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(mentions CMT) Invitro/PGD/Assisted Reproduction from Spain

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The Spanish version of this is at http://www.eselx.com/ficha.aspx?

canal= & id=17342

This is a rough English translation:

The IV surpass 30,000 clinical histories and repeat the number record

of both thousand treatments of Reproduction Attended in 2008 Thursday

22 of January of 2009 About 1,800 treatments correspond to Test-tube

Fertilizations. 42% of the total of the patients of the past year

were foreign The Bernabeu Institute registered in 2008 a number

record of treatments of Attended Reproduction. And it is that they

were surpassed, for the second time, the 2,000 cycles done in a year.

The greater knowledge of the population of the techniques of Attended

Reproduction and the own growth and expansion of the Group Bernabeu

Institute are the possible causes that could justify this increase.

Of that number approximately a 80% correspond to Test-tube

Fertilizations, which supposes a considerable increase, since in the

2007 of the total of treatments, 60% corresponded to FIV. This

treatment oscillates between the 3,000 and 4,000 Euros. 20% rest

would be made up of Artificial Inseminations, ICSI, DGP and other

techniques. In particular, in 2008 45 DGP against the 35 became of

the 2007.

The price of this treatment is of about 7,000 Euros. Pioneers in DGP

at world-wide level Diagnostic the Bernabeu Institute already more

than 20 diseases with Diagnóstico Genético Preimplantacional (DGP).

Of them, three have gotten up to the list in the last three months.

One is the Syndrome of Charcot Marie Tooth, Muscular Atrophy Espinal

and Renal Poliquistosis, according to has explained the Dra.

Bethlehem Lledó, director of the Department of Molecular Biology of

the Bernabeu Institute, in the course of II the Informative

Breakfasts. The group has been pioneering in the diseases of Marfan

and Retinosquisis, being the first a world-wide level in obtaining

the birth of a free baby of those ailments that yes carried their


In the case of Espinocerebrosa Ataxia, also the IV were first of

Spain in obtaining it. The diseases for which the DGP is demanded

more are Marfan, consequence of the previous profit, and Korea of

Huntington. Thus, the diseases that are diagnosed in the IV are Korea

of Huntington, Fragile Syndrome X, Miotónica Dystrophy, Syndrome of

Marfan, Retinosquisis, Haemophilia, Quística Fibrosis, Betatalasemia,

Hidrocefalia, Emerin-Dreiffus, Incontinence Pigment, intermittent

Acute Porfiria, Adrenoleucodistrofia, espinocerebelosa Ataxia 3,

muscular Dystrophy of Duchenne, Hipocalcémica Paralysis, Familiar

Angioedema, Syndrome of Carney, Syndrome of Charcot Marie Tooth,

Muscular Atrophy Espinal and Renal Poliquistosis.

If some patient were interested in some disease that does not appear

in this listing, the team of professionals would be put to work in

that exclusive case, since constantly protocols of DGP for other

diseases are designed. For this reason, this listing is in constant

growth. As far as the called treatment " brother medicine or drug " ,

that talks about the HLA-matching, " has ethical and legal

limitations. In order to benefit to a third party we must request

permission to the National Commission of Attended Reproduction.

In addition, only 25% of the embryos will be, finally, compatible

with the brother " , according to the Dra. Bethlehem Lledó. The

vitrificación: the future it has arrived " Many differences between

the woman of Neolithic and the present woman Exist, but they have

common who the ovarian reserve is limited, that is spending every day

invoices: every day they are lost between 15 and 18 ovocitos " , have

assured the Dr. Bernabeu in the course of the encounter with

the journalists.

With the age, " there are more abortions, more anomalies and, which is

the solution? To congeal the ovocitos " , is addition. For the Dr.

Ten, head of Biology of the Reproduction in the IV, the key of

the vitrificación is " to cool very quickly without getting to

crystallize " . The expert has explained who " is no legal restriction

for the freezing of ovocitos, but is necessary an authorization for

his defrost and the IV already have her " . Ten has summarized the

indications of the vitrificación: " preservation of the fertility in

oncológicas patients, delay of the maternity, legal or ethical

considerations, like pairs that do not want to congeal embryos, if

there is risk of hyperstimulation or for the bank of ovocitos " . The

ovocitos, that are " the cell more longeva of the body with about 40

years of life " , according to the Dr. Bernabeu, stay in group of forty

so that they are trustworthy 100% for the donation.

The own longevity of that cell is the one that causes " that it has a

period of exhibition to the aggressions very great " . The gynecologist

is outstanding that " is a change in the profile of the donor, since

more than half they are married and with children, the change has

been very important: he has changed the social attitude towards the

Attended Reproduction.

Spain is the country with more donors of organs and also with ova and

the semen " . In the last year, 25 women with cancer have decided to

preserve their fertility in the bank of ovocitos of the Bernabeu

Institute, four of them in the last month and a half " . Altogether,

the bank of ovocitos of the IV counts already on 500 units of this

cell, obtained almost to the 100% in 2008, since in 2007 it was in

period of test.

A 42% of foreign patients Of the treatments of Attended Reproduction

realised in 2008, 42%, approximately, correspond to foreign patients.

This number also has changed with respect to the 2007, year in which

the foreign patients supposed 35% of the total. Most numerous they

are those of Germanic speech (Switzerland, Austria and Germany),

Italian and the arrived ones from Benelux, although more and more

they arrive from countries like EE.UU or the United Kingdom. In the

IV it has been taken care of people of all the continents.

Test of the increasing affluence of the foreigners to our you soothe

is the existence of the Department of the International. This

department was created relatively just a short time ago, about three

years, and in that period it has grown until being in favor formed at

present of a dozen of people. In spite of that, its immediate

extension is had predicted to be able to give a perfect attention to

the numerous foreign patients. The new page Web of the IV also is a

sample of the importance of the international attention.

At the moment, http://www.institutobernabeu.com can be consulted in

English http://www.institutobernabeu.com/en/ , Italian, German, French, Russian

and Arab and shortly it

will be possible also to be done in Swedish and Portuguese. Others of

the outstanding aspects in the course of the encounter with the

journalists are that half of the patients who are put under a

treatment with donor semen (Artificial Insemination with donor semen)

is single woman women or with feminine pairs. Although it is not had

data per years, yes it is possible to be affirmed that " at the moment

we have a dozen of patients in these circumstances " , according to

affirms the Dr. Bernabeu. And it is that for the expert " we are

taking care of the new social models " .

The contamination also has been reason for the questions on the part

of the journalists. " There are present substances in plastics and

hydrocarbons that are gotten up later to the fetus through the

placenta or through foods " . Many elements have retired already, " like

some chupetes, baby's bottles or tetinas " , according to

Bernabeu. " Also there are works that demonstrate to the relation

between the amount of meat ingested by the mother and the seminal

quality of the son. More and more it is known more on the injurious

elements " , is addition.

Growth The Bernabeu Institute surpasses the hundred of professionals

and it in a while is of growth and expansion. In 2008 reinauguró one

of the centers of the group, the one of Benidorm, whose location has

changed, as well as its facilities, thought to be around the best

center of Attended Reproduction.

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