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Re: Dr. Rea's Clinic

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Dr Reas clinic is completely mold/water free. The walls are made of marble that

does not harbor mold. The housing that they recommend has been revamped

according to his protocols.

Using someone like as a 'examplof detox is not only danagerous but borders

on practicing medicine w/o a license.

was KICKED off of this board, so that should say something about him.

He has pestered Ritchie Shoemaker so much that Shoeemaker doesn't even

acknowledge him.

'calim' to fame is that he was written up in mold warriors, that is not an

endorsement of his 'protocol.

If is so convinced that he has found the cure, let him get a degree and

practice and become licensed to dispoense advise such as you are inferring.

[] Dr. Rea's Clinic

I don't know how my stating this is going to go over in this group, but I feel

like somebody should say it.

Let me preface this by stating that I'm a " protege " of 's

(erikmoldwarrior). I spent a 24/7 week with him last year in Lake Tahoe/Reno and

attended closely to everything I could find that he'd written.

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I appreciate your honesty and comments. I wondered how Texas, Louisiana,

Florida and other hurricane states could be safe when there would be several

years of water damage and mold.


From: Slaya <slayadragon@...>

Sent: Thu, December 10, 2009 4:38:02 PM

Subject: [] Dr. Rea's Clinic

I don't know how my stating this is going to go over in this group, but I feel

like somebody should say it.

Let me preface this by stating that I'm a " protege " of 's

(erikmoldwarrior) . I spent a 24/7 week with him last year in Lake Tahoe/Reno

and attended closely to everything I could find that he'd written.

I then decided to make an effort to emulate everything that he'd done.

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When I was at Rea's clinic a few years ago, some guests came in to do business.

There are signs everywhere about needing to be fragrance free. These three

people walked through the clinic where I was with some other people being tested

with allergens and one of them, a man, had fragrance on so heavy, I smelled it

strongly and he was no where near me. A woman passed out and fell to the floor

and they had to bring oxygen in. Then she was crying and I wondered how in the

world could anyone have made that mistake. Didn't he know anything about the

clinic or see any of the signs, plus I was shocked at woman's response since I

had never seen how serious a reaction it can be. It almost made me wonder if he

had done that deliberately, not perhaps believing the concept of fragrance

causing a problem. Woman really never recovered her mood after that, she was

embarassed and upset, and I think hurt that it happened there. Afterall, she

probably travelled a distance to be in this safe place and I bet paid extra to

find safe housing, etc. I felt so sorry for her. Just a memory I have from

there. Dr Rae goes to great lengths I thought to make the place as reaction

free as possible. I noticed no mold smell. I would be SHOCKED to find there

was a mold problem there!!! Certainly Dallas/Ft Worth is moldy and people there

have trouble living there. I live in the Ohio River valley, also a problem

area, but my job is here. I'd like to move.


> Slaya,

> Dallas is very moldy. In the summer the air stinks of mold. Some

> people tolerate this better than others. There are a lot of

> challenges to getting treatment at Rea's.

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> I appreciate your honesty and comments. I wondered how Texas, Louisiana,

Florida and other hurricane states could be safe when there would be several

years of water damage and mold.

Those states are scary these days, for sure.

I have a condominium in Florida that's right on the ocean. The mold situation

there is so bad that they're spending several million dollars just on basic


(I can't go there at all, of course.)

But it's the outdoor mold that's the real problem in these places, for those of

us who are reactive to mold.

I certainly don't consider it to be medical advice not to go to Texas.

I just know that if I had to spend the winter anywhere in Dallas (even in a

tent), I'd be bedridden again.

Perhaps most folks here are less ill than I was, and thus can be well without

avoiding mold as scrupulously as I do.

That's great for them, if so.

doesn't know I was planning to write to this board, and I just did it on my

own on the spur of the moment as a result of reading the post about Dr. Rea.

Quite frankly, half the time and I aren't even speaking to one another.

He's not the easiest person in the world to get along with, for sure.

That has nothing to do with how much he knows about this subject though.


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Dr Rae goes to great lengths I thought to make the place as reaction free as

possible. I noticed no mold smell. I would be SHOCKED to find there was a mold

problem there!!! Certainly Dallas/Ft Worth is moldy and people there have

trouble living there. I live in the Ohio River valley, also a problem area, but

my job is here. I'd like to move.


I CERTAINLY am not saying that Dr. Rea has a mold problem inside his clinic! I

have no knowledge of that being the case, and I've heard nothing but good things

about him personally.

It's the outside air in Dallas that's the problem.

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Hi ,

I don't know , and I am interested in learning about all approaches

that people think have merit, please do tell about your experience with

and his approach if you found it helpful.




>> I appreciate your honesty and comments. I wondered how Texas,

>Louisiana, Florida and other hurricane states could be safe when there

>would be several years of water damage and mold.


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ah, and you went to Dr. Shoemaker and heard those words right out of his mouth?


I thus cannot believe that people can make much progress there regardless of

how good Dr. Rea's treatments are. Obviously most professionals shrug off the

idea that outdoor mold can be really toxic, but this seems to be changing

rapidly. One report I heard recently is that Dr. Shoemaker has started to place

more emphasis on outdoor mold recently, at least when patients ask him about it

directly. He also has recently stated to patients that knows more about

mold than anyone else on the planet.


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" the mold warrior " claims to have all the answers, claim to have cured

himself by the useage of his great and all knowing mind.

I know him well, I do fell strongly that if you put his great wisdom in writeing

you well be doing more harm than good.

as nice as I can put it, his mouth sometimes, almost allways, overloads his

brain. go through the archives and do some reading before you go any further.

and let me know if we are going to have to live through the all mighty words of

the mold warrior through you and I'll just take a break from the group until

your done.

but I'm begging you to think very carefully before you put any of his word in

writeing, things like that can do more harm than good.

you see, some people are more great in their own minds than anyone else happens

to think, maybe you should ask eric how much of his mighty wisdom is from his

own mind and how much research he actually did to understand how the body

functions. or maybe you SHOULD just read the archives.

oh yes, can smell mold a mile away.

no.1 never actually was dignosed with CFS, wasn't in a wheelchair,

no.2 people made very ill from mold dont go around looking for it, putting it in

a bag and sniffing it, for any reason what so ever unless their just plain


no.3 never ever mentioned washing his sinuses to stop the effects of a exposure,

just ran away, jumped in the shower, changed his cloths and supposedly through

those cloths away. takeing a shower and changeing cloths alone does not stop the

effects of a exposure when your severely hyperreactive. what you smell remains

in the sinuses unless your wash your sinuses out and with even that, some things

well continue to affect you cause they already made it to the brain

and/or other parts of the body.

and I highly disbelieve that anyone can be clemically sensitive to just one type

of mycotoxin and nothing else, no other chemicals, no voc's nothing, only one

type of mycotoxin. ya right.

no. 4 climbed mountains with reactive airways/asthma, lived in mold timber, used

wood heat,

in his MCS self made camper, actually admited that he was still ill at one point

after a year of claim self cure that no one could master because they just were

not as smart as he is.

likes to have a cold frothy one when very few if any can tolerate

alchol with this illness, and gee who knows, maybe most people just get better

after 20 yearssssss or die from their MCS,chronic sinusitis, lung and sinus

infections, ect. the later ones never mentioned by the mold warrior as haveing

had a problem with,

yet he was the most sickest ever of anyone and cured himself with his great

powerful mind.

no.5 got kicked off this board for a reason.

just my opinion :)

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On Dec 10, 2009, at 10:36 PM, barb b w wrote:

> When I was at Rea's clinic a few years ago, some guests came in to

> do business. There are signs everywhere about needing to be

> fragrance free. These three people walked through the clinic where

> I was with some other people being tested with allergens and one of

> them, a man, had fragrance on so heavy, I smelled it strongly and

> he was no where near me. A woman passed out and fell to the floor

> and they had to bring oxygen in. Then she was crying and I wondered

> how in the world could anyone have made that mistake. Didn't he

> know anything about the clinic or see any of the signs, plus I was

> shocked at woman's response since I had never seen how serious a

> reaction it can be. It almost made me wonder if he had done that

> deliberately, not perhaps believing the concept of fragrance

> causing a problem.


This is not that uncommon. Dr. Rea does his best, but there are

times when people, especially people who are not sick come in to the

clinic with scent. They don't understand that they are wearing

scent. I've seen this kind of thing everywhere. Most people have no

idea of how many products they use actually are scented with

chemicals and that they are harmful. I could have reacted just like

that woman because I react in an extreme way to scent. It affects my

limbic system and I can fall apart until I get the scent out of my

nose and mouth.

> Woman really never recovered her mood after that, she was

> embarassed and upset, and I think hurt that it happened there.

> Afterall, she probably travelled a distance to be in this safe

> place and I bet paid extra to find safe housing, etc. I felt so

> sorry for her. Just a memory I have from there. Dr Rae goes to

> great lengths I thought to make the place as reaction free as

> possible.


Dr. Rea leaves it up to someone else to make sure these things don't

happen, since he is always busy seeing patients. The healthy people

who work there just don't always smell scents. The only time

anything is ever done is when patients come and inform the staff of a


> I noticed no mold smell. I would be SHOCKED to find there was a

> mold problem there!!! Certainly Dallas/Ft Worth is moldy and people

> there have trouble living there. I live in the Ohio River valley,

> also a problem area, but my job is here. I'd like to move.

> Y

The mold in the clinic isn't something you can smell. It's not in the

walls or in the ceiling,(I don't think). It's much more subtle. I

never smelled mold. But I know from extremely mold-sensitive people

that they get mold reactions while in the clinic. They can tell from

their symptoms that someone has walked in, say to a testing room, and

that they have mold on them. Usually this is brought to the

attention of the staff and these (usually new ) patients are told to

to go out and buy new clothes before coming back to the clinic. You

can imagine how impossible it is for healthy people to detect these

things. It is an unfortunate part of the business of a clinic where

the sickest people in the US and the world come to see Dr. Rea.

Like I said, I became too sensitive to these scents to be able to go

to Dr. Rea's clinic. At one point Dr. Rea told me to test for " Tide "

and " Fabric Softener " and not to come back for two weeks. I did that

but my end points weren't good enough or the antigens didn't work

well enough for me to tolerate the clinic. Dr. Rea knows that new

patients come and that their clothes have scent in them and also that

people who have stopped using these products will be outgassing

them. some of my worst reactions were in the sauna area after

someone had been in the sauna and were outgassing scent. There's

really not much the clinic staff can do about this. I would try to

avoid certain people who were " scented " but it wasn't always possible

because they leave a scent trail sometimes.

None of this is a criticism of Dr. Rea. I think very highly of him

and he makes every effort to help his patients. He made every

effort to help me and was creative as possible in trying to figure

out how to help me. But for some of the most sensitive patients it

can be a real trial to try to get well there. Some manage to get

well. Dr. Rea has helped thousands of people.

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ps, slaythedragon, didn't that use to be you @ ?

and I'll tell you up front , I put in alot of time researching to find answers

for myself and this group and even if I believed something very strongly, I did

my best to find the research to back up my mouth, and the more I did, the more I

realized that the mold warrior was only the great all knowing in his own mind.

now frankly, I let alot slide, but I wont stick around if this board is going to

be damageing peoples thoughts by once again broardcasting the tales of the

allmighty mold warrior.

I will have no part of it.

because he's wrong about a lot of things and I proved him wrong on a lot of

things and I'm not up to going through that again so I well be gone. I will also

tell you that I spent some time going through his post from before I signed in

and you well find that he saved most of his great writeings and reposted over

and over again.

he basicly has been saying the same thing for 20+ years, now I always thought

great minds grow in their wisdom, but you know that saying

you cant teach old dogs new tricks ? well you can if they are smart dogs. now

I'm not felling to great right now so if I haven't made my point, let me know.


> If individuals here are interested in more on this approach, feel to let me

know. I'm putting the information into a written document (to be distributed

for free...no promotional consideration here, it's only because I think it's

important for people to get information that might help them), so that will be

available to those who are interested soon.


> Best,




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I can speak about FL it has a serious mold problem since the hurricanes and  a

serious toxic chinese drywall problem. since 2004  So much so that it was

requested to be declared an emergency  disaster just because of the very big

drywall issue.  Of course it was denied.  Between these 2 issues the problem

is statewide.  Then lets not forget the toxic algae problem that is




God Bless !!




From: <brianc8452@...>

Sent: Thu, December 10, 2009 9:58:16 PM

Subject: Re: [] Dr. Rea's Clinic


I appreciate your honesty and comments. I wondered how Texas, Louisiana, Florida

and other hurricane states could be safe when there would be several years of

water damage and mold.

____________ _________ _________ _

From: Slaya <slayadragon>

Sent: Thu, December 10, 2009 4:38:02 PM

Subject: [] Dr. Rea's Clinic

I don't know how my stating this is going to go over in this group, but I feel

like somebody should say it.

Let me preface this by stating that I'm a " protege " of 's

(erikmoldwarrior) . I spent a 24/7 week with him last year in Lake Tahoe/Reno

and attended closely to everything I could find that he'd written.

I then decided to make an effort to emulate everything that he'd done.

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I have severe MCS , my maibox, door are posted with medical alerts and people

just ignore them and make me very ill, my face swells, my throat and I always

have a respiratory reaction.  Others are inconsiderate towards us and

cruel..............they simply do not care if they kill you ........IMO



God Bless !!




From: barb b w <barb1283@...>

Sent: Thu, December 10, 2009 10:36:15 PM

Subject: [] Re: Dr. Rea's Clinic


When I was at Rea's clinic a few years ago, some guests came in to do business.

There are signs everywhere about needing to be fragrance free. These three

people walked through the clinic where I was with some other people being tested

with allergens and one of them, a man, had fragrance on so heavy, I smelled it

strongly and he was no where near me. A woman passed out and fell to the floor

and they had to bring oxygen in. Then she was crying and I wondered how in the

world could anyone have made that mistake. Didn't he know anything about the

clinic or see any of the signs, plus I was shocked at woman's response since I

had never seen how serious a reaction it can be. It almost made me wonder if he

had done that deliberately, not perhaps believing the concept of fragrance

causing a problem. Woman really never recovered her mood after that, she was

embarassed and upset, and I think hurt that it happened there. Afterall, she

probably travelled a distance

to be in this safe place and I bet paid extra to find safe housing, etc. I felt

so sorry for her. Just a memory I have from there. Dr Rae goes to great lengths

I thought to make the place as reaction free as possible. I noticed no mold

smell. I would be SHOCKED to find there was a mold problem there!!! Certainly

Dallas/Ft Worth is moldy and people there have trouble living there. I live in

the Ohio River valley, also a problem area, but my job is here. I'd like to


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yes. that is what I think. It's also possible that these people are

outgassing mold. One other problem is that one of the living

facilities is in Segoville. Most of the people living there have

problems with EMF. Housing is made up of old trailers. All cooking

facilities are shared and in a sort of sheltered out-building. There

is a lake there with algae in it. I couldn't tolerate the place. I

often did smell mold on the people living there if they came near me

at the clinic. But that isn't an example of the much more subtle

mold exposures that people experience from the smallest molecules of

mold in the air. Even though I have mold and micotoxins in my

system, I never reacted to these nano-particles. But I watched

plenty of others who did. They didn't give up on treatment. They

just learned whom to avoid. A few of the people I'm thinking of did

overcome their mold issues and they think very highly of Dr. Rea and

the clinic. Anne

On Dec 11, 2009, at 7:47 AM, barb b w wrote:

> Don't you think people reacting to mold at Dr Rae's is more likely

> on the clothes of people that go in there?



> >

> The mold in the clinic isn't something you can smell. It's not in the

> > walls or in the ceiling,(I don't think). It's much more subtle. I

> > never smelled mold. But I know from extremely mold-sensitive people

> > that they get mold reactions while in the clinic. They can tell from

> > their symptoms that someone has walked in, say to a testing room,

> and

> > that they have mold on them. Usually this is brought to the

> > attention of the staff and these (usually new ) patients are told to

> > to go out and buy new clothes before coming back to the clinic.


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Don't you think people reacting to mold at Dr Rae's is more likely on the

clothes of people that go in there?


The mold in the clinic isn't something you can smell. It's not in the

> walls or in the ceiling,(I don't think). It's much more subtle. I

> never smelled mold. But I know from extremely mold-sensitive people

> that they get mold reactions while in the clinic. They can tell from

> their symptoms that someone has walked in, say to a testing room, and

> that they have mold on them. Usually this is brought to the

> attention of the staff and these (usually new ) patients are told to

> to go out and buy new clothes before coming back to the clinic.

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Where is here, Barb?


____________ _________ _________ __

From: barb b w <barb1283 (DOT) com>

Sent: Thu, December 10, 2009 10:36:15 PM

Subject: [] Re: Dr. Rea's Clinic

possible. I noticed no mold smell. I would be SHOCKED to find there was a mold

problem there!!! Certainly Dallas/Ft Worth is moldy and people there have

trouble living there. I live in the Ohio River valley, also a problem area, but

my job is here. I'd like to move.

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I also felt that " outdoor mold " was not harmful to me if I kept walking away.

However, recently the detox place I go to in San Diego, Optimum Health

Institute, has developed a huge outdoor mold problem. The mold that had plagued

some of the rooms is starting to venture out. I can't describe it any

better-it's everywhere. I know this because I choose a specific room that is on

the 2nd floor and specifically away from their mold problem and for the last 4

years have been fine. Last trip, in October, something was wrong. Usually I'm

ecstatic to be there, my mood improves, etc. This time I felt like I was in a

kind of emotional mold bubble-didn't really smell the mold but it was all around

me and I was depressed, loss of appetite, all the usual uh oh mold symptoms.

This is a really bad bad thing to happen-this place has saved my life the past 4

years and their other place is in Austin , Texas, which if anybody out there

knows can you please tell me-is it as bad as Dallas?


>> I don't know how my stating this is going to go over in this group, but I

feel like somebody should say it.


> Let me preface this by stating that I'm a " protege " of 's

(erikmoldwarrior). I spent a 24/7 week with him last year in Lake Tahoe/Reno

and attended closely to everything I could find that he'd written.


> I then decided to make an effort to emulate everything that he'd done. (I

actually did it even more intensely, spending a year mostly in the desert

pushing detox. He alternates between working a full-time job in downtown Reno

and time out in the wilderness to " refresh. " ) He's spent 25 years figuring out

how to deal with the

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> Don't you think people reacting to mold at Dr Rae's is more likely on the

clothes of people that go in there?

I've found mold from people's contaminated clothes to be a problem at all the

CFS doctors' offices that I've been to, as well as at many lab offices. I

imagine that it's the case in mold doctors' offices too.

I don't think that would keep me from visiting any clinic though. I would guess

that if I asked, the staff at Dr. Rea's would allow me to have the flexibility

to reduce my exposures as needed (e.g. not waiting in a room with a lot of other

patients, using a portable chair I brought with me rather than sitting in

contaminated office chairs, etc.).

It's the outside air in Dallas that's the problem.


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> Dr Reas clinic is completely mold/water free. The walls are made

> of marble that does not harbor mold. The housing that they

> recommend has been revamped according to his protocols.

People could still leave behind trichothecene mycotoxins there. They have very

low vapor pressures and are extremely stable in the environment, so they act

like persistent chemical weapons.

> Using someone like as a 'examplof detox is not only danagerous

> but borders on practicing medicine w/o a license.

Do you have any specific examples of danger? I've read many reports from

severely sensitive people who have no alternative but to practice extreme mold


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> and I highly disbelieve that anyone can be clemically sensitive to

> just one type of mycotoxin and nothing else, no other chemicals, no

> voc's nothing, only one type of mycotoxin. ya right.

The sensitivity symptoms listed in Mold Warriors are immune-mediated, so it's

easy to believe that someone could react to just a subset of toxins. The whole

point of HLA testing is to see what you're vulnerable to.

is sensitive to chemicals if he's suffering from mold exposure.

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Patilla, first you need to go out and find all types of mycotoxins and put them

in a plastic bag and sniff them, take them to the desert and place them on the

ground and get down there and sniff them again,

this is how you become a expert on deturmining what type of mold, I mean

mycotoxin that you are reactive to.


> Well, I'm going to try his protocol tonite and brave the wilderness in

> the freezing teens temps. That should do it.


> Barth


> www.presenting.net/sbs/sbs.html


> SUBMIT YOUR DOCTOR: www.presenting.net/sbs/molddoctors.html


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lol's, please explain what is extreme mold advoidence and just how you manage to

do that. please explain how the mycotoxins in a cold frothy one doesn't effect

someone so extremely reactive as eric is.


> > and I highly disbelieve that anyone can be clemically sensitive to

> > just one type of mycotoxin and nothing else, no other chemicals, no

> > voc's nothing, only one type of mycotoxin. ya right.


> The sensitivity symptoms listed in Mold Warriors are immune-mediated, so it's

easy to believe that someone could react to just a subset of toxins. The whole

point of HLA testing is to see what you're vulnerable to.


> is sensitive to chemicals if he's suffering from mold exposure.


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I never thought of that. Great idea!



SUBMIT YOUR DOCTOR: www.presenting.net/sbs/molddoctors.html


o> Patilla, first you need to go out and find all types of mycotoxins and put

them in a plastic bag and sniff them, take them to the desert and place them on

the ground and get down there and sniff

o> them again,

o> this is how you become a expert on deturmining what type of mold, I mean

mycotoxin that you are reactive to.



>> Well, I'm going to try his protocol tonite and brave the wilderness in

>> the freezing teens temps. That should do it.


>> Barth


>> www.presenting.net/sbs/sbs.html


>> SUBMIT YOUR DOCTOR: www.presenting.net/sbs/molddoctors.html


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advising people on detox etc is technically practicing medicine w/o a


Avoidance is a given its the other factors that reference medical applications


> Using someone like as a 'examplof detox is not only danagerous

> but borders on practicing medicine w/o a license.

Do you have any specific examples of danger? I've read many reports from

severely sensitive people who have no alternative but to practice extreme mold


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Please stop, your attitude is counter productive to just about everything,

especially learning about this illness



> " the mold warrior " claims to have all the answers, claim to have cured

himself by the useage of his great and all knowing mind.

> I know him well, I do fell strongly that if you put his great wisdom in

writeing you well be doing more harm than good.

> as nice as I can put it, his mouth sometimes, almost allways, overloads his

brain. go through the archives and do some reading before you go any further.

> and

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