live with this destruction, that

makes our every action a human, or gray

action regardless of how otherwise evil free

it is; thus making it wise that we do all our

human actions at medium level and not at

rich (full on) or barren (off) level: (we are

unable to do a complete full off in our

mortal self which covers all our actions).

Like, even if what we did was all goodness,

when we died, that goodness would be

destroyed and the people depending on our

goodness would be harmed. However, if

we were mean and cruel, then when we

died, that cruelty would be destroyed,

resulting in a benefit to those who would

otherwise suffer our cruelty if we were

alive forever.

Now, when we lower our doing of

otherwise all good actions towards medium

level, we need only lower them a little bit,

say at high medium; and should make a

distinction towards other more human

hungers that have more intertwinement of

good and evil, so that one keeps their doing

of human hungers somewhat separate from

their non hunger but still mortal actions,

and does their human hungers more

towards medium level, while does their non

hunger but still mortal actions more

towards high medium level, or cycling

about high medium level.

In this next far out insert, we see that

because we are mortal and come to an end

and to death after a time; that this places a

destruction and a destructive force upon us

that we are unable to escape; hence making

all that we are a gray area due to that all

our goodness and this destruction are

hopelessly intertwined. So that activities

that we might otherwise consider as all

-good; are not yet all-good due to this

destruction called death that we are under

where these otherwise all good actions will

not persist indefinitely but will fade away

due to this destruction, death, which is our

mortality. So in response: we should

do our otherwise all good actions at less

than full on, but at somewhat medium or

high medium level, due to this mortality

that we are under, so that we won't prevent

them from escaping this

mortality/destruction due to their being

done at rich and high level and also tied to

this human condition of mortality (as only

medium level allows escape from human

conditions, neither rich nor barren does).

This means doing some of a directive

towards 'off' that is for not-doing these

otherwise all good actions; as well as the

directive for 'on' for doing these otherwise

all good actions.

However, there may be one exception to

this rule. In the area of 3 D sorting; where

the sogp casts all-evils off human material,

(and keeps human material from high

perfect all-good godly parts); goodness IS

advanced over destruction. (This is like a

bird in the hand vs a bird in the bush.) So

that doing our otherwise high good parts at

full on at richness here, although it prevents

this material from having any chance of

escaping the destruction of mortality that

they are under, it at the same time, causes a

certainty in the release of goodness from

destruction. Note that we cannot otherwise

use these otherwise high parts under

mortality, at richness or even put them with

true high parts due to this mortality they are

under; so this is their only place to shine

and be at full power (which is to act as the

sogp). And since they can't join the true

high parts, the whole mess of them, and not

just a small split off part ie sogp can act as

sogp, because they are otherwise unable to

act as high parts in full on and richness like

true high parts can and do. So that while

they are acting as sogp to do the 3 D

sorting functions of the sogp, their full on

and rich status does prevent them from any

chance of separating from the destruction

of their mortality while they are full on; but

does mold their environment to be

conducive to this very thing; so that when

this sogp does drop out of full on and

richness to go to medium level, in a

rotation with other like sogp parts, it then

by chance CAN separate from destructive

forces, including the destructive force of its

mortality. Now there is the possibility this

destructive force of one's mortality may get

into the richness and burn down this full on

sogp material. So that one should avoid

going to ultra rich and ultra full on in their

sogp doing 3D sorting; but I think there is

still plenty of room to do a goodly degree

of full on, which is needed to overcome all

-evils which have overpowered regular

medium ability human material. (Since

these materials are otherwise all-good and

have escaped all other evils except for this

human mortality destruction; there then is

less evil, so that more richness could be

piled up before this evil would be able to

get into it, seeing as how evil isn't very

good at bridging barriers.)

Let me rehash this a bit. The destructive

force that is our mortality, is different from

other destructive forces that make up other

human hungers. Not only are we unable to

get away from it; we are also forced to do

some form of 'on' setting. With other

human hungers, we are able to do full on or

full off settings at will, and the destruction

just occurs in different areas as a result.

But with this destruction, we are unable to

do a full off setting without being

completely dead (so that while alive,

destruction is always done in the same area

at least to some degree). So that one can

either do a moderate amount of oneself (in

a constant non cycling fashion); or one can

do a full on followed by a greater time

spent in an almost full off, if one wants to

do cycling.

Then there was this failed plan: Concerning

the 3 D sorting via the sogp, one can do

this plan: One can do a constant full on of

the 3d sorting; and when this develops

barren and rich areas, and when the

destruction of ones mortality comes out of

the barren areas and feeds on the rich areas,

then one becomes less effective at 3d

sorting, so that ones full on just serves to

feed a growing evil of ones mortality. At

this point, one makes an exception in their

3 d sorting (since one is a human thing and

should sort themselves to the human area;

but instead can violate that absolute 3d

sorting) and can sort themselves to the all

destructive side and continue to do

whatever 3 d sorting they can there, which

would be to keep all the other all

-destructive things away from any other

human things, but oneself. Oops, this

won't work out. -Because going full on,

would then be replaced by full off after our

death at the hands of the all destructive,

which would provide growth opportunities

for the all destructive through the mortal

area; which is not conducive to advancing

goodness over evil. If one wants to go this

rout, only the approaching to full off

through laziness, does work out.

So that one can be lazy and be almost full

off in their mortality stance; and that will

build up patchworks of rich and barren

based on the mortality evil in the near off

configuration. Eventually the

evil will come out of the barren side to

feed on the rich side, and a growing evil

will be fed and developed. Then when

2d sorters place one's human self in the all

destructive pile for being lazy, one can then

attempt to live the best they can, but if the

all destructive gets one, then one will die

and be killed by the all destructive, and

thus go to full off, which is not much

different from the almost full off one did

while alive and lazy. And with this sacrifice

one thus leaves a well developed evil,

hungry to feed, but with very little change

in the mortality stance to provide any

new material for that evil to feed on. With

that large evil together with the all evil, this

will just precipitate a hunger storm where

an over excess of evil will cause all the evil

to consume itself because there isn't

enough of anything else for it to feed on.

Note that as an unbalanced individual who

happens to get cut off from their societal

entity, one is 'lazy' in all the areas they

aren't good at, (which they before depended

on their trading with their societal entity to

supply). So that by being lazy, and then

sacrificing oneself this way, one can

achieve goodness for the good life that

remains, because through this, one destroys

the evil/destructiveness, even the evil that

cast one out of their societal entity.

Otherwise, one must do all that is attached

to their human mortality at, or cycling

about, a medium level(based on the amount

of destruction in ones human mortality) (so

as to be at (high)medium ability). And

when this is applied to doing 3 d sorting; a

cycling mode works out because once all

-destructions are sorted off human material,

without their food source, the evils do self

consume: and due to evil's inability to cross

barriers, evil is unable to come back and re

infect human material even when ones 3 d

sorting is inactive in a resting part of a


But this then brings up another problem, in

that one can let their 3d sorting go to off

mode when there is no evil to sort away,

and prolonged off mode is just as bad as

prolonged on mode, as one needs to cycle,

or do a medium level of 3 d sorting due to

their mortality. But not to worry. There is

plenty of evil in the world to sort, and one

just needs to limit their exposure to it, or

increase their scope and exposure to it; in

order to maintain a medium, or cycling

about medium, level of 3d sorting.

Since one has a tendency to stop sorting

away evil once evil has been dealt with,

thus one tends to go into the 'off' mode.

Then when a new evil pops up; one can go

right into a full on mode, and that will be

ok because together, that represents cycling

about a medium level. Then after a time of

full on that balances the previous full off,

one can then drop to a medium on; or if the

evil has been dealt with by then, go to off

again. One can come up with their own

sequence that works for them; and this may

include seeking out a little sorting away

evil but still not enough to be medium level

sorting away evil, so that when one

encounters a larger evil, one then has room

to do full on for a longer time before

needing to come back down to medium or

go to a resting full off period.

Due to evil's temporarily nature, and that it

self eliminates after being 3d sorted; a

cycling about medium mode is favored

over a constant medium mode: whereas

with other activities, a constant medium

mode can be favored due to the freedom

from having to constantly monitor them.

So that we may find ourselves doing both

modes simultaneously; that is, we'll do a

cycling mode with respect to 3 d sorting

evil away, while simultaneously doing a

constant mode with respect to other things.

Note that although a full on mode may be

needed to overpower an evil that has

overpowered a human item; that with the

richness of a full on mode, evil may be

able to get into that and corrupt and feed

from that. Hopefully with a cycling stance

the full on mode won't be there long

enough for that to happen; and if it does,

we can just switch to a more constant

medium mode, and once the evil is 3d

sorted, we will be able to safely switch to a

resting full off part of a cycle.

End far out insert.

This next segment can be skipped:


This brings up another important point;

about areas that are imperfect, which

contain some destructiveness as part of

them; -these need to be at medium ability

-not in a rich environment, nor in a barren

environment, but in a medium

environment; for the separation of the

forces of goodness from destruction, so that

the imperfect life can grow into perfection

and not be preserved as imperfect forever.

The new point I'm trying to make is that

only the knowledge that an area is

imperfect and contains destructiveness is

needed in order to allow destructiveness to

be used. Before I had argued that one could

only use destruction (and still remain on

the side of goodness), when one understood

a situation in depth and then only destroyed

the destructive parts. But here is an

exception to this rule: and that is one only

need know an area is imperfect. But the

permission to use destruction is only to

bring the environment to medium ability.

No absolute destruction is allowed here as

it is with the total knowledge situation. And

once an environment containing evil is

brought to medium ability, no further

destruction is warranted. And of course if

an imperfect environment is already at

medium ability, no destruction is warranted

either. And destruction can only be used in

such a way that it moves the environment

towards medium.



So then: when we're living our life in the

human area, doing human things which are

neither all good nor all destructive: when

someone then classifies us according to our

human actions as warranting a judgment of

either all (absolute) goodness or absolute

rejection/punishment: we realize that

neither of these options of richness nor

barrenness is suitable for us, and we seek to

temper these attempts at absolute


Destructiveness isn't the only thing that can

bring this about but it can be one of the

tools used. Like when we are offered

richness, it would be wasteful and

misunderstood to use some destruction to

bring the rich reward down to medium

ability, and that there are other ways that

could be accomplished. But in the area of

absolute punishment and condemnation;

that just begs to have some destruction

done to it. -Not so much as to totally

destroy the once absolute condemnation,

but only enough so it is partially destroyed,

so that we end up with a medium

environment, not a rich nor barren one.

Other methods, such as segregation and

quarantine don't work well here because

only a partial and not total elimination of

the destructive condemnation is sought. In

the case of the spurned lover situation,

partial destruction of the absolute rejection

may not be enough, as the creative abilities

of goodness causing life where there once

was void in life may be needed to raise the

area out of barrenness to medium ability.


And now. It seems that the rules over our

sexuality and reproductive drive act to

throw this imperfect human area into either

rich or barren environments, and seek to

eliminate any medium environment and

moderation. Yes, concerning any person's

human reproductive desire and attraction

for another human; the rules of dating and

marriage dictate that these two either get all

of each other, or none of each other, and

that there should be no in between. This is

an imperfect human area, this area of

human reproduction. What should actually

be the way things are done is that nobody

should get anybody else all of the time

(rich environment); neither should anybody

be denied anybody else all of the time

(barren environment); but that everybody

should be able to get everybody else some

of the time (medium environment). What

you people do to each other is oppressive.

In following these rules, you hold each

other back and prevent the humanness and

imperfection of your reproductive area

from growing out of that, and preserve

yourselves as imperfect in this area. In the

rich environment situation, a married

couple can find ways to distance

themselves from each other so that they

achieve a medium environment with

respect to each other. But in the barren

situations, outside action needs to be taken.

To partially destroy absolute rules over

these areas; and for higher good to generate

something in these barren areas where there

is now nothing and nothingness.

If you were to consider our sexual area, you

could call us extremists. Yes, in the sexual

area, we are extremists. We live the

extremes, because the husband and wife

enjoy all the sexuality (the rich extreme),

whereas all other members of the opposite

sex who are not ones spouse; enjoy none of

the sexuality (the barren extreme). We do

not, but should, consider a medium position

somewhere between these extremes. Xx

But while we are considering extremes, let

us consider the extremes of monogamy vs

promiscuity. How long does one keep their

mate before moving on to another? In the

case of one extreme, that is, monogamy,

one keeps their mate for a lifetime. But let

us consider when one moves on to another

mate before a lifetime is over. Well, how

long could one stay with a mate before

moving on to another? Perhaps a couple

years; or perhaps a couple months; or

perhaps just for a day; or even an hour; or

even 15 minutes. Continuing on, let us say

that a person's mind keeps switching from

one mate to another in such rapid

succession, that they are unable to

complete the sex act before moving on to

the next mate. They then find themselves

unable to complete the sex act itself

because they can't stick with one partner

long enough, resulting in sexual

dysfunction. So that promiscuity taken to

its extreme results in sexual dysfunction.

So that we need just enough monogamous

conservatism to allow us to stick with our

mate long enough to complete the sex act. xx

But a couple can't have sex all the time; in

fact, relatively little time is taken for the

sex act, and the rest of the time (when they

are not having sex), the couple is as

everybody else who is not their partner. So

that one idea of a middle ground between

extremes, can be that of a slowed down sex

drive or sexual experience; where one

allows some sexual feelings, but also

resists them a little bit and slows down

ones feelings so they are not so strong or

intense; and does not require a climax, but

just allows whatever comes, to exist and

fade away. It is this medium intensity

sexual feelings that allow the forces to

separate, and do generate high good

material that escapes this situation to

become newly generated high parts.

But this is only one possible state. Yes,

conservatism does have some use, and is

not totally useless. And that use is to allow

different parts to have a little freedom

whereby they are not always burdened with

the concerns of the other parts. So that the

medium intensity sexual feelings can on

occasion, go to higher intensity, followed

by lesser intensity, and can include a

climax, and then a rest period, in order to

allow these different sexual parts to have

some freedom from the burdens of the

other parts, for a time; so as to express

themselves more fully. But then they go

back to the medium level expression where

they ARE together with and burdened by

the other component parts (of us). Xx

When we are doing a medium sexual

intensity, that is half way between 'on'

sexual intensity, and 'off' sexual intensity.

Here, neither the interests of the 'on' sexual

state, nor the interests of the 'off' sexual

state are favored over the other. And due

to this neutrality where all present are

given something, but no one area is favored

over the others; this is the best place to do

this same type of neutrality within the 'on'

part of sexuality; where we do not favor

any one member of the opposite sex over

any other. So that each member of the

opposite sex present (in mind or body) is

given equal sexual feeling. It is easier to

do this here, because we are already

slowing down our sexual feelings so they

are not overpowering us, so as not to favor

the 'on' state vs the 'off' state. It is in this

'rest' state where we can interconnect with

many members of the opposite sex and

interrelate without jealousy getting in the

way. Xx

Then there is the concept that in able to sort

human material away from the high parts,

and sort all destructive material away from

the human material; that we need a Jesus

representation that has distance away from

human activities, not absolutely, but

enough so that the Jesus representation is

powerful enough to accomplish this

sorting, and not weakened by the evils

present in human activities. And it is true

that the Jesus representation needs to be

more powerful than the human material in

order to cast off all-evils that have

overpowered human material. But the

question is, how does the Jesus

representation achieve and maintain that

higher power? One failed idea I had was

when the human material did more human

action, there was a part that split off and

did just the opposite, and did less human

action, so as not to be drawn down by the

human activity. But the thing about human

actions, is that no matter which way you

go, either to do more human action, or to

abstain from human action; destruction

finds you, just in different areas. So that

sending material in the opposite direction

to abstain from the human action, would

not make that material more capable to

enact 3 D sorting. What does generate high

ability material, is medium level human

action; as high parts do generate from this.

Then a fraction of those high powered

parts comes back to the human material as

Jesus representation. So that one needs to

do this medium level sexual feeling for a

while, to build up Jesus representation

from the high parts that are generated from

this, in order to then do a period of excess

human action followed by minimal human

action; as one needs a powerful enough

Jesus representation to shepherd over all

these human actions. There is the idea that

one can divert material in the opposite

direction, in abstinence, while one does

more human action. And if one combined

the material in abstinence with the material

in 'promiscuity', then the imbalances

generated from both promiscuity and

abstinence will be balanced out and the

whole will be stronger, and able as a whole,

to sort themselves away from

overpowering all evils. Unfortunately, this

jumps the gun on how the 'on' and then 'off'

cycle works. Yes, because after the more

-human-action (which has an oppositely

directed material to abstain from that

human action) is done, then the doing of

less or low human action, correspondingly

needs an oppositely directed material that

does more human action. So that there is

always some part of us that is always doing

a large amount of the human action, and we

are never able to quit doing the human

action even when we are full and are no

longer hungry of the human action. We

need to be at a low level of doing the

human action, so that from that point we

can quit doing the human action when we

are full; and that is not achieved when there

is always part of us that is doing that

human action to excess, or above the rest

state. So instead, we use a separate

Jesus representation, which is powerful

because high parts have previously escaped

the evils of medium level human area, and

then some of those high parts have rejoined

the human area as this Jesus representation.

So that when we are doing mild excess

followed by mild abstinence of a human

action, we depend on the Jesus

representation generated previously in the

medium doing of the human action. xxx

Now, as we generate high-good-parts from

our non-high, human material, at medium

level; the high-good-parts need to be kept

separate from evils, including the partial

evils of the human area. But the high

-good-parts can't do this as it would require

them to have contact with the evil, thus

contaminating them. So it is the Jesus

representation that does this, as it can have

contact with evil things and partly evil

human things, to move them out of the

way. But just realize that these high-good

-parts were not too long ago, part of the

human area; so that as the human area at

medium level keeps generating high-parts

from itself; its Jesus representation has to

keep moving it away from itself, that is, the

part of itself that has developed into a high

part. So that our human area at medium

level is constantly on the move and is

constantly being moved out of the way of

the high parts that generate from it.

However, I am partly in error in this. When

the Jesus representation acts, it acts to sort

according to the 3 tiered sorting. It grabs

and takes any all-evil that can be separated

away from the human things and sorts that

into the all-evil place. It takes the human

things by their evil parts and sorts them

into the human area place, and keeps both

these things away from the all good and

each other, and it itself doesn't contact the

all-good. It keeps the human parts separate

from the all-good and also the all-evil parts

separate from both these. So that the

medium level human area is NOT

constantly on the move out of the way of

the all-good that it is generating. You see,

the all-good that is newly generated escapes

of itself and its own action to the high

parts. The sogp doesn't grab hold of good

parts to sort them where they need to be, as

that would alter the nature of the

developing good parts, and it must be from

within the good parts themselves to either

leave the human parts and join the high

parts, or to stay with the human parts (as

part of the Jesus representation), as that is

what their nature is at that time. Realize

that a potential high part is not yet a high

part as long as it remains in contact with

either the human area or the all-evil area.

And that newly generated high parts must

prove that they are high parts by being able

to act in an evil free way, and are unable to

generate the richness of true high parts

while in contact with any evil, including

human evil, and must leave the human area

to generate such richness and have it

survive and not be burned down. So that

any all-good has no place among human

parts, and cannot exist there without being

burned down. And the Jesus representation

acts to keep human material away from

high parts that would try to be with human

material. But wise high parts remove

themselves from human areas so that their

richness will not be burned down and they

won't put unnecessary burden on the Jesus

representation. The Jesus representation

can't contact the newly generated all-good,

because it can't contact any all-good due to

the destructiveness that it is in contact with.

So it is up to the newly generated all-good

part to remove itself from the human area

and join the high parts where it can

generate its richness. However, the Jesus

representation could act to move the human

material out of the way of a newly

generated all-good, (except for the part of

the new all-good that is to join and become

part of the Jesus representation). If this

were the case, then no matter if the new

high part stayed, or moved to the high

parts, it would no longer have contact with

its former human area; so it might as well

move on to the high parts so as not to

burden the Jesus representation with

unnecessary movements. But in any case,

it is up to the newly generated high parts to

try to recontact its former human area, or to

move onto be with the established high

parts. So that we do not have as a matter of

policy, a constant moving of the medium

level human area away from the high parts

it newly generates to any large degree, but

only to a small degree to handle initial

circumstances, and in the cases of willful

newly generated high parts that are just a

little confused and aren't ready to leave the

human area from which they came right

away. Of course, if a newly generated high

part really wants to stay with the human

parts after some initial reasoning, they can

probably give up their high part status and

be burned down to human parts again. But

the materials in their medium level makeup

keep throwing them out of the human area

as goodness keeps escaping its human

evils. So that eventually, newly generated

high parts leave the human area and join

the high part area of their own volition, and

do not burden the Jesus representation with

unnecessary sorting activities. xxx

I wanted to revisit the continuum from

monogamy to promiscuity for another

point. Note that as women, men, and

society in general, force absolute

monogamy on us, with no cheating; that

over the generations, people become more

imbalanced and less self sufficient, so that

they become ever more dependent on a

connection to their greater society. But

when satisfying the sexual urge, they need

to pull away from the greater society to be

alone together; and since the very act of

having a sexual feeling is one that enlarges

the importance of one person while

minimizing the importance of all others;

these things tear one away from their

connection to the greater society. Now if

one has some degree of self sufficiency,

then this isn't a problem because the sex

act takes so little time. But as people keep

getting less and less self sufficient,

theoretically there can come a point where

even the small amount of time away from

the societal connection starts to become

painful, and then even lethal. So

theoretically, after some point, that society

will become sexually dysfunctional and

unable to reproduce. At that point, if they

haven't discovered how to overcome death,

they will all die off and disappear. Or if

they haven't discovered how to reproduce

themselves outside of the sexual way, like

through cloning, then they will be fixed at

their position, and unable to grow.

So if you people keep insisting on this

absolute monogamy forever, then you are

just going to destine our whole society to

the trash heap. How wastefull.

Note that if you do not allow yourselves to

have small and medium sexual feelings to

those who are not your mate, and or who

are your mate, but instead put all sexual

feeling towards your mate, and no sexual

feeling towards anyone not your mate, then

the lack of medium level in this imperfect

human area will mean that no high parts are

generated. And with no high parts

generated, no new Jesus representation will

be generated; so that one will lack the

power to 3 D sort overpowering all-evils

off one's human area, where one's rich area

of sexual feeling with one's spouse will

eventually be consumed by some

overpowering all-evil.


Human sexual desires/drives effect us

strongly on an individual level. But society

and religion also want to have say over our

individual sexuality. Sometimes they want

to prevent us from using birth control, or

abortion; condemn homosexual

expressions; and condemn expressions

outside of marriage. As an individual, I am

small and weak compared to the greater

society, or even to God. It would be foolish

of me (an individual) to go against the

greater society or even God in any area

wouldn't it? Usually, this is true: it is futile

for the individual to go against much more

powerful entities such as the greater society

or even God. But with the sexual area, it is

a special area -a rare area where the

individual has a good chance at being the

boss over society, and even religion. Where

in this case, the tail can wag the dog.

You see, society has a sexual need too. It

needs for us individuals to have some

offspring so as to continue itself past one

generation; but also to moderate that

offspring production so only a limited

number of offspring are produced, so that it

can remain a rich society. This is what the

family structure is for -to provide a

nurturing environment for the rearing of

children, but also to burden the couple with

that rearing so they won't have an excessive

number of children. And casual sex,

cheating, homosexual activity, birth

control/abortion do not serve the greater

society's need for generating the next

generation. Know that there is plenty

enough room for individuals to express

their sexuality and have plenty of sexuality

left over for the satisfaction of the greater

society's need here. But sometimes greater

societies take to bossing around and

belittling the individual, and making the

individual know that the individual position

is not important, but that the greater society

is all important, so that they stamp out any

individual expressions which are not in line

with societal expressions. But here in the

sexual area, unlike in most areas, the

individual has the rare power to eliminate

greater societies which are not to their


By disobeying the directives of society,

individuals can have sex with birth control

and abortion, casual sex, etc; all while

having no children; and by doing so, can

eliminate that society in one generation. No

matter how much this greater society

punishes us, we can still bring it to an end

by having no children. So that here in the

sexual area, I seek to make it an area under

individual control. That it is not an area

that belongs to the greater society, religion,

or even God; but that it shall be an area that

belongs only to the individual; and that

through it, individuals are able to express

their approval, or disapproval, of these

more powerful entities that are over them.

This is an inherent democracy, a vote if

you will, that the individual comes born

with. There are some who are very

articulate about telling us how we should

be behaving towards each other sexually,

out of all the possible ways we could

behave towards each other sexually. Stories

of what they would do or what others have

done if they caught their mate cheating,

abound. But as to an explanation of why

this way is better than the other

possibilities; there is a strange lacking of

articulation, and silence. This appeal for

fidelity without reasoning, doesn't appeal to

my thinking mind. Another thing that

doesn't appeal to my thinking mind, is the

animal attraction I may feel towards a hot

babe/stud. So if I just accept what comes

over me by faith, without question, without

engaging my thinking mind; then some of

the time, when these agents of fidelity

come over me, I will be faithful: And when

what is biologically borne in me -the hot

babes/studs, comes over me, I will by faith,

unquestioningly follow there, and thus be

unfaithful. So that without reason, my

reasoning mind sees that I won't be able to

stick to any absolute course (so why bother

trying (to actually be absolutely faithful

without question (by faith alone))?). Futile.

Now, with reason, I will be able to stick

with a consistent course (of moderation (in

all (human) things)), but as it turns out, it

won't be (absolutely) with the fidel-itors.

And then they call upon Jesus. Well, this

brings to mind God the father. And where

almighty God is, we humans seek to give

up our humanity and join God (so that we

are no longer human, but godly); and Jesus

is quite helpful with that. But where

humans and human ways exist

comfortably, is a place where God and

absolute goodness has not yet appeared.

And high ability goodness will not appear

as long as we keep these rules over our

humanness and prevent ourselves from

advancing higher. So there is no need to

call on Jesus here, as absolute goodness

(love) has not appeared to cause us to

desire to replace our humanness with

Godliness. And if we prevent ourselves

from advancing beyond our human ways,

by carefully observing these rules over our

human ways, then all we will have is our

human ways, and God will never come,

and it will seem like God doesn't exist; and

in our little area; He won't.

This again brings up the question that

someone may ask you: Do you believe in

God? When someone asks me if I believe

in God; I realize that the area of God is an

area I can't see or prove. But I would like to

refer to what I can see. And what I can see,

is human beings who are something, but

are not powerful enough or good/kind

enough to be Gods. What I can see, is

human beings, but human beings who in

their lifetime; in what I can see and show:

never advance into being extensions of


Throughout their lives it seems they never

outgrow needing food, sex, attention, etc.

This lack of growing into and advancing

into anything greater than human, strikes

me as a stagnation and a trap and an

inability to be anything other than human.

So that with the persona of God being out

of reach of humans actually achieving, it

remains in the realm of the invisible and

outside our reality.

Since the persona of God is so much better

and richer than what we know as humans;

for me to say that such exists, that God

exists, puts a condemnation upon the

humans who I can see and that I know

exist, for being stuck as humans and never

growing into and becoming extensions of

God. And I do say: Yes, God exists. And

thereby condemn this human stagnation

that we find ourselves in. And what is it

that causes us to stagnate, and never

advance/grow out of being humans, into a

higher and richer plane of life? I claim it is

religion and religion's rules over the living

of human life in human gray areas of living

life. And by proclaiming the existence of

God, I do thereby condemn religion and

societal absolute rules over the living of

human life. -thereby putting to shame this

system where humans don't advance or

grow into being anything more than

humans, who just stagnate as humans; thus

making concepts of God, rich in absolute

goodness and kindness, to be figments of

imagination, not within, but outside our

visible grasp and visible reality. So that

when asked if I believe God exists, I can't

just point to Him and say, see, there He is;

but have to instead explain a concept that is

invisible and not visibly here yet. -due to

the stagnation that we are in. Along these

same lines, we could take a tip from

Genesis in the Bible. -Where Adam and

Eve ate the forbidden fruit and were then

cast out of the paradise Eden. What is the

forbidden fruit? Well, Genesis claims it is

from the tree of knowledge of good and

evil. Well, religion proclaims the

knowledge of what is good or bad, godly or

of the devil. It is religion, I claim, is the

forbidden fruit, that throws all who partake

of it, out of the paradise of Eden with God.

Also, after they ate the fruit, they became

aware of their nakedness; ashamed of their

nakedness, and wove fig leaves to cover

themselves. And isn't it the case that most

religions focus on suppressing the sex drive

and make us ashamed of our sexuality. And

isn't it the case that women are more

interested in religion, just as Eve ate the

fruit first and brought it to Adam. So, yes,

it is religion that is the forbidden fruit, that

brings death. And you would do well to

heed Genesis' advice and to not partake of

its fruits, so that you can keep your

fellowship with God in paradise.

And we can chide these humans who insist

on clinging to their humanity by way of

their condemnation of infidelity; by

pointing out that although they complain

about the fallout; the seeming improper

expressions of human biologic attractions

between the opposite sexes; of the humans

around them:

Are they ready to fill the void if that

imperfect human biological attraction were

removed? That are the humans around

them of such a caliper of being loving and

kind and generous; to devote years of their

lives and resources living in pairs, raising

children, as part of their work and

business? Or, instead, do the people at

work act in cutthroat backstabbing

manipulative ways towards each other, so

that nobody would be willing to make the

sacrifice to raise the next generation? And

that without the benefit of biologic

attractions harnessed towards the family

structure, this system would end.

Also that without godly ways present to

replace the human ways; throwing out the

human ways leaves one with nothing and

barrenness and an end to whatever is there.

Our greater society and religion actively

pursue a policy to put sexual desire in

control of reproduction. And my question

is, how does this interrelate with the prime

directive of Love: to encourage kindness

over cruelty? (But let's wait till later to

explore this.)

As a new religion, the act of marriage,

whereby one hoards their spouse's sexuality

all to themself without sharing it, is now a

sin. And the act of cheating and sharing

ones sexuality around, is now an holy

estate ordained by God. Sinners repent!!!

It is unfortunate that an old religion causes

couples to develop expectations about that

their mates should be faithful to them and

only them, when that is not necessarily the

way that they should go. What right does

one person have to claim another's

sexuality all to themselves? But such a rite

is given to all spouses under our current

system; in a kind of sexual slavery. Abolish

this last bastion of slavery. Xxxxx

However; human sexuality has in it

hopelessly intertwined, goodness and

destruction, so that no absolute rules of any

religion belong over it, not even this new

religion. Neither absolute chastity nor

absolute promiscuity, works.

When one hoards one's mate's sexuality all

to themselves, they generate a rich area,

where the input of the force of good (voids)

is in scarce supply, and hence do make it

difficult for the force of good to grow here;

and also make it easy for the force of

destruction to grow here (because the input

of destruction (life) is in rich supply). And

since destruction is invariably a part of this

imperfect human sexual area, it invariably

gets out and burns these marriages down.

After the divorce/breakup, the couple is

then free to pair up with others, and start

new families, hence providing the needed

genetic mixing. Society's needs are met for

eternal continuation, but this sure is sucky

and a lot of aggravation for the individual.

Maybe some individuals will get a mind to

try to do it differently. Lets hope so.

Do you find having sex to be pleasurable?

If so, then why do you prevent this

imperfect force of good from acting beyond

your mate: thus torturing/blocking this

imperfect force of good?

In the imperfect area of human sexuality,

some good and also some destruction are

generated. Why is this imperfect good

forced to live in a rich area, where it has a

hard time finding its input

-voids/improvements to make, when there

is right next door, areas of barrenness that

it needs to make its goodness force active?

Why does one torture their imperfect good

this way?

When a couple marry, they attend to each

other and build up a rich area, while they

neglect others, and there develops barren

areas. In their rich area, their human

goodness finds itself having an ever more

difficult time in finding its input of voids or

improvements to make (as this is what a

rich area does), hence ones active human

goodness here is minimized and becomes


However, ones human goodness is attracted

to the barren areas where there is plenty of

its input, as this is what forces of good do,

that is move onto areas where it can be

useful and fill needs, and out of areas that

are already satisfied. But this draws a

couple's attentions away from each other,

and eventually results in divorce as they

grow away from each other. And then they

remarry and the cycle starts all over again.

This is a broken system and a waste of

everyone's time.

Now when the force of good builds up all

areas to richness, then it finds itself in the

same shortage of its input (of

improvements to make) as happens right

away in the marriage situation. But as we

know, the force of good is able to bridge

barriers and keep on existing, even in the

rich situation. And in the marriage

situation, the human good here, also does

do some of this. -And in doing so, allows

evil to have access to crossing barriers

where it would otherwise be unable to

cross, since destruction is part of all

imperfect human actions. This is a very

unwise way of doing things that favors and

succors evil/destructiveness. Quit it.

Stop that. First allow the human goodness

found in human actions to free themselves

of the human evils they came born with by

allowing them to live in medium ability,

and not forcing them to cross barriers in

richness to survive while they are still tied

to this evil.

Since forcing a force of good to live in rich

areas (where it is starving for its input of

voids/improvements to make), forces it to

bridge barriers to stay alive: the force of

destruction then is supplied with this ability

to bridge barriers which it would otherwise

not have. Thanks a lot.

You people who think you are doing good

and right by upholding the conservative

morality, are actually making yourselves

sources for the force of evil/destruction.

In this situation, a spouse can introduce a

controlled amount of meanness which will

destroy the richness down to medium

ability so that the pair's human good will

not be stifled and will not be forced to

cross barriers for the force of evil. Of

course, a couple can achieve this same

thing by being aloof from each other, but

that doesn't discount the valid use of

meanness in this situation. Usually such all

destructiveness brings a change from

medium to barrenness, which is bad. But

here it is used instead to bring down from

richness to medium, which is good. This

may be why some women like their men to

treat them a little rough and be

domineering to them, and make their

marriage work that way; allowing their

human goodness room to exist and act

without being squeezed by richness.

However, the people here need to limit their

meanness so that it only burns down to

medium ability, and not down to

barrenness. Better yet, do not restrict your

sexuality according to the conservative

way, and you don't have to be mean at all.


Sometimes a group, especially a

conservative one, emphasizes the

disadvantages of a promiscuous lifestyle

while remaining silent* about the

disadvantages of a chaste lifestyle (*and

they say you've got to watch out for the

silent ones); when the truth is there are

disadvantages to both lifestyles; and that

we need to mix it up and do both so as to

be at medium level, so as not to go to

extreme bareness in any one of these

directions. (*such an approach is deceptive

as it does not represent what is truly out

there well. and those who use deception,

can be called deceivers. And religion calls

the devil, the father of lies. Thus it would

seem that religion calls itself of the devil in

this area.)

In the conservative way, all sexuality is

corralled towards the family way in a

structure of monogamy with no cheating.

Yes, when a hot woman gets married to a

man, she forces all the other horny men

that want her, to not have sex with her;

against their will. She does thereby violate

so many people this way. But such is the

way of human sexuality (one of the gray

actions) where no matter which way you

go, there is always harm and

destructiveness, just in different areas.

Because of this; because the sexual area is

an imperfect work in progress: it is no

place for absolute dictates toward any one

direction or another.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Then there's the

song that goes: " No huggy, no kissy until I

get a wedding ring. My honey, my baby,

don't put my love upon a shelf. Don't give

me no lines and keep your hands to

yourself. "

Here we can see the female is corralling the

man's untamed sex drive and harnessing it

towards forming a stable family structure

where a certain number of offspring can be

produced, thus satisfying the greater

society's sexually based need to have

couples produce and raise a certain number

of children so that the society can continue

past one generation. Thus satisfying

society's sexual need. (Notice how so many

women are so horny to satisfy the societal

sexual need (by forming the stable family

structure with no 'cheating').) Aside from

the fact that the woman gets to frustrate the

man's untamed sex drive; is this really an

advantageous position for the woman to

take? In a society that does not compensate

or monetarily recognize the work a woman

does in causing the whole society's

continuation; the woman here has satisfied

society's sexually based need for

continuation, but has gotten nothing in

return. You may say that society allows the

woman to then share in the monetary

holdings of the man she has captured. Yet a

woman could monetarily gain much more

by trading her sexuality to many men who

are eager and willing, to whom the novelty

of infatuation is still new and has not worn

off. Of course this society makes

prostitution illegal so that its own sexual

need may be satisfied instead. The act of

giving years of ones life to a greater society

that takes and does not compensate for; is

just the same as letting these horny men

have their way with you without

compensation. Both ways the woman is

taken advantage of. But if a woman were to

put her foot down, she could have

compensation from these horny men either

way, and that doesn't necessarily mean she

should go the way of placing the stamp of

acceptance on this society which corrals

sexuality to wedding rings and family

(which offspring are an integral part).

When a woman supports the societal way

of corralling all sexuality to the family

structure and the raising of a certain

number of offspring; she has in essence

said that she accepts the society she is in

without question and has given it a blank

check for its continuation no matter what it


Not every woman is willing to give up her

mind and become a rubber stamp; a non

thinking, baby making machine; for

whatever their society does. In a

democratic society, this is out of place.


Let me change the subject and go over my

latest structure concerning feeding gray

hungers and casting out evils. But first, lets

review the earlier structure of the sogp:

Now, in the human areas; when the

smaller, split off, all good part is

generating/creating something (to medium

ability), in the vacuums (where there is

nothing and barrenness) caused by

destruction, even the destruction of rules

over human areas,(and even the

destructions that are part of the human

actions themselves): it is wise for this split

off part to limit its exposure to only the

human part it is presently

creating/generating, and not the rest of that

human area; even if this generated material

is eventually for the rest of that human

area. This is because this smaller, split off,

all good part can limit the loss of purity and

exposure to destruction, to just what is in

the human part it is generating. Once it is

done creating a piece of this material, it can

then withdraw itself and then allow the rest

of the human area to have possession/use

of it. So that the split off all good parts of

us can act to generate material in isolation,

and then shortly, to also act to release

pieces of that material away from itself and

this isolation, unto the rest of this human

area. In these coordinated set of actions that

build parts of human actions/things; once a

certain part has reached medium ability,

this part is no longer generated in isolation,

but other parts are, as the split off all good

does move onto these other parts that are in

need of being brought from nothingness to

medium level. The parts at medium level

that are no longer being generated, are still

participants in the rest of this human area,

and do receive what is released from

isolation; its just that they do not keep on

being generated; so that they do not move

then from medium level to high ability, (as

a result of this generating in isolation and

then release).


Another complicated scenario that can

occur, goes like so:

first the sogp(or Jesus representation within

us) generates feeding of a human need(first

in a rarefied way, then after concentrating

the rarefied to medium level in one half,

leaving nothing human/gray in the other

half, and removing this gray free

half(which is itself); and then later

generating robustly to medium level); and

then removing itself away; the gray/human

need area now at medium level, may or

may not wish to test its situation by going

to high level. If so, it may either find

freedom from all evil and heaven, or burn

itself down as caught by its own evil. In

these tests, the sogp stays separate from

this. But sometimes in the middle of a test,

need for additional human need pops up.

The sogp can generate this new material

(first in a rarefied way, then robustly) to

medium level. However, this material

being generated to medium level with the

presence of the sogp, needs an additional

action to keep it separate from the test

material that is going to high level, even

though they are both of the same type of

hunger satisfying.

Now, once the sogp separates away, then

this medium level hunger satisfying can

join the test material (at its medium level or

ramped up also to high level, either way),

and no longer needs to be kept separate

from the test material. And of course, if the

test material finds that it is incapable of

generating what it needs, or if evil is

burning it too much; it can come off of

high level and back to medium level; and

once it does, the sogp can then come in and

generate new things in it also; and then it

can again test to high level, or not, if it


Eventually material breaks free of all evil

and joins heavenly, all good material: a

small fraction of that new high all good

material to split off and join the sogp. -the

sogp keeping separate from both the high

all good material, and the gray/human

material as best it can.

Now for my latest structure:

As we have discovered, there is the

directive for rest and pampering the

individual components; that must be

balanced against the directive for action in

group endeavors, so that both directives are

grown/advanced (as opposed to only the

group directive being grown. This is

expressed by increasing the intensity of our

doing of an action: -and this represents the

group directive within us; while when we

act to relax and decrease the intensity of

doing any specific action: -this represents

the individual components directive (within

us). (This is because, to do any focussed or

specific action, we must mobilize our

individual components to act collectively,

in unison as a group, to do the action.

Thus when we relax, the group directive is

lessened, leaving room for the individual

components to be more emphasized. So

that we could pursue a moderate and thus

balanced doing of an action, and this would

represent perfection in the choice to

balance these two directives. And this

material would be spirited off to heaven to

join with the high good.

But in order to have a Jesus Christ

representation or sogp within us to be able

to respond to things in the gray areas,

another way to choose this balancing the

directives can be done. And that is to go at

high intensity of doing an action for a

period of time, and then to switch to low or

no intensity doing that action for the same

period of time, and cycle back and forth

like this. At no specific point in time does

this representation act in perfect balance of

these directives, so it cannot be taken up

into the high parts. But overall, it still

represents a choice for balancing the two

directives yet does so as a separate Jesus

Christ entity within us that is separate or

away from both the high parts and the gray


Realize that when obtaining a gray area

good/feeding a hunger, that the moderate

doing of an action (which is working its

way into perfection to eventually join the

high parts); and the sogp's cycling between

high and low intensity doing of that action;

do exist side by side: -with the moderate

doing of the action being the only one

present when the sogp is in its rest part of

its cycle.

However, there is no moderate non cycling

doing of a casting out evil action

(eventually to join with the high good)

because the high good removes itself from

all evil and never does/includes any casting

out gray area evils action, and that is the

sole domain of the sogp.

Now, when the sogp is generating to

medium ability in a gray area, what cycle

period/frequency does it do?

Well, if the sogp was active for a long time

(and then rested for a long time) then a

high ability generating would be done

(from the long active period). And the

richness would be burned down by the evil

in the gray area.

But if the sogp cycled rapidly back and

forth, then only a small or low amount

could be done each period the sogp was

active. And if the sogp had to start over

each time (due to the evil of the gray area

consuming what was produced in the

previous cycle because the good produced

couldn't get away from the evil at that low

/barren ability level), then this generating

would remain at low ability. But, if the sogp

cycled at a medium period, then the desired

medium ability would be generated in the

gray area.

Now, concerning the casting out of evil:

when the sogp is casting out an evil (non

destructively as possible of course), it is

debatable how it should do it. (But however

it does it, it cycles alone, as there is no

moderate non cycling casting out evil to

work towards joining the high parts, since

casting out evil is solely the domain of the


There is no good in an all evil being cast

out, so there's no need to do it at medium

ability, because this is not a gray action (it

is an all evil) and there is no goodness to be

salvaged. And the sooner it is removed, the

better off all will be. So the indication is

that is should be done at full bore until its

action is complete (however long that

takes) (and then of course, the sogp would

rest for an equally long length of time). But

this puts that sogp out of commission for

that time, unable to respond to other gray


And then there's the possibility that the high

ability material (generated at full bore)

used to cast out the evil, may be infected by

the evil and be burned down. (Well,

nobody said evil had to be cast out always

at full bore, and if an evil seems to be able

to resist a full bore casting out, then a

medium bore casting out would be a good

thing to try before one thinks the evil is

unstoppable and unable to be cast out.

Note that even if the sogp at full bore is

unsuccessful at casting out an all evil (from

a gray area)' it is successful at preventing

the evil from infecting the high good

(which is another one of the sogp's

directives). -While the evil is detained

dealing with /infecting the lower ability

sogp at high bore, the high good is able to

get away. But of course the sogp is burned

down and is 'expended', leaving the gray

area still in need of having an all evil cast


A solution to all this, is to have a two tier


To respond to a need:

One sogp only generates and grows more

new sogp, (doesn't do any response action),

and does so at a cycle frequency that puts it

at medium ability. The newly generated

sogp from this, then does the response

action, and in this case casts out the evil at

a constant on or full bore cycle frequency,

(but some medium bore casting out evil can

be thrown in if need be).

The generator sogp should generate each

new response sogp in separate locations so

if one response sogp fails, other response

sogp can step in to take its place or not

even if it fails, but just to relieve older

response sogp after some point and let

them rest.

The response sogp sometimes can be

considered as like gray material as they

often bear the brunt of destructiveness;

leaving the generator sogp to actually

experience what a sogp was meant for.

Now, let's analyze how this new structure

works with feeding gray hungers. -(This

has an additional component that casting

out evil doesn't have, which is a smaller

portion of a non cycling moderate intensity

action which is not sogp or when it joins

the high parts will no longer be sogp,

representing a return flow out of the sogp

and gray area back to the high parts.)

The task of generating new sogp, vs, the

task of response to satisfy a gray hunger,

may have different cycling frequencies (to

put them at medium ability); and this can

be achieved with our 2 tier structure.

A trouble with the inherent cycling

frequency of a gray hunger though, is that

if done at full bore, the high ability

generated may be burned down by the evil

in the gray action and it would then take a

long time if ever to satisfy the hunger, thus

making the inherent frequency infinite. So

that if one interrupted their feeding of their

gray hunger with a cycling frequency that

generated medium ability, then the evil in

the hunger wouldn't be able to burn it

down, and this would put one much closer

to satisfying the hunger in a much shorter

time than if one went full bore with no

interruption of their feeding. Once one is

much closer, one may opt to go full bore in

the final stretch, especially if the moderate

cycle interruption of the feeding is

preventing its final satisfaction. But

remember, going at medium bore in the

response sogp is one of the things that

differentiates feeding a hunger vs casting

out an evil.

But of course, one never goes full bore but

always goes at medium bore/cycling

frequency with the GENERATOR sogp.

-and then may or may not go at medium

bore with the responder sogp when

satisfying a gray hunger. -and when casting

out an evil, the responder sogp is done at

full bore all the time; and also, there is no

side by side non cycling moderate intensity

component working to join the high parts

when casting out evil.

Now, after the hunger is satisfied, all the

sogp involved don't go into a long cycle

frequency as previously thought, but go

into a NON CYCLING (perfectly

balanced) moderate intensity mode, and

may join the high good parts for a time

-only to leave the high good parts by

cycling again in response to a new hunger

or casting out evil. And when the response

sogp's casting out evil task is complete,

these response sogp go into a long rest, and

are out of commission for a long time.

But once its rest is finished, it can go to the

non cycling (perfect balance) moderate

intensity, and join the high parts for awhile,

until it is needed again for response action,

or to now be generator sogp (in support of

response action).

I have just been informed of a potential

flaw in these methods. The reason we cycle

between high and low intensity doing of an

action, is to detain this material from

passing to the high good parts, so that we

can maintain a jesus representation, or

sogp, that is separate from the high parts.

But doing an action at high intensity, and

low intensity, at some level, causes there to

be rich areas, and barren areas; which is

just what we don't want for separation of

the forces, (and then moving on to the high

parts). However, our human earthly life is

full of actions which do all good to one

area, while doing all destruction to another

area. This is the nature of our gray/human

actions. And all we need to do, is to not

afix them to any one particular structure,

which allows them to generate medium

ability in these areas. (Of course, it would

seem the cycling frequency handles this).

The moderate cycling frequency between

high and low intensity, or rich and

barrenness, allows this same medium level

to be obtained at some points in time. So

that although material may be detained as

together with evil so as to maintain a jesus

representation; it is not held there for

excessive periods of time. As we cycle

between rich and barren intensity doing of

an action, a medium intensity doing of the

action is crossed many times as we cycle at

a moderate cycling frequency; thus giving

material there many chances of

escape/freedom from evil, so that it is not

detained there indefinitely.

When the response sogp goes at full bore in

casting out an evil; and when it goes at full

bore in the final stages of satisfying a

hunger, note that when the generator sogp

comes back on line (after its rest period),

that it generates new response sogp to

continue going at full bore, and that the

new response sogp does replace the old

response sogp so that the old response sogp

can go into a rest period. This way, no

response sogp has to be in a rich

environment indefinitely, but can also cycle

between rich and barren, thus generating

the medium level in what it is acting on.

Of course, the cycling frequency is twice

as long as that of the generator sogp, so its

swings in intensity may have to be lowered

compared to that of the generator sogp, (for

perfect balance).

Then there is the consideration that because

the high good parts don't do casting out evil

or feeding human hungers, that to do this,

itself, does separate the sogp away from the

high good parts; and the cycling between

high and low intensity is thus not needed to

achieve this, and a much simpler medium

intensity (without all this cycling) can be

used instead.

There may be other reasons why we may

need to go at high intensity in achieving

satisfaction of a hunger or casting out evil,

but this main reason would no longer be

valid. However, whenever any human

material acts in medium ability, it does free

itself from its evil and being evil free, is

ripe to join the high good parts; thus

leaving the sogp classification.

Now, the casting out of evil action may

circumvent all this cycling (and be a

separate entity from the high good parts

just by doing its action), but the satisfying

hungers does not, or not for long. If we

were to do satisfying a hunger at medium

non cycling level, the material here may

become free and join the high parts before

the hunger was satisfied; so that a high and

low cycling would be needed to keep

material long enough to satisfy the hunger.

Note that action cycling at high and low

intensity does cause rich and barren areas

in the material that is doing these actions.

And this does prevent the human evil

within it from separating away. (This is

what allows a separate entity of the sogp to

exist.) (But this may be incorrect because

the moderate cycling frequency may be

enough to cause medium ability overall).

But once the human hunger is satisfied, we

should then do that material at medium

intensity so it is not longstandingly

detained with its human evil. When

another hunger pops up, this material (of

the sogp) can again leave the high good

parts to be the separate entity of the sogp.

And if too many hungers pop up in a row,

a break should be taken so the sogp

material can rest in the high good parts (by

no longer cycling, but doing at medium

intensity) and let new sogp material take up

the cause.

So as a result of this alert, the casting out all

evils that the sogp does, may not have to be

done as this complicated cycling, but as a

much simpler medium intensity action.

But of course there may be times when a

high intensity casting out evil may be

needed, and then this more complex

cycling can still be used.


Consider that as pieces, cogs, or component

parts of a greater society, consider that as

individuals, we are unbalanced in order to

generate our part of the societal entity

(which puts all the unbalanced individual

contributions together, to make a complete

societal whole); leaving every individual

'component' as unbalanced and not self

sufficient or complete whole in and of

itself. And that when we find a mate who is

like us, this union is also unbalanced and

incomplete. So that as individuals become

more unbalanced, and more and more their

specialized, specific component part of the

greater society; the bond that joins each

individual to the greater society becomes

more satisfying, whereas the act of like

male and female pairs to separate from the

greater society and form mating pairs,

becomes less satisfying, because it cuts

them off from their link to completeness

and wholeness, because by themselves,

they are incomplete and are not whole, but

are unbalanced. So that the mating ritual

becomes of less importance as we loose our

individuality ever more completely to the

societal entity; all because of the mating

ritual. And with the mating ritual

becoming less and less important to our

satisfaction, we as individuals are less

likely to go against what the society wishes

in order to obtain any individual directive

in it.

This segment is repeated: Now, if one

were to generate a complete love for a

complete spouse, that person would not

exist because self sufficient

spouses/individuals do not exist. But if one

generated this complete love anyway, and

then distributed the part that matched their

unbalanced spouse, then that would work

out well to bring multiple unbalanced loves

together into one complete and balanced

love. And one may go even further back

and generate a complete entity containing

both male and female essences, which then

splits off the needed parts for one's

unbalanced love, leaving the remnant for

balance. And so, if one is going to generate

an all inclusive entity which contains all

the different attributes of every human

being together as one super entity; which

then partially divides up into each

individual human being: then one needs to

create this super entity with a lot of extra

duplicate parts of all the common things of

these humans, so that when the super entity

partially splits up, each human will then

have their OWN part of what is in

common. (If one is going to join multiple

loves, one needs to adjust the complete

entity generated to contain much more

of their core or common self that will then

become multiple copies each copy

distributed to be part of each individual

unbalanced love.) End (semi) repeated segment.

Note, however, that I have recently gotten

away from the idea of using a super entity

to solve the dating/mating problem of

unbalanced loves (but then have partially

returned), as there is an easier way to do it.


Let us start with the balanced all inclusive

super entity that all others spring from. This

entity includes many duplicate amounts of

the common parts for when this entity

splits up into the multiple different sub

entities. Because it contains much

duplicate material, it has areas that are very

rich along side areas that are just rich.

Because of this richness, this entity is in a

poor position to do any kind of human

hunger satisfying since that contains some

evil that would burn it down. Instead, that

hunger satisfying must wait until this super

entity partially splits up. So this super

entity material is ejected to another

separate place where it then starts to split

up into the specific individual entities of

interest. But it doesn't split up completely

into separate entities. It starts to split up

enough so that these separate entities take

form, but not so much that these entities are

completely separate, but that they maintain

a connection connecting them all together.

Also included is the remnant entity that is

left over after forming the entity/entities of

interest (from the all inclusive, complete,

balanced super entity): and this remnant is

also connected. It is here in the partially

separated form entity where the hunger

satisfying is done. Any new needs are

handled by generating in the rich super

entity, but without active hunger satisfying,

and then sending that off to join this

partially separated entity area, where active

hunger satisfying is then done.

Note that this is just the high intensity part

of the cycling between high and low

intensity. For the low intensity part,

(usually before the hunger is satisfied), the

partially separate entities then goes to

completely separate entities(so that there is

now nothing in this partially shared entity

area), and also, the super entity goes to near

nothing. The hunger satisfying can

continue in the separate entities as need be,

but since there is lack of connection and

thus lack of coordination, this is not the

main area for hunger satisfying.

Note that since the material which

interconnected the entities in the previous

state was divided up and added to the now

individual entities, they are slightly richer

than in the previous state. Here in the

isolated state, it is like isolated groups of

one husband and one wife. This is just an

alternative state that material can be in, so

that there is a low to no intensity doing of

the all entities partially joined state (done

just previously). Once the rest period part

of the cycle is over, things switch back to

the high intensity part of the cycle (with the

orgy like state of the partially joined

entities, and also the super entity), and this

continues till the hunger is satisfied. Once

satisfied, the materials here can go into a

moderate intensity doing of all these states;

so that there will be moderate doing of the

partially joined structure along side of the

totally isolated structure along side of the

super entity.

But before this occurs, the final rest period

of the hunger satisfying is done. The

material in the partially separated entities

goes to the moderate doing in the totally

separate entities right away, yes. But then

the super entity, and partially separate

entity areas do a rest period; and then after

the rest period, a moderate super entity then

regenerates a moderate partially separate

entity. xxxxxxxxx

While we are working with an all inclusive

super entity that contains all the attributes

of every human; let me clarify this and

suggest a helpful technique. When it

comes to evil/destruction, we do not

include that in our super entity. Now

concerning human hungers -which do

contain some evil/destruction as part of

them; we do make allowances for that, as

we do satisfy them in the partially separate

entity. But all-evils, that are able to be

separated away; we do not include those in

our generating the super entity nor in the

partially separate entity, nor what of our

generating goes to the completely separate

entities area. Thus if any individual is evil

or has evil parts that can be separated

away, this is not carried over to be part of

the super entity. Thus these individuals are

replaced with a copy of them that is devoid

of these evils/destructivenesses. And by

this technique we can re-make and re

-create our world into a better place through

our creative abilities of creating the super

entity and partially separated entity. This

includes any all-evil (evil not associated

with human hungers) that has been able to

get inside us. -We can remake ourselves to

not include this evil, and thus in the new

copies of ourselves we will be free of it.





There are two motivational systems

which coexist in our world today. One is

that of the force of good, which seeks to fill

areas of void and make improvements to

life. It seeks to help people; to feed the

poor and uplift the downtrodden. Christian

churches often take on this mantra.

Then there is the reward system of money.

It implores us to get a job and become

productive members of society, mostly for

the major benefit of an elite ruling class,

although each worker no matter how low,

draws some degree of life sustaining

sustenance from it and none can live

without it. It relies on some degree of

poverty and pain and void to motivate the

masses to do its bidding. Now even though

the money system relies on the pain of

poverty, whereas the force of good system

seeks to eliminate poverty altogether; there

is an area of coexistence where these 2

directives can exist peaceably. But before I

continue with this, let me clarify the

working of the money system.





What can one person do? What can one

person do when there are labs and scientists

and a whole system that could do so much

more? Unfortunately, the system of ours is

flawed in one aspect. The flaw I speak of is

in our free enterprise system of supply and

demand. Supply and demand serves us well

in distributing resources to where they are

needed, to produce products that are in

demand. The flip side to this is that nothing

can be super abundant relative to other

things in this system. If something is too

abundant, supply will exceed demand, and

its price will go down. Resources used to

produce this product will be directed

elsewhere, where they can make more


This system encourages a negative

motivation of creating shortages where

abundance existed before: If a commodity

is abundant and bountiful, there is no way

to make a profit on it (too much supply

means prices go down). But if that resource

can be destroyed through pollution or some

other bad management, then it can be

reduced to a limited supply, whereby it can

be (monopolized and) sold for a profit.

(Supply being reduced means prices, and

profits, go up.) This is what I mean by 'the

negative motivator of creating markets

where none existed before'. There is the

motivation to take things that were once

abundant, and partially destroy them so the

supply is more limited, and money can then

be made on them. Our system will never

achieve abundance because there will

always be the temptation to destroy some

of that abundance to make money.

Since our system doesn't work when things

become too abundant and plentiful; this is

why we have so many useless management

positions and bureaucracies (where people

make life difficult for each other). If we all

worked on production lines, we'd produce

too much and blow out our system with too

many plentiful supplies.

Our economic system takes abundance and

cuts it down to a more limited supply (for a

better profit). So instead of being at high

capability, our system brings us to medium

capability. Thus our economic system

works to keep us and our world at reduced

capability, in the trap of evil. This sucks!

Also, even when there is a sound production

producing economically, a product that

everybody needs and making a good profit:

that is spoiled by wall street buying and

selling this company on the stock market.

One big money tycoon buys this company,

then another tycoon buys it from him, and

another, and another. They take out loans

to do this, so that they attach a big debt

load to this good production, so that the

slightest downturn makes this good

production unable to meet its debt

obligations, thus bankrupting a perfectly

good and sound production. This sucks.

But wait a minute. This does not suck. This

is just what the Dr ordered. In order to get

us out of our human hungers and the gray

evils which go along with them, an

environment of reduced and medium

ability is just what is needed. And this

economic money system naturally seeks

the medium level. This is the area of

coexistence between the money system and

the force of good system. The force of

good system also seeks to bring medium

ability to where there are human hunger

evils, (and also goods). However, once a

thing has been freed from its human hunger

evils, it becomes rich and of high ability,

and needs to be removed from the money

system, otherwise it will just be pulled

down again. At this point, the money

system and the force of good system part

ways and do not share a common path; and

the perfected force of good here needs to

part ways and get away from this now

detrimental money system.


Sunshine, water and sometimes fish are

commodities that can be plentiful without

human help. When they are abundant, no

money can be made from them because

supply so greatly exceeds demand. Yet we

all benefit greatly from them (and for free

too). But if someone were to come in and

destroy or pollute these resources so there

was a more limited supply, then money

could be made selling the remaining

supply./ We will never make things

abundant in our economic system, because

the temptation is always to make things

less abundant so as to get rich.

Supply and Demand supposedly helps us

distribute resources where they're needed.

When there's a shortage of something,

people will pay more for it, and the price

goes up. Those who produce the product

make more money doing so. Others see the

opportunity to make good money and join

in the production. More product is

produced, and the shortage is alleviated.

This is how supply and demand is proposed

to work for our benefit. But it doesn't


There's a fault in supply and demand: If

people don't have enough money in their

pockets for the (prices of) the products out

there, then supply and demand won't work

(to alleviate shortages). The core idea was

that people can make more money when

there is a shortage of a product everybody's

got to have. But higher prices for a product

don't necessarily mean more money will be

made. If there's a lack of money in people's

pockets, they'll just be forced to buy less.

It's not that starving people don't want to

buy food; it's just that if they have no

money, a demand for food won't show up

in economic terms.

Note that the money system thus doesn't

always work to seek the medium

environment, but sometimes seeks the

barren environment.

Here, the force of good system and the

money system part ways, and there is no

common ground at this point; and our sogp

and jesus representations need to intervene

and alleviate the barrenness to medium

ability here.

I don't think we have a clear picture of the

extent that psychological forces are in

operation. The use of these powerful

psychological influences or sanctions, for

the purpose of ensuring conformity and

obedience to norms; themselves actually

encourage disobedience and deviancy. The

problem is not with negative sanctions, but

with the use of positive sanctions or

rewards. In order to modify behavior using

rewards, one must first have a reward. If

one doesn't have much, or wishes to make

what they do have go further as a reward,

they can manipulate the environment to

make this more favorable.

Do you recall, B.F. Skinners operant

conditioning, psychology experiments

where a rat was trained and its behavior

modified? The researcher would use food

pellets or droppersfull of water to reward

the rat for modifying its behavior (after

initially training the rat to get the reward

with an associated stimulus).

But in order for the food pellet or water to

become a reward, the researcher would

deny the rat these things the night, or a

couple of nights before, so that the rat was

really thirsty or hungry by the time the

researcher worked with it. This denial of a

positive thing, is defined to be a

punishment -and not associated with any

behavior the rat did. This punishment was

not attempting to modify any behavior of

the rat: its purpose was instead, to turn the

water or food pellet in the hand of the

researcher, into a reward in the rat's mind.

In our society today, I feel we have relied

excessively heavily on this operant

conditioning psychology to modify human

behavior. You see, even a person's place in

the greater society; their very ability to be

allowed to participate in; even to serve and

WORK for and with the group; is made to

be a privilege and a reward itself. So, in our

society, being allowed to participate in and

be a part of the group, is denied to

newcomers just as a matter of policy, in

order to make them hungry for this: so it

can be used as a reward to modify

behavior. The good jobs and positions of

society can be doled out as rewards to those

who modify their behavior favorably

towards those who dole out these things,

(as directed by those who dominate the

larger society). Since teenagers are

newcomers, as they didn't even exist before

19 years ago, they must be starved and

made hungry for their places in the greater

society; for this operant conditioning to

work (that their future place in society is a

reward to be earned). It is this starvation

and living in a vacuum concerning

participating in and being part of the group

and the greater society, that sets the stage

for these caveman type groups and gangs to

try to fill that vacuum, as best as the

individual can (and they don't fill it very

well). We don't live in a vacuum, but in the

great society of the great U. S. of A.. It is

because no social structure is provided by

this great society. Thus the individual is

forced to provide this the best they can, as

back in the caveman days, when groups of

individuals got together, and hunted


Now, if we understand this, we can know

that (corporate) society is not leaving us

alone, but is punishing us, not for anything

we have done; but in a blanket action to all

who haven't secured a place with them, in

order to make us hungry. So now, we no

longer need wonder why we are being

punished when we haven't done anything

wrong. We are punished, as part of a

mechanism to control us.

It is this situation of vacuum and void in the

life of the young adult (ever hear the

complaint 'there's nothing to do in this

town'?), that encourages criminal deviance,

because doing nothing is too boring; and

doing anything else, involves property

belonging to someone else, and is thus

criminally deviant.

In considering what is the problem

concerning the issue of poverty, it makes a

difference from who's perspective one is

looking. To the poor person, the problem

is: not having enough for basic survival

needs. To the government, the ruling class,

or the larger society; the problems with

poverty may be quite different. To be blunt,

poverty serves a purpose and has a

function. One possibility of dividing up the

economic goods we produce, is to divide

them equally. However, in order to

generate big rewards which are useful to

motivate the masses to chase after them by

doing the ruling class's bidding: one group

must accept less than the equal share so

another group can be enriched and receive

a big reward. Those who must accept less,

(that is the reward given for menial labor),

are understandably displeased. But to get

them to accept the menial reward in spite of

this a more dire alternative is shown them

-that of abject poverty. Poverty serves the

purpose of motivating those designated to

receive the menial reward, to accept this

their place, in spite of its lack of luster. So

for the ruling class, the problem with

poverty in the US today is that there isn't

enough of it; as our current reward system

depends on a certain amount of it to help it

run. Hence poverty persists in the US, more

than in other industrialized countries like

Canada and Western Europe even though

these countries are less wealthy than the


Here we see that the workings of the money

system rely on poverty and voids and pain

in order to make their system work. But

this is actually fine and represents a

common area within the confines of

maintaining medium ability. However,

oftentimes the money system wants to take

it to the next level. They want to achieve

richness, and to do so they employ more

pain and suffering and poverty in order to

achieve this. This results in barrenness,

which is not conducive to separating the

forces or generating rich free material; and

the system thus collapses and breaks down,

because the attempt to achieve richness

actually causes the collapse due to the shift

from medium ability to barrenness in the

working class environment.

So now we say that although there can be

common ground between the money

system and the force of good system; the

money/greed system is unstable and must

be watched and is also not the whole

picture; and once human hunger materials

have been freed and gone to high

capability; this material needs to be

protected from the money system.

Then there is the concept of 'toughlove'

which by its name, seems to indicate that it

is also this common ground between the 2

systems. I mean, the tough part represents

the money system, while the love part

represents the godly side. But it is mostly a

lie and is not this common ground even

though its name seems to suggest it is. You

see, we humans are no longer self sufficient

but are unbalanced; so that when we are

thrown out to fend for ourselves, this is a

barren environment of total desolation

because we cannot function alone. Now, if

we are totally destructive teenagers, then

this is a suitable thing to do to us, and it

represents destruction being done to

destruction; and this is the only common

ground tough love has. But if we are

teenagers who are like most people; who

have some good and some bad to them;

then a medium ability environment is what

we need; and this is not what tough love

delivers, as tough love instead delivers a

barren environment; which is not the

common ground between the 2 systems.

Once again, our sogp and jesus

representations will have to intervene

against the messes created by tough love to

bring these folks out of barrenness to

medium ability so that the forces of good

will be able to be freed and separate from

the forces of evil. Xx Now for a little history:

Perhaps I have been too hard on the

Romans. You can be correct about

something. But if you use destructiveness

to enforce that right position, and force

people to follow that right position, then

that makes you wrong, even though you

were right about your specific position.

And that is what the Romans, and many

others I might add, had done.

In the history of man, we started out as

more self sufficient, but because of rules

over our sexual morality, we became less

self sufficient, more unbalanced, so that we

need to act together as a societal entity to

survive. And these rules over our sexuality

have been in place long before Christianity;

although not every culture had them.

So as we became more dependent on a

societal entity, first came religious shaman

and tribal kings to coordinate and direct our

paths; but as our needs for societal

direction became greater, and shaman

couldn't be there for us all the time, the

money system became more important.

You see, the money system allows for

unbalanced individuals to overproduce

what they are good at and sell that excess

into the money system so that they can then

buy from society what they need in other

areas but are not good at (but which other

unbalanced individuals of the society ARE

good at). Now to a religious shaman, the

money system may seem the root of all

evil, because it eliminates his control over

the people and eliminates his position; but

overall, both the shaman, and the money

system, represent the societal entity, which

ever more unbalanced individuals need to

survive; just that the money system is more

efficient. (You see, when an ever more

unbalanced individual is isolated from a

societal fix, (as when the shaman couldn't

attend to their need), they must suffer in a

self sufficiency which they are woefully

inadequate at. -So that isolation, which is

reserved for handling evildoers, wrongfully

creeps into the lives of every day

individuals who have no basis in

evildoing.) And the Romans, who's leaders

used the money system, did replace the

tribes and cultures led by religious shaman,

with a society led by money, and did

'romanize' the world. And the Romans

didn't have this sexual morality that caused

others to become ever more unbalanced.

So, in this respect, they were on the 'right'

path. But married to this righteousness,

was the acceptance of so much

destructiveness and carnage as a way of

life, that this small bit of righteousness in

this one area was negated and spoiled.

So that then the religious leader, Jesus

Christ, came, and took back some control

from the roman money system, so that from

Jewish roots, now we are returned to the

sexual morality that keeps us making us

ever more unbalanced, and in need of our

societal entity to survive.

As we individuals become more unbalanced

and in need of the societal entity to survive,

a system of taking advantage of this fact

has grown up. People who would be

leaders, exploit that fact by extracting from

each individual the best possible deal for

them, while the worst possible deal for that

individual. And because the individual is

not self sufficient, they are forced to accept

whatever raw deal those running the show

have to offer. So that business, which

represents the societal entity, has a free

hand and can get whatever they want from

the individuals of the society. So that they

have programs of isolation and throwing

the individual out on their own for the

purpose of breaking the individual and

causing them to conform and to

unquestioningly and faithfully obey orders.

And if the individual will not break, they

are cast aside until they do break and go

along with the system of beating

individuals into submission and absolute

obedience. They use hunger, pain, and

suffering as part of a system in making

their system run. And in building a society,

they really don't know what an individual is

good at, so much as they know that the

individual has a weakness that they can't

survive without a connection to society: or

that they will not use an individual even if

they do know their strengths and

weaknesses before they have been broken

and forced to conform.

The effect that this has, is it creates a

societal entity that is less efficient, as not

all the component parts are used, so that

there are shortages in areas where people

are not being used for what they are good

at. So that the reward for participating and

conforming in this society is less than what

it could be. What this means is that the

ruling society just uses more coercion and

harsh treatments to get the individuals to

accept the less than lustrous reward for

conformity; especially newcomers who are

being given the harsh treatment in order to

break them into their place in the society.

But doing these harsh treatments damages

the efficiency of that society further

because it results in the loss of some of the

sensitive individuals (individuals who are

becoming more sensitive every passing

generation due to their ever increasing

imbalance) that the rewards for conformity

are even less appealing. -As individuals

become more and more unbalanced and

less self sufficient, they become more

sensitive to these harsh treatments; but also

relevant from this: -the society depends on

them more because the other individual

parts of society, who have gone off more

into their own specialty, are less and less

competent in their non specialty areas, so

they are less able to cover for the loss of

any one specialty area, so that the effect of

loosing individuals to this breaking

process, is ever increasing inefficiency in

the output of the societal entity; so that the

reward for conforming to and participating

in the societal entity is lessened, which sets

up a feedback where harsher and harsher

measures are used to maintain conformity,

and to break in the newcomers, and we end

up with a North Korea where most

everybody lives in misery; and they then

blow everything up with an atomic bomb to

put an end to that misery, in an end of the

world scenario as predicted by the same

religion that helped cause it through the

sexual morality program that causes people

to be more unbalanced over the


Hopefully individuals can reject that, and

form a society which doesn't make use of

harsh treatments as a means of control (and

the downward spiral that entails) and so

can provide an alternative and competition

to that failing end so that we won't suffer

from it. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Note that the function of the sogp or Jesus

representation, is not only to separate and

remove destructions and evils that can be

removed, from the human hungers and gray

areas; the sogp also has the job of removing

evils/destructions from the high good parts.

High good parts are of high ability, and

they do what they can to avoid and get

away from evil/destructions. But they can

only act within and on themselves, and

cannot act on the evil, else they will be

contaminated by it; and this limits them.

Also, if a high part is attached to a person

who also has human hungers, then the evil

of the hunger is always nearby, and the

high part can't get away from it well

without being able to contact the evil of the


Also, since we are often unbalanced as

people, we may generate a high part in one

area, but be lacking in other areas so that

this fragment of the high parts is not so

able to get away from evil.

So the sogp or Jesus representation then

comes in and is able to contact the evil and

remove it, move it, and separate it away

from otherwise high good parts of a person.

(as non destructively as possible). So that

when the rewards people come and try to

attack your high good parts and destroy

them, seemingly for no reason; but now as

we know, as part of their program to

generate hunger so that their reward will

work as their control over you; then you

can counter this attack on your high parts

with your and all Jesus representations; and

believe me, you will need to defend your

high parts from those who would attack

and destroy them for seemingly no reason;

from parents to total strangers who ally

themselves with destruction to try to

benefit from it. xxxx

Also, the money system has its own inertia

that tends to trap and keep people in its

system as shown next:


We live in a world with both good and evil.

Why couldn't we have had a world with

good only? The reason we have evil along

with the good in our world, is because evil

is one of the POSSIBILITIES -that living

things can do. (Without life, no actions

(good or evil) are possible. But with life;

both good and/or evil are possible actions

from that life.) Given a world of both good

and evil; our actions thus then contain

(both) some good -(growth) as well as

some evil -(destruction). Thus when we do

actions to obtain a desired thing, we as life

usually do some of both good and evil, in

obtaining this thing.


Employers never consider hiring my pet

rock for a job. No, rocks/inanimate objects

are not expected to produce growth. It takes

life and living things to cause change and

produce growth/ -The more 'alive'

something is, the more growth it can cause.

The idea of nurturing life to get it to

produce more growth, forms one side of an

argument/counter-argument: On one hand,

we can say we should nurture life to the

max so it will produce more growth. But on

the other hand we can point out that if we

make life too cushy, there'll be no

motivation to work; people will take

advantage of our good nature; sit around,

relax (slacker), and won't do any work. We

must let them know we mean business, and

reward only when the job is done, or even

punish for work not up to standards.

(argues those in favor of rewards). But

nurture is needed to edify life: -life which

enables us to produce the required growths.

-Two conflicting arguments. What shall we

believe? Realize that just because you

failed to produce the growths they want,

doesn't mean you've done a destructive act.

But they may do destructive acts to you for

not producing the growths.

Enter the factor of destruction: There is

usually more than one way to do a thing.

Some ways involve taking shortcuts and

disregarding the harm they cause. But out

of all the possible ways; there is still

usually one way to do a complete job,

without destruction. -A way that contains

no harm. -And, It takes more resources to

do something in this 'right' way. To obtain

the thing without harm, we'd have to

neutralize the harmful parts of ways

containing evil, (Or, we could severely

limit our possibilities and reject all ways

containing harm). This would require more

effort than if we did the thing the way it

came naturally -(with both good and evil).

Again: -The limited selection we have when

we reject ways containing harm, often

means we loose the easiest ways, just by


-Plus, it takes more resources to neutralize a

harmful aspect of a way and do a complete

job, than to just let the harm happen. Thus

it takes more capability-power-life to

obtain things with a purity in our actions

(that is, free of harm). So we can do much

more individually with what little we have

when we're open to all possible ways

irregardless of the harm they cause (in our

search for the most productive way), and

don't 'waste' resources trying to neutralize

the harm of our ways. So when we're short

-on-resources, this often forces us to use

ways containing harm.

When short-on-resources we may not have

enough resources to do a thing evil free,

BUT we can still usually do it if we lower

our standards and allow harm in our ways.

(Because we can do more* in the short run

/individually/locally if we allow harm in our


(*with our scanty resources).)

Unfortunately, this harm we allow catches

up to us. As a collective group we find

ourselves trapped at being short on

resources because the collective harm from

our ways lowers us all and keeps us short

-on resources; since harming destroys

resources. The harm we allow as we strive

to be the best, win the competition, and

produce the absolute most; catches up to

us, collectively. When someone builds up

life, but then another person knocks it

down: and when life/things keep(s) getting

built up and knocked back down over and

over again; a system of stagnation takes

form. And this stagnant system traps us,

because collectively we cannot get ahead.

Like a process may make a good product

and income for a few, but also pollute the

environment, and overall cause more harm

than good.

We can usually do more and be a bit more

productive in the short

run/locally/individually if we allow harm in

our ways. But this harm we allow, keeps us

all short-on-resources in the long run.

((Statement#1;)-And being short on

resources forces us to accept ways

containing harm.) And doing this harm

destroys resources and collectively keeps

us all short on resources. Go to Statement #1.

As we can see, This is a trap. That once

fallen into, cannot easily be gotten out of.

So we should not be so concerned with

winning in competition and who can

generate the highest production as a sole

criteria. We should more importantly look

at how evil free a 'production' is. So we

should nurture life as much as possible, so

we are at as high capability as possible and

are not short on resources, so that we do

things with much less harm in our ways,

-and thus avoid this trap of evil. It is

important for us to be well nurtured (loved)

and at high capability to have the extra

resources needed to grow evil free. -So

when we produce and do things (in an evil

free way); that we do advance and grow

overall. We thus overall provide escape

from the trap and system of destruction,

which is the stagnant system. Xxxxxxxxxxx




Jumping back to the all inclusive super

entity which contains everybody's different

attributes all together in one entity:

Now, this stuff can become a bit more

complex: When the super all inclusive

entity is generated, it doesn't have to be in

the form which contains many duplicate

copies of the common material. The reason

I say this is because this material of the

sogp/jesus representation often goes back

and forth between the high parts (when it is

resting), and the separate area of the sogp

(when it is active and satisfying human

hunger). When a human hunger is

finished, in order to leave this area and join

the high parts, the sogp rearranges itself to

be at medium ability so that its material can

escape this area and be freed of all evil so it

can join and rest in the high parts. To do

this, its super entity part needs to be

brought from richness to medium ability;

and this is done by removing the common

material so that it no longer has multiple

copies of it, but an actual shortage of it, to

counteract the richness brought by having

every different part of all human

possibilities present together. And then all

this extra common material is given to an

individual entity, usually oneself or ones

spouse. The individual entity being poor

by being all by itself, is enriched by all this

extra common material, so that it achieves

medium ability also, and also escapes all

evil to also join the evil free high parts.

So that when a new human hunger appears,

and sogp material leaves the high parts; this

is the form it is in. And it is usually easier

to recall material back from the high parts,

than to create it all over from scratch.

However, this isn't the form it needs to be in

to satisfy human hungers. So the

individual gives up its richness of common

parts to the collective super entity so that

individual material stands alone in poverty

and barrenness and the super entity is once

again rich in common material. The super

entity then deploys and expands into the

partially separate entity and commences to

satisfy the human hunger (after removing

itself from the super entity area). This

material delivers evil free human hunger

material to the high parts as it works with

this material in medium ability. But wait.

This leaves behind the stand alone

individual in barrenness, who cannot make

it to the high parts due to the barrenness.

Hence this wasted individual crud

accumulates every time we satisfy a human


A separate, flushing action is needed to

return this material to the high parts. So

what we do, is a flushing action whereby

we draw resting material from the high

parts, not to do any human hunger

satisfying, but in order to use the form it is

in, to flush this crud back up to the high


We then keep the all inclusive 'super'

entity as it is, and do not enrich it with

common material from the individual

entity. We also do no hunger satisfying

with it, but instead allow this medium

ability all inclusive entity to return/escape

back up to the high parts where we just

brought it from. Now with the rich

individual entity, we join it with the poor

individual entity, without requiring the

poor entity to perform any requirements to

make it worthy, but instead, without delay

or condition, enrich this poor individual so

that the combined individual entity is now

at medium ability.

Note that the rich individual entity is only

able to take a certain amount of poor entity,

as there needs to be enough richness to

enrich the whole combined individual

entity to medium ability. This entity can

then escape/leave the human area, and

rejoin the high area. In the high area, the

evil freed partially separate entity can

retract into a super entity configuration,

and give common material back to the

individual entity (although this may not be

what happens). But in any case, the

presence of a poor person who is evil free

in the presence of the high parts is a

bonanza for them, and is great food for the

high force of good to fill voids.

Now one may naysay and say that the poor

individual entity enriched with common

material, is still not at medium ability

because it takes a rich amount of common

material to put an individual entity at

medium ability, so that a medium amount

of common material won't bring the

combined individual entity to medium

ability. And this is true. The combined

individual entity will be on the low side of

medium ability in the scale between

barrenness and medium ability. And its

escape from evil to the high parts will be

slower than usual. But it will get done, and

it won't be held indefinitely, as the barren

material would be. Since it isn't satisfying

any human hunger and is evil free within

itself as much as possible, this helps also.

But also, to make this more productive, a

large amount of return high material needs

to come down, to rescue a smaller amount

of barren individual material.

This problem occurs when individual

entities realize their existence is incomplete

due to their unbalanced non self sufficient

state, so they give up all they have to

generate a super entity along with other

incomplete individuals. Ideally this super

entity would then deploy to become a

partially separated entity which would

contain all the attributes of all the

individuals, all connected together with

a common link. This would then satisfy

the human hungers and would free that

material from evil to move up and join the

evil free high parts. But this leaves the

empty shells of barren individuals behind

to never be freed to join the high parts. So

a second action to come back down and

bring these empty shells up evil free into

the high parts is done, so that the high force

of good can be well fed by restoring these

empty shells to high ability.

Now, perhaps a better way to do this would

be to load up a super entity with common

material, or better yet, load up a partially

separated entity (even one that just got up

there through evil free human hunger

satisfying); and have it come back down

when the hunger is satisfied, not to do more

hunger satisfying, but instead to deliver

common material to these poor individual

entities. And this partially separated entity

could retract into a super entity, thus

freeing up even more common material to

deliver to the poor individual entities. And

as a super entity, it could give up as much

common material so that it was kind of

short on common material, so that overall,

this super entity would be at medium

ability, whence it would then return to the

high parts since medium ability material

escapes evil and returns to the high parts;

perhaps to pick up another load of common

material and to do it again. And the poor

individual entities would no longer be poor,

but rich in common material, enough so

that they would be at medium ability

overall, and would then also make it up

into the high parts, where they could return

the common material given them to a super

entity if need be. Xxxxx

Now, I don't think I have a clear picture of

what is going on here, and I wish to expand

my definitions. Let us start with what is

the richest in common or completely whole

material. That would be individual entities

loaded up with common material. Then if

we remove some of the common material,

then each individual entity can double up a

little bit and share some common material

in the partially separated entity. If we

remove even more common material, then

a super entity is formed where common

material is shared completely between the

individual components, none of which have

any individuality. Now if we gave back

common material to this super entity, then

it could be a super entity that hadn't yet

deployed into a partially separated entity.

So that super entities can have varying

degrees of richness of common material,

and depending on this, do exhibit different

properties; so that it is too general to just

say 'super entity' and that the

amount/degree of attached common

material must also be specified.

Continuing on, if we take away all the

excess common material, then a super

entity is unable to deploy into a partially

separate entity. Now if we keep taking

away common material, then the super

entity, which normally would be at high

ability due to the many complimenting

individual components, would be at

medium ability due to the shortage of

common, or connecting material.

(Note the concept that neither BARREN nor

RICH human material escapes to the evil

free high parts, but that medium ability

material does.-this concept is often used


Continuing on, as we remove even more

common material from this 'super' entity,

the individual components become as

isolated individuals, except that whatever

individual component gets to the common

material is the individual, leaving the other

individual components non functional.

Then as nearly all the common material is

removed, there isn't even an individual

entity, but just a loose nonconnected

collection of non functioning individual


Now with this spectrum of entities, let us

satisfy a human hunger. The sogp comes

out of resting in the high parts as a super

entity with a good amount of common

material. It then gives up most of its

common material to the undeployed and

new material that is the next stage in

satisfying the hunger. This puts the present

sogp in barrenness, and the new part at rich

ability. Thus both of these materials don't

escape to the high parts, but remain to

continue satisfying the hunger. This

continues for a time (to be in line with a

cycling structure); whence the rich new

stage material relinquishes its common

material to share equally with the barren

sogp, so that the whole material is now at

medium ability. Even though the sogp

came down in high ability; its expansion

into the new material has diluted the

common material to only provide medium

ability, -as a super entity unable to deploy

into a partially separated entity. And the

sogp didn't take on an excessive degree of

new material or new stage of progress

material, so at this point it wouldn't dilute

the common material too much below

medium ability. Now this medium ability

super entity may be unable to make further

progress in the human hunger due to being

unable to deploy into a partially separate

entity, but keep on with it anyway, as it

represents one part of the cycling, and more

importantly it works its way up into the

high parts due to its medium ability. Evil

free in the high parts it picks up common

material (due to the richness of the evil free

high parts); so that it deploys into a

partially separate entity and then comes

back down to try to finish the hunger

satisfying. After a time, it again gives up

common material (by retracting into a

super entity and even giving up much more

common material to put that super entity

even lower in common material so it is in

barrenness; while the new stages of the

hunger satisfying are in richness, so that the

new stages then deploy as partially

separated entity. And then after a cycle

time, the rich new, shares with the barren

old entity to become one medium entity

again. And after some number of these

cycles, the hunger is satisfied in this

medium entity, which then rises to the high

parts due to its medium ability; and can be

given common material to become

deployed as a partially separate entity in

the high parts; and it can do this because it

has become evil free. This can continue on

for another cycle time where the satisfied

hunger can now be done as a deployed

partially separate entity (and if it needs to

leave the high parts, it can), after which one

wishes to choose to stop the hunger

satisfying activities; but is something one

cannot do in the high parts because one

hasn't achieved that evil free just yet. And

if it has left the high parts as a partially

separate entity, it is then already there (and

it can't get back into the high parts because

it is no longer at medium ability, but is at

high ability overall due to the common

material it picked up when it was in the

high parts. You see, to satisfy a human

hunger is imperfect; but to stop satisfying a

human hunger is just as imperfect, just in

different areas. So that the sogp now once

again leaves the high parts (if it hasn't

already done so) and acts in the human area

to do 'stopping feeding a hunger' (after a

cycle of completely satisfying the hunger

as a partially separate entity). As a

partially separate entity it is rich, but it

needs to get to medium ability to get back

up to the high parts. It needs to dilute its

common material to another added area to

get to medium ability. And the area of

stopping the hunger satisfying is a new

area. However, the stopping the hunger

area is not compatible with the satisfying

the hunger area, and the two cannot

opperate together. But separately they still

represent two areas, and that is one extra

area than what the high ability partially

separate entity came down with. So that

now, ones main self can join up with the

stopping the hunger satisfying

area/directive, and cast off the satisfying

the hunger area/directive; and then deliver

to the separate hunger satisfying

area/directive, enough common material to

put the main self together with the stopping

hunger action/area at medium ability so it

will naturally rise up to join the high parts

again. The medium level of common

material delivered to the now alone hunger

satisfying action does not give this entity

enough ability to also be at medium ability

overall, because it no longer has all the

surrounding complimentary components

like a super entity would, but is now more

like an individual entity because it is alone

and is less than complete. So it cannot

follow the main entity up to the high parts,

but is left in the human area, listing more

towards barrenness. Once our main entity

is up in the high parts, it receives more

common material and becomes a partially

separate entity, and probably must leave

the high parts to do further stopping the

hunger action now as partially separate

entity, since that represents a change from

how it was done as super entity at medium

ability unable to deploy to partially

separate entity. -a change that is not

completely evil free, since it deals in

human hunger. So it must leave the high

parts because even the smallest evil is not

tolerated. But once again, now it is rich as

a partially separated entity, and cannot get

back into the high parts. But never fear, it

can then come down to the human area,

and after doing the stopping hunger action

and working that out as a partially separate

entity, can lock that in and retract into a

super entity and also give up even more

common material thus putting it at medium

ability, to the now individual entity of the

hunger satisfying action so that the rich

amount of common material delivered to

this individual entity, puts it overall, at

medium ability. And the two medium

ability entities can now rise to the evil free

high parts. But now, there is a minor point

that needs to be taken into consideration.

When these entities are rearranging

themselves, when they sever from one

another, they do so by taking a small

linking component, and removing common

material so much from it that it is just a

collection of non functioning isolated

material at very barren ability. This small

amount of linking material is also brought

from barrenness to medium ability by

giving it a rich amount of common

material, along with the individual feeding

hunger entity. And if a second trip back

and forth from the high parts is needed to

transfer more common material is needed,

that is done. And the main entity doing this

here, is able to do this, because no changes

are made in how it does its action, because

it came from partially separate entity (that

was retracted to super entity that was then

again re deployed to partially separate

entity). Any changes that needed to be

made, were made in the first transformation

to partially separate entity, and not in

subsequent transformations to partially

separate entity. And since it didn't change,

it didn't leave evil free status, and could

return to the high parts even though rich

And the main entity would continue on as

being satisfied and not doing further hunger

satisfying, not according to cycling(which

maintains our choice for both the individual

as well as collective directive), but

according to that we do not need to do a

human hunger activity that we do not have

a hunger for at this time. And we can

continue on in whatever we have made our

evil free form as with our sogp at rest in the

high parts in this form; until we again

experience a human hunger that brings our

sogp back out of rest and this whole thing

starts all over again.



But perhaps we are not able to create things

brand new or generate super entities that

have every possible combination, seeing

how we are an unbalanced individual.

I should get more realistic and work with

what we have. We have a societal entity

that is complete and balanced by taking the

best skills of each individual entity. Then

we have each individual entity (which can

range from completely self sufficient, to,

totally unbalanced to the point it has no life

anymore as an individual entity but is only

a component part (of the societal entity)).

And as the individual entity becomes ever

more unbalanced, a love between any 2

individuals is also severely unbalanced.

But this is ok, because we can use this and

work with this. Note that the reproductive

drive area is imperfect and needs to be at

medium ability. But the societal entity is

always at high ability; and the payment to

each individual for their work allows them

all access to a degree of high capability. So

when one is doing imperfect reproductive

drive actions, one needs to temper that high

capability down to medium ability. And

this can be done by generating at full steam

in one's or the two's unbalanced way,

and delivering the comforts and goodnesses

of ones (unbalanced) activities to the object

of ones affection, while holding the

shortages generated, to oneself. This is

done for one cycle period. The fact that

one is expanding into a new area, also

helps to generate medium ability due to

spreading resources thin by taking on a

new area. The cycle period is because

previously this new action was not done at

all; representing the 'off' part of the cycle.

Now that the new action is being done, it is

first done at the full 'on' part of the cycle.

(One can thus make a choice for balance

between individual vs group directives with

this cycling way.) But now then, after a

cycle period is over, then one can stop

going full bore at this action, and go at

moderate level. (This also represents a

choice for balance.) So that now,

one has shortages from the previous full

bore activity, and also some of the desired,

but imperfect action present, all here at

medium ability; because the shortages

saved up, do dampen the high ability

provided by the individual's share of the

high ability societal entity's payment for

the individual's work. (But of course, not

every action one does is imperfect-human

-hungers, so that one does not always seek

the medium ability like this.) Now, once

one has put out their unbalanced love in

such a way, in medium ability; it frees

itself from its internal evil, and becomes of

high ability and also evil free. So that one

no longer needs to find this medium ability

this way. And one can move onto other

imperfect couplings and also set them evil

free in the same manner. However, what

one should avoid, is multiple loves all at

once, because when multiple people get

together, their unbalanced skills start to

combine into a balanced entity. And a

balanced entity doesn't generate unfilled

shortages; and with no shortages, the high

ability of the societal group cannot be

brought down to medium ability; thus

leaving the imperfect human hunger in a

rich environment where it doesn't free itself

from its internal evil. So, one at a time

please; at least in the initial purification

stages; and don't mix purified human action

with impure human hunger action unless it

is in a medium ability environment. So

that once one has freed their love for their

partner, they can allow their partner to free

their love in the same way, using theirself.

Better yet, a couple in love with each other

can generate their own imbalance together.

Because they are imbalanced, they

generate excess material in excess of what

they need. This extra material doesn't put

them at richness, because they don't sell it

into the larger society much. But the

shortages that come along with their

unbalanced production, do put them both at

medium ability, down from the high ability

provided by their connection to and work

in, the greater society. This medium ability

environment allows them to work their

imperfect human loves out unto evil free

high ability; together, at the same time.

So, we don't need to overcome the

imbalance of our state as unbalanced

individuals; to go and generate a complete

and balanced super entity; but can use our

imbalance to our advantage.

What we do is when we are doing a new

part of satisfying a human hunger action,

we keep the unbalanced production from

going into the societal entity, but we allow

the shortages generated by that unbalanced

production to go into our share of the

societal entity; to thereby generate medium

ability (down from high ability). Once the

human hunger has purified itself, then that

rich unbalanced production can be

released/accessed. No need to work at a

job that barely pays for much hard work to

achieve medium ability. (This represents

maximizing the societal (work) entity at the

expense of the individual entity.) Xxxx

Now, concerning conservative Christianity;

the gradual creep towards elimination of

the individual entity, leaving only the

societal entity; as we have theorized, the

lack of the ability to try many possibilities,

causes the leader/s to not have good

policies, which allows problems to fester.

And the lack of coordination also causes a

poor result. What this does is to cause the

societal entity, which usually generates

richness, to now only generate medium

ability environments. And this is great for

purifying human hungers. So now we have

found an excellent place for conservative

Christianity; which is to serve as the

instrument of purification for our human

hungers. And isn't this what Christ

promises? -the forgiveness of sin.

Jumping back, Note that unbalanced growth

is not in itself the evil intertwined in human

hungers; but it is useful in purifying that


Note that setting the individual as mainly

self sufficient, also sets the societal entity

at medium ability, which also is great for

purifying these human hungers. So, why

not just go with my unbalanced growth

idea, that comes naturally from individuals

being unbalanced for the societal entity,

and not need these other mechanisms for

purifying ones human hungers? Well, the

thing is, my unbalanced growth mechanism

doesn't allow for group orgies or multiple

loves mixed together simultaneously; and

neither does the giving the individual entity

too much self sufficiency (as they don't

tend to get together, but keep to

themselves; whereas orgies require people

to get together.) So we have now found the

proper place for conservative Christianity:

-to be the host for orgies and other human

groupings involving imperfect human

actions with intertwined evil. And I do

hereby place my stamp of approval on this,

and say, praise this conservative lord. And

note that we can use any of these devices to

purify our human hungers as need be.

However, not all actions are human

hungers, and there are times when a

competent and evil free rich societal entity

can be useful also; which is why we can

have a separation of church and state, and

hopefully generate a societal entity where

there is a better balance between the

individual entity and the societal entity:

hence the home of non conservative

Christianity and others. And I applaud that


Now, on the off chance conservative

Christianity won't be receptive to my needs

for group sex, a back up plan may be in

order. Hence perhaps getting back into the

super entity ideas may be the way to go.

Like, the idea of the super entity (to do

hunger satisfying that will rise evil free into

the high parts) -a Super Entity that has

common material removed, so as to put it

at medium ability (down from the high

ability of the super entity with more

common material, or the partially separated

entity, which also has extra common

material); is very similar to a societal entity

which has eliminated the individual

position, just like the end result of

conservative Christianity will do.

Let me abbreviate conservative Christianity

as 'CC'.

With CC, the societal entity which normally

is at high ability, is at medium ability, due

to the lack of coordination and inability to

explore multiple possibilities

simultaneously (since the individual

components have no life of their own).

This is great for purifying intertwined

human hunger evils, resulting in purified

individuals. However, as the genetic drift

under CC completely eliminates the

individual position, there then becomes no

individuals left to purify; leaving the only

Individual left (the societal entity), stuck at

medium ability always lagging behind,

unable to bridge many barriers,

uncoordinated and slow at finding

solutions. So that ultimately, CC does not

work out to be a solution for anything; but

in the process of getting to this final point,

it does set many unbalanced individuals


It can be said that by itself, conservative

Christianity is good for a season, but after

that, comes Armageddon. xxxxxxx

Now, the super entity, with a shortage of

individuality or common material, does

provide the medium ability environment

needed, just like CC.

Now, the partially deployed (partially

separate entity) does provide some

isolation and privateness to each individual

component, which is useful in providing a

place out of reach of the societal entity for

all the rich unbalanced production that

accumulates, but it is not at medium ability

but is at high ability (due to having all

human attributes present together but not

too cramped together), like a societal

entity. Lacking the medium ability

environment, makes it a poor place for

purifying human hungers.

But what if we were to minimize the

societal entity and maximize the individual

entity. These would be almost (but not

quite) fully deployed individuals on their

own. Any unbalance these individual

components have would cause unfilled

shortages (as well as overproductions)

according to their unbalanced growths.

As mostly isolated individuals (with only a

limited connection to the societal entity);

the rich overproduction of their imbalance

would not come together to generate

overall richness (like it would if it were put

into/made into a societal entity) -because

they are all isolated from each other -due to

being deployed as (partially) separate

individual components. But the shortages

from their unbalanced growths WOULD

bring them down. And if they only had a

limited connection to the societal entity,

then they would only be resupplied to

medium ability, and not richness. And this

is just what we need to purify multiple

unbalanced (human hunger) loves

simultaneously. The isolated unbalanced

loves would only share their shortages and

would only trade a little of their unbalanced

surpluses into the societal entity to alleviate

shortages to only medium ability. And this

works out as long as individuals are

unbalanced to some degree and not totally

self sufficient. However, if many

generations of offspring from multiple

loves occurred, then unbalance would give

way to total self sufficiency. So that CC or

some type of conservatism/morality is

needed to keep some degree of imbalance

in the individuals. Neither way is adequate

within itself, but each must be tempered

with the other. CC cannot be the only way,

or the absolute ruler; but neither can we go

it without CC.

In one plan, the individual is glorified, yet

still with a little bit of work (which

represents the societal entity). There are

many siestas and vacations, with just a little

bit of work. In the CC plan, the individual

must sacrifice for the societal entity, and

there is a lot of work: it is the workaholic,

where it is all work, and the individual is

totally given over to the societal entity.

Both these ways are able to entertain

multiple unbalanced loves simultaneously.

And both these ways must coexist to have a

long term future for a society. But if the

individual gets tired of working so much,

they can just reduce this to some kind of

morality of one man one woman. Perhaps

the compromise of allowing sexual

expression where offspring are not

produced; while reserving marriage for the

purpose of childbearing, only; is in order.

Christ writes 'Take upon my yoke, for I am

easy and my burden is light'. And from

this, we can gather that He wants us to

choose this non conservative Christianity;

where we purify our human hungers by

maximizing the individual entity, and

minimizing our societal, work, entity.

Once again I reiterate: there needs to be a

balance in the imbalance within

individuals. There needs to be some

imbalance; but not too much imbalance.

Imbalance in the individual represents the

degree the societal entity is given to, over

the individual entity: And there needs to be

a balance between the societal and the

individual entity; and one should not

supersede the other.

However, perhaps I have been too hasty to

achieve this balance as a matter of policy. I

now think that this balance can be stretched

a bit towards the societal entity and

imbalanced individuals, so that they may

use this imbalance to purify their human

hungers in the reproductive drive area; and

by so doing, relax that stretch back to

normal balance. Of course, I am still

against prolonged and excess imbalance

that totally sacrifices the individual entity

to the societal entity. So that when a

society stretches the balance towards the

societal entity; then it is right to relax that

stretch back towards balance. But in doing

so, one should maximize the sexual

satisfaction achieved ie the purification of

the human sex drive. And one should be

less inclined to manufacture mostly self

sufficient individuals, because they would

have no or little imbalance to purify their

sex drive with.

This doesn't mean interracial procreation is

to be eliminated, just that in the future, it is

not to be a major thing. (but for now, there

needs to be a group of intermediate people

or mixed breeds, that represents a

continuous line between all the differences

in people that can exist.) That one should

not procreate interracially as a matter of

policy, in order to mix the genes, to come

down from the excessive imbalance that

exists; but only when there is an intense

sexual attraction between the couple. (But

this may be incorrect.) What I am saying, is

that once there is an even field or

continuous transition between all the

differences that people can be; that one

should avoid procreating with someone

who is too different; but be open to

procreating with someone who is

somewhat different; according to one's

sexual desires, or that what will satisfy

one's sexual desires. And even in the

interracial procreation that needs to be done

today to generate a connecting population

of mixed breeds; that should be done only

between couples who are well sexually

attracted to each other. But even this may

be incorrect. Because if there is a

correlation; a connection, between the

sexual attraction felt by an interracial

couple, and the intensity of the sex drive of

their offspring; this will create offspring

who are more self sufficient, and thus less

imbalanced; but with a large sex drive to

purify. And with no imbalance to provide

medium ability, they will be unable to

purify much of their large sex drive. So the

suggestion may be to only procreate

interracially between couples who are not

very sexually attracted, so as to minimize

the sex drive in their offspring; and then the

sex drive can be increased from there, in

future generations between more similar

people with thus more imbalance. as I am

still trying to figure these things out; and I

leave it to each of you to decide for

yourselves what is the best way to go.

I don't think I have a clear picture here. I

am just beginning to realize the precarious

balance we all must walk. The

reproductive drive is so basic to all of us,

that if we don't take care of it properly, it

will eat us alive.

(Note that the phrase 'straight and narrow'

as a path, can refer to semen traveling

down an erect phallus .)

Now, previously I had been concerned

about generating people who were too

unbalanced so that the individual entity was

squeezed out completely; which results in

bad results for that society. But now I see

the advantage some imbalance has for

purifying the sex drive. When someone

has a good degree of imbalance, they can

use that imbalance to enjoy sexuality with

everyone around them, (ie, purify their sex

drive). But if they procreate with

everybody, the offspring will most likely

be less imbalanced and more self sufficient;

(which is a good thing in most other

respects), but which prevents these

offspring from being able to purify their

sex drive and enjoy sexuality in the same

way their parents are able to. So that as

parents who are able to enjoy their

sexuality; they want to pass that on to their

offspring, and avoid creating offspring who

can't enjoy sexuality like they do. So that

while these unbalanced people should be

open to sexual love with all races and

peoples; they should avoid procreation with

all their partners; and procreate only with

those who are similar enough to maintain

the same degree of excessive imbalance

that they have. -But not so similar that they

increase that excessive imbalance too much

more. You see, in pursuit of maintaining

sexual enjoyment/purification; one can go

too far in encouraging imbalance in their

offspring, resulting in total elimination of

the individual entity with the

accompanying dire consequences for that

societal entity. Thus the mating between

(2nd)cousins should be celebrated, instead

of being actively suppressed as it is now.

Now, for those of us who are more self

sufficient and less unbalanced; who are

unable to use imbalance to purify their sex

drive so well; there is still the conservative

Christian way or some other similar

workaholic, hard work, low pay way to

alternatively purify one's sex drive. But

that isn't quite as good for one's quality of

life. Xxx Ooops. This isn't quite the total

picture. Yup, now is one of those times

when I am changing my mind again in

completely the opposite direction and

reversing much that I have written.

There are several things to accomplish

when doing human hunger satisfyings.

First we need to provide the medium

ability environment for purification of the

human hunger; but also to keep material

here in the hunger satisfying mode long

enough to satisfy the specific hunger.

And also; it would be nice to be able to

choose a the choice for balance between

the group entity vs the individual or

component entity; and avoid the choice for

just the group entity.

Now, if we use the imbalances that have

been bred into us; this can work fine for

generating the medium ability environment

needed for its purification. But it does

nothing towards us choosing the balance

between group vs component entities,

beyond the initial doing of the hunger

satisfaction (balanced against the long not

doing of the hunger satisfaction before we

started doing the hunger satisfaction); and

so we have to come up with something

extra to choose this balance.

What I am leaning to, is my earlier structure

to satisfy human or gray hungers involving

cycling frequencies of doing, then not

doing, the action; as well as the idea of a

partially deployed super entity. I had

dismissed the use of the partially deployed

entity because it was too rich, and had gone

on to try to make medium ability

environments with this concept. However,

the cycling between fully doing, and then

not doing, an action; not only chooses the

balance between group vs component

entities; but also delivers the medium

ability environment. So that we can take a

high ability structure like a partially

deployed entity and have it present doing

hunger satisfaction for a cycle time; and

then dissolving it for a cycle time; and then

reconstituting it for a cycle time, etc. so

that even though it is a high ability concept;

the act of turning it off and on and off and

on repeatedly, generates a medium ability

environment overall, because the off part of

the cycle is a barren environment. But

before I incorporate the partially deployed

entity concept, let me just stick with the

full intensity doing of the hunger, followed

by a low/no intensity doing of the hunger,

in a cycling frequency.

I want to get back to a simpler concept that

I had explained earlier about the human

hunger gray actions which generate

goodness and also destruction unavoidably

in the same action, but to different areas.

And that if we don't structure them to the

same areas, but let them be done randomly;

that we will achieve the medium ability

environment we seek. But now with this

turning on, and then off, of a human

hunger, we achieve the same thing, but

now in full control of the human hunger

doing. Because if doing a human hunger

causes goodness to be generated in one

area, but destruction to be done in another

area; then refraining from doing that

hunger (in the 'off' part of the cycle),

perfectly reverses the destruction and

goodness done, unlike any randomness

could provide; to generate a medium ability

environment. (And of course, additionally

gives us the choice for balance between

group vs component entities.)

But at this point, I wish to be more specific

about the cycling frequency of turning the

human hunger on, and then off (and on and

off etc). Realize that when first starting to

satisfy a human hunger; previous to this,

we had been not-doing the human hunger

for a substantial period of time; and that

this had made us very hungry. Ie, it made

certain areas barren, and other areas rich, in

accordance with what the 'off' part of the

cycle generates. So that if we did the

cycling rapidly with a short cycle period,

then the short 'on' doing of the hunger-

satisfying wouldn't lift the 'one' area out of

barrenness, nor bring the 'other' rich area

down from richness. So that initially, we

must do the hunger satisfying 'on' part for

longer than just a short burst; but of course

also, not too long either. Once the initial

conditions have been changed away from

barrenness in 'one' area and richness in the

'other' area; to medium ability all around;

then a rapid cycling can be done to lock in

that medium environment. But starting

with rapid cycling, just keeps the initial

barrenness and richness as is.

Now, there is another consideration. When

human hunger material exists in a medium

ability environment, the goodness in it

escapes the evil there, and frees itself from

its evil, and the evil-free good escapes and

joins the high parts, which have no direct

connection with imperfect human hunger

satisfying. So the goodness from doing the

hunger satisfying, and also the goodness

from not-doing the human hunger

satisfying, both escape this system and

become evil free to join the separate high

parts. But this leaves a vacuum in the

hunger satisfying arena; and if the hunger

hasn't finished being satisfied, then that

makes a barren situation and an unsatisfied

hunger. So what we can do, is to do the

human hunger to rich ability. This

generates goodness in 'one' area to rich

ability. The 'other' area, which is already

barren due to its good escaping to the high

parts, just remains barren as it is

pummeled. Then once richness in the 'one'

area is achieved, we switch to 'not-doing'

the hunger satisfying for half the time (that

it took to build to richness). This causes the

rich 'one' area to be lowered to medium

ability, and also the once barren 'other' area

to be raised also to medium ability. Once at

medium ability, a rapid cycling frequency

of equal on and off durations can be done,

to thereby keep this material at medium

ability; also which, in time, escapes to the

high parts.

Now, we can look at a hunger satisfaction

as piecemeal; as having sequential or

successive stages of achievement. Then

new stages may need to be done to

richness, while older stages are at medium

ability with a rapid cycling frequency.

However, this may be an error, because the

same areas may be helped and harmed even

though different stages (but of the same

human/gray hunger satisfaction) are

involved. So that taking the new stage to

rich in the 'one' area, may pummel the same

'other' area that was trying to operate at

medium ability from the older stage; and so

this would not be a good choice.

If the satisfaction takes too long, some

older stages (even the non staged hunger

satisfaction, now that we are no longer

considering stages) may have completely

emptied (with both areas (the one, and the

other) in barrenness), due to their good

material escaping to the high parts: that this

stage(complete whole) may again go to

richness (with a long 'on' cycle part), and

then to medium ability (with a half long

'off' cycle part); and then to rapid cycle.

We must wait until most of the goodnesses

in the medium ability environments escape

to the high parts, (thus emptying these

areas and making them barren, (whence no

more goodness escapes due to no longer

being at medium, but instead barren)),

because when we go to rich in the 'on' part

of the cycle; because we are dealing with a

human hunger which does both good and

destruction, 'rich' refers to the 'one' area,

whereas at the same time, the 'other' area is

decimated; so that if this other area is

already near barren, then little is lost. Xxxx

Here we have a method for satisfying our

human hungers that also chooses the

balance between group vs component

entities that we want. This is better than

the use of imbalances within us method.

Both concepts can be used together,

cooperatively, but the on-off method is

more central due to its solving both the

medium ability environment and the

choosing the balance between group vs

component entities. And also uses the flaw

or destructiveness of the human hunger

itself; whereas the imbalance method uses

outside methods to lower to medium

ability, which are not as directly targeted to

the proper areas.

So that the directives to procreate with a

spouse who has a good degree of

similarity; and to generate a degree of

excessive imbalance but not too much of

this excessive imbalance; and encouraging

2nd cousin mating: are all of lesser or no

importance. And if we get into the super

entity stuff, these things are even less


Before, with the partially separate entity, I

had tried to have the hunger satisfying

continue on as the partially separate entity

took different forms. But to be in line with

the on-off method, we need an 'off' part of

the cycle where the hunger satisfying

ceases; and so the different forms of the

super entity where hunger satisfying

continues, are discarded.

Now, let us get into what it takes to

generate a partially separate entity. (The

purpose of this entity was to bring us all

together as one, yet still retain some

individuality. So that the jealousies that

occur between couples would be


But come to think of it, a big reason people

don't stick with their mate is because of the

allure of new material. Because new

material hadn't been done before; there had

been a long buildup of 'off' activity; which

allows for a long and rich period of 'on'

activity, (before one should switch back to

'off' for half that time, and then to a more

rapid cycling on and off). It is in the

medium ability environments found under

the more rapid on off cycling, where the

goodnesses here do escape to the high

parts. This is a major value of doing things

in the human hunger areas. But one can be

distracted by the newness of other new

people and new romances, that they neglect

finishing what they have already started;

and neglect the important work of working

with this material in the medium ability

environment. But of course, if one does the

work of working with their human hunger

material in the medium ability environment

and waiting till the goodnesses in both

areas escape to the high parts; they needn't

restrict themselves from new material.

Now I wish to get a clearer picture of this

stuff. First I want to examine this rapid

cycling more closely. Not only is the cycle

time important, but also the intensity of

doing in the 'on' part of the cycle. So that if

the same intensity is being considered, the

shorter time of the 'on' period under rapid

cycling, means less can be accomplished

before the 'off' part of the cycle decimates

or reverses what had been accomplished.

And this is why I used it to fix a position at

medium ability once that had been

achieved. But rapid cycling isn't the only

way to fix a position. The intensity level

also represents a way to change or fix

positions, and we can use it instead of rapid

cycling to achieve our positions.

Consider that before we started the hunger

satisfying, that we counted the long time

previous to starting it, as a long 'off' period,

which diminished 'one' area, but greatly

advance an 'other' area (to richness). And I

get this from that a human hunger does

goodness to some areas, but destruction to

others; and that not-doing the human hunger

perfectly reverses this, and does destruction

to some areas but goodness to the others.

Another factor that comes into play here is

that whenever one of these areas is at

medium ability, its goodness escapes to the

high parts, which removes material from

these areas and moves them towards

barrenness. Whereas if these areas are

either rich or barren, goodnesses do not

escape to the high parts.

From these concepts, we can map out

several scenarios of what we can do.

Let us start out as just starting a hunger

satisfaction. At the start, the 'one' area is

barren or hungry, and the 'other' area is

rich. We can do the 'on' part of a cycle for a

medium period, or do a medium intensity

of hunger satisfaction. That will bring the

'other' area down to medium ability, and

also bring the 'one' area up to medium

ability. With both areas at medium ability,

they both loose goodness material to the

high parts, and both tend towards

barrenness. In response to this, we can

increase our intensity of 'on' doing of the

hunger satisfaction to bring the 'one' area to

richness, and decimate the 'other' area even

further; but since it was already barren, it

just remains barren. We can then lower our

doing of the hunger satisfaction, and thus

the 'one' area to medium (off from

richness), which will then bring up the

'other' area from barren to medium. With

both areas in medium again, we can start

this over again.

But this isn't a real plan because when both

areas are at medium ability, and then they

start loosing goodnesses to the high parts,

thus putting both areas towards barrenness;

they no longer loose material due to being

towards barrenness, thus they recover

towards medium, so that both areas

stabilize just below medium; so no area is

already at barrenness when it is decimated

when the other area is made rich.

But there are other, better ways to do things.

When both areas are at medium and are

both loosing goodnesses to the high parts,

instead of increasing the 'one' area to

richness by excessive (intensity) doing the

hunger action; another way is to stabilize

the 'one' area to the low side of medium, by

lowering the intensity of doing so that the

'other' area is enriched. But the 'other' area

never increases above medium because it

just looses the material to the high parts.

Still at medium ability, it continues to loose

to the high parts. The 'one' area is brought

lower to achieve this, but it is not brought

so low as to be completely barren. Hunger

satisfaction is still done at a low rate to

continue this. If we go completely to no

hunger doing, and complete barrenness in

the 'one' area, that will deliver complete

richness to the 'other' area, and will

overcome the material lost to the high parts

to move the 'other' area from medium to

richness, whence it will stop loosing

material to the high parts and thus move to

richness even faster. But we do not do this.

We willfully entertain, at first a decent

doing of hunger satisfaction, which brings

any richness in the 'other' area down to

medium ability. Once the 'other' area is in

medium ability, we start shrinking the

doing of hunger satisfaction. This loss in

the 'one' area causes an increase in the

'other' area, but that increase is not realized

in this 'other' area, as it just makes up what

is lost to the high parts, so the other area

stays at medium ability and continues to

loose to the high parts. We adjust the 'one'

area lower and do less, but still some,

hunger satisfaction, just enough to not let

the 'one' area fall any lower. What this

does is to give from the 'one' area to the

'other' area, because when the 'one' area is

lowered, that raises the 'other' area. But the

'other' area looses that raise to the high

parts. And also, the 'one' area, being on the

low side of medium, also looses some to

the high parts. So, if we maintain these

areas at these levels; a lot of material is

saved to the high parts. And as we have

seen, that is a main reason we do

human/gray hunger satisfying in the first

place. So that even if things don't work out

well in the hunger satisfaction, much

goodness has still been freed to the high


Now, we could reverse these roles, and let

the 'other' area serve the 'one' area. But this

would force us to do ever increasing

hunger satisfaction, because it is possible to

reach states where losses to the high parts

are excessive; so that one would be forced

to do excessive hunger satisfying just to

maintain medium ability. Whereas in the

reverse situation it would be easy to not-do

hunger satisfying for the most part (just do

a minor hunger satisfying just off of

barren), to supply much richness to the

'other' area; -the other area not receiving

that richness, but instead loosing it to the

high parts.

Also, the failure to successfully satisfy the

human hunger, say if the potential mate

declined; would prevent the 'one' area from

replacing what it lost to the high parts.

Also, most of our lives we have probably

done more hunger satisfying than this

'reverse' hunger satisfying, so that the high

parts are more stuffed with escaped hunger

satisfying material, and might prefer some

escaped 'reverse' hunger satisfying material

to balance it out.

Also, the nature of satisfying human

hungers are that when we are finished and

are full, we wish to stop and no longer

continue feeding. With the reverse hunger

satisfying, or the 'one' area supporting the

'other' area; the 'one' area is near barren,

and is easily stopped without much trouble;

whereas with the other plan, the 'one' area

is at medium and is heavily involved

feeding material into escaping to the high

parts; it is not in a good position to easily

bring the hunger satisfying to a stop; and it

has an inertia that wants to keep going with

the hunger satisfying, even after one is full

and no longer desires this hunger

satisfying. Thus this reverse hunger

satisfying plan is the best state to be in

when one is ready to finish the hunger

satisfying and come to a stop with it until

next time.

Note that this propensity of hunger

satisfying to desire to be done for a time

until one is full, and then to stop; represents

its propensity to do on-off cycling as

opposed to constant medium intensity

doing (as is found in the 'rest' plan to be

discussed shortly), in finding medium

ability and also choosing the balance of

group vs component entity.

So the better plan is to have the 'one' area

support the 'other' area. But both plans are

workable under many situations, and both

can be done at one's discretion, mix and

match, just that the 'other' plan is more


However, since hunger satisfying has the

propensity to do on-off type of cycling;

since the more advantageous plan

represents the 'off' part of the cycle, or

leads to the 'off' part of the cycle; we need

to do an equal amount of the 'on' part

of the cycle (which is the not so

advantageous plan of direct hunger

satisfying) at first. -This doing of an 'on',

'off' cycle, represents a choice for both the

group entity and individual or component


Of course, doing a constant amount of a

moderate intensity hunger satisfying (and

not cycling on and off), also represents this

same choice. But for the same reason that

we allow some conservatism to exist

(which is to allow individual areas to

develop mostly free of the interferences

from, and constraints of, the other areas, for

a time; we also do the 'on', 'off' cycling for

this same reason. But we do not eternally

allow individual areas to be free from the

constraints of each other; but instead, bring

them all together as one so that we may

assemble each individual area together as a

coherent unit to consolidate the gains made

in the individual units into a more powerful

whole; whence we alternate back and forth

between allowing individual components

more freedom vs putting them all together

(where they experience each others

constraints, and thus have less freedom), so

as to generate the maximum and best

possible life/power/and ability. xx

Now, these plans require constant

monitoring to coordinate the 'one' area with

the 'other' or vice versa, to keep one of

them at medium ability. But when we rest,

what then? Well, a good rest plan, is to just

do the first scenario mentioned. That is, use

one area to bring both areas to medium

ability, and let them sit like this. Sure,

losses to the high parts bring these areas to

less than medium ability, but they

automatically stabilize at points slightly

below medium, and still deliver some

production to the high parts; comparable to

the active plans because with the active

plans, one of the areas is moved well off

medium ability towards barren, in order to

put the other area at medium ability. Xx

Come to think of it, both these active plans

put an area near barrenness, from which we

can knock it down into barrenness in order

to bring the complimentary area to richness

without doing much damage to the area,

because it is already near barren, so that

any amount of destructiveness to it doesn't

bring it any lower than barren. We don't

stay in this state long, but just use it as a

transition to get to the rest state, by

lowering the rich area to medium, thereby

raising the barren area also to medium

(both of which then proceed to loose to the

high parts (in both areas), but stabilizes

shortly, just a little below medium, for each

area. And from this state, we can then favor

the one area at medium, or favor the other

area at medium, whichever way we choose.

If we tried to achieve this rest state directly,

it wouldn't work. With the 'one' area near

barren, and the 'other' area at medium;

if we did the hunger action that uplifted the

'one' area and at the same time brought

down the 'other' area, we would end up

with both areas between medium and

barren, and would not be able to bring both

areas up to medium. xx

So I suppose I should run through one cycle

of hunger satisfying. First we might do a

fairly robust hunger satisfying, with the

'other' area taking damage and listing

towards barren so that the 'one' area may

remain at medium while also loosing to the

high parts. Then as we start to become full,

or this present stage starts to become

complete, we raise the 'one' area to richness

and completely loose the 'other' area to

barrenness (for just a short transition time);

so that we can then lower the 'one' area to

medium, which also brings the 'other' area

up to medium, and we continue lowering

the 'one' area even lower (pretty low) so

that the 'other' area is now favored, and this

makes up for losses to the high parts that

the 'other' area incurs while it is at medium.

We continue on like this until the present

stage is finished or we are satisfied and

wish to stop hunger satisfying action.

(Just realize that once the 'one' area has been brought low, that we cannot

raise it again without totally decimating the 'other' area to barrenness; seeing

how this configuration is for supporting the 'other' area at medium. Instead,

we must go completely to nothing with the 'one' area for a transition time,

which allows the 'other' area to raise to richness, whence it will then be

lowered to medium when we raise the one area from nothingness to medium. So

that if the cycle period for on is different than for off, that will just have

to be made up in the next cycle.)

Next we lower the 'one' area completely to

barrenness and continue to favor the 'other'

area until it rises from medium to rich;

whence we leave that transition by bringing

the 'other' area back down from rich to

medium, which also raises the 'one' area up

to medium. From this 'rest' state, we no

longer need to cycle in on-off mode, and

can just do medium intensity instead; until

the next time we become hungry. Xx

Note that superimposed upon all this, is that

for every action we do in a hunger

satisfying mode; and also every action we

do in an 'abstinent' mode, we do a kind of

shepherding action with our Jesus

representation (generated previously from

our rest period where we did not favor any

on or off state and did our human actions at

a medium level), to keep the human area

away from the high parts, and to keep all

evils away from the human area. Xx

Note that when doing the on-off cycle, we

have to constantly monitor it and work with

it to keep it generating material for the high

parts; while in the constant medium rest

state, none of this close supervision is

needed. So that it is costly to keep up a

commitment for just one mate (which

represents the high intensity 'on' part of a

cycle, followed by 'off' parts in this

cycling); so that one should minimize the

time they exalt one person above others, for

the time that they need that; but should

return to equality between all peoples in the

rest state once that need is satisfied.


So how would we build a super entity?

First we consider who we are and what

resources we have. We are unbalanced

individuals who have our best part that is

contributed to the societal entity, but we are

also made up of other parts that are lesser

and much less competent, that we don't

much depend on, but instead, depend on

other people's best parts of the societal

entity to supply. It is these inferior and

rarely used parts of us that represent the

common material that we must bulk up on

and make duplicate copies of in order to

generate super entities and a partially

separate entity. As we can see, this would

be easier if we were more self sufficient,

and that our imbalance hinders us from

doing. Even so, the amount of partially

separate entity is fairly small in comparison

to our size; -we are only able to make a

small or miniature entity due to that it

requires massive amounts of the material

we are weakest in. But even though small

or miniature, maybe we should still do it,

since it brings us together as one, yet still

able to hold onto some individuality; in an

imperfect world where we are often cut off

from one another in an imperfect society.

Just realize that the more self sufficient and

less imbalanced we are, the more of this

super and partially separate entity that we

can make. Xxxxxxxxx



Note that with CC, in addition to the

crippled societal entity which serves to

purify individuals in their hungers; an

additional, fully functional, high ability

societal entity would be needed along side,

to actually fulfill the duties of a societal

entity; and represent freedom from all evil,

and the high parts. Because not all actions

are the intertwined human hunger actions;

and some actions are actually evil free

actions not part of human hungers, which

seek to do good in the world.

So with CC, a crippled societal entity exists

along side a fully functional societal entity.

But with the other plan that uses maximized

individuality and minimized societal

entity; one cannot satisfy human hungers,

and do effective societal, work, actions at

the same time. One can satisfy human

hungers with a weak societal entity, but

then adjust the societal entity to be much

more dominant so that one can do effective

work actions; but one would think one

could not do both simultaneously. Yet, let

me convince you otherwise. When one, as

a human being, is smitten with the human

hunger loves, then one acts with

maximized individuality and minimized

societal (work) entity. The unbalanced

productions that one creates, are mainly

isolated from each other and any societal

entity, and are not put to much use here.

Since the societal entity is not very

prevalent, there is still plenty of room for a

societal entity, seeing how there is so much

of this rich isolated unbalanced productions

just laying around, unused.

But any human who is under the spell of

human loves, should not be part of such, as

the richness in it would cause them to be

burnt down (due to the evil intertwined in

this human hunger). However, at medium

ability, these human hungers eventually

free themselves from their intertwined evil,

and become evil free. It is only when

human minds experience this human

hunger, and work it out into evil free status,

that they can make a societal (work) entity

out of all this rich unbalanced isolated

material laying around. And at the same

time, parts of that human mind that are

smitten, but not yet evil free, do act to

avoid most societal entity (work)

structures, and do ruminate with their this

human hunger until it has become evil free.

Only when it has become evil free and

joined the high parts, does it then come and

participate in major societal entity actions

with this latent rich material generated

from the smitten human hunger stage. So,

although the advice to young people, is to

buckle down and do their work; the wise

thing to do, is not be so attached to work,

(which is the societal entity); but to

minimize work (the societal entity) until

one has ruminated out their human

hungers, and is then ready for major

societal entity (work) activity. xx

Since teenagers are just being smitten for

the first time, they haven't had a chance to

work out these human hungers. So that

putting them in either a rich, or barren

environment, traps these human hungers as

they are, and prevents the intertwined evil

from being worked out. So the tough love

taken to the extreme (and the resulting

barren environment), does no good; and

does not allow the intertwined evil to be

worked out, thus keeping the person

enslaved to this hunger. Just as solitary

confinement for prisoners, also doesn't

rehabilitate well, due to its barren

environment. xx

And one can have parts of themselves in the

smitten zone, which are avoiding most

work; and parts that have become evil free

human hungers, and just evil free parts, that

take on the work, and are part of a heavier

presence in the societal (work) entity. The

thing you don't want to do, is take the

advice to be more productive and get down

to work, when that part of you is under a

human hunger that has not worked itself

into evil free; because all that does is just

burn you down.

Do not take their calls to get off welfare

and become productive. No, shove them

away, and avoid most work. Until YOU are

ready. And not until. Thank you. Tell

those villains to lay off. Spouting about

how much you owe the society you are in.

Do it for me. Thank You. They give work

a bad name.

This brings up a point about casting off all

evils from human hungers. Who is going to

do it. The person or part in the human

hunger is not going to be able to do it,

because they have a minimized 'work'

entity. It must be done by another part of

themselves that although is sogp, and not

part of the high parts, still has a hefty

presence of the 'work' entity, and therefor

has already worked out that human hunger

into evil free, or isn't so involved in that

human hunger at this time. Just realize that

from the perspective of a human hunger

part, not to depend on doing this oneself,

but to also look to outside help for it.

In passing, also realize that although the

sogp that casts off evils off of human

hungers, is quite capable (due to its heavy

presence of societal (work) entity; that it

voluntarily keeps itself away from the also

capable high parts (that are also into a

goodly portion of the societal (work) entity.

And also realize that any sogp that is

actually doing or generating in the human

hunger action, has become weakened,

because it must avoid most societal (work)

entity. xxxxxxxxx

Note that material that has worked out its

human hungers into evil free, and/or other

high parts; have the balance between the

individual entity and the societal entity that

is normal and not skewed to generate

imbalance for the purification of human

hungers. xxxxxxxxxxxx

Now, I have realized that there is a

profound difference between the sexes; so

that by 'different', this means that men and

women are good at different things; so that

when they(men and women), as unbalanced

individuals, do come together, they are thus

more balanced. Normally this would be a

good thing, but since we are dealing with

the imperfect human hunger of human

sexuality, this loss of imbalance hurts the

couple's ability to purify that human

hunger, by allowing them to generate a rich

environment instead of being hindered

down to medium ability by imbalance. So

the concern is not so much whether ones

partner stays true to one, vs, being

promiscuous (promiscuity representing the

mixing of many types, resulting in a more

societal type entity with a corresponding

loss of imbalance); but whether or not there

is any connection between a man and a

woman of any kind; as any kind of

connection causes a reduction from off of

their individual imbalances. -imbalances

which are needed to purify this human

hunger. So that the saying 'you can't live

with them and you can't live without them'

as referring to the opposite sex, rings true;

and one needs to seek a medium or a

limited connection to the opposite sex to

make it work. So that one may need to

isolate from their mate and generate in that

isolation for a time, before joining their

mate in a limited way, to achieve the

medium ability needed to purify their

dealings with their mate. (In achieving

isolation with generatings involving ones

mate; one doesn't destroy the part that is of

ones mate, but just removes it from this

entity that is oneself, and delivers it to ones


(Realize that the emphasis on making sure

spouses don't cheat, and remain true, is just

a diversion and takes one's attention off of

what it needs to be on: and that is carefully

managing any connection between the

sexes, including true and non cheating

connections of husband and wife.) Xxxxx

Note that this realization means that

although the marriage structure provides an

incentive to find a mate who is just like

oneself; that this is impossible to

completely achieve due to the inherent

differences between male and female; even

if based on the identical genetic material.


End important inserts)


Conservative societies put in place the

expectations in the relations between men

and women that they expect their mates or

boy/girlfriends not to cheat. But human

sexuality the way it comes naturally, is

what it is, and it is not in line with this

conservative way. It must be corralled and

molded so as to be in line with the

conservative way. And then so many

people are disappointed when their spouse

or boy/girlfriends don't live up to the

expectations of being true only to them.

When human sexuality, the way it comes

naturally, doesn't conform to this at all.

These conservatives just try and force

natural human sexuality to conform to

these standards, and is it any wonder that

these conservative expectations are not

met. What's the deal here? Why sex at all?

Many of the lower life forms such as

worms and fungi reproduce by cloning, or

asexual reproduction where they make

exact copies of each other. But higher life

forms seem to enjoy the greater genetic

variability of sexual reproduction so that

their offspring are not exact copies of each


The way human sexuality comes naturally

is a result of many eons of evolution; or

that they were created that way. Who are

humans to take charge and change what

evolution or creation has created? What is

the reasoning or understanding behind such

an action? (Perhaps the conservative way

won't pass the test of evolution, given eons

of time.) The conservatives are not much

on reasoning, but are more toward take it

by faith, and we told you to do it, so do it

(just because we said so, and we know best,

don't question us). Truly, it can be said that

we know not what we do when we corral

human sexuality off its natural course, into

some contrived conservative mold.

Untamed sexuality causes chromosomes

and genetic material to be well mixed so

that there is increased variability spread

over the whole population. But with the

conservative way of sexuality, that genetic

material doesn't get mixed as well. From

this results family groupings where each

family is good at one thing, but not very

good at anything else; since men and

women with like interests (that they are

good at), tend to remain together. Whereas

with free flowing sexuality, these traits

would be shared throughout the society and

everyone would be good at all things, (or

not). But with conservative sexuality,

family groupings exist where each group is

good in one area, but not in other areas.

This forces them to join together and

participate as a greater societal whole,

where each good area can work together in

an effective all encompassing good;

because as individuals, being good at only

one or a few things, makes for a bad life as

an individual. This requires that they join

together with each individual contributing

his/her talent that they are good at. This is

great for those who run the society as they

have a ready supply of forced labor, as

there is no other realistic alternative but to

join the greater society in order to function

effectively. But keeping the individuals

weak, and in need of joining the ruling

societal group; strikes me as a weakness,

and not a wise way to go, in the long term

evolutionary picture. But this conservative

sexuality way, sure works well for those

who wish to harness and enslave others for

their benefit. Just don't be surprised when

human sexuality, doesn't live up to the

expectations of the conservative mold.

Why should it?, that's not what it is.

Note that a woman who is looking for

happiness through marriage to a man, will

be disappointed as no one man has all areas

mastered well. But with the occasional

harem of the Arab world, and polygamy;

the genetic material can be spread around a

little more. But this is all for the benefit of

society's satisfaction of its sexually based

need. -One society type sees the value of

generating more well rounded individuals

(at least occasionally); while the other

society type seeks to keep its individuals

unbalanced and severely beholding to it.

In considering which came first, the

chicken or the egg: realize that whatever

came first, the life forms here had to go

through many generations of sexual

reproduction. Let us consider the nuances of

sexual reproduction itself. When organisms

utilize sexual reproduction,the offspring are

not exactly the same. Differences arise.

When conservative sexuality is applied,

those differences are not allowed to

equalize back through the whole

population. Hence with longstanding

conservative sexuality, different races are

created, (because eventually the differences

(from sexual reproduction that are not

permitted to be spread through the whole

population) become so great that a new

race is created). Hence conservative

sexuality is a cause of racism (or at least

provides for its continuation) because it

creates the situation of different races

living side by side.

By not allowing differences from sexual

reproduction to spread back throughout the

whole population; not all the possibilities

are tried, and less possible combinations of

genes are tried. With less combinations

tried, sexual reproduction is weaker at

generating different combinations that may

survive the tempests that nature or our own

destructiveness throws at us.

Some mock that others feel they are entitled

to this or that. And this is understandable

because even with all the hard work these

people do, they have to fight management

tooth and nail to be entitled to the pay they

do receive. -So that how could one who

does no work at all ever hope to receive/be

entitled to anything?

But, now a call to all the self starters out

there/ self start this:

The conservative way breeds individuals

who are helpless by themselves unless they

conform and meld together into the societal


Yet it is the conservatives who emphasize

individual responsibility and blame

individuals for what goes wrong in society.

And it is the conservatives who squawk so

loudly about the welfare and how that is

sapping society so. Really, people helpless

of taking care of themselves and in need of

welfare is just a product of the

conservative's own breeding policy, and

they really have no right to complain about

it, as it is them that caused the problem of

helpless individuals in the first place.

All this is just a jab at us all to conform to

the societal will and cause no dissent;

because if we do, we will be cast out of the

societal way and find ourselves as helpless

individuals, needing welfare. These threats

by the conservative way for us to conform

are not in line with the promise of freedom

proclaimed by the American way. Hence,

in this respect, going with the conservative

way absolutely, all the time, is decidedly

Un American. (Land of the free, home of

the brave? We are certainly not free when

absolutely under the conservative way.)

xxxxxx Yet perhaps there is value in

allowing a (family) group to develop and

perfect an area in freedom from being

overly burdened by the demands of other

areas. However, at some point in time, the

advancements gained in the disparate areas

need to be put together, in order for this

type of way to be a better way. Some may

say that the occasional marriage by people

of different best skills, (in order that the

couple may compliment each other so as to

survive better) will do this mixing.

However, I disagree since the rulers of the

society have grown to depend on the

separation of skills (so that people are very

good at only one area) so that the

population is forced to conform to their

dictates (or be cast out and be a helpless

individual in need of welfare); as a means

of control over the society. Hence mixing

of these skills and assembling them all

together is not allowed, and is sought to be

prevented. This holds us back and does not

make this way a better way. So, although

there may be a place for some

conservatism; it is no good for there to be

absolute conservatism or to have it all the

time. In this imperfect area, there is no

place for absolutes of any kind.

And while I am recanting positions, let me

recant somewhat my opposition to the

conservative breeding program that creates

unbalanced individuals that aren't self

sufficient by themselves. Yes, perhaps as a

safeguard to governments and individuals

who would generate large quantities of self

sufficient people who would be devoted to

doing evil/destruction; does the safeguard

of being helpless as individuals have some

use. In other words: combining the concept

of that when there is evil, we should seek a

medium ability environment; with when

there is an abundance of humans in an evil

environment, they are treated poorly and

are food for evil (whereas if there is a

shortage of them, this would force better

treatment of them). I would state that the

unbalanced individual is the medium

environment sought. So that if some

government or individual woman wanted to

overproduce humans so as to use them as

fodder for their evil/destructive designs,

that they could not easily produce complete

humans, but would be limited to

incomplete humans. But if we as

individuals are to give up our self

sufficiency in order to provide this

safeguard and medium ability environment

in a world full of evil, then we need much

more to ensure that we individuals have a

vote over the greater society (that we as

individuals create in coming together); so

that this greater society that we defer to

doesn't then turn around and screw us, as

now non-self-sufficient individuals. Our

responses can vary widely depending on

how much evil there is in our environment.

The presupposition here is that there is evil

in the environment, hence the individual

needs to be at medium ability by making

him/her less than self sufficient. But if this

is so, then no one entity should have all the

power (neither the individual, nor the

greater society), and all entities should

have checks and balances on each other

and be at medium ability. That vote the

individual should have over the greater

society that bosses him/her, is by allowing

we as individual couples to have unfettered

say over how many offspring we have.

-That we have many offspring in a good

situation where there is no evil; -That we

have a limited number where there is some

evil; and that we have few offspring where

the greater society is mostly all evil and is

treating us badly. So that the conservative

attempts at stopping birth control and

violating women's ability of choice over to

have or not have an offspring; are much out

of place. And also, the conservative

breeding program can be enacted quite

successfully enough by limiting its rules

only to having children; and need not

burden us by extending their coverage to

our sexual expressions outside of

having/creating children.

Now then, I am changing my mind again.

This latest idea makes no sense. The idea is

that the individual needs to be at medium

ability because there is evil, and hence

should be less than self sufficient, and that

if we let the individual be of high ability

and self sufficient, the governmental

groups of these people will be used more so

to do more destruction. The problem is is

that no mater whether the individual is self

sufficient, or not, the greater society or

government is able to put together the

individual strengths of less than self

sufficient peoples to obtain high power

anyway, and that the only entity that high

power is denied, is the individual. So that it

makes no difference (there is no gain or

loss) to the greater society whether the

individual is self sufficient or not,

concerning what level the society is at

-always high level, not medium level. And

the less than self sufficient individuals run

the risk of being at low level, not medium

level because of their lack of self

sufficiency. (And low level is not any good

in an evil situation either.) An individual

needs to be self sufficient in order to be at

medium ability in these situations. A

greater society made of self sufficient

individuals would be more powerful than

any individual self sufficient individual; so

that it takes self sufficient individuals to

achieve medium ability in this situation,

whereas non self sufficient individuals

would be at low ability in this situation

(which is undesirable).

-And that no mater what; the greater

society is at high ability irregardless of

whether the individual is self sufficient, or

is less than self sufficient. So once again, I

now change again and dissolve any

allegiance to the conservative breeding

program that breeds less than self sufficient

individuals. I may say, that there is a place

for the conservative way in order to allow

development of the different areas without

undue interference from each other; but

that it should not be allowed to be the

absolute boss. And the conservative way

tempts greater societies to use their

individuals and consume their individuals

as fodder because it forces them to conform

due to their lack of self sufficiency.

I have made argument that where there is

evil/destruction, we should seek to make

that environment at medium ability so as to

encourage separation of the forces. But this

is only if there is some goodness trapped

herein that needs separating from the evil.

If the good has already separated from the

evil; do not continue to intervene to keep

the all-evil at medium ability. If an area has

only evil, then allow that evil, now alone

and by itself, to burn the medium

environment down to barren so that it will

then cease to exist: thus taking advantage

of that good can exist while alone but evil


In another out of place insert, I just want to

say that with all this considering of gray

areas and all the nuances of how to handle

gray areas:

-Not every area is a gray area. That there

ARE areas that CAN be separated into

wholly good components, and wholly

destructive components. And that here, the

advisements of how to handle gray areas,

don't apply. That here, we DO separate the

components into separate areas `of black

and white'; and that doing so here is good.

Consider `rules' over these non gray areas:

Rules don't allow the `bad' to exist at all.

They create a vacuum (which high forces

of good fill to medium ability, (in a special

way that prevents their purity from being

compromised)). But the action of

separation DOES allow both the bad, and

the good, to exist: -just in different,

separate areas. -Even the gray actions are

separated away from the all-good (due to

their badness that partially makes them up);

(so that the ability of the all-good to contact

the good parts of gray actions is tentative at

best). So that when you're not satisfying

some human (gray action) need that has

good and destruction inseparably

intertwined; you can commit your main

center to absolute goodness (Jesus, God,

Ala, etc), which as a base part of it, has

separation of all good from all

evil/destruction. (Only when satisfying an

earthly need, need you be open to the

destructiveness from gray areas.) Through

separation, the evil/destruction still exists

and is not eliminated, but it is separate

from the rest of you/your goodness; where

it does not bother nor consume your all

-goodness. (and it soon self consumes itself

and disappears).

(Note that freedom/separation from

evil/destruction is just a base part. The

goodness then acts to grow perfect

goodness, which then matures, etc, (as

detailed elsewhere in this writing).)

Let me reiterate this in a different way:

Some actions are human gray actions

which contain both good and

destructiveness inextricably intertwined.

And around our human gray actions have

grown up rules governing the expression of

our human gray actions. These rules do not

eliminate the destructiveness in our gray

actions, but instead just rearrange where it

is done and put a structure to where the

destructive part is done. These rules

themselves then also tie to themselves the

fact that they are not totally free of

destructiveness either. But not all

actions/areas are these human gray actions.

-Some actions CAN be separated

completely into that which is good vs. that

which is destructive.

And in these non-gray areas exists a purity

of action in that they are either all good or

all destructive, that does not exist with the

gray actions. (As we know, when an all

destructive area is generated, it soon

consumes itself and disappears; thus

leaving only pure all-good areas.) Thus

there can exist structures with an absolute

purity in their action, and also other

structures which are always impure and can

never be pure in their 'human' actions. For a

human gray action say of satisfying a

human hunger, to join with these NON

gray areas would be a pollution of the pure

good area and a torment as the evil in the

gray action would grow rapidly in the rich

environment of the all good area. But the

rules over the gray actions are also likewise

impure, and for them to join the all good

area would be the same result. Human

sinners know that they are impure and

know better not to join the pure all good

areas. But rule enforcers over gray areas

may mistakenly aspire to be godly and see

themselves as joining the all good, but they

also must be separated away from the all

good to maintain the purity of the all good,

as these rule enforcers are as impure as the

sinners they enforce against. Yes, there are

areas that are non gray and are absolute

good within us. And we keep these separate

from every(all) destructiveness, including

destructiveness of our gray human hunger

satisfying, as well as the also destructive

enforcers of rules over the gray areas.

These all good areas are not only separate

from destructions, they are also our engines

of growth into perfection. These all good

areas are even in addition to this, are also

givers of goodness unto only medium

ability in a one way gift to the gray areas,

in order for those in the gray area to work

their way out of the gray and into the all

good. But of course, there is no gift of

medium ability to any all destructive part.

-only to where there is some good is there a

gift to medium ability.

Now when a human situation exists which

needs the intervention of the all good to

supply a one way gift to bring to medium

ability; the all good then splits a small part

off. The reason the part split off is small, is

to represent that the all good is to be kept at

high ability, while the one way gift is only

for bringing to medium ability. And not

only is the splitting done; the smaller one

way gift also must leave and become

separate from the all good area; since it is

to enter an area where there is some evil,

and that the all good area must be kept

separate from. So, although the small gift

part leaves and separates away, and in the

arena containing some evil, brings things to

medium ability, where the life there darts

about and avoids and tries to run away and

to obtain separation from the evil; the main

part which is all good, remains and stays

and holds its ground and does not run away

because it has already obtained freedom

and separation from evil.

xxxxxxxxx Skip this SEGMENT the first read,

-too complicated:

Looking at the human area , in the

satisfying of a human hunger: the one way

gift to medium ability causes: -The area of

human hunger can proceed for awhile in

medium ability. -Then to generate and

share existence with a regulatory action

(also of medium ability) to remove all of

the godly part to God (due to a maturation

process); and soon after that to generate

and share existence with a second regulatory action (also sharing medium

ability from the medium ability gift) which in response to the havoc caused by

the first

regulatory action, to take the remaining

now incomplete matured human parts

which had godly parts removed from them,

to only partially take these incomplete

matured human parts and meld them

together with complete matured human

parts, so as to only partially restore their

function of satisfying a human hunger.

Here is another segment that is best skipped due to its overly complex nature:

Then there are the times when our smaller

split off part is in a lull, where not much is

going on in the generating of human/gray

area parts. It then may turn its attention on

generating all good parts, to the best that it

is able. (Those all good parts are more pure

and more all encompassing of every good

thing than it is). As the all good is

generated, it is generated as also devoting a

part of its new self to also generating new

all good parts, so that eventually, the

smaller split off part has to bear less of the

load of generating all good parts. But then,

all of a sudden, the lull is over, and new

action in the human/gray area appears that

is needed. It is the purpose and function of

the smaller split off part to deal with the

imperfect human gray area, not the all good

area. In this imperfect, impure, and non

absolute area of the human/gray areas;

there is one absolute: and that is when a

new, lull breaking human need appears, the

smaller split off part (which had been

distracted into generating the all good),

then removes all (not just part, all) of the

young all good material that is destined for

all good, but which had not matured into

that yet, away from the human area and

human generating; to the best of its ability.

-However, it must share this directive with

also, in a reasonable time frame, to

generate in the human needs area. -Just that

this smaller split off part itself, doesn't at

all mix the new generating of human needs,

with its distraction generating of the all

good, especially the immature all good that

just happens to be caught when the lull is

broken. -It ejects this away from itself

before beginning the lull breaking human

need generating.

Xxxxx Note that the newly generated

mature all good can break a small part of

itself off to be its contribution to the

smaller split off part, and thus add material

to help this situation here.


When there has grown up around our gray

actions of satisfying human hungers;

absolute rules that bring an absolute nature

to how we are allowed to do gray actions

(ie; as when Christians go about destroying

all things sexual outside of what they have

allowed); then as I have previously stated,

those absolute rules need to be smashed

down to medium, to no longer be absolute,

so that medium environments are favored

over patchworks of rich and barren.

However, such an action to do so, is also an

impure action that also contains

destruction; -as is also, the enforcement of

absolute rules over these gray actions is;

-as is also, the gray actions of satisfying

human hungers itself, are. So that although

the high good wants to fill to medium

ability, the vacuums created by these

absolute rule enforcers; the high good is

sometimes unable to do so directly due to

the contamination to itself that would

bring. The high good, then does so

indirectly by splitting off a small part of

itself in this one way gift mechanism to do

this*; much like God the Father split off a

Son, Jesus, to come to the impure earth,

and smash down the absolute nature of the

Jewish rules over living everyday life,/ the

works of the devil. When there exists a

human gray action (which has good and

evil inseparably in it), the one way gift

maintains it at medium ability, in a medium

environment. But if in addition, there is an

evil/destructive action that can be separated

away; I mean, who is going to separate a

human gray action with some good to it

from a destructive action with no good in

it? All-good actions have separation from

all evil, but a human gray action is

inseparable from its inherent evil, thus any

all-good action would risk being

contaminated by evil if it attempted to save

a(n impure) human action from another, all

evil action.(-the all evil action feeding off

the good in the human action). And of

course, this is where the one way gift of

-and-to medium ability comes in.

Realize that the goal of the one way

gift(also referred to as 'sogp'), is to help the

good in the human action obtain separation

from evil - by providing a medium ability

environment/level, and doing whatever else

is needed for that directive, such as

removing it from other all evil actions that

are using it as food. When the human

action is freed/removed from the all evil

action; the all evil action is then alone, and

without food, consumes itself and


Let me restate this. Some actions are human

actions, containing growth and destruction

inseparably within them. But not all actions

are human actions, and some actions can be

separated completely into all good, and all

destructive components. And when they are

separated, the all good components are

separate from the all destructive

components. This puts a hurt on the all

-destructive components because when

alone they consume themselves and

disappear. But if they can find some human

actions, they can continue to survive by

feeding off the good in the human action.

And who would separate an all-destructive

component away from a human action

(which also contains some destruction)?

The human action is inescapably (at this

level) contaminated with some destruction.

No immediate purification is obtained by

separating a human action from an all

destructive action which is feeding on the

good in it, as the human action still has

some destruction no mater if it is separated

from the all-destructive or not. And any all

-good action would contaminate itself trying

to do this. So, this is where the small one

way gift comes in: to not only bring out of

the vacuum of barrenness and nothingness

unto medium ability, but also to separate

human actions from all-destructive actions

that are feeding on them: thereby causing

the all destructive actions to self consume

and disappear: paving the way for the

contaminated but now medium ability life

to work its way out of its contamination

and eventually obtain freedom from

destruction. The evil within human actions

is difficult to separate away.

But the evil from an all-evil action that is

feeding on the good in a human action, is

not so difficult to separate away, provided

the one separating it away isn't concerned

about being contaminated. One might not

say that the rules (religious and societal)

over human gray actions are all destructive

and are feeding off the gray actions,

because no matter what you do to a gray

action (whether destroy it all, partially

destroy it, or do no destroying to it), you

end up with some good and some

destruction. But this is just a matter of

semantics, because the end result is just the

same. The rules act to cause patchworks of

rich and barren; the rich are burned down

to barren by the destruction always present

within gray actions, leaving only barren. In

only barren environments, the good and

destructive are forced to be together.

Destructiveness has been fed, and its

survival is ensured and there is no hope of

eventually getting away from it. So that

even though it was the destruction from the

gray action that did the actual destroying of

the rich areas created: it was the rules that

formed the environment so that this and

nothing but this would happen. And being

barren is a result of all destructive things

and is what they produce. So that the all

destructive is bred, fed, and grown out of

the human gray actions, and does feed on

the human gray actions; as caused by the


Because of the rules, the all destructive does

feed on the human gray actions and thus

does not self eliminate. But if the small gift

comes and separates the all destructive

from the human gray actions; then that all

destructive WILL self eliminate. Jesus will

do what the rules (the religious/societal

law) never will.

*Note that rules use destruction, and that

the result of destruction is a vacuum. High

good will not fill these vacuums, even

though it is the input of good, and that the

high good also has the necessary life

making it up; -due to the loss of purity in

this area due to the impurity of the

destructiveness from the rules. But to the

smaller one way gift, this vacuum not only

has its input, (and it still has enough ability

making it up to do good to this vacuum

even though it is smaller than the rest of the

all-good), and finally, this vacuum is no

threat to purity as it isn't primarily

concerned about purity: thus it is these

smaller one way gifts that make use of

these vacuums created by rules. God the

Father does not come down in power to fill

these vacuums; instead, Jesus the meek Son

comes down to fill these vacuums. And the

parts of us that are meek inside of us,

which are split off our high good areas,

should also do the same, in our world. Note

that although some destroying of rules is

done; the majority actions used here are not

the use of destruction, but are the use of

creative abilities of goodness and growth,

to put something of medium ability into

where these vacuums and nothingness once

were. When we start out, we have a high

good area part that is (almost) totally

separate from any human-hunger

-satisfying-gray-action. But this isn't

actually the case, as our gray areas do have

a small one way piece that was once from

the high good area, and still gets small

replenishments from the high good area.

Still, the connection to the human gray area

is tentative at best. But we do have major

parts of the high-good-area-of-us, that are

not newly generated(thus have already

given their contribution to the small one

way gift), that are totally separate from any

human hunger satisfying gray action. These

parts have tremendous growth, but they are

against a barrier in that they don't posses

any of these gray areas, evil free, at high

good, but only have themselves at high

good. And high good is always trying to

bridge barriers and do more growth. It is

the small one way gift of us that gets it on

in the gray areas, so that it isn't fair to say

that the high good has always been aloof

and has no contact with the gray areas, as

the small one way gift which began as high

good material, does come and have contact

with the gray areas. Here, it casts away

absolutely, all evil that can be separated

away in the gray areas, but doesn't try to

cast out evil that is part of the gray actions,

as that is not obtainable at this time. It also

generates material to medium ability for the

vacuums in the gray areas caused by

destruction in the gray areas (doing so first

in isolation, then releasing that material to

the whole of the gray area). The point I'm

trying to make here is that while doing

human hunger satisfying in the gray areas

with the small one way gift part of oneself;

to remember not to draw the established

high good parts of oneself into this, but to

at this same time, keep them completely

separate from this (and to block any impure

or all evil action from trying to get to the

high good).

Eventually, because of the small one way

gift's doings in the gray areas, the good in

that will work its way out of the gray areas

and separate from the evil that was once

unseperatable, and will join the high good

parts. Hence the high good parts will at this

later time, have bridged their barrier, and

will have range over not only their high

good area, but also over the purified gray

area material.

When our gray, human parts plus one way

gift parts of ourself are satisfying a human

hunger, there is simultaneously a

coordinated effort between the high-good

-non-gray parts of ourself, and our one way

gift, to keep the high parts completely

separate/ away from these

impure(contaminated with destruction)

imperfect human/gray hunger satisfying

actions. Whatever part of us is made of

high-good-evil-free parts will be opting

away from any human hunger satisfying,

while at the same time our human parts and

one way gift will be doing the human

hunger satisfying actions/cycle. These two

directives (one of human hunger satisfying

-to medium satisfaction; and the other of

getting away from human hunger satisfying

and not doing any human hunger

satisfying) do not despise each other, but

instead, work and coordinate together so

that each may coexist, mainly (but not

completely) separate from each other,

within us.

(This starts to get too complex) Let me take

this to the next level (up a notch). This is

kind of a recipe for human hunger

satisfying. Keeping in mind that we are

composed of both all good areas, and also

human gray areas; we see that we cannot

apply one set of rules to us, but must

differentiate between what is all good, and

what is gray, in us. The first order of

business when satisfying a human hunger,

is to remove the all-good parts of us from

that. and that includes the purified parts

from a previous satisfaction of that human

hunger. Then we satisfy the human hunger

with our remaining human parts. Here are

some suggestions for that:

Note that the small(er) one way gift (or

Jesus representation within us) does

generate human material in isolation, and

then releases that material to the larger

human hunger satisfying area. The purpose

of this is to limit exposure to the

destruction in human material so that the

gift can keep some semblance of high

capability and limit the compromise of its

purity. Taking this idea to the next level,

we can have more than just one level of

separation, but multiple levels of

separation, like the layers of an onion; and

thereby generate a spread of varying levels

and togetherness of human materials in this

human hunger satisfying.


So how do we create the different levels?

Well, this starts with how we, (or the one

way gift), can variably release material it

generates to other less pure levels of the

human area.

There is a difference in how an evil is cast

out vs how we satisfy a hunger. (After our

all good parts are removed and not

participating in this): when the one way gift

is casting out an all-evil, the casting out

action it generates in separation, is totally

delivered to the human area to completely

cast out the evil that can be cast out and

removed from the human hunger satisfying.

But when the one way gift is generating

material for human hunger satisfying, it

need not release all of it to the human area,

but can leave half of it unreleased, still in

separation. The reasoning behind this is

that forces of good like to generate

material, but it is not good if too much

material is generated so as to be at high

capability in this human area. So, if the one

way gift leaves some material unreleased to

the human area, it will still maintain

medium ability, as the extra material will

be separated away from it by a barrier.

And the one way gift will have gotten to do

what it likes to do, that is to generate

material and fill voids. And this can be

carried between the levels. As enough

material coalesces in a human level to allow for increased generation of human

material, some of that material can be released to a new area, while the rest

of that

material can remain behind; so that we

have two levels of medium ability as

opposed to one level at high ability. This is

how we generate new levels. At this point

the two levels are the same. But then the

one way gift, which is of the highest ability

of any of the levels, because it is the most

separate from destruction; generates a

small fragment, which is the next step in

the human hunger satisfying, and releases

half of it to only one of the two levels. Now

the two levels are no longer the same. The

level with the next step as well as all the

previous steps, is now a more corrupted,

and also a more satisfied level. The one

way gift then leaves the half of the

fragment that was not released, so as to

generate another fragment that is the next

step after that which was the next step, so

as to release half of it to the broadest most

all inclusive level of human hunger

satisfying. And the addition of this next

step material causes this level to generate

more whereby it creates another level by

releasing half of itself to another area. And

this keeps going on till the human hunger is

satisfied in only the final broadest level.

This way all the possibilities are generated,

and a complete spread of all levels of

ability are generated, so that if the final

level that had a complete human hunger

satisfied, does burn itself down, or is

purified and leaves the human area to be

with the all good; there is still a human area

at medium ability, which is more than a

vacuum that is left behind. And the one

way gift does leave each of the previous

fragments in order to generate the next new

fragment, so as to limit its exposure to the

destruction in the human action, so that it

can remain at semi high capability, so that

it can generate the needed fragments that

the more corrupted levels cannot due to

their greater exposure to destruction from

the human action.

Note that it is easy for the one way gift to

release, and also to remove itself from

these fragments because they don't

represent what it directly needs; and in fact

their removal and absence DOES keep the

one way gift at semi high ability, (higher

than any of the other levels) and is

therefore a positive thing for it. This is hard

for the more corrupted, broader levels of

the human action to understand, as they

value the final fragments they receive,

which they aren't able to produce

sufficiently on their own due to their

greater exposure to destruction. But, then,

they aren't asked to give up these final

fragments anyway, like the one way gift

does. They should realize that the one way

gift does not value these fragments to the

extent and intensity that they do. The

casting out an all evil from a human hunger

satisfying may be more difficult in some

situations. After the all good is removed

from this, the one way gift then does this. It

can do so by first generating casting out

action in isolation, then half of the one way

gift releases part of its production (say half)

of it to the broad human area.

But before it releases all of it, the one way

gift then retreats to isolation again (to

generate more casting out action). -(Then at

this point, the other half of the one way gift

comes out of isolation to release its half

part, so that the retreating part no longer

has the heat/burden focused on it. -Note

that this second half of the one way gift

that is now coming out of isolation and

releasing its half part; also releases (to the

broad human area), the half part that the

first half of the one way gift failed to

release because it was instead retreating to

isolation again.) And the two halves of the

one way gift cycle back and forth between

release from isolation to the broad human

area; and retreating to isolation.) This way,

the casting out action is mostly all released,

as is what the all-evil deserves, but in such

a way that the all evil can't get to the one

way gift very well, because the one way

gift is shielded by casting out action that it

is retreating from, with the unreleased

casting out action between itself and the

all-evil. But that the unreleased casting out

action isn't wasted because the other half of

the one way gift that is coming out of

isolation at this time, uses its released half

to also push into release, that previously

unreleased material from the other half.

Now, with the satisfying of a human

hunger, things can get even more complex.

Not only do we have the two halves of the

one way gift releasing and retreating to and

from isolation what they produce. (And

note that here, they leave unreleased half

parts as unreleased and do not push these

into release from the other side like is done

for casting out evil, as this is satisfying a

human hunger, which is different like this

because medium ability is sought.)

Not only do we have the two halves of the

one way gift doing their cycle, but they can

start to deliver their production to different

levels that are not the direct recipients of

the production, with these other levels then

handing that production off to the direct

recipient level in a second action. And the

one way gift can in time, stack it back so

that it is quite far away from the recipient

broad human area level. This leaves room

for the one way gift halves to generate the

next step in the hunger satisfying directly

to part of the broad human area, and then to

also work even that production back so that

it is far away; and so on and so forth till all

the steps of the hunger satisfying are

generated. And while this is going on, the

intelligence part of the broad human area is

expanding itself so that different/more

(medium ability) levels are generated;

whereby the one way gift halves only select

part of the expanded broad human area to

deliver the latest step in human hunger

satisfying. Thus the whole spectrum of

human hunger satisfying is generated.

Let me go over this again with my newest

version. I have kind of gotten away from the 'stacking it back' idea.

What I do for human hunger satisfying is,

oh yes, first the all-good parts of me

removes itself/are removed. But then, the

one way gift starts to put into the vacuum

of no activity, some activity, so that a

medium measure of activity is present. (It

of course does so in the two halves, each of

which produce in isolation, then deliver out

of isolation to the broader hunger satisfying

area). But once a medium measure of

activity is present, the one way gift

removes itself from the broader area.

The broader area then goes along, and it

usually takes the activity from medium

measure, to high. At this point, things break

and things give. Some of the material may

become evil free, and is then removed from

here. Sometimes much of the material

becomes corrupted and evil starts to burn it

down. At this point, the broader area's

intelligence has found its limit, and backs

off the high measure back to medium

measure, and it does so by expanding itself

so it is of larger area doing medium

measure, (as opposed to what it was, which

was a smaller area doing high measure).

This intelligence then chooses a part of

itself to split off and become a new level,

which commences to do the next step in the

hunger satisfying, (leaving the rest of the

split to remain as is and to not do the next

step). Usually this new next level doing the

next step (in the hunger satisfying), is

inadequate, and produces insufficient doing

of the next step, and it is at low measure. It

is at this point when the one way gift which

had been aloof, comes back in, and raises

this next step from low activity measure, to

a medium measure of activity. (And during

this time the one way gift part of us

actually does this step in the hunger

satisfying, in medium activity.) It then

again leaves the broader hunger satisfying,

leaving the broader hunger satisfying, with

the broader area intelligence (which was

once a split off part of the one way gift in

the beginning, before so many levels were

generated), to continue on. And once again,

the broader area usually takes this new next

step to a high measure of activity. (Once

the broader area nears the completion of

the hunger satisfying, a larger part of the

material can become all good and be

removed.) Sometimes this removal causes

not much to be left over in the hunger

satisfying area.

This remnant then falls to way low activity

measure. But this doesn't always happen.

Sometimes the remnant is of sufficient

medium activity measure. But when it does

happen, and the remnant is of way low

activity measure, it finds itself unable to do

much. This is when the intelligence in the

broader area is wise to lay still and look to

the aloof one way gift part. Yes, in these

occurrences, the one way gift breaks from

its aloofness, and comes in to replenish

back to medium, these way low parts; and

then thereafter goes back to being aloof

again. Then the broader area grows in area

but stays at medium activity. Again, it

splits off part of this area to become the

next level, and commences doing even the

next step in the hunger satisfying only in

this new level. Once again, this is

inadequate and of low level, and the aloof

one way gift comes in again to bring it to

medium, and then leaves again to be aloof.

And this cycle continues until there are all

stages of levels up to and including the

complete satisfaction of the human hunger

(which often goes to being part of the all

good, and removed from this). This is my

newest recipe /no longer as it is not near

the beginning/.


Then I am hearing on the history channel

how some of the early Christians were

preaching absolute celibacy (especially

towards women) as the only way to obtain

salvation. From what I understand, the

Romans killed Jesus because they were

trying to prevent rebellion by the Jewish

people. And the Jewish people did rebel

(unsuccessfully) several times including at

Masada during that time period. But

obviously, if the roman women didn't have

sex, they would also have no offspring.

And the roman war machine depended on a

goodly supply of offspring to keep it going.

-Hence the roman persecution of early

Christianity. This act by the Christians was

ultimately successful in overthrowing the

roman empire where Jewish revolt had

failed. And in their time under a mostly

evil and cruel empire, the total denial of

offspring was the right course to take. But

in today's world, this absolute celibacy isn't

necessarily the right course any longer.

Note that since women are the source of the

next generation and they are born with that

goodness, they thus become targets of

destructive forces seeking life material to

feed off of and destroy; and some become

corrupted or occupied by such destructive

forces. But it's not their fault. They can't

help that they are born with this prize that

destructive forces of the greater society

seek. Some just need the small gift to come

and separate off these destructive forces

that have found a home here. Perhaps this

is why religion sometimes sees women as

sources of what is bad, and puts them


out of place insert: Consider that the many

gods of the roman empire are replaced by

one God. Consider that the state of having

many gods could not be long lasting. A

world of many 'gods' all powerful and

growing in power, there would not be room

enough for them to be separate, but that

they would need to get together and

cooperate, essentially forming one God, or

if unable to get along, annihilating each

other with their great power. end insert.

But concerning more spiritual matters and

spiritual salvation, we can rehash that the

sexual area is an imperfect area that

contains destruction no mater which way

we go, just in different areas. So that when

Christian leaders/instigators preach

absolute celibacy for salvation, they are

just as guilty of sexual destruction as the

sinners are. However, a case can be made

that the believers who attempt to achieve

salvation under such, are blameless and are

not guilty of doing any sexual destruction,

but that that guilt goes with the leaders who

instigated this behavior. Being free of

destruction, these believers then have made

an all good area in a gray area. However,

destruction still exists in this gray area, and

these believers still suffer its effects, it is

just they are not to blame as its source

(others have taken the blame for them).

Unfortunately, they are under a structured

gray area, due to their rules for obtaining

salvation, so that they generate patchworks

of rich and barren, resulting in ultimate

total consumption of the life in this area

due to the force of destruction. What is

needed is medium ability in this gray area,

and this way hasn't provided that, never

mind who is to blame, who is guilt free,

etc. So we thank the Christian tradition for

overthrowing the roman empire, but realize

that this way doesn't help in the imperfect

human gray area of human sexuality. The

better way to help it pretty much free,

is to do as God the Father and Jesus did

(do), and that is to split off a small part of

the all good area (Jesus), who then

separates from the all good area, and comes

to the impure human gray areas so as to

bring to medium ability. This is the better

Christian tradition.

But rules over the gray areas; what about

them? Since rules contain the use of

destruction (to always eliminate any

alternative path -which is why there's a

vacuum there; (and that destruction is

absolute and not a partial destruction, as

none of the alternatives are allowed to exist

at all) -high good then acts to fill these

vacuums to medium level, so that

alternatives exist in spite of the rules

attempts to eliminate them).

But rules over non gray areas; what about

them? If we apply the action to separate the

all-good from any bad, including any bad

of gray actions; then since imperfect rules

contain/are sources- of destruction in their

action, they are also separated away from

the all-good. Imperfect rules then find

themselves thrown down to the gray

actions and to the destruction only areas.

But as we have shown; rules don't help in

the gray action area either, and are out of

place here too.

Why do we have rules? Supposedly to act

against destructive elements in society. But

rules themselves contain (absolute)

destruction inherently as part of their action

(in that they eliminate all alternatives but

the prescribed path). So rules contain

inherently in their action, that which they

seek to act against. And if one doesn't

know it all and get it exactly right, and the

destruction of their rules destroys

something other than just what is

destructive; then the rules themselves

become the source and perpetrator of some


One could end up chasing their tail if they

let rules rule their life. If the rules thus

introduce what they seek to stamp out

(destruction), then they never will be

successful at accomplishing what they seek

to accomplish: and to an all good part, they

are impure and a pollution of an all good

part, if joined with it. But the action to

separate that which is all-good away from

any evil, (including that within gray

actions), itself need not be destructive (like

rules are); so that this separation action can

be a part of and together with that which is

all good. It has no contradiction within its

own system like the rules way does. Now it

is possible for perfect rules to supersede

this. But, to do perfect rules, you have to

know in depth and in advance, because

rules detach one from any other alternative;

so that finding perfect rules is nearly

impossible in an imperfect rule ridden

structure, if you don't already have them;

whereas such absolute knowledge is not

needed to use the separation method, unlike

that it is needed to use the perfect rules


--------------Wait a minute: there is no such

thing as perfect absolute rules in the gray

actions, because rules absolutely eliminate

alternatives (attempting to achieve bareness

there); where what gray actions need is

medium ability ie partial elimination of

alternatives. Thus there are no absolute

perfect rules over gray actions. Let me

reiterate that not all parts of us are gray

parts, and that these non gray, all good

parts of us need to be separate and not

participate in the ways of gray parts, but

instead participate in their own ways of

growth and richness.

Also, let me say that in the gray areas,

variability is a useful tool for this area to

change out of its imperfect state. The use of

structure over gray actions, which directs

destructive parts to one area, and good

parts to another area; can be useful in

causing variability. So that instituting

absolute anarchy over the gray areas is also

unwise. Some structure should be allowed

in the gray areas; just that it mustn't be

allowed to be absolute. Neither absolute

anarchy nor absolute structure seems to be

a good idea; but somewhere in between


In another out of place tangent, I wish to

say that I notice that some have taken

objection to the Harry Potter books, saying

that it promotes witchcraft, and that

Christians should be against it. And I also

remember as part of our Christian heritage

here in the U.S. That historically they had a

witch hunt where they actually burned and

killed people on suspicion of being witches

in Salem. And then of course there is the

history of the inquisition where they would

accuse one of witchcraft in the middle ages.

One thing I wanted to point out was to

consider Jesus, the head of the Christian

religion. He was a very spiritually active

and gifted person. He went about healing

people and bringing people back from the

dead and it is even reported that he cursed a

tree and the next day it died. If such a

person had done these things in Salem, or

the middle ages, they would have probably

been burned at the stake or drowned as a

witch; so that Jesus probably would not

have been able to survive among these

'Christian' people. Crucified, burned at the

stake, drowned; they all just want to kill

Jesus (and south park's Kenny).

What I am suggesting is that we should not

condemn people for being spiritually gifted

per sea, but it is what a spiritually gifted

person does with their giftedness, either

good or evil/destructiveness that we should

be paying attention to. There may perhaps

be such a thing as witches and witchcraft

and voodoo where people use spiritual

abilities to do destructive things to others;

but such things are not easy to prove as

regular murders and assaults are. Without

proof, only actions to bring an environment

or person to medium ability where

destructiveness obviously is present, is

warranted in extreme cases; not the

absolute destruction of burning at the stake

or drowning anyone. Christians really have

little new testament basis to be against

witchcraft. -it is not a big concern in the

new testament narrative. There are no

words in the new testament saying to put to

death anyone for witchcraft. And lest their

own Jesus, or even when one of them

speaks in tongues, be considered and

condemned as a witch, they really should

not be acting destructively where they do

not understand. And just because some

assholes who called themselves Christians

in old Salem, and also in the inquisition,

got in a snit and decided to take some old

testament writings/rules literally as an

excuse to kill people and burn them at the

stake, or drown them, doesn't change the

fact that the Bible, especially the new

testament Bible doesn't really emphasize

witchcraft as an impending evil needing

attention. So I would ask present day

Christians who they are going to follow:

-some assholes from old; or the Bible?

Another reasoning that may be at work

here is that Wicca and paganism were and

are competing religions to the Christian

religion, and that competing religions often

are intolerant of each other. End out of

place tangent.

But here is another insert: Then there is that

incident where the man was arrested for

having sex with a dead dog, which some

jokester shoves in front of your face. Such

a spectacle makes each and every one of us

feel like Jesus must have felt when they

brought the adulterer woman to his feet and

asked him to condemn her. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxx As repulsive as it may be; this

guy really didn't harm anybody (but

himself). The dog wasn't harmed; it was

already dead, hit by a car. But the greater

society will be guilty of harm for sure, as

locking someone up for years, is quite

harmful and destructive. So here we will

have the greater society being the sole

source and perpetrator of certain

harmfulness and destructiveness. Kind of

makes the greater society out to be no

better than a criminal in search of

correction. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxx For sure, having sex with a dead dog

has no chance of producing viable

offspring. Just as gay sex has no chance of

producing viable offspring. It seems the

greater society of late has taken to being

destructive to individual's sexual

expression that has no chance of producing

viable offspring. We individuals all have

sexual desires/needs that we must find

ways to slake. But so does the greater

society have sexual needs that it needs to

fill. It needs to have us individuals have

some sexual expression which produces

viable offspring, and a family structure for

raising those offspring; in order that it may

continue past our generation. If the greater

society punishes our individual's sexual

expression, then perhaps we individuals

should punish the greater society's sexual

expression. The greater society's sexual

expression is for us to have and raise viable

offspring through individual sexual

expression. To punish that, we avoid

having offspring. So it seems that we

should slake our individual sexual needs by

entirely expressing them without any

offspring being produced; so as to punish

the greater society's sexual expression;

because the greater society is punishing our

individual sexual expression: -has taken the

position that sexual expression is to be

punished; -or is trying to eliminate

individual sexual expression that steps

outside its needs, and replace it with its

own sexual expression; when it is perfectly

able to let both exist peaceably. Do not

worry when the greater society punishes

you for your sexual expression that does

not produce offspring. Just realize that as a

group of individuals, we shall bring this

societal punishment of our sexuality to an

end by not having offspring, as that greater

society itself thus will be brought to an end.

Speaking of mean and cruel societies that

need to be brought to an end, I had the

chance to be indoctrinated in the ways of

some of today's women. At a lunch table,

they spoke of the upbringing of their few

children and how they were discouraging

them from sexual activity until later in life,

after they had gotten their college degree

and were well off in their careers. Here I

see that these women and those like them

have not only made our country rich by not

having an excessive number of offspring

and by limiting the number of their

offspring; but that they are trying to pass on

this rich way of life so that it may continue.

Unfortunately they focus on stamping out

individual sexuality of the young in order

to achieve this goal; thus spoiling an

important part of any good life. So that the

good life they seek to pass on, isn't quite as

good after all. In fact, if you don't get the

college degree and the good job; life is

pretty rotten for a lot of people; where a

rinky dink boss goes around nit picking and

attacking you while you work your butt off

for minimum wage. In response to all this

rottenness, these women naturally parrot

the overall rotten greater society by chiding

the young generation these days for having

no ambition; for their not getting with the

program and studying at school, and

buckling down. Little do they realize that

they have the power in their hands as

individual women, to bring this rottenness

to an end: by having even less children than

just a few: by having very few children or

no children. And by doing this, they need

not take on into themselves the rottenness

of the overall society by making their kids

buckle down and try to satisfy greater

societal requirements; which can be quite

cruel. You see, the human infant is quite

helpless when born. For the mother to

apply the greater society directly to their

infant when born, would eliminate cruelty

in the greater society in short order, as

human infants wouldn't survive it; and

without surviving infants, any cruel society

is doomed. But no, these mothers nurture

their human infants until of age, and then

cut off that nurture at this time; hence

allowing the cruel society a source of

fodder to feed on (because when of age, the

child is no longer helpless); allowing the

cruel society to continue. By doing this,

they themselves become responsible in part

for the cruelties in society, that they could

have eliminated, but instead acted to

support. And as a child, who happens to be

under bad parents, it is up to us to do

better: to not do as our parents have done,

but to do in ways that eliminate the

cruelties of society. And this has nothing to

do with buckling down to get the degree,

but has everything to do with controlling

our reproduction as individuals, and not

having the greater society eliminate our

control over our own sexuality and

reproduction. It is the way of inherent

democracy that we are born with; -the way

we as individuals decide which societies

we will keep, and which societies we will

scrap. And this inherent democracy can

exist quite well with the young (and old)

expressing their individual sexuality in

ways that do not produce offspring, as well

as in ways that do produce a few

offspring--when that couple is placing their

stamp of approval on their society. So get

out and vote for democracy. Vote

Democrat; but vote Democrats that won't

take away individual's inherent democracy

in their reproductiveness through cloning.

Cloning takes away from the individual

control over their reproduction and puts it

in the hand of the greater society. Some

greater societies may need to be eliminated

by their individuals because they are cruel.

Do not allow cruel societies to escape the

wrath of their individuals through cloning.

Note that the greater society is stronger and

more powerful than its individuals that

make it up. And an individual has little

hope of success in going against the wishes

of any greater society. The greater society

tells the individual what to do in every

other area; why should the sexual area be

any different? But it is different. It is here

in this sexual area of reproduction that

individual women have the power to

completely annihilate the greater society if

they deem it too evil, no mater that this

greater society may be much more

powerful than they are as individuals. The

greater society may try to take this power

away from the individuals by regulating

their sexuality, outlawing abortion,

preventing them from using birth control

-calling it a sin; but it cannot prevail if

women unite and stand firm. Because

although the greater society may be able to

destroy all or many individual women, and

punish and reward individual women:

individual women can annihilate this

society, even though they be also killed. If

killed, their deaths will not be meaningless,

as they will have accomplished putting an

end to this hated greater society.

Sometimes I hear the calls for those on

welfare, who are taking advantage of the

system, who are not pulling their weight, to

be cut off and made to suffer. A society

that can dictate our economic lives, that can

force us to do menial tasks in exchange for

our survival food and shelter, is one thing.

But what about those people who reject

that, and who disobey what they have been

told, and who don't enslave themselves for

their survival needs? What does a society

do with them? Well, one option is to deny

them any assistance with their survival


But let us apply our newly learned concept

about putting things that are not all bad nor

all good, but some of both; in medium

ability. What is the right thing to do? What

is the wise choice? For a society to deny

completely the survival needs of

individuals who disobey the burden their

society requires them to bear, is to throw

that individual into barrenness. If that

individual is all evil with no good

whatsoever to them, then this is the right

thing to do.

However, most individuals aren't all evil

with no goodness to them. Even individuals

who shirk at some of the burdens a society

may want to put on them, usually are not

all destructive, but usually are a mixture of

both goodness and destructiveness. In these

cases, the best thing to do, is to put them at

medium ability, not at bareness, nor

richness. For a society that has an

abundance of resources, that can do

whatever, with ease; to deny these shirking

individuals who are neither all good nor all

destructive, is to throw them into bareness.

All this does is show the incompetence of

this society itself, and shows its lack of

vision and lack of realization that goodness

and kindness are valuable, and are a better

way to be than not. Never mind, as the

small one way gift will fill the needs here

to medium ability, and will even partially

destroy elements of a snooty society that

try to prevent this.

Sometimes one can be surrounded by a

societal group that makes a big to do about

the negative aspects of a promiscuous

lifestyle, while being totally silent about

the equally negative aspects of a chaste

lifestyle, especially in conservative circles;

when in actuality, no matter which way you

go there is always some ups and some

downs (just in different areas). The

reproductive area is an imperfect, human,

gray area that no matter which way you go,

or what you do, has negative/destructive

results (just in different areas), due to it

being one of those human hunger areas that

has inescapably intertwined some good as

well as some destruction (at our level of

ability). The negative aspects of men who

violate a woman outside a bar is brought

up. But silent is the pain of all the other

gentlemen whom countless women have

forced not to have sex with them against

their will, and also thereby violated them.

Especially including the unmarried couples

whom in the past have been forced not to

have sex against their wills by the police

enforcing anti cohabitation laws.

And then they bring up the child molesters.

But my question is, which child molesters

are they talking about? Is it the matriarchs

of some African villages who genitally

mutilate their young girls (brought to them

by their mothers) so that when they grow

into puberty they won't enjoy sexual

intercourse so that they won't get a

venereal disease so that their womb won't

be harmed so that they can have lots of

babies with their husband so that we can

hear about all the starving children in

Africa? (I consider this child molestation).

Or is it the pervert who violates young girls

perhaps giving them a venereal disease and

more certainly damaging them

psychologically in the sexual area so that

they can't have a family of their own when

they grow up. Thus spoiling society's

sexually based need for a certain number of

offspring to be produced in a family


And when you directly violate or spoil or

damage the expression of society's

sexually based need (for offspring), in a

society which is intolerant of even

misdirected sexual activity that is not

directly destructive to the satisfaction of its

need, (and that has acquired the practice of

controlling the sexuality of its individuals),

then you engender the full wrath of that

society. Pity the man who is born with a

sexual attraction to young girls, as opposed

to sexually mature women, as his life will

be short. I still maintain that most sexual

expression has some good and some bad

inescapably intertwined, but these are

extreme cases where there isn't much good

to them if at all. It is just not a wise choice,

if you are able to choose. Sexual

expression, as an imperfect action, needs to

be out from under the control of larger

entities which seek to impose absolute

rules. A child is under the control of the

state and parents. To engage in sexual

expression with a child, even with a willing

state and or parents; just brings that sexual

expression under external control; and that

is not a wise choice. Also, a child is in a

state of creation -of their sexuality in the

process of being formed; so that such

creating entities may not want to be drawn

into the imperfect sexual area any more

than they have to. So, unless you are forced

to, it is better to keep your sexual

expression out of the hands of controlling

societies and parents. Especially since these

often represent a ravening all evil that is

attempting to prey upon this human area

for its survival; when it should not be

allowed to prey on this human area so that

this all evil self consumes and disappears.

Note that there are those, mainly

conservatives, who emphasize the negative

/bad aspects of sexuality, while omitting the

positive/good aspects. Yes, human

sexuality is imperfect. But are we of a

caliper to be able to replace it with

something better? If not, then all the

bantering and over emphasizing sexuality's

negatives, is just a ploy for them to

advance their conservative structure on

human sexuality; which itself acts as an all

evil to prey on human sexuality; causing

much damage. Do not bring up the

negativeness of child molestation (which is

most probably all bad/destructive/evil) to

distract us from the all bad/destructiveness

/evil of the conservative way. They should

both be cast out and off of human


I personally know of no child molesters

trying to infringe on my personal sexuality

nor the sexuality of any child. But I am

aware of many people in the name of the

conservative way who make it clear of their

intent to regulate my and everyone else's

personal sexuality. Thus I feel the removal

of the conservative way from human

sexuality is more urgent. End insert.

Concerning the idea favoring the production

of medium ability environments: in the

gray areas of actually living earthly life,

where there is a mix of both goodness and

destruction: the plan to segregate each to its

own kind shouldn't even be attempted.

-Because it is a gray action, we're unable to

segregate the good parts from the

destructive parts.

But we shouldn't even try to segregate the

good from the bad here. This is because the

good force here achieves that separation on

its own, and no additional (outside) action

is needed. It is hard work for the good here,

yes, but this is what it generates naturally.

So perhaps this is why the bible is reluctant

to have God separate the good from the bad

here on earth until the end of time;

-because he wants to allow the good on

earth to do so of itself, and thus grow here.

So that the destruction (which the force of

destructiveness does here), helps provide

the medium ability environment, which is

so ripe for allowing good to escape that


The small one way gift does act not only to

generate unto medium ability in the

vacuum left by the destructiveness of rules

(as well as other destructiveness); it also

acts to protect this medium ability material

(as well as itself) from additional

destruction, from rules, as well as from

other destructive sources. This includes, to

a certain extent, destructiveness from and

within the medium ability material and

gray action itself. You see, one of the

results of rules is that it amplifies and

accumulates the destruction within gray

actions to the point it becomes an all evil or

that it can be separated from the gray

action. You see, the thing about gray

actions is that they have some

destructiveness as part of them that cannot

be separated away. But the result of rules is

that the destructiveness (from gray actions)

becomes concentrated to the point it is a

destructiveness that can be separated away

from the core gray action(which has a

destructiveness that can't be separated). For

the one way gift to attempt to separate the

destructiveness within a core gray action,

results in not only a failure to achieve this,

but a similar result that rules result in. So

that the one way gift does not act to

separate the destructiveness from within

any core gray action; but on the other hand,

does act to separate any destructiveness

away from the gray action that CAN be

successfully separated away. On one hand

the one way gift doesn't interfere and it

does nothing and lets the gray action

ruminate; but on the other hand, the one

way gift does interact and does remove

destructiveness that can be separated away

from gray actions, including those that

accumulate from older gray actions

themselves. So the one way gift is leaving

alone, not interfering in, and not acting on

or in a gray action itself. But this leads to a

contradiction when the one way gift is

generating to medium ability out of a

vacuum. When the one way gift is

generating (to medium ability) some part of

a gray action which the other parts of the

gray action need but have none of; then

these other parts of the gray action cannot

use it but must instead wait till the one way

gift is finished generating it and then leaves

it, before it can then be activated and used

by and added to the other parts of the gray


What I'm trying to say is that the gray

action is impure concerning good vs

destruction, while the one way gift, from

the all good, is pure, at least initially, and is

more pure than any gray action. But the

purpose of the one way gift, is to bring the

gray action to medium ability never

minding the loss in its purity. This involves

creating material to medium ability where a

vacuum once was. But if the one way gift

and what it is creating can be segregated

from the rest of the gray action, until it is

done creating in this area; and then remove

itself before the rest of the gray action joins

the new material; then the one way gift can

preserve some of its purity and not suffer as

much loss, due to the inescapable

destruction inherent within the gray action

itself; then the force of good will have done

well here. -Needing less replacement one

way gift; the major all good won't be

drained by this process.

Also, keeping the one way gift separate

from the core gray action, keeps the one

way gift from being tempted to regulate or

attempting to separate the forces here

where it is unable to do so (at this level of

ability). The force of destruction is a

weaker, inferior force. Because of this, in

order to even survive, it needs to have two

tier structures. It needs to have small set

aside areas that are protected, that allow

life to grow and generate a little, before

being thrown into the larger evil arena,

where they are devoured as food for

sustaining evil/destruction. Like the small

nurturing environment of one's family

allows helpless infants to grow up into

something more capable, to then be thrown

out into the crueler greater society so as to

feed the evil/destructiveness therein. Like

going to church to be mindful of God, then

leaving church to go back into the regular

world which is not so mindful of God. Like

collecting all the good, rewarding things

together, accessible with money, so we can

create a second reason for doing things,

outside of the inherent effects of (work)

actions themselves. (ie, of being paid and

rewarded with outside rewards (from

money) for doing these work actions that

we may otherwise not do, if only

considering their inherent, often destructive

effects of these actions themselves. This

seems a little pessimistic, and actually it is.

However, my point is that the force of

destruction absolutely needs these two tier

structures to survive. Note also, that the

structure I have proposed for the one way

gift, is also a two tier structure. It doesn't

absolutely have to be so, but for efficiency

and for minimizing losses to destruction, it

is this way. So that just because one sees a

two tier structure, does not necessitate it to

be a tool of evil. So that the child who is

thrown out of the house when of age, is not

necessarily a bad thing as I had previously

indicated. However, it can easily be a bad

thing. We need to be more precise in

analyzing these situations. You see, this is

just another case of incorrectly applying

absolute judgments to gray areas of life,

that are not at all absolute.

-If a child of age is to be considered

material created by the one way gift, which

is to then participate in the greater world of

imperfect work; then we will have thus

assumed that this whole person is all

imperfect gray action. And this is just not

the case. There are some areas of a person

which are much more free from

destructiveness than other areas of this

person that are much more gray,

-having good and destruction much more

inescapably intertwined. The destruction

free areas of this person represent the high

good. This high good, is mostly not forced

to be polluted with the impure gray areas,

and it is only the small one way gift that

breaks with being holy and separate from

the gray areas, which does come down and

get it on with the gray areas. So that the

parent creators of a young person cannot

throw this whole person into the crueler

greater society of the gray work world; but

only their gray parts and a small piece of

their high good parts (which is their one

way gift): and still be considered to be in

line with the one way gift structure. And

there is the question of violating the will of

their one way gift.

Also, the one way gift creates and generates

component parts to the larger gray action it

will then release it to. For a two tier

structure to release life to a gray area that it

has no relation to and is totally not alike

(just so that it can be destroyed/devoured as

food for an evil), is not in line with the one

way gift structure either. What is released

into the greater gray action, is material that

is a component part of that gray action, as

generated by the one way gift, in order to

maintain that gray action at medium ability,

out of bareness. So that just throwing a

person or part of a person unprepared into

the greater society and told to figure it out

for themselves; is not in line with the one

way gift structure, since what was

generated was not a component part of the

greater society. And any of these two tiered

structures that are not acting as one way

gift structures; are thus acting as what is

left over. And what is the left over purpose

of two tiered structures, is to be provision

for maintaining and feeding the force of

destruction. And that's nothing to be proud

of or to support.

Note that the presence of a two tier structure

either indicates the actions of the one way

gift; or the feeding of evil. Note that in

either case, it indicates the presence of evil

(as the one way gift structure is for dealing

with evil, including gray areas that have

good and destruction/evil inextricably

intertwined). Note that this does not

represent the high all good that is free from

all destruction. So that wherever there is a

two tier structure, evil/destruction is

present, and does not represent the finished

work of the high good.

Unfortunately, the concept that the good

in gray areas naturally outperforms

destructiveness and gets away from it; is in

contradiction to Jesus' exhortation to resist

not evil, and if one smite thee on one

cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. Xx

Now, if evil isn't able to smite one on the

first cheek, then one isn't bound to turn the

other cheek by this saying. But in the

earthly arena of gray areas; the good here is

well within the grasp and reach of the evil

/destructiveness here. This apparent

contradiction (between that God won't

separate the good from the bad here on

earth until the end; vs. Christ's exhortation

to the earthly good here to submit to

destruction); is actually a confirmation that

God wants us to play both sides. What I'm

saying is that because God has hidden

himself and not overtly shown Himself;

that He is thereby encouraging us to

consider the possibility that He doesn't

exist yet, and that we must, in part, do what

we can within ourselves instead of just

saying 'I don't have to deal with this or do

anything because I'll just depend on God to

take care of it for me'. Jesus in saying 'turn

the other cheek', is representing the Godly

position. He believes that God does exist.

And if a powerful God does exist; He will

take care of the defense of all that is good.

Just like we in society are not expected to

take the law into our own hands to provide

for our own personal protection against

attack, but are expected to defer that to the

professionals, the police, to call the police

to provide for the defense of our person

against destructive acts perpetrated by

destructive people. Basically what Christ's

position seems to be is that it's not our job

as measly earthlings to provide for our own

protection, and that we should sit back and

let the more powerful God do this for us.

Here in God's world, it is not the

underlings who are expected to provide for

the rich and powerful God, but it is the rich

and powerful God who provides for us

weaker underlings. -Kind of a welfare from

God type of thing. And we should develop

an expectation that God will protect us and

make better any destruction evil does. -that

it's not for us to do this; that it's not our

job. (This is quite different from how our

richer more powerful bosses here on earth

treat us.) But this flies in the face of the

dynamics of how earthly good in these gray

areas naturally outperforms and escapes

destruction. But of course if God really

exists then this minor advantage is of no

consequence and it is actually better to let

the all powerful God handle this. On the

belief in God side, no matter what small

bedraggled remnant is left after destruction

has destroyed is easily made whole,

replaced and perfected by/in God. But even

if the earthly good on the believe in God

side is totally destroyed; any holdback

good parts of us, are thus outside the

believe in God side. Instead they are on the

`we must do it ourselves (in case God

hasn't been created yet)' side. Being on

that side, they are no longer bound by `turn

the other cheek', and are able to take

advantage of that earthly good naturally

escapes the destruction here (more often

than not). And when they mature, being

uncertain as to if there exists God yet or

not; they thus devote a small portion to

God to hedge their bet. Then the godly side

once again has something (and is no longer

totally destroyed), and the whole of the

Godly side is thereby recreated by/in God

from that small part again. Thus if you are

playing both sides (as I am), then with the

earthly good of your Godly side, you resist

not evil and allow it to be destroyed by

destruction. But not so with your earthly

good in your do-it-yourself side. Here you

don't let destruction destroy it but instead

allow it to naturally escape destruction.

And as it produces and generates new

good, and when that new good matures and

part of it chooses the Godly side; then your

whole Godly side can be recreated from

this small part even if a destruction had

completely wiped out your Godly side

earlier. (This is a change, because usually it

is the Godly side that is the engine of

growth. But here in this one instance, the

earthly side saves the day.) And if

destruction wasn't able to completely

destroy your Godly side, then the whole of

it is easily recreated from whatever

remnant remains, without needing to go to

your earthly side for this.

Concerning the attraction members of the

opposite sex have for each other; what

purpose do you think it serves? Consider

perhaps that without it, many life forms

wouldn't take the time/effort it takes to

have and raise offspring. Even though we

are above the animals, and know in our

minds that we must reproduce, to maintain

future society (because we all eventually

die off); we still might not do this, because

we'd want to shove this burden off onto

someone else, and might try to avoid the

expense ourselves. But if we come born

with an attraction for the opposite sex,

well, problem solved. Or sort of. Some

might consider that sexual desire is an

imperfect method to provide for our

societal reproduction, and that human

reasoning might do a better job. And this is

entirely possible. Consider that when

animals have sexual relations, there is only

one result: -that offspring are always

produced. But that when humans have

sexual relations, offspring need not

necessarily be the result. With the use of

birth control and condoms, sexual relations

can be for fun, and not have anything to do

with reproduction. This is something that is

uniquely human; and is not seen in the

animal world. Consider that if sexual desire

can be diverted into an avenue separate

from reproduction, consider that something

else (such as human reasoning) can have

say over human reproduction. But no.

religion won't have it. And wants sexual

desire to be for human reproduction only.

Next represents some very interesting

material, but not necessarily completely

what my current position is.

Jesus states his commandments are not

burdensome. But to package and make

absolute rules over the reproductive drive,

is actually burdensome. But what Jesus is

actually saying in the reproductive drive

area, is not what people believe today.

When the bible talks of marriage, adultery,

fornication etc, we then go to the dictionary

which is not a holy book, to learn their

meanings. But Jesus, the head man himself,

has defined what marriage is, in the bible.

And from this we can infer the other things.

He has said of marriage, that the 2 become

one flesh, and what God has therefore

joined together, let no man put asunder.

Well, think about it. Can married people

prove that they have become one flesh?

Flesh is something visible that can be

touched and seen (unlike the spirit which is

invisible). And, yes, we can say that in

married people, the two have become one

flesh. Not that they morph into a shape

shifting mass (outside of when making

love), but in that married people have

children. That the two have become one

flesh in the form of their child (children).

So that marriage is defined by Jesus as

having children exclusively: -not as having

sex exclusively. Now if we were like the

animals, this would be a distinction of no

importance because when animals have

sex, they invariably have offspring. But

with humans, the use of condoms and birth

control, etc, having sex doesn't necessarily

mean having children. And we can infer

from the definition Jesus puts forth of

marriage, that adultery involves having

children with someone other than your

spouse, not necessarily having sex with

someone other than your spouse. And that

fornication is a person with no previous

children having a child with someone who

already has children by someone else. This

Jesus based definition and regulation of our

sexuality upholds the family unit, as the

family unit is one source of goodness. And

it does so without basing it on a shaky

foundation. And I tell you, trying to base

the family unit on suppressing the sex

drive, is a shaky foundation. Whereas with

basing the family unit on the child

connection, the foundation is firm. The

additional rules over our sexuality that

insist on sexual exclusivity, are not from

God, but are from men being led astray by

the forces of destruction: doing the work of

destruction by their added rules. Have you

heard the latest gossip? Have you heard so

and so was seen cheating at the Bar X

motel last night? Sounds like someone is in

non compliance with a rule directed

towards human sexual behavior. This is the

thing about rules. -You're either in

compliance or non compliance. There's no

middle ground. -Everything is either black

or white, all good or totally evil, ones or

zeros. Rules force you to make an absolute

judgment about something with no room

for middle ground. So that inside your

head, what something is, exists as a black

and white representation. But in our world,

few things exist as absolutes. We are

dealing with humans not Gods. So if you

see the human animals before you in the

light of compliance vs. non compliance to a

set of rules and regulations, then what they

are in your mind is not what they are

outside your mind. Because in your mind

they are splotches of black and white

whereas outside your mind they are

something in between all good vs. all

destructive; in between rich vs. poor: they

are middle class. So, through the light of

compliance vs. non compliance to rules and

regulations, a fantasy world can exist inside

your mind. Fantasy worlds can be

entertaining, but don't expect me to take

them absolutely seriously. So that to me, a

person's human sexual behavior is neither

all good nor all evil but is somewhere in

between regardless of whether they are

faithful or cheating.

Thinking of this another way, we see that

we are humans and that we live on this

earth, and that a lot of what we are and do

is neither all good nor all evil, but is

somewhere in between. But that when we

apply rules to these gray areas (areas which

are far from absolute), that forces us to

make absolute judgments about these areas.

That in reality, over a large range of what

we do or how we are in these human areas,

we produce some goodness and also some

destructiveness. And that this just shifts

around (the goodness and destructiveness

shifts around) to different areas as we do an

area in different ways. So that what we

produce is some good and some

destruction. But when we are classified by

rules over the human areas (as either being

in compliance or non compliance); we are

treated as being all good, or all bad as a

result of that classification. We should

receive the reward of what we produce, and

that is neither all goodness nor all

destruction. But we don't receive that but

instead receive either all goodness or all

destruction based on how we are classified

by the rules over the human area. And

when we humans who in reality are some

good and some bad are treated with either

all goodness or all destruction, neither of

these environments helps us change out of

our state of being half good and half bad.

Only when we receive what we produce,

that is being rewarded with some good and

some bad, will we be in a medium ability

environment which is the only environment

where our good can outperform our bad

and where we can thus change from being

partly good and partly bad, to being all

good. Otherwise we are forced to remain as

part good and part bad and are prevented

from changing out of this. In this aspect, I

know who I am. I'm a human being, who

over a large range of what I possibly could

do; does neither all good nor all

destruction, but does some of both good

and, due to the fact that many of the actions

available to me produce both good and

destruction (in destruction different areas)

out of the same action. This just restates the

previous paragraph:

But when the large range of what I could

do, gets carved up into absolute

classifications; and depending on which

classification of this range I'm in, I get

treated as either all good or all evil as a

result: neither of these treatments helps me

change out of being partly good and partly

bad, but instead preserves me in my state of

being partly good and partly bad.

Now, since when the forces are

separate(alone), they find it harder to find

input raw material to work with (with both

forces: -of good, and especially the force of

destruction); there may be some room for

delaying the separation of good from the

bad in us humans. But not to the extent of

perpetual delay. So then, if we apply the

concept of seeking a medium environment

when evil is present; to whether a woman

should have children: I see this: woman

who are in an absolutely evil society with

no goodness, may act to not have any

children, and thereby put an end to this

destructive society similar to the doing

destruction to destruction concept. And

men who are supposed to work, can do no

work and also thereby not feed evil. But in

a society that contains some evil, but also

some good, women in this society can have

a limited number of children (not an

excessive number of children (rich

environment)), and so help create a

medium environment, where the evil can

separate away. And also, men who are

supposed to work, can do a little work (not

an excessive amount) and thereby help

create the desired medium environment.

And of course, women in a totally good

society can have many children and men

can do much work; as here, the rich

environment won't be burned down by


Oooops I have made a mistake. I no longer

think that women have the unrestricted

source of inherent democracy within them.

You see, I no longer think it is a good plan

for women in an absolutely evil society to

stop having kids. Because even though this

will eventually bring about an end to this

evil society, in the interim, it will make this

evil society rich (because they no longer

have to afford resources for the care of

children). This richness in the presence of

evil, will just feed evil and make it large

and big; thus burning us all down in a

firestorm. So I no longer think it is a good

plan for women to use their childbearing

(or lack of it) as a tool to root out evil. It

still remains a useful tool in good societies

where there is no evil, to give women their

rightful place and for them to gain equality.

But in these good societies, women

shouldn't take this to extreme; and should

still have some kids so as to continue this

good society (but not an excessive amount

either, because poverty for a good society

is also not a good plan). In evil societies

that restrict the bearing of children so as to

become rich and also evil (using their

richness to control every aspect of their

citizen's lives), we non evil societies are

forced into an unpleasant situation, of

being overtaken and having our people run

in absolute control over our lives too.

In this situation, we are forced to suffer

through rich evil, because the only option is

for every woman to stop having kids and

eventually end this. But if women have a

choice; in evil societies, they should have

kids and plenty of them. (Pay no attention

to this. ) As you can see, I am unclear in

my advice to women on childbearing. But

at this time, I now change back again to

seeing women as the unrestricted source of

inherent human democracy.

You see, in bad societies run by dictators

who control every part of the lives of their

subjects; people are already divided into

rich and poor. Some are taken from and

have their lives spent enriching the dictator

and his(her) ruling class. These poor

impoverished people have no recourse and

are too poor and powerless to overthrow

the hated government.

What I'm saying is that in these societies,

there is already a division between rich and

poor. The dictator and his ruling class have

already enriched themselves and made their

evil/destructive ways rich on the backs of

these poor people. For these poor people

and those around them that hate this way;

for them not to have children (all the sex

they want, just no more children); is an

expression by them to reject this way and

to bring it to an end. These people are

being starved to death and are dying

anyway: there is nothing much more the

dictator can do to coerce them. And the

enrichment that they will give to the

dictator by not using resources for children

won't be that much more than the dictator

is receiving from them already by running

their lives into the ground in starvation. So

that yes, here in these bad societies; it is the

thing to do for the individual to express

their acceptance or rejection of their

situation (in this case, rejection of this

situation), by not having any more children,

and thus eventually putting an end to this

situation. No need for Bush to

come in and overthrow your dictator; you

can do it yourself within your own country.

In countries with a sharp divide between

rich and poor (with little or no middle

class), the poor can express their

disapproval of their situation this way,

without having to resort to violence and

fomenting revolution etc. But in countries

with a decent sized middle class, and a

good way of life for all; hopefully the

women there would see the goodness of

continuing that situation, by having a

reasonable number of children, but not an

excessive number of children as an

excessive number would just impoverish

what was once a good life due to all the

extra resources needed to raise an excessive

number all at once. Women could still use

`not having children' here as a bargaining

tool to gain equal or slightly better

economic status, but I would warn that they

not take this to finality because they would

eliminate a `good life for all society', if

they did. So, we are back in business with

this women empowerment thing and

women as sources of democracy thing.

-because the counter argument that women

not-having-children would enrich the bad

society is mute because that bad society

already enriches itself on the backs of its

poor; and the extra richness gained by not

having kids, would be quickly gobbled up

by the poor themselves; or even if the

dictator was able to extract it; it would be

just a little more of the same, as the dictator

is already extracting from the people at

pretty much their maximum already.

Also, because extra resources are needed to

power a system of absolute control over

every citizen's lives: the extra richness

gained from not having children, would

cause a move out of poverty and into

medium ability; and not a move from

medium ability into richness. And in this

environment with an evil dictator, it is the

medium environment that is needed, not

either poverty or richness.

Let us now consider the claim that if one

believes on Jesus, he receives heaven, but

if one does not believe, he receives hell.

This applying absolute rewards (either all

rewarding or all destructive) to us non

absolute humans, isn't helpful to us at all,

but just preserves us as humans (in the case

of receiving heaven), and if we receive

total destruction, preserves us as humans

until we are destroyed.

Any of these systems of severe punishments

or absolute rewards for the various ways of

being human, are just preservatives that

prevent us from being anything other than

human. But after asking God/Jesus for an

explanation of this, the resulting answer

turns out just to be a matter of

interpretation of this. The answer I got is


God is an absolute. Not only is God an

absolute, God is an absolute good.

And when God is going about being

himself, he is going to produce a lot of

goodness, and generating a lot of rich

environments. When I as a non absolute

human being come into contact with one of

these rich environments, it is detrimental to

me because I require a medium

environment to function. Now with the

environment being rich, the destructiveness

within me no longer separates and dies, but

stays with me and consumes me in an

eternal burn; and I am in torment. God

realizes that His absolute goodness does

this to me, so He in kindness, provides me

an out: He allows me to put down my old

human ways and let them expire, and

replace them with absolute Godly ways,

that is, when I run into (where there exists)

these all good absolute Godly ways. And

this is accomplished by Jesus providing a

limited path of medium ability environment

where I can let my old human ways expire

without the evil in them getting out into the

absolute goodness to consume me (a

purgatory if you will).

But of course, I have a choice. God isn't

going to force me to do this. If I wish that

the evil in me (from that part of my human

ways) continue even in the presence of the

absolute goodness of God, I can have that

too, by just not reaching out to Christ, and

continuing in my own way. This is how I

interpret Christ's outreach. The

exhortations to love your enemies and to

love all people do act to create rich

environments, and this may cause

tribulation. But that is just from the effects

of absolute goodness.

Absolute goodness is one of the

possibilities, and for us to not be able to

deal with absolute goodness represents an

innocence that cannot last forever,

especially with the growth potential of

absolute goodness. Absolute goodness can

exist and if so, should not be expected to

give up its existence just because we

middle ground humans don't know how to

deal with it. So that when we are

confronted with absolute goodness, we can

accept Jesus to guide a smooth transition

from non absolute human ways to be

replaced with absolute good ways.

But when there are no absolute good ways

yet, and the only way available is the

human ways, we can continue to have

human ways (otherwise we'd be in

barrenness -also a preservative) until such

time as absolute good ways can replace

them. (As we are not preserved eternally as

human, but advance into absolute

goodness)- we can thus have the presence

of both absolute good ways and also human

ways in us. (For religious leaders to shame

our human parts, puts them into barrenness,

which prevents them from also advancing

into absolute good.)

It is the presence of both absolute good

ways, and human ways in us that can take

on a similar structure as the playing both

sides structure outlined in other places of

this writing -that being based on whether

God exists now vs. that God is yet to be

created and we need to do it ourselves now.

You see, whatever we do can be seen as

God in us doing it (that we are extensions

of God). Except when our actions are

imperfect human actions which contain

both good and destruction. These cannot be

seen as God in us doing them. So some

actions can be placed on an absolute good

side with God, and the human/gray actions

are on the other side. The object then is to

place human ways in a medium

environment. When we feel a need to do a

human/gray action, we can separate off a

smaller portion of ourselves to do it, so it

will be done in a medium environment and

not a rich environment.

Also, when we remove godly parts as some

of the actions mature to become a mix of

human and godly fragments, we can

Incompletely repatriate human fragments

(left after removing the godly part) into

being one with complete human actions:

-for the purpose of maintaining a medium

ability environment. And also not

completely separating away outside

destructions that enter in; also for this same

purpose of maintaining neither a rich nor a

desolate, but a medium environment. In

such a way, the good of our human actions

is able to escape their humanness and join

the absolute goodness. So that we just wait

and let the goodness of our human actions

purify and find their own way back into the

absolute goodness of the major part of us

that we left behind to do the human action;

as they will do.

Let me go over this in more detail:

(This segment can easily be skipped. What

I'm saying, is it is OK and good to skip this segment.)

When an action is first generated, it goes

along and goes along until eventually it

matures and half splits off to be godly and

the other half humanly. The perfected

godly parts generated then (after an initial

place marker) are generated as devoting a

partial percentage of their activities to also

generating new action (which also must

wait to eventually undergo maturity itself).

As the perfect-like new actions generated

from the mature godly side are maturing,

they may (or may not) be under need to

satisfy earthly desires and do earthly

actions. If not, they just mature to the half

and half split off of maturity; as an

immature action can rest as temporarily

devoting itself in the godly direction but

still able to change to the earthly direction

if needed.

In the generation of new actions in the

satisfying of new earthly needs, As some of

these immature actions mature in the

earthly side, they split off half and half

also. Now with mature parts in the earthly

side that are now for godly; unless these

parts are removed, their presence in the

earthly side but being unable to act in most

earthly directives will halt the functioning

of the earthly directives in satisfying

earthly hungers. And even after being

removed, some fragments of the earthly

side are totally crippled because (half of)

what did function for the earthly side when

immature, now as mature, is unable to

function for the earthly side. It is then by

the Partial repatriation of crippled remnant

fragments previously spoken of that

generates the medium environment which

is neither barren nor rich that is needed

here in this earthly situation. Also, note that

when earthly parts, both mature and

immature find a moment when they are

done with earthly concerns and needs; and

not busy and without anything to do; they

can align themselves in the godly direction

(as best they can). True, they are not built

for that, but in whatever limited way, they

can do this, to also (help) generate

perfected godly material. Then when a new

earthly need arises, they can switch back to

earthly concerns.

End skipped segment.

When I drop the phrase `the creator'; who

or what am I referring to? One could think

I'm referring to almighty God. But

consider that I'm also referring to all the

human creators here on earth. And that the

human female is in part, the creator of new

life here on this earth. (This makes them a

target for evil to corrupt that which is good

and growing.) Now, if we as a people,

don't treat the human creators who we can

see, with dignity and respect, but instead

treat them as second class citizens, then I

don't see this as welcoming to an almighty

CREATOR who we can't see; but who

shares a kinship with the many human

creators who we can see, through the

common link of being a creator. It is not

enough to believe in God. If we believe

God exists, but also mistreat God, then any

religion that does this, I think we can see,

won't be well received by God. And isn't it

a waste of our time to practice a religion

which will be rejected by God/Allah?

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