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The pH Miracle Dr. Young, Nutrition

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Diet, Dr. Young, Nutrition


The pH Miracle

In self help on 30/12/2009 at 10:09

I have decided to put together a blog that will enable me and my friends (you

that reading this now!), to firstly attempt understanding how The pH Miracle

supposed to work (i.e. its biological based claims), and later discuss how we

can incorporate this (for the convinced of you) into our lives. Then, I will

record my feelings, happiness, mental state (ability to concentrate), vision and

the clarity of my mind. I will concentrate on those as those are the areas of

which I am seeking change, and for the at most!

So, I am basically going to begin by copycat many sentences (sometimes word to

word, sometimes my own wording or a mixture:) from Dr. Young Latest

British Edition book (April, 2009).

Chapter 1: The theory from the beginning

Matter can take on different forms and functions (Antonie Bechamp, 1816-1908),

this is also known as the doctrine of: pleomorphism.

French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895): specific, unchanging types of bacteria

causing specific diseases. I can think of the Swine Flu being the H1D1 virus,

isn't that a support to that idea?

Brigham Young: " matter cannot be created nor can it be destroyed. " matter is

eternal and can only take on different forms and functions.

Dr. Neil (an advocate of the diet).

" Life and death are in the Blood and from dust you are and to dust you will

return. "

what to expect from the dietary change (p. 7):

•Energy increase

•Mental clarity and power of concentration

•Build strength and stamina

•Increase in muscle mass;

•And bright eyes

As said above, the full list is on page 7, but, those are the ones that I found

most interesting to me, as also stated above, it is those areas where I felt in

the past few years a descent and therefore seeking to regain it.

Consequences of an overly acidic body:

Includes bacteria, yeast (Candida), fungus and mold.

The relationship between acid and base is scientifically quantified on a scale

of 1 to 14 known as " pH " . On that scale, 7 is neutral. Below 7 is acid and above

it basic, or alkaline. pH reflects the concentration of hydrogen ions

(positively charged molecules) in any given solution. it takes about twenty

times as much base to neutralise any given amount of acid.

our blood is ideally maintained at 7.365 pH – very mildly basic.

Minerals suited to neutralising, or detoxifying, strong acids, including sodium,

potassium, calcium, and magnesium. If there are insufficient amounts in the diet

or in the reserves, they are recruited elsewhere, and may be leached from the

bone ( with calcium) or muscle (with magnesium).

Low oxygen levels come with acidity. Classical biology, based on the work of

Louis Pasteur in the later 1800s, relies on the idea that disease comes from

germs that invade the body from the outside. But in studying the dazzling but

shamefully overlooked work of Pasteur's contemporary Antoine Bechamp and his

followers, including Gunther Enderlein, Claude Bernard, Virginia

Livingston-Wheeler, and Gaston Naessens, I've (Young) learnt that, in an acid

environment, bacteria and other microforms can come from our own cells.

Pasteur's " germs of the air " may contribute to illness, but they are not,

contrary to the popular belief, necessary for illness to occur.

Microforms can change their form and function. Bacteria can change into yeast,

yeast into fungus, and fungus into mold. With this work being overshadowed by

Pasteur's, we have for more then a hundred years lost the critical knowledge

that disease is a condition of our own inner environment, not something caused

by attack from foreign entities.

This reveals that there is something living independently in cells and body

fluids that is capable of evolution into more complex forms. These elements are

known as microzymas ( " micro, " meaning small, and " zyma, " meaning being), and all

living things contain them. Degeneration and regeneration both originate the


one chemical example of pleomorphism: the transition of plain water to steam –

or snowflake. The chemical structure doesn't change-it is still just H2O-but the

forms does, depending on the environment.

anaerobic = without oxygen

Pasteur was confusing disease with its symptoms. In reality, disease is a

general, underlying condition, not the symptoms we diagnose. If germs are

involved, they are themselves just symptoms of that underlying condition.

Remember that germs come from within cells, and that germs invading from outside

the body can only contribute to a state of imbalance and stimulate secondary

symptoms. What most people call disease is really just a collection of these

secondary symptoms. Germs are really just the expression of the underlying

disease condition = (over-acidity and microform overgrowth).

No matter what the symptoms bothering you, the immediate causes are always the

same: acidity and microform overgrowth.

Microforms-yeast, fungus, and mold-also rapidly deplete your supplies of the

B-complex vitamins, iron, and other minerals.

With all this, you wont be surprised to learn that microforms are the major

players in chronic fatigue syndrome, which may involve yeast and fungus damage

to nerve tissue and interference with nerve transmission thanks to ta breakdown

of neurotransmitters, In addition, acidic mycotoxin can strip away the myelin

sheath that coats and protects nerves and enables transmission of impulses.

One mycotoxin, known as the acetaldehyde, which is created from the fermentation

of sugar, can reduce strength and stamina, cause excessive fatigue, cloud

thinking, and block ambition. one way that happens is that it reduces the

absorption of protein and minerals, decreasing the ability to produce crucial

enzymes and hormones. another way is that it destroys essential enzymes reducing

cell energy. Acetaldehyde directly destroys neurotransmitters. fourthly, its

binds to the walls of red blood cells, like molecular glue, making them less

flexible and therefore less able to get into and through the capillaries of the

circulatory system. That leads to starvation and oxygen deprivation in the

tissues. (this probably explain my previous to the diet, cold hands and



Probiotics excrete a variety of beneficial substances, including the natural

antiseptics lactic acids and acidophilin, which also aid in digestion. they also

make vitamins-probiotics can produce almost all the B vitamins, including,

niacin, biotin, B6, B12,and folic acid, as well as make one B vitamins into

another. They can even make vitamin K, in some circumstances. With proper

cultures in your small intestine, even salmonella contamination would not affect


The pH inside your small intestine should be basic (7.5-8.0), but within your

stomach and colon, being slightly acidic is what you're after.

mildly acidic environment is required to initiate peristalsis, the rhythmic

muscular contractions of the intestinal wall that keep materials moving through.

microform grow by the nutrition that we should be getting (and make their

poisonous waste out of them). without proper nutrition, the body can not heal,

or regenerate its tissues as needed. if you can not digest and assimilate food,

the tissues will eventually starve. that not only decimates your energy levels

and makes you feel sick, but also accelerates the ageing process.


The villi grab food passing through, they transform it into red blood cells.

these red blood cells circulate throughout the body and transform themselves

into body cells of all types, including heart, liver, and brain cells. the pH of

the small intestine must be alkaline in order for the food to be transformed

into red blood cells. So the quality of the food we eat determine the quality of

the red blood cells that determine the quality of our bones, muscles, organs,

and so on. therefore, you are what you eat!

the good bacteria lactobacillus requires an alkaline environment in the small

intestine. bifidiobacterium thrives in a mildly acidic environment in the colon.

A word about: Bifidiobacterium, as this bacteria will not survive the alkalinity

of the small intestine, it is recommended to take it via an enema. further, you

must take bifidiobacterium separate to lactobacillus as they cancel each other

(unless the bifidiobacterium taken rectally). another option is prebiotics:

special foods that only probiotics eat, and thus encouraging the growth of the

friendly bacteria that is already in your system. a family of carbohydrates

called the fructo-oligosaccharides -FOS- feed bifidiobacterium but also

lactobacillus. they came as a supplement that can be on their own or as part of

a formula. also straight from the source (asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes,

beetroots, onions, garlic, and chicory).

Ash residue

all food digested in our body metabolises, or burns, down to an ash residue:

neutral, acidic or alkaline, depending mostly on the mineral content of the

original food/form. for example, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium zinc,

silver, copper, and iron for. basic ash; sulphur, phosphorus, chlorine, and

iodine leave acidic ash. however, most elements leave an alkaline ash.

in general, most animal products: meat, eggs, dairy,-processed and refined

foods, yeast products, fermented foods, grains, artificial sweeteners, fruit and

sugar are acidifying. as well as alcohol, coffee, chocolate, black tea, and

fizzy drinks. vegetables on the other hand are alkalising. although avocado,

bell peppers and tomatoes are considered fruit, they too are alkalising. a few

non-sweet citrus fruits also leave a basic ash: lemon, lime and grapefruit.

sprouts, nuts and seeds are basic. grains mostly turn to acid, except: millet,

buckwheat, and spelt which are only slightly acidic. also in general raw food is

more alkalising, while cooked food is more acidifying.

Lemon, lime and grapefruit, although are chemically acid, their ash is alkaline.

they are low in sugar too: between 3-5% at most. plus they are full of oxygen.

remember, microforms do not live well in the presence of oxygen, so these fruits

prevent their overgrowth. also helps to stop sugar cravings.

Caffeine produce a lot of acid and mucus! the only safe sweetener to use is


to maintain a balanced pH in your blood and tissues you should eat 70-80 percent

basic food residues. the more alkaline your diet the the quicker you will



Chlorophyll give vegetables their green colour. I (Young) call it the blood of

plants, as its molecular structure and chemical components are similar to that

of human blood. blood's haemoglobin is made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and

nitrogen organised around a single atom of iron. chlorophyll is the same with

the exception of the central atom, which is magnesium rather then iron.

Benefits of Chlorophyll to the human body:

•helps blood cells deliver oxygen throughout the body.

•reduces the binding of carcinogens to DNA in the liver and other organs.

•it also brakes down calcium stones! a thing that the body creates to neutralise

and dispose excess of acid for elimination.

vegetables are the plentiful sources of the enzymes that are needed for just

about every chemical activity in the human body. there are about thousands of

them, and we need them all for our overall energy reserves. the faster we

exhaust our supplies, the faster we die.

Phytonutrients, or phytochemicals are the components that give vegetables other

colours then green. like orange in carrots, yellow in peppers etc. they help

prevent cancer, they lower cholesterol, relive arthritis and osteoporosis, stop

hormones from being turned into acids, and more. it is believed that this

effects take place because of their strong free radicals countering. however,

Dr. Young believe that this is down to their ability to bind to

microforms and their toxins and either neutralise them or eliminate them (which

are basically acids).

An excellent dark green and yellow vegetables we should eat loads of:





•Brussels soriyts







•Garlic (Garlic, onion and ginger are all anti-fungal and anti-parasitic.)

•Green and yellow squash (courgette and summer squash)

•Green beans

•Green of all kinds (including spinach, mustard greens, collards, kale, lettuce,

watercress, and Swiss chard)


•Onions (Garlic, onion and ginger are all anti-fungal and anti-parasitic.)



•Peas (fresh)


•Red and yellow and green peppers


•Sea vegetables such as nori, wakame, and hijiki

•Spring onions

•Sprouted grains, beans and seeds



•Water chestnuts

•Winter squash

(please note that carrot, beetroots and winter squash are considered to be high

in sugar for vegetables, therefore easy on them)


powdered concentrate greens includes: wheat grass, barley grass, and kamut

grass. " what i said about the benefits of vegetables goes double for grasses. "


good grasses include: wheat grass, barley grass, oat grass, dog grass, kamut

grass, lemongrass, and shave grass/horsetail.

I'm taking Barley Grass for the moment first thing in the morning, I drink it

with fairly cold water and only use a little bit, and it tastes like a

refreshing Green Tea, who is cold.

wheat and barley grass are particularly good source of chlorophyll, and it is

the chlorophyll that gives grasses the power to regenerate our bodies at the

molecular level. two examples:

•Wheat grass contains more the 100 food elements, including every identified

mineral and trace mineral and every B-complex vitamin that exists. its contain

one of the highest pro-vitamin A of any food, and is rich in vitamins C, E and

K. wheat grass juice is 25% protein (this is more then eggs, meat, dairy or

beans). in addition it has high amounts of anti-fungal, antimycotoxic substance

called laetrile.

•Barley grass boasts four times as much thiamine (vitamin B1) as whole wheat

flower, and 30 times as much as milk. it has more vitamin C then oranges

(actually 7 times as much).

Grasses to avoid:

all algaes, mushrooms, and such (see page 87 what to avoid).

a word on Spirulina and Algae supplements:

they thrive in acid conditions, and really the are the scum you see growing on

top of stagnant ponds and lakes. toxins in algae have shown to harm the liver

and nervous system, and also to spour tumour growth in animals.

yes they contain B12 vitamins, which is not found in vegetables, however, the

algae get their B12 vitamins from birds droppings and feathers. not a thing we

want to get into our stomach! also our own intestinal bacteria can make B12.

also broccoli give you the same benefits as algae.

Low-Carbohydrate Vegetables

Complex carbohydrate make a lot of acid when they brake down (simple

carbohydrate even more so), and thus those should be kept at 20% of the diet.

Legume and grains they same, hence, no more then 20% of what you eat per day.

High-carbohydrate vegetables includes: potatoes, winter squash (acorn,

butternut, pumpkin), yams and sweet potatoes can all be eaten, but in

moderation. the role is that when you do eat them, make sure that they are

fresh, not stored for long and you don't store then for long either. remember

that sugar ferments which means more fungal. also check for fungal spots

(potatoes are most likely to have those) and remove them if you spot them. Red

new potatoes are the best choice when it comes to potatoes as they are this

year's potatoes, i guess that means that they will be the freshest.

Legumes (beans and peas) are usually anti-fungal. if you do find a spoiled dried

bean, you will usually see that the rest of the pack is fine. most legumes are


•kidney beans

•pinto beans

•adzuki beans

•black beans

•string beans (navy or white)

•chickpeas (garbanzo beans)

•split peas

•black-eye peas (cowpeas)

•lima beans

two that are primarily protein: soybeans (especially edamame, the fresh, whole

bean) and lentils.

other grains:

Buckwheat groats (is really a seed) and millet are high in protein and digest

slowly, keeping blood sugar balanced. Spelt contain more protein, healthy fats

and fibre than wheat. Spelt is also full of mucopolysaccharides-vital complex

sugars that literally glue the body together, lubricate joints, and support

immune function. Spelt is also high in B17, which is an anti-cancer vitamin.

when vegetables are not organic:

soak the vegetables in water that contain chlorite, C1O2 (or hydrogen peroxide –

rinse well afterwards), add 60 drops to the gallon.


Soy is a source of protein and a wide variety of nutrients. Although claims

about its being not so good for you recently, one only need to consider how much

the Chinese eat of it and how much to the reproduce. here is a list of

beneficial chemicals it contains:

•Isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen ( " plant estrogen " ), helps prevent the

growth of hormone-dependent cancers, such as many breast cancers.

•Daidzein, a particular isoflavone, inhibits the growth of cancer. it also has

been found to promotes cell differentiations in animal cancer cells being


•Genistein is an enzyme that can inhibit tumour growth and promote cell

differentiation. studies have shown that it helps block the growth of prostate

and breast cancer cells.

•Protease inhibitors (enzymes) block the action of enzymes that may promote

tumour growth and work against a wide range of cancers, including some of the

common-colon, breast, and liver cancers.

•Physic acid chelates, bind to, mycotoxins, a component that promote tumour

growth. By binding to this bad compound, they grab them out of the body on their

way out. Laboratory animal studies that have been purposefully fed mycotoxins,

shown both a reduction in the size and number of tumours when physic acid

chelates were introduced.

•Saponins, have been shown to lower the risk of certain cancers, including:

breast, prostate, stomach, and lung. (Saponins are also found in chickpeas and


To conclude, soy works to prevent some cancers, protect the heart, and balance

the hormones. however, some of its forms are not as good as others. the best way

to eat soy are fresh soy sprouts or soy sprouts supplement. Soybeans, edamae,

tofu, soybean oil and lecithin (a soy by-product that comes as liquid or

granules to be used in recipes or sprinkled on salads and soups, or taken as a

supplement). soy milk only organic and with no added of anything (i.e. sugars

etc). soy to avoid: any of the fermented ones, such as miso, tempeh and soy



no more then once a month. the fish has to be fresh, fresh, fresh. newly caught.

the water it comes from need to be unpolluted. Salmon, Trout, red snapper,

swordfish, and tuna are best as they're high on omega 3 oils. avoid all

shellfish, as they eat anything, including faces of other fishes, as a result

they are full of toxins. avoid dried fish too as they are full of fungus and

mycotoxins. those fishes are used widely in Asian kitchens.


exercising accelerates the lymphatic process (sweating), which helps get rid of

excess acids and wastes through the skin.

Essential Fats

you should eat only Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). those should make 20% of your

calories intake. they are the building blocks of the fats that strengthen cell

walls. Polyunsaturated fats such as linseed (flax), borage, evening primrose,

grape seed and hemp oils help construct cell membranes, produce hormones and

bind and eliminate acids.

most oils contain both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, those that are

predominately monounsaturated, like: olive oil, raw nuts and avocados, are

beneficial. they are later used, when our body become balance, for cellular

energy, literally our body will run on them instead of sugar.

EFAs strengthen immune cells, lubricate joints, insulate the body against heat

loss, provide energy and are used to make hormone-like prostaglandins that

protect against heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis,

and blood clots, and are necessary for energy metabolism and immune system

health. EFAs can also help relieve arthritis, asthma, PMS, allergies, skin

conditions, and some behavioural disorders, as well as improve brain function.


full of vitamins, minerals and complete proteins. they are probably the best

food one can eat. they are living plants foods (biogenic) which means they can

transfer their life and energy to you. seeds become more alkaline as they

sprout, and sprouts are full with enzymes.

in the sprouting process, plant hormones are activated, protein are predigested

into easily assimilated amino acids that work better in human body, fats are

broken down into more easily assimilated fatty acids, and starches are broken

down into easily assimilated vegetables sugars.

sprouts-and soaked seeds and nuts- are alkalising, life-generating,

revitalising, high-energy foods. they are high in enzymes, predigested complete

proteins, chelated (protein-coated) minerals, nucleic acids, vitamins, RNA, DNA,

and vitamins B12. Biotin content increases by 50% at sprouting, vitamin B5 by

200%, B6 by 500%, folic acid by 600% and riboflavin (B12) by 1,300%

common sprouts:


•Bean sprout

•Mung bean sprouts


•green lentil




•and wheat sprouts

•soy of course is best eaten sprouted too!

Good nuts and seeds:






•linseed (when i sprinkle those on food, esp. the dissolved type of fibre, i

fell less hungry for long periods)

•sesame seeds

almonds are particularly good, substantially alkalising and high in protein and

calcium. soaking almonds: in water for over night, drain and store in the


Stay clear of peanuts. Avoid rancid nuts and seeds. If a batch of hulled seeds,

such as sunflower pumpkin seeds, is sprinkled with broken or sick-looking seeds,

don't eat it. If you get a rancid taste, an odd bitter sting at the back of your

throat, get rid of the batch. Sesame and linseed are almost always okay. Almonds

and hazelnuts should either be shelled on the spot or have their brown

protective skin intact. Do not use broken, gouged, or chipped nuts.


like the earth, our body 70% water, our blood 94% water. alkaline water are

waters that have a pH of between 9 and 11.

pH drops: 10-20 drops for 10-20 fluid 300-600ml.

amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.

Instead of bread:

•sprouted whole wheat tortillas (i eat nearly all the sprouted breads as think

they are all good?)

•soba noodles (Japanese buckwheat noodles)

•mugwort and wild yam soba noodles

cooked grains belong to the 20-30% of your meal that is acid, except buckwheat

and spelt, which are not acidifying.

The cleanse

(see page 159)

the cleanse eliminates acid wastes and negative microforms from the whole body,

detoxifying your blood, tissues and digestive system. i can also add from

personal experience that the villi is getting cleaner, as when i started to eat

healthy pH foods i felt the energy and when i then after one week of no sugar

ate a pack of dark chocolate, though still containing sugar, i didn't feel so

great afterwards.

(after the cleanse you want to look at page 169)


cucumber, kale, broccoli, celery, lettuce, collards, okra, wheat grass, barley

grass, watercress, parsley, cabbage, spinach, alfalfa sprouts. you can add

carrot or beetroot to make the taste milder.

Essiac Tea and Raspberry Leaf are recommended teas.


a multivitamin and a multi-mineral are also essential to take during the

cleanse. they should be with cell salts, where each capsule of the

broad-spectrum vitamin should contain at least 500 milligrammes and the

multi-mineral 500 milligrammes. Chlorophyll concentrate is also recommended to

take for its anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties and enzyme activation;

colloidal silver, rhodium and iridium; and an antimycotoxin formula, ideally

combined with n-acetylcysteine, l-taurine, and organic sulphur.

colloidal silver, assists growth of new tissue.

aloe vera juice helps break up pocket of protein, especially in the small


after the cleanse:

continue with the supplement and add, digestive enzymes, including: amylase,

protease, lipase, papain, and bromelain; and an anti-yeast formula, which need

to contain: caprylic acid or undecylenic acid. also: an anti-parasite formula,

which needs to contain black walnut hulls.


just thinking back to how tired i was before this programme motivates me


my energy picked up, my digestive system became more comfortable, and the major

change was the my brain fog was cleared! this returned my alertness and

concentration (p.184).

bodily and mind changes i am starting to notice:

•i have more energy

•i sleep better

•i can stay concentrate whilst reading for longer

•i feel silly happy, i laugh with no apparent reason at times

•i smile more

•i lost some weight

•dots/rash like i had in my upper arms has started to disappear (five weeks into

the programme, i now see now sign of them!)

•my hands and arms skin 100% seems to improve, they got darker like they use to

be when i was younger.

•my hands on feet are no longer freezing, the blood circulation is getting


•the veins in my hands are sinking in.

•improve of eye sight (p. 153)

•I recall at random past memories, I also remember new scenarios better, like

phone calls, or what I told someone.

Alkaline food and supplement suppliers:









vegetable should eat:



Ethanol = Alcohol: among other negative effects of alcohol, it its affect on the

central nervous system, therefore neurons and all their surroundings are

effected too.

Does he approve any of these:

Chlorella has the highest content of chlorophyll (a natural detoxifier) of any

known plant. It also contains a unique substance called Chlorella Growth Factor

(CGF) which is made up of a variety of substances including amino acids,

peptides, proteins, vitamins, and nucleic acids which help to support the immune





http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panax_ginseng (this i think he does)



•Calendula (also: Calendula officinalis, known as Pot Marigold or Scotch


•Trifolium pratense (Red Clover)

•Burdock is any of a group of biennial thistles in the genus Arctium (Dandelion

and burdock) (this i think he does)

•Nettle (Stinging nettle or common nettle, Urtica dioica) (this i think he does)


" Herbal teas such as nettle, burdock, red clover and calendula have

traditionally been used as blood cleansers and dandelion root " coffee " is a good

liver tonic. "



some info on nutrition:


Acetaldehyde: produce symptoms of hangover! Accumulate in the brain and muscle,

thus make brain fog feeling.

Alkaline minerals:






•Young coconut kefir?

get: Bromelain its come in powders


http://www.google.co.uk/search?rlz=1C1GGLS_en-GBGB353GB354 & aq=0 & oq=bragg+liqui & \

sourceid=chrome & ie=UTF-8 & q=bragg+liquid+aminos

http://www.google.co.uk/search?rlz=1C1GGLS_en-GBGB353GB354 & sourceid=chrome & ie=U\

TF-8 & q=the+living+water+machine%23






Granose soya milk=yum!



The Slippery Elm Ulmus rubra

The inner bark can be ground into a nutrient-rich gruel, off which one can

solely survive for a short period. The bark also contains a mucilage that is

used as a remedy for sore throats. Sometimes it is dried and ground into a

powder beforehand, then made into a tea. Both Slippery Elm gruel and tea are

said to soothe the digestive tract, especially the GI tracts of those with

irritable bowel syndrome or gastritis. There are no known contraindications for

Slippery Elm. According to Herbs and Natural Supplements: An Evidence-Based

Guide, " Although Slippery Elm has not been scientifically investigated, the FDA

has approved it as a safe demulcent substance. "

Babies first food

Slippery Elm is from the dried, powdered inner-bark of the North American Red

Elm tree. It can be bought from most health shops in powder form. It is

considered good for the baby when starting their first solids, especially if you

have to start early. The mucilage, which is its greatest contribution

therapeutically, is of a unique kind. It absorbs intestinal fluids but at the

same time providing nutrition and in particular calcium phosphate. Slippery Elm

is easy to digest and it very good for their bowels. To make, you only need a

tiny amount of powder and mix it with water, formula or breast milk. It can also

be sprinkled on food to help with digestion.

























To Sort:

•Human Gastro-Intestinal tract (is the digestive system, which in short also

known as simply the GI tract ): From the mouth to the Stomach (large intestine),

to the small intestine and ending up in the Colon.

•Mucilage is a thick gluey substance produced by most plants and some

microorganisms: It occurs in various parts of nearly all classes of plant,

usually in relatively small percentages, and is frequently associated with other

substances, such as tannins and alkaloids.

" Amaranth seeds, like buckwheat and quinoa, contain protein that is unusually

complete for plant sources.[14] Most fruits and vegetables do not contain a

complete set of amino acids, and thus different sources of protein must be used.

Its seeds have a protein content greater than that of wheat. However, unlike

that found in true grains (i.e. from grass seeds) its protein is not of the

problematical type known as gluten.[15] " from wikipidiea under Nutritional



Food Combining

•Protein combination – vegetarians combine low fat plant foods proteins to gain

their requirements

•Food Combining

•Food combining – the most natural way to eat

•What is the Hay Diet

•Food combining from healing daily


•Food Combining : Kitchen Table Medicine

•Gums-looking under the section which tell what not to have in your touth paste


•Aesculus hippocastanum – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Alkaline Diet & the pH Miracle at Energise For Life

•Allergy Elimination Diet : Kitchen Table Medicine

•Bach flower remedies – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•BBC – Food – Recipes: Consumer food issues – Omega-3

•Bran – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Calcium – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Capsaicin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Carbohydrates & Fiber

•Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids,

Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (Macronutrients)

•Endorphin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Essential amino acid – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Fatty acid – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Jack LaLanne – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Kitchen Table Medicine phorum – Food Combining – starch free diet

•Nutra-Smart.net – for smart nutrition on the `net

•Oenothera – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Omega-3 fatty acid – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•pH – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•pH Balance Your Body: Alkaline Supplements & pH Test Strips from pHion

•pH Miracle Living îæåï îìëåú – åé÷éôãéä

•Psychosomatic medicine – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Quorn – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Rosemary for Remembrance : Kitchen Table Medicine

•Salt – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Ten Foods That Increase Serotonin Levels!

•Tryptophan – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Who are the Villains of the Kitchen Table? : Kitchen Table Medicine

•Witch hazel (astringent) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•áøéàåú – ø÷ áøéàåú nrg – …îãøéê: ëê úáçøå ðëåï àú äéø÷åú

•áøéàåú – úæåðä åëåùø nrg – …éìãé äñðãååéõ': îãøéê ìäëðú

•áøéàåú - úæåðä åëåùø nrg – …ùòú äùï: äîãøéê ìîù÷àåú

•çåîöä öéèøéú – åé÷éôãéä


•Biosnacky Germinator Glass Jar: Amazon.co.uk: Garden & Outdoors

•Biosnacky Large Germinator: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen & Home

•GEO Terracotta Sprouter: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen & Home

•GEO Sprouter: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen & Home

•Alkaline Diet – Understanding the pH Miracle Diet » Blog Archive » How To Make

Alkaline Water

•The Basics of Sprouting

•Germination – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


•Acetaldehyde – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Alkaline Diet | Eat Alkaline and Green Food to Balance Body pH!

•Amazing Grass – About Wheat Grass

•Essiac – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Halibut – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Lehigh University Department of Biological Sciences

•Paleolithic diet – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•pHion Green Powder 210g Alkalising Superfood: Amazon.co.uk: Health & Beauty

•Pistachios are a source of gammatocopherol.

•Pukka Clean Greens Powder: Amazon.co.uk: Health & Beauty

•Red raspberry leaf – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Self-Reliance Yeast – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•Spices, seasonings, soups, cereals, mixes, pastas, and rice | The Spice Hunter

•Stevia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

•YouTube – Dr. Young's lecture in Omaha Nebraska

End note

so yeah, this is the gathered knowledge for the time being. i am constantly

trying to learn on what works best for me, and will keep update this page as

often as things happens. I am just left to ask you to comment, improve the

written language and maybe even get your own copy of Young book and help improve

this post accordingly

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