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Keppra allergy?

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I was wondering if anyone who has taken Keppra has developed an allergy to

it, after a period of time being on it (not right away)? I took Keppra for

the first time after my compression Fx. I ended up going back to Topamax.

I recently changed back to the Keppra and have been on it a little over 2

months now.

Yesterday, I started itching all over and developed whelps that were all

over my upper body and some bumps on the back of my tongue (although no

swelling). It reminded me of a similar reaction I went to the ER for back

in 1994. I couldn't figure out what caused that reaction for the longest

time. When I was Dx with my latex allergy, it all made sense - a condom

used the night before. Of all things! But I haven't been around any major

source of latex since the rash developed, as I have been home for several

days. My housekeeper came earlier that day, but she does not use latex

gloves when she cleans (although I plan to ask her if she changed any

cleaning agents or wore latex gloves during this past cleaning, but I doubt


The reaction cleared after I took 37.5 mg of Benadryl. It stayed gone until

this morning and reappeared, although not as severe (just itching, redness

and a few small whelps on my hands). It cleared on its own.

Thanks -


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Hi Jenn! I also have a Latex allergy and there are several foods

that are related that can cause reactions as well ie avacado,

pineapple and a whole list...are you avoiding these things as well?


> I was wondering if anyone who has taken Keppra has developed an

allergy to

> it, after a period of time being on it (not right away)? I took

Keppra for

> the first time after my compression Fx. I ended up going back to


> I recently changed back to the Keppra and have been on it a little

over 2

> months now.




> Yesterday, I started itching all over and developed whelps that

were all

> over my upper body and some bumps on the back of my tongue

(although no

> swelling). It reminded me of a similar reaction I went to the ER

for back

> in 1994. I couldn't figure out what caused that reaction for the


> time. When I was Dx with my latex allergy, it all made sense - a


> used the night before. Of all things! But I haven't been around

any major

> source of latex since the rash developed, as I have been home for


> days. My housekeeper came earlier that day, but she does not use


> gloves when she cleans (although I plan to ask her if she changed


> cleaning agents or wore latex gloves during this past cleaning, but

I doubt

> it).




> The reaction cleared after I took 37.5 mg of Benadryl. It stayed

gone until

> this morning and reappeared, although not as severe (just itching,


> and a few small whelps on my hands). It cleared on its own.




> Thanks -




> Jenn





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If you suspect Keppra, you definitely should call your

doctor and ask h** if it's safe for you to just stop

taking it. Allergies develop and tend to get worse

with exposure. The more you take of the offending

agent, the more extreme the allergic reaction. It

sounds like you're getting close to a systemic

reaction and those can be life threatening.

With latex allergies, there are tons of things related

to latex, as said. Have you introduced any

new foods into your diet that might be related?

--- livedream_believe


> Hi Jenn! I also have a Latex allergy and there are

> several foods

> that are related that can cause reactions as well ie

> avacado,

> pineapple and a whole list...are you avoiding these

> things as well?



> >

> > I was wondering if anyone who has taken Keppra has

> developed an

> allergy to

> > it, after a period of time being on it (not right

> away)? I took

> Keppra for

> > the first time after my compression Fx. I ended

> up going back to

> Topamax.

> > I recently changed back to the Keppra and have

> been on it a little

> over 2

> > months now.

> >

> >

> >

> > Yesterday, I started itching all over and

> developed whelps that

> were all

> > over my upper body and some bumps on the back of

> my tongue

> (although no

> > swelling). It reminded me of a similar reaction I

> went to the ER

> for back

> > in 1994. I couldn't figure out what caused that

> reaction for the

> longest

> > time. When I was Dx with my latex allergy, it all

> made sense - a

> condom

> > used the night before. Of all things! But I

> haven't been around

> any major

> > source of latex since the rash developed, as I

> have been home for

> several

> > days. My housekeeper came earlier that day, but

> she does not use

> latex

> > gloves when she cleans (although I plan to ask her

> if she changed

> any

> > cleaning agents or wore latex gloves during this

> past cleaning, but

> I doubt

> > it).

> >

> >

> >

> > The reaction cleared after I took 37.5 mg of

> Benadryl. It stayed

> gone until

> > this morning and reappeared, although not as

> severe (just itching,

> redness

> > and a few small whelps on my hands). It cleared

> on its own.

> >

> >

> >

> > Thanks -

> >

> >

> >

> > Jenn

> >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >




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