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Re: Molluscum contagiosum

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Ou son had this problem and we found this machine on line (I cant remember the?

name and we found it on the internet by googling mollusum remedies)?that is

battery operated that changes the polarity of the molluscum and also uses soap

with silver. The problem cleared up within one week. We had also used aldara and

it didnt do anything.

good luck!

Vanda Marie Khadem, Esq.


33 Wolcott Road Extension

Brookline, Massachusetts 02467

Telephone: Facsimile:

Molluscum contagiosum

Has anyone on the list had any experience with molluscum contagiosum?

We have been using Aldara cream (for months) on the lesions and they

continue to spread. We are scheduled for an appt with a plastic

surgeon to scrape them while he is sedated (which I am extremely

hesitant to do). Does anyone have any suggestions for supplements

that might benfeit my son? Would a general one like Virastop or OLE

be helpful? And in what doses??? Any help is greatly appreciated.



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It is caused by a virus.

My typical son had it for 3 months while my other son

with ASD had it for about 1 year. The boys did not

receive any treatment for it.



> Has anyone on the list had any experience with molluscum


> We have been using Aldara cream (for months) on the lesions and they

> continue to spread. We are scheduled for an appt with a plastic

> surgeon to scrape them while he is sedated (which I am extremely

> hesitant to do). Does anyone have any suggestions for supplements

> that might benfeit my son? Would a general one like Virastop or OLE

> be helpful? And in what doses??? Any help is greatly appreciated.


> Thanks,

> Bridgett


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Ben had this & it lasted about 6> months. It was really awful as it spread

everywhere under his arms to his chest. He must have caught it at the pool.

The colluscum started to appear in January & disappeared in Nov.

We went to see a dermatologist & just as he gave a prescription it went

away. Just as a note he had a huge one & I squezzed it out with gloves &

cleaned it with antsepitic ( he screamed of course). I would guess that’s

what stopped the spreading. Also when you bath him & then dry him make sure

to just blow dry that area rather than spreading with a towel. Make sure to

clean that area with an peroxide or alchol.

Good luck



From: csb-autism-rx [mailto:csb-autism-rx ]

On Behalf Of momof3ls

Sent: October 4, 2007 5:02 PM

To: csb-autism-rx

Subject: Molluscum contagiosum

Has anyone on the list had any experience with molluscum contagiosum?

We have been using Aldara cream (for months) on the lesions and they

continue to spread. We are scheduled for an appt with a plastic

surgeon to scrape them while he is sedated (which I am extremely

hesitant to do). Does anyone have any suggestions for supplements

that might benfeit my son? Would a general one like Virastop or OLE

be helpful? And in what doses??? Any help is greatly appreciated.



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