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Mom Says Southwest Booted Her Family, Autistic Son, Off Flight

Posted by: Mackenzie McKenzie 13 hrs ago

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Seattle, WA -- A Washington state mom says flying with her four children was

unbelievable. She says Southwest left her stranded. Now she wants an


Slaughter and her pregnant sister were travelling with Slaughter's

autistic son, her daughter who suffers from cerebral palsy, and her two

other children.

It was her children's first flight and she admits they were being loud and

had trouble sitting still. But she says she was shocked when police detained

her family during a connection flight in Phoenix.

" I am furious about it. I can't believe they could do something like that

and then leave us completely stranded with no money no way to get anywhere, "

Slaughter says.

The flight attendants asked for the children to quiet down twice, but she

never thought they'd get booted from the plane.

She wants an apology, and compensation for the tickets she had to purchase

through another airline to get home.

Southwest Airlines told KIRO TV the children were being disruptive and

unruly and they were not allowed back on the plane for the safety of other


What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comment section of this story.

CNN Pathfire/KIRO

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I'm sure that the Office of Civil Rights in their state would love to

hear this one. It sounds like a few different

violations...hopefully, they sue the pants off that airline to make a

statement. With Autism now effecting 1 in 67, companies need to

start coming up with different accommodating strategies other than

settling for discrimination.


> http://www.digtriad.com/news/most_popular/article.aspx?

storyid=106836 & provid

> er=top


> Mom Says Southwest Booted Her Family, Autistic Son, Off Flight


> Posted by: Mackenzie McKenzie 13 hrs ago

> Read Comments Print Article Email Article Larger Smaller


> Seattle, WA -- A Washington state mom says flying with her four

children was

> unbelievable. She says Southwest left her stranded. Now she wants an

> apology.


> Slaughter and her pregnant sister were travelling with


> autistic son, her daughter who suffers from cerebral palsy, and her


> other children.


> It was her children's first flight and she admits they were being

loud and

> had trouble sitting still. But she says she was shocked when police


> her family during a connection flight in Phoenix.


> " I am furious about it. I can't believe they could do something

like that

> and then leave us completely stranded with no money no way to get

anywhere, "

> Slaughter says.


> The flight attendants asked for the children to quiet down twice,

but she

> never thought they'd get booted from the plane.


> She wants an apology, and compensation for the tickets she had to


> through another airline to get home.


> Southwest Airlines told KIRO TV the children were being disruptive


> unruly and they were not allowed back on the plane for the safety

of other

> customers.


> What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comment section of

this story.



> CNN Pathfire/KIRO


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