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winged women

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I love the imagery of a huge wave turning into a cliff, with flowers on the top no less. It changes one's perspective of the unconscious when you find yourself treating it like an obstinant child to make it behave. I don't recall Jung having anything to say about this. If someone has a reference, please divulge.

I had a dream with some interesting imagery two nights ago that you might enjoy. I'll keep it as short as possible. I'm entering what appears to be a bath house along with a very attractive young girl with short cropped, black hair wearing a black, form fitting outfit. The bath house has many rooms full of, from what little I notice, naked overweight older men. The girl reacts very prudishly and looks away. I think she is about to turn around and leave. I'm enthralled with her and don't want her to go, so I tell her to calm down; it's no big deal. She seems to take my advice and we continue through the bathhouse. I look over at her and I'm so taken by her beauty that I spontaeneously decide to try to steal a kiss, but she turns her head away with a look of shame. I ask what's wrong. She dejectedly informs me that she has a wing stub on her left shoulder. I reach around to feel, and just before she brushes my hand away, I do indeed feel the stump of a clipped wing on her left shoulder. I tell her to relax - I've been with winged women before. Then I proceed to write the name of someone on a piece of paper who I reveal can temporarily remove the wing stub. That's it. The visual of winged women is inferred rather than actual, but still, it seemed quite archtypal.

the image is a favorite of the ancient Greeks! also of angels..........ask yrself why she shld remove stub/ and why temporarily? The older men seem a collective symbolic of those unable to perceive beauty? or other dimensions of the feminine!

a great dream!

thanks for sharing!


aoh, almost 90

ps please reveal yr name n basic facts; country, profession, age, etc. u are a keeper!!! i assume u are a man.........?

Is anyone interested in Bob Dylan? I've been rediscoverying him recently, and I'm stunned by the unconscious imagery that poured through him. It seems the unconscous was moved to deliver a message to the world in the same fashion it delivers messages to us in the night.

Inside out,


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