Guest guest Posted November 2, 2009 Report Share Posted November 2, 2009 _ -political-action-committee-%e2%80%93-naa-%e2%80%93-files-amicus-brief-in-mo ld-case-two-infant-deaths-in-mold-filled-apt-%e2%80%93-wasatch-prop-mgmt-cit ing-us-chamber/_ (\ itical-action-committee-–-naa-– -files-amicus-brief-in-mold-case-two-infant-deaths-in-mold-filled-apt-– -wasatch-prop-mgmt-citing-us-chamber/) Updated with more information – Political Action Committee – NAA – files Amicus Brief in mold case (two infant deaths in mold filled apt – Wasatch Prop Mgmt) citing US Chamber/ACOEM ‘litigation defense report’ to disclaim health effects of indoor mold & limit financial risk for industry _Jump to Comments_ (\ itical-action-committee-–-naa-– -files-amicus-brief-in-mold-case-two-infant-deaths-in-mold-filled-apt-– -wasatch-prop-mgmt-citing-us-chamber/#comments) Thanks to Sharon Kramer for most of this information. We will be adding more documents to this. “The US Chamber of Commerce, along with the Manhattan Institute, paid to have the oft times debunked American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine’s Mold Guidance for physicians translated into “easy speak†so it could be distributed to the insurance, banking, construction, and other stakeholder industries so they could defend themselves against mold illnesses and claims.†Mulvey son “Government agencies refer the sick to two medical associations who have physicians knowledgeable about molds induced illnesses, the ACOEM and the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics. But the clinics are run by physicians who also members of ACOEM and adhere mostly to the teachings of ACOEM. So, the sick are being referred by our government to those who deny mold causes serious illnesses. These are the same clinics that employers or insures often times send patients to for independent medical exams that are then used against the sick as a weapon to deny liability for causing their illness. Because they know the doctors don’t acknowledge mold causes serious illness. The sick are victimized all over again.†Mulvay son HOW and WHY homes and buildings have become petri dishes for molds and bacteria & HOW the US Chamber and ACOEM orchestrated deceptive measures to produce a ‘litigation defense report’ to disclaim the health effects of indoor mold instead of warning the public and teaching physicians that the buildings were the cause of increased illnesses. WHY? To stave off the financial liability for industry. “In the late 70’s, buildings in the US began to be constructed more airtight to promote energy efficiency. Manmade materials such as particle board and dry wall began to be used. These materials easily wick when water is added from floods and leaks in the buildings. In essence, we transformed our buildings into gigantic petri dishes and provided a food source for molds and bacteria to flourish when water is added. Air conditioners also became the mainstay of construction causing the molds and bacterias to recircluate in the air and spread throughout the buildings. Over the next twenty years as many buildings experienced water damage, people began to become ill from the mold and bacteria in damp buildings at a rate never before seen in the history of man. Instead of doing the right thing to warn the public and teach the physicians that the buildings were the cause of the increased illnesses, commerce took an orchestrated deceptive measure to stave off the financial liability from the situation. They systematically marketed false science to the courts that it had been scientifically proven the damp, moldy buildings were no health threat. They brought into the mold issue a toxicologist who had a long term relationship with Big Tobacco, Bruce Kelman PhD; and his business partner, Hardin PhD. Hardin had just retired from the National Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health (NIOSH). He was beginning a lucrative second career as an expert defense witness in toxic torts bringing his government credentials with him to add credibility. The two men authored two US health policy papers on mold illnesses in 2002 and 2003. One of the scientifically fraudulent policy papers is presented to the courts as being the scientific opinion of thousands of knowledgeable physicians, the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) Adverse Human Health Effects of Molds In the Indoor Environment – an evidence based position statement. The other policy paper authored by Kelman and Hardin was specifically written and paid for by the Manhattan Institute think-tank to be shared with judges by the US Chamber of Commerce Institute for Legal Reform (ILR). Judges are “educated†by the ILR that it had been scientifically proven claims of illness from the toxins of mold are only being made because of “trial lawyersâ€, â€media†and “Junk Scienceâ€. _The Chamber paper that was SPECIFICALLY written for judges – “A Scientific View of the Health Effects of Moldâ€_ ( Kelman and Hardin had no research backgrounds in mold, yet they professed to prove what no one else has proven before them or since – that it is scientifically determined the poisons of mold do not poison when people are exposed in damp buildings. They accomplished their novel scientific feat simply by applying mathematical extrapolations to data they borrowed from someone else’s high dose, single mold exposure rodent study. Adding unscientific hypotheticals that fly in the face of the basic tenets of toxicology, their mass marketed nonsequitor of science has saved many a building stakeholder hundreds of thousands of dollars in mold litigation. Their nonsense was legitimized as “evidence based†science by ACOEM in 2002. ACOEM is not a college. It is a trade association made up largely of company doctors who oversee workers compensation claims. The organization is discussed four times in Dr. s’ book ‘Doubt Is Their Product, How Industry’s Assault On Science Threatens Your Health’ for their various antics over the years for adding undue legitimacy to the ability to legally deny causation of environmental illnesses that are costly for commerce and industry. I find it disgusting that the National Apartment Association PAC would submit an amicus curie brief, August 31, 2009, in a litigation involving two new born infant deaths and a moldy apartment complex while, stating, “In a report entitled, ‘A Scientific View of the Health Effects of Mold’, a panel of scientists, including toxicologists and industrial hygienists stated that years of intense study have failed to produce any causal connection between exposure to indoor mold and adverse health effects. U.S. Chamber of Commerce, A Scientific View of the Health Effects of Mold (2003) at p. 64 and p. 65″. This is because I know and possess incontrovertible evidence that the US Chamber of Commerce Institute for Legal Reform (ILR) “Scientific View of the Health Effects of Mold†is the marketing of a scientific fraud along with her the sister paper, ACOEM’s position statement on mold. The US Chamber ILR “Scientific View†cites false authorship of having a physician co-author as one of the “panel of scientistsâ€. In reality no physician had anything to do with the ILR’s deceptive marketing piece specifically written for judges. The authors, Kelman and Hardin, do not acknowledge they are the authors of the “scientific view†on their curriculum vitaes as the scientific fraud insidiously makes its way into litigations where they are generating income from expert witnessing for the defense. Such is the case in Arizona involving the two infant deaths and a $25 million dollar insurance policy issued by Travelers Insurance. What is even more disturbing is that our elected officials in Washington DC on both sides of the isle are well aware of the deceit of the US Chamber ILR and company over the mold issue; yet they remain mum and take no action even when directly requested to do so by thousands. In the words of Eliot Spitzer in Slate Magazine, October 15, 2009, and regarding lack of accountability for the deceptive practices of the US Chamber of Commerce, “The passivity of the publicly elected officials who have the capacity to raise these issues has been a bit surprising.†The reality is, state and federal elected officials in the United States of America know it is the kiss of death to their political careers to directly challenge the US Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has a notorious reputation of instigating smear campaigns and filing lawsuits to vex, harass and silence detractors. As a result of the lack of action by elected officials, US citizens bare the burden and experience the devastating effects from the “Scientific View of the Health Effects of…….Gold.†Disclosure: In March of 2005, I was the first to publicly write of the unholy union of ACOEM, the Manhattan Institute, the US Chamber of Commerce, Congressman , Bruce Kelman and VeriTox, Inc (formerly known as GlobalTox) over the marketing of a scientific fraud on the courts with regard to the mold issue. Kelman and Veritox sued me claiming the phrase “altered his under oath statements†was a false accusation of perjury made with malice. Since September of 2005, I have been informing the San Diego courts with uncontroverted evidence that Kelman committed perjury as to why I would have malice – in a litigation where his sole claim is that I falsely accused him of being one who would commit perjury. Kelman v. Kramer Case No. D054496 Fourth District Division One Court of Appeal, San Diego. Since September of 2005, seven San Diego judges and justices have been provided with the uncontroverted evidence of Kelman’s perjury on the issue of malice, including Presiding Justice Judith McConnell who Chairs the California Judicial Review Committee. Amazingly the uncontroverted evidence of Kelman’s perjury is repeatedly ignored by the San Diego judges and justices in a litigation containing information that is detrimental to the interests of the US Chamber of Commerce should their scientific fraud on the courts come to greater public light.†As taken from page 9 of the August 31, 2009, NAA amicus curie brief submitted in the case of Tricia Mason, et al., Kaitlyn , et al., April Abad et. al., , et al. v. Wasatch Prop. Mgmt., Inc., et al. Consolidated: “In a report entitled, A Scientific View of the Health Effects of Mold, a panel of scientists, including toxicologists and industrial hygienists stated that years of intense study have failed to produce any causal connection between exposure to indoor mold and adverse health effects. U.S. Chamber of Commerce, A Scientific View of the Health Effects of Mold (2003) at p. 64 and p. 65″. There was no “panel of scientists†that authored the Chamber ILR’s scientific view. Only a long time tobacco scientist, Bruce Kelman, and his business partner, Hardin. These two have been publicly exposed for their involvement of marketing garbage science to the courts over the mold issue before. In January of 2007, the Wall Street Journal ran a front page expose titled “Amid Suits Over Mold Experts Wear Two Hats, Authors of Science Paper Often Cited By Defense Also Help In Litigation.†Kelman and Hardin were the “authors of science papers†noted in the title. In a day when no one questions the US Chamber of Commerce’s deceptive science over global warming and their influence over legislators in Washington DC, I question why is this deceit before the courts is permitted to continue over the mold issue? I feel completely confident in stating that I have personally witnessed a scientific view of the health effects of GOLD.†Sharon Noonan Kramer Below is a video of one of the Chamber’s authors discussing the scientific foundation for the Chamber’s “scientific view†that the NAA submitted in the Arizona mold litigation case - _VIDEO – US CHAMBER – SCIENTIFIC VIEW OF THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF…GOLD_ ( _WSJ – Court of Opinion – Authors of Science Paper Often Cited by Defense Also Help in Litigation – Corruption & Deceit in Mold Litigation – ACOEM / US Chamber_ ( ( ( _Chamber Paper Cites False Authorship_ ( - Testimony, Bruce J. Kelman June 22, 2004 US. Chamber of Commerce Mold Statement (aka Manhattan Institute Version) July 2003 Testimony, Saxon, November 28, 2006 Testimony, Bruce J. Kelman, February 18, 2005 _Billing records to the Manhattan Institute – Bruce Kelman (GlobalTox) serving as an expert for in the Big Tobacco RICO_ ( ( ( _Dr. Craners letter of the ACOEM’s Deceit On Mold – a litigation “defense report†_ (\ oems-deceit-on-mold-a-litigation-“defense-reportâ€/) _Sharon Kramer’s Public Comment to Senate HELP Committee – Need For Clear Definition Of The Term “Evidence Based†In The American Health Choice Act – ACOEM – Conflict & Deceit – Toxic Mold_ (\ senate-help-committee-need-f or-clear-definition-of-the-term-“evidence-based†-in-the-american-health-choice-act-acoem-conflict-deceit-t/) – FOX – Mold Sick Military Family – Will DOJ use ACOEM again?_ (\ -family-will-doj-use-acoem-again/) – Another Sick Teacher Speaks Out Against ACOEM Mold Statement – State Board of Health – Olympia, Washington_ (\ peaks-out-against-acoem -mold-statement/) _Chamber of Horrors – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce must be stopped. Here’ s how to do it – Eliot Spitzer_ (\ r-of-commerce-must-be-stopped-heres-how- to-do-it-eliot-spitzer/) _NAA Files Amicus Brief in Mold Case_ (\ 27c8ac4533 & ID=118) _Brief of Amicus Curiae National Apartment Association_ ( _Motion for leave to file Brief Of Amicus Curiae national Apartment Association_ ( _National Apartment Assn Contributors – OpenSecrets_ ( & cycle=2008) _National Apartment Assn Contributions to Federal Candidates – OpenSecrets_ ( & cmte=C00113241) _National Apartment Assn – OpenSecrets_ ( & cmte=C00113241) – PAC Recipients _National Apartment Assn – OpenSecrets_ ( & strID=C00113241) – Fundraising/Spending by Cycle _NAA’s key note speaker for their upcoming “educational†meeting_ ( A FEW LINKS TO THE TRUE HEALTH EFFECTS OF INDOOR MOLD TOXINS & MOLD LITIGATION _Video – The TRUTH about current scientific understanding of mold induced illnesses – ConflictedScienceMold_ (\ entific-understanding-of-mold-induced -illnesses-conflictedsciencemold/) _WHO Submission of Additional Publications Regarding Molds & Mycotoxins – Cheryl Wisecup’s response to request by the EPA_ (\ ications-regarding-mold s-mycotoxins-cheryl-wisecups-response-to-request-by-philip-jalbert-at-the-ep a/) _WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality – Dampness and Mold – PDF_ (\ nd-m old.pdf) _WHO – Right to Healthy Indoor Air_ ( _Logjam at CDC – School Mold request for CDC to update mold info to correspond with that produced by the World Health Organization – July 2009 & the results of communication with Dr. L. Garbe – Chief of Air Pollution & Respiratory Branch_ (\ g-request-for-cdc-to-update-mold-info-to-co rrespond-with-that-produced-by-the-world-health-organization-july-2009-the-r esults-of-communication-with-dr-paul/) _On behalf of millions of Americans harmed by exposure to toxic mold the following message has been sent to President Obama, all U.S. Senators, members of the U.S. House, the Governors of all 50 states, state legislators, state health departments, etc_ (\ s-harmed-by-exposure-to-toxic-mold-the-foll owing-message-has-been-sent-to-president-obama-all-u-s-senators-members-of-t he-u-s-house-the-governors-of-all-50-states/) _Judge grants SSI Disability for mold-related injuries, accepting medical testimony linking physical and cognitive impairments to mold exposure_ (\ f or-mold-related-injuries-accepting-medical-testimony-linking-physical-and-co gnitive-impairments-to-mold-exposure/) _More mold complaints against apartment complex – Follow up to – ville mom says apartment mold, asbestos caused son’s asthma death – Village of Baymeadows Apartments_ (\ tment-complex-follow-up-to-jacksonville-mom-s ays-apartment-mold-asbestos-caused-son’s-asthma-death-– -village-of-baymeadows-apartments/) _Arizona Jury Awards Tenant $3.3 Million for Cognitive & Physical Injuries from Mold_ (\ -out-ariz-jury-awards-tenant-33-million-for-cognitive-physica l-injuries-from-mold/) _2007 – Plaintiff – 1.6 Million – Court Finds Causal Link – Toxic Mold_ ( t-finds-causal-link-toxic-mold/) – VA Supreme Court has refused Drees Co.’s petition for appeal – Meng 1.4 million judgement – construction defects led to debilitating mold-related injuries_ (\ efused-drees-co-s-petition-for-appeal-meng-1-4-mil lion-judgement-construction-defects-led-to-debilitating-mold-related-injurie s/) _Video – Tenant Sickened By Mold Awarded $1 Million – Landlords Ignored Complaints & Continued Leasing_ (\ y-mold-awarded-1-million-landlords-ignore d-complaints-continued-leasing/) _Housing Authority Tenant Awarded $303,834 Verdict For Mold Apartment Claims_ (\ 303834-verdict-for-mold-apartment-claims/) _CA Appellate Decision – Mold Env. Hazard (unpublished) - Filed 2/4/09 v. Clarendon National Ins. CA4/3_ ( _Eastern District of New York Recognizes “Medical Monitoring†in a Toxic Mold Exposure as a Cause of Action_ (\ gnizes-“medical-monitoring†-as-a-cause-of-action/) Note – Information on Riverstone Residential knowingly exposing tenants to extreme amounts of mold toxins at Toxic Mold Infested Jefferson Lakes Apartments in Baton Rouge, Louisiana _Toxic Mold Infested Jefferson Lakes Apartments managed by Riverstone Residential_ (\ ted-jefferson-lakes-apartments-managed-by-riverstone-residentia l-baton-rouge-la/) _Riverstone Residential Litigation_ ( _Mold Inspection Reports_ ( _Photos of Mold in Apartment_ ( _Attorney Malpractice_ ( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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