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Re: Tibetan image [1 Attachment]

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this is the trashi tag gye (bkra shis rtags brgyad), a combined image of the eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism. the eight symbols (the rtags brgyad) - inherently auspicious (bkra shis) - are:

- the lotus (pema, pad ma) > the the fact that awareness-as-such is ultimately never stained by the experiences that arise within it- the golden fish (sernya, gser nya) > a disposition both joyous and skilful in aiding others

- the glorious beginningless and endless knot (pelbe'u, dpal be'u) > the infinite and mutually conditioning intimate relationship of all and everything- the golden wheel (sergyi korlo, gser gyi 'khorlo) > the teachings given by the Buddha - the eight spokes represent the eightfold noble path of which Alice often speaks: right view, right understanding, right speech, right intention, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration where 'right' actually means 'utterly perfect' throughout.

it also represents the opposite of the so-called eight wordly dharmas: loving gain, hating loss; loving to hear good things about oneself and hating the unpleasant; loving happiness and ease and hating unhappiness and discomfort; loving praise and hating blame.

- the white conch (dungkar, dung dkar) whose structure spirals clockwise (gyas su 'khor ba) > the pleasing sound of truth calling those open to it to gather- the treasure vase (bumpa, bum pa) > containing the infinite riches of the teachings that explicate reality

- the parasol (duk, gdugs) > protecting all sentient beings from the burning sun of samsara (which literally means 'running around in circles')- the victory banner (gyeltsen, rgyal mtshan) > the unquestionable supremacy of truth

They are generally hung on the wall of the house, inside and near the front door to bring good fortune and to remind one to bear them in mind as one goes in and out. excuse the nerdery.

m-- mirror facing mirror

nowhere else 

~ Ikkyu

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