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Pet Food Aspergillus Trichoderma

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Hi All,

My other half picked out some pet food dor the babies. He does not read lables

right, he forgets, cognitive impairment and so on.  Anyway, I read the label and

found disturbing that it had an ingredient called ASPERGILLUS ORYZAE

fermentation extract.  Can someone tell me why they would put a fermented mold

product in natural pet food. I do know natural means nothing to them. 

Looking at other products from this brand it also has in adult formula



It seems they have removed the aspergillus from their website, however it is

clearly on my bag of food.








God Bless !!



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You have to look at everything. We had a bottle of BeanO which had a mold

ingredient in it. I can't remember which one but I threw it right into the


I think that trichoderma is also a toxin producer!

Thanks for this information about the pet food which I'll pass on to my



Hi All,

My other half picked out some pet food dor the babies. He does not read

lables right, he forgets, cognitive impairment and so on. Anyway, I read the

label and

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My pleasure, I cannot believe the stuff they put in food.  Ours, our pets, just

insane.  I know this Trichoderma is linked to fungal sinusitis.  What about the

people who work day in day out at these plants ??


God Bless !!




From: " ssr3351@... " <ssr3351@...>

Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 4:39:04 PM

Subject: Re: [] Pet Food Aspergillus Trichoderma


You have to look at everything. We had a bottle of BeanO which had a mold

ingredient in it. I can't remember which one but I threw it right into the


I think that trichoderma is also a toxin producer!

Thanks for this information about the pet food which I'll pass on to my



Hi All,

My other half picked out some pet food dor the babies. He does not read

lables right, he forgets, cognitive impairment and so on. Anyway, I read the

label and

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A. oryzae has been used for centuries to ferment soy beans into soy sauce and

miso; and fermenting rice into sake.

The mold is also used to make the fat-digesting enzyme used in some laundry



May Indoor Air Investigations LLC



> Hi All,


> My other half picked out some pet food dor the babies. He does not read lables

right, he forgets, cognitive impairment and so on.  Anyway, I read the label and

found disturbing that it had an ingredient called ASPERGILLUS ORYZAE

fermentation extract.  Can someone tell me why they would put a fermented mold

product in natural pet food. I do know natural means nothing to them.

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Thank you, I knew that part but why was it replaced with trichoderma ??  When I

originally looked at the product it was that one, however it has been replaced

with other.   It iis my underestanding that Monsanto is behind this creation of

this enzyme derived from the second mold.

God Bless !!




From: jmhiaq <jeff@...>

Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2009 10:24:23 PM

Subject: [] Re: Pet Food Aspergillus Trichoderma



A. oryzae has been used for centuries to ferment soy beans into soy sauce and

miso; and fermenting rice into sake.

The mold is also used to make the fat-digesting enzyme used in some laundry



May Indoor Air Investigations LLC

www.mayindoorair. com


> Hi All,


> My other half picked out some pet food dor the babies. He does not read lables

right, he forgets, cognitive impairment and so on.  Anyway, I read the label and

found disturbing that it had an ingredient called ASPERGILLUS ORYZAE

fermentation extract.  Can someone tell me why they would put a fermented mold

product in natural pet food. I do know natural means nothing to them.

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Jeff: Do you have a list of those laundry detergents that contain that enzyme?

Thanks in advance. Diane Bolton

In , " jmhiaq " <jeff@...> wrote:


> Mayleen,


> A. oryzae has been used for centuries to ferment soy beans into soy sauce and

miso; and fermenting rice into sake.


> The mold is also used to make the fat-digesting enzyme used in some laundry



> May

> May Indoor Air Investigations LLC

> www.mayindoorair.com



> >

> > Hi All,

> >

> > My other half picked out some pet food dor the babies. He does not read

lables right, he forgets, cognitive impairment and so on.  Anyway, I read the

label and found disturbing that it had an ingredient called ASPERGILLUS ORYZAE

fermentation extract.  Can someone tell me why they would put a fermented mold

product in natural pet food. I do know natural means nothing to them.


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I do not have a list of products with enzymes but you can use the

Household Products Database at the US Dept of Health and Human

Services to look up MSDS sheets for listed products.:

http://hpd.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/household/list?tbl=TblBrands & alpha=T


May Indoor Air Investigations LLc

Tyngsborough, MA








> Mon Sep 21, 2009 6:49 pm (PDT)


> ---

> Jeff: Do you have a list of those laundry detergents that contain

> that enzyme? Thanks in advance. Diane Bolton



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See the links below on Trichoderma. It is associated with allergic fungal

sinusitis and it is invasive in immune compromised individuals.

http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=229611 & blobtype=pdf




Jack-Dwayne: Thrasher, Ph.D.




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