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Re: Paralysis caused by mold - Long list of Treatments

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At one time or another each sentence below I have posted on another list

at least 1 page of info. That means about 60-70 pages of expanded info.

Where I read this, how many places, how it helped me, etc. Including

warnings, going slow, etc. All of which I did not include below.

Treating the 3 primary body systems, adrenal, nervous, and immune is key.

Do not just boost them. Hmm, do not boost them at all. Heal them instead.

Renormalize their behaviour. Boosting depletes key molecules faster.

Instead, consume more precursor molecules that will heal/normalize these

three systems. Raw glandulars is a quick way. Raw adrenal or ACE drops

or Adrenal extract. Raw thyroid gland. These worked for me about 2 months,

every day, at full dose, or higher if it felt right, but not

consistently higher.

Probiotics is key. Restoring proper digestion can be checked.. by

stool inspection.

It's not nice, but you can tell by the stools, what needs to be done.

Detox the blood, then a week later, detox the liver, and a week later detox

the digestive system. The probiotics for 3 days, at therapeutic levels.

BTW, detox takes any where from 3 days to 3 weeks, depending on

how fast it can be tolerated.

The Tharesh blood detox is extremely fast, and few can tolerate it.

Take an tablespoon oil under the tongue, for 3-5 minutes, to begin with.

Spit it out. It will be white with blood toxins. When it spits out clear,

the blood is cleared of toxins. Given his health now, that will be 6 months

from now. This can be done daily, but in 3 days, a major detox side effect

will occur, if not on the first detox. It's too fast for most people. Be very

wary of this blood detox method. You've been WARNED!!! There is little

info on this on the net. It's from the 1950's or even the 30's. It

was invented

in Russia.

Avoid food allergies. Measure the heart rate. Any food sensitivity will

increase the heart rate by 10 to 20% within 20-120 seconds. It was called

Coco's pulse test. The immunologist who proposed back in the 1950s

was run out of the business. In 1990's it was fully validated by double

blind western medical studies, and duplicated everywhere, every time.

At 09:22 PM 7/2/2009, you wrote:

> - I am absolutely glued to your post. My husband works in a

>very very nasty sick building. ...

>This march he was at work, came home with flu like symptoms. 2 days later

>he was in the ER for unilateral tingling which progressed to unilateral

>partial paralysis and inability to swallow.

Yes, that is it. Reminds me I had difficulty swallowing as well.

>I fear he too was steps away

>from a ventilator.. that's when I brought in our supplements - probiotics, B

>vitamins, elderberry, nerve shield, alpha lipoic acid, co-q-10, d-ribose,

>l-carnitine, to name but a very few.

Good for you. You saved his life.

>wondered if he would ever swallow again.


>Can you share any other enlightenment?

To ease swallowing, puree the food, and drink it. Everything can be puree.

Meat, spaghetti, pizza, etc.

No sauces. No spices. No pepper, as the seed coverings are moldy.

Spices come from dried leaves, and are moldy.

No fermented food or liquid (vinegar, cheese, beer, alcohol).

No aged food products. No vinegar, cheese, beer, alcohol.

No sauces include mustard and catchup. Mustard seeds are moldy,

Actually ANY and ALL seed coverings have mold, and the method for removing

the covering, puts the mold by products on to the seed, which is then ground

to make the butter.

No bread, at least bread with yeast, which is aged. Whole grain bread only.

Avoid multi grain breads, until full allergy testing is done for the

grain group.

No margarine. Fresh butter is okay. Do not buy 4 at a time, just 1,

yes more work,

but why have butter at all? It's not that good for you.

No cream. Maybe even no milk, unless raw,

unpasteurized. Homogenized milk is okay.

Raw milk contains the vital enzymes needed to digest the rest of the

milk, without

allergy effects. Heating the milk makes these enzymes break down, and causes

illness in most people. It's such a mild illness, that most people

do not notice.

Raw milk should always be FRESH, at the most 3 days old when you buy it,

for best effect. It should always be kept cold. Consume it all in 3-5 days.

No refined foods, unless refined in the hour before eating it.

No peanut butter, or jelly or preserves. These are refined. Unless

you just made them.

Yes, fresh nut butter tastes fantastic. Preserves with no sugar is

an acquired taste,

but old fashion preserves are okay, if eaten within a few days of making them.

Sesame seeds, the butter is good, as an anti inflammatory.

No cookies or crackers.

No yeast or yeast extract, as these are aged ingredients.

Check the labels of all refined food. Hmm, no refined foods,

so there should never be any ingredient labels to check.

No pesticides. Eat organic veggies and fruits, and meats.

In 2 months he will feel much better for this.

Then, the test is to taste or eat a meal of non organic, and

he will feel bad to terrible, even relapse. That will be the proof

he should eat organic only. EVERYTHING organic.

No overcooked food. Boil or steam it, do not bake, broil, or pan fry.

Keep the temp below 212, the boiling point of water. You can

pressure cook any meat or fish.

More veggies, dark purple in color, will have lots of anti oxidants to fight

the free radicals (do a blood test), that help cause this ailing. Also, test

for blood acid level, and alkalize both diet and supplements. There are

pills designed to lower the acid level of the blood. Also, red blood cell

clumping should be looked for. A drop of blood under the microscope is

a fast test. If clumping is found, then there are several ways to reduce or

eliminate it, not just what western medicine has too offer.

Organic, washed parsley. 2-3 per meal is fine. Not bundles but the individual

small branch. Just insert into mouth, and chew.

CHEW WELL. 80 to 90 seconds of chewing per fork full. VERY IMPORTANT

proper chewing. I've written 3 pages on the entire digestive process covering

the ins and outs, pros and cons, of chewing, or lack there of.

>What helps to clear the yeast,

>candidea or whatever he may have?

Where is it? Tongue? Throat? Stomach? Ear canals? Between the toes?

Under the fingernails? Underarm? Other wet areas? GSE, GrapeSEED Extract,

from Nutribiotic.com is good and safe, for most people. There are instructions

online now, not necessarily at the maker's web site, but other people.

>What supplements should we consider that

>we may not have considered previously?

Biotin helps about 50%.

Both B1 and B6 extra 100 mg over the B100 daily he is taking now.

Changing the ratio of B vitamins to this allergy level helped me.

Treat all skin conditions. Any dry patch, treat it. GSE First Aid Spray

will kill of the little ones with the first application. This off loads the

immune system fighting fungus on the largest organ of the body.

So, now the immune system chemicals can fight the internal

fungus even more (if any internal mold colonies are present).

Increase iodine. I use to take sea kelp. Now I put iodine on my dry skin

patches before bed time. It stains, so let it dry first. Iodine number all

fingernails and around the nail, even on the nail, will kill off any cracking

skin, or issues there. It takes a few weeks, but well worth it.

If his finger skin cracks every 2 to 4 weeks, and these cracks appear to

work their way down from the fingernail area, to the palm, this is a fungus

growing just inside the first layer of skin (skin has 3 layers). Iodine will

stop this cracking skin in about 3-4 months. There are faster western

meds, some do it with just one application, but they will likely impact

his health. Could be worth doing one dose, on one finger to find out???

Ditto the toes. And any skin itches, feet, balls of foot, or any skin 'gaps'

is fungus. The shower/tub must be disinfected, twice weekly, until

every one in the family has their feet free of fungus. Any white spots

on the soul of the foot is fungus. Post back for instructions on treating

this heavy level of foot fungus.

While doctors test for TSH, T3 and T4, they rarely test for iodine levels.

Have that done. Without adequate iodine, the thryoid does not work right,

and T3 and T4 levels will be off, even if in the normal range.

Scalp conditions must be cured. See the other thread on this. I'm going

to try the overnight zinc treatment, once I find a safe zinc to put on me.

No fluoride in his water. Or toothpaste. No chlorine in his drinking water.

Make your own distilled water for about 25 cents a gallon, over 2 years,

once the $250 dollar distiller is paid off. I no longer trust store distilled

water after finding plastic floating in them for several months in row,

both Arrowhead and Sparkletts, 2.5 gallon containers have plastic deburring

debris. Eating plastic...

>I've long suspected his work environment on this odd illness.

I agree.

>enchephylitis of unknown cause. But I really suspect his environment -

>since he's returned to work I immediately saw a major setup in his recovery.

>He's slowly progessing forward again, but not nearly at the pace he was

>previous to returning to his office.

Have the office air tested for mold spores. Do it on the sly. A

petri dish, etc.

Expose it for 1 hour, then send it to a lab. $40 is the lowest cost for this.

I'm amazed he is back at work.

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