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We here are all already " managing, " and chronic diseases in our world tend to

stay chronic. There is really no solving 'em. We can sometimes do some

prevention, eg reduce the incidence, sometimes surgery fixes stuff, but it is

clear that modern living creates diseases, and no gov't can do a whole lot about


Contagious diseases seem solvable, but look how TB and syphilis have bounced

back. Look at how much has gone into AIDS research and it is still spreading

like wildfire. What good are " solutions " that only work in theory? A solution

that no one can utilize is clearly no solution.



disease get solved or managed when governmental research instititutes

embark on an aggressive research program. Any knowledge found in researching CFS

would help people across the globe and would also help future generations to




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  • 5 years later...


I received the following in a private e-mail. I think what they have

to say is important and they gave me permission to re-post it

here. I have a comment at the end.

-----begin re-post-----

There are only two ways to limit the ability of people to profit

using poison or by neglect of science.

1. Public education. Teach the public what product X or incident

Y will cost them in terms of their lives and futures. That means

posting all over the country and abroad in newspaper columns

featuring related stories. Tell them the truth based upon ATSDR

data or MSDS sheets what is in product X and link to health

effects. Tell them their expensive new homes won't be covered

by insurance if containing Chinese drywall or has a wet basement

etc. Most readers don't have a clue and quite a few will

appreciate them. Ignore bad replies as drivel or vested interests

interfering. Just respond to legit questions.

2. Litigation. We must have more plaintiff's attorneys willing to

take on good cases and see them to completion. Re-educate the

public about the morality of litigation and replace the lies left in

their minds from the Mc's hot coffee suit. That was a well

justified law suit as described by, of all sources, the Wall Street

Journal. Yet industry (and defense lawyers) turned that into a

joke. I urge everyone to read this and contact legal groups to

learn which ones want to achieve both profit and precedent in

their work. Non-profit law firms would do very well in this area

since they could take in good salaries and pool remaining

resources to pay for the best scientists and expert witnesses that

everyday lawyers can't hire since they won't win enough to cover

costs and the exorbitant profits they want for their private firms.

Find those firms and lawyers and post about them.

Government and private organizations can't change how the

economy works just as none of them could attempt to get

universal health care bills onto the floor of congress. Only the

public can do that - voters and consumers using collective clout

instead of being pawns in the games of other interests.

-----end repost-----

My comment: If this person is right about the need to get the

public involved, how do we do that? Who or which groups could

we partner with to take up our cause as part of their own and

begin a movement?

I saw a quote during the last election which said something like:

" If the people will lead, the leaders will follow. "

Our cause may be fueled by anger and rightous indignation,

which we all have plenty of, but must be executed skillfully,

legitimately and persistently. Who might listen and become


Carl Grimes

Healthy Habitats LLC

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environmental groups, clean air groups, groups against toxic chemicals,ect.

childrens futures groups, heres another idea,


we are not lier's,the brain injuryies just make it seem that way.

we do exactly what doctors hate, we, very carefully, with as much understanding

that we can understand about our exposues and the effects it's caused, put

together a study of each of our exposures,

each personalized with our thoughts,questions and things that we fell is being

misunderstood,or ignored. keep it real, mistakes and all, if you spend hours

correcting your mistakes, note it too, put some thoughts into it, right or

wrong, they are your thoughts, the problems

of not understanding exactly what when why or how may be what

people,doctors,ect. need to realize the most. we are very ill, we don't function

very well, we are not liers but our brain injuries might make us look that way

if you dont spend enough time listening and being very careful about how you

diagnose us. help us understand and get the public aware of just what all can

happen with exposures to damp moldy homes and other chemical exposures, we are

not alone with our suffering, many people are dealing with MCS symptoms from

other toxin/chemical exposures where they work, we just have the extra problem

of also becomeing very sensitive to molds, and mvoc's.

but MCS mild to severe , can and well ruin the productivity of the human

workforce and put more people on disability than ever before and

very few may ever be able to hold a job again because theres just very few

places where you can control the air you have to breath.

for example:

at some point here someone was under the thought that you couldn't suffer from

both mold allergies and mold toxin exposure at the same time, that you have to

have one or the other.

I'm saying thats just not true as I have both the damage from

mycoxin/mvoc/voc/ect. exposure and severe allergies from being exposed to high

amounts of molds. I believe that with the damage caused by the toxin exposure,

my allergies to molds has a very different effect on me than what one would

exspect as the normal runny nose/watery eyes effects of allergies. the damage my

ears and the inner ear have suffered causes me to have to live with re-accuring

ringing with a felling of yawning that does not end, somwhat like the pain with

when your ears pop, but contant, and can last several days straight and comes

and goes. really bad ringing is a pretty good sign to me that I'm may be on the

way to a major migraine with brain swelling where I may have csf fluid leak out

my ears and sinuses. not as bad as when I was exposed but even a small amount

means my brain is swelling. what could be done to cure this?

the damage to my head during my exposure causes painful migraines, two

different types, coming from two different effects/area's. one is a frontal

migraine/effects from the sinuses from breathing chemicals and molds,

aggarvation to damaged sinuses, ect. one that is more severe that goes up the

back of my neck, can result in re-accuring brain swelling,slurred speech,

ect. and are quite scary. these result from delayed efffects, prolonged

re-exposure to many types of chemicals, purfumes, bug sprays, cooking smells,

things I eat, and re-accuring lung infections that are seperate from the

reactive airways disease that I believe goes along with the MCS that I have as a

result of toxin exposure.

I also suffer from vertigo, light sensitivity and sometimes seizure

type effects from some unknown causes which I suspect mainly to be

certain types of mycotoxin or voc's, possably the same type or types that I was

exposed to when the main damage accured to my olfactory

system,tracts,neurons,and limbic system,ect. one rememerable episode

was from being in a infectious disease doctors waiting room and I felt very

strongly that many of his patients may be sick from mold exposure because of the

effects I suffered while there.

another type of what I believe to be a mycotoxin exposure of a certain kind,

very possably thrichothecene mycotoxins, based on my first exposure have a very

sneaky effect of first smelling that dirty

dust smell that has sneaky brain effects and more obvious effects like sore

breasts and nipples,soreness to the upper roof of the mouth, diarrea,leg

weekness,tremors, overall malase that lasts a few months. with MCS my moods can

be altered instantly by a chemical exposure that other people might not even

notice, sometimes I dont even smell anything but I know because of the effects.


I can go in a store in a good mood and be angry or crying by the time I get out,

for no other reason but a smell, road traffic can affect me in many ways.

cooking smells can linger and cause anywhere from migranes for 2 or 3 days, just

like something with a faint perfume smell that is brought into my home and

because I have olfactory damage sometimes I may not smell it but the migranes

let my know.

sometimes cooking has caused immeditate severe migranes and throwing up. I dont

get along with fermented or things fermenting at all.

I have gotten very ill from fermenting fruit or vegitables, potatos

getting rotten,ect. even a glass of juice getting warm, and I cant even tolerate

the smell of alcholic beverages. these fermenting/

fermented things causes a immeditate swimming of head.

now i very slowly over a 4 year period tried very hard to learn on my own how

the body works and give myself answers as to why and how this affected my body,

and to tried to see if there were any cures.

for example, I learned that the simple cheap method of washing my sinuses on a

daily bases helped in two ways, 1 it basicly replaces the need for allergy

shots, 2- it helps with the frontal migraines I get from things i breath that

can get in the sinus area and continue to cause me distress even after i have

gotten away from the offending chemical/toxin/oder. and there have been many

times that this simple

washing the sinuses has saved me alot of pain. sorry doc's, this one is free and

i do it myself.

I want to know why we are exspected, with our brain damage, our diffuculties

with thinking fast, being organized with not only our thoughts but many other

areas of our lives, are exspected to be more able to get things done than say

someone with alztimers, autism,

ect. where is our help? where is our support groups? where is our goverment


this would take more work and some time. I think it would be very interesting if

everyone did this on their own, to the best of theri ability, and understanding

of their own bodies and effects, and all put together, might make doctors

understand that what we dell with is not a text book diagnoses, hard to

understand, harder to explain, and

putting it all off as us being a buch of liers is the easy way out

and their takeing the easy way out by denieing our illness instead of trying to

help us. and gee, I think things have changed enough that a doctor who would

liable one of us as nuts instead of trying to help us should be considered as

neglectful and not doing his job!

why has medical science fallin into a very bad way of closed minded/textbook/by

the book jerks?

gee, the future of humankind depends on openmindiness in medical science. for

example, why, oh why are people in this generation and the companies they work

for are not makeing it no.1 priority to have and use proper face masks when

dealing with or being around chemicals?

basicly we would be putting together a study, what we live with, go through,

people who have been through this for years and people who have just left their

homes. it would be very important for everyone to do their paper by theirself

and be very truthful. because believe me, as many of us know, when you go to a

doctor, notes get turned around, left out, or not wrote down at all. thats not a

good thinG when it comes to the brain damage and some of us haveing difficulties

with communication, exspecially if we are getting exposed to the doctors colone

while he's examining us. these are the type of things doctors need to realize.

dont wear that nasty azz colone that makes my head swim than turn around and

accuse me of lieing because you dont get, and dont take the time to get MCS.

LOL'S SO ANYWAY Carl, I dont thibk we should have to hide our anger.

and really, I'm beyond it, I cant. I cannot not be angry over what this has done

to me and my family. and I think people need to fell our pain and thats what

well get people envolved.

ps, I worked on this reply off and on sence this morning, all together, I'd say

maybe 1 hour, typing with my one finger cause I cant seem to get my finger-brain

cordenation back where I can type with both hands and not look at the keyboard.i

did remember to take off the caps.

and yes, just recently I chewed on a doctor's behind because that five minutes,

plus the tapping tap tap of the pen on the table cost

me and my doctor a opertunity to connect and it had bad results.

and what makes me very angry is to top it all off he wasn't listening anyway

because the next time i saw him his colone was hurting me.

just like the eye sergery center didn't listen and the lady sticking the needle

in me was gagging me at the same time. and people get offened if i tell them

their perfume is makeing me sick.

I'm tried of this crap! I'd like to just spray a jar of perfume up their noses

and when they are sicker than crap from it, say



> Group,


> I received the following in a private e-mail. I think what they have

> to say is important and they gave me permission to re-post it

> here. I have a comment at the end.


> -----begin re-post-----


> There are only two ways to limit the

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There is a film in the making by a non profit addressing cases such as the 'hot

coffee' incident.

[] Re: Activism

Carl - That advice is well taken. I remember the Mc's case well. The

public saw the large initial " judgment award " but not the " remittitur " or

reduction in the award. And, it happeneded in the Ballard trial. But what the

public does not see or remember is the procedural change made upon appeal of the

judgment. People don't understand that there is a " deterrent " factor in a harsh

money award.

The temperature of the coffee was shocking. The fact that almost everyone runs

through the " drive through " makes the conduct egregious because of the amount of

people who could potentially be harmed. A lawsuit is hardly a cake-walk, but it

is represented as such but those who are interested in tort reform, to minimize

their " exposure as a cost of doing business. "

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There is another big factor involved in litigation. It's called dirty money.

There is a lot of corruption and pay-offs all over the country especially in

mold cases that have significant damages at stake. There are many articles on

the Internet about the corruption in the system. Start with the Wall Street

Journal articled titled " Justice for Sale. "


From: ginloi <ginloi@...>

Sent: Tue, November 17, 2009 7:19:53 AM

Subject: [] Re: Activism

Carl - That advice is well taken. I remember the Mc's case well. The

public saw the large initial " judgment award " but not the " remittitur " or

reduction in the award. And, it happeneded in the Ballard trial. But what the

public does not see or remember is the procedural change made upon appeal of the

judgment. People don't understand that there is a " deterrent " factor in a harsh

money award.

The temperature of the coffee was shocking. The fact that almost everyone runs

through the " drive through " makes the conduct egregious because of the amount of

people who could potentially be harmed. A lawsuit is hardly a cake-walk, but it

is represented as such but those who are interested in tort reform, to minimize

their " exposure as a cost of doing business. "

There are more trials that need to be held to show " egregiousness " and " willfull

disregard of the health and safety of the public. "

So people can rant on about rich lawyers all they want but they should look up

the Leukemia trial in Woburn, Mass. in which the lawyer, played by

Travolta, Jan Schlictmann lost everything. Everything. Everything. The Civil

Action. This got press about how the system functions.

Thanks for that post.


> Group,


> I received the following in a private e-mail. I think what they have

> to say is important and they gave me permission to re-post it

> here. I have a comment at the end.

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The MSDS and other " lists " need to be written in " plain language " not chemical

language. In other countries they are " spelled out " as toxins, eg. toxin A,

level one type protection, toxin B, level two type protection, etc.

The toxins listed on these lists are incomplete, and not described in lay

persons terms.

People are not stupid. But, no more than voter information or the daily

newspapers which are generally written at a grade six reading level, worker

information needs to be easily understandable to the average " worker " or

" consumer " and these people would never get away with this under any Consumer

Protection scheme, as things need to be in large print according to importance

and potential to be " false or misleading. "


> Group,


> I received the following in a private e-mail. I think what they have

> to say is important and they gave me permission to re-post it

> here. I have a comment at the end.



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