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need your help with the digest

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In order to keep the Sickbuilding Digest easy to read for those people who get

sbs group posts by digest, may I ask that people keep post length to a minimum

by leaving out *anything* that is unnecessary to the point you are trying to

make.  I trim almost every post right now and it makes going through the posts

much longer!

1.) Number one please *delete the post you are responding to, to a few lines*,

or if your own post is long, entirely.  2.)Don't add things that aren't

important to your message.  3.) Try to remember to leave out " sayings and

taglines " , as once you post them, everyone has read them and the repeated quote

is uninteresting and just something we have to skip over.

From a class I took, rule of thumb in writing is the less you write, the more

people will read it.  The shorter our digest is, the more people will have time

to read it and contribute to our group.

Write enough to thoroughly explain what you want to say though!  Not to say you

can't put in some trivia once in awhile.

If you got our postings by Digest for a just a few days, you would see what a

huge difference trimmed versus untrimmed posts make in the digest.  Untrimmed,

long posts make the digest almost unreadable at times.

It doesn't make any difference to people receiving messages via individual

mail.  However many people get the digest, including many of our professional

members that give us some great advice we couldn't get elsewhere. Help me make

the digest easy to read! Thanks!

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