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Re: Skin under toes

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Try using some Neosporin on the open sore, or possbily an antifungal cream, or

both, several times a day and allow air to get to the sore - stretch the toe

frequently before applying the cream. Soak your foot 3 times a day. If it

doesn't get better in 3-5 days, seek medical care.

Soft, wider shoes may help for awhile, also bamboo or 100% cotton socks.


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I agree with Gretchen. The cracking skin sounds like a foot fungus.

Here in Southern California, shower areas in gyms are breeding grounds for

fungi. I use Lamasil, an antifungal foot cream, with good success. Sprays,

powders, or other brands just don't work as well for me as the Lamasil does.

Soaking you foot in epson salts, then letting it air dry is always a good thing.

What kind of sore is it? Neosporin is good to put around the sore for the first

couple of days, but I would be careful not to schmear it all over the sore.

I tend to get wounds on my feet, and cremes like neosporin over the sore will

inhibit healing. Wounds doin't scab over like cuts and scrapes, all you can do

is wait for the skin to grow. Hopefully yours isn't one of those, as they can

take weeks, and sometimes months, to heal.

Watch it as best you can. I have a foot inspection mirror that I always keep

handy. If the skin around the sore gets red, or your sore gets pussy, see a

doctor ASAP.

Good luck.


Re: Skin under toes


Try using some Neosporin on the open sore, or possbily an antifungal cream,

or both, several times a day and allow air to get to the sore - stretch the

toe frequently before applying the cream. Soak your foot 3 times a day. If

it doesn't get better in 3-5 days, seek medical care.

Soft, wider shoes may help for awhile, also bamboo or 100% cotton socks.


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Hey Nina,

  I usually lurk in here too, but I think I have a little experience with this

that may or may not help.

  I have a hammer toe that I didn't pay much attention to until I began to have

a stabbing pain in the tip (the tip actually pointing straight down). This felt

like someone stabbing me with a pin every step.

  I went to a foot doctor and he said that I'd actually wore a little hole. He

shaved off the scab that had formed and introduced me to what I call my little

toe slug. It's actually called a gel toe crest. I used to get them at

FootSmart.com, but I just ordered one for a better price at supportplus.com. 

It's called the PediFlex gel toe crest...$6.95.

  While the doc was down there he informed me that the white on the bottom of

me feet was not just dry skin..........but foot fungus. He suggested black tea

(like Lipton) make enogh tea to soak in and put your feet in when it's still hot

(well, not too hot) until it's not hot (or warm) anymore. Then he suggested sock

made for people with Diabetes (you don't have to go to a specialy store, Walmart

has 'em). These socks " Wick " the moisture " .

  Anyway hope this is helpful. I'll just crawl back in my little voyuer corner




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I just wanted to put in my two cents worth on this and say that if you try to

treat at home and it does not get better, see a doc. From what I understand, it

is important for those of us with neuropathy to do so when we have a sore or

something like that on the foot that does not heal.

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My toes are curled as well. Hammer toes but still flexable, though my little

toes are starting to harden. I have a real problem with athlets foot growing

under there. If I don't inspect them I dont notice till they are cracked and

bleeding. I use Lamasil under there 2x a day and it goes away pretty fast. Try

to wear clean socks and keep your feet dry.

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Hi Nina,

I have the same problem and it is usually a fungus. I use Lamisil or a

prescription cream. I do make sure to dry under/between my toes with a cloth

and then the hairdryer set on cool. Some of my toes are so tightly curled that

there is no such thing as 'air drying'. Hope this helps.

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I have been suffering recurrant bouts of fungal infection on my right foot.


I tried all the usual precription creams & lotions but I found either bathing my

foot or squirting Citricidal between the toes killed it once and for all. As a

maintenance dose I squirt it between my toes every three or four days. 

Citricidal is an all natural product made from grapefruit extract and is very

cheap to buy in healthfood shops.

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I have used grapefruit seed extract as a foot soak for years and it keeps my

feet healthy, free of fungus and smelling good!

I had a skin sore between two of my toes years ago and my mother said it was

called " wet toe " . She told me to take a piece of 100% cotton ribbon, say 1/2

inch wide and tie it around my toe for a couple days. I did and it dried up the

sore and it was gone! Kind of old school but it worked for me.

From: englishdoctor2002@...

Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 10:16:21 -0800

Subject: Re: Skin under toes

I have been suffering recurrant bouts of fungal infection on my right foot.

I tried all the usual precription creams & lotions but I found either bathing my

foot or squirting Citricidal between the toes killed it once and for all. As a

maintenance dose I squirt it between my toes every three or four days.

Citricidal is an all natural product made from grapefruit extract and is very

cheap to buy in healthfood shops.

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Thank you, everyone. You've all been very helpful. I had wondered at first if it

could be athlete's foot, but I've been fortunate enough to not have to deal with

that before.

I've started using the tea tree oil, since I already had that, and I'll look for

some grape seed oil extract. If it's still there in a few weeks, I'll see the dr

about it.

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oops, I mean grape fruit seed extract



> Thank you, everyone. You've all been very helpful. I had wondered at first if

it could be athlete's foot, but I've been fortunate enough to not have to deal

with that before.


> I've started using the tea tree oil, since I already had that, and I'll look

for some grape seed oil extract. If it's still there in a few weeks, I'll see

the dr about it.


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