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Re: Barrium Study ? Help !

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At 11:49 AM 8/7/2009, you wrote:

> Dr would like to subject me to a swallow study. They want to

> give me barrium to do the test.

It's a contrast agent, giving a higher resolution of the throat swallowing.

Sometimes (most times?) it is needed. A doctor will tell you it is always

needed. That is not what I understand.

You should ask if anything can be determined without it, first.

Also, barium is slightly radioactive. Taking extra iodine

for many days before hand, will have your thyroid absorbing the safe

iodine, instead of iodine that becomes radioactive upon exposure to the


Kelp contains iodine, so eat kelp tablets, up to the labelled daily dose.

It boosts your thyroid.

There might be a non radioactive contrast agent?

You will likely have to find it yourself. Doctors like to get the

best resolution first, as

it means " less of THEIR time " . So, you are right to ask on the list.

I have a feeling you might want to google some of the keywords I have


barium contrast swallowing alternative agent

Look at 'contrast agents' at Wikipedia.com

And Barium. Get better keywords and we do the google.

Let us know what URLs you find, as I've always wanted to know.

Good luck.

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Thank you info, greatly appreciated.  They have given no time to prepare as it

is supposed to be tommorrow.  So if I can have the barium I will not allow for

it.  They want to do a second study with radio active iodine.  I already said no

to that contrast. 

They gave my other half, sodium chloride and he got sick and broke out

everywhere in bumps and rashes, bumps seamed to be under the skin.  I will look

for alternatives as you suggested.  Thank you !!


God Bless !!




From: <pete-@...>

Sent: Friday, August 7, 2009 10:28:19 PM

Subject: Re: [] Barrium Study ? Help !


At 11:49 AM 8/7/2009, you wrote:

> Dr would like to subject me to a swallow study. They want to

> give me barrium to do the test.

It's a contrast agent, giving a higher resolution of the throat swallowing.

Sometimes (most times?) it is needed. A doctor will tell you it is always

needed. That is not what I understand.

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http://books.google.com/books?id=4X5c7NVo-gkC & pg=PA477 & lpg=PA477 & dq=sonography+e\

sophageal & source=bl & ots=JXRvvMp6nR & sig=CJq7MvbM1FrK0g6pcmpbUPYZxfw & hl=en & ei=aiN_\

SqzoL5Wutgf-hbGCAg & sa=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=1#v=onepage & q=sonography\

%20esophageal & f=false



So far I have found these although I have not found if anesthesia is necessay

for procedure yet.  I could imagine something is needed weather a topical spray,

or a local, I just do notknow yet.

God Bless !!




From: <pete-@...>

Sent: Friday, August 7, 2009 10:28:19 PM

Subject: Re: [] Barrium Study ? Help !


At 11:49 AM 8/7/2009, you wrote:

> Dr would like to subject me to a swallow study. They want to

> give me barrium to do the test.

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Tincture of iodine from pharmacy is absorbed through skin for iodine also. If

it disappears within 24 hours, I think it means you needed it. If it is still

there, you have enough, but I don't know how 'much' iodine that test describes.

Size of a quarter, nickel, or something like that.

The place I go for MRI tells me to drink 100% blueberry juice before imaging but

also wants me to take Dicyclomine and THEN gives me an injection also. However

the blueberry juice and Dicyclomine are taken before I go, so they are for the

'without contrast' image first and then an injection is given and I get another

MRI with contrast. I don't remember now what the injection is but usually turn

it down, as I react to so many things. I have taken it on occasion...but

blueberry juice must do something. It is the only imaging place I have ever

gone to that uses it, so might look up blueberry juice and imaging to see what

you can find.

My doctor writes script for MRI/with and without imaging but I usually just do

the without part, which is first anyway. Many people turn it down. You have to

sign some forms to consent to it. Depends on how important an accurate image

is. If they see something but don't see image clear, I can go back and get the

'with' image on a separate trip. At least that's what they said. I haven't

ever done it.

Podiatrist wants me to have a bone scan done with a radioactive contrast medium

taken 6 hours before, that I haven't done either.

Is that the type of test you were asked to have done w radioactive injecton, a

bone scan? I may have it done if foot problem doesn't clear up. I am leary of

them also though.

> > Dr would like to subject me to a swallow study. They want to

> > give me barrium to do the test.


> It's a contrast agent, giving a higher resolution of the throat swallowing.

> Sometimes (most times?) it is needed. A doctor will tell you it is always

> needed. That is not what I understand.



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Hi Barb,


Unbelievable. Blueberry juice as a contrast agent for MRI.  Due it's content of





If Dr made more of an effort when deciding a test for us we would not be gowing

threw this.  Explanations were not given, I heard about the barium later on and

they wanted to do radioactive iodine all in the same day. 


God Bless !!




From: barb1283 <barb1283@...>

Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2009 4:52:18 PM

Subject: [] Re: Barrium Study ? Help !

The place I go for MRI tells me to drink 100% blueberry juice before imaging but

also wants me to take Dicyclomine and THEN gives me an injection also. However

the blueberry juice and Dicyclomine are taken before I go, so they are for the

'without contrast' image first and then an injection is given and I get another

MRI with contrast. > > give me barrium to do the test.


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Yes. Don't you wish it could always be something so good for you. 100%

blueberry juice I had hard time finding. They said mixed juice okay if

blueberry in it but since I didn't want contrast agent I pursued the 100% juice.

If you live near a Kroger grocery, they had it in their health food and organic

food area.


> Hi Barb,


> Unbelievable. Blueberry juice as a contrast agent for MRI.  Due it's content

of manganese


> http://radiology.rsna.org/content/194/1/119.full.pdf


> If Dr made more of an effort when deciding a test for us we would not be

gowing threw this.  Explanations were not given, I heard about the barium later

on and they wanted to do radioactive iodine all in the same day. 



> God Bless !!

> dragonflymcs

> Mayleen



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Thanks they have some here at Publix !!  Let's see what happens tomorrow I also

found pineapple juice as well .

God Bless !!




From: barb1283 <barb1283@...>

Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2009 8:08:27 PM

Subject: [] Re: Barrium Study ? Help !


Yes. Don't you wish it could always be something so good for you. 100% blueberry

juice I had hard time finding. They said mixed juice okay if blueberry in it but

since I didn't want contrast agent I pursued the 100% juice. If you live near a

Kroger grocery, they had it in their health food and organic food area.


> Hi Barb,


> Unbelievable. Blueberry juice as a contrast agent for MRI.  Due it's content

of manganese


> http://radiology. rsna.org/ content/194/ 1/119.full. pdf


> If Dr made more of an effort when deciding a test for us we would not be

gowing threw this.  Explanations were not given, I heard about the barium later

on and they wanted to do radioactive iodine all in the same day. 



> God Bless !!

> dragonflymcs

> Mayleen



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The next day was painful bm...almost like given birth! but was necessary to see

if there was any blockage causeing SEVERE constioation



> Hi All,


> Dr would like to subject me to a swallow study.  They want to give me barrium

to do the test.  I know that it is a heavy metal.  My question is Has anyone had

this done?  How bad is it to detoxify?  Opinions.   I know no one can give

medical advice, so just opinions are all welcomed !   Thank you ! I have MCS.



> God Bless !!

> dragonflymcs

> Mayleen


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Hi All

I cancelled my test for today so I now have a week to prepare.  Any

suggestions.  There are supposed to be 3 tests.  One CT with Radio active

iodine.  The second with the barium.  Ultrasound.

I personally think it is alot for one day.  How do I know which one I am

reacting to ?  I have MCS

CT f the lungs HRCT with contrast

CT of the Neck and thyroid Barium swallow 

Ultrasound of the neck , thyroid, glands


 What thyroid iodine can I take to build my thyroid for the test?  If anyone has

used any ?

God Bless !!



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