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Smoking link to hearing problems - higher risk of hearing problems and understanding what is being said

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Smoking link to hearing problems

Teenagers who smoke, or whose mother smoked in pregnancy, are at higher

risk of hearing problems and understanding what is being said, a US

study says.

In tests on 67 teenagers, Yale University found those exposed to smoke

had trouble focusing and interpreting sounds when there was a distraction.

And the team said scans showed exposure changed the brain's white

matter, responsible for transmitting messages.

The findings were reported in New Scientist magazine.

The team carried out brain scans on the teenagers and found those

exposed to smoke were more likely to have more white matter.

Previous research has shown that children with overdeveloped white

matter have problems transmitting and interpreting sound because the

white matter it is out of sync with the rest of the brain.

The researchers believe the over-production of the white matter is

caused by nicotine stimulating a chemical compound called acetylcholine.

Further evidence was also provided by the computer tests the teenagers,

aged 13 to 18, completed where they were asked to recognise words while

being distracted by visual images or background noise.

Among the boys who were tested, those exposed to smoke got 77% right,

whereas those not exposed got 85% right.

In girls, the breakdown was 84% to 90%. The researchers said the results

were " quite significant " .


Lead researcher sen said: " Individuals affected will have

problems in settings where there is a distraction.

" This could certainly be the case in classrooms where there may be other

people talking and lots of things going on.

" Coupled with other conditions, such as behavioural disorders, this may

tip a pupil towards failing at school. "

McAlpine, director of the Ear Institute at University College

London, agreed the findings were interesting.

He added: " The fact that smokers show changes in this pathway means they

may be less able to hear what's being said. "

Todd, from Washington University, added the effect on the white

matter was " pretty remarkable " .

" It seems the brain remains vulnerable long into adolescence. "

Story from BBC NEWS:


Published: 2008/01/03 00:07:43 GMT



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