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My story

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> Where do I start with my 'story', it could take quite a while, but I

shall try and condense it as much as possible. My name is Celia and I

live in Scotland, I am in my 50's, so not exactly a spring chick -

but hey - working on it!!


> May of 2006 gave me shocking news, that I had a chest full of

cancerous lymph nodes, tears and grief were the most prevalent, grief

for the life I may not have, and for those I would leave behind. The

primary tumour was never found, but I am 'treated' as 'lung' and thus

recieved palliative care only, eight doses of chemo, followed by 12

doses of radiation, it was expected I had 6 - 12 months of living to do.


> I also have/had the following - mild lupus, IBS (so bad sometimes I

dare not go out) , Diverticula, COPD, thyroid problems (had partial

thyroidectomy years ago) osteo arthritis, high blood pressure, high

cholestrol, chronic fatigue.


> After my conventional treatment, the Onc was amazed when I went into

remission, he assured me this would not last, that I had less than 1%

of making it. Not for me to accept that! Treatment did not seem to

be forthcoming after that initial work, it was a case of watch and

wait, I will not wait, I will not watch, I went in search for

anything that might help me.


> Of course I went on the usual supplements, but knew this was not

enough, changed my diet, but not radically, red meat I could not eat,

and my diet consists mainly of eggs and fish - plus veg and fruit. I

have also discovered a penchant for the darkest chocolate I can find,

at least 85 - 86% cocoa. I read about B17 and went to one of Philip

Day's lectures, I started taking this almost every day in kernel form.

In January 2007 I had a very bad excacerbation of COPD which landed me

in hospital, I came out on 02 and steroids.


> I then learned about Iscador, a derivitive of the Misteltoe, and

fortunately as there is a homeopathic hospital not too far from me I

got a referral and now use Iscador series two, on a regular basis.

Still I searched the net, and lo and behold came across LDN after

never hearing of it before, it seemed like a miracle, I had to have

it, I fought for it and got it on the NHS so it costs me nothing. I

got my first bottle but did not dare take it, I was on steroids

regularly for my chest, and had to have my hip replaced and was thus

on pain killers. Each night I looked at the bottle, and each night I

thought - shall it be now? As soon as my hip pain began to diminish,

and I could come off the steroids, I counted the days - and then on

day ten I took my first LDN! Don't know why, but I was frightened of



> My first feelings on LDN were as though I was on a bit of a high, I

felt great, I had some disturbed nights, not too many strange dreams,

and have worked out by now when it is best for me to take it. This is

usually about 9 - 30 pm, and as I take sleepers an hour later this

seems to be working for me. At the time of writing - (1st June 2008)

I have been on LDN for about eight months.


> Very soon after staring the LDN I found I did not need the 02 for my

COPD, I only need to nebulise maybe once a day - if that, and today I

walked the furthest I have been able to for what seems ages, it was a

miracle, still can't believe I did it! One thing I noticed early on

was that I was not spending half my life in the loo.... I had been

referred for another sigmoidoscopy but cancelled it, to this day I

have never had the bowel problem like I did before LDN....


> My energy began to return, I had had chronic fatigue for many years,

but slowly I am getting more energetic, I was fit enough to have a hip

replacement about six months ago - oh the relief!! My last X ray

shows no signs of the cancer which was supposed to have killed me over

a year ago, my blood pressure is now normal after being too high for

a few years, I had to come off BP medications, my lupus does not

bother me at all.. I have a good appetite and am gaining weight, I

feel quite good all things considered, and I recommend LDN to everyone!


> Celia


> This may be used in any publication whatsoever......





> Celia, Scotland.

> celia@...


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CELIA - a very good story, imho!!! i find it very encouraging! were you ever diagnosed with IBD? i see where you were supposed to have sigmoidoscopy!! keep on keeping on!! you're an encouragement!!

stay in touch with the group!!


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CELIA - a very good story, imho!!! i find it very encouraging! were you ever diagnosed with IBD? i see where you were supposed to have sigmoidoscopy!! keep on keeping on!! you're an encouragement!!stay in touch with the group!!

Hi, yes I was diagnosed with it after a colonoscopy about six years ago, It's just that I call it IBS not IBD but the same thing. I intend to keep on keeping on - you bet!!!!



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CELIA - IBS IS NOT THE SAME AS IBD!!! IBS = irritable bowel syndromem and IBD = inflammatory bowel disease - are 2 totally different things. some of the symptoms mimic each other; but, the syndrome and the disease are not nearly the same things. and, of course, the meds would have to be different for each condition, also!! a SYNDROME and a DISEASE in themselves tell 2 different stories, i would say!! i know this first-hand, as i have crohn's disease and my goddaughter has irritable bowel syndrome, and we stay almost in daily communication - BIG DIFFERENCE, I MUST SAY!!


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  • 1 month later...
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that's why we are here, because everyone has a story, some don't say a thing

and other are there to fuss and fight, but the end result is the same, we help

each other get into remission and feel better.

Take care.


leonie cent <leoniecent@...> wrote:

Hi All,

I just wanted to say that i've been on this list for years, but mostly stuffed

around for a long time, paralysed with indecision about taking antibiotics. As

you might have guess, i hate all drugs, antibiotics included. I've probably

irritated the living hell out of the other members and I'm sorry about that, but

thank them for their patience.

I got sidetracked a few times, listening to members who piped up saying i could

get cured with diet alone. That was a mistake, as not everyone can do the diet

successfully. I would have been better off starting AP a long time ago, but

maybe it was all for the best anyway, because now after a lot of stuffing

around, i've found a really good anti-candida diet that will help me stay

healthy whilst on AP and healthy in general since i don't do well on many foods

like grains and dairy and other carbs/sugar etc.

If i sounded harsh in my last post about the " crappy antibiotics " , it was

because i had very bad PMT and was pi$$ed off. I always get very upset and say

things i don't mean at this time of the month. I'm the sort of person who goes

kicking and screaming into something. After a while i settle down and things

work out.

I know the AP will work eventually and things will change dramatically.

Thanks everyone for being around to help me.

all the best,




02 62556202

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Hi Leoni,  Congratulations.  I'm glad you finally got on A/P.  Wish you the

best. Dolores

Hi All,

I just wanted to say that i've been on this list for years, but mostly stuffed

around for a long time, paralysed with indecision about taking antibiotics. As

you might have guess, i hate all drugs, antibiotics included. I've probably

irritated the living hell out of the other members and I'm sorry about that, but

thank them for their patience.

I got sidetracked a few times, listening to members who piped up saying i could

get cured with diet alone. That was a mistake, as not everyone can do the diet

successfully. I would have been better off starting AP a long time ago, but

maybe it was all for the best anyway, because now after a lot of stuffing

around, i've found a really good anti-candida diet that will help me stay

healthy whilst on AP and healthy in general since i don't do well on many foods

like grains and dairy and other carbs/sugar etc.

If i sounded harsh in my last post about the " crappy antibiotics " , it was

because i had very bad PMT and was pi$$ed off. I always get very upset and say

things i don't mean at this time of the month. I'm the sort of person who goes

kicking and screaming into something. After a while i settle down and things

work out.

I know the AP will work eventually and things will change dramatically.

Thanks everyone for being around to help me.

all the best,



leoniecentbigpond (DOT) com

02 62556202

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you so much for sharing your story Al, it has already helped

me. That is the best part of the group, in my opinion, the comfort

of sharing the trials and tribulations of PA with others. And you

did answer a question I was wanting to post, I wondered if others

have relief from the arthritis without relief from the actual

psoriasis. My rheumy always looks at my elbows and sighs. He says

the meds aren't working if my skin is not clear. But I think if I am

mostly pain free the ugly elbows and peeling ears are the least of my



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  • 5 months later...

<<I ultimately consumed cilantro almost every day for about 16 months.

When I began having trouble with it, discussions on this list helped

me determine that whatever had been working for me was no longer safe.

What I believe happened is that cilantro worked as long as there was

more metal readily available in my tissues than in my mouth. I think

when enough metals came out of my body that this stopped being true,

then the cilantro began mobilizing the metals in my dental work.>>

Could be. Why not get those fillings out and then heal yourself from the

final mercury onslaught that happens when fillings are removed? How much

cilantro did you use during that 16 months (a small handful, more, less?)

<<I think that is probably the strongest indicator that metals continue to

leave my system. I have

never done a hair test. My main focus is on treating myself for cystic

fibrosis and for the multiple anti-biotic resistant infections>>

Try your best to ignore the hysteria (people are just wanting others to be

safe). The hair test is helpful because I was also high in arsenic, aluminum

and uranium. Dangerously high as well as the mercury toxicity. With you

having so many other problems, you may need something else (chelating agents)


get rid of other toxic elements that are causing your health problems.

Congrats to you on already making progress. What improvements have you seen in

the 16 months of cilantro taking? I hope you can get those fillings out. I

wondered if you chelated with them in (theoretically) how long it would take to

pull all the mercury out of them? 5 years, 10 years or 20 years? I know

it's very dangerous but it's something I've always wondered. I doubt it's been

done because who can chelate for 10 or 20 years (hahaha)? It would be cheaper

to have the filling drilled out not to mention safer.

<<Getting back to my so-called " protocol " , I think too much focus has

been put on my remarks that I believe guaifenisen, coconut oil, and

sea salt have played a part in my getting metals out of my system.>>

Glad to hear that. You never know who it might help. Sometimes things also

correct imbalances that help one feel better. It's so hard to know what is

helping and in what way, but the important thing is that they gave you

positive results. I hope to hear more about what improvements the cilantro


I'm on the AC 3 day on 11 day off protocol with ALA/DMSA. I did about 15?

rounds in 2006 and felt fell enough to return to school and work full-time


getting my fillings out and chelating). Now, I want to be able to go to

night school after work and exercise more consistently, so I'm hoping to do

another 50 rounds or so to get completely recovered. My main symptoms are my

chronic fatigue, hypo-thyroid and hypo-adrenal. I also want to see those

conditions cleared up.


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> Could be. Why not get those fillings out and then heal yourself from


> final mercury onslaught that happens when fillings are removed?

I believe I have 3 fillings left. A much bigger source of metal in my

mouth is a gold bridge and my health seriously deteriorated after I

got it. I nearly died about a year later. I have no large molars on

the left side of my mouth. Removing the bridge would leave me with

too few teeth to chew. Also, my health was extremely fragile for a

long time and making a big change like having the fillings removed

would have been a big problem and a potential threat to my health. I

needed something that worked to slowly to improve my situation so I

could survive the treatment. And, right now, I simply don't have the


How much

> cilantro did you use during that 16 months (a small handful, more,


I don't know how much since I was eating at a restaurant and,

therefore, had no means to measure how much was in the food I ate. I

do know that I initially asked for " extra " of some things with

cilantro, like the rice, and I later changed what I was ordering in a

way that reduced how much cilantro I was eating.

> Congrats to you on already making progress. What improvements have

you seen in

> the 16 months of cilantro taking?

That sixteen months of consuming cilantro ended in about July of 2005.

Those memories aren't fresh. Generally speaking, I gradually had

more energy and less infection and/or less vulnerability to infection.

I hope you can get those fillings out. I

> wondered if you chelated with them in (theoretically) how long it

would take to

> pull all the mercury out of them? 5 years, 10 years or 20 years?

I don't know. If I am continuing to pull metals from my system, as I

think I am, then I am closing in on the 5 year mark. Of course, I'm

not using any chelators right now and my thought is that metals are

coming out but more slowly than with a chelator, so it's not a direct

comparison. Still, I am sure it would take a very long time either

way. It seems to me if you draw them out slowly enough for it to be

manageable, that adds quite a lot to the time it would take.

My main symptoms are my

> chronic fatigue, hypo-thyroid and hypo-adrenal. I also want to see


> conditions cleared up.


My main issues are a diagnosis of " atypical cystic fibrosis " and

multiple antibiotic resistant infections, combined with years of

inadequate nutrition due to malabsorption. One of my biggest concerns

has been treating what I believe to be a parasitic infection. That

looks like it it close to being resolved. When that is resolved, I

imagine I will have an easier time trying to focus on addressing other

issues. For now, what I am doing is working and is manageable for

also having a job. I can't afford a massive, unmanageable health

crisis that would have me miss a lot of work.





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Hi ,

<<I believe I have 3 fillings left. A much bigger source of metal in my

mouth is a gold bridge I needed something that worked to slowly to improve

my situation so I

could survive the treatment>>

Wow. I read something about dissimilar metals touching (I wonder if the

gold bridge is touching one of the mercury fillings on the teeth beside it?) I

hear that causes a ton of problems too.

<<That sixteen months of consuming cilantro ended in about July of 2005.

Those memories aren't fresh. Generally speaking, I gradually had

more energy and less infection and/or less vulnerability to infection. >>

That is good progress.

<<My main issues are a diagnosis of " atypical cystic fibrosis " and

multiple antibiotic resistant infections, combined with years of

inadequate nutrition due to malabsorption.>>

Did you try digestive enzymes to help with absorption? I use them and they

help my guy problems (especially gas). I'm glad you have made some progress.

Best wishes,


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Hi ,

I got your email and tried to answer but it came back. Thanks for sharing

and I'm glad you are on your way to recovering. I wonder if you are having

'competing' metals? It sounds like you have a lot of different dental work

close together. I got an all porcelain bridge (which has no metal) but it


here the first month of having it (while eating a pretzel no less). Ugh. I

know my den is going to try to talk me into getting a metal one (which I've

wanted to avoid).


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> Hi ,


> I got your email and tried to answer but it came back.

Yes, I sent 3 emails. None showed up in the archives (which is where

I read the list and post from). Someone else wrote me elsewhere also

saying their email reply to me bounced. I can only assume my email

went to the two of you privately for some reason instead of to the

list as a whole and the email supplied was made up by the

robot since it isn't an actual email address of mine.

Thanks for sharing

> and I'm glad you are on your way to recovering. I wonder if you are


> 'competing' metals? It sounds like you have a lot of different

dental work

> close together.

Most of the dental work I have left is all together on the right side

of my mouth. There is one small filling elsewhere.

I got an all porcelain bridge (which has no metal) but it broke

> here the first month of having it (while eating a pretzel no less).

Ugh. I

> know my den is going to try to talk me into getting a metal one

(which I've

> wanted to avoid).

This is a large part of why I have not tried to have my current dental

work removed: I don't have a foolproof solution and I know there are

downsides to some of the solutions out there. I have read stories on

this list of someone going to get amalgam fillings replaced and

learning at the last minute that the dentist intended to replace them

with more mercury amalgams. I have read that dentures can also have

metals. Etc. My current situation gives me enough teeth to eat, I am

gradually getting healthier, and it's manageable. I don't need some

new headache. There is light at the end of the tunnel but it has been

necessary to be a control freak for a long time concerning the rate

and type of change I am enduring in order to get well. I know a lot

of people want to do " something, anything " but I firmly believe that

approach is what created this mess to begin with. So I am not willing

to do that.

Crossing my fingers and hoping this posts to the list.





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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Alina,

Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us all you have been

through, and the emotions you experienced as you went down this terrible path

with breast implants.

So many of us have regretted this decision...you are definitely not alone, and I

am glad you are reading the many stories we have posted in our files section

from women who have suffered in various ways.

That you were able to make up your mind that the implants needed to come out

because they were the cause of your depression is a testament to your inner

strength. Don't beat yourself up about getting the breast implants in the first

place....it does nothing to contribute toward healing, and we have ALL had this

regret! Reflect instead on the fact that you were strong enough to do something

about it and get those suckers out!

You truly are a stronger person for this...it has to be the final outcome for

all of us who go through it. We will survive and we will thrive. Talking about

it is a good thing when you can look at the past and not cringe, but consider it

a stepping stone to a greater future for yourself, because you know what you are

made of, and what the purpose of your life is. You have clarity that you can't

get any other way.

I know it is painful too, though. Reflection is a good thing, but it can also

be a sorrowful thing. Sorrow over wasted time, wasted years of your life,

sorrow for the pain that we've caused others, and more. But there is a time to

weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance....now is your

time to dance, dear one. Laugh and find joy in everything you can.

Joy gives strength to the heart. I am joyful for you, and thankful that you've

written to our group! Thanks for sharing your important story!!!

I'd love to add it to our files..may I?





> I got saline implants when I was 20 years old. I am now 24 and I have

> to say getting implants was the biggest regret of my life. My only

> regret for that matter. I was only 20 years old. I looked great... 120

> lbs, very athletic dancer body, great shape. For some reason I didn't

> see that and was not satisfied with my 34B bust. For me getting

> implants was a total personal decision. I had thought about it my first

> couple years of college and even took 'breast enhancement' pills. I

> never talked about it with friends, family or even my boyfriend. I am a

> pretty personal person and don't always like bringing up my personal

> issues. I finally brought the issue to my boyrfriend and parents which

> was very hard. They both did not think I needed them but also

> understood it was a personal decision and were very supportive. I

> decided to get the surgery one month before my Junior year old college.

> I should have ran after my first consultation. I didn't like the

> doctor, didn't like the receptionist... should have been a warning sign

> from the beginning. But this was something I wanted to do for myself and

> there was nothing that was going to get in my way.


> My whole life has changed since I got my surgery. From the beginning

> they felt too big. I was barely a B before hand and wanted to get the

> smallest implants possible. I received 250 ccs in each implant and they

> looked good... but they way I felt totally changed. My left implant

> felt it was too far left, almost under my armpit, and really bothered me

> all of the time. I found myself starting to wear sports bras all the

> time. I think I immediately was regreting it but didn't want to admit

> it to myself. I told my close friends before hand, and never denied the

> surgery to anyone. My whole thing was, I wasn't going to announce it to

> the world, but if anyone asked me I would never deny it. To this day,

> only ONE person had the guts to ask me. Immediately everyone was

> talking about it but behind my back and everywhere I went I felt 10x

> more insecure than I ever had. Everytime I went out or somewhere I knew

> people, I felt like the first thing they would do is look/talk about my

> chest. And the truth of the matter is, that people really weren't.

> Even after a year some of best friends had no idea. I just became so

> self conscience and always thought people were talking about me. I

> started feeling like all I could think about was my boobs.


> I started getting very depressed and started smoking alot of pot to

> forget about it. It was the only way I could actually not think about

> the surgery for awhile. I started losing more and more respect and self

> esteem about my body, gaining more weight and not working out. My left

> breast hurt all of the time and I could barely find a bra to fit. I

> barely fit into a 's Secret 34D... not at ALL how big I wanted

> to be. I did not feel like myself at all. I never looked at myself in

> the mirror. When I would go shopping I would turn around while

> undressing so I wouldn't see myself. I felt like I was in someone elses

> body and not myself at all. I started losing more and more interest in

> school and my path in life. I was so depressed I started missing out on

> things and didn't even care to hang out with friends. I eventually

> dropped out of college.


> It finally came to a point where I realized I had to get these things

> out. I was wasting so much of my time consuming my mind with my boobs!

> I kept feeling sorry for myself and making excuses about my bad

> decisions. I realized I was straight up depressed, and I needed to do

> something about it. So last February I got the implants out. I

> immediately felt better. The whole time I had them I just felt like..

> something foreign was inside me that was not supposed to be there! Did

> it solve all my problems? No. I'm still depressed to this day and

> trying to deal with the fact that I went through this whole thing. But

> I've also realized sitting here feeling sorry for myself isn't going to

> change anything either. I need to take control of my life and get it

> back. I've been working hard at trying to get my old body back. I

> gained about 20 pounds during this whole thing, and I need to lose it.

> Smoking so much pot made me even more depressed and live a more sedetary

> lifestyle. I have recently quit and want to share my story with young

> people in hopes that story may alter their decision to get implants. I

> also know that at the time there was nothing anyone could say to change

> my mind... it was something I wanted to do only for myself and it was a

> personal decision. However I think people should know that each body is

> different and you won't necessarily look like celebs or people on TV

> after surgery, you have no way of knowing. Each body is beautiful and

> it is sad that a lot of us women do not see that beauty in ourselves.

> There is still not a day that goes by that I do not think about

> everything that has happened and regret it... and I'm sick of doing

> that. I don't want to think about it anymore, I want to move on and

> love my body. Anyways if you are reading this I thank you, because

> barely anyone has heard my story. It ate me alive for 2 whole years, I

> didn't talk about it with anyone and no one ever understood how I felt.

> Thanks again - 'Alina'


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Thank you so much Patty for the kind words I really appreciate your message!! Yes you can certainly add my story to the files, hopefully someone will read it and relate to it like I did with some of the others. Thanks again for the kinda message it made me feel good.

Alina :)

> >> > > > I got saline implants when I was 20 years old. I am now 24 and I have> > to say getting implants was the biggest regret of my life. My only> > regret for that matter. I was only 20 years old. I looked great... 120> > lbs, very athletic dancer body, great shape. For some reason I didn't> > see that and was not satisfied with my 34B bust. For me getting> > implants was a total personal decision. I had thought about it my first> > couple years of college and even took 'breast enhancement' pills. I> > never talked about it with friends, family or even my boyfriend. I am a> > pretty personal person and don't always like bringing up my personal> > issues. I finally brought the issue to my boyrfriend and parents which> > was very hard. They both did not think I needed them but also> > understood it was a personal decision and were very supportive. I> > decided to get the surgery one month before my Junior year old college. > > I should have ran after my first consultation. I didn't like the> > doctor, didn't like the receptionist... should have been a warning sign> > from the beginning. But this was something I wanted to do for myself and> > there was nothing that was going to get in my way.> > > > My whole life has changed since I got my surgery. From the beginning> > they felt too big. I was barely a B before hand and wanted to get the> > smallest implants possible. I received 250 ccs in each implant and they> > looked good... but they way I felt totally changed. My left implant> > felt it was too far left, almost under my armpit, and really bothered me> > all of the time. I found myself starting to wear sports bras all the> > time. I think I immediately was regreting it but didn't want to admit> > it to myself. I told my close friends before hand, and never denied the> > surgery to anyone. My whole thing was, I wasn't going to announce it to> > the world, but if anyone asked me I would never deny it. To this day,> > only ONE person had the guts to ask me. Immediately everyone was> > talking about it but behind my back and everywhere I went I felt 10x> > more insecure than I ever had. Everytime I went out or somewhere I knew> > people, I felt like the first thing they would do is look/talk about my> > chest. And the truth of the matter is, that people really weren't. > > Even after a year some of best friends had no idea. I just became so> > self conscience and always thought people were talking about me. I> > started feeling like all I could think about was my boobs.> > > > I started getting very depressed and started smoking alot of pot to> > forget about it. It was the only way I could actually not think about> > the surgery for awhile. I started losing more and more respect and self> > esteem about my body, gaining more weight and not working out. My left> > breast hurt all of the time and I could barely find a bra to fit. I> > barely fit into a 's Secret 34D... not at ALL how big I wanted> > to be. I did not feel like myself at all. I never looked at myself in> > the mirror. When I would go shopping I would turn around while> > undressing so I wouldn't see myself. I felt like I was in someone elses> > body and not myself at all. I started losing more and more interest in> > school and my path in life. I was so depressed I started missing out on> > things and didn't even care to hang out with friends. I eventually> > dropped out of college.> > > > It finally came to a point where I realized I had to get these things> > out. I was wasting so much of my time consuming my mind with my boobs! > > I kept feeling sorry for myself and making excuses about my bad> > decisions. I realized I was straight up depressed, and I needed to do> > something about it. So last February I got the implants out. I> > immediately felt better. The whole time I had them I just felt like..> > something foreign was inside me that was not supposed to be there! Did> > it solve all my problems? No. I'm still depressed to this day and> > trying to deal with the fact that I went through this whole thing. But> > I've also realized sitting here feeling sorry for myself isn't going to> > change anything either. I need to take control of my life and get it> > back. I've been working hard at trying to get my old body back. I> > gained about 20 pounds during this whole thing, and I need to lose it. > > Smoking so much pot made me even more depressed and live a more sedetary> > lifestyle. I have recently quit and want to share my story with young> > people in hopes that story may alter their decision to get implants. I> > also know that at the time there was nothing anyone could say to change> > my mind... it was something I wanted to do only for myself and it was a> > personal decision. However I think people should know that each body is> > different and you won't necessarily look like celebs or people on TV> > after surgery, you have no way of knowing. Each body is beautiful and> > it is sad that a lot of us women do not see that beauty in ourselves. > > There is still not a day that goes by that I do not think about> > everything that has happened and regret it... and I'm sick of doing> > that. I don't want to think about it anymore, I want to move on and> > love my body. Anyways if you are reading this I thank you, because> > barely anyone has heard my story. It ate me alive for 2 whole years, I> > didn't talk about it with anyone and no one ever understood how I felt. > > Thanks again - 'Alina'> >>

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Thanks for sharing your story with us. I'm glad you had the implants removed, I

felt the same way you did during the time that I had them. I tried to hide mine

as well, although I didn't tell anyone that I had them and oddly enough no one

seemed to notice. I couldn't stand having something foreign in my body, either,

and had mine removed after six months. I'm glad you're working towards getting

yourself back to where you want to be.




> I got saline implants when I was 20 years old. I am now 24 and I have

> to say getting implants was the biggest regret of my life. My only

> regret for that matter. I was only 20 years old. I looked great... 120

> lbs, very athletic dancer body, great shape. For some reason I didn't

> see that and was not satisfied with my 34B bust. For me getting

> implants was a total personal decision. I had thought about it my first

> couple years of college and even took 'breast enhancement' pills. I

> never talked about it with friends, family or even my boyfriend. I am a

> pretty personal person and don't always like bringing up my personal

> issues. I finally brought the issue to my boyrfriend and parents which

> was very hard. They both did not think I needed them but also

> understood it was a personal decision and were very supportive. I

> decided to get the surgery one month before my Junior year old college.

> I should have ran after my first consultation. I didn't like the

> doctor, didn't like the receptionist... should have been a warning sign

> from the beginning. But this was something I wanted to do for myself and

> there was nothing that was going to get in my way.


> My whole life has changed since I got my surgery. From the beginning

> they felt too big. I was barely a B before hand and wanted to get the

> smallest implants possible. I received 250 ccs in each implant and they

> looked good... but they way I felt totally changed. My left implant

> felt it was too far left, almost under my armpit, and really bothered me

> all of the time. I found myself starting to wear sports bras all the

> time. I think I immediately was regreting it but didn't want to admit

> it to myself. I told my close friends before hand, and never denied the

> surgery to anyone. My whole thing was, I wasn't going to announce it to

> the world, but if anyone asked me I would never deny it. To this day,

> only ONE person had the guts to ask me. Immediately everyone was

> talking about it but behind my back and everywhere I went I felt 10x

> more insecure than I ever had. Everytime I went out or somewhere I knew

> people, I felt like the first thing they would do is look/talk about my

> chest. And the truth of the matter is, that people really weren't.

> Even after a year some of best friends had no idea. I just became so

> self conscience and always thought people were talking about me. I

> started feeling like all I could think about was my boobs.


> I started getting very depressed and started smoking alot of pot to

> forget about it. It was the only way I could actually not think about

> the surgery for awhile. I started losing more and more respect and self

> esteem about my body, gaining more weight and not working out. My left

> breast hurt all of the time and I could barely find a bra to fit. I

> barely fit into a 's Secret 34D... not at ALL how big I wanted

> to be. I did not feel like myself at all. I never looked at myself in

> the mirror. When I would go shopping I would turn around while

> undressing so I wouldn't see myself. I felt like I was in someone elses

> body and not myself at all. I started losing more and more interest in

> school and my path in life. I was so depressed I started missing out on

> things and didn't even care to hang out with friends. I eventually

> dropped out of college.


> It finally came to a point where I realized I had to get these things

> out. I was wasting so much of my time consuming my mind with my boobs!

> I kept feeling sorry for myself and making excuses about my bad

> decisions. I realized I was straight up depressed, and I needed to do

> something about it. So last February I got the implants out. I

> immediately felt better. The whole time I had them I just felt like..

> something foreign was inside me that was not supposed to be there! Did

> it solve all my problems? No. I'm still depressed to this day and

> trying to deal with the fact that I went through this whole thing. But

> I've also realized sitting here feeling sorry for myself isn't going to

> change anything either. I need to take control of my life and get it

> back. I've been working hard at trying to get my old body back. I

> gained about 20 pounds during this whole thing, and I need to lose it.

> Smoking so much pot made me even more depressed and live a more sedetary

> lifestyle. I have recently quit and want to share my story with young

> people in hopes that story may alter their decision to get implants. I

> also know that at the time there was nothing anyone could say to change

> my mind... it was something I wanted to do only for myself and it was a

> personal decision. However I think people should know that each body is

> different and you won't necessarily look like celebs or people on TV

> after surgery, you have no way of knowing. Each body is beautiful and

> it is sad that a lot of us women do not see that beauty in ourselves.

> There is still not a day that goes by that I do not think about

> everything that has happened and regret it... and I'm sick of doing

> that. I don't want to think about it anymore, I want to move on and

> love my body. Anyways if you are reading this I thank you, because

> barely anyone has heard my story. It ate me alive for 2 whole years, I

> didn't talk about it with anyone and no one ever understood how I felt.

> Thanks again - 'Alina'


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That's a wonderful story, congratulations!! I was on ap for 2 years and didn't

find relief but I am still a believer even though it didn't work for me. If for

no other reason, it is less toxic than all the other meds so why not give it a

shot. Glad it worked out so well for you.


---- Kathy <sunbriar@...> wrote:

> I probly had depression and thyroid problems for years, undiagnosed. then

menopause hit early and quickly. they tried synthetic hormones (birth control

pills) and as I was doing my 3 mile jog one day my ankles suddenly started to

hurt so bad I wasnt sure i could walk home, they swelled up and hurt.. no one

could find any reason for this. then I got a skin infection, they said was

auto-immune eczema, and then my hand starting hurting so bad I couldnt work.

before you know it, other things started hurting.. the first diagnosis was

psoriatic arthritis and i was put on methetrexate. during this time, my knees,

feet and hip started to hurt. I was 48... My hip was becomeing " frozen " and I

couldnt do alot of things like ride my horse or even walk very far. Things

were getting worse quickly. the methetrexate made me sick and I had pain in my

bones at nite so i couldnt sleep. they gave me " ultram ER " for pain, which I

found out causes insomnia (which I already had due to the menopause) AND I was

told I would NOT be allowed to return to work (I am a school bus driver) as the

ultram is NOt allowed for CDL drivers. They didnt want me to take tylenol or the

other NSAIDs because the methetrexate was causeing my liver values to rise.. so

after just 12 weeks of mtx, they switched me to HUMIRA.. so i was giving myself

shots in the stomach every 2 weeks and I found out it cost $18,000 a year!

(thank god I have good insurance) but more than that, I would be at risk

driving the bus full of kids because it lowers your immune system so much. I

will admit that my pain was less on humira. But I was afraid Id catch something

and die.. (and we had MRSA and Mono and flu going around that year) I got on a

waiting list to see a DR 1 and 1/2 hrs away that would prescribe antibiotics. I

did ask my own Drs and all said NO.. I finally saw the New Dr and he ran some

tests for mycoplasma and chlamydia and they came back positive ! (the first of

any tests to be positive for me!) so I started on Minocycline 200mg daily..

well it knocked me down..so bad I had to stay home... so then we dropped to

50mg and built up slowly to 100 mg, I never could handle the 200mg. but within

2 -3 weeks I felt amazingly better! during this time I also got on some

thyroid medicine and also bio-identical hormone replacement, and other

suppliments including 4000 of D. I stopped going to physical therapy, my hip is

" un-frozen " I can ride my horse, I am walking 5 miles a day , working in the

garden , and driving my bus with NO pain meds at all..not even an aspirin! Ive

been on minocycline at 100mg a day for 18 mos now, Ive had only one " flare up "

and that , strangley enough was in ONE finger (I thought Id broken it, it hurt

so bad) diagnosis was arthritis.. one of the problems Ive run into is that one

of my family Drs now blames everything on the arthritis. I went in with an ear

ache and she said I had arthritis in my jaw.. when my knee hurt, it was

arthritis too (forget that there was a bruise there) . Trying to find a DR who

will prescribe the mino and also the BHRT is very hard (Im on another waiting

list) Id like to find one who doesnt act like Im some kind of nut case when i go

in with my print-outs of information I found on the web.. My fiance told me

later that he thought I would be in wheelchair within the year.. and he is now a

believer in the infectious theory, we both tell our friends and anyone who wants

info i send them the links to the websites. I am so thankful I found the

information and followed thru on getting the medications . Hopefully I will not

have a relapse, which is a fear of mine that the arthritis will come back.

Kathy age 51 now and very active!



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Hi Kathy,

That is a fantastic story. I don't know where you live but I live in

Pittsburgh and my doc would treat you with Mino but he doesn't take any

insurance. Also if you have a really bad time there is a place in Mexico

(prescriptions are filled in the US) where you can get it without a

prescription. My coumpounding pharmacist will talk to your doc and get you

bioidenticals if you need them. She is wonderful.

I wish you the best of luck in all you do.


I probly had depression and thyroid problems for years, undiagnosed. then

menopause hit early and quickly. they tried synthetic hormones (birth

control pills) and as I was doing my 3 mile jog one day my ankles suddenly

started to hurt so bad I wasnt sure i could walk home, they swelled up and

hurt.. no one could find any reason for this. then I got a skin infection,

they said was auto-immune eczema, and then my hand starting hurting so bad I

couldnt work. before you know it, other things started hurting.. the first

diagnosis was psoriatic arthritis and i was put on methetrexate. during this

time, my knees, feet and hip started to hurt. I was 48... My hip was

becomeing " frozen " and I couldnt do alot of things like ride my horse or

even walk very far. Things were getting worse quickly. the methetrexate made

me sick and I had pain in my bones at nite so i couldnt sleep. they gave me

" ultram ER " for pain, which I found out causes insomnia (which I already had

due to the menopause) AND I was told I would NOT be allowed to return to

work (I am a school bus driver) as the ultram is NOt allowed for CDL

drivers. They didnt want me to take tylenol or the other NSAIDs because the

methetrexate was causeing my liver values to rise.. so after just 12 weeks

of mtx, they switched me to HUMIRA.. so i was giving myself shots in the

stomach every 2 weeks and I found out it cost $18,000 a year! (thank god I

have good insurance) but more than that, I would be at risk driving the bus

full of kids because it lowers your immune system so much. I will admit that

my pain was less on humira. But I was afraid Id catch something and die..

(and we had MRSA and Mono and flu going around that year) I got on a waiting

list to see a DR 1 and 1/2 hrs away that would prescribe antibiotics. I did

ask my own Drs and all said NO.. I finally saw the New Dr and he ran some

tests for mycoplasma and chlamydia and they came back positive ! (the first

of any tests to be positive for me!) so I started on Minocycline 200mg

daily.. well it knocked me down..so bad I had to stay home... so then we

dropped to 50mg and built up slowly to 100 mg, I never could handle the

200mg. but within 2 -3 weeks I felt amazingly better! during this time I

also got on some thyroid medicine and also bio-identical hormone

replacement, and other suppliments including 4000 of D. I stopped going to

physical therapy, my hip is " un-frozen " I can ride my horse, I am walking 5

miles a day , working in the garden , and driving my bus with NO pain meds

at all..not even an aspirin! Ive been on minocycline at 100mg a day for 18

mos now, Ive had only one " flare up " and that , strangley enough was in ONE

finger (I thought Id broken it, it hurt so bad) diagnosis was arthritis..

one of the problems Ive run into is that one of my family Drs now blames

everything on the arthritis. I went in with an ear ache and she said I had

arthritis in my jaw.. when my knee hurt, it was arthritis too (forget that

there was a bruise there) . Trying to find a DR who will prescribe the mino

and also the BHRT is very hard (Im on another waiting list) Id like to find

one who doesnt act like Im some kind of nut case when i go in with my

print-outs of information I found on the web.. My fiance told me later that

he thought I

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Cooky, is your BIHT a cream?

From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On

Behalf Of Cooky Stonkey

Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 12:53 PM


Subject: RE: rheumatic my story

Hi Kathy,

That is a fantastic story. I don't know where you live but I live in

Pittsburgh and my doc would treat you with Mino but he doesn't take any

insurance. Also if you have a really bad time there is a place in Mexico

(prescriptions are filled in the US) where you can get it without a

prescription. My coumpounding pharmacist will talk to your doc and get


bioidenticals if you need them. She is wonderful.

I wish you the best of luck in all you do.


I probly had depression and thyroid problems for years, undiagnosed.


menopause hit early and quickly. they tried synthetic hormones (birth

control pills) and as I was doing my 3 mile jog one day my ankles


started to hurt so bad I wasnt sure i could walk home, they swelled up


hurt.. no one could find any reason for this. then I got a skin


they said was auto-immune eczema, and then my hand starting hurting so

bad I

couldnt work. before you know it, other things started hurting.. the


diagnosis was psoriatic arthritis and i was put on methetrexate. during


time, my knees, feet and hip started to hurt. I was 48... My hip was

becomeing " frozen " and I couldnt do alot of things like ride my horse or

even walk very far. Things were getting worse quickly. the methetrexate


me sick and I had pain in my bones at nite so i couldnt sleep. they gave


" ultram ER " for pain, which I found out causes insomnia (which I already


due to the menopause) AND I was told I would NOT be allowed to return to

work (I am a school bus driver) as the ultram is NOt allowed for CDL

drivers. They didnt want me to take tylenol or the other NSAIDs because


methetrexate was causeing my liver values to rise.. so after just 12


of mtx, they switched me to HUMIRA.. so i was giving myself shots in the

stomach every 2 weeks and I found out it cost $18,000 a year! (thank god


have good insurance) but more than that, I would be at risk driving the


full of kids because it lowers your immune system so much. I will admit


my pain was less on humira. But I was afraid Id catch something and


(and we had MRSA and Mono and flu going around that year) I got on a


list to see a DR 1 and 1/2 hrs away that would prescribe antibiotics. I


ask my own Drs and all said NO.. I finally saw the New Dr and he ran


tests for mycoplasma and chlamydia and they came back positive ! (the


of any tests to be positive for me!) so I started on Minocycline 200mg

daily.. well it knocked me down..so bad I had to stay home... so then we

dropped to 50mg and built up slowly to 100 mg, I never could handle the

200mg. but within 2 -3 weeks I felt amazingly better! during this time I

also got on some thyroid medicine and also bio-identical hormone

replacement, and other suppliments including 4000 of D. I stopped going


physical therapy, my hip is " un-frozen " I can ride my horse, I am

walking 5

miles a day , working in the garden , and driving my bus with NO pain


at all..not even an aspirin! Ive been on minocycline at 100mg a day for


mos now, Ive had only one " flare up " and that , strangley enough was in


finger (I thought Id broken it, it hurt so bad) diagnosis was


one of the problems Ive run into is that one of my family Drs now blames

everything on the arthritis. I went in with an ear ache and she said I


arthritis in my jaw.. when my knee hurt, it was arthritis too (forget


there was a bruise there) . Trying to find a DR who will prescribe the


and also the BHRT is very hard (Im on another waiting list) Id like to


one who doesnt act like Im some kind of nut case when i go in with my

print-outs of information I found on the web.. My fiance told me later


he thought I

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Kathy, thank you for sharing your encouraging story with us. We will get it

posted to the website shortly. May we add your email address, or would you

prefer not to be contacted by people interested in the therapy?


rheumatic my story

>I probly had depression and thyroid problems for years, undiagnosed. then

>menopause hit early and quickly. they tried synthetic hormones (birth

>control pills) and as I was doing my 3 mile jog one day my ankles suddenly

>started to hurt so bad I wasnt sure i could walk home, they swelled up and

>hurt.. no one could find any reason for this. then I got a skin

>infection, they said was auto-immune eczema, and then my hand starting

>hurting so bad I couldnt work. before you know it, other things started

>hurting.. the first diagnosis was psoriatic arthritis and i was put on

>methetrexate. during this time, my knees, feet and hip started to hurt. I

>was 48... My hip was becomeing " frozen " and I couldnt do alot of things

>like ride my horse or even walk very far. Things were getting worse

>quickly. the methetrexate made me sick and I had pain in my bones at nite

>so i couldnt sleep. they gave me " ultram ER " for pain, which I found out

>causes insomnia (which I already had due to the menopause) AND I was told I

>would NOT be allowed to return to work (I am a school bus driver) as the

>ultram is NOt allowed for CDL drivers. They didnt want me to take tylenol

>or the other NSAIDs because the methetrexate was causeing my liver values

>to rise.. so after just 12 weeks of mtx, they switched me to HUMIRA.. so i

>was giving myself shots in the stomach every 2 weeks and I found out it

>cost $18,000 a year! (thank god I have good insurance) but more than that,

>I would be at risk driving the bus full of kids because it lowers your

>immune system so much. I will admit that my pain was less on humira. But

>I was afraid Id catch something and die.. (and we had MRSA and Mono and flu

>going around that year) I got on a waiting list to see a DR 1 and 1/2 hrs

>away that would prescribe antibiotics. I did ask my own Drs and all said

>NO.. I finally saw the New Dr and he ran some tests for mycoplasma and

>chlamydia and they came back positive ! (the first of any tests to be

>positive for me!) so I started on Minocycline 200mg daily.. well it

>knocked me down..so bad I had to stay home... so then we dropped to 50mg

>and built up slowly to 100 mg, I never could handle the 200mg. but within

>2 -3 weeks I felt amazingly better! during this time I also got on some

>thyroid medicine and also bio-identical hormone replacement, and other

>suppliments including 4000 of D. I stopped going to physical therapy, my

>hip is " un-frozen " I can ride my horse, I am walking 5 miles a day ,

>working in the garden , and driving my bus with NO pain meds at all..not

>even an aspirin! Ive been on minocycline at 100mg a day for 18 mos now,

>Ive had only one " flare up " and that , strangley enough was in ONE finger

>(I thought Id broken it, it hurt so bad) diagnosis was arthritis.. one of

>the problems Ive run into is that one of my family Drs now blames

>everything on the arthritis. I went in with an ear ache and she said I had

>arthritis in my jaw.. when my knee hurt, it was arthritis too (forget that

>there was a bruise there) . Trying to find a DR who will prescribe the mino

>and also the BHRT is very hard (Im on another waiting list) Id like to

>find one who doesnt act like Im some kind of nut case when i go in with my

>print-outs of information I found on the web.. My fiance told me later

>that he thought I would be in wheelchair within the year.. and he is now a

>believer in the infectious theory, we both tell our friends and anyone who

>wants info i send them the links to the websites. I am so thankful I

>found the information and followed thru on getting the medications .

>Hopefully I will not have a relapse, which is a fear of mine that the

>arthritis will come back. Kathy age 51 now and very active!



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  • 1 month later...
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Almost two years ago. That is when I started experience symptoms similar to

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. I was crippled, disabled, prevented from doing

all the things I used to enjoy. I went to a doctor when it got too much to bear,

and now I'm better, and can enjoy a normal life again.

It started with KaBoom, a carpet cleaner. My wife had to clean some gunk in her

car so she used some kaboom. She also used it inside next to our bed. It was

very apparent kaboom was making me sick, whenever I was around it, it felt like

trying to breathe in a sand storm.

It got worse from there, a lot worse. Before long, I was getting sick from

anything and everything. The products I began to spite were cigarettes,

deodorants and lotions. I couldn't go near them without feeling sick and dizzy.

It stopped me from wanting to go outside my house, which I started only doing to

go to my work.

Then I started reacting to alcohol. I would get terrible chest pains just by

smelling it. My nose was my enemy, and I couldn't drink anymore.

I became hermit-like. My wife suffered as much as I did, and me being sick put a

lot of strain on our relationship. I was tired and sick all the time, and she

felt it was all her fault because she would have a beer earlier in the day, or

would bring something in the house that affected me by accident. It wasn't her

fault, even I couldn't help hurting myself somehow.

I was miserable. I felt like I was in a prison. This went on for almost two

years. I had enough, so I decided to go to an allergist, so first I got onto my

fathers health insurance by signing up for some school courses (which I had no

intention of going to, I can't imagine how smelly college girls and boys must

be). The allergist was no help at all, and straight up told me that he couldn't

help me.

My wife recommended a different doctor, Dawn Motyka. I was very nervous going

in, but I left that first with a buzz of happiness. She said I wouldn't have to

live with this for the rest of my life, it could be fixed. I would have to lead

a healthy life in the long run, and in the short run, I would have to do some

specific things.

First was the diet, it's pretty extreme. No sugars, red meats, corn, wheat, and

about a million other things I couldn't have. In addition, I was to take

probiotics, quercitin, and omega-3 pills, along with a powder intended for

people with Chrohn's disease. She told me the problem was in my gut, and that is

what she intended to fix.

I wasn't the best at sticking to the diet. The first month or two I did great,

but started to add more things in when I was too tempted. My energy went up, but

the symptoms stayed the same, and got worse at times. But I still stuck with the


Then, I went to take a trip to visit some family in Michigan with my father. I

was nervous of course, traveling isn't easy when everything makes you sick. I

had to sit next to a guy with strong cologne. The first 2 hours of the plane

trip was pretty bad, but then, to my surprise, I started feeling normal. I could

still smell the guy, but it didn't have the same effect on me. Weird. Then, we

had a second plane, and right behind me was a lady who reeked of cigarette

smoke. This time, only after an hour I stopped being hurt. Weird.

After a couple days of visiting, something terrible happened. I went into a

restaurant, and dear God, they allow smoking indoors. I nearly freaked out, but

decided, with a little push from my father, to test out the non smoking section.

I did, and I was so damn shocked to notice that, even though I felt a little bit

hurt, I could tolerate it.

I needed to test this out further. I was hanging out with some cousins of mine,

they wanted to go to a bar. I decided to go, as bars still serve water and this

particular one had a no smoking rule. It went fine, but then they wanted to go

to a bar filled with more people, and I tagged along.

That far was filled with cigarette smoke. Oh, dear God, it was terrible, but not

for my usual symptoms. I was in a bar filled with smoke, people smoking right

next to me, and I could stand it. sure, my eyes itched a little, and my chest

had a little buzz to it, but I felt like I could be in there for a long time.

My cousins of course wanted to take their beers outside, the smoke was too much

even for them. I asked if I could have a sip of someones beer, HOLY SHIT, no

chest pains. I could drink again.

I ended up feeling 90% better the rest of that trip. I felt like a normal person

again. I had a grin from ear to ear the whole time.

Then, as we were driving back to the airport, on the way to home, we drove by a

bad skunk smell. My symptoms came back just a little bit. I was sensitive to

smells again, but it only lasted maybe an hour, and after I had something to

eat, I was normal again.

I had it figured out. Skunks. They live under my house, and were only gone last

winter. They used to breed under there. My neighbor got the worst of it, as they

were directly under her rooms, but our whole apartment complex was effected.

Where they got under the house is boarded up now and I hope they all die (a bit

harsh, but I wouldn't actually do it myself, I just have hopes).

I'm now back home, and I'm still fine. It's only been a couple days, and I still

have to see my doctor again, but this is the best I've felt my entire life. Not

really physically, I'm still getting a little congested in the morning, and

can't wait until I move. But mentally, I know I can get better and stay better,

I've felt the proof.

Right now, I'm going to call up all my friends to set up a giant house party.

I'm thinking about getting crunked.

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  • 1 year later...

part 2

i then sought a 2nd opinion and it went to hershey med ctr....pretty much at

this time they retried a stimulation test this time with clomid...same

result...she as said must be psychological....and yes I was receiving

psychological counseling and no it did not bring back my t levels.....lol.....so

endos.... are no help to me...even went to a famous one at univ of

pa....urologists do give me external test...as they say your penis needs some to

stay healthy...so right now...I am acttually trying to do a hpta

restart....doing some torem...

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If you have thick blood, donate a pint every 2 months to the Red Cross.


> I am 36 now...but this all started when I was 17 or 18....I went through

puberty great, awesome sex drive...but I repressed it for religious reasons....I

now don't agree with those religions. well, life sucks...lol...but then since I

was so skinny 6/2 140 lbs born with a sunken chest or pectus excavatum as the

medical community calls it and it is right where the belly meets the chest...so

makes my belly look bigger and chest smaller, with all that I decided to try

steroids anabolic at age of 17 and then after a few months gained 40 lbs and

decided I hated it and stopped cold on the steroids at age of 18...this didn't

give time for my body to recover and my penis shrunk in size from 7.5 to 5.5

erect. since then I have been told that doesn't happen...and been given

trt...well the story is more complicated. my primary care when I first saw him

told me to do nothing and nothing...well four years went by and I did nothing

and my levels are also borderline low when I do nothing...t is about 250...ft is

low...lh from 2 to 4 and fsh from 2 to 4....so then I finally had enough and

attempted suicide....this was a cry for help...and I begged the therapist that

this was why i did it....he didn't listen....I begged more and more.....finally

I had a gnrh stimulation test done.....it worked I was like can I get that

treatment premanantly....even though it raised my t slightly it felt great....


> I was given a gnrh stimulation test...my lh and fsh tripled but my t hardly

move...doctor said it must be psychological...as the system always restarts and

since t hardly moved..I will show result below. my question since it has been 4

years since my steroid stoppage, wouldn't my t level be low because of how

insensitive the leydig cells became.


> time in am LH fsh test


> before test (720) 3.6 3.7 283

> test (735) 13.23 5.9 na

> test (750) 15.54 6.7 na

> test (820) 13.80 6.69 na

> last gnrh pul. (850) 11.01 6.46 334


> so it went from 283 to 334 in 90 minutes...isn't that how pulsate works...slow

and satued



> results of my gnrh testt................


> so what did endo say to me.....one guess....it must be psychological? first

cause I was in a mental ward....2nd cause my t only raised a bit.....hello my

leydigs were desensitized....3rd I am sure doctors say crazy when I say penis

shrunk.......but it did....anyways, so I was still waiting for system to restart

after 4 years....missed out on some good years.....next comes along I decide tto

get t shots....they wake me up some and help me...of course it is given

incorrectly in high doses.....and no antie...but they do work for sex and sex

drive....just bad for mood swings and thick blood...polycythemia..


> end of part 1


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I was a victim of bad Dr.'s like you the firs 5 yrs I was sick because they

could not figure out why I was so sick from Fatigue they told me I suffer from

Major Depression my story is long but you need to read it.


If I were you I would try to see if you can work this Dr. O and Hardasnails if

you can get your T levels jump started again they can do it if not they can

treat you so you feel like a man again.

Overbeck hardasnails1973@... 484-868-0916 contact 1100 fayette

st Conshohocken Internal medicine Male and female hormone disorders and

metabolic disorders 610-828-2026

Send Hardasnails a Emile talk to him.

Or see if you can find a Dr. that will work with Dr. over the phone to test

and treat you he is one of the best for jump starting men so they don't need



or his forum at


I think it is criminal to tell a men his T levels are low due to being

psychological WTF is with some Dr.'s there is no such thing as low T levels due

to a psychological problem.



> From: justinm <jtmoy19607@...>

> Subject: Re: my story


> Date: Sunday, February 27, 2011, 11:21 PM



> part 2


> i then sought a 2nd opinion and it went to hershey med

> ctr....pretty much at this time they retried a stimulation

> test this time with clomid...same result...she as said must

> be psychological....and yes I was receiving psychological

> counseling and no it did not bring back my t

> levels.....lol.....so endos.... are no help to me...even

> went to a famous one at univ of pa....urologists do give me

> external test...as they say your penis needs some to stay

> healthy...so right now...I am acttually trying to do a hpta

> restart....doing some torem...




> ------------------------------------



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Phil didn't he mention his low T was caused by illcit drug abuse, which can

cause low T and othr health problems? Some Jocks due to damage caused by

steriods must make TRT because became hypoganism. Maybe his doc was pulling from

his past drug abuse. Yes, I agree it should be criminal receiving horrible

medical advice. Recently, a cardiologist told me my worries are " in my mind " and

to look into seeing a psychologist.

Re: Re: my story

I was a victim of bad Dr.'s like you the firs 5 yrs I was sick because they

could not figure out why I was so sick from Fatigue they told me I suffer from

Major Depression my story is long but you need to read it.


If I were you I would try to see if you can work this Dr. O and Hardasnails if

you can get your T levels jump started again they can do it if not they can

treat you so you feel like a man again.

Overbeck hardasnails1973@... 484-868-0916 contact 1100 fayette

st Conshohocken Internal medicine Male and female hormone disorders and

metabolic disorders 610-828-2026

Send Hardasnails a Emile talk to him.

Or see if you can find a Dr. that will work with Dr. over the phone to

test and treat you he is one of the best for jump starting men so they don't

need TRT.


or his forum at


I think it is criminal to tell a men his T levels are low due to being

psychological WTF is with some Dr.'s there is no such thing as low T levels due

to a psychological problem.



--- On Sun, 2/27/11, justinm

[The entire original message is not included]

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