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I buy Broncho-Saline in the pharmacy section of the local drug store.

No prescription is necessary--it is just sterile saline.

Re: asthma


> In a message dated 8/3/03 3:12:55 AM, dhooten@... writes:


> << Many times filling the nebulizier with just the saline does the trick



> my son.


> >>


> Great idea! Where do you get the saline? Do you make it yourself?


> Nell






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  • 2 years later...
  • 7 months later...

If you're looking for a natural " remedy " Europeans are quiet taken

with the saltpipe. I was looking for one in the US and found one

site: http://www.natural-salt-lamps.com/saltpipe.html. It's also

pretty effective for allergies. My neighbor's whole family has

asthma, all recently acquired; I think in their case it's the

cleansers they use. To test to see if it's going to be effective,

they could use a spray bottle and put some salt water in it, set it to

fine mist, spray it into the air and inhale the spray. That'll coat

the airways with salt. When I do it for allergies, I get relief very

quickly, like in 20 min. or less. I've never tried the saltpipe but

have heard from European friends that it reduces the amount of asthma

meds needed, which is nice.


> I have a friend whose little boy has asthma. She is really good with

> his diet and does only organic foods, no wheat or grains, minimal

> dairy, maybe like some cheese here and there. She does CLO and tons


> butter, etc. She's going to buy him an air filter and get a water

> filter on the shower to see if that helps but I was wondering if

> anyone who has asthma on here has had any luck with herbs like

> feverfew, coltsfoot, damiana or condonopsis root.


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I'm not familiar with the use of herbs, but there are a number of

studies indicating asthma is a result of vitamin A deficiency. So,

maybe a big dose of CLO rather than a moderate dose might help.

Couldn't hurt to have serum retinol levels checked. Or to just try

high-dose CLO for a bit.



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On 9/15/06, Masterjohn <chrismasterjohn@...> wrote:

> I'm not familiar with the use of herbs, but there are a number of

> studies indicating asthma is a result of vitamin A deficiency. So,

> maybe a big dose of CLO rather than a moderate dose might help.

> Couldn't hurt to have serum retinol levels checked. Or to just try

> high-dose CLO for a bit.

Also, there was a double-blind placebo-controlled study in the 1970s

showing that supplementation with vitamin K2 had a very dramatic

effect on reducing asthma. Grass-fed butter is a great source of

vitamin K2, and you can also buy supplements.



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<chrismasterjohn@...> wrote:


> I'm not familiar with the use of herbs, but there are a number of

> studies indicating asthma is a result of vitamin A deficiency.

Could you point the way towards those studies?

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On 9/15/06, themaccorkles <themaccorkles@...> wrote:

> > I'm not familiar with the use of herbs, but there are a number of

> > studies indicating asthma is a result of vitamin A deficiency.

> Could you point the way towards those studies?

Mizuno, et al., Serum vitamin A concentrations in asthmatic children

in Japan, Pediatrics Interntional, 2006; 48: 261-264.

Arora, et al., Vitamin A status in children with asthma, Pediatric

Allergy and Immunology, 2002; 13: 223-226.

Day, et al., Retinoic acid inhibits airway smooth muscle cell

migration, Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2006; 34: 695-703.

McGowan, et al., Vitamin A deficiency promotes bronchial

hyperreactivity in rats by altering muscarinic M2 receptor function,

Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 2002; 282: L1031-L1039.

Cyr and Denburg, Systemic aspects of allergic disease: the role of

bone marrow, 2001; 13: 727-732. (I have a few studies on vitamin A

lowering IL-5, but they and their importance are basically covered in

this review)

Kimur, et al, Menaquinone (vitamin K2) therapy for bronchial asthma.

II. Clinical effect of menaquinone on bronchial asthma, Acta Med

Okayama, 1975; 29(2): 127-35.



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  • 1 month later...

Did you not have any asthma-like symptoms before PA?

My asthma started before the meds, but the root of

mine is inflammation in the lungs. Before my PA

diagnosis, one doctor called it " exercised-induced

asthma " , another called it " allergic asthma " . All I

know is that I yawn continuously (a sign that I need

more oxygen)during my yoga class or when out walking,

and my chest tightens and I wheeze when I'm around

something I'm allergic to (dust, mold, other people's

cats, etc.).

I take Singular and Benedryl for allergies, and have

an albutural inhaler for rescue. After my last cold

turned into bronchitis, the GP gave me an Advair

inhaler to get me through it.

Take care,



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That's is how it started for me, asthma started up for no reason all of a sudden

I could not breath anymore. I lost 25lbs and everything. They couldn't figure

what was wrong, then I was put on sigular, advair and an inhaler, etc. They

worked, but then I got pregnant and had to stop the meds, since I stopped them I

am fine without them, but right after my pregnancy I got sick again with the

server PA symtoms and as long as I stay on the humira and metho, etc. I don't

have too hard of a problem breathing.

Re: [ ] Asthma

Did you not have any asthma-like symptoms before PA?

My asthma started before the meds, but the root of

mine is inflammation in the lungs. Before my PA

diagnosis, one doctor called it " exercised-induced

asthma " , another called it " allergic asthma " . All I

know is that I yawn continuously (a sign that I need

more oxygen)during my yoga class or when out walking,

and my chest tightens and I wheeze when I'm around

something I'm allergic to (dust, mold, other people's

cats, etc.).

I take Singular and Benedryl for allergies, and have

an albutural inhaler for rescue. After my last cold

turned into bronchitis, the GP gave me an Advair

inhaler to get me through it.

Take care,

============ ========= ========= ========= ========= =====


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Have any of you developing asthma or wheezing after starting any of

those meds?

I had severe allergies and asthma before developing PA, but I

haven't found that the Aleve, Methotrexate, or Enbrel have caused it

to flare more. In fact, since starting the Methotrexate (and later

on the Enbrel), my allergies and asthma were the best they've been

in YEARS...probably because my immune system was suppressed and the

allergies and asthma couldn't flare. This fall has so far been the

worst allergy/asthma season I've had since starting the meds for

PA....yet another indication of out of control immune system and

inflammation and another indicator that I may need to switch meds, I


I currently take: Singular, Allegra-D, Nasonex (inhaled nasal

steroid), Advair 250/50 (inhaled steroid and long-acting

bronchodilator), use Xopenex inhaler as needed (short-acting

bronchodilator), and Patanol eyedrops.

You would think the Prednisone you're on would actually help your

asthma somewhat. When people such as myself begin wheezing and the

inhaled steroids fail to help, most allergists prescribe a 5 day

short " burst " (about 40 mg a day or so) of oral Prednisone, which

usually does the trick and relieves the asthma exacerbation.

Good luck to you! Wanda

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I take Singular and Benedryl for allergies, and have an albutural inhaler for

rescue. After my last cold turned into bronchitis, the GP gave me an Advair

inhaler to get me through it.

I take advair and inhalers as well... They had me on full 24/7 oxygen at 2% for

over two months... I am now only on it at ngiths, and when I have trouble

breathing during the day, but now I am on cpap, for sleep disorder... I have

probably had asthma a lot longer then they actually diagnosed it...

Love always

Shaun and Barb

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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Marsha,

I sent what I have saved. It looks like you have posted before regarding Asthma. I hope I have not inundated you with the same posts.

All my best


[low dose naltrexone] Asthma

Do you think that I could benifit from this drug. I am going to see a doctor that could possibly prescribe this to me.....

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  • 10 months later...
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My daughter was on albuterol then was moved up to xyponex; every couple of

months, we would have to do steroids. This started around 2 yr old; we changed

the diet (eliminated cadein) when she 6 and have had to do treatments twice

since then (Iman will be 9 this year.)

I do not know the severity of your situation but I literally would sleep with

the machine next to us and walk around outside with the pump in my purse The

machine is gathering dust on the shelf now.


[ ] Asthma

My son is 3 1/2 and has asthma.  He is on advair but we keep having these break

through attacks every 3-4 weeks and we HAVE to resort to prednisone and

albuterol treatments.  He is on allergy meds.  I do HBOT with him


Has anyone ever had a situation like this or any suggestion?



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Years ago Adele wrote that large doses of vitamin C (I'd use a C-complex

powder) both warded off and healed asthma attacks.

I know they're scary.


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Have you had allergy testing done? Food, environmental? Our asthma is so not

there with a clean diet. Amazing!


[ ] Asthma

My son is 3 1/2 and has asthma. He is on advair but we keep having these

break through attacks every 3-4 weeks and we HAVE to resort to prednisone and

albuterol treatments. He is on allergy meds. I do HBOT with him

Has anyone ever had a situation like this or any suggestion?



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We don't have this issue, but we deal with allergies (in addition to autism). A

book that discusses it in good detail is Ken Bock " Healing the New Childhood

Epidemics: Autism, adhd, asthma and allergies. " I totally recommend it


> My son is 3 1/2 and has asthma.  He is on advair but we keep having these

break through attacks every 3-4 weeks and we HAVE to resort to prednisone and

albuterol treatments.  He is on allergy meds.  I do HBOT with him


> Has anyone ever had a situation like this or any suggestion?


> Weaver


> weaverjulie@...



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My son's asthma used to be barely controlled with 7 rx meds daily; it completely

went away after I removed gluten from his diet. He has not been on any asthma

meds in 2 years and has 111% lung capacity.

I occassionally have an asthma attack and it's always related to sugar.



> My daughter was on albuterol then was moved up to xyponex; every couple of

months, we would have to do steroids. This started around 2 yr old; we changed

the diet (eliminated cadein) when she 6 and have had to do treatments twice

since then (Iman will be 9 this year.)


> I do not know the severity of your situation but I literally would sleep with

the machine next to us and walk around outside with the pump in my purse The

machine is gathering dust on the shelf now.

> S



> [ ] Asthma


> My son is 3 1/2 and has asthma.  He is on advair but we keep having these

break through attacks every 3-4 weeks and we HAVE to resort to prednisone and

albuterol treatments.  He is on allergy meds.  I do HBOT with him


> Has anyone ever had a situation like this or any suggestion?


> Weaver


> weaverjulie@...



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My DS had asthma and it, too, went away shortly after we went gluten and dairy

free. I always wondered if that had anything to do with it, or if it was just

age. He had it until he was 5 1/2. We also used to use a homeopathic for

asthma, but I can't remember what it was. It helped to keep it " in check " at

least. No big attacks after we started with the homeopathic.

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In my daughter's peds office, he this graphic that gives all of the contributing

causes for asthma.  One, of course, is allergies ..... I asked him about it at

our last school checkup and he said the allergies the graphic was referring to

was pollen, etc. nothing to do with food????  I actually told him that he needed

to wake-up. I said so one year, you are prescribing xyponex like crazy and the

next year we switch our diet and see you only once.  He just stared at me and

said maybe she grew out of it. The only reason we still go to him is because he

signs off on all my referral requests with no question and signs all documents i

bring in there (grants, etc.)


(All of the mainstream doctors that I have seen in my area don't even mention

how allergies to ingredients in food can affect asthma.)




From: gussymolly <gussymolly@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Asthma

Date: Sunday, April 5, 2009, 11:16 PM

My DS had asthma and it, too, went away shortly after we went gluten and dairy

free. I always wondered if that had anything to do with it, or if it was just

age. He had it until he was 5 1/2. We also used to use a homeopathic for asthma,

but I can't remember what it was. It helped to keep it " in check " at least. No

big attacks after we started with the homeopathic.

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> My son is 3 1/2 and has asthma. He is on advair but we keep having these

break through attacks every 3-4 weeks and we HAVE to resort to prednisone and

albuterol treatments. He is on allergy meds. I do HBOT with him

At my house, asthma was caused by certain foods, and by yeast in the lungs.


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Dr. Mercola just had an article on his website about dealing with asthma




In a nutshell: he talked about optimizing Vitamin D levels, increasing

animal-based omega-3 fatty acids, and decreasing omega-6's.




> Thank you for the replies.  Yes I have done all allergy testing, follow the

DAN protocol and he has been GF/CF, SOY, EGG, OAT and NUT free for 2 yrs.  He

uses advair twice a say but keeps having these outbreaks.  I did read the book

The 4A's almost a year ago.  I can not find the underlinig problem of his asthma

except outdoor allergy's and viral inefections.  He is on allergy med daily. 

Any other thoughts or ideas???


> Weaver


> weaverjulie@...



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oops - here's the correct link:



> >

> > Thank you for the replies.� Yes I have done all allergy testing, follow

the DAN protocol and he has been GF/CF, SOY, EGG, OAT and NUT free for 2 yrs.�

He uses advair twice a say but keeps having these outbreaks.� I did read the

book The 4A's almost a year ago.� I can not find the underlinig problem of his

asthma except outdoor allergy's and viral inefections.� He is on allergy med

daily.� Any other thoughts or ideas???

> >

> > Weaver

> >

> > weaverjulie@

> >

> >

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here milk and apples.. dont know about the yeast role yet..

> >

> > My son is 3 1/2 and has asthma. He is on advair but we keep having these

break through attacks every 3-4 weeks and we HAVE to resort to prednisone and

albuterol treatments. He is on allergy meds. I do HBOT with him



> At my house, asthma was caused by certain foods, and by yeast in the lungs.


> Dana


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This may have all been said, not sure, haven't read the whole thread. but things

to look into for Asthma: leak gut and food allergies, low adrenal function (low

cortisol causes asthma).

Treating yeast can't hurt, giving adrenals support will help. I also treated the

shortness of breath with oil or oregano instead of an inhaler in my case.

> >

> > Thank you for the replies.  Yes I have done all allergy testing, follow the

DAN protocol and he has been GF/CF, SOY, EGG, OAT and NUT free for 2 yrs.  He

uses advair twice a say but keeps having these outbreaks.  I did read the book

The 4A's almost a year ago.  I can not find the underlinig problem of his asthma

except outdoor allergy's and viral inefections.  He is on allergy med daily. 

Any other thoughts or ideas???

> >

> > Weaver

> >

> > weaverjulie@

> >

> >

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