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Ok, I am not going be PC, non-confrontational, peace/love and kumbyya

with this email.

It seems every damn group is having 'marches, protests' etc., to get

awareness, recognition etc.

Yeah yeah, I know we can'ta go places,BUT, if you have the ability to

sit and read/write emails then you can do something.

Me and Harry Reids office are back having our usual I want more done

regading enviro bill etc.

Seems that people like to post to groups but too lazy, afraid, choose

your adjective to contact elected officials. Well, get an emailout to

both of your senators requesting more controls on IAQ, standards of IAQ

levels in offices, buildings etc. More recongition for barriers we

face and request that any office, company, etc., that receives any sort

of federal funding even if it goes through and is administered by a

state MUST provide safe environments/accommodations like they do with

wheelchairs braille etc.

I am suppose to give them copies of letters that have been sent to

other senatoars, so that harry can get support for a bill covering

these issues. if harry gets enough letters that his fellow senataors

are being conjtacted they will have harry work on a bill for us.

Right now harry is in a uphill battle for his seat and since he has the

'title' mr. environment lets get something done prior to most likely

his loss in next years election. We have the head of the senate

that we can get to...so lets use it and stop with the 'oh, i don't wnat

to make waves, i am too sick to write etc.' yueah yeah so am I so

don't use that linewith me.

I warned you I was not going to be peace/love etc in this email.

If you are reading this, you are on lists that are looking to make

changes that benefit all of us or are seeking knowledge...stop keeping

this damn life destroying illness in the shadows. Of course the public

doesn't really see/understand it, as most of us stay indoors...then

again you have otehrs who go otu and wear our badge of war aka masks

and make it seen by the public.

No one on here can be crazy enough to think that we can't effect


Dont worry about being technical as the 'legislative aides' have no

science background and if you did do something technical it would go

over their heads. That is very apparent if you speak to one of them

they are lost at anything that does nto involve 'poly sci' foundations.

here is a fairly generic overview on how to proceed by the aclu


I need copies of letters/emails from all over the country either

organizations, individuals etc., who want tighter reings, legislation

and removal of baarriers addressed to their elected officials. Then I

was told if harry can go in with support from other senators

consitutuents he could have a chance getting it pushed through.

Each letter represnts x-ampount of other voters, and that is in our

facor. Get people who know you and see the impact on your lives to

also write..power in numbers.

Getting off my soapbox and do EXPECT that others will stop talking

and walk the walk.

I will NOT subnit a single letter if there is a reference to MCS! And

if harry, john, shelley or dina ever submitated a bill i would be going

on the attack.

Its being poisoned by chemcials and its chemical or environmental

INJURY! No ghosts or fake names, as the elected officals before they

respond to a letter/phone call they look up your voting registration

info. No info that elicits a more 'thanks for nothing' letter.

Most of them have email that you can use via their site. You cannot

make a copy of that and so that type of contact will not help. Send

the letter to their LOCAL office not their DC office. As all cmail

takes almost a month to get through the screening process for anthrax

in DC. I leanred that the hard way, evne US express mail took 3 weeks.

Thats why I have to fax everything to dc or mail it to the local


Sned your letters to NTEF

POB 29194

Las Vegas, NV 89126

No names/addresses will be published on any website or distrbuted to

anyone. All correspondence will be hand carried and

submitted to harry reids office here in vegas.


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