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Fw: ss info- plese sign this

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Shirley Swaim Oklahoma

ss info- plese sign this

Subj: Please sign this


It does not matter if you personally like or dislike Bush. You need to

sign this petition and flood his e-mail box with e-mails that tell him that,

even if the House passes this bill, he needs to veto it. It is already

impossible to live on Social Security alone. If the government gives benefits

to " illegal " aliens who have never contributed, where does that leave those of

us who have paid into Social Security all our working lives?

As stated below, the Senate voted this week to allow " illegal " aliens

access to Social Security benefits.

Attached is an opportunity to sign a petition that requires citizenship

for eligibility to that social service.

Instructions are below. If you don't forward the petition and just stop

it, we will lose all these names.

If you do not want to sign it, please just forward it to everyone you


Thank you!

To add your name, click on " forward " . Address it to all of your email

correspondents, add your name to the list and send it on.

When the petition hits 1,000, send it to comment@...

PETITION for President Bush:

Dear Mr President:

We, the undersigned, protest the bill that the Senate voted on recently

which would allow illegal aliens to access our Social Security. We demand that

you and all Congressional representatives require citizenship as a pre-requisite

for social services in the United States .

We further demand that there not be any amnesty given to illegals, NO free

services, no funding, no payments to and for illegal immigrants.

We are fed up with the lack of action about this matter and are tired of

paying for services to illegals.

1. Takami , Calif.

2. Connie Dodd. Calif.

3. Beirau , Calif.

4. Barbara Murray , Calif.

5. Dody Farha , Okla.

6, Woody Farho, Okla

7. Donna Capatosto , CA

8. Larry Capatosto , CA

9. Capatosto , CA

10. Capatost o, CA

11. Nan cy Brown, Torrance , CA

12. Brown, Torrance , CA

13. Tamara , Torrance , CA

14. Darrin , Torrance , CA

15. J . L. Thome, Torrance , CA

16. J. E. Thome, Torrance , CA

17. Cook, Manhattan Beach , CA

18. Thrall, Rancho Palos Verdes , CA

19. Jim Lehman The Dalles , OR


21. Ed Melone Phoenix AZ

22. Laetitia Borden Phoenix AZ

23. Bob Reid, Mesa AZ

24. Janet Reid, Mesa AZ

25. Kaley Reid, Mesa AZ

26. Reid, Mesa AZ

27. Spike Graham, Paradise Valley , AZ

28. Graham, Paradise Valley , AZ

29. Joe ston, Gilbert AZ

30.. Jerry Eppler, Carmel , CA

31. Worth, Prescott AZ

32. Carville, Los Altos , CA

33. Ron Jeziorski, Santa Clara , CA

34. Jeff Jeziorski, Thousand Oaks , CA

35. Kos, Thousand Oaks

36. Kos, Thousand Oaks

37. Pierre Gerardy, Fillmore , CA

38. Nadeau, Van Nuys , CA

39. Nadeau, Van N uys

40 ; Nadeau, van N uys

41. Coburn, Sherman Oaks , CA

42. Harper, Sherman Oaks

43. Carver , Los Angeles

44. Turgeon, Los Angeles

45. Wainwright, Redondo Beach

46. Raoch, Redondo Beach , CA

47. Doris Roach, Redondo Beach , CA

48 Sabel, Redondo Beach , CA

49. Wood, Redndo Beach , CA

50 Wainwright, San Diego , CA

51. Kauffman, San Diego , CA

52. Don ! nson, Hawthrone , CA

53. Sam Gerardi, Redondo Beach , CA

54 . Michele Crowley , PA

55. Crowley , PA

56. Bill

57. Jan Thompso n

58. Brit Lane

59. Therese Blyleven

60. Eugenia Barney

61 Larry Barne

62. Barbara M. Kohl Tonasket , Wa


64. Deveta Papania, Yuma , AZ

65. B. Picciano , AZ

66. A. Picciano , AZ

67. J. Lang, Ar

68. W. Lang, Ar.

69. C. Gully, Ca...

70. J. Gully, Ca.

71. C Rusch Ca

72. Chryl Gallagher, Ca

73. Dominic Cerra , CA .

74. Regan, Vista , CA

75. Hamnquist, Vista , CA

76. Mike Hamnquist, Vista , CA

77. Myrrl Hamnquist, Vista , CA

78. Janette McLintock, V ista, CA

79. McLintock, Vista , CA

80. McLintock, Jr, Lincoln , NE

81. McLintock, Linco ln, NE

82. J. Woodburn, Vista , CA

83. M. A. Woodburn, V! ista , CA

84. C. A. Woodburn, Vista , CA

85. Gerald A. Boswell, Prescott , AZ

86. Rehab S. Bo swell, Prescott , AZ

87. Oliver , Prescott , AZ

88. Carolyn S. , Prescott , AZ

89. A. Reid

90. Shirley L. Reid

91. Whiteley Las Vegas , NV

92. Whiteley Las Vegas , NV

93. Barbara Meyer , CA

94. Damery

95. , Pioneer, CA.

96. Debbie , Pioneer, CA.

97. Dorall, Pioneer, CA

98. Dorall, Pioneer, CA.

99. Janice CA

100 Orville CA

101 Scanlon, CA

102 Dolores Scanlon, CA

103 R Burr

104 Darlene Y. Burr

105 W. Bothman

106 Dennis Holmes , C Alifornia

107. Harlan L. Bowe, Sierra Vista , AZ

108 Larry Bonham

109.Merle Forst Oregon

110 Marlena Forst, California

111. Gayle Heiser , Oregon

112. Pat Wells , California

113. Jan Wendell , Texas

114. Sharon Schutz , Texas

115. Schutz , Texas

116. Kitty , Texas

117. Carolyn Joynt , Tennessee

118. Brown , MS

119. Connie Brown , MS

120.. ny L. , LA

121. T. , LA

122 Dukes , La.

123. Lois M. Dukes, La.

124. Terry Wil son , La.

125. Dean Wilkerson , AR

126. W. Curtis Hicks

127. Gypsy N. Hicks

128. Neil H. Dobbins, AR

129. Regina M Dobbins, AR

130. Ida L. Kennedy, AR

131. Bonner, Ca

132. DeAndra Boydd , CA

133. Marcus B oydd, CA

134. Danny s , CA

135 Meditz , CA

136. Dorothy Gehring , CA

137. Harvey B. , Anaheim ,Ca

138. L. , Anaheim , Ca

139. KC , Anaheim , Ca

140 L. Anaheim Hill s, Ca

141. Zach Bevans, Anaheim Hills, Ca

142. Devin D. Schroeder, Corona , Ca

143. Schroeder, Corona , Ca

144. Nancee Micham, Taneyville , Mo

145. Mike Micham, Taneyville, Ca

146. Helen Sabin, Rancho Palos Verde s, Ca

147. e, San Pedro , CA

148. Nikola Brajevich, Rancho Palos Verdes , Ca

149. B! ulot, San Pedro , CA

150. Joe B.. Cagle, Irvine , CA

151. A. Cotta, Redondo Beach , CA

152. Carol Waselenchuk , FL

153. Jeanette J.

154. Sheryl L

155. en Madsen , FL

156. Rand Madsen , FL

157. A. Whitehorn, Fl.

158. Whitehorn, Fl.

158. H. Peak

159. Janith E. Peak

160. Bill Millholland

161. Barbara Millholland

162. Gerald



165. Dolores Kuhn

166. Parrish

167 Joanne Parrish

168 Mike Volpe, Florida

169 Betty Volpe, Florida

170 L. Hartzell, Florida

171 Thom Milnor, vil le, GA< BR>172 Eileen Milnor, ville ,


173 Milnor, ville , GA

174 Jackie Francis, ville , GA

175 Lawrence P Pate , Avon Park , Florida

176 Penny Socin, Arlington , Texas

178 Jerry Socin, Arlington , Texas

179 Rad er , Belvidere , Illinois

180 Marnie Mowles, n , Montana

181 R. Jr, KANSAS

182 , KANSAS

183 Dielman

184 Orland Rosell

185. Amber

186. Rosell

187. , Pensacola , Florida

188.. Becky , Pensacola , Florida

189 Pam Leonard, Cantonment, FL

190. T.., Pensacola , FL

191. W.. TN

192. H TN

193. Fort Wayne Hopper, AL

194. B , A L

195. C. Jordan, Al.

196. R. Knight

197. D. H. Blackwelder , FL

198. K. Dougherty , MD

199. R. Dougherty , MD

200.. M Ranalla , ME

201. C. Ranalla , WA




205 Marilyn Monroe

206 Young Levittown , PA

207 Karren Young Levittown , PA

208 Betty Lefevre

209 Carl D. Hoagland

210 Ma xine Hoagland

211 Jarvis Albany , Ga.

212 Jarvis Albany , Ga

213 Jane Lyons Elwood, In

214 Lyons Elwood, In

215 McFall Elwood , IN

216 Louis Frederick


218 219 Rita

220 Yolonda L. Hiser

221 sonja boozier FL

222 Phyllis Campeau, Clinton Twp., MI

223 Lowell Gordon, Montpelier , IN

224 Carolyn Gordon, Montpelier , IN

225. D. Gord on

226. Wayne & Betty Lake Mi

227. Ron Phyllis Zacharias, stanwood michigan

228. Vera Mihaltan Livonia, Mi.

229 L. Deckard, Murfreesboro . TN

230 Wayne Fought, Elberta , AL

231. Reno, Trenton , MI

232. Lorraine Reno , Trenton , MI

233. Randine Scheffler

234. Dennis Scheffler

235. Bart Jeannette

236. Jeannette

237. Brad Pruett

238. Carol Pru ett

239. M. Levely< BR>240. Claretta Hegwood, Clinton Twp., MI

241 Zurawski, MI

242 ette

243. Charleen Kaltz Michigan

244. Constance M.. Buffa, New Baltimore , ! MI

245. Kathleen M. , Warren , MI

246. Betty Delligatta, An aheim , CA

247. Pat Delligatta, Anaheim , CA

248. Diane Motyka, Northfield , OH

249. Pat Bruckner, Mantua , OH

250. Bill Radke, Solon, OH

251 Deanna Radke, Solon , OH

252. Peggy Weist Bedford , Oh

253.. Manacapilli Universal City , TX

254. Sharon Manacapilli Universal City , Tx

255. Manacapilli Universal City , Tx

254. Luke Manacapilli Universal City , Tx

257. Rita Dufala Northfield Center, Oh

258. Naomi Polovich, Coconut Creek , Florida

259. L.Emery, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

260. Melinda Bindas, Girard , OH

261. Pet er sen, Orwell , OH

262. Tracey Myers, Warren , Oh

263. Norma Roudebush, Louisaville , Ohio

264. Barbara Orberson... sville , Indiana

265. Norm Whiteland

266. Barbara Ann Bogue, Marshall , TX

267. n Lee Bogue, Marshall , TX

268. A. McCartney, Fort Worth , TX

269. Jack D. McCartney, Fort Worth , TX

270. Elaine Perr y Verdin, LaMarque , TX

271..Adam J. Verdin, LaMarque , TX

272.. Wade Verdin, town , TX

273.. Carol Ann Verdin, tow n , TX

274. Verdin, Krum , TX

275. Bonnie Regini, Bayou Vista , TX

276. Ray Regini, Bayou Vista , TX

277. Hitchcock , Texas City , TX

278. Hitchcock , Texas City , TX

279. Hitchcock , Texas City , TX

280. Rose , La Marque , TX

281. Peggy , La Marque , TX

282. Sue Porter, Commerce, TX

283. Schelly Porter, Co mmerce, TX

284. Hooper , Missouri City , TX

285. Earl Gremillion, Ruidoso , NM

286. T.F. Hewell, Jr., Katy TX

287. Peggy Hewell, Nixon TX

288. Hewell, Nixon TX

289. Hewell, Nixon , TX

290. Wildajean Hewell , Nixon , TX

291. Damita Cirillo Huffman , Tx < BR>292. Huffman, Tx

293. Baker, Houston , TX

294.. Cody Baker, Houston, T X

295. Roy Brown, Crockett , TX

296. Ruby Brown, Crockett , TX

297. May Ree Nix, Crockett , TX

298. Brown, Houston , TX

299. Vern DeSplinter, Houston , TX

300 DeSplinter, Houston , TX

301 Lauri DeRouen, Orchard, Texas

302. DeRouen, Orchard, Texas

303. Deanne Ewing, Orchard, Texas

304. Jeanne Jeffcoat, Galena Park , Texas

305. Jerry Coenen, Ma libu , CA

306. Gloria Coenen, Malibu , CA

307. Dawne Salopek, Houston , TX

308. I. Mil ler, Oak Creek , Wi

309. Faith Hall, Crystal Falls , Mi

310 Terri Conde, Troy , TX

311 Willis Brewer, Lexi! ngton TX

312 Walter , Colorado City , TX .

313. Bobbie , Colorado City , TX

314. Kerry Sweatt Leakey Tx

315. Monty Shank , Tx

316. Ronny Fite , Tx

317. Lynn Fite , Tx



320. ny Wesley , TX < BR>321. Jennie Wesley. TX

322. Kay , Tx

323. gary ledger TX

324. Cowan TX

325. Bill Cowan TX

326. Jeff Cowan TX

327. Misty Vaughn TX.

328. Tyler , Tx

329. G Tyler , Tx

330. Deborah Carnes Flint TX

331. Ben Carnes Flint TX

332. Donna Partin Tyler , TX

333. Joyce Baham , Tx

334. Jim Baham , Tx

335. Ross Pittman Tx

336 Beth Pittman TX

337. C. , Louisiana

338. Glover

339. A Calhoun Sr., Louisiana

340. Marjie S. Calhoun, Louisiana

341. Gerald Wittenberg , Kansas

342. Maxine Wittenberg , Kansas

343. Lue Asmussen , Kansas

344 Dorothy McCaslin , Kansas

345 Carol Van Sickle , MI

346 Wayne Van Sickle , MI

347 Donna Barnickol, CA

348 Margaret , Cornelius , OR

349 Case, Hillsboro , OR

350 Falter Vancouver , WA

351 Darlene Kieser, Brush Prairie, WA

352 Sa mmie R hyne, Brush Prairie, WA

353 Brett Croft, Brush Prairie, WA

354. J. & J. Kotrlik, Vancouver , WA

355. L Ceccoli, Brush Prairie, WA

356. Ken Love Battle Ground, W A

357. Love Batt le Ground, WA

358. Jon Love Vancouver , WA

359. Marc Love Vancouver , WA

360. Larry W. Shaw Reno , NV

361. Charlie Brown, S an Texas

362. Roxie Brow n, Sa n , Texas

363.. Randall J Lee, Fern Park , FL

364. Marie L Lee, Fern Park , FL

365. E. Nicholl, FL

366. Janice Nicholl , FL

367. scott liberty, FL

368. Janice Rathman, Fl

369. Betty Gill , Ga

370. Betty Hewitt , GA

371. Pat

372.. Bobby Hicks, Ga.

373. Jackie HIcks, Ga.

374. BJ. Hicks II, Ga.

375. Tina Hicks, Ga.

376. J Klima , GA

377. Tammie S Klima, GA

378. Bruce N Klima, GA

379. Benne tt, Ga.

380. Sharon , Ga.

381 Mark D. Sammo ns, Ga.

382. Al Burgamy , Ga.

383.. Sheila Burgamy, Ga.

384. D.. Settle, Ga

385. P. Freeman

386. Terry , Mo

387 Mickie Curt, Mo.

388 Warren Curt , Mo.

389 Sandy Counts, MO


391 Pam Bickelhaupt, SC


394 Rick , IL

395 Marilyn McClure , IN

396. Kathy , FL

397. Rothrock

398. Rothrock

399 Mike Succio FL

400. Myrtle Succ io FL

401. Tonya Succio FL

402. Succio FL

403 Billie Bordwine Fl

404. Larry Dickerson, Fl

405. Bob Register, Fl

406. Stan , NC

407. Willie - NC

408. Sledge , NC

409. Etta Glover , NC

410. Kermit Glover , NC

411. Carolyn Garris , NC

412. Stanley Garris, NC

413. Gail Garris , NC

414 Garris, NC

415 Sandi , NC

416 , NC

417 Annette Markham , NC

418 Marvin Markham , NC

419 Landino, NC

420 Mark Landino, NC

421 Mele, NC

422 JoAnn Forsythe , OR

423 Benson , OR

424 Sharon Benson , OR

425 Bogle, Or

426 Marcia Hocker, OR

427 Marilyn Layn e, NY

428 Hutcherson, Ga

429 Lena L. , NY

430 Mike Boylan, NY

431 Gwen , NY

432 Doris , NY

433 Vernon Symes , NY

434 Hardy NY

435 Joan Moses NY

436 Sherman VA

437 Enid owitz, NY

438 Warren Kolinsky NY

439 Freyda Kolinsky NY

440 Max Konigsberg NY

441 Konigsberg NY

442 Sharon Cernese, NY

443 son, NY

444 Virginia C. Schroder, NY

445 Pattie Sulliv an, GA

446 Joanne Pope, AL

447 Kathleen Hunter, AL

448 Kise r Stuart , FL

449 Harvey Kiser Stuart, FL

450 Carole , Temecula, Ca

451 Arthur , Temecula, Ca

452 Cindi Hitt, Simi Valley , CA

453 Anita Chrisman, Simi Valley , CA

454 Diane Kammerich, Simi Valley , CA

455 Judith Heinz, Palmdale , CA

456 Gyula Feher, Littlerock , CA

457 J AMES & nbs p; COLLINS, Simi Valley , Ca

458 Troutman Simi Valley CA

459 Tina Goodfellow, Moorpark, Ca

460. nne Hudis , AZ


653 A.. Krieger

654 Phyllis J. Dehring - Ohio

655 L. Dehring - Ohio

656 Pat Delcamp

657 Jim Delcamp

658 Norma Paugh - Fl

659 Paugh - Fl.

670 Opal Whitsit, FL.

671 Whitsit, FL.

672 , IN

673 Les , IN

674 , IN

675 Fred Catel lier

676 Kathy Catellier

677 Jackie

678 Ron Blankenship

679 Melody Blankenship

680 Pamela Fiscus

681 Fiscus

682 Sylvia

683 Patty Page

684 Vicki , Indpls , IN

685 Oneita , Indpls , IN

686 Anita Sherron, Inpls , IN

687 Debbie Ross, Indpls , IN

688. B. , lin , IN

689. Delcie M. , lin , IN

690. Phil Ashcraft, Indianap olis, IN

691. Ashcraft, Indianapolis , IN

692 Bill Ashcraft, Indianapolis , IN693 Sara Ashcraft, Indianapolis , IN

694 Ron

695 Edie

696 Myla Indianapolis . IN

697 Charlie Indianapolis ,

698 Dolores A Rice, Indianapolis , IN

699 Barry Chapman, Indianapolis , IN

700 Neslage , KS

701 Becci Young, KS

702 Jackie , Wichita , Kansas

703 Austin Young

704 Tom Storey AZ

705 Jane Barr AZ

706 O'Keefe, MI

707 Ben Hemker, FL

708 Mike Byerle, FL

709 Terry Brennan, CA

710 Patti Brennan, CA

711 Don s, TN

712 Hope s.TN

713 Jerry Tomsey Fl

714 - FL

715 - FL

716 Sue Lane, PA

717 Fred Lane, PA

718 Sherry Strang, GA

719 Strang, GA

720 Walt Borchers, NC

721 Louan Gideon NC

722. Pam Stanley (CA)

723. Louanne Grimes (TX)

724. Elsie (NJ)

725. (NJ)

726. Vi cki Hoffer (SD)

727. AnnMarie Hoffer (SD)

728. Hoffer (SD)

729. Mike Kennedy (ID)

730. Rita Kennedy (ID)

731. Kennedy (ID)

732. Missie Biggs (ID)

733. Jody (ID)

734. (ID)

735. Perla Dias (HI)

736. Broxson (HI)

737. Shane Batalona (HI)

738. May Mundon (HI)

739. Lloyd Mundon (HI)

740. Simao (HI)

741. Derrick Cosier (HI)

742. Shirley Simao (HI)

743. Janet Matsumoto (HI)

744. Jan Matsunaga (HI)

745. Fran Matsunaga (HI)

746 Cheryl (HI)

747. (HI)

748 Hajime Nagatori (HI)

749. Carl R. Nagatori (HI)

750. Carol Yoneshige (HI)

751.. Tsumoto (HI)

752. Wally M inato (HI)

753, Jim Murata (FL)

754 Cherubini (NJ)

755. A. Andrus (PA)

756. Marilyn Prather, Portland ME


757 Tacosik [Fl]

758. sonia carney

759. john carney

760.Georgia Moritz Il

761. Judy Lindner Il

762. Kathy Jenkel (IL)

763 Ross Jenkel (IL)

764. Kelley Searby(IL)


766. Ann Murry

767. Murry

768. Lyle Downen,IL

769. Downen, IL

770. R. Gayle Vandiver, IL

771. Donna Hicks, IL

772. Kuhnert

773. Edmonds , KY

774. Caupert , IL

775. Joyce A Ludwig, IL

776. Carie , IN

777 Dave Heuby

778 Sylvia Heuby , IN

779 Bill Landis , IN

780 In.

781 Kim Rich , IN

782 Rich, In

783. , Fl.

784 Doug Farley, KY

785 Quincy A. ? Earlington,? Ky. ?

786 Ruth , Mi.

787 W alker CA

788 Debbie

789 Lee Uehisa

790 Rose Valles

791. Al Sandecki, San , CA

792 Sue DeHaven, CA

793 Leona M. Sunseri, Ca.

794 Lane, CA

795 Joyce Lane, CA

796 A. Carranza CA.


798 , Ca

799 , Ca

800 , Ca

801 , Ca

802 , Ca

803 McCarty

804 Goodman

805. Teri Plant

806 a Saffa CA

807 Geoff Saffa CA

808 Jeri-Ann Toyn CA

809 Harold Toyn CA

810 Don De Lay NV

811 Del De Lay NV

812 Balbina Dishno CA

813 Dishno CA

814 Saundra Akers Ohio

815 Barbara J. LaRue, FL

816 Robin Hillegas, FL

817 Kitterman Deltona , FL

818 Partlow Deltona, FL

819 Vukich PA

820 Vickey J Feezle PA

821 S Feezle Jr

822 Vance Pa

823 Tom Vance Pa

824 Charlene Small RI

825 Staples RI

826 Fred Staples RI

827 Barbara Vandervelde RI

828 Marge Lavoie RI

829 Judith E Northrop Fl

830 Doris H.Northrop Fl

831 ph Northrop Fl

832 Loretta Northrop Fl

833 Merrill Brown NC

834 Brown GA

835 Wanda GA

836. D.A.Fryer , TN

837. and Donna Ledbetter, TN

838. Deborah Desmond , TN

839. Desmond , TN

840. Rosemary Gerdes

841. Cook MO

842. Deborah

843. Reynaldo

844 Reichle

845 Sharon Reichle

846 Shirley Burke, NC

847 Burke, NC

848 Jakubowski, NC

849 ny Burke, NC

850 Dolly Baker, NC

851 Shelby T. Lanier. NC

852 Murray D. Lanier, NC

853 Lynne T. Budd, NC

854 Earl D. Budd, NC


856 Arce Or

857 Sharon KS

858 Debra Biddle KS

859 Roxann Pegram KS


861Jane Schmidt Lawrence, KSI




865. Marilyn Maple, Glendale , AZ

866 Louis Maple Phoenix , AZ

867 Vedo

868 Vedo

869 Sundblom

870 Deborah Alvarado, AZ

871 Beatriz Vega, Perris , CA

872 Jim Sylvester, CA

873 Sylvester

874 Mervin Stievo

875 Betty Stievo

876 Shirley Stievo

877 Loniello, CA

888 Sandy Loniello, CA

889 Loniello, WI

890 Randy Riemen , WI

891 Irwin , WI

892 Seals, WI

893. Kristian , IL

894. Crabtree , IL

895. Crabtree , NJ

896. Hillman , NJ

897. Carl , MD

898. Gloria Ames

899. Iris Ames

900. Ames

901. Kandie Ames

902. Jamorris Simms

903. Diann Hannon

904. Patrice Ames

905.Larry Orren

906. Kay Robbins

907. O. Marie Tyler

908. Joyce M. Grazetti

909. A. Grazetti

910. Barbara Allinson

911. Walter Munyan

912. Beate Munyan

913. Rob Inglis

914. Dorothy Goff

915. Fraker

916. Bloor

917. Luella Bloor

918. A. Bloor

919. Britton

920 Bruce Fridell, Wa.

921 Mault .UT

922. Ann Lakin

923. Hal C. Lakin

924. Dan

925. R Bishop

926 Nina R Heddy

927 Doug E Heddy

928 Craig Draheim

929 Beaty

930 Heddy

931 Curtiss

932 Ineen Gorter

933 Gorter

934 Henry Gorter

935 Dorothy Gorter

936 Gorter

937 Janice LaMar

938 F. LaMar

939 Gayle De Vries , IN

940 J De Vries , IN

941 Poortinga , IN

942 Ray Poortinga , IN

943 a Pfau, IL

944. Amy E Gould. IL

945. Pamela Hanaman IL

946. Hanaman IL

947. Alice Goncher, IL

948. Goncher, IL

949. Krissa Goncher, IL

950. phine Goncher, IL

951. Kris Pasquini, IL

952. Deborah Singleton, IL

953. Yvette Woods, IL

954. Felicia M. Curtis

955 Bonnie Mraz

f you don't forward the petition and just stop it, we will lose all these


If you do not want to sign it, please just forward it to everyone you


Thank you! Just think every time that the list hits 1,000 in all the


e-mails, this petition will be sent not just by a thousand petitioners,

but rather

THOUSANDS of petitioners!

To add your name, click on " forward " . Address it to all of your email


add your name and send it on.

1000th signer... please e-mail to:


Welcome to my web site of Gentleannie2.com

please enjoy your stay and share my pages if you want

KC -- aka-- Gentleannie2..

" Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet

is fighting some kind of battle. "



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