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VAERS Head Banging

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MMR/HIB given - went to sleep, awoke screaming & crying, welts on back, face & stomach as reported by mom. Head banging irritable w/ violent outbursts. MD phoned recommended cool bath & tylenol & Benadryl.

cried for 3 days, fever 24 hrs, eye spasms, blink-trying to focus, grimacing faces pattern of behavior (bang head on stuff);

pt recv vax & devel fever, signs showed would bang head against pillow during noc & day;lost weight; dropped from 28lbs to 18lbs slowly; loss appetite; would only drink not eat; lost most of hair; stopped walking & regressed to crawling;sz

w/in a few hrs of vax pt had a terrible tantrum, banged head, screamed a very long time;later had a staring spell, arched back & was non-responsive then seemed all right;next day had a fever of 104

morning p/vax pt devel scratchy throat;hr later pt stated afraid & wanted to hurt self;was combative, looked psychotic & had a contusion from banging head against the wall;pt hosp;stated afraid might hurt other & she was Queen of scott

autism like behavior, lack of speech;no socialization, hyperactive, picky eater, ritual acts, banging head on floor & self injury acts;tx discreet trial therapy; tantrums;

screaming episodes, throw self on floor, stiffen entire body-unable to console or pick-up-banging head on floor, screaming, autism, loss of motor skills,catatonic;fever;dx lt ear infect

pt recv vax 14SEP92 & 16SEP92 pt exp fatigue & became lethargic;pt stopped talking gradually & w/in a month began banging head;pt had fever off & on;immunological work-up indicated pt immune system fell apart;

pt was irritable 4PM for screaming, hyperventilating, shaking, sz, lt side twitching;taken to ER;hyperactive, has a temper w/high pitched screaming fits & lately has been banging head against wall;pt intubated;rt side weak;

Pt lost eye contact, he appeared to have lost his hearing. He began to walk in circles bucking his head up and down making strange noises. He discontinued his "babbling" and he started hitting himself in the head, banging his head on the floor or wall and flapping his hands.60 day follow-up dated 11/01/00 provided no additional data.

Within one minute post vax, the pt turned pale and fell forward. She then passed out completely with dilated pupils and stiffening of limbs as though going into a seizure. This lasted no more than 20-30 seconds. She then regained consciousness, remained pale and nauseous. When the pt fell forward she banged her head on the edge of the table; now swollen area between her eyes.

Approximately 2 days post vax, this pt cried hysterically for approximately 2 days. He was seen by doctors who said he "was fine." The reporter stated that he "was not fine because he was losing his balance a lot and banging his head on the floor. They examined him and said he was fine. As the weeks continued all these behaviors continued." The reporter stated that she took him to a neurologist who dxed him as PDD/Autism. The neurologist suggested that the pt be put in a program for these types of conditions. The reporter stated "my son was fine before he took this vax." She also reported that the pt was seen by an allergist who did a blood test and the "MMR came out with a positive reaction." The reporter stated, "My son is allergic to the vax" and the allergist confirmed that he is allergic to MMR." The reporter also stated that the doctor gave her a letter stating that her son should not received the vax again. "He is improving with the program. He still loses his balance but it was worse before, his speech is okay and his hearing is fine." The reporter consulted another physician and told that the child would always have PPD/Autism. The reporter wanted "people to know that the vax could cause this." She also stated that her son cried hysterically for 4-6 months and could not stop. Upon medical review this is considered to be an "other medical event." FU indicates diagnosis to be autism.

Two and a half to three weeks post vax, this pt began head banging with screaming especially when tired. Parent saw marked personality change. This lasted for about 3 weeks and stopped. No medical treatment sought during this time.

Post vax, the child developed a fever, he was crying hysterically on the floor as if he was in pain. The MD was phoned and the MD said "not to worry that he would be fine." The pt's condition did not change but has become worse. He experienced a loss of balance, he would cry and bang his head on the floor as if he was in pain. He was taken to the MD and the parent was told the child was fine, but he continued to get worse by loosing his speech and crying continuously and behaving irritable. Follow up information received on 11/15/2000: "Information has been received from a consumer concerning her 12 month old Caucasian son with an erythromycin allergy (vomits) who on 04/22/1998 was vaccinated with the first dose of MMRII in the right deltoid (Lot # 624920/1317E). Concomitant therapy included one dose of tuberculin (Mantoux) in the right forearm. About two days post-vaccination, the patient cried hyspterically for about two days. He was seen by doctorrs and they said he "was fine". The reporter stated that he was "not fine because he was losing his balance a lot and banging his head on the floor." "They examined him and said he was fine." "As the weeks continued all these behaviors continued." The reporter stated that she took him to a neurologist who diagnosed him as PDD/Autism. The neurologist suggested that the patient be put in a program for these types of conditions. The reporter stated "my son was fine before he took this vaccine." She also reported that the patient was seen by an allergist who did a blood test and the "MMR came out with a positive reaction". The reporter stated "MY son is alergic to the vaccine" and the allergist confirmed that he is allergic to MMR." The reporter also stated that the doctor gave her a letter stating that her son should not receive the vaccination again. "He is improving witht he program". "He still loses his balance but it was worse before, his speech is okay and his hearing is fine." The reporter saw another physician and was told that the patient will alwa

The pt experienced 3 weeks of sleep disturbance, loose BM's, head banging, tossing and turning and restlessness following vaccination.

Mother is very concerned that child has developed autism since the last vaccinations, given on 9/12/2000. She said that on 9/22/00 her husband thought the child was in a world of her own. She started crawling backwards and also starting to rub her head against people. On 9/18/00, I had already noticed she was very mopey. Not interested in playing, she seemed to be running a slight fever, has stopped talking and chattering. She doesn't want to eat. I asked her to say "up" when she put her arms up and she looked confused and walked away. On 9/19, still drinking her morning bottle, waking up cranky instead of happy. She zones out but I can say her name and touch her face and get nothing but a blank stare. On 9/20/00, I called the MD to see if they thought her behavior could be related to her shots. She points and says "kick" to everything. She wants to pet the black and white stuffed dog, doesn't dance to music or spin in circles and won't engage in game with her sister as she used to do. She won't take her chewable vitamins which she used to come running for and she also has puffiness under her eyes. Instead of talking, she points and says "uh uh" frustratedly. She still has a fever, very attached to her blanket. She wanted on my lap then off, then on, etc., still crying. This is very unusual behavior for her. After her doctors visit on 9/22/00, I gave her 1st dose of CLO-1 teaspoon. She doesn't run like she used to and still unsteady and she is not as fast. I noticed that around 17:00 or 18:00 she is more herself. I noticed a rash on her back, at the waistline and then making a triangular shape on her buttock. I called her MD and described it and she said it sounded like yeast. Rash, red, definite edges, raised and swollen area and feverish. Took to the doctor on 9/21/00 and told to give Motrin. Nose was congested, dark circles her eyes and several teeth coming in and felt the glands in her neck and said her eyes looked fine. She rubs her head and sometimes bangs her forehead on our coffee table or doors or walls.

Information has been received from a lawyer concerning an approx. 2 year old male who on 5/5/92 was vaccinated with MMRII and subsequently, experienced autism, autistic spectrum disorder, severe communication disorder, hyperactivity, sleep disturbance, grand mal convulsion, severe speech deterioration and lack of sense of danger. He presented with delayed speech at the age of 3 years and 3 months. The pt's developmental milestones were slightly delayed. He said his first words at 7 months but did not say any more words until he was 2 1/2 years old. He had 1 hospitalization for a possible convulsion. On exam, he was a healthy male with very poor eye contact, cardiovascular, respiratory and abdominal exams were all normal, both testes were palpable in the scrotum but small. Central nervous system exam revealed generalized hypotonia but reflexes were all present and plantars were flexor. On 12/18/98 he was examined by a pediatrician who said he had major problems with going to sleep and staying asleep. He had to sleep in his mother's bed. He had problems staying in his seat when his mother was taking him in the car and he had some temper tantrums at school. He continued to have problems with receptive language. The diagnoses were autistic spectrum disorder and developmental delay. The autism, aphasia, cognitive disturbance, developmental delay, grand mal convulsion, and speech disorder were considered "significant medical events". At the time of the report, the pt had not recovered from autism and possible autistic spectrum disorder and primary language disorder. Follow-up information indicated that on the day of vaccination 05/05/1992, the pt developed a temperature and during the month of May 1992 he had a loss of awareness, was distant and "stopped responding." In June 1992, the pt developed "sticky eyes" and conjunctivitis and in July 1992, he developed head banging and "spots with capillary flare on his right wrist, left forearm and on the face. In October 1992, the pt had a cold which lasted for 3 weeks. In No

Approximately 2 hours after receiving his injection the child became combative, irritable, sensitive to touch, hyperactive, banged head on wall, also experienced headache, Temperature 100, diarrhea 4 times. The side effects lasted from 12/8/00 - 12/10/00. The mother stated the child started behaving normally about 7 PM on 12/10/00. He had no problems with his sleep.

Information has been received from a foreign law firm concerning a 13 month old female patient, born on 07/13/89, who on 08/21/90 was vaccinated with a dose of MMR. It was reported that the patient suffers from autism. It was further reported that immediately following the vaccination with a dose of MMR, the patient started to cry and an indent appeared in her leg straight away at the injection site. It was also noted that within approximately 7 days, the patient allegedly developed a high temp until approximately 2 weeks after vaccination with a dose of MMR, when the temp came down. It was reported that after this period of illness the patient had become extremely withdrawn and quiet. It was noted that the patient's behavior deteriorated, her eye contact disappeared and she would engage in strange behavior, for example hand flapping. The patient allegedly started having temper tantrums and banging her head and her bowel movements deteriorated as she would find it difficult to go to the toilet. It was also reported that the patient's communication skills are significantly delayed. The mother of the patient reported that she had no problems with the pregnancy and the patient was a full, normal delivery. The patient was born in a hospital after after a long labor and was delivered by vacuum suction. The patient was well immediately after birth. It was noted that the patient never liked crowds and cried for no reason. The patient was breast fed until 10 months. There were no feeding problems and sitting up, crawling, walking were all within normal limits. It was reported the patient began babbling at eight months and said a few words. It was noted at thirteen months she became very silent and began to play on her own with her toys. It was reported that at eighteen months, the mother was concerned as she did not start talking and was seen by the therapist who felt that the child was probably autistic, due to her mannerisms. Assessment of the patient's hearing seemed to indicate normal levels and a profound hearing lo

It is reported by the pt's mother stating that she noticed mild neurological change during the course of his immunization schedule from 1992 to 1997. After each course of vaccines he reacted with swollen shot sight fever screaming and 10 to 15 days later high fever hives malice. In 1994, he was placed in special pre-ed at 3-, 1/2 yrs for speech and motor skill delays. She noticed a decline in health speech motor skills after every immunization visit. It wasn't until his big 5 year old prekindergarten mega dose DPT, Pollomeyelitis, and MMR that she connected his decline with vaccinations. After the last round of vaccines he was never the same. The day of the vaccination on 05/28/1997 within six hours red hot swollen shot site: Given both in left and right arm, glassed look, fever, arms to sore to lift six days of fever, malice, glass look lethargic. The mother reported these symptoms to his pediatrician and talked about her concerns but he was vaccinated anyway. She states that,"he vomited every time I washed his hair, he heard noises that pained him severely, he had to be wrapped in sleeping bags to control him at school, he suffered from severe abdominal pain, his hands could not hold onto a swing, he banged himself into the wall, he conforted himself by total absorption in lining up his plastic animals, he slept restlessly, he was insistent on routine and structure, his health declined:strep infection fever severe diarrhea and constipation, he varied from extreme hyper activity to extreme muscle fatigue, no social skills, delayed toilet training not able to sit down to have bowel movement, biting growling violent angry."

In June 1993, pt walked through objects. In September 1993, he experienced problems with his ears. In Oct 1993, his behavior was discussed. In Jan 1994, pt experienced screaming and restlessness at night. He refused to play with other children. In Feb 1994, pt experienced difficult behavior. He was behind in development and had poor concentration. In March 1994, he lacked spatial awareness and demonstrated toe walking. He experienced frustration, behavioral problems, limited concentration span, development not progressing in some areas, significant speech and language delay, immature play skills, self-directed behavior and restricted cooperation. In April 1994, pt experienced toddler diarrhea and severe delay. In Oct 1994, he experienced diarrhea again. In Nov 1994 he reacted badly to change, was aggressive with other children, was frequently tired and lethargic, was banging his head with his hands and lost color. In Dec 1994, he experienced episodes of paleness, was miserable and was crying and holding his head. Asperger's syndrome was considered a significant medical event. No further info is available. F/U states it is noted that Asperger's syndrome was dx'd by a educational psychologist on 1/16/98. During an exam on 3/2/98, the parents reported that the pt was unable to get through to. During the exam on 4/8/98, these episodes were also described as "staring into space". It was noted that on 1/10/97, the child received a 2nd dose of MMRII (batch HB55510; lot 617788/1255B). Diarrhea, recurrent upper respiratory infections, paleness, tiredness, clumsy, slight hearing loss on the right, recurrent bouts of acute otitis media and excessive eating and drinking were considered to be incidental findings. Upon internal review, Asperger's Syndrome and possible seizures were considered "Other Important Medical Events".

Eight hours after Fluzone, was having a disagreement with husband, out of the ordinary, throwing things, banging hands on table, driving away without shoes, some events she did not remember doing.

Follow-up information has been received from a foreign legal firm concerning a 14 month old male who on 1/5/94, was vaccinated with MMRII (batch 815000). It is alleged that the pt suffers from Myoclonic Epilepsy. On 1/13/94, the pt started experiencing "starring attacks". These attacks would last for 2 to 3 minutes. The pt's head would fall forward and his arms would jerk. Afterwards, he would sleep for around 3 hours. On 1/16/94, 3 days after the initial seizure, the pt was experiencing up to 8 seizures per day. Also noted on 1/16/94, the pt began to lose any speech he had developed prior to the vaccination. Within about 2 months, post vax, approx. 3/94, the pt's mother noted that he began to injure himself and started head banging behavior. He would hit his head repeatedly on the wall, hit the right-handed side of his head with his hand and bite his arms. In 9/94, the pt was noted to have lost his coordination and he developed an extreme dislike of being touched and an extreme sensitivity to noise. Also, at this time, his play became solitary, he lost his social skills and developed a fear of strangers. He also developed aggressive and spiteful behavior and lost his ability to concentrate and to maintain eye contact. His mother also noted that he became hyperactive. In approx. 6/94, (5 to 6 months, post vax) the pt began to suffer from constipation with occasional bloody stools. He would scream from the abdominal pain experienced while passing the bloody stools. The pt continues to suffer from constipation, however, the bloody stools have resolved. In 7/95, the pt was dx'd as having myoclonic epilepsy. Upon internal review, Myoclonic Epilepsy was considered an "Other Important Medical Event". No further information is available. Follow up information was received in the form of a consulation note dated 9/20/94. At the time of the visist, 9/8/94, the patient was 21 months old. His mother and maternal grandmother attended the session with him. A birth history was given by the mother who reported that ethe patient

The pt developed regression, high pitch screaming, eye rolling, head banging 3 months after MMR vaccination. Diagnosed with autism.

We noticed him spinning around, pacing back and forth and banging his head. There was no treatment given. It was recommended that he continue to receive vaccines (that contain thimerosal); (He now has autism). He is dx'd with mercury poisoning. Annual follow up states pt has not recovered. he still has autism and high mercury levels in his system.

Initially, extreme sleepiness with high fever, then high-pitched screams and later abnormal behavior such as head banging, hand flapping, not responding to his name, loss of speech and playing in closets. PDD dx'd by developmental pediatrician at 2 1/2 years old (5/30/00). Heavy metal urine analysis reports indicate severe mercury poisoning, 1st report on 3/23/01.

Fever after vaccinations; up screaming all night. Stopped talking and became mute was speaking at least 20 words and lost all of them. He started biting his hands and banging his head, spinning and wanting to be by himself. Autism was also dx'd with pervasive developmental disorder.

Information has been received from a mother concerning her 17 month old male son with breathing problems, an allergy to cefadroxil (DURICEF) and a history of pneumonia respiratory syncytial viral at birth and inguinal hernia repair (01 FEB 2002) who on 12/16/98 was vaccinated with a dose of MMR vaccine live. In approximately December 1998, the patient experienced symptoms of banging head on floor, hitting his face and was diagnosed with autism. The mother reported that 2 other siblings received MMRII (exact dates unknow) without adverse symptoms. Upon internal review, autism was considered an other medical event. *Follow-up report on 7/29/02: Follow-up info. has been received from an MD's assistant (PA). The PA reported that on 12/16/98, the same day as the vax, the PT was referred to a developmental center due to behavioral concerns of increased temper tantrums. At the developmental center, the PT was diagnosed with developmental delay and a speech delay. The PT attended a regular school and has attended kindergarten. The PA reported that the PT was doing well and the only extra services that he has received was occupational therapy. Upon internal review, the PT's developmental delay was considered an other important medical event.* Additional information has been requested. The mother also reported that her other son also developed autism at 3 years old after vaccination with MMR.

Autism/encephalopathy. Starting only since vaccine. Severe rash. Dx given by MD. Follow up states pt did not recover. Encephalopathy, autism. Large gross delays in language, auditory processing, social interaction, immunological development, G I absorption. Also very strange behaviors that are involuntary (such as banging head) occur virtually constantly. Pt may not have been a good candidate for 3 vaccines to be given at one time because he might've had a poorly developed immune system and may have been fighting an earlier infection.

Two days after immunizations, child started with staring spells followed by screaming, hair pulling and head banging. The episode was daily at first and quite severe. The episode don't occur every day now. But they can happen any time on any day. The severe episodes usually end with crying spell that last for about an hour.

Information has been received from a licensed visiting nurse concerning a 16 month old female with no significant past medical historyn and no known allergies who on 09/10/98 was vaccinated with a first dose of MMR II *in the left arm SC*. There was no concomitant medication. *The PT's mother reported that her daughter progressed typically w/out any prob's, "achieving all her milestones, sitting, crawling, walking, etc, early," The PT was breast fed until approx 13 mts of age, and was reportedly always of good health and weight. The mother described photos that "show her getting ready for her one yr b-day party, wearing a ballerina tutu w/lots of netting and rollers in her hair... in the photos she is smiling and twirling for us. She did not have sensory issues at all at that point." The info received on 12/9/02 reported that "of course now, she will not allow anything to be placed in her hair or anything but very soft cotton to touch her skin." The mother reported that she can not say when her daughter began to regress as it was a slow but steady process. From photos, the mother reportedly saw a "difference in eye contact and in her presence in Christmas Eve pic of 98." The PT had a very bad cold then and reportedly did not seem to be herself. She was described as "withdrawn and not playful or excited for X-mas." The PT's mother assumed that it was due to her sickness. In pictures from Spring 99, the mother described her daughter covering her ears. The PT's mother also noticed a mispronunciation of words. The PT's mother also reported SXs of w/drawal and lack of eye contact, difficulty sleeping, and self injurious behaviors, "(head banging, throwing herself down in tantrums if her blocks would not balance, etc) grew from there".* It was reported that at the age of 32 months, the child's speech has regressed, and the child was not doing well in social situations. In 09/2000, the patient was sent to a specialist and was diagnosed with autism. On 1/7/02, it was recorded that the child "is in school and is continuin

Mother called 11/06 states that child had fever. 11/05 in late afternoon of 102.5(ear)- alternated Tylenol/Motrin. this am at 7 heard "banging"- child having seizure- "like one in 3/02" last 2-3 minutes. Then emesis- taken by ambulance to hospital. Temp 101 (ear), 100.7 (ear) at ER. home at 10:30 playing active.

Parent report that about 1week after receiving Varivax & DTaP, the child had a very abrupt behavioral change, which reverted just as abruptly about 1 week later. Has not reoccured, Spells of inconsolable screaming, head banging, not making eye contact, poor sleep, intense irritablity, Not reported until this date- has been apparently fine for the past 2weeks.

Severe autism with a C.A.R.S. rating of 39. Headbanging, tantrums, speech disorder. Son received a total of 75 micrograms of mercury from 3 DTAP vaccines within first 6 months.

With days of the shots PT was crying all the time, banging his head w/his fists and bled from the nose. This went on for approx 2 weeks.

WIth days of the shots pt was crying all the time, banging hip, head with his fists, and bled from the nose. This went on for approx 2 weeks. Another DPT was given. On 5/21/02 by MD office. His reaction was the same as the first.

Very cranky and inconsolable crying for 2 hrs with banging his head on floor.

Autism. Severe depressive and receptive language delay. Does not understand new words each week. Does not recognize names of body parts. Difficult to manage; kicking and screaming. Does not interact with teacher or classmates. Inability to follow commands; unable to play with toys presented. Becoming increasingly frustrated and crying. Bangs head and hits himself.

Day 1: Fussiness "Not herself". Day 3: Vomiting and Diarrhea. Day 5: Fever 101.3 - Cold symptoms. Day 7-14 Full blown cold - very fussy- started "banging head", definately not herself. Hives day 1 and day 2.

Information has been received from a consumer, who is also a medical student, concerning her healthy 12 month old son who on 2/23/01 was vaccinated with a dose of MMR (lot # not reported). The mother reported that immediately after vaccination the patient became very lethargic and slept extreme amounts of time for two days. He regressed developmentally. He stopped talking, eating, and withdrew from reality. He started to do strange things. He avoided eye contact and assumed mannerisms with his hands and looked out the sides of his eyes. He did not want to be touched. He started banging his head against things until he was bruised. The mother reported that for four months his doctor said he was having tantrums. The mother reported that pediatric neurologists diagnosed him as having autistic spectrum and pervasive developmental delay. The mother reported that the patient that the patient has come a long way, but still has some component of the reported diagnosis. The patient has received early intervention of thirty hours per week. Upon internal review, autistic spectrum and pervasive developmental delay were determined to be other important medical evens (OMIC). Additional information has been requested.

Previously health baby. After shots - began constant screaming, all over body hives, eczema, severe reflux and aspiration, spit up bile, constipation, stopped sleeping, stopped eating, dropped weight from 95th % to 5%. Excess yeast worsened. Leaky gut syndrome, hypotonia, constant weeping eye. Eventually autistic symptoms: headbanging, spinning, stimming, speech and developmental delays. Severe food allergies, mercury toxicity. Treated with diet, antifungals, homeopathy. Nurse follow up on 09/01/04 states: "No new information."

Fever immediately. Rash 6 days later. Speech delay, head banging, mobility clumsyness, stomach problems, loose stool, butt rash, vomiting, chronic colds, ear aches. All, but the head banging which is in the past 6 months have taken place after the shot. Follow up: selective hearing, phonating, walking okay.

after a hour and a half of receiving my daughters third set of shots she began to cry constantly, bang her head against her crib and the wall, she would not sleep. this went on for several days and each day i reported to the doctor who said he did not believe it was from the vaccine. but she was fine until she received those immunizations. today she is 28 months and has never been right since the shots. i am going to be having her evaluated at 30 months to see if the vaccines could have caused her some neurological problems.

Patient was given 1 DTap, 1 IPV, 1 Hepatitis B, and 1 MMR at about 5:15 PM. Father had denied any illness in the last 24 - 48 hours, or any reaction to previous vaccination. His English was broken and understanding minimal. Family had just arrived in this country on 12/01/04. Patient tolerated the vaccination well, did not cry or resist, was quiet. After the shots, she sat on her dad's lap back in the waiting area. The sponsor came over to me to tell me that she was nauseated. I brough the safety bag and smelling slats with me to the child. Patient was pale and vomited a small amount of phlegm. RN came over to assist, and we decided to have her carried over to the corner to lie down on the floor. BP 64/40, P 44. She fainted. I called 911 at~5:26 pm while smelling salts were used. She aroused ar ~5:27 pm. P was 60. At 5:30 pm BP 94/60, pulse 60. Bangs ambulance arrived at ~5:33 pm. Child evaluated, given 02 by Bangs. Responsive. Meanwhile an interpreter arrived and we determined that the child was in no pain but was scared. Child had not eaten since 1 pm. She sat up on her dad's lap and drank one whole glass of orange juice, didn't vomit or get nauseated from it. Dad states that she has been extra sleepy in the last few days. Bangs crew thought that child did not need transport to ED, but Dad concerned, so Bangs took her to the hospital ED with dad and interpreter. She was seen at ED for syncopal episode and released.


Developed normally up to age one. Received MMR shot and over the next two weeks he stopped saying words, became withdrawn, started to bang his head.

My son has been diagnosed by Developmental Pediatrician with PDD NOS. Per follow up report-Onset 12/02 is when we noticed a change in child's behavior and decreased language he has not recovered from this, although he is in a preschool where is using sign language and has stopped banging his head, because he is less frustrated, as he uses some words and signs. Parents planning on having a mercury testing done. At this time they believe he has a vaccine injury, also their 2yr old son showing the same symptoms.

High fever for 3 days; deep sleep immediately after shot; high pitched cry in night; fast heartbeat; paleness; jerking movement; weakness; severe allergies; diarrhea; head banging; hand flopping; anemia; loss of eye contact; change in eating habits; gave Tylenol; washed down with cool washcloth; nursed; bowel problems; encephalitis; hyperactive ADHD; autism; language delay; speech delay.

Within a few of days of vaccine administration, the child became almost unmanageable. He lost the little speech he had acquired. He proceeded to head bang and would scream incosolably. He, also, seemed unaware of his surroundings. He started to have an aversion to loud noises and did not like clothes to touch his skin. The child has since had social difficulties. No official dx at this time but per a Psychiatrist, he "fits" the criteria for ADHD, Mood disorder and Asperger's syndrome. Medical Records received which stated anger and depression. Dis Sum rec'd 10/21/2005, box 7 complete.

My son was born on 1/27/02. While in delivery, doctor said I needed penicillin for Strep medicine was given 2 hours before delivery. After he was born 24 hours later, he was put in NICU unit for infection which he never had given medication Gentamycin/Ampicillin. Shortly after his stay at hospital, he was vaccinated at private physician for his routine Hep B; was given on 2/8/02 and according to my notes, might have received another dose at hospital. Shortly after this vaccine was given, we had taken him to health clinic because our insurance did not pay for visit and had his other vaccine given at clinic which at every visit and was told his head was to big, but not told that he might have another condition. My son kept having reaction of being to hot; put on fever next 7 months; was not tolerating formula, diarrhea, was sick. 18 months ear infection, eyes rolled behind his head after vaccination Hep B #3 12/4/02.3/2/06 Discharge summary received which revealed Dx: Sepsis w/elevated WBC & + blood cultures. 3/20/06 Received medical records from Dr. Goyal which revealed: maternal infection at birth, 2 wks preemie. Delayed speech & walking, tongue thrusting, poor oral & feeding skills, failure to thrive, PDD, hypotonia, genu varum, pes planus, ASD, oral motor apraxia, echolalia, hand flapping, head banging, auditory stimulation. Paternal uncle w/depression & paternal great aunt w/mental retardation. 4/10/06 Medical records received from child development specialist. No new terms added.

By the end of aprox. 2 weeks after the shots, my son had stopped all communication, social skills, physical skills & developed abusive, personally harmful behavioral problems. All he did was cry as if getting sick & squeal to show the need for things or excitement. He started toe walking, head banging, biting, uncontrollable compulsive behavior & sensory problems, (too many to list). He was later diagnosed with AUTISM. 2/27/06Records received from Dr. Shapiro, dev delay ped, which revealed recurrent ear infections, maternal medication, bleeding & injury during pregnancy which resulted in preterm labor. Patient's behavior included very ltd speech, tantrums, head banging, rare eye contact, difficulty following simple directions. DX: static progression of speech & neurobehavior w/significant regression during school breaks consistent w/autism. Slowly progressed. 2/28/06 Received med records from Dr. Berger, wholistic ped. Hx included: nasal allergies w/freq antibiotic use (30-40 rounds prior to 5yo), frequent constipation, night sweats, eczema, giardia. Patients Mother w/ADD, mild depression & asthma, maternal family w/5 cases of Lupus. 3/16/06 Received med records from Dr. Corey, PCP which revealed also a dx of TCP in 12/02. Allergy testing + for 4 of 8 most common foods. Child does live in older home w/lead pipes. 5/1/06 Received medical records from ped neurologist which reveal dx/speech delay, ADHD. & mild autism. Tx w/Adderall & had favorable response but remains w/severe speech delay & autism.

5 days after vaccine, his belly became distended and he couldn't bend over. He began to have chronic diarrhea, rhinitis, sleep problems, chewing problems, moodiness, and wanted to be carried non-stop. 10 days after the vaccine, he slept for 40 out of 48 hours. After that, he started to lose speech, the desire to eat, the ability to sleep. He stopped reacting to his name and couldn't play with toys. He began to toe walk, hand flap, and head bang. 6 weeks after the vaccine he received antibiotics which left him in a severely autistic state. We put him on a gluten free, casein free diet which helped. We treated his candida overgrowth and began supplementing with nutrients. We are currently chelating him to remove heavy metals. 5/4/06 Received medical records from provider which reveal patient experienced normal development as of day of vax. However, he was referred on that visit for OT & echocardiogram for 2/6 murmur (WNL). Patient with frequent otitis media, runny nose & diarrhea. Labs pointed to diet high in protein. Parents refused further vaccination. 6/19/06 Received medical records from diagnosing/treating physician which revealed patient experienced excessive thirst & hunger, speech delay, eczema, allergic shiners. Rx'd with chelation therapy & progressed well with improved speech, less diarrhea & improved sleep. Multiple lab reports with records revealed multiple malabsorption & metabolic disturbances./ss

Experieced fever and episodes of global shaking, tightening, and clenching 2 days after his 15 months vaccinations- DTaP, IPV, and MMR. Staring spells; obsessive, non-purposeful play such as spinning; flapping; tip-toe walking; never developed language; lost fine and gross motor skills; inconsolable tantrums and head-banging; lost eye contact and socialization; sensory integration dysfunction; hypotonic; and decreased DTR's. Diagnosed with Autism otherwise known as Mercury Poisoning. Had 22 vaccinations by 15 months. Requires 40 hours/week of intensive therapy at my expense due to his permanent neurological damage from the vaccinations. 05/25/06-received 2 pages of medical information from The Pediatric Group-includes vaccine administration record and office visit of 9/23/04, day of vaccine. Documentation includes expressive language delay and referral to language delay program. Spoke with e at Pediatric Group and she will fax additional office notes for visits prior to vaccine administered on 9/23/04, this is the vaccination date that the reporter/mother associates with her child's autistic symptoms. 07/03/06-records from Pediatric Group for DOS 9/23/04-document expressive language delay. no additional records forthcoming.

Information has been received from a health professional concerning her 12 month old son, with no medical history and no allergies, who on 3/15/2005 was vaccinated with a dose of varicella virus vaccine live (lot 647536/0825P). Concomitant vaccine administered on the same day included a dose of measles mumps rubella vaccine (lot 648606/0558P). The next day, on 3/16/2005 the patient experienced a fever. One week later, on approximately 3/22/2005, the patient developed diarrhea, his speech decreased, he became sensitive to foods, did not respond to people, and began banging his head and arching his back. The patient had been treated by a nutritionist and many other medical specialists (unspecified). He had been treated with pancreatic enzymes, bacteria for his gut, and holistic vitamins. Diagnostic studies were performed (no results provided). An endoscopy and colonoscopy were planned. It was reported that the patient had been to the emergency room several times. At the time of the report the patient had not recovered. No product quality complaint was involved. The patients reaction was considered to be immediately life threatening, disabling, and an other important medical event by the reporter (OMIC). Additional information has been requested. A lot check has been requested. The records of testing prior to release of this lot have been checked and found to be satisfactory. The lot complies with the standards and was released.

Seizure like activity for 3 weeks off and on following immunizations. Eyes rolled back a to side banged head not cooperative. Had from 1-9 times ad day during this period.

This case was considered medically important for the event of aluminum toxicity (OMIC). Information regarding Prevnar (pneumococcal 7 valent conjugate vaccine (diphtheria crm197 protein) injection) was received from a consumer regarding a 15 month old male pt whose speech stopped completely for 2 1/2 weeks, had fever for 5 days, became limp, screamed for hrs and would cry when trying to sleep, reduced his eye contact and became unresponsive when answering to name, was a delayed walker, dragging one leg and reverted to crawling in circles, banging into things. He developed balance problems and dizziness. Additionally, the pt received treatment for aluminum toxicity. At 15 months of age, the pt received the fourth dose on 15Dec05. The pt also received the fourth dose of diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (manf unk) and MMR on 15Dec05. The pt has a past history of five ear infections that occurred before the age of 18 months and a mild virus that developed on an unspecified date just prior to his receiving the last dose of Prevnar. The pt previously experienced pyrexia, fontanel swelling and irritability after receiving his first and second doses Prevnar on 02Nov04 and 04Apr05 respectively. Indication for Prevnar was immunization. Product was administered on 08Dec05, Dose regimen was 1 dose 1 time per day (IM). Additional suspect vaccines included MMR, diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, poliomyelitis vaccine inactivated, poliomyelitis vaccine inactivated, hep B vaccine, hep B vaccine, Hib titer vaccine (haemophilus b conjugate vaccine (diphtheria crm197 protein conjugate) injection) and Hib titer vaccine (haemophilus b conjugate vaccine (diphtheria crm197 protein conjugate) injection). Pt was not taking concomitant therapy. A mother reported that in Dec 2005, after receiving his fourth dose of Prevnar along with other childhood vaccines, her son started screaming for 2-3 hrs (screaming) and would then cry when trying to sleep for the next 3 months. The pt developed a fever between 100-101 deg F. for 5 days. His speech stop

This case was reported by a lawyer and described the occurrence of neurological injury in a male subject who was vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine (Engerix B) and or unidentified hepatitis B vaccine for prophylaxis. On an unspecified date the subject received unspecified dose of hepatitis B vaccine. According to the legal complaint, at an unspecified time after vaccination with hepatitis B vaccine, the subject experienced serious and permanent neurological injuries which were attributed to toxic mercury exposure. The following information was received via medical records. The subject was vaccinated with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine DTap manufacturer unspecified on 6/19/90/, 8/7/90, 10/3/91, and 11/3/92. The subject received hepatitis B vaccination manufacturer unk 4/11/98, 5/9/98. 10/3/98. The subject had previously received Recombivax hepatitis B vaccination 4/11/97 and 6/13/97. A progress note dated 10/3/91 indicated that the subject was behind on immunizations and questioned the possibility of a developmental delay. The subject began walking at fourteen months of age. As of Feb 92, the subject was not speaking at all, but screams a lot and dose not seem to be getting any smarter. An evaluation in Aug 1992 was performed for behavioral problems including hyperactivity, distractibility, impulsivity, temper tantrums, rocking, head banging, and self injurious behavior. Evaluation also revealed disorder receptive and expressive language. Prior to Sept 1992 the subject was diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder, autism, mental retardation accompanied by behavior problems and speech delay. Re evaluation on 9/20/93 confirmed developmental delay with moderate to severe mental retardation. on an unknown date, the subject was diagnosed with ADHD. Treatment with Ritalin initially resulted in minor improvements in behavior. However, Ritalin was subsequently discontinued with no significant change in the pts behavioral problems. The pt was re evaluated on a regular basis between 1

This case was reported by a lawyer and described the occurrence of neurological damage in a male subject who was vaccinated with hepatitis B (Engerix B) and or unidentified hepatitis B vaccine for prophylaxis. On an unspecified date, the subject received unspecified dose of hepatitis B vaccine. According to the legal complaint, at an unspecified time after vaccination, the subject experienced "neurological damage" which was attributed to "cumulative mercury toxicity". The following info was received via medical records: The subject was vaccinated with DTAP on 3/29/91, 6/3/91, 9/11/91, 7/23/93 and 8/22/95. The subject was also vaccinated with Hib vaccine, Polio vaccine, MMR for prophylaxis. The pregnancy was notable for maternal toxemia requiring induction of 38 weeks gestation. On an unknown date, the subject was dx'd with developmental delay, possible seizures, behavioral problems, delayed speech and autism. The subject was notable for chronic otitis media with right sided hearing loss. The subject underwent a psychological evaluation in 4/94 for violent and disruptive behaviors that escalated in the preceding 6 months. He exhibited anger, screaming, crying, temper tantrums, banging his head on the wall and difficulty calming down. He was not toilet trained and was noted to hit, kick and scratch his mother. Evaluation revealed that the subject as at the 2 1/2 year old level in the area of personal and social skills, with gross motor skills at the 3 year old level. Impressions included hyperactivity, oppositional defiant behavior, separation anxiety and language delay. During a well visit on 10/28/94, the subject's mother reported that his speech was still not good and he exhibited worsening behavior at home. Additional concerns included poor sleep treated with sertraline (Zoloft) and melatonin. The subject attained functional language at 5 years of age. The subject's mother reported that the first indication that something was wrong occurred when he was in kindergarten and was unable to color within the lines an

This case was reported by a lawyer and described the occurrence of neurological injury in a male subject who was vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine and or unidentified hepatitis B vaccine for prophylaxis. On an unspecified date the subject received unspecified dose of hepatitis B vaccine. According to the legal complaint, at an unspecified time after vaccination with hepatitis B vaccine, the subject experienced serious and permanent neurological injuries which were attributed to toxic mercury exposure. The following information was received via medical records: The subject received hepatitis B vaccinations on 5/20/95, 6/20/95, and 3/22/96. On 8/6/96, the subject fell off a wagon and presented to the emergency room the following day after his mother noted that he was holding his head to the left side and would not turn his head to the right side. She also noted that he was sleeping a lot. He was diagnosed with cervical strain without fracture or dislocation. The subject's initial development was normal. Approximately six months after the third hepatitis B vaccination, in approximately 9/95 at 16 months of age, the subject began to experience developmental regression. Beginning at approximately two and a half years ago, the subject exhibited behavioral problems included noncompliance with parental requests, aggression, tantrums, body rocking, and head banging (to fall asleep or when he gets upset). On an unknown date, the subject was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which was treated with a trial of Ritalin. However, the subject's difficult behaviors were exacerbated, and Ritalin was discontinued. In September 1998, the subject was enrolled in preschool and exhibited significant difficulty with the demands of a structured preschool setting. On 12/4/98, at the age of three years seven months, the subject underwent a neuropsychological evaluation for concerns including delays in speech and language development, and difficulty in managing the subject's behavior including irregular sleep pattern

Immediate rash and slight fever. The next day he started banging his head on the floor. My nanny called and took him in for a check of his ears which we cannot currently find documentd in the medical records. 10/13/06 Received medical records from PCP which revealed patient had frequent OM & URI s/s & sinusitis. Speech delay noted 1/06 but no mention of autism. 10/19/06 Received medical records from diagnosing physician which indicates delayed speech, sleep disturbance, dazed behavior, ADHD symptoms, echolalia, self stimulation activities & did not interact well with others. Dx: speech impairment w/autistis traits, regressive symptoms, staring spells w/impaired responsiveness./ss

This case was reported by a lawyer and described the occurrence of neurological injury in a male subject who was vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine (Engerix B) and or unidentified hepatitis B vaccine for prophylaxis. On an unspecified date the subject received unspecified dose of hepatitis B vaccine. According to the legal complaint, at an unspecified time after vaccination with hepatitis B vaccine, the subject experienced neurological damage which was attributed to cumulative mercury toxicity. The following information was received via medical records, the subject was vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine (unknown manufacturer) on 9/8/95, and with Engerix B on 10/9/95 and 3/14/96. He was also vaccinated with DTaP, OPV, MMR and HIB for prophylaxis. The subject took his first steps before twelve months. At two years of age the subject spoke his first understandable but poorly articulated words, and began speaking in phrases between tow and a half to three years of age. On 8/5/99, the subject was evaluated for complaint so frequent temper tantrums, mood instability, initial insomnia, possible articulation speech deficits, periods of high energy and aggression, and obsessive focus on particular subjects. He was diagnosed with Multicomplex developmental disorder (Pervasive developmental disorder). In Sept 1999, Ritalin therapy was initiated. On 12/14/99 the subject underwent a psychiatric evaluation due to concerns with social development. Problems included high strung and controlling behavior, spinning his body, jumping up and down and windmill arm action, poor eye contact, anxiety, use of repetitive phrases, aggression including biting and head butting, self injury including head banging, occasional daytime enuresis, and temper tantrum during transition periods. The subjects sleep was good except for occasional terror attacks. He was noted to have ADHD (hyper since birth), and oppositional defiant disorder. A mental status examination estimated average to above average intelligence. Diagnosis included anxiety disord


Arm pain, gradually increasing from day the shot was given. One day after shot, a lump formed under skin that gradually got larger as days passed. Larget is was was 3/4 size of ping pong ball. Area was black, blue, green and very sensitive to touch almost immediately. Also caused flu like symptoms approximately 12 hours after shot was administered. Infection grew worse over next few days and sought out medical treatment 7 days after shot was given. Was given Diclocil antibiotics. By this time the arm was very sore to move, hot to the touch and getting worse by the hour. It also caused slow and increasing swelling of my entire body from day one of the shot. At one point, The area was so bad, it looked as if someone had taken a mellon ball scooper and scooped out all the tissue around the sizeable lump right down to the bone. By this time, the rest of my arm had begun to swell to the point of making my fingers numb and I thought I was in danger of serious blood infection or arm amputation. I sought medical attention 7 days after the shot was given, I was overseas and had to go to hospital there. I was advised that this was a very serious infection and I was not to leave the Bangkok area for at least 12 days to make sure the infection was under control. During the time after the shot was given, sweats and chills were prominent, and fever up to 101.3 were detected, with other fevers hovering at 100.00. The swelling of my whole body progressed with time. After I started the antibiotics, the swelling subsided about 20% and the lump gradually diminished to about 1/3 the largest size it had been. After 7 days of anti-biotics, the infection came back rapidly, within 12 hours of the last pill, and developed rapidly. Over the course of 3 hours the arm had swollen significantly and the lump tripled in size and the discoloration began to return. Two days after ending the first round of antibiotics, I saw urgent care at home. I was advised to take augmentin for 10 days and if it did not improve within the first

My daughter received 2 vaccines Tdap and HPV. The Tdap was injected in her right arm with no complaintsor event. Immediately after the Tdap injection she was injected with HPV vaccine in her left arm. She stated while the needle was still her arm that it hurt and she felt dizzy. As soon as she said she felt dizzy she passed out with her eyes closed. The nurse and I grap her to prevent her from falling off the exam table. Suddenly, she jerked back at the same time she jerked backwards her right arm jerked up over her head and her arm hit the window behind her then she became stiff and her whole body began to jerk. This appeared to me to look like she was having a seizure. The nusre also stated that she was having a seizure The nurse and I kept on calling her name and trying to stop her from banging into the window or to fall of the exam table. She came to in amount 30 seconds startled and wided eyed with her face pale and her lips white. The doctor came in after the entire event examined her said she was okay she laid down for about 15 mins and she was okay but still pale. Went home and my dauther slept for an hour.

Patient had a fever and a small rash 3 days after vaccination. On the sixth day she began to be very fussy. She would scream when the lights were turned on, if any toy made noise or it I touched her very much. She would bang her hang against things and was happiest in her room, by herself, in the dark. It was a dramatic change to her normal behavior. Someone mentioned it might be a Vitamin D deficiency. I gave her Cod Liver oil.

Patient is a fraternal twin of a 36.4 week gestation with a birth weight of 6 lbs 8 oz. His development was normal, reaching all developmental milestones as anticipated, all of which occurred within 1-2 weeks of his twin. On 2/27/07 he was diagnosed with an ear infection and given a 10 day course of amoxicillan. On 3/22/04 he had a well-visit with the pediatrician. Before consenting, I asked the pediatrician about the possible connection between MMR and autism. He dismissed my concern, stating that there was no proof to support such a claim. MMR and HIB vaccinations were given. He was screaming and crying inconsolably and had a fever of 103F within an hour after the vaccinations. Within 14 days, he lost eye contact, lost speech, became sullen and withdrawn, no longer responded to his name, began arm flapping with mouth open and rigid, became tactile defensive, and he began head banging and hitting himself stopped trying new food textures. On 5/12/04 he had an appointment with the pediatrician re: above symptoms. I asked if this could be PDD. The doctor said "to give it more time" and that "teething likely source of expressive language delay." Pediatrician finally consented to PDD testing on 10/5/04 and referrals made. Diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder by pediatric psychologist on 11/2/04. 04/10/2007 MR received from pediatric psychologist for initial consultation on 11/2/2004 with F/Us 8/2, 8/10, & 8/24 2005 for c/o developmental delays primarily in receptive and expressive language skills and head banging. DX: Meets the DSM-IV criteria for autism. 04/12/2007 MR received from PCP with OVs beginning 1/23/2003 through 4/4/2007. 2 month check "doing well", "dev good", NL exam. Normal development reported at 6, and 9 month check. On 3/22/2004 at 15 mon. check reports child eats baby food due to disliking many textured foods. Dev. reported to be slightly behind his twin sibling. NL exam. Vax given. Next visit 5/12/2004 with reported head banging, hitting self with frustration, and ear pulling. Repor

This case was reported by a lawyer and described the occurrence of nerve injury in a male subject of unspecified age who was vaccinated with Engerix, DTaP, Polio, MMR, and Hib for prophylaxis. The subject was vaccinated with Engerix-B on 13 April 1995, 18 May 1995, and 18 January 1996. According to the legal complaint, at an unspecified time after vaccination with hepatitis B vaccine, the subject experienced "serious and permanent neurological injuries" which were "alleged to be caused by Thimerosal." Follow up information was received on 30 March 2007 via medical records. It was noted that the subject's father was a "head banger and had temper tantrums" as a child. Other family history was significant for Down Syndrome. On 27 October 1996, the subject was involved in a motor vehicle accident; it was noted that he was in the "rear seat with a belt, rolled over five times", but was uninjured. The subject reportedly sat at 6 months, stood at 12 months, walked at 14 months and was "bubbly and talkative" at 15 months. On 11 April 1997, the subject was seen for a two year old "well visit". At that time, the subject experienced slightly delayed speech, with progress notes indicating "five to six words, understands well". An educational evaluation on 24 April 1997 revealed "only a slight delay in expressive language", and speech/language therapy was not recommended at that time. The subject had an expressive vocabulary of 15 to 20 words, and speech sound development was assessed to be age-appropriate. As early as September 1997, the subject's parents expressed concern about a "probability of a diagnosis of autism". On 12 September 1997, recommendation was made for weekly speech and language therapy. A pediatrician's progress note dated 23 October 1997 indicated delayed speech with a question of regression at approximately 18 months of age. At that time, the subject was reportedly interacting with other children better, and exhibited occasional temper tantrums. On 06 February 1998, the subject's problem list included rec

Child did not sleep for 3 days, ran fever, injection sites were red and inflamed. Site of Varicella had pass coming out for over a week. Child had aggressive behavior and beat his head on the floor and with his fists. His speech has been delayed. Child is now almost 3 and shows slow learning and verbal formation. 04/24/2007 Brief MR received from Ped for an ear re-check for OM on 04/14/2006. Vax received. MD reports speech delays at this visit. Assessment: Otitis media. Speech delay. 05/14/2007 MR from PCP received beginning 4/12/06 through 4/06/07. Exam 4/12/06 WNL except bulging erythematous TMs. DX: Otitis Media. Next visit 5/08/06 with c/o agressive behavior following visit with dad. Behavioral rxn noted after 1st set of vax. (+) head banging. Vocab is "coming along with good receptive skills". Assessment: Well child 2 years. Visit 6/30/06 with mom's concern re: speech, with request for audiology consult. MD notes speech is normal for a boy that age. Multiple visits for cold sx, OM, reported epistaxis,and cough.

Information has been received from a physician concerning an 18-month-old male twin with no pertinent medical history and no drug reactions/allergies who on 08-FEB-2007 was vaccinated IM with the first 656495/1209F). There was no concomitant medication. On 08-FEB-2007, after the patient was released from care, he experienced 3 hours of uncontrollable crying. His mom administered Motrin to him one hour prior to returning to the office. he was additionally given Tylenol at the office and Benadryl one hour after the Tylenol. The physician noted that the child seemed sensitive to light and was banging his head. A follow-up was made the next day, in which the parent stated that the child was fine and playing. The outcome was recovered on 09-FEB-2007. The twin brother who was also vaccinated experienced no adverse effect. There were no lab diagnostic studies performed. There was no product quality complaint. Additional information has been requested.

Diagnosed with childhood autism at age 3 (approx.). Began to get seizures at about 16 (?). Had a few grand mal seizures soon after. 07/16/2007 MR received for admission 10/4-7/1971. Much is difficult to read due to copy quality from microfilm, however D/C Summary from evaluation admission is intact and readable. Child admitted for assessment of active problem list: Loss of Speech, Abnormal behavior: head banging and rocking motions, and Hyperactivity. Child had a vocab of 4 words at age 2 when he suddenly stopped uttering any audible sounds. With loss of speech the child with drew socially and began rockin and spinning motions as well as head banging. Difficult for mother to control. PE: Significant for low set ears, epicanthal folds, eye contact avoidance, no social smile, repetitive mannerisms, and bilateral hyperreflexia. Final DX: Infantile Autism. Probable central nervous system disease with autisitic behavior.

Mom returned to office 6/7/07 for follow OM with covering PCP noted petechiae with multi scalp/head hematoma OM unresolved. Referred to ER was hospitalized x 3 days. Bruising of body and swelling right parietal from banging of head on concrete 2 days PTA. Follow up hematologist at facility after discharge. 7/6/07 Received office notes from pcp which indicate patient seen 4/18/07 for cough & pulling at left ear. Tx for otitis media. No office note of 5/21/07. 7/17/07 Received hospital medical records which reveal patient experienced petechial rash when seen on routine f/u exam for OM by PCP. Sent to hospital & admitted 6/7-6/10/07. Heme consult done. Patient had fallen/bumped head x 2 in week prior to admit. Tx w/IVIG. Responded well & d/c to home w/f/u by heme & pcp. Returned to ER on 6/10 s/p vomiting & continued petechiae. Plts at that time were 232,000. Final ER dx: vomiting as reaction likely due to IVIG. D/C to home w/heme & pcp f/u. FINAL DX: Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura.

Client came in for #1 hepatitis B vaccination. Given at 11:50 am. At ~11:52 am c/o feeling dizzy and a feeling of numbness on outside of throat, rising from lower neck on sides to around ears on both side and some in from of neck. Numbness felt to be on "outside" of neck vs "inside" of neck, able to swallow sithouit difficulty. Became anxious at these feelings. Called supervisor who called 911. BP at ~11:52 144/78. Ambulance arrived at ~ 11:55 am. Evaluated client. She stated she was starting to feel a little better by 12:02 pm. BP at this time 128/70 and Bangs staff decided she could sign off going to ED because she didn't want to go. Stayed here until 12:30 pm. Sensations gone by about 12:15 pm.

approx. 23 hours after my son was given the DTaP, IPV, HBV, Hib1, and Pneumonia vaccines he had a seizure. It lasted 2 minutes and 49 seconds. He lost consciencness, began a pattern of tensing and relaxing his muscles repeatedly for the whole time listed above. He was then lethargic and completely nonresponsive for an hour and a half. When he regained conscienceness, he cried for hours without stopping. I called the doctor to report the side effects immediately after he regained conscienceness. We were referred to a doctor Stein in Bangor in the Pediatric neurology unit. We saw him a couple of times. And EEG was done and found nothing abnormal at that time. Two months later on 11/4/03, my son received another DTaP, IPV, Hib 2, and pneumonia vaccination again. This time he had the exact same reaction 16 hours after the vaccinations were administered. We were supposed to continue to see the pediatric neurologist but the doctor was relocated to a hospital out of state. There was no followup treatment provided. After those two incidents, things seemed to progress normally until my son received his MMR shot at approx 12 months of age (do not have the actual date with me right now). At that visit, he had a fever when we got home. the fever was 102.0 and I cannot recall how long that lasted. Within a week, he stopped speaking at all. I began to discuss my concerns with my pediatrician (whom I have had a good relationship with all of this time). We took the wait and see approach. By the next month, my son had stopped making eye contact at all. By the next month, he did not respond to his name. etc etc. In September of 2006 right after he turned three years old, we were able to have him evaluated by a psychologist. He was diagnosed with autism. 8/17/07 Received PCP medical records & vax records which corrected vax received 11/4/03 previously reported by parent. VAERS database updated w/same. Records reveal patient experienced good health. Mother noted apparent seizure activity 8/03. Referred to peds neuro & eval don

Son started displaying signs of Autism around 15-16 months old. He was hitting all milestones either before or right on target. He stopped using the few words he had, wasn't pointing to objects he wanted, tantrums started getting horrible, started headbanging, lack of eye contact started. 18 months behavior changed for the worst, more headbanging, running into patio door, stopped responding to name and noise around him, didn't like things over his hands, started lining up toys, didn't play appropriatly with toys, no eye contact, no speech, no pointing, arm flapping started, easily upset to change, and eating habits changed.

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