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DrftRevu: 'Experts to Discuss One Puzzling Autism Case, as a Second Case Has Arisen'

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Gardiner , Reporter, NT Times,

Attached is a draft review of your June

2008 article in the NY Times entitled:

'Experts to Discuss One Puzzling Autism

Case, as a Second Case Has Arisen' that

I had hoped to send to you last week but

recent events delayed the completion of

my review a week.

To assured you receive a true copy of the

review, a content-extractable " pdf " file

is attached to this email.

Should you require a " .doc " file, then

please send mw an email with:


in the subject line and the reason

you require it in the body of the


Free use is granted to you PROVIDED the

text is not taken out of context AND the

author and author's organization are

credited for the in-context remarks used.


FAIR USE NOTICE: The following review contains

quotations from copyrighted (©) material the

use of which has not been specifically authorized

by the copyright owner. Such material is made

available for educational purposes, to advance

reader's understanding of human rights, democracy,

scientific, moral, ethical, social justice and

other issues. It is believed that the author's

quoted statements are a 'fair use' of this copy-

righted material as provided for in Title 17

U.S.C. section 107 of the US intellectual property

law. This material is being distributed without



Should you or anyone reading this draft find

ny significant factual error for which you have

published substantiating documents, please submit

that information to this reviewer so that he can

improve his understanding of factual reality and

appropriately revise his views and the final


If you do not accept attachments, the rough

text of the body of this draft review and a

postscript reflecting a recent event in the

Omnibus Autism Proceeding is as follows:

A Review of: " Experts to Discuss One

Puzzling Autism Case, as a Second Case

Has Arisen "


> " Federal health officials on Sunday will

>call together some of the world's leading

>experts on an obscure disease to discuss

>the controversial case of a 9-year-old girl

>from Athens, Ga., who became autistic after

>receiving numerous vaccinations.


First, this reviewer can only note that this

statement appears to reflect this reporter's

perception of the facts about the meeting.

Second, the reporter admits " a 9-year-old girl

from Athens, Ga. " became " autistic after re-

ceiving numerous vaccinations " .

However, he fails to note that Hannah Poling,

the girl in question, had been diagnosed with

both " regressive " autism (autistic disorder) and,

when this medical condition subsequently developed,

a seizure disorder.

Moreover, after reviewing her medical records, her

parents' affidavits, and, for the seizure disorder,

the expert reports submitted by Drs.

Zimmerman and Mark R Geier, medical professionals

in the Department of Health and Human Services

conceded both Hannah's autism and here delayed-

onset seizure disorder were medically more likely

than not to have been caused by the vaccinations

she received at 19-months.

In addition, this reporter failed to note that

the final position (as stated in the March

decision document) was that Hannah Poling had

mitochondrial dysfunction which, given all of the

facts, including her diagnosed mercury poisoning

and the fact that her mitochondrial DNA had the

same configuration as her unaffected mother, was

most probably caused by the Thimerosal (49.55-

weight-percent mercury) in the doses of the

Thimerosal-containing vaccines that she received

as a part of her 19-month catch-up vaccinations.

Thus, based on all of the Hannah Poling's diag-

nosed conditions, she was not born with the mito-

chondrial dysfunction - her vaccinations induced



>But the government has so far kept quiet a second

>case that some say is more disturbing and more

>relevant to the meeting.


>On Jan. 11, a 6-year-old girl from Colorado received

>FluMist, a flu vaccine, and about a week later

>'became weak with multiple episodes of falling to

>ground' and 'difficulty walking,' according to a

>case report filed with federal health officials

> and obtained by The New York Times.


>The girl grew increasingly weak and feverish and

>'became more limp, appears sleepy, acts as if drunk,'

>the report said. She was hospitalized and underwent

>surgery and was finally withdrawn from life support.

>She died on April 5, according to the report.


While this reviewer does not dispute the facts

presented here by this author, he finds it plausible,

absent any autopsy evidence to the contrary, that

either the live viruses or, since there was a

recognized microbial contamination problem with

some lots of FluMist, some microbial contamination

introduced into this child's buccal cavity and

sinuses when the FluMist dose was delivered somehow

entered, infected the brain, and, as the infection

spread, slowly killed the child as it destroyed her

brain's functions.

In addition, this reviewer finds the apparent VAERS

report concerning this girl (with excerpted text

restructured ...):

" VAERS ID: 309594 Vaccination Date: 2008-01-11

Age: 6.0 Onset Date: 2008-01-20 Days later: 9

Sex: F Submitted: 2008-04-10

State: CO Entered: 2008-04-16

Life Threatening Illness? Yes

Died? Yes (date died: 2008-04-05)

Disability? No

Recovered? No

ER or Doctor Visit? Yes

Hospitalized? Yes (days in hospital: 20)

Extended hospital stay? No

Current Illness: Weak prior to vaccination.

Two months of respiratory problems at night

when asleep described as sudden inspiratory gasp

and sudd [truncated comments?]

Diagnostic Lab Data:

Abnormal MRI;

Genetic mutation 8993 T-C for mitochondrial


5/1/08-records received-

EEG negative.

MRI 2/08 showed abnormal basal ganglia.

Sleep study 3/19/08-hyperventilation and

obstructive sleep apnea.

G-tube insertion on 3/21/08-

Previous Vaccinations: [why is this info missing?]

Other Medications: [why is this info missing?]

Preexisting Conditions: 5/1/08-records received-

PMH: born at 29 weeks on ventilator for pneumonia.

Hospitalized for 3 months.

Strabismus repair, PE tubes and adenoidectomy.

Rotavirus and hospitalization.

Developmental delay.

Did not receive 5 year old vaccination



Lot: '500490P 0 IN'








Blood culture positive

Congenital anomaly

Continuous positive airway pressure

Culture positive

Depressed level of consciousness



Electroencephalogram abnormal

Endotracheal intubation

Expired drug administered


Gait disturbance

Gastrostomy tube insertion

Gene mutation identification test




Intensive care

Received FluMist on 1/11/08. Approx 7-10 days

later became weak with multiple episodes of

falling to ground, difficulty walking, ataxia.

Weakness progressive leading to breathing problems.

Neurology and genetics diagnosed congenital disease

- Leigh's disease which may have been 1st manifested

after this vaccine. Swallowing problems, 5/15/08-

death certificate received-final cause of death

Leigh's syndrome.

5/1/08-records received for DOS 3/15-4/5/08-DX:

Leigh's encephalopathy syndrome. Respiratory failure.


Presented to ED and subsequently transferred. About

2 months ago received FluMist and since then became

weak and wobbly. Weak prior to vaccination but more

so after vaccination and was receiving physical and

occupational therapy. Starring episodes usually at

night. Became more limp. Appears sleepy acts as if

drunk. Ataxia. With these episodes has become unre-

sponsive and starring with them. No clonic seizure

acitivity. After surgery remained intubated with

mechanical ventilation and required CPAP. Neurologic

status became more obtunded and unresponsive. Fever.

Fevers secondary to brain inflammation due to Leigh

syndrome. Withdrawn from life support and expired "

to be both incomplete, and, to say the least, proble-


First, it appears that her Leigh encephalopathy syn-

drome's diagnosis did not occur until after she was

given the FluMist vaccine and her health began to


Next, Leigh's syndrome, also known as Subacute Necro-

tizing Encephalomyelopathy (SNEM), is a rare neurometa-

bolic disorder that reportedly affects the central

nervous system, which appears, if you accept the re-

port's statements, to have been triggered or worsened

by the FluMist's administration in this case.

Moreover, it also appears that sepsis, and not her

diagnosis of Leigh's syndrome (SNEM) per se that killed


Furthermore, this reviewer notes that Leigh's syndrome,

first described in 1951, may be but another label being

used to cover up the subacute mercury poisoning from

Thimerosal in vaccines that, in Leigh's syndrome cases,

preferentially mercury poisons the maternal mitochondrial

DNA in the central nervous system.

However, lacking the girl's early vaccination records,

this reviewer can only note that:

· This girl's case is most probably an example where

an immune-system insult: a possibly microbially

contaminated dose (of the trivalent live-virus

FluMist influenza vaccine), and

· This vaccine dose triggered a cascade of negative

immune-system-mitigated events that, because of a

genetic anomaly in her mitochondria, completely

disrupted her immune system's ability to fight

infections, both viral and bacterial, leading to

sepsis and death.

>Both the 9- and 6-year-olds had mitochondrial disorders,

>a spectrum of genetic diseases that have received

>almost no attention from federal health officials. "

First, the reporter's, " (b)oth the 9- and 6-year-olds

had mitochondrial disorders " , while obviously his

view, is not supported by the medical evidence.

In the case of 9-year-old Hannah Poling, this reviewer

finds that the reporter is definitely mistaken because,

notwithstanding the language used in the November 9,

2007 concession by U.S.-government medical professionals

that Hannah's autism was caused by her 19-month vacci-

nations, she has not been proven to have any mitochon-

drial disorder or genetic disease and, given her robust

health on the day she received her 19-month vaccinations

and her documented prior medical history, had exhibited

no prior sign (e.g., hypotonia) of a mitochondrial dis-

order - unlike the other girl.

Since this reviewer is not privy to the details of the

6-year-old's vaccination history, including the vaccines

given and their dates of administration, nor the exact

state of every aspect of this 6-year-old girl's health

immediately prior to her being given the FluMist inocu-

lation, he cannot rule out a pre-existing mitochondrial

disorder in this instance.

However, this reviewer again notes that it equally

logical that some organism (viral, bacterial or fungal)

present in the FluMist introduced into her buccal cavity

and sinuses infected her brain and precipitated the

events leading to her death as it is that some genetic

mitochondrial disorder was the direct cause of this

girl's death.

To this reviewer, this second case sounds like but

another " anything but the vaccine " defense of vaccina-

tion by the pro-vaccine Establishment.

Moreover, if this is indeed a true example of a child

who had an identified pre-existing mitochondrial dis-

order, then, since the influenza vaccines have proven

not to be effective in preventing those inoculated from

getting some non-vaccine strain of influenza, this

reviewer again questions why any vaccination for influ-

enza continues to be recommended since appropriate

supplementation with vitamin D-3 has been shown to

protect both children of all ages and adults from

contracting any strain of the influenza virus.


>The 9-year-old, Hannah Poling, was 19 months old and

>developing normally in 2000 when she received five

>shots against nine infectious diseases. Two days

>later, she developed a fever, cried inconsolably and

>refused to walk. In the next seven months, she

>spiraled downward, and in 2001 doctors diagnosed



This reviewer finds that the writer has simpli-

fied and truncated his description of the changes

in Hannah's health from 19-months until she was

diagnosed with autism.

Moreover, this reviewer notes that the writer's

account failed to mention, much less address, the

seizure disorder that Hannah subsequently devel-



>No one knows whether vaccinations had anything to

>do with the girls' health problems, and the scien-

>tific significance of individual cases is always

>difficult to assess.


Here, the writer begins by misrepresenting the

facts about " whether vaccinations had anything

to do with the girls' health problems " .


1. Hannah Poling's parents, medical profes-

sionals with access to the best diagnostic

services available, filed the petition for

compensation in the National Vaccine Injury

Compensation Program as an autism case,

2. They and the petitioners' attorneys in the

Omnibus Autism Proceeding had agreed that her

case, Hannah Poling v. Sec. HHS (02-1466V),

was to be a mid-2008 test case for the

hypothesis: Thimerosal in vaccines " causes "

autism before the medical professionals in the

HHS decided to concede (an unheard of event in

autism cases) the autism claim in Hannah's case

in November of 2007:

a. Prior to the start of the hearings for the

case and

b. Even prior to the filing of the petitioner's

expert reports by the medical experts,

including Drs. Zimmerman and Geier, for Hannah


3. Medical tests had apparently confirmed that Hannah

was mercury poisoned by the Thimerosal in the

vaccines she had received, and

4. To date, even though all the petitioners have

waived their confidentiality rights and petitioned

to have all of Hannah's records and reports made

public, the administrators in the " vaccine court "

are still steadfastly refusing to release the

records so that the interested public could see

the evidence that proves the harm Hannah suffers

was caused by her vaccinations,

it is clear to this reviewer that not only do many know

that Hannah's vaccinations were the primary cause of

her injury but some of those " in the know " are also

attempting to conceal the causal proof of vaccination

harm from the public and, as the writer is here, are

attempting to distort the facts to make it seem as if

the focus should be on " mitochondrial disorders " rather

than on " vaccinations " , in general, or " Thimerosal in

vaccinations " in the Poling case, in particular.

However, although this reviewer agrees with the writer

that, " the scientific significance of individual cases

is always difficult to assess " , this reviewer notes

that the writer's overall statement is an example of

the newspeak device of combining an untruth with a

truth to bestow the mantle of truth on the entire



>But suggestions that mitochondrial disorders could be

>set off or worsened by vaccinations, and that the

>disorders might be linked to autism, prompted the

>meeting on Sunday and has brought the disorders

>sudden national attention.


Not being privy to the Establishment discussion

that prompted " the meeting on Sunday " , or " has

brought the disorders sudden national attention " ,

this reviewer cannot judge the accuracy of the

writer's statement here.

However, this reviewer finds that this attempt to

deflect attention from vaccines and our vaccina-

tion programs is but another milestone in the pro-

vaccine establishment's history of trying to direct

the public's attention:

· Away from:

· Vaccines and vaccinations in general, and,

· In Poling, from the preservative level of

Thimerosal in certain vaccines, and

· Toward:

· Unknown factors or

· Other factors including: refrigerator moms,

older parents, television watching and,

here, mitochondrial disorders,

when it comes to autism and other neurodevelopmental


Moreover, this reviewer has noticed that this calcu-

lated attempt to divert attention away from vaccines

and the U.S. vaccination programs extends to other

childhood health and/or behavioral conditions that

once were unknown, or rare, but, starting in the

1980s, have become epidemic (e.g., childhood: asthma

and COPD, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, obesity, ADHD,

gastrointestinal disorders, severe food allergies,

multiple sclerosis, and some leukemias) with the still-

growing increase in the recommended vaccination

schedule for children.

Thus, the current focus on " mitochondrial disorders "

appears to be but another attempt, in a long line of

such attempts, by the media and the pro-vaccine

establishment to direct the public's attention away

from vaccines and our vaccination programs and, like

any conjurer's trick, their efforts seem to have

mislead, and are misleading, many, if not most,



>Those scheduled to present at the meeting who were

>contacted by The Times said they knew nothing of

>the Colorado case.


>'I haven't heard about this case,' said Dr.

> R. Insel, director of the National

>Institute of Mental Health and the day's

>first speaker.


This reviewer can only accept that the

writer's statements reflect his knowledge

of the situation.


>Dr. Iskander, acting director of the

>immunization safety office at the Centers

>for Disease Control and Prevention, said his

>group had studied the Colorado case closely

>but did not discuss it with those presenting

>at the meeting and had no plans to present

> the case to the conference, although he

>and members of his group will attend.


Again, although he would like to know what

it is that the CDC has proven about this

case and the results of any autopsy findings

concerning the etiology of this case, this

reviewer accepts that the CDC is not planning

to discuss or present this case on Sunday at

this " mitochondrial disorder " conference.


> " Part of the consideration is, what was the

>best use of that time? " Dr. Iskander said in an

>interview. " To a large extent, the judgment of

>the meeting organizers was to have the experts

> in these conditions - which are not vaccine

>safety experts - to have most of the agenda. "


>Dr. Iskander said the Clinical Immunization

>Safety Assessment Network of the disease agency

>reviewed the medical records related to the

>Colorado and Georgia cases, searched for

>similar reports and asked vaccine manufacturers

>if they knew of similar cases.


This reviewer finds that the writer's state-

ments here, whatever the writer's intent,

provide little, if any, useful information.

Moreover, this reviewer notes that the

statements here are a not-so-subtle attempt

to portray:

· Dr. Iskander as a " vaccine safety " expert


· The CDC as being highly concerned about

" vaccine safety "

in spite of the realities that: a) neither Dr.

Islander nor the CDC seems truly concerned

about proving the toxicological safety of

vaccines and B) both seem to be focused on

portraying the small percentage of " adverse

events " that are reported to the Vaccine

Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) as

if these reports accurately reflect the nature

and extent of the risk that vaccines present.


>A spokeswoman for MedImmune, the maker of FluMist,

>declined to comment.


Again, this reviewer finds this statement is

tangential and sheds no light on the causes of

the harm in this instance.


>The team noted that the Colorado child had not

>experienced any problems with her previous

>vaccinations and was relatively old at the

>time of her diagnosis. Dr. Iskander said the

>group had concluded " that this is another case

>that points to the need of better data on the

>risks and benefits of vaccinations in children

>with these rare disorders. "


In this passage, the writer begins by stating

factual information: " the Colorado child had

not experienced any problems with her pre-

vious vaccinations and was relatively old at

the time of her diagnosis " .

However, absent proof that either Hannah

Poling or " the Colorado child " had a pre-

existing rare mitochondrial disorder - not

a susceptibility to such - this reviewer

must reject what the writer reports that

Dr. Iskander said as yet another misleading

passage that includes a general truth, " the

need of better data on the risks and bene-

fits of vaccinations in children " , which

applies to all vaccinations and children,

and not just to " children with these rare

disorders " .

This is the case because:

· The existing data on the risks and

benefits of vaccinations is deficient

· In many cases, the existing evidence

for the risks is concealed from the

public, and

· The evidence for the benefits from

each vaccine is inflated and contin-

ually hyped to further mislead the



>Study after study has failed to show any

>link between vaccines and autism, but many

>parents of autistic children are convinced

>that vaccines - usually given around the

>time autism becomes apparent - are to blame.


First, this reviewer notes that the writer

has abruptly switched from discussing these

girls and mitochondrial disorders to the

topic of " the link between vaccines and

autism " .

Moreover, as most pro-vaccine apologists do,

he begins with a statement that is, at best,

a partial truth:

" Study after study has failed to show any

link between vaccines and autism " ,

which ignores several realities:

· The epidemiological studies that fall

into the reporter's " failed to show any

link " category are studies: a) conducted

or influenced by the CDC and/or vaccine

makers and B) that have also failed to

establish that there is no link between

vaccines and autism,

· There are more peer-reviewed published

independent epidemiological studies that

have shown a statistically significant

link between vaccines and autism and/or

other neurological and behavioral dis-


· Several peer-reviewed toxicological

studies in animals have demonstrated

giving the Thimerosal used in vaccines

at levels similar to the levels for

children in the 1999 early childhood

vaccination program produce symptoms

similar to those in autism as well as

post-mortem changes in the brain that

mimic those found in the autopsy of

brains of children diagnosed with


· Several case-control studies have

demonstrated that a significant percen-

tage of the children diagnosed with an

autism spectrum disorder are also

mercury poisoned where the majority of

the child's pre-diagnosis mercury

exposure was clearly from the vaccines

the child received in early childhood,

· A few independent epidemiological and

patient studies have identified the MMR

vaccine, typically after or with vaccine-

Thimerosal exposure, as a causal factor

in autism and certain gastrointestinal

disorders that, prior to the 1980s, were

unknown or rare in young children, and

· The concession in the Poling case that

Hannah Poling's vaccinations were a causal

factor in her autism.

Since most of the preceding have clearly

established a causal link between vaccines

and autism, then it should be obvious that

the writer's:

" but many parents of autistic children are

convinced that vaccines - usually given

around the time autism becomes apparent -

are to blame "

is but another instance where a vaccine

apologist is " cleverly " attempting to por-

tray a fact, " many parents of autistic chil-

dren are convinced that vaccines - usually

given around the time autism becomes apparent

- are to blame " , in a negative light.


>Parents and a small group of doctors have

>offered a variety of scientific explanations

>in recent years to try to explain why they

>think vaccines may cause or contribute to



Here the writer begins by stating a factual

reality in a dismissive manner by using the

phrase, " (p)arents and a small group of doc-

tors " , as if the validity of " scientific

explanations " depend on who states a scien-

tific explanation and/or the number of those

who adhere to a given scientific explanation

when nothing could be farther from the



[1] To understand this reality, the reader

need only look up the now-discredited,

but once " scientifically accepted "

late-17th century " phlogiston " theory

of combustion


that was thoroughly discredited a century

later, or, more recently, the initially

disparaged theory of " jumping genes, "

reported by Barbara McClintock in the 1948,

which " science " now calls " transposons, "

for which she eventually won a Nobel Prize

in 1983 and which is now so widely accepted

as a fact that its initial rejections are

typically no longer reported




>Among the first was that the measles vaccine

>caused a low-level measles infection that

>affected children's brains.


Here, this writer begins with an oft-cited

misstatement - a statement that is false on

two counts.

First, it wasn't the first of the " scienti-

fic explanations " that admitted the possi-

bility of some sort of link between a speci-

fic vaccine (the writer's " measles vaccine " )

and autism.

Second, another of the writer's " scientific

explanations " also precedes the writer's

" the first " (a 1990's scientific explanation)

by more than two decades.

This other scientific explanation holds that

the Thimerosal used as a preservative in cer-

tain vaccines causes subacute mercury poison-

ing of the central nervous and other systems

that results in the children who are suffi-

ciently mercury poisoned exhibiting the set

of symptoms used to diagnose autistic disorder


Factually, the view that " the measles vaccine

caused a low-level measles infection that

affected children's brains " appears to be a view

that arose in the United Kingdom in the 1990s in

conjunction with observations of regression after

the MMR-vaccine jab that was supported by the

findings in the studies by Wakefield et al.

( " Wakefield AJ, Murch SH, A, Linnell J,

Casson DM, Malik M, Berelowitz M, Dhillon AP,

Thomson MA, Harvey P, Valentine A, Davies SE,

- JA. Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyper-

plasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive

developmental disorder in children. Lancet.

1998 Feb 28; 351(9103): 637-41 " ).

However, the first postulation of some type

of link between a specific vaccine and autism

arose at least two decades earlier ( " Eggers C.

[Autistic syndrome (Kanner) and vaccination

against smallpox (author's transl)][Article

in German]. Klin Padiatr. 1976 Mar; 188(2):

172-80 " ) as the author's English translation

of the abstract clearly indicates (...):

" 3-4 weeks following an otherwise uncompli-

cated first vaccination against smallpox a

boy, then aged 15 months and last seen at

the age of 5 1/2 years, gradually developed

a complete Kanner syndrome. The question

whether vaccination and early infantile

autism might be connected is being dis-

cussed. A causal relationship is considered

extremely unlikely. But vaccination is

recognized as having a starter function

for the onset of autism " .

Moreover, as:

· The following PubMeD entry for a paper by

Wecker et al.:

" J Ment Defic Res. 1985 Mar;29(Pt 1):15-22….

Trace element concentrations in hair from

autistic children.

Wecker L, SB, Cochran SR, Dugger DL,


The concentrations of 14 elements were

determined in scalp hair samples from con-

trol, autistic and autistic-like children.

Significant differences were noted between

normal males and females for calcium,

magnesium and mercury. The autistic popula-

tion had significantly lower levels of

calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese and

chromium and higher levels of lithium as

compared to sex- and age-matched controls.

Children with autistic features (autistic-

like), classified as having childhood-onset

pervasive disorder, had lower levels of

magnesium, cadmium, cobalt and manganese

as compared to controls. Discriminant func-

tion analysis using the 14 trace elements

correctly classified 90.5% of the normal

and 100% of the autistic population. Using

a stepwise procedure, the five elements

with the greatest discriminatory power were

calcium, copper, zinc, chromium and lithium.

Analysis based on these five trace elements

led to the correct classification of 85.7%

of the normal and 91.7% of the autistic

group. Results indicate that the concentra-

tions of trace elements in hair from normal

children differ from patterns observed in

both autistic and autistic-like children.

Furthermore, evidence suggests that hair

analysis may have potential use as a diag-

nostic tool for autism "

shows, and

· A paper,

D. G. Fagan, J. S. Pritchard, W.

son and M. R. Greenwood, " Organ

mercury levels in infants with omphaloceles

treated with organic mercurial antiseptic, "

Archives of Disease in Childhood 1977; 52:


indicates in its follow-up reporting on one

of the surviving children,

speculation about the link between Thimerosal

(49.55-weight-percent mercury) and neurodevelop-

mental disorders including autistic disorder

(autism) also seems to have begun in the 1970s

when the fatal mercury poisoning of newborns

was noticed in 10 of 13 identified cases fol=

lowing the repeated application of Merthiolate,

another name for Thimerosal, antiseptic to

their umbilical stumps.

Thus, the speculation about a link between

autism and Thimerosal also began decades

before the 1998 paper cited by the writer.


>The science underlying that theory has since

>been discredited.



· The science underlying any theory can

only be disproven by establishing that

it is not possible (using appropriate

animal model studies involving animals,

usually primates, biologically selected

to have susceptibilities to measles

virus that parallel human susceptibil-

ity) for measles to infect the central

nervous system in a manner that causes

those so infected to exhibit the same

set of symptoms as measles,

· The required studies have not been done,

· The measles virus, including the vaccine

strain of the measles virus, is known to

infect the brain and cause a variety

neurological disorders (including, but

not limited to, encephalitis, encephalop-

athy, measles inclusion body encephalitis

[MIBE], subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

[sSPE], Guillain-Barré Syndrome [GBS],

febrile convulsions; afebrile convulsions

or seizures, ataxia, polyneuritis, poly-

neuropathy, ocular palsies, and paresthesia),


· Some peer-reviewed published independent

epidemiological studies have indicated a

statistically significant possibility of

a link between vaccination with a measles

vaccine (typically, using an MMR [measles,

mumps, rubella] vaccine), and autism and

other neurodevelopmental disorders,

it is clear to this reviewer that the writer

is again mistaken.

In fact, the preceding " science underlying

that theory " actually supports the validity

of that theory for some " autism " cases.

Moreover, independent reviewers have dis-

credited those pro-vaccine-establishment-

supported epidemiological studies involving

the MMR vaccine to which this writer

apparently refers.

Finally, the lead authors of these pro-

vaccine studies have also refused to pro-

vide the original data sets that they used

so that the validity of their findings

could be independently verified.


>The next theory was that a mercury-contain-

>ing vaccine preservative, thimerosal,

>poisoned their brains, causing autism.


As this reviewer has previously established,

the writer is mistaken because the theory

stated by the writer as:

" a mercury-containing vaccine preservative,

thimerosal, poisoned their brains, causing

autism "

also predates the writer's " the measles vac-

cine caused a low-level measles infection

that affected children's brains " theory by

about two decades.


>Multiple studies have failed to find any

>relationship between thimerosal exposure and

>autism, and nearly seven years after the

>preservative was removed from childhood

>vaccines, autism rates seem unaffected.


The fact that " (m)ultiple studies have

failed to find any relationship between

thimerosal exposure and autism " ignores

the following realities:

1. The failure of 5-7 pro-vaccine-

establishment-backed epidemiological

studies to find a statistically

significant link between Thimerosal

and autism does not prove that there

is no link.

2. Independent reviews of these neutral/

negative epidemiological studies have

documented them to be flawed and

slanted by the pro-vaccine researchers

that underwrote and conducted them.

[Note: Compounding the problems un-

covered by the independent reviewers,

the lead authors or agencies have

refused to provide independent quali-

fied epidemiologists access to the

original data sets used for these

studies and, incredibly, in the case

of the CDC's studies (the studies by

Verstraeten et al. published in 2003),

the CDC has claimed that they " lost "

the original data sets.]

3. Based on the non-availability of the

original data sets for independent re-

view, all such studies should be with-

drawn and consigned to the dustbin of

non-reproducible studies unless and

until the original data sets are pro-

duced and independent review confirms

the published findings.

4. There are a number of peer-reviewed

published independent studies (> 12)

that have found statistically signifi-

cant evidence for a link between vac-

cination with Thimerosal-preserved

vaccines and autism and other neuro-

developmental disorders.

5. Collectively, almost all studies, in-

cluding those in which the reported

link was not statistically significant,

have found that the direction of the

statistical correlation supports a link

between vaccinations with Thimerosal-

containing vaccines and autism.

6. Post-mortem studies of the brains of

children with an autism diagnosis, che-

lation challenge analyses, first haircut

hair tests for mercury, mercury testing

of baby teeth, urine porphyrin profile

analyses, and animal studies have found

proof that vaccinating children with

Thimerosal-preserved vaccines mercury

poisons some who are so injected to the

point that they exhibit the symptoms

that are used to diagnose autism and/or

other neurodevelopmental and non-neuro-

developmental disorders including the

gastrointestinal disorders reported by

Wakefield et al in the Lancet in 1998.

Moreover, the writer's:

" nearly seven years after the preservative

was removed from childhood vaccines, autism

rates seem unaffected "

is an outright lie because, as Table 1 (taken

from the FDA's March 2008 listing of licensed

vaccines [see: http://www.fda.gov/cber/

vaccine/thimerosal.htm]) clearly shows...,

Thimerosal has not been removed from

" childhood vaccines " .

Currently, the FDA still licenses 12 Thimerosal-

containing vaccines that are approved for use

in childhood vaccination programs for humans

from birth to 18 years of age.

Of these, seven (7) still contain a preserva-

tive level of Thimerosal.

In addition, there are several additional

inactivated influenza vaccines that: a)

contain a preservative level, or a lower

level, of Thimerosal and B) are licensed

to be given to pregnant women - thereby

mercury poisoning the fetus to some degree

in utero because Thimerosal has been shown

not only to cross the placental barrier

but also to preferentially accumulate in

the developing fetus.

Given today's recommended routine vaccina-

tion schedule for children as compared

to that schedule in 1999, the maximum dose

of mercury from Thimerosal-containing

vaccines that a health child may receive

from the recommended national vaccination

programs is currently in excess of 900

micrograms of bioaccumulative mercury - a

total dose that is more than three times the

1999 level.

Table 1: Thimerosal Content In Currently

Manufactured U.S. Licensed Thimerosal-

Containing Vaccines That Are Approved

For Administration To Children

From The FDA's " Table 3: Thimerosal and

Expanded List of Vaccines - (updated 3/14/2008) "


Vaccine Trade Maker Thimerosal Mercury

Name Conc.[1] per dose

DTaP Tripedia[2] Sanofi <=0.00012% <= 0.3 µg/

Pasteur, 0.5 mL


DT " None " Sanofi

Pasteur, < 0.00012% < 0.3 µg/

Inc (single 0.5mL


Sanofi 0.01% 25 µg/

Pasteur, 0.5 mL


Td " None " Mass 0.0033% 8.3 µg/

Public 0.5 mL


Decavac Sanofi <= 0.00012% <=0.3 µg

Pasteur, 0.5 ml


TT " None " Sanofi 0.01% 25 µg/

Pasteur, 0.5 mL


HepA/ Twinrix GSK < 0.0002% < 1 µg/

HepB Biologicals 1mL

" flu " , Fluzone[6] Sanofi 0.01% 25 µg/

inacti- Pasteur, 0.5 mL

vated Inc

Fluvirin Novartis 0.01% 25 µg/

Vaccines & 0.5 ml

Diagnostics Ltd

Fluvirin Novartis < 0.0004% < 1 µg/

(Preserva- Vaccines & 0.5 mL

tive Free) Diagnostics Ltd

Japanese JE-VAX Research 0.007% 35 µg/

Enceph- Foundation for 1.0mL

alitis[7] Microbial 17.5 µg/

Diseases of 0.5 mL

Osaka U [1-3 yrs]

Meningo- Menomune Sanofi 0.01% 25 µg/

coccal A, C, AC Pasteur, (multidose) 0.5 mL

and Inc


Table Footnotes

1. Thimerosal is approximately 50% mercury

(Hg) by weight. A 0.01% solution (1 part

per 10,000) of thimerosal contains 50 µg

of Hg per 1 ml dose or 25 µg of Hg per

0.5 ml dose.

2. ...

3. This vaccine is not marketed in the US.

4. ...

5. ...

6. Children under 3 years of age receive a

half-dose of vaccine, i.e., 0.25 mL

(12.5 µg mercury/dose.)

7. JE-VAX is distributed by Aventis Pasteur.

Children 1 to 3 years of age receive a

half-dose of vaccine, i.e., 0.5 mL

(17.5 µg mercury/dose).


Thus, not only has Thimerosal not been re-

moved from all the vaccines that a child may

receive from conception through his or her

eighteenth birthday, but also the maximum

dose has, starting in 2002, been increased

by adding a recommendation for an annual flu

vaccination from 6 months to, now, 18 years

and a middle-school recommendation for

Sanofi's Menomune® meningococcal vaccine,

which does not require the vaccine formulation

used to be a no-Thimerosal, single-dose formu-


Thus, the writer's " nearly seven years after

the preservative was removed from childhood

vaccines " is an obvious prevarication.

Finally, the writer's " autism rates seem

unaffected " is also misleading because:

· The recent surveys by the CDC surveyed

were surveys for autism spectrum disor-

ders (ASDs) and not autism per se, and

· The most recent of those estimates,

from 2000 and 2002 surveys published

in 2007, are for 8-year-old children

born in 1992 and 1994

so that:

1. There are no valid " autism rates " ,

2. The survey rates are for 8-year-old

children born two years apart when

the vaccination schedule was not

changing rapidly so that, given the

short time interval, one would expect

the rates for ASDs to be similar to

each other, and

3. There is no published survey for 6-

year-old children born in 2001 in the

U.S., who, along with their mothers,

did not get any Thimerosal-preserved

flu shot or other Thimerosal-preserved

vaccine. [Note: This 2001 group is the

only cohort group that is old enough

for most cases of autism to be diag-

nosed and for which the maximum dose

of Thimerosal that such children as a

group might have received from their

early childhood vaccinations would be

assured of being significantly less

than the dose for fully-vaccinated

children born in the late 1990s - as

would be required to see the effect

of Thimerosal removal.]

Thus, this reviewer hopes that this writer

will correct the record here and join with

the reviewer in demanding that all uses of

Thimerosal and/or any other mercury com-

pound be banned in medicine and that all

in-date drugs doses containing any level

of Thimerosal and/or other added mercury

compound be immediately recalled and prop-

erly destroyed.

Then, this reviewer would be willing to

assess the " autism rates " for children

seven years after the last doses of all

vaccines and any other drug in which a

mercury compound was used in its manufac-

ture were destroyed to find out what the

effect of removing Thimerosal would be on

" autism rates " .

However, until the pro-vaccine establish-

ment and the mainstream media stop lying

about the removal of Thimerosal from vac-

cines, this reviewer will continue to hold

statements, such as the ones in this

articleabout Thimerosal's removal from

vaccines, to be the knowing falsehoods

that they so obviously are and would sug-

gest that those who continue to promulgate

such knowing falsehoods should be prose-

cuted under the applicable statutes govern-

ing fraud.


>The Poling case, however, offered advocates

>a new theory: that vaccines may cause or

>contribute to an underlying mitochondrial

>disorder, which in turn causes autism.


Again the writer distorts the truth, by

implying that those who are concerned

about a vaccination-autism link, his so-

called " advocates " , promulgated this " new

theory: that vaccines may cause or contrib-

ute to an underlying mitochondrial disorder,

which in turn causes autism " .

Apparently, the " new theory " is that Han-

nah's vaccinations aggravated:

1. An underlying mitochondrial " disorder "

(the November 2007 view) and caused her

autism, and

2. An underlying mitochondrial " dysfunction "

and caused her seizure disorder (the

March 2008 view).

Moreover, the proponents (proposers) of this

" new theory " were the HHS medical professionals

who apparently examined:

· Hannah Poling's medical records and her

parents' affidavits in " 1 " , and

· Hannah Poling's medical records, her par-

ents' affidavits, and the experts' report

in " 2 " .

Thus, the vaccinations cause and/or aggravate

an underlying mitochondrial disorder or mito-

chondrial dysfunction is a " new theory " that

was proposed by HHS medical professionals.

They apparently proposed this theory so that

they would not have to address the evidence-

supported reality that the Thimerosal in

Hannah Poling's vaccinations caused her re-

gressive autism (diagnosed based on her re-

gressive neurodevelopmental behaviors), her

documented seizure disorder, and her well-

documented mitochondrial dysfunction.

All of Hannah's conditions can be explained,

without the need for this " new theory " , by

her documented Thimerosal-bolus-dose mercury

poisoning because toxicological studies

(using Thimerosal and other ethyl mercury

compounds [and methyl mercury compounds] in

human cells and tissues, developing animal,

and on post-mortem examinations of the brains

of those children with an ASD diagnosis) have

shown that subacute bioaccumulative mercury

poisoning from vaccine-dose and lower-dose

levels of Thimerosal in Thimerosal-preserved

vaccines can cause all three medical outcomes

in developing children, like Hannah Poling.

Thus, it is clear to this reviewer that the

HHS medical professionals proposed this " new

theory " to avoid having to:

· Address the reality that Hannah Poling

was mercury poisoned, and

· Confirm that her case was properly

selected in the Omnibus Autism Proceed-

ing as a test for the theory: vaccina-

tion with Thimerosal-containing vaccines

caused her autism diagnosis.

Finally, this reviewer does not think that

anyone on either side of the " vaccines cause,

or do not cause, autism " discussion would

characterize the HHS medical professionals

as " advocates " as the reporter's " ... Poling

case, however, offered advocates a new theory "

rhetoric implies.


>Although autism is common among children with

>mitochondrial disorders, several experts in

>the disorders dismissed the notion that vac-

>cines may cause the disease, which is widely

>understood to have a genetic origin.

First, this reviewer can only agree with

the writer that " autism is common among

children with mitochondrial " dysfunction.

In addition, this reviewer agrees with

the writer's " several experts in the

disorders dismissed the notion that vac-

cines may cause the disease " .

However, this reviewer cannot agree that

the type of mitochondrial problems found

in most children with a diagnosis of

autism are mitochondrial " disease " or

that they have a genetic origin per se

as the writer's " disease, which is wide-

ly understood to have a genetic origin "


Specifically, if Hannah Poling's mito-

chondrial problem were purely genetic,

then her mother and her older brother,

who both share the same mitochondrial

DNA as Hannah, should have some sort

of similar neurological deficits and,

as far as this reviewer can ascertain,

neither has been reported to have any


Moreover, the minor difference in

Hannah's mitochondrial DNA has not

been linked to any mitochondrial

disease as far as this reviewer can


Finally, in all instances of which

this reviewer is aware, mitochondrial

disease is a progressive condition that

typically begins to manifest at or just

after birth and, in any case, unrelent-

ingly worsens as the child ages.

Since, by all published accounts,

· Hannah developed normally for 19

months with no evidence of any

mitochondrial dysfunction before

starting to regress immediately

after her 19-month's vaccinations


· Appropriate interventions have

partially reversed her regression,

it is obvious to this reviewer that

Hannah and children like her do not have

any of the classical mitochondrial

diseases - which are progressive and

currently cannot be reversed, even

partially, by any set of today's ther-

apies. [Note: At best, today's therapies

can only slow the worsening of mitochon-

drial diseases.]


> " After caring for hundreds of children with

>mitochondrial disease, I can't recall a

>single one that had a complication from vac-

>cination, " said Dr. Darryl De Vivo, a pro-

>fessor of neurology and pediatrics at

>Columbia University who will present at the

>meeting on Sunday and is one of the premier

>experts in the field.


Accepting the writer's characterization

of Dr. DeVivo and his experience with

respect to mitochondrial disease as valid,

this reviewer would point out that Dr.


" After caring for hundreds of children

with mitochondrial disease, I can't

recall a single one that had a compli-

cation from vaccination "

indicates that the " mitochondrial disease "

expert the writer apparently interviewed

implicitly also does not think that

vaccination causes " mitochondrial disease " .

However, this reviewer's remarks should

be tempered by the reality that DeVivo

has documented, albeit undisclosed by the

writer, pro-vaccine conflicts of interest

that may be coloring this expert's views.


>Mitochondria, which serve as the energy

>factories of cells, have their own genetic

>material that is passed directly from mother

>to child. Flaws in this material are rela-

>tively common. As those flaws multiply,

>they interfere with mitochondrial function.


First, this reviewer accepts that these

statements reflect the reporter's views.

Second, this reviewer agrees with the

writer that mitochondrial DNA " is passed

directly from mother to child " .

However, this reviewer understands that

the minor DNA coding variations in mito-

chondrial DNA are part of the genetic

diversity in the human genome - a diver-

sity that, in general, protects all of

humanity from being wiped out by any

single disease or biological toxin to

which people may be exposed, though it

may render some more susceptible to being

harmed by exposure to said disease or


Thus, this reviewer objects to character-

izing the diversity in mitochondrial DNA


" Flaws in this material are relatively

common "

like the writer does here - even though

sometimes a mutation in the mitochondrial

DNA may be harmful or lethal.

In addition, though this reviewer accepts

the validity of the writer's:

" As those flaws multiply, they interfere

with mitochondrial function " ,

this writer notes that, based on in vitro

studies in " normally " developing neuroblas-

toma and astrocytoma cells, chemicals, like

Thimerosal, damage not only the mitochon-

drial function within these cells but also

other cellular functions even when the

cells' mitochondrial DNA has a " normal "

DNA sequence.

Thus, unlike this writer, whose bottom line

appears to be " it's genetic " , this reviewer

sees the ingredients introduced in vacci-

nation, whether they be Thimerosal or the

measles virus, as causal factor for both

the mitochondrial problems seen and the

neurodevelopmental disorders observed as

well as, in cases like Hannah's, the trig-

gers for her seizure disorder.

Thus, genetic diversity is a predisposing

factor to a developing child's suscepti-

bility to a given chemical or biological

insult, but genetic diversity is not the

cause of the adverse developmental outcomes


Therefore, absent the trigger or triggers,

the child develops " normally " as did both

Hannah Poling's mother and older brother,

who did not receive all the vaccinations

that Hannah received in a single day when

she was 19-months old.

Moreover, this insult-triggering hypothesis

must have been the case for Hannah since

she has the same exact mitochondrial DNA

sequence as her mother and brother.

Based on all of the preceding realities,

her mitochondrial DNA sequence was not the

cause of the mitochondrial dysfunction seen

in Hannah's case and, therefore, as the

medical professionals conceded, vaccinations

caused Hannah's autism, mitochondrial dys-

function (hypotonia), and seizure disorder.

Since Hannah's hypotonia, muscle weakness,

was systematic, the trigger for her condi-

tions must have been something in her vac-

cinations that is a systemic (all systems)


Since Thimerosal is the only recognized

bioaccumulating systemic toxin generator

known to this reviewer in the list of vac-

cine ingredients that Hannah received from

her vaccinations, this reviewer must con-

clude that the Thimerosal bolus dose in

Hannah Poling's 19-month vaccinations was,

much more likely than not, the cause of

Hannah Poling's autism as any unbiased

scientist faced with the same fact pattern



>Dr. De Vivo said as many as 700,000 people in

> the United States had flawed mitochondria,

>and in roughly 30,000 of them the genetic f

>laws were expansive enough to cause disease.


Accepting that Dr. DeVivo's estimates are

roughly accurate and recognizing that his

" flawed mitochondria " refers to mitochondria

whose genetic composition differs from what

is accepted as normal, this reviewer finds

that views attributed to Dr. DeVivo by the

writer are probably accurate.


>Diseased mitochondria may appear in some parts

>of the body but not others, making diagnosis

>difficult and predictions of symptoms impossible.


From what is stated here, this reviewer must

infer that the abnormal mitochondrial DNA

may be activated differently during the

processes by which the early omnipotent

embryonic cells differentiate and that this

process may be influenced by the presence of

toxins in the embryo's developmental environ-


If these observations are valid for mitochon-

drial disease, and if the mitochondrial dys-

function seen in children with an autism diag-

nosis is mitochondrial disease, then it would

follow that diagnosis would be harder and the

prediction of symptoms would be impossible.

But, from what has been published about

Hannah's case, the diagnosis of Hannah's

mitochondrial dysfunction does not appear to

have been that difficult and, based on what

this reviewer has read, mitochondrial dysfunc-

tion like Hannah's hypotonia in children with

an ASD diagnosis who have such can be done

without the need for a muscle biopsy - indi-

cating that, in instances like Hannah's and

children with a similar hypotonia condition,

their dysfunction is: a) not mitochondrial

disease, B) " easy " to diagnose and c) typi-

cally exhibits as hypotonia - which " coinci-

dentally " happens to also be one of the many

recognized symptoms of subacute mercury



>Infants with the disease may suffer frequent

>seizures and delayed motor and mental develop-

>ment, be short in stature and have hearing and

>eye movement problems.


Although this reviewer accepts that the wri-

ter's statement is valid for mitochondrial

" disease " , this reviewer finds it inappro-

priate here.

This is the case because there is no evidence

that Hannah Poling's case or any child with

an ASD case like hers has mitochondrial

" disease. "

This is especially true when the child initi-

ally has an ASD diagnosis, is then also diag-

nosed with mitochondrial dysfunction, and,

with appropriate therapy, shows measurable

improvement in his or her abilities.


>But in most sufferers, symptoms do not become

>apparent for years and may first present as

>weak or stiff muscles, poor coordination or

>alterations of posture.


From what the writer reports here, his prior

statements and this reviewer's limited know-

ledge of congenital cases, this reviewer

must conclude that there are two major types

of mitochondrial disease: a) congenital

which is purely genetic and B) delayed onset.

As with other childhood developmental and

behavioral disorders, perhaps regressive

mitochondrial diseases require a trigger.

Possibly some of the " environmental " trig-

gers, including Thimerosal, the MMR vaccine,

and some other vaccines (e.g., the hepatitis

B vaccine that, in French school-age chil-

dren vaccinated with it, has been shown to

be a delayed trigger for childhood multiple

sclerosis [MS]), which have been established

for regressive autism and other regressive

developmental disorders, may also be trig-

gers for the later-onset mitochondrial



>Many experts said infections could be so dev-

>astating to those with mitochondrial disor-

>ders that the risks associated with vaccines

>were far outweighed by the benefits.


First, this reviewer finds that the writer's


· Panders to the views of the pro-vaccine

apologists and propagandists, and

· Is an overly broad generalization

because the childhood diseases (e.g., chicken-

pox, influenza, measles, mumps, polio, and

rubella) for which: a) there are vaccines and

B) the CDC currently recommends universal

childhood vaccination programs, are relative-

ly benign in the U.S. and are not typically

devastating (except in cases where the child's

immune systems are significantly compromised)


· The developing child is well fed, proper-

ly nurtured, clothed and housed, the

environment is sanitary, and

· Higher levels of the appropriate supple-

ments are added to the child's diet when

he or she shows the first symptoms of the

disease (e.g., vitamin A for measles and

vitamin D-3 for influenza).

Moreover, this reviewer notes that the very

real risks from vaccinations are significantly

underreported and kept from the public, while

the benefits of vaccination are often hyped and

oversold to the point that:

· Ineffective vaccines (e.g., the influenza

vaccines and, apparently, the rotavirus

and HPV vaccines) and

· Less-than-effective vaccination programs

(e.g., the universal chickenpox vaccina-

tion program)

are touted to the public by those with vested

interests that are clearly at odds with the

physical, emotional, spiritual and/or financial

health of the public.

For the problematic vaccines and vaccination

programs used as less-than-effective examples,

this reviewer challenges the writer or other

vaccine apologists to abandon their rhetoric

and produce the evidence that proves that:

· Any of these are vaccines are truly effec-

tive in providing lifetime protection to

more than 95% of those who are fully vac-

cinated in childhood and

· These vaccines and vaccination programs

are truly medically cost-effective on a

population basis provided all the costs,

including the costs of the adverse effects

for vaccination, are accurately considered.


>Still, none dismissed the notion that a vaccine

>could cause a decline in such children.


Given the implication that a child (who got

FluMist and whose health " immediately " began

to decline, and, after a short period, died

in spite of the best efforts of medicine to

save her) had a mitochondrial problem, this

reviewer would expect to read:

" 'Still, none dismissed the notion that' this

trivalent live-virus vaccine caused the de-

cline seen in this child " .


> " Most of these kids get a common cold, and either

>during the cold or soon after, the parents notice

>a drastic deterioration " said Dr. Bruce H. Cohen,

>a neurologist at the Cleveland Clinic.


Apparently referring to children with a mito-

chondrial disease from the context, the writer

reports Dr. Cohen as saying:

" either during the cold or soon after, the

parents notice a drastic deterioration " .

Accepting that the remark is accurate, this

reviewer simply notes that the symptoms for a

common cold and a variety of other viral infec-

tions, including the trivalent live influenza

virus vaccine, FluMist®, produced by MedImmune

and implicated in the apparently vaccine-related

death reported in this article, are similar.


>Margaret Dunkle, a senior fellow at the Center

>for Health Services Research and Policy at

> Washington University and great-aunt

>to Hannah Poling, said she hoped that the re-

>searchers on Sunday would agree on studies

>that would help " to identify who those children

>are for whom vaccination might cause or worsen

>a mitochondrial dysfunction so that we can

>figure out a way to immunize those children

>safely. "


While the goal reportedly stated by Margaret

Dunkle here is laudable, this reviewer finds

that there are some more pressing vaccine

safety and effectiveness goals that should

be given a higher priority.

These goals include:

· The recommended vaccination programs

should be proven to be safe for healthy

children and the programs should estab-

lish the maximum combined disease agents

or surrogates that, for each possible

combination of approved vaccines, can be

given to a healthy child, or adult, on a

given day.

· All vaccination programs should be proven

to be medically cost effective before

being implemented using the current recom-

mended number of doses of vaccine plus one

additional dose as the basis for each ef-

fective vaccine's cost. [Note: In studies

to establish medical costs, the worst-case

estimated costs of all the adverse events

plus 10 percent or, for vaccines that have

been marketed for at least 10 years, the

reported average annual adverse reactions

multiplied by 10 and then multiplied by

1.1 times the greatest average annual cost

for each type of adverse reaction should

be used as the basis for the " adverse reac-

tion " costs.]

· The vaccine makers should prove the safety

of all vaccines in the following general


· Adverse Reaction Safety: Determine this

by accessing the adverse effects of the

vaccine in not less than 9,000 with

one-third receiving only a sterile sa-

line placebo injection, one-third only

receiving only the vaccine and one-third

receiving that vaccine plus all other

vaccines that may be given at the same

time as that vaccine and following each

patient receiving any vaccine or vaccine

combination for not less than 10 years.

· Autoimmune Safety Studies: Determine

this using scientifically sound and

appropriate in-depth challenge/rechallenge

animal studies in sensitive animals look-

ing at the effects of multiple vaccination

on the immune system's ability to differ-

entiate between self and not self,

· Carcinogenicity and Mutagenicity Studies:

Determine this using scientifically sound

and appropriate in-depth studies on the

effect of any known or potentially car-

cinogenic and/or mutagenic ingredient in

a vaccine that cannot be replaced by a

non-mutagenic and/or non-carcinogenic

ingredient using a sensitive primate

species. [Note: Unless there is a proven

absolute requirement for a known or po-

tentially carcinogenic and/or mutagenic

ingredient, no such ingredient may be

used in the manufacture of any vaccine

or other drug.]

· Reproductive Toxicity Safety: For any

vaccine approved for use in pregnant

women, determine this by assessing the

effects of the vaccine on appropriate

pregnant animals, their off spring and

their offspring's offspring using an

omnivorous primate animal species which

has been proven to have reproductive ef-

fects that are similar to those in humans

- studies must include in-depth evalua-

tions for teratogenic effects including

full DNA workups,

· Preservative Safety Studies: For any

vaccine formulation that contains a

preservative, determine that the vaccine

formulation meets the " sufficiently toxic

… " requirement as set forth in 21 C.F.R.

§ 610.15(a) and the preservative effec-

tiveness requirements set forth in the

United States Pharmacopeia initially as

well as at three months after the expi-

ration date of the oldest lot. [Note: Un-

less it is impossible to produce a vac-

cine formulation without including a " suf-

ficiently nontoxic " preservative, all

vaccines should be preservative free and

packaged in the appropriate single-dose


[Note: For existing vaccines, all that need

be done is to complete and submit the missing

studies, if any, within one to three years

after being notified by the Secretary of HHS

or his designee of a deficiency in the firm's


· To assure effectiveness, all licensed vac-

cines should formulated to, and be proven to,

provide a protective level of effective im-

munity for no-less-than 20 years after the

last of not-more-than 4 doses of the vaccine

in not-less-than 90 % of the fully inoculated


· Encourage universal breastfeeding for at

least two (2) years and study the effect of

delaying the start of vaccination programs

with the goal of delaying vaccination until

the later of 18 months or the weaning of the

child. [Note: This goal should be pursued for

each vaccine where inoculation currently

starts before the child is 18 months old

unless the overall cost of the vaccination

harm to children younger than 18 months is

independently proven to exceed the overall

cost of delaying the vaccination program by

at least 50% for a given vaccine. This goal

is intended to better align vaccination prac-

tice with the natural timing for childhood

diseases and to increase the immune system

reserve capacity in the Thymus, Tonsils, and

the other glands in the lymphatic system.]

· Eliminate the early childhood universal vac-

cination programs for all vaccines that are

not effective (e.g., the influenza vaccines,

Prevnar, the rotavirus vaccines, and the HPV

vaccines), or are for diseases that are not

endemic in young children (e.g., hepatitis B).

Hopefully, the reader will recognize the impor-

tance of meeting some of these goals and join

with this reviewer in lobbying for such.


> " What's the schedule and number of vaccines? " Ms.

>Dunkle asked. " What's the content of those vac-

>cines? "

Here, this reviewer finds that the questions

posed by Ms. Dunkle do need an answer but that,

though he included them, the reporter appar-

ently felt no real need to even address her


The simple answers are:

· For her first question, the CDC periodic-

ally set and revise the recommended U.S.

vaccination " schedule " for the general

public and these schedules generally

determine the upper limit on " number of

vaccines " , and

· For the second, the FDA-approved vac-

cines package inserts, typically avail-

able through the Internet, or other's

countries' product information leaflets,

which also may be available on-line, con-

tain the readily available general infor-

mation on " the content of those vaccines " .


>Dr. Cohen said answering such questions was all

>but impossible because of the difficulties asso-

>ciated with diagnosing mitochondrial disorders. "

From the context, it appears that the statement

attributed to Dr. Cohen here was not placed in

its proper context.

This is the case because it is obvious to this

reviewer that Dr. Cohen is referring only to Ms.

Dunkle's first remarks, in which this writer

reported she said:

" she hoped that the researchers on Sunday

would agree on studies that would help 'to

identify who those children are for whom

vaccination might cause or worsen a mito-

chondrial dysfunction so that we can figure

out a way to immunize those children safely.' " "

and not her quoted questions about schedules,

vaccines and their contents


> " There is no test available right now to screen

>for mitochondrial disorders that is anywhere

>near sensitive or specific, " Dr. Cohen said,

> " so the whole concept of screening prior to

>vaccination is a fantasy. "

While this reviewer does not dispute that

these are Dr. Cohen's views, this reviewer

notes that Drs. Poling and Zimmerman had no

problem establishing Hannah Poling had a

mitochondrial dysfunction.

Moreover, as a scientist who watched a

rapid inexpensive robust screening test be

developed for phenylketonuria (PKU), this

reviewer knows that a rapid inexpensive

robust screening test for mitochondrial

disease, disorders and/or dysfunctions

prior to a child's first vaccinations is

not a fantasy but rather a simple need

that, once it is made a global screening

requirement, one or more of the develop-

ers of rapid diagnostic tests will quick-

ly meet.


>Still, a discussion about the possible links

>between mitochondrial disorders, autism and

>vaccination is needed, said Dr. Insel of

>the mental health institute.


Here, this reviewer agrees with the quoted

views of Dr. Insel.

Moreover, at least in cases like Hannah

Poling's putative " Thimerosal causes

autism " test case in the Omnibus Autism

Proceeding, this reviewer has shared his

views of the most probable link between

vaccination with vaccines containing a

preservative level of Thimerosal and

autism as well as the most probable link

between vaccination with vaccines contain-

ing a preservative level of Thimerosal

and both mitochondrial dysfunction and

seizure disorders.

In this reviewer's limited experience,

the majority of children that have an

ASD diagnosis, like Hannah's, are most

probably subacutely mercury poisoned by

the Thimerosal in their vaccinations and,

in some cases, from other drugs preserved

with it or some other mercury compound to

the point that this mercury poisoning


· Causes the observed set of develop-

mental and behavioral symptoms used

to diagnose autism and the other ASDs,

· Poisons mitochondrial function, and

· Causes the slow-to-rapid regressive

changes in the brain of children with

an ASD diagnosis that are difficult

to reverse and, in some cases after

some degree of regression, also in-

duces seizures such as those exhibited

by Hannah Poling.

In this reviewer's current understanding

of the facts, the links between autism and

mitochondrial dysfunction as well as those

between mitochondrial dysfunction and sei-

zures exist but are secondary to the direct

effects of the long-term systemic mercury

poisoning of the body, which, as Dr. Boyd

E. Haley has correctly observed, affects

every system in the body in varying degrees

- depending on the susceptibility of each

system to being mercury poisoned based on

the body's DNA, health, other infections,

diet, stresses, medical interventions, liv-

ing environment, and nurturing by others.


> " We're talking about two things we don't

>understand very well, mitochondrial disorder

>and autism, and putting them together, " Dr.

>Insel said. " It's like two drunks holding

>each other up. "


While this reviewer understands Dr. Insel's

views and the analogy he use here, and the

reviewer agrees that whenever we are limited

to describing a medical condition only in

terms of its symptoms (as is the case here

for not only the autism [a/k/a autistic

disorder] and the mitochondrial disorder

that Dr. Insel mentions but also for the

seizure disorder that he did not address),

this reviewer does not accept the underlying

presumption that the true causes of these

medical conditions are unknown or undefined

(the reality for all " medical " conditions

that are disorders) in the Poling case, as

the use of the term " disorder " indicates.

Moreover, based on the largest published

genetic studies done to date, researchers

have not identified any specific genetic

pattern that, absent any external trigger,

links that DNA to a specific neurodevelop-

mental disorder, autism in this case,

coupled with a seizure disorder and mito-

chondrial dysfunction (a level of altered

mitochondrial function that does not rise

to the level that it can be considered a

disorder) as is the actual case for Hannah

Poling and many children like her, where

rough estimates are that up to 30 % of

those with an autism diagnosis also have

a seizure disorder and 20 % to 50 % of

those with an autism diagnosis also have

some abnormality in mitochondrial function

(e.g., muscle weakness [hypotonia]) in the

striated muscles and/or muscle incoordina-

tion in the intestine).

In this reviewer's studied view, it is

clear that the Thimerosal (49.55-wt-%

mercury) in vaccinations is a known causal

factor (and ongoing trigger) that, via its

known systemic mercury poisoning of all

systems in the body to varying degrees, was

and, in most cases, still is the principal

causal factor in ASD cases like Hannah's

case and in at least 75% of the instances

where the child has a valid diagnosis of an

ASD coupled with a diagnosed seizure disor-

der and diagnosed mitochondrial dysfunction.

Furthermore, in less than 20% of the cases,

the principal causal factor (and trigger)

for those with an ASD diagnosis appears to

be the MMR or measles vaccines, or Thimerosal

preceding or with the MMR or measles vaccines

- leaving about 5 % of the ASD cases with as

yet unidentified single causal triggers or

more complex multiple-causal factors (trig-


Were a significant random percentage sample

of all those with an untreated ASD diagnosis

to be given a complete differential diagnos-

tic workup using the current best underlying-

cause-indicating diagnostic tests for those

with an ASD diagnosis, then this reviewer

understands that these rough values could be

improved to the point that appropriate uncer-

tainties could be attached to each and the

results of the differential diagnostic work-

ups could be used to appropriately group

children having the same triggering pattern

and outcomes so that the effect of various

medically appropriate treatment regimens,

including, diet, vitamin supplementation,

hormone regulation, chelation and other " re-

cuperative " therapies could be assessed, and

the most helpful treatment plans adopted for

each group.

However, as long as the healthcare establish-

ment adheres to a " disorders " view of the

harm done and wastes energy in trying to

convert " genetic diversity " into a " genetic

disease " like the status quo views currently

being passed off to the public as if the

causal factors (triggers) were still unknowns

after decades of establishment-funded " re-

search " , then the public's confidence in this

reporter and his fellow pro-vaccine advocates,

vaccines, and vaccination programs will con-

tinue to wane.

To offset this wane, the level of vaccine

propaganda and the blatancy of the lies in

it will, of necessity, increase until all

Establishment communication about these top-

ics will only be carried on in newspeak, the

black-is-white, fact-rewriting language that

Orwell made famous in his book 1984,

until the people rise up and cleanse the

United States of America of this pernicious

evil, or the United States of America ceases

to be an independent nation state.


>The meeting, in Indianapolis, is being spon-

>sored by the mental health institute, the

>Food and Drug Administration, the C.D.C., the

> National Institutes of Health, the Department

>of Health and Human Services and the National

>Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.


Since, as the preceding reflects, the govern-

mental agencies sponsoring this meeting are

pro-vaccine agencies which seem more intent


· Lying about the ongoing presence of

Thimerosal in vaccines and other medi-

cines as well as about the maximum dose

of vaccine mercury that a U.S. child

may receive, presuming no further

changes in the vaccination recommenda-

tions for the current vaccines and/or

additions of some new Thimerosal-con-

taining vaccine doses to the current

recommended vaccination list. [Note:

When today's parent allows all of the

Thimerosal-preserved and Thimerosal-

containing vaccines licensed today to

be given to their child and rigorously

adheres to the current U.S. national

childhood immunization schedule for

children from birth to 18-years of

age as well as the U.S. recommenda-

tions for pregnant women and nursing

mothers, the total mercury dose, di-

rect and indirect, from Thimerosal in

vaccines that the child will receive,

provided nothing changes, will exceed

the maximum mercury dose from the cor-

responding U.S. 1999 vaccination

schedule by more than a factor of


· Covering up the real reasons the health-

care establishment, drug companies and

governmental agencies are resisting a

ban on the use of Thimerosal and all

other mercury compounds in medicine

· Adopting " anything but mercury and the

MMR vaccine " as causal factors for the

numerous childhood developmental and

behavioral conditions that were unknown

or virtually unknown in the 1940s but

are epidemic today, and

· Intentionally misusing epidemiology to

generate studies that " disprove " the

links between the identified causal fac-

tors (vaccination with Thimerosal-con-

taining vaccines and the MMR vaccine)

and the observed harmful outcomes (a

plethora of abnormal childhood develop-

mental and behavioral conditions, in-

cluding, but not limited to the ADHD,

ASDs, asthma and COPD, diabetes [types

1 and 2], certain leukemias, MS and

other related autoimmune diseases, gas-

trointestinal disorders, and severe

allergies to foods and dusts) occurring

at epidemic levels today in the same

manner that the tobacco companies used

epidemiology to " disprove " the links

between the causal factors (the smoking,

chewing and snorting of tobacco) and

disease outcomes, including, but not

limited to, heart disease and cancers

of the lung, larynx, esophagus, tongue

and mouth,

than in presenting the truth about the pre-

ceding vaccination-related issues with em-

phasis on those that can cause mitochondrial

dysfunction in those who are susceptible, this

reviewer thinks that the results from this

meeting will most probably be more obfuscatory

pronouncements about mitochondrial disorders

rather than substantive findings about vaccines,

multiple vaccinations, and the harm to mito-

chondrial function by vaccine components, in-

cluding the Thimerosal component that mercury

poisons the mitochondria directly and disrupts

other normal cellular biochemical cycles, and

the measles component in the MMR vaccine, which,

in some cases, may alter mitochondria function

by invading the cells and then subverting the

proper function of the cell's mitochondria to

support the replication of the measles virus.


>Whatever the result of the meeting, A.

>Mohan Jr., executive director of the United

>Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, a nonprofit

>research and educational group, said he was

>delighted by the attention being brought to the



This reviewer acknowledges that the writer

has captured Mr. Mohan's delight by the at-

tention that the government is bringing " to

the disease " - " mitochondrial disease " .


>Mr. Mohan's daughter died of the disease when

> she was 15 after years of worsening seizures.


This reviewer is saddened by Mr. Mohan's loss,

as he is with the loss of any child to a

" disease " whose causal factors are currently

unknown and for which the current therapies

appear, given Mr. Mohan's loss, to be less

than effective.


> " We're hoping the result of this meeting is

>at least the realization that more money is

>needed for research to connect these dots, "

>Mr. Mohan said.


While this reviewer also hopes that the meet-

ing will result in " at least the realization

that more money is needed for research to con-

nect these dots " as the writer reports that

Mr. Mohan said, this reviewer hopes that the

research funded will be designed to identify

the root causes of the various mitochondrial

dysfunctions observed, especially those that

can be fatal, and that that research will

lead to effective therapies that can arrest

the damage done and, in some, if not all,

cases, recover the child to near normalcy.


Reviewer's Postscript

On June 27, 2008, the Special Masters in the

Omnibus Autism Proceeding in the United States

Court of Federal Claims granted the Justice

Department's request to withdraw the expert

reports of the two recognized toxicologists

(Drs. Magos and son),[2] which were the

key reports upon which the government was here-

tofore relying to rebut the petitioners' toxi-

cological evidence that Thimerosal in vaccines

causes mercury poisoning that manifests as

autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.


[2] http://www.uscfc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/

files/autism/7_03_08_autism.pdf " AUTISM




This action is another, albeit indirect, ad-

mission by key toxicology experts (who were

nominated to testify against " THEORY 2 " [the

proposition that Thimerosal {49.55-wt% mercury}

in vaccines is causally linked to autism] and

filed expert reports supporting this view)

that the ever-growing body of scientifically

sound toxicological evidence clearly supports

the causal link between Thimerosal-containing

vaccines and autism.


A detailed listing of Dr. King's interests,

history, accomplishments and publications

can be found at:



*The information provided in this email *

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*It is not medical advice and it does not *

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*While the information is thought to be *

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*Everyone should verify the accuracy of *

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Dr. King


PS: After 15 July 2008, this draft

review and the 2 most recent

" June " reviews should be posted

in the " Documents " section of

CoMeD and may be donloaded for

your personal edification in case

you missed them.


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