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Re: Press Release: Epidemic of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, A Disease Caused by Toxic Chemical Exposure

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This is what bugs me. 6 genes, more susceptibility,

oxidative stress. a really bad exposure and maybe no bad genes

and you still well get very ill, right?,

lets say 1 bad gene, never caused problems your whole life, but a really bad

exposure and your very ill. no way to really measure dose of exposure at ant

given moment, which can change by the hour,day,

with mold,myco/voc/mvoc/chemical exposure. now how much does the genes play in?

just really, how much of a factor do these bad genes play when oxidative stress

is bad and even the best genes/matabolism cant keep up with the exposure. I was

expososed in 2 different situations, one for many years, it was bad but the 2nd

exposure was worse and was the one where my defences couldn't keep up at all and

bad things happened includeing MCS. mutiple allergies to molds, ??

and the breaking down of my brain barriors and head trauma that went beyond the

brain fog exfects that were so gradual with my first exposure that I didn't even

realize it was happening, only in hindsight can I see that my brain was getting

a little foggy toward the end of that first exposure, but it was a gradual thing

as it was in a airy victorian home, no insulation, so somewhat more of a deluted

exposure I asume because it was airier. but becuse I had suffered a back /hip

injury from work it seemed to concentrate on that area, and because I had had

children and maybe the female organs were weaker, it concentrated on that area

also, plus maybe some of that was do to the types of molds.mycos. the estrogen

thing. I realize that it was probably working on my sinuses, damageing that area

somewhat, but only suffered with stuffy nose and a few nose bleeds which was

nothing compared to the second exposure. but I definitly fell that the first

exposure was doing it's damage to organs and tissues but that had I not been

exposed in the second exposure I would have recoved much better. so, when it

comes to bad genes, does it play more of a role in a lower dose exposure

setting? does that seem

more reasonable? what about organ damage during a lower dose exposure

.. is this because of the bad gene/matabolism? or is this more dependent on the

types of chemicals involved? or in our case

also molds and their toxins. I've read alot on this subject and what I get is

that genitics play a very little role in this.

so, seems that they might play in more if you get very ill from a low dose

exposure but at a high dose exposure it might not make much difference. than

theres 1 bad gene vs. six bad genes, the more bad genes the more susceptable,

right? ?? seems there should be some way to deturmine a dose level and responce

level based on each exposure and their number of bad genes. no bad genes would

take a higher dose exposure, 6 bad genes would make you just as ill at a low

dose exposure. is that right? so say you had 1 bad gene and was made very ill,

wouldn't that pretty much show you had a very high dose exposure?

exspecially if you had previously had what you consider a exposure that started

as low dose and gradually over the years became a higher dose as things

accumalated, but it still wasn't as high as the second exposure that caused

illness and organ damage that the first exposure didn't cause. than you have to

figure in the chemical/toxins theirself, a low dose of one chemical/toxin might

do as much damage as a high dose of another chemical/toxin. well we ever be able


get this figured out or does it seem more reasonable to consentrate on the

actual damage to our bodys and forget the whole dose vs genes.

does the whole gene thing actually just complacate the issue?

are we going to start getting blamed for our illness based on genitics

like every other illness? many that have sence been proven not to be genitic at

all? I just dont like the genitics being brought into this

when all the answers are not there. just like so many other diseases.

i do understand matabolism and it's role but even the best matabolism can get

down, even with a cold or flu so really, how much does these bad genes make a

difference enless maybe you have them all.

but 1 or 2 ? this just bothers me.

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Jeannine: I cant answer all of your questions but I have asked them to Dr R

because I was the only one to get sick in my home and my son is living there

now. How he exlains it is that it is about your " total body burden " which is how

much your body can handle before it starts to react or break down. The faster

you can get rid of some of those toxins (I did sauna and IV) the better your

body will be able to cope. Its the accumulation of toxins that will get you if

you cannot get away from the mold/chemicals. As far as the bad genes, I have the

genotype that makes no glutathione (missing the gene on both sides) and he said

he sees that is amost ALL of his patients. So that would tell me that it was

indeed a factor. I know I did not answer all your questions, hope this helped

some. D


> This is what bugs me. 6 genes, more susceptibility,

> oxidative stress. a really bad exposure and maybe no bad genes

> and you still well get very ill, right?,

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see what I'm saying? like the guy that dies from a massive exposure to

aspergillus in his mulch pile, did genes play a role or did it not make a

difference because it was a hgigh amount and his body just couldn't get rid of

it fast enough.


> This is what bugs me. 6 genes, more susceptibility,

> oxidative stress. a really bad exposure and maybe no bad genes

> and you still well get very ill, right?,

> lets say 1 bad gene, never caused problems your whole life, but a really bad

exposure and your very ill. no way to really measure dose

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Thanks D, so in actuallity, the more bad genes, the less dose of exposure it

would take to reach the total body load. even some of these genes may differ in

how they would effect the total body load.

but with a high dose exposure it would make very little difference of you had

any off these genes or not. sounds reasonable. I wonder too that maybe your son

may tolerate it now because he's younger and stronger, but might suffer as he

ages. it would be interesting to know if he has any of these bad genes. it would

also be interesting to know if the exposure itself may acyually damage these

genes that may not have been damaged before. there is info. out there on toxins

actually damageing certain genes. there is also the fact that maybe

one person getting sicker than another in the same house might depend on age and

health but also maybe where the mold is in the heavist consentrations and maybe

where you sleep, or maybe just who does most of the cleaning/vacumming around

the house and actuall is stiring things up more and therefore breathing it more.

theres just to many ands,if's and butt's here :) that's why it bothers me for

anyone to put much account into bad genes.


> Jeannine: I cant answer all of your questions but I have asked them to Dr R

because I was the only one to get sick in my home and my son is living there

now. How he exlains it is that it is about your " total body burden " which is how

much your body can handle before it starts to react or break down. T

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what kind of IV's did you take?

Also, can you take glutathione to make up for fact you don't make it or how do

you solve that?


> Jeannine: I cant answer all of your questions but I have asked them to Dr R

because I was the only one to get sick in my home and my son is living there

now. How he exlains it is that it is about your " total body burden " which is how

much your body can handle before it starts to react or break down. The faster

you can get rid of some of those toxins (I did sauna and IV)

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Barb: My IVs were 30 gram of Vitamin C, magnesium, B complex and glutathione. I

did them twice a week in Boston for a year. Yes you can take glutathione orally

(I do) but I was told that you only absorb about 40% of it orally. Here in

Dallas I injected 1 CC daily. That is the best way to go in my opinion because

you can learn to do it yourself and save alot of money. D

> >

> > Jeannine: I cant answer all of your questions but I have asked them to Dr R

because I was the only one to get sick in my home and my son is living there

now. How he exlains it is that it is about your " total body burden " which is how

much your body can handle before it starts to react or break down. The faster

you can get rid of some of those toxins (I did sauna and IV)


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Sam: It is called Detoxi Genomic Profile. It is done by Great Smokie Labs in

Ashville, NC. I looked at my report and I do not have a phone # for them but you

should be able to google Great Smokies Diagnostic Labs. D


> Diane,

> Do you know the name of this test?

> Thanks,

> Sam

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