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Re: Did You Know What Is Hamburgers Contained?

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You know, the more I read the more upset and concerned I get. Not only for

myself but more for my young adult children! The world just seems like it

is out to kill us and I don't know what to do. I try very hard to stay out

of water damaged places but every place I seem to go I look up and see

water stains. Then it's the plastic, the foods, fragrances, cleaners, and the

list goes on. On top of it all I was just bitten by a deer tick the day

after Thanksgiving! I'm taking antibiotics the Dr. did some test that I've

since found out isn't even a Lyme test ( ABY without reflex whatever that is)

and shouldn't even be done until about 4 weeks after the bite. At least I

found it, no rash yet, no symptoms but who knows. Only gave me 10 days of

doxycycline but I am going back tomorrow to get 3 weeks more. Info I was given

says a months worth then test. The population is slowly dying and I'm

scared to death!!

I certainly don't eat fast foods unless absolutely an emergency BUT I do

order a hamburger when I go out. Now I'm afraid to do that!

Sorry, having a difficult time.




Maybe billions peoples consuming hamburgers every year in US.But do you

know what actually conceived by most of the hamburger?Yes, maybe you eat

hamburgers are made from beef contaminated with E. coli to be

Repackaged, cooked and sold as ready-to-eat Hamburgers.

http://healtnhappyn ess.blogspot. com/


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Thanks for the kind words and wisdom. I try my best not to worry and was

doing fairly well until the tick bite after Thanksgiving now I'm a

mess.Trying to enjoy Christmas and do some nice things with my family. I also

try to

research what I use daily, eat well, and do the best I can in this toxic

world. I thought getting older would be much more relaxing but have found

that not to be the case. I will certainly look into the diet you mentioned.

Can my Dr. have the Lyme test send directly to Palo Alto?

Thanks again for your help.


Good lab for lyme tests is Igenex in Palo Alto, CA.

Yes, we are surrounded by toxins, and yes, as mom of chronically ill 20

yo going on nearly 4 years now who does not detox, I am personally

concerned by all the toxicity surrounding us, BUT this is the world we

live in, and STRESS is probably the worst thing for our health and

happiness, SO my own personal philosophy is to worry about the things I

can control, and try not to stress about the rest.

For example, I can't control the air quality, but I can research and try

to find the best air filters, longer term I could research the cleanest

places to live and plan for a move. I can choose to buy an organic

mattress not soaked in chemical fire retardants. I can eat the purest

food I can find w/i the constraints of my time and $ budget. I can

choose to use my cell phone less but I have no control over my neighbor

installing wireless that invades my air space... Anyway, this approach

works for me, and I thought I'd share it...

I personally follow a Weston A. Price diet, and the Weston A. Price

Foundation local chapters are a great source of good quality local

sources of good clean unprocessed food.

And for your young adult children, you can teach them what you have

learned on these subjects and they will make their own choices...

BTW, I do believe stress is one of the worst things for health, my

grandmother who drank coffee every morning, had " happy hour " and wine w/

dinner daily, ate processed foods some after they were introduced to the

american diet, but didn't stress a lot, lived to 104. OF COURSE, she

started her life in a nontoxic world and I think that makes a big

difference too. My son's doctor only half jokingly says we should

" throw out all the kids born in the last 20 years.... " And now they are

finding zillions of chemicals in newborns cord blood, that kind of says

it all...

Best, Sue V.

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HI Sue,

Good lab for lyme tests is Igenex in Palo Alto, CA.

Yes, we are surrounded by toxins, and yes, as mom of chronically ill 20

yo going on nearly 4 years now who does not detox, I am personally

concerned by all the toxicity surrounding us, BUT this is the world we

live in, and STRESS is probably the worst thing for our health and

happiness, SO my own personal philosophy is to worry about the things I

can control, and try not to stress about the rest.

For example, I can't control the air quality, but I can research and try

to find the best air filters, longer term I could research the cleanest

places to live and plan for a move. I can choose to buy an organic

mattress not soaked in chemical fire retardants. I can eat the purest

food I can find w/i the constraints of my time and $ budget. I can

choose to use my cell phone less but I have no control over my neighbor

installing wireless that invades my air space... Anyway, this approach

works for me, and I thought I'd share it...

I personally follow a Weston A. Price diet, and the Weston A. Price

Foundation local chapters are a great source of good quality local

sources of good clean unprocessed food.

And for your young adult children, you can teach them what you have

learned on these subjects and they will make their own choices...

BTW, I do believe stress is one of the worst things for health, my

grandmother who drank coffee every morning, had " happy hour " and wine w/

dinner daily, ate processed foods some after they were introduced to the

american diet, but didn't stress a lot, lived to 104. OF COURSE, she

started her life in a nontoxic world and I think that makes a big

difference too. My son's doctor only half jokingly says we should

" throw out all the kids born in the last 20 years.... " And now they are

finding zillions of chemicals in newborns cord blood, that kind of says

it all...

Best, Sue V.


>You know, the more I read the more upset and concerned I get. Not only for

>myself but more for my young adult children! The world just seems like it


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Thanks, again. I just returned from my family Dr. loaded with info from the

International Lyme & Assoc. Diseases Society. He looked at the treatment

plan and agreed to give me 21 more days of Doxycycline and then to have the

Lyme test done about the 2nd week of Jan. He didn't really want to unless I

had symptoms but I feel better having it anyway. I'm hoping the CSM I take

will help to keep the tick bite negative.

I can relate to the " golden years " I have a 25 yr. old who was laid off, a

son working but not completely happy, I can't work and I take care of my

aging mother as well.

I'll try to think positive!!

Thanks, Sue


Google Igenex, and then call them and tell them what your situation is,

and they can recommend which tests and timing of tests. I believe there

is a test kit they send, and then you take it to a lab to have the blood

drawn and processed. Many people if tested would test positive for

lyme, and it doesn't bother their systems, and you don't always get sick

after a tick bite, so try not to worry too much...

Yes, somehow we don't seem to be getting the benefits of the " golden

years " , I am sandwiched in between my sick kid, moldy house, and aging


Happy holidays though!!

Best Sue

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Google Igenex, and then call them and tell them what your situation is,

and they can recommend which tests and timing of tests. I believe there

is a test kit they send, and then you take it to a lab to have the blood

drawn and processed. Many people if tested would test positive for

lyme, and it doesn't bother their systems, and you don't always get sick

after a tick bite, so try not to worry too much...

Yes, somehow we don't seem to be getting the benefits of the " golden

years " , I am sandwiched in between my sick kid, moldy house, and aging mom...

Happy holidays though!!

Best Sue


>Thanks for the kind words and wisdom. I try my best not to worry and was

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