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Re: Drunk test CMT

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Wow , what an ordeal! And totally stupid of law inforcement. Sounds like

the cops need some sensitivity training and disability education. Hope you can

get a good attorney and file against the arresting officers, at least get

reummerated for 'personal injury' your son, you and husband sustained.

No kidding about keeping meds in original bottle. For years I would keep 1 or 2

muscle relaxants in a small container in my purse. Back in the 70s, I was pulled

over 1/2 way between Tucson and Phoenix about 2 am(because I was going to slow!)

Didn't have the drunk test, just said I was tired, which I was (had taken a

muscle relaxant in Tucson). Didn't get searched, just got warned and had to stay

pulled over for 2 hours to sleep before the cops would let me drive again. I

sweated the whole time worried about a search of my purse and a pill in it. Not

to mention a trunk load of tequila from our border run.

Good luck to you and your family.


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My mom was once pulled over for an illegal lane change. She gets really nervous

when she is pulled over and she shakes a lot when she is nervouse. He suspected

that she had something to hide so he gave her the " drunk test " by the end of the

test he could tell she wasn't drunk but she deffinately was having trouble

walking and balancing.

He made her call someone to come pick her up because she " obviously had some

sort of neurological problem " she had no idea she had CMT and was totally

embarassed because she just thought she had always been cumbsy. So after me and

my children were diagnosed with CMT 1A we now now she has it too, but is just

mildly affected.

And the cop was able to spot what countless docs couldn't spot when I went to

docs as a kid. I think he should get paid more LOL




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Goodness gracious !

Your story makes me think that right now it's a good thing isn't in the

mood to learn to drive! We always have medications in little pill cases with us

for those " just in case " moments for him. Valium, Neurontin, Lyrica, B12,

Vitamin C...let alone the meds I carry for me and my husband carries for


Thank you for sharing your experience...it gives us all a good reason to

reevaluate what seemingly should be innocent everyday occurences.

Hang in there!

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Wow I am so sorry to hear that, I will have to be careful when driving in that

area. I live very close to Burbank and luckily for me have not been pulled over

there at all.


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, Good luck with your ordeal.

More important lessons -

1) never allow the police to search your person without a warrant, home or

vehicle. No good will come of it for you. If they ask if you mind if they search

something just say: " Yes, I do mind. I have private, personal items in my [car,

backpack, etc.] and do not want you looking through them. " If they do anyway,

clearly and politely express your objection.

2) Keep any items that might be suspect out of plain view. They can confiscate

anything in plain view that might be illegal.

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Hi ,

I think this story is very important. It is maybe best for all with CMT to carry

some sort of identification where it is stated that the person has got CMT and

needs to take certain medications and vitamins. As long as a valid ID of this

kind is not general practice, anyone with a disease like ours, that can be

mistaken for alcohol or drug abuse, can be arrested and harresed by the police.

It is scary. I have a hearing implant and for this I got an ID which says that I

can't pass metal detectors (for exampel at the airports). It should be possible

to get a similar thing for other diseases as well, to help the security people

and to avoid situations like the one your son got into. I hope it will become

just a bad memory for him, and that it will all be alright now.


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Oh my gosh - this is crazy - really glad you posted this as it has given

me so much to think about - that what we do could end up causing some major


Sometimes if we are heading out for the day we have a habit of putting some

pills in our pockets - nothing major (or illegal), but yes, aspirin, vitamins,

prescription meds, etc.

I never thought of what would happen to my son if he was pulled over and asked

to do the drunk test - he would definitely flunk - interesting as he was in the

Outer Banks over the weekend and was pulled over for a headlight being out and

his car was searched - just with a flash light and the only concern was him

having a hockey stick in his car. When the cop asked him why he had a hockey

stick in his car he said " because I play hockey " . And they thought the cops

were picking on them!!! Anyway I'm definitely going to pass this along to him

and to those I know who take meds or other supplements on a regular basis and

have them on their person.

Poor kid............


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In a message dated 5/6/2009 4:16:23 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

no_reply writes:

More important lessons -

1) never allow the police to search your person without a warrant, home or

vehicle. No good will come of it for you. If they ask if you mind if they

search something just say: " Yes, I do mind. I have private, personal items

in my [car, backpack, etc.] and do not want you looking through them. " If

they do anyway, clearly and politely express your objection.

2) Keep any items that might be suspect out of plain view. They can

confiscate anything in plain view that might be illegal.

Oh wow!!! This is really good information!


**************Remember Mom this Mother's Day! Find a florist near you now.

(http://yellowpages.aol.com/search?query=florist & ncid=emlcntusyelp00000006)

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You are very welcome! I put all my just incase pills back in the bottles.

Funny story, I was telling our doctor what happened, he reached down in to his

pocket and pulled his medication out with a handful of change. LOL

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In a message dated 5/6/2009 10:25:40 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

pipkin.andrea@... writes:

And the cop was able to spot what countless docs couldn't spot when I went

to docs as a kid. I think he should get paid more LOL

LOL A cop doctor!

**************Remember Mom this Mother's Day! Find a florist near you now.

(http://yellowpages.aol.com/search?query=florist & ncid=emlcntusyelp00000006)

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They are building a new police station and from what I friend told me the

police are trying to fund it with tickets. I love the Bob's Big Boy do you ever

eat there?

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To say to a cop, no you can NOT search my vehicle or my person IS TO SAY I am

hiding something.Born in the LA area and from my experience,cops will search you

when ever they want to!His word against yours and yours does not mean anything!

Many many times this has happened to me.

Geoff in AZ

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How does that work?

" Please excuse <so and so> for walking like a drunk. " ? :-)

Does it get you off the hook if you were drinking. :-)

I was stopped once for a drunk test. I explained to the officer that I had a

neuro problem and couldn't walk a straight line on a bet. Of course he tested me

anyway and I'm sure I seemed drunk.

Then he wanted me to lean back, close my easy and try to touch my nose with 1

finger. I said " I'll fall over if I do that " . He made me try and I kept falling

back and opening my eyes to save myself, and laughing when I tried. That really

got him PO'd he angrily said " What do you think is so funny about this " . I just

chuckled and said " I told you I couldn't do this stuff " . He made me blow in the

breathalizer and was stumped when I was OK

Could be worse, I guess .... once knew a guy with CP who said every once in a

while a bar would refuse to serve him because they though he was already too



> Carmella,


> I had the doctor write a note about CMT for the next drunk test.




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In my early 30s I was driving home alone from a friend's at 2 a.m. on the

101 freeway. A man came up next to me and drove whatever speed I did, 80

to 40. He never left. I got freaked but then rationally decided I would

slip off at my exit. At this point he got behind me. I got really freaked,

turned my emergency blinkers on, and drove erratically. The CHP stopped me.

I pointed to the other car and told them the guy was stalking me. I had

just changed offices and had an empty pill bottle in a box of my stuff.

They saw it with their flashlight. I told them about the guy harassing me

but they told me to take 10 steps in a straight line. I was so upset I

forgot to count. After walking about 8 steps plus or minus I yelled at them

that they were harassing me while the creep got away. They told me I was safe

and let me go but the jerk never got stopped. I don't have CMT but I was

still in trouble. The point is not to carry any medicine or pill

containers in sight . Never give permission to search and never ever talk if

you are

advised of your rights.; the policeman is not your friend when he searches

or questions [i am a retired criminal defense attorney so the last is



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Its pretty rare we get there but we have gone a few times. Most of the time we

would go to Home Town Buffet or something in that shopping center there.


Re: Drunk test CMT


They are building a new police station and from what I friend told me the

police are trying to fund it with tickets. I love the Bob's Big Boy do you ever

eat there?

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