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Re: Weight Gain and Loss for mold exposure methods -was: thank you and new question

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Where can we buy Mezotrace?


From: <pete-@...>

Sent: Saturday, May 2, 2009 12:32:34 PM

Subject: [] Weight Gain and Loss for mold exposure methods -was:

thank you and new question

Summary: How to Lose Weight with increased Mineral intake

Great question Vicki. I want to know the answer(s) as well. I supply

mine below.

At 12:36 AM 5/2/2009, you wrote: Did any of you gain weight with mold exposure?

Yes. I gain weight with any type of exposure. I suspect why now. More below.

And, have you had success by being treated with the anti fungal meds

in losing the weight.???

I've not taken them orally, though I use a variety for skin

conditions, to off load the immune system, so it can better fight the

mold internally.

GSE - GrapeFruit Seed Extract (nutribiotic drops or First Aid Spray)

iodine Listerine Hydrogen Peroxide (not on scalp - turns hair white

if too much) TTO - Tea Tree Oil

I use no OTC anti-fungals. (OTC=over the counter - no prescription needed)

Why all natural? No cream or grease containing petroleum based

mineral oil, which I react to.

Also, 15 doctors misdiagnosed me and now I fear most doctors. They

lack the advanced knowledge to assist me. (Boy did I word that nicely.)

So, without a doctor's prescription, I am left with OTC solutions.

Vicki writes:

>I gained about 40lbs

Is that all? Lucky you.

Vicki writes:

>and have been told by different people who also experienced mold

that it is a by product of the mold in the body... have any of you

heard this? and what do you think???

I've not " heard " anything, nor read much, but what I have read is

that everyone is an individual in their react to mold, and weight

lost or gain, or not, can be the result. In other words, it's not a

symptom to diagnose from.

Why gain weight? I know two reasons.

First, more healing molecules are needed, so the body makes the mind

listen, and you spoon more into your mouth, and the increased fat is

stored, as well as the left over carbs are converted to fat and

stored. Now, " healing molecules " is key. Most food, like ground

grown food, is lacking minerals due to over farming the soil. Thus,

I have found my appetite is reduced by taking full mineral

supplements at the start of each meal, well almost full. MezoTrace

tablets are what I take, and full is 5 a day. 1-2 at breakfast, 1 at

lunch, and 3-4 at dinner. Why most at dinner? Your immune system

when sleeping expends a lot of energy detoxing your blood and organs

of the daily fatigue toxins generated by your muscles, and the detox

is very mineral intensive, both as a catalyst, and as an excretion

product. Thus, the next day's brain fog can be due to heavy ongoing

detox using up key electrolytes (minerals) that are used in the brain

for nerve transmission (thinking), mostly potassium and calcium ions,

but includes all the trace minerals (72 of them). I've found

Mezotrace has the trace minerals. But I also add addition trace

mineral tablet, and extra potassium, and magnesium. It does wonders

for feeling better, eating less, and reduced brain fog.

Second, toxins in your body, inhaled spores, mold colonies

excretement, mold colonies outer layers dieing by-products,

mycotoxins, fall into two classes:

1) Water solution - urinated out each day. 2) Fat Soluble - stored in

fat cells, out of the blood, and no harm caused... but...

Toxins are like supplements or vitamins, some are water soluble, and

others are fat soluble. Water soluble vitamins you need to replace

each day, as the excess is urinated away. Fat soluble vitamins are

not needed each day, if your body has a store in fat cells, and these

fat cells will release the needed vitamins, where there are two

faults with the release.

First, there is no 'regular' mechanism for releasing just the needed

vitamins. Instead, fat must be released with it, which there is a

regular trigger mechanism, catalyst minerals. (Minerals are very

important for weight loss due to this fact.)

Which brings us to the second fault, the trigger for fat cells to

release fat back into the blood stream. It is normally a slow

process. It can be speeded up with supplement formulas, for about

60-80% of the people. For each person, some formulas will work,

others will not. Thus, you hear a lot of variety in whether these Fat

Burner supplements work or not. You need the right formula, or

ratio/mix of minerals that your body needs to speed the release. But

it's not just the release! Once released, the fat needs to be

utilized, burned by the muscles.

The only way this happens is if the fat molecule transport mechanism

from the blood into the muscle is actually working right. It's all

about ****communication* *** of the intracellular processes (I read a

lot of SciAm.com)

Once the fat molecule is floating freely in the blood vessel, it must

be found, and bound to by a special molecule, that will prevent the

fat molecule from being put back into the fat cell! Of course, that

makes sense. What goes in, comes out, can go back into the fat cell

again. Oops, not what you want to happen. So, this special molecule

is ... yes, you guessed it... it's mineral related. Your body needs

a supply of minerals for all sorts of processes, including fat

transport in the blood stream. And there is a second molecule needed

to move the fat molecule into the muscle cell... yes, you guessed

it... that second molecule also contains special minerals.

It's next to impossible to lose weight when the right minerals are

not in your blood stream, in the right form. Even with heavy exercise.

So, I eat lots of minerals. Mezotrace is only like 30-40% bio

available into the blood stream in the right form

(chelated). Mezotrace is naturally chelated (the mineral atom is

associated through ionic bonding - not valence electron bonding - to

a carbon based molecule - many times, that allows the body to

recognize the chelated form of the mineral, and absorb it into the

stomach or intestinal lining, and into the blood.

This above point is KEY for all digestion of all orally consumed

food. IV nutrition is injected directly into the blood stream and the

manufacturers will 'predigest' the molecules to increase their bio

availability once in the blood to other organs.

Mezotrace I tolerant. The other higher bioavailable 'whole' mineral

supplements that have replaced all tablets on the store shelves

(except a few) are now all LIQUID based, as they are bio available at

40-60%, meaning more for your money goes into your blood and gets

used by your body for effective weight loss.

Now, this does not mean that 100% of all people can lose weight by

taking minerals. Some will not due to other internal needs. Others

will react to the inactive ingredients and these reactions need

healing molecules... that's right... more eating.

It's complex. And that is why you must be your own best detective.

Good luck. Post your questions and feedback to the list. I am

keenly interested in losing the 80 pounds I have on my large, 6' 1 "

frame. I can use all the knowledge you have on this subject. As I

am no longer exposed to sewer gas (it's coming back here... sigh...

so I must move out of this apartment sooner...), I am naturally

eating less, and I am losing weight. But once I get to 240, there is

a barrier. I have busted through this barrier twice, to 220, where

there appears to be a solid floor, I can not get below. But that is

likely due to " other " exposures (non mold), that I have solved. So,

this time around, I am very hopeful that by December I will be 195

again. Or even less. More various issues I have not typed yet, as

this post is long enough. If no one replies, then I will not post more.



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At 08:59 AM 5/3/2009, you wrote:

>Where can we buy Mezotrace?

Most health food stores. Some stores have gone to just liquid brands.

So, call first. They might have a web site with a retail store list?

I do recommend trying the liquid form first.

I liked Body Booster, but it's strong taste had to be acquired first.

I can not find them any more. There is weak version around

under a different brand name.

There are websites, a couple, that compare multi mineral brands.

Let us know any URLs you find.


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On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 11:59 AM, <brianc8452@...> wrote:



> Where can we buy Mezotrace?


> ________________________________

> From:


> >

> <%40>

> Sent: Saturday, May 2, 2009 12:32:34 PM

> Subject: [] Weight Gain and Loss for mold exposure methods

> -was: thank you and new question



> Summary: How to Lose Weight with increased Mineral intake


> Great question Vicki. I want to know the answer(s) as well. I supply

> mine below.


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