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My pain management doctor wants to give me an injection. I will not agree

until I get more information. He has never done it on a tethered cord, but

insists it is no different. I don't quite believe that. I will get back to

all if I get further info.


>Reply-To: tetheredspinalcord

>To: tetheredspinalcord

>Subject: help

>Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2003 05:51:09 -0000


>Hi all. Let me start by giving you my background first. I have been

>an extremly healthy person untill 94. I was diagnosed with ACM1 in 94

> & had a crainiotomy & laminectomy in 95. Diagnosed with a tethered

>cord & released in 97. Also had a spinal fusion at the same time. I

>ended up spending 3 months in the hospital trying to get a CSF leak

>under control. Was diagnosed with hydrocephelous at then. Had a VP

>shunt placement. No more problems untill May this year. Had a shunt

>revision. 2 months ago I started having severe pain in my lower back

>that would radiate down my left buttock & left leg. It is much worse

>when sitting. This is the same symptoms I was having when I was

>diagnosed with a tethered cord. I went to my NSG who order a CT scan

> & a MRI. Went & saw him this passed Monday. He said my shunt & ACM

>surgery looked great. He said he could not tell omn the MRI if my

>cord had retethered. Apparently the surgern who did my dethereing did

>not cut down or remove the lipomea. It is still fairly large. A

>little bigger than my fist. He said the only way to tell if it has

>tethered again would be to go back in & do an exploratory surgery. He

>said he doesn't want to go back in due to my having CSF leakage

>problems. He wants me to try lumbar steroid injections first. He said

>if this doesn't help then he is going to have to go back in but he is

>hoping it is not tethered again.

>Question--- Has anyone had this done? If so what was the outcome?

>Any other suggestions rather that surgery that I may try first?


>Thanks ahead of time,



>ACM1, Tethered Cord, Hydrocephelous, Spina Bifida Occulta



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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

the profile meters now have a new strip out that takes half the amount of

blood, getting rid of the old strips that required tons of blood, so now it

is just like the other meters that use very little blood. Call life scan and

ask about them. they have a toll free 800 number on their site




> Hello All,


> I am using the profile blood meeter. But of lately I have had troubles

> find the spot on the strip. To day was the worst, used up have a bottle


> test strips, at that it will cost me a small fortune just to keep up the

> testing. Yes I use all the tricks to help them bleed, not the problem.


> what is the name of the meter that uses less blood to make the test, and

> were to get one.


> Yakima Bill




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bill I USE the acu-check voice magte, I reallyl like it. can'tw remember where

you git it but you can ask your states services for the blind for the name of

the company and just maybe thay might even buy it for you. friends wayne


Hello All,

I am using the profile blood meeter. But of lately I have had troubles

find the spot on the strip. To day was the worst, used up have a bottle of

test strips, at that it will cost me a small fortune just to keep up the

testing. Yes I use all the tricks to help them bleed, not the problem. So

what is the name of the meter that uses less blood to make the test, and

were to get one.

Yakima Bill

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  • 8 months later...

There are things you may want to try, or look into Corn silk will help you

with constant urination. Number two is a little bit more difficult but it is

possible to help. There are products that help, Magnesium relaxes the

muscle, you have to learn about how to find your tolerance level. Some


On Corn Silk.

Corn Silk is the silky tassel inside the corn husk - not often considered a

food, but it is highly regarded in herbology as a valuable support for the

urinary system. Corn is indigenous to Central America, but is now widely

cultivated elsewhere. The genus name Zea means " cause of life " , and the species


" mays " means " mother " '. Corn Silk has been used in conditions of high uric

acid such as gout and some types of arthritis. It helps to reduce conditions

of painful swelling, and is used for a wide range of genito-urinary

complaints. Corn Silk is often combined with herbs that have more antiseptic

qualities. Even though it is a diuretic, Corn Silk can also benefit frequent


conditions by soothing bladder irritation. Chinese research indicates that

Corn Silk reduces hypertension and reduces blood clotting time. Derived from

the dried silky tassels found inside the husks of corn, Corn Silk contains

iron, silica, potassium and vitamins B, C and K. It also contains moderate

amounts of zinc, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. It's key constituents are

considered to be maizenic acid, fixed oil, resin and mucilage. Corn Silk has


used to soothe irritation, to the kidneys and bladder, often caused by

burning and painful urination. Corn Silk alleviates the irritation of the


and urinary tract by coating the membranes lining the urinary system walls.

Corn Silk may also alleviate prostate disorders including difficulty in the

beginning of urination. Corn Silk has also been known to reduce the formation

of sediments in the kidneys, relieve inflammation caused by urinary tract

problems and help reduce water retention in the body.

Jeff el

10360 Pine Lakes Blvd

North Fort Myers, Fl 33903


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This may help you with numbered two, this is not a long-term product and

quality is very important don't just buy it anywhere.

Literally, Cascara Sagrada means " Sacred Bark " . The name dates back to the

seventeenth century when the American Indians introduced the Spanish and

Mexican explorers to the usefulness of the bark for constipation and upset

stomach. The bark was first marketed to the medical community in 1877 when the

pharmaceutical company of Parke- introduced a bitter emetic fluid extract.


1890, the plant was officially listed in the U.S. Pharmacopoea. It is a

shrub, native to North America. Cascara Sagrada is popularly used to treat


constipation. As a nutritional supplement, Cascara Sagrada supports and

strengthens the colon, liver, gallbladder and digestive system. Cascara is

perhaps the safest and most certain natural laxative available, and can be used


restore tone to the colon and thereby overcome laxative dependence in the

elderly. The herb is safe and effective for detoxifying and cleansing programs,

as opposed to the harsher laxatives, such as senna. Cascara Sagrada bark has

been used for centuries by various cultures around the world. Cascara

Sagrada is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin B-2, vitamin B-5, calcium,


and potassium. The natural constituents found in Cascara Sagrada stimulate

the secretion of digestive fluids, increase the flow of bile, and cleanse the

intestines. Cascara Sagrada is beneficial for treating a sluggish

gallbladder, digestive problems, enlarged liver, intestinal parasites,

jaundice, and

colitis. In addition, Cascara Sagrada may be used to treat hemorrhoids, and a

variety of skin problems. To prevent gripe, it is best combined with some

carminative herbs such as _Anise_

(http://www.viable-herbal.com/singles/herbs/s618.htm) , _Fennel_

(http://www.viable-herbal.com/singles/herbs/s842.htm) or

_Caraway Seeds_ (http://www.viable-herbal.com/singles/herbs/s301.htm) . If

Jeff el

10360 Pine Lakes Blvd

North Fort Myers, Fl 33903


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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest


> im really panicing here..

> i tried to do the work on it.. but i can't see very deeply .. i can't

> focus.. im feel like im out of my mind..

> i have this same expirience happening over and over.. and it happened

> today again!!!!

> i feel like screaming.

> so there was this girl i met online.. which we had several

> conversations in which we felt cheimistry and said that once we had

> the chance we'll meet.

> time went by.. couple of weeks.. even month's .. so today i catched

> her online again and asked her if she'd like to get toogethere soon..

> and she said - she started to date someone else, and nont the less..

> she met online!

> im broken.. i now feel obsessed about her even more.. i feel i missed

> my chance.. im frustrated and angry about myself and think i will be

> alone for the rest of my life.

> this situation is happening again and again.. when i miss chances..

> please help me.. i can't see clearly.. and i can't stop thinking

> about her and him.. and before she said anything i hardly ever

> thought about her... what the hell is going on here?!

> thanks.. facy.


Hi, Facy. :) I'm giving you a list of questions that, if you want, you

can answer. I invite you, just as you would with The Work, to give

yourself time to answer them (either privately, share here, or email

me.) Do this as it suits you personally, you don't have to answer

them all (or even at all). These questions are to tap into your own


1. Imagine that there is a girl that is romantically interested in you

and while you don't dislike her you are just not attracted to her. Do

you think that it is ok to not have feelings for her? Or, do you think

you should force yourself to try and have feelings for her because she

has them for you? (Don't just let your logic immediately answer these

questions, take time to really emotionally FEEL the answer.)

2. Imagine a small child who is too unsure of himself and scared to

jump into the deep end of the pool. Do you think it more stressful for

the parents to berate and criticize the child and force him into the

deep end, or to patiently wait until the child naturally develops the

assuredness and willingness to try?

3. Do YOU like feeling you are being forced to try to do something you

are just do not feel ready to try? Is it ok to tell that person (or

your own personal thoughts) that is trying to force you that they need

to just lay off the pressure and that you'll do it when you are ready?

4. Is it ok to be scared to do something, no matter what the

circumstance, until you can gather more information that makes you

feel secure enough try?

5. Someone is learning how to play a piano for the first time. Should

they have expectations of themselves that they should be able to play

a masterpiece flawlessly in less than one week?

6. Does everyone have to proceed at the same pace? Or is it okay that

some can advance quicker and that others may need more time?

7. Do you consider the others that need more time just stupid or that,

because of inabilities outside of their control, that they need just

need to proceed at a pace more suitable for them to learn and advance?

8. Does comparing yourself to others who already have what you want

make you feel good or bad? Is it okay to stop comparing yourselves to

others while understanding you are moving at a pace that suitable for


9. Is it more productive to freak out about making a mistake or to

just objectively admit you made a mistake and go to a source (book,

teacher, guru, internet, etc.) that can teach you how to get it right?

10. Can you stop your stressful thoughts for a few moments, sit and

look around the room you are in and realize that you are perfectly ok

right here, right now and that nothing is immediately threatening you?

11. There is only a 99.9% biological difference between individual

humans. That is 1/10th of 1%. That's a tiny number! You are basically

biologically designed exactly the same as everyone else. I've seen

happy couples with down syndrome and happy couples with multiple

doctorates and degrees. Do you think that you are really incapable of

eventually finding a satisfying relationship or that maybe you just

need a little more time to gain education and confidence?

12. Do you believe that others who do have relationships have

something that you 'just don't have' and never will or could you see

that they just have a little more understanding and willingness to put

themselves out there--something that you can eventually learn?

13. Just because you want something, do you have to have it RIGHT NOW,

or are you willing to put forth the effort and patience to learn how

to get it and get it right?

My only advice... If there is something you don't know how to do, find

the FIRST 'broken step' in the sequence and then seek how to overcome

it. Attaining a girlfriend/partner is a skill like anything else, and

thinking that you made a mistake by not contacting one sooner and

'missing the chance' may be a broken step you are concentrating on

that is further down that sequence of building up your skill when

there are broken steps before that one you need to remedy first. It

sounds to me that 1) You are confused and mystified by the process of

getting a girl and 2) That is what is preventing you from having the

confidence to learn how to BE confident enough with yourself to take

that step in contacting girls at the appropriate time.

No matter what you don't know how to do, someone somewhere was stuck

at exactly the same point you were and eventually overcame it. Use the

internet to your advantage and FIND THAT PERSON. Google exactly where

you are stuck. " How do girls think? " " How do I start to find a good

relationship? " " I'm too shy, how do I overcome it? " " How do I gain

more confidence? " etc... And then you may realize that you just don't

trust other people's advice and that is what is actually stopping you

from learning. So examine that mistrust, " How do I learn to trust what

others are telling me? " If you don't ask questions like these of

yourself first, your mind will never to get to work on finding the


Hope that help...


" A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. "

" How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. "

" I don't look at the finish line a hundred meters away and delude

myself into unnecessarily thinking I should be able to cross it in an

instant. "

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Another thought Facy:

You said:

" im really panicing here.. "

That could be inquired into - what if you didn't give it the label


There's also a short BK video inquiring into feelings of terror that

you might find helpful:

With love,


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

once i heard katie does the work

with a women who as health problem

and feels guilty for that

cause there is this beliefe that we can create

ouur reality by our thinking (L hey)

can you locate me the track?

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I think so :-)

On http://everypathis.org/ there is a file called

077 Canser Meets Inquiry

In that session the woman has the belief that she created / caused her


With love,



> once i heard katie does the work

> with a women who as health problem

> and feels guilty for that


> cause there is this beliefe that we can create

> ouur reality by our thinking (L hey)


> can you locate me the track?


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