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Environmental Accomodations...

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Off the top of my head I can't tell you anything about environmental

accommodations but I would not advise taking steroids. I'm not a Dr. of medical

professional but I would not take steroids.. Stand up for your rights and

don't let anyone tell you that you are crazy Your health is the most

IMPORTANT thing and MCS is very real. I'll try to find more about MCS for

you. I

hope some others here can help you as well.



Hi Everyone,

My name is a and I was wondering if anyone else has had trouble

getting environmental accommodations? I am trying to get my life back together

and graduate,

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Hi Everyone,

My name is a and I was wondering if anyone else has had trouble getting

environmental accommodations? I am trying to get my life back together and

graduate, but it's hard enough with my health and disabilities to do so. They

are willing to give me academic accommodations but I am fighting to have

environmental accommodations as well. I am proposing a webcam and/or a home

study plan. I am standing up for my rights and unable to be in classrooms with

carpeting, ac, and closed windows. Because this private school gets governmental

funds, they are stuck following federal guidelines from the Americans with

Disabilities Act. Chemical sensitivity is something I have that is covered under

this act. Yet getting accommodations is hard. The lady in charge could care less

about me. She is calling me a " schizophrenic hypochondriac " to my doctor. The

doctor somewhat in charge seems to think I can just drug myself up with

steroids, but it doesn't work like that and I need to stand up for my legal

rights. I have a document about MCS and that people with it aren't crazy. Is

there anything out there to say that I can't/shouldn't do drugs/steroids? I am

going to talk to a disability lawyer today and I have also talked to other

people at the school. One librarian has a wife with mcs who has gotten

accommodations at another school. I just thought I would write in and see if

anyone has any ideas or advice. Thanks so much and best wishes;)


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These are federal guidelines, that your state dept of Ed have to follow,

Under the IDEA 2004, you qualify for an IEP Individual education plan.  Under

OHI, Other health impaiments.  You need a letter from YOUR doc, which I know you

have.  There are several catogories that fit your disability.  the main

disability would be TBI, truamatic brain injury.,

 Definition,applies to open or closed injury to the brain resulting  in

mild,moderate, or severe impairments in one or more areas, including cognition,

language, memory,attention,reasoning, abstract thinking,judgement,problem

solving,sensory, perceptual and motor abilitys, information processing.

There Dr, CAN NOT DISPUTE YOUR DOC!!!  Under IDEA, you only need your Dr's note

who specializes in this field.   You need to ask for an IEP meeting in writing. 

unfortunenatly they don't have to respond for 15 days.  You need to have an

advocate with you if you can fot the IEP.  

This is how I slowly got my duaghters accomodations so she is homeschooled by

the school.

I did talk to the lady your refering to the other day, and she is a B_TCH!!!!!


From: danielletoile <danielletoile@...>

Subject: [] Environmental Accomodations...

Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 9:01 AM


Hi Everyone,

My name is a and I was wondering if anyone else has had trouble getting

environmental accommodations? I am trying to get my life back together and

graduate, but it's hard enough with my health and disabilities to do so. They

are willing to give me academic accommodations but I am fighting to have

environmental accommodations as well. I am proposing a webcam and/or a home

study plan. I am standing up for my rights and unable to be in classrooms with

carpeting, ac, and closed windows. Because this private school gets governmental

funds, they are stuck following federal guidelines from the Americans with

Disabilities Act. Chemical sensitivity is something I have that is covered under

this act. Yet getting accommodations is hard. The lady in charge could care less

about me. She is calling me a " schizophrenic hypochondriac " to my doctor. The

doctor somewhat in charge seems to think I can just drug myself up with

steroids, but it doesn't work like that

and I need to stand up for my legal rights. I have a document about MCS and

that people with it aren't crazy. Is there anything out there to say that I

can't/shouldn' t do drugs/steroids? I am going to talk to a disability lawyer

today and I have also talked to other people at the school. One librarian has a

wife with mcs who has gotten accommodations at another school. I just thought I

would write in and see if anyone has any ideas or advice. Thanks so much and

best wishes;)


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