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Re: Re:Steriods- New Basic Mold Research - thyroid and adrenals

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Dear Ann,

I'm very sorry to hear that you have been having these multiple health problems

from the mold exposure and steroids. Many of us on the list surely do relate. I

wasn't sure how much of these questions about thyroid and adrenals are

considered off-topic... I just figured that i'd at least address what I've

learned as a patient who has presented with some similar issues. Nothing here is

a medical recommendation, just my very, very, lay opinion. I'm sure the experts

and more experienced list members here will have added info.

As for your thyroid, you should get a thorough test for it. Which at the least

should include testing for Tsh (thyroid stimulating hormone); free T4; free T3;

TPO, ATA, TSI which are thyroid anti-body levels and Reverse T3. Some added

tests that would relate to andrenals or thyroid would be: ferritin, prolactin,

transferrin, ACTH, Iron serum, TIBC, and Iron Saturation. I am no expert at

this, but these are some of the tests my doc has used to track my problems.

What kind of thyroid tests did you have? What were the results?

Alot of people who have adrenal fatigue or insufficiency (I'm taking a leap and

assuming this is what you have) will use steroid meds like hydrocortisone. As

others on the list have made clear already that is not a good move for people

with mold exposure. There are other ways you can treat the adrenals such as

glandulars and supplements like vitamin C, Bioflavinoids, pantothenic acid,

B-6, magnesium, vit E, etc. A good resource to learn about this would be Dr.

's website:

" www.adrenalfatigue.org " .

There is also something called Isocort, an extract of adrenal cortex that is

made from sheep glands. Some people use this who cannot tolerate or handle the

stronger forms of steroid supplementation which people with mod exposure should

not do at all.

If you have already done the salivia test does that mean you've found a doctor

who is open to treating your adrenal problems? If so, that is good as it is

helpful to have a doc working with you on tracking your progress.

Big keys to relieving your adrenal problems is to avoid all stressors which

include environmental, emotional, allergens, etc. You need to get all the rest

you need, have plenty of sleep as needed, and get out of any home or work

environment that could be causing problems.

As for thyroid treatment, and here I can only attest my own experiences as a

patient, if you have hypothyroid issues of one form or another, I would

recommend not doing sythetic T4 meds (levothyroxine is the generic term, or

brand names synthroid, levocyl) exclusively. Ideally if you can find a doc to

treat you with dessicated thyroid meds like Naturethroid or Westhroid you will

do better than if you were on synthetic t4 only. I know alot of people

personally who get their tsh levels down on synthroid but still display all the

symptoms of hypothyroidism. Dessicated thyroid has alot more than T4. It has T3,

T2, T1 and calcitonin.

Some docs also prescribe cytomel, a synthetic T3. T3 is helpful when your body

is having trouble converting T4 into T3. Some people with pork allergies will do

the synthetic T4 and T3 together or even some will do just T3.

There is a link you can check out that explains alot about thyroid and adrenal

issues that I've found helpful.

" stopthethyroidmadness.com " .

There is another link run by Shomon that has some info and even names of

some referred doctors by region and state.

" http://www.thyroid-info.com/ "

Also, there are a few thyroid and adrenal groups on . Post me offline if

you're interested in those. But do remember that most people on these lists, as

helpful and experienced as they are do not know about the risks of steroid use

in combination with mold expsoure. Many of them use steroids for adrenal

problems as it is perceived to literally allow the adrenals to rest while the

steroids do the work, so to speak. So, take everything you read with a grain of

salt and do your own research--including everything I've shared here, as I am

just some schmo trying to find my own way as well. ;-)

There's been some discussion albeit briefly on this list about tracing the

thyroid issues futher through checkin the pituitary and hypothalamus as well. A

good doctor might be the key to helping you here.

But no doubt if these problems are as you suspect from a combination of mold

exposure and steroid use; testing and treatment with a mold literate doc like

Schoemaker or someone near you on the mold doc list would help.

If I can be of any help as a fellow sufferer, feel free to post me offline.

Hope this is helpful for you.

God bless,


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