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Interesting flare-up over Christmas

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Dear All

This is part of a message I sent to Pierre personally over Christmas. The

reason I resisted putting it on the group board, was that a couple of you

were going through tough times and I didnt want to scare

anyone.......however as Pierre pointed out we all have to face facts with

this condition, so here you are, any comments any of you have, or if anyone

has had a similar experience, you at least know you are not isolated.

Feedback welcome, although my medics are sure it was viral based.

First snippet to Pierre:

First off back to allergies. I used to love cheese but since diagnosis have

avoided it. However after one glass of wine too many !!! I had some blue

stilton with a couple of crackers. After 2 hours I came out in bright

purple lumps, particularly visible on my chest and tummy, and lumps all over

my scalp, which are still there. I then had a whole evening of vomiting and

stomach cramps. My BP also went up quite significantly, and with that came

a raging headache. I also developed very foamy urine (first time ever), and

it was a very dark brown colour. Sought medical advice obviously, hence why

I know the BP was elevated, and my GP did a urine dip, for the first time

since I was in hospital, it would appear that I am now losing protein.

Blood tests ordered and I now have to wait for the results, but he thought

it was a massive flare up of IGAN, as for the lumps and bumps he wondered

about HSP? but could not see any connection to the cheese......just

coincidence maybe, but it seems mighty wierd that this flared up after

eating the stuff. I am so mad with myself I could kick my own backside


Also in 2 days, I have gained 10LB, now I know I had a few naughty treats,

but heck that seeems to be excessive don't you think? Fluid retention at is

worst I guess.

Results of Tests:

Early results back today do in fact show I have another viral infection, so

I am being treated with antibiotics again, blood pressure has dropped of its

own accord, and urine dip today showed hardly any protein, but gross

heamaturia. Kidney function apparently is good, so other than monitoring

me over the next few days, no further treatment is considered necessary, I

am not on any medication other than antibiotics, so I guess it is just a

flare of IGAN due to the infection. The spots have been attributed to

allergy to cheese, and my Nephrologist is being consulted with a view to my

seeing a Renal Dietician (which I have reservations about to be frank), but

I guess if they think it necessary I have to go along with it for now. Yes

my abdomen is very swollen, as are my ankles, and this was put down to edema

due to the kidney being under stress, but again they advised against

medication to rid me of it. I queried this as I worry about the strain on

the heart, but I was assured this would decrease after the infection is

gone, good job, none of my clothes fit, and it makes you feel very


I have a bit of a reputation with my Nephrologist for being how shall I say,

a challenging patient, mainly because I question every bit of treatment they

want me on, I refused to take steroids just for the sake of it, and they did

at least let me have my way on that, I prefer to save that sort of treatment

until it is absolutely necessary. I was also strongly advised to lay off

alcohol for the time being, which is sensible given I am on antibiotics. I

am lucky in that my GP supports me wholeheartedly for taking a strong stance

on how I am treated, our hospital system over here is pretty dire at the

moment, which is why I have private medical care, which at least gets me

early diagnosis on matters, but all follow ups are on the National Health

Care, and yes I agree to be hospitalised over here you have to be virtually

dead, and even then it is luck of the draw. The Renal Section however is

renowned for being excellent, as my local hospital is one of the biggest

teaching hospitals in the UK, so I am happy to continue treatment for renal

problems there. My Nephrolgist is a fair but firm man, and we have a

respect for each other.....I have pulled him up on several occasions for his

aloof attitude.....I refuse to be treated like another number, my husband

cringes when we have to meet him LOL.

Sorry Pierre that this is a repetition. Also Pierre tried looking for your

personal story in the e:groups but couldn't see it.....HELP, I want to read


Best wishes folks.

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