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1. Ukraine Measles Vaccine Death Scandal Exposed.

According to researchers, the vaccine, which is cultivated from the

cells of an Asian genotype, is harmful to Europeans. Before launching

mass vaccination of the adult population, medical scholars and

practitioners should study the vaccination calendar carefully. In the

first year of life a child gets 17 vaccines! The next six months are also

stressful – another four compulsory vaccines. Can such a severe attack on

the human immune system ensure its effective functioning? We know that

85% of young people have antibodies to the measles virus, and 89% of

women of reproductive age have antibodies to the rubella virus. What was

the rationale for the decision to mass vaccine young people? So who will

be held accountable for the premature start of the vaccination campaign,

for the hospitalization of a hundred children and the teenage boy’s


Olha Skrypnyk, Zerkalo Nedli Politics

2. Ministry Of Justice MMR Vaccine Class Action Saga


Stone writes to Iain Gill of the UK Ministry of Justice over the

purposefully collapsed MMR Class Action. It is unfortunate that the

reasons why the Legal Services Commission and the Judicial Review

withheld funding for the MMR litigation have been kept secret. It is

particularly unfortunate bearing in mind the judge's conflicts which have

subsequently emerged. This does not seem to be mitigated by the fact that

reasons were communicated to the applicants' legal teams, because they

were not to the applicants or the public. If it cannot stand public

scrutiny - and is stitched up behind closed doors - why should we trust

it? The Legal Service Commission's frequent interventions in such cases

are intolerable: if it was funding the defence in a criminal case it

would not be allowed to intervene in this way. The more that this

devastatingly factual correspondence is placed in the public domain, the

worse it gets for the UK government and the Department of Health.

Stone, Parent/Iain Gill, Ministry of Justice UK

Information Provided:


Ministry of Justice Correspondence File

Stone/Ministry Of Justice


HPA Unable To Link UK Measles Outbreak To MMR Shortfall

Stone, Parent/Dr Salisbury/BBC NEWS


Primates Given Vaccines Develop Autism

Medical News Today


Explosive Research Findings - Vaccines Autism Link

Dan Olmsted, Age of Autism


US Government Blocks Access To Vaccines-Autism Data

Ed Silverman, Pharmalot

3. The MMR Vaccine Debate That Will Not Go Away UK.

It seemed the MMR controversy had been resolved, but new research

points to connections between autism and vaccinations. Hannah Poling's

case conceded in Federal Court proved the vaccines-autism link. Jon

Poling, her neurologist Father, believes two triggers are needed before a

child becomes severely ill: possibly, an early vaccination which might

compromise a child's metabolic system, then a later one which results in

symptoms. A five year study now reveals that monkeys who were given the

same vaccinations that American children are routinely given developed

significant behavioural difference before and after the MMR.

Cassandra Jardine/Sally Beck, Daily Telegraph

Information Provided:


HPA Unable To Link UK Measles Outbreak To MMR Shortfall

Stone, Parent/Dr Salisbury/BBC NEWS


Kirby To Speak On Autism One Radio - UK Visit

Tuesday, May 27, 12:00 NOON EDT. Bookmark this slot.


Vaccines-Autism Journalist To Speak At Houses Of Parliament

Wednesday 4 June, 3.30pm. Peers, MPs, Staff, Media and Invited



Kirby - Free UK Lecture On Vaccines-Autism Link

Wednesday 4 June, 6.30pm-10.00pm


Kirby - UK Q & A Book Signing Event

Friday 6 June, 4.00pm-7.00pm - Free RSVP Event

4. Chantix Smoking Suicide Drug Causes Driving Malfunction.

The Los Angeles Times reported that last week the nonprofit Institute

for Safe Medication Practices linked Chantix to over two dozen highway

accidents, which were reported to the Food and Drug Administration.

According to The L.A. Times, over 3,000 reports of serious problems

associated with Chantix have been reported to the FDA, but Pfizer, the

parent company of the drug, said more than 5 million people in the U.S.

had taken the medication, so those numbers are low in comparison. The

Times said more than 30 Chantix users have killed themselves.

Amy Beeman, AHN

Information Provided:


Pfizer Chantix Smoking Suicide Gun Explodes - Shares Fall



Anti-smoking medicine Chantix banned for pilots

Health Newstrack - Gurgaon, Haryana, India

5. Autism Writer In Talks With MPs.

The American journalist who revealed the latest developments in the

link between autism and vaccinations has been invited to talk to

politicians in the Houses of Parliament. Kirby will speak to MPs

and peers about the Hannah Poling case, the nine-year-old girl who

developed autism because of inoculations she received. Bernadine Healy,

the former head of the National Institute for Health, said: “It is

interesting the studies that support the theory of a vaccine-autism link

are from test tube and animal research while those that refute it are the

large scale population studies. "

Phil Doherty, Sunday Sun

Information Provided:


Jury still out on MMR jab

Thrower, Sunday Sun

6. Steere - Lyme Lies Revealed.

Steere, a member of the IDSA (Infectious Diseases Society of

America), misrepresented the facts about Lyme disease to the Ohio

Wesleyan University 2008 graduates. It is irresponsible and an insult to

scientific evidence to misrepresent the evidence by leaving out the false

negative rate for Lyme tests by someone who claims to be standing by the

science without informing the audience that the science itself has proven

not to be unreliable. It is a scientific proven fact that Lyme tests are

not always accurate, making it absolutely necessary to treat some people

with Lyme disease who have negative diagnostic testing, but considerable


T.L. Kittle, PR Newswire Press Release

7. National ME/FM Action Network Newsletter Highlights.

Supreme Court Hears Appeal In Keays V. Honda, The Supreme Court

Hearing, Lyme Disease Update et al. Supreme Court Hears Appeal In Keays

V. Honda, The Supreme Court Hearing, Lyme Disease Update et al. The

National ME/FM Action Network Quest Newsletter is published quarterly and

is free with Annual Membership of $25.00. Please see our website at

www.mefmaction.net for Membership Application.

Lydia E Neilson, President/CEO, National ME/FM Action Network




Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales


Vaccines -


Vaccine Dangers & Homeopathy Online/email courses

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