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The Light of the Ego

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To realize a separateness from the whole is a privilege given to gods. The ego may be the root of sins, but when uplifted, as Moses uplifted the "Serpent" on his staff to heal his people with, it becomes the true flame of our light house that guides us through an infinite sea of darkness. Our separateness then realizes its divinity as it also realizes that the microcosm is truly the macrocosm, "as above so below". The Son truly is the Father, because as the "Master", has said, "those who have seen me , have seen the Father". Wow ! what an ego, what a light !

Poor ego, it has received such a beating throughout it's journey among the "righteous ones" ever since it tempted Eve to eat the apple. What a terrible sin was then committed to have dared to have realized our nakedness. To have dared to come to consciousness of the "I", apart from whole, which is that alchemical separation which is so important to the alchemical process of the transformation. Without this separation there can be nothing achieved in the name of the Great Work. But it is this very separation that will grant us that very honor of leading the Creator back to his throne.

There is no such thing as a false ego, there is an earthly ego, and a spiritual ego. Man is dual in nature, he belongs as much to heaven as to earth. Without the separation, man could never achieve the reintegration, where man becomes "One" again in full consciousness through the alchemical marriage. It is at this wedding that the earthly water is transmuted into a spiritual wine, as it was at the wedding of Canna. This wine is the wine of the gods, and " he who drinks of it shall never die". As the Corpus Hermeticum declares, " let us dare to say that a man is a mortal god and a celestial god is an immortal man." ___ Corpus Hermeticurn 10.24-25.__

Cherish your ego, without it you would be blind. Polish the mirrors that reflect its true light that it may shine far in the darkness. Guard your light that it not dim the humble light of others, lest you allow for that inflation that will cause its very bursting into darkness, where you will grope in it. Your light is the light of your soul and consciousness. It is also the alchemical sulfur and ego. In it's humble state, it is truly a light that illuminates the self. But beware, the soft light of a candle in a darkened room may be a beautiful event to behold, but misused and abused, it will burn down one's house.

Paintings are from

Moses and the Serpent, Sebastien Bourdon, 1653-54. Web Gallery of Art.

The Fall, Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel.


Steve Kalec

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