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Re: House Judiciary Committee Re: Mandatory Arbitration Clauses New Construction

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Binding Arbitration Fairness Act Apr 29th 2009.

My husband and I were honored to speak to the Senators and Congressmen on

Wed Apr 29th at the Arbitration Fairness Lobby Day on Capitol Hill in Wash

DC. I have to tell you out of the 70 or so people there, approx 75% of them

were there because they had become ill from mold exposure. Due to the

binding arbitration clause in their contract whether construction,insurance

etc. They had all become victims again due to the unfair binding arbitration

clause. What possible incentive does a builder ,remediator etc have to

perform their duties to a workmanlike standard. These people came from every

state in the nation and they all had eerily similar stories*-what is it

going to take for our homes/workplaces to be safe and healthy for our


*We had been invited to tell what happens if binding arbitration is not

forced and to have a trial by jury as is every-ones right. We were able to

secure a victory when judged by a jury of our peers. It is quite obvious

based on the two very large verdicts passed down by juries in the past 6

mths. The general public is becoming more educated about mold and IAQ-one

wonders when will the Government and Medical Community catch up...? It is

more important than ever for forced binding arbitration to be abolished so

that victims of all kinds get their deserved day in court.


On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 8:31 PM, <snk1955@...> wrote:



> _http://judiciary.house.gov/hearings/June2007/061207fogal.pdf_

> (http://judiciary.house.gov/hearings/June2007/061207fogal.pdf)


> ....Well, this was not one overlooked plumbing connection, as my husband so


> desperately wanted to believe.

> It was a preview of coming attractions. Rainwater, from outside, sprayed

> us at the kitchen table. – The

> windows were installed upside down (our builder finally admitted this

> after three years). Our floors buckled

> and black spider-webs of mold crawled up our walls; the smell grew worse;

> then shower wall fell out and

> little puffballs grew out of the carpet. All the while, we had begged our

> builder to please fix our house.

> We had the mold tested by an accredited laboratory, and they said they had

> never seen toxic readings that

> high in an inhabited dwelling. Prior to this, we had not mentioned the

> nosebleeds, headaches, the swollen

> eyes, and the sinus infections because we had seen how people were

> treated. Their defects were dismissed

> because the homebuyers were crazy hypochondriacs. My builder said everyone

> has mold and it doesn't

> bother anybody. Yet, he takes allergy shots. People have told me, and I

> have heard testimony, of

> children's eardrums bursting, babies vomiting up blood, and even the

> family cat suddenly dying.

> Stachybotrys and Chaetomium will make you deathly ill. We took the reports

> to our family doctor. She told

> us to move out of the house immediately. We sent the report to our

> builder. He lied under oath, said he

> never received it, yet he sent it to his engineer the same day; and the

> engineer was sitting right there in

> the room with our emails. Some were hand written, and I noticed them. He

> was asked by our attorney to

> read them and to read where he had gotten them and the date. We swore to

> tell the truth in arbitration.

> Are only homebuyers bound by this oath?


> When does lying become perjury? When does the civil become criminal?


> We moved out of our home. We had gotten estimates for repairs, and they

> were all $150,000 or more. Our

> builder kept telling the media it would only cost about 2 to 5 thousand

> dollars to fix our house, and that

> was all they wanted to do.....

> **************Check all of your email inboxes from anywhere on the web.

> Try the new Email Toolbar now!

> (http://toolbar.aol.com/mail/download.html?ncid=txtlnkusdown00000027)



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I don't think thank you is enough for both of you and Sharon and the many others

who have continued to make the powers that be aware of the devestation that mold

and mycotoxins can do to human health.

So proud to be associated with this group and with tears in my eyes;


a and Aurora Townsend

Meng <moldsick@...> wrote: Binding Arbitration Fairness Act Apr 29th


My husband and I were honored to speak to the Senators and Congressmen on

Wed Apr 29th at the Arbitration Fairness Lobby Day on Capitol Hill in Wash

DC. I have to tell you out of the 70 or so people there, approx 75% of them

were there because they had become ill from mold exposure. Due to the

binding arbitration clause in their contract whether construction,insurance

etc. They had all become victims again due to the unfair binding arbitration

clause. What possible incentive does a builder ,remediator etc have to

perform their duties to a workmanlike standard. These people came from every

state in the nation and they all had eerily similar stories*-what is it

going to take for our homes/workplaces to be safe and healthy for our


*We had been invited to tell what happens if binding arbitration is not

forced and to have a trial by jury as is every-ones right. We were able to

secure a victory when judged by a jury of our peers. It is quite obvious

based on the two very large verdicts passed down by juries in the past 6

mths. The general public is becoming more educated about mold and IAQ-one

wonders when will the Government and Medical Community catch up...? It is

more important than ever for forced binding arbitration to be abolished so

that victims of all kinds get their deserved day in court.


On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 8:31 PM, wrote:



> _http://judiciary.house.gov/hearings/June2007/061207fogal.pdf_

> (http://judiciary.house.gov/hearings/June2007/061207fogal.pdf)


> ....Well, this was not one overlooked plumbing connection, as my husband so


> desperately wanted to believe.

> It was a preview of coming attractions. Rainwater, from outside, sprayed

> us at the kitchen table. – The

> windows were installed upside down (our builder finally admitted this

> after three years). Our floors buckled

> and black spider-webs of mold crawled up our walls; the smell grew worse;

> then shower wall fell out and

> little puffballs grew out of the carpet. All the while, we had begged our

> builder to please fix our house.

> We had the mold tested by an accredited laboratory, and they said they had

> never seen toxic readings that

> high in an inhabited dwelling. Prior to this, we had not mentioned the

> nosebleeds, headaches, the swollen

> eyes, and the sinus infections because we had seen how people were

> treated. Their defects were dismissed

> because the homebuyers were crazy hypochondriacs. My builder said everyone

> has mold and it doesn't

> bother anybody. Yet, he takes allergy shots. People have told me, and I

> have heard testimony, of

> children's eardrums bursting, babies vomiting up blood, and even the

> family cat suddenly dying.

> Stachybotrys and Chaetomium will make you deathly ill. We took the reports

> to our family doctor. She told

> us to move out of the house immediately. We sent the report to our

> builder. He lied under oath, said he

> never received it, yet he sent it to his engineer the same day; and the

> engineer was sitting right there in

> the room with our emails. Some were hand written, and I noticed them. He

> was asked by our attorney to

> read them and to read where he had gotten them and the date. We swore to

> tell the truth in arbitration.

> Are only homebuyers bound by this oath?


> When does lying become perjury? When does the civil become criminal?


> We moved out of our home. We had gotten estimates for repairs, and they

> were all $150,000 or more. Our

> builder kept telling the media it would only cost about 2 to 5 thousand

> dollars to fix our house, and that

> was all they wanted to do.....

> **************Check all of your email inboxes from anywhere on the web.

> Try the new Email Toolbar now!

> (http://toolbar.aol.com/mail/download.html?ncid=txtlnkusdown00000027)



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