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Hi , you guessed it, it is that Michigander SKippy. Just wanted to say you

are right about the sprint time. But I do drink the amount I am supposed to.

If I am not at home then I make it up when I get there. Sometimes that means

that you are up in the night mannnnnnnny times.

I would also bet that you are right about the fact that a lot of us have the

same problem.

Love to you and your Mom from all of us.

Denny & Skippy

rheumatic water


Since water is a current topic, I thought I would ask a question...

I know about the importance of adequate amounts of water, and I know I come

no where close to drinking enough most days. Especially if I am away from home -

on those days I drink very little until I am back home. The reason? Bathrooms

aren't as accessible to me as they used to be.....and the days of " jumping up

and sprinting to the john " are pretty much behind me for now. Sometimes the

" race " for the pot goes right down to the wire. This is no fun when I'm at

school, or shopping, etc. And, I don't count using " aids " ie diapers etc as an

option. Not now, and hopefully not ever!

So, the question I ask is - how does someone else deal with drinking enough

water but not peeing their pants. I'm sure I am not the only one who has this

problem - but I've not seen it addressed in the time I've been online. I know I

hesitated bringing it up........but figured what the heck; no one can see me


Be well,

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Well, it seems nothing is off topic in this group anymore - not even

incontinence so here goes -

Water is so VITALLY important to the body (yes I'm screaming so you will

be sure to hear), anybody who doesn't drink sufficient amounts is headed

for trouble - and it may take a while to appear. When that trouble

strikes you may never realize it is the result of your neglect to drink

sufficient water. It's just like the problem so many of us have (or

have had) with the imbalance in the intestinal tract when we weren't

told about the importance of taking acidophilus, or even doing so, still

ran into problems. The imbalance can lead to leaky gut and leaky gut

allows the bowel toxins into the blood stream and you can end up with

all sorts of problems - including halting your progress on the AP - yet,

in many instances, the gut gives no indication of a problem. I've had

that experience myself.

Water lubricates the joints - carries nutrients to the cells - carries

off toxins. I really should capitalize this too!

You should have been taught in school to drink 8 - 8 oz. glasses of

water a day. That's the minimum. Actually adults should drink one half

their weight in water in ounces. For instance, if you weigh 150 pounds,

you need to drink 75 ounces of water. The more you weigh the more water

you need to drink. I weigh 105 pounds but I make sure I drink no less

than 64 ounces of water a day. Water - not coffee, tea, or other drinks

- plain filtered water - not iced.

Now you say, my bladder can't handle that much liquid. Well, neither

can mine. Back in 1967, I had a hysterectomy and bladder repair which

reduced the size of the bladder and left me with little muscle control.

It means I have to make frequent trips to the bathroom on a regular

basis - not wait until the urge strikes. And even doing that it

sometimes presents a problem so I have to take measures to prevent

embarrassment. I've lived with this problem for 32 years.

Right now I'm on a program that includes drinking a gallon of water a

day. I'll be sharing this with the group when I get some time to write

it up.

My life isn't hindered by this problem in any way - it just demands

planning. For instance, if I'm going to be flying in the late

afternoon, I start drinking before sun-up and get most of the water

requirement in four to five hours before flight time. Then I finish

drinking requirements when I arrive at my destination. If traveling by

car, I mark the map with all the rest stops, then I drink 16 ounces of

water about 20 minutes or so before the next stop.

I was ready to sign off when I re-read 's post again about bathrooms

not being accessible and remembered how we handled the problem when

traveling with my son and grandsons when they were being trained. All

you need is a jar and a closet someplace. Where there is a will there

is a way.


> Sala wrote:


> Hello..........


> Since water is a current topic, I thought I would ask a question...


> I know about the importance of adequate amounts of water, and I know

> I come no where close to drinking enough most days. Especially if I am

> away from home - on those days I drink very little until I am back

> home. The reason? Bathrooms aren't as accessible to me as they used to

> be.....and the days of " jumping up and sprinting to the john " are

> pretty much behind me for now. Sometimes the " race " for the pot goes

> right down to the wire. This is no fun when I'm at school, or

> shopping, etc. And, I don't count using " aids " ie diapers etc as an

> option. Not now, and hopefully not ever!


> So, the question I ask is - how does someone else deal with drinking

> enough water but not peeing their pants. I'm sure I am not the only

> one who has this problem - but I've not seen it addressed in the time

> I've been online. I know I hesitated bringing it up........but

> figured what the heck; no one can see me blushing!


> Be well,



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> Sala wrote:


> So, the question I ask is - how does someone else deal with drinking

> enough water but not peeing their pants.

Rehydrate in the afternoon, beginning when you first get home from work.

Drink lots, urinate lots, plan on waking up at night. Then go easy in

the AM & day, back on it after work.

If you need to, measure out your water. For many people it's easier just

to get a full size (16 oz) glass and have it always with them, filling

it up anytime it gets empty.


Geoff Crenshaw -----------------------

Captain Cook's Cruise Center ** Usual Disclaimers **


Religion: Man's attempt to discover God

Christianity: God's offer to save humankind

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As to incontinence & desperation...

The US Air Force, and other nations as well, use what is loosely termed

a HERE tube. HERE - Human Element Range Extender. In the flight uniforms

this device allows a male's penis to be placed within a sheath wherein

he can relieve his bladder during long flights.

In these days of " sexual equality " the concept has been extended to

include females. The devices are not nearly so elegant due to the

obvious design implications, but they do work, and for land use are

normally self-contained, meaning they include not only the disposal

portion, but storage as well.

You can find these little goodies from several mail-order outfits

ranging from US $6-$9. The work much better than a quart jar (plastic

doesn't break). But the closet may still be handy. :)

If I come across the catalogue (which may happen in the search for the

adrenal supplements) I'll post it.


Geoff Crenshaw -----------------------

Captain Cook's Cruise Center ** Usual Disclaimers **


Religion: Man's attempt to discover God

Christianity: God's offer to save humankind

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As to incontinence & desperation...

The US Air Force, and other nations as well, use what is loosely termed

a HERE tube. HERE - Human Element Range Extender. In the flight uniforms

this device allows a male's penis to be placed within a sheath wherein

he can relieve his bladder during long flights.

In these days of " sexual equality " the concept has been extended to

include females. The devices are not nearly so elegant due to the

obvious design implications, but they do work, and for land use are

normally self-contained, meaning they include not only the disposal

portion, but storage as well.

You can find these little goodies from several mail-order outfits

ranging from US $6-$9. The work much better than a quart jar (plastic

doesn't break). But the closet may still be handy. :)

If I come across the catalogue (which may happen in the search for the

adrenal supplements) I'll post it.


Geoff Crenshaw -----------------------

Captain Cook's Cruise Center ** Usual Disclaimers **


Religion: Man's attempt to discover God

Christianity: God's offer to save humankind

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  • 4 months later...

Hello all:-)

I was under the impression that 'water' has to be water a la naturel, not

taken as tea or any other beverage, have I got that wrong?

Could I just say how VERY grateful I am to all of you who post good URL's

for those of us who don't have time to surf....THANK YOU Liz, Mark and


I'll be kind and not mention the temperature here right now <cheeky grin>



>From: " Liz G. " <pioneer@...>


>A good article about drinking sufficient water--a little reminder for us

>all. I have more trouble keeping up with the water drinking this time of

>year, not nearly as attractive as when the temps are up around 100 in the

>summertime. I drink a lot of herb teas in the winter to help me keep up

>with it--mints, chamomile, ginger and red rasberry leaf are favorites of

>mine, as well as some of the commercial herb mixes you get in the grocery

>store. Drink up to better health! Liz G

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> I was under the impression that 'water' has to be water a la naturel, not

> taken as tea or any other beverage, have I got that wrong?

Well, I know this is definitely right as far as caffeinated beverages

like black tea or coffee goes (they are diuretic and can make for worse

dehydration), but I thought herbal teas were ok to count as part of our

water allowance, as long as they do not contain caffeinated ingredients, and

are not loaded up with sugar or honey. Can anyone else clarify this?

I'll continue to drink them anyway, even if it means *yet more*

cups/glasses to quaff <sigh>, because of the vitamins and minerals in some

of them, and other benefits. I've found the red raspberry leaf especially

good for keeping IBS or med-related diarrhea at a minimum, and it has

vitamin c and magnesium, among some other nutrients I can't recall.

Liz G

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Did anyone notice this in that water article though??

> The only time excess water may be harmful is

> when your body retains water due to

> congestive heart failure, hypothyroidism, or

> long-term use of some medications, particularly

> nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as

> ibuprofen.

Comments anyone?



ph A. Graff

Director of Digital Prepress

Graphic Communications, Inc.

(301) 599-2020

" The truth will set you free, but

first it will make you miserable "

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  • 7 months later...
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In a message dated 7/30/2000 11:30:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

paul.middleton@... writes:

<< But now I am having some

discomfort especially in the evenings. Any ideas? Or just keep going?


A good herbal tea for the liver, maybe? Definitely 'can' the bottled water. I

think it has benzene. Once you stop drinking it, you will be able to taste

the solvents in it. You have worked hard to cleanse the liver. No sense in

burdening it with unnecessary trouble...

Skullcap is a very good herb for pain or sleep.

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Hi , i Have used the BRITA system for the last 5 years and am pleased

with it. I am told there is abetter system, but i haven,t pursued it. hope

this helps. frank miller


> Does anyone know anything regarding the Brita on tap water filtration

> system? I have been purchasing bottled water and renting a tower

> cooler and am now thinking about getting rid of it because of what

> Hulda says about bottled water.


> I have also done 3 liver cleanses so far with great results (approx

> 800 stones so far. Some as large as 2cm.) But now I am having some

> discomfort especially in the evenings. Any ideas? Or just keep going?





> Learn more from:

> http://home.online.no/~dusan/

> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/

> http://home.online.no/~huldakli/

> http://www..net/

> http://home.online.no/~dusan/gallstones/



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  • 6 months later...


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I just got this same email from a friend today I told her according to this I should be very healthy I drink at least 10-12 glasses of ice water a day I pretty much have it with me all day.. I am glad to be off of soda's I know they were not good for me but it did take some will power but I was already drinking some water a day a couple of glasses but when I started the AP and we are suppose to drink 8 it took awhile to get up to that, now I would rather have the water.. I guess it just getting use to it so to anyone thinking they can not drink that much water just keep trying you will get use to it!!!



MPORTANT INFORMATION We all know that water is important but I've never seen it writtendownlike this before. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. (Likely applies to halfworld population.) In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it isoftenmistaken for hunger. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%.Oneglass of water shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of thedieters studied in a U-Washington study. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a daycouldsignificantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory,trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screenoron a printed page. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancerby45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50%lesslikely to develop bladder cancer. Are you drinking the amount of water you should every day?To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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Hi ! Geoff Crenshaw here.

> Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 18:54:29 -0500

> From: " O'Connor " <RNMSW@...>

> Subject: water


> Room temp. it is, . Someone explained the reason for this,


> Geoff?


Guilty as charged. Room temp does not have to be " heated " as much to

achieve core temperatures in the gut, warm is better (approx., 98F) but

the concept is the same. Here are (some of) the issues:

Iced effects taste buds AND " sense of thirst "

Measured (not guestimated) people will drink more

water at one time room temp than iced

Room temp or warm is absorbed more rapidly (see

warming above)

*If* you can get used to room temp or tepid plain water it is better but

many people develop an aversion to room temp or tepid water as they grow

older. You'll find in observing babies they prefer food & drink room

temp or tepid -- lessons we normally " grow out of " as we get older and

jade our senses of taste and smell w/ chem's, excess seasonings,

extremes of hot and cold, etc.

HTH :)

Regards, -----------------------

Geoff ** Usual Disclaimers **


How can you have hope?

Get under the blood of the Passover Lamb.

EXO 12:7-3 / MAR 14:24 / REV 12:11

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  • 1 year later...

Ks. Di, et. al.,

I just want to second Meghan's note to do everything in moderation

unless advised otherwise by your doctor. Please keep in mind that

neither the visitors to this forum nor the moderators (including me)

are medical doctors and none of us have the qualifications to advise

others on their health treatment.

What you read on this forum should NEVER be taken as gospel

regardless of what opinion you may have (good or bad) of the poster.

Always take everything you read here with a grain of salt and always

remember that whatever a member says is strictly the personal opinion

of the particular member who is posting the message, as Meghan

mentioned in her note.

It is my understanding that this forum is NOT here to advise anyone

on how to treat their medical difficulties. It exists only to help

members communicate with each other, and so that members can share

their personal experiences and provide SUGGESTIONS for each other.

You'll see wildly varying opinions of what is right or wrong, and

good or bad as treatments here on this forum. It's up to you and your

doctor to winnow the wheat from the chaff and decide what's best for


Your doctor should always be kept " in the loop, " and you should NEVER

make any major changes that could affect your medical condition

without consulting your doctor.

-- Ron

> It is so hard to get everything straight and to do things right. I

read that drinking a lot of water when you are taking mtx is good

because it helps flush out the liver and kidneys and not make it so

toxic. So I'm not sure what the right thing to do is. Guess this

is another question for my appt. Tuesday. The list keeps


> Robin


> [Meghan's Note: Here's my advice: When in doubt, lean to the

middle. Drink 8 glasses of water a day to keep the body functioning,

eat good oils like fish and olive oil to keep the body supplied with

the healthy fats, eat your veggies and fruits, don't overeat, etc,

etc. Take a good supplemental mineral/vitamin since our overmedicated

bodies probably don't hang on to the good stuff long enough. It's

just my personal advice.]


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My Rheum says water is the best thing to drink to lubricate the joints. I

drink a TON of water, and I can tell on the days when I don't drink as much.

I feel so SLUGGISH without at least a 1/2 to 1 gallon of water a day. I also

lift a lot of weights, and water helps to flush toxins released from the

system during lifting.

Different strokes for different folks.

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I guess I'm doing the total opposite of what I should be doing. I asked my

gyn. for a diuretic because I feel that I retain a lot of water due to all

of the NSAIDS. Comments? Suggestions? Anyone?


[ ] Re: Water

> Ks. Di, et. al.,


> I just want to second Meghan's note to do everything in moderation

> unless advised otherwise by your doctor. Please keep in mind that

> neither the visitors to this forum nor the moderators (including me)

> are medical doctors and none of us have the qualifications to advise

> others on their health treatment.


> What you read on this forum should NEVER be taken as gospel

> regardless of what opinion you may have (good or bad) of the poster.

> Always take everything you read here with a grain of salt and always

> remember that whatever a member says is strictly the personal opinion

> of the particular member who is posting the message, as Meghan

> mentioned in her note.


> It is my understanding that this forum is NOT here to advise anyone

> on how to treat their medical difficulties. It exists only to help

> members communicate with each other, and so that members can share

> their personal experiences and provide SUGGESTIONS for each other.

> You'll see wildly varying opinions of what is right or wrong, and

> good or bad as treatments here on this forum. It's up to you and your

> doctor to winnow the wheat from the chaff and decide what's best for

> YOU.


> Your doctor should always be kept " in the loop, " and you should NEVER

> make any major changes that could affect your medical condition

> without consulting your doctor.


> -- Ron





> > It is so hard to get everything straight and to do things right. I

> read that drinking a lot of water when you are taking mtx is good

> because it helps flush out the liver and kidneys and not make it so

> toxic. So I'm not sure what the right thing to do is. Guess this

> is another question for my appt. Tuesday. The list keeps

> growing......

> > Robin

> >

> > [Meghan's Note: Here's my advice: When in doubt, lean to the

> middle. Drink 8 glasses of water a day to keep the body functioning,

> eat good oils like fish and olive oil to keep the body supplied with

> the healthy fats, eat your veggies and fruits, don't overeat, etc,

> etc. Take a good supplemental mineral/vitamin since our overmedicated

> bodies probably don't hang on to the good stuff long enough. It's

> just my personal advice.]

> >




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Drinking water usually moves water through your body, instead of making you

retain. Most people who retain water are dehydrated, and their bodies are

swelling to hold onto the water that they lack. I feel so BAD when I don't

drink a ton of water a day. I can really tell. Drink a lot of water and eat

little salt. Call a dietician and ask about this.

In a message dated 12/18/02 3:55:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

troycheryl@... writes:

> I guess I'm doing the total opposite of what I should be doing. I asked my

> gyn. for a diuretic because I feel that I retain a lot of water due to all

> of the NSAIDS. Comments? Suggestions? Anyone?

> Cheryl


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I fully agree with on this one I've seen it so many times mostly in

women and particularly in older people. I call it the camel syndrome. If you

chronicly dont take in enough water your body has to make extreme adjustments

to keep electrolytes in balance and the whole system suffers. Symptoms in

order of appearance and as relative measure of severity will be increased

blood pressure, swelling in the hands and feet, next bloated abdomen and if

you dont correct it fluid will collect in the sac around the heart reducing

lung volume evidenced by shortness of breath and can lead to congestive heart

failure all for the want of a couple of extra glasses of water per day. I

would go so far as to say that 30% of people who are taking medicines for

high blood pressure just need a bit more water. I have a friend, 32 year old

male, who is quite a bit overweight and has been on blood pressure medicine

for years. He came by one night and was as if this he was about to die. He

had been to the doctor that day for dizziness and his blood pressure was

scary high. The doctor had added a second blood pressure medicine. I asked

him a few questions and it turned out that he had some kind of mild stomach

virus that caused one bout of vomiting and diarhea for 3 days. He mowed

about an acre with a push mower in 100 degree temps while he had the diarhea.

and drank beer that night. So here he is sitting on my couch drinking beer

again. Simple YOURE DEHYDRATED! I checked his blood pressure again and I

dont remember now what the numbers were but he was in trouble and probably

should have been hospitalized. I poured a 32 ounce glass of water and made

him drink the whole thing then poured another for him to sip on till it was

gone. We watched a couple of movies and then he finished the second glass. I

checked his blood pressure again in about 4 hours and while still high it had

dropped 40 points! Nothing but water. He called back the next day and told

me he couldnt believe how much better he felt and that he had spent all that

money on doctors and not one of them told him to drink more water. In fact

the last one wrote him a script for another BP medicine and sent him on his

way when he should have been hospitalized for dehydration and didnt say a

single word about drinking more water.

The easyest way to determine if your water intake is sufficient is your

urine should be nearly colorless if it is bright yellow you need more water.

One note there is high doses of B vitamins or beta carotene can cause a

brighter color in the urine. It is terribly important to get enough water

for you body to do what it needs to do. There is no better disease

preventative medicine than plain old water. Orin

In a message dated 12/19/02 2:20:06 AM Central Standard Time,

pookiegut@... writes:

> Drinking water usually moves water through your body, instead of making you

> retain. Most people who retain water are dehydrated, and their bodies are

> swelling to hold onto the water that they lack. I feel so BAD when I don't


> drink a ton of water a day. I can really tell. Drink a lot of water and

> eat

> little salt. Call a dietician and ask about this.




> In a message dated 12/18/02 3:55:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> troycheryl@... writes:



> >I guess I'm doing the total opposite of what I should be doing. I asked

> my

> >gyn. for a diuretic because I feel that I retain a lot of water due to all

> >of the NSAIDS. Comments? Suggestions? Anyone?

> >Cheryl

> >


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I finally found the book where I read about water:

Arthritis and Common Sense by Dale .

I felt badly reading everything you wrote in response to my post, because I

felt exactly as you all do about drinking water before I read this book. He

does believe we need the equivalent of 8 glasses of water per day, but we

get some of that in other beverages and in food. His real point is that

WHEN we drink the water has a great deal to do with how effective it is. He

recommends no water with meals or for four hours after. I thought I would

not be able to eat w/o water in front of the plate, but I have adjusted very

well. I try to wait at least an hour after eating to resume my water


I teach and need something to drink while I lecture and lead class

discussions. I still drink a lot of it, I just try to let my food digest

without washing it all away.

I really would recommend this book. It has a great deal of good information

in it. It did not CURE me, but I think it had some really good ideas.

Ks Di

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Also, for anyone... not just people with arthritis... DRINK water the whole time

you travel distances in a car. I drive almost 5 hours to see my boyfriend on

the weekends, and when I don't drink water I end up so stiff... when I do, I am

OK. It was even this way when I didn't have arthritis, and I make my boyfriend

do it now... he gets SICK everytime he doesn't drink enough when he comes to see


In a message dated 12/19/2002 8:23:04 AM Eastern Standard Time, orinok writes:

> The easyest way to determine if your water intake is sufficient is your

> urine should be nearly colorless if it is bright yellow

> you need more water.

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Thank you and Orin. I will take your advice and let you know what



Re: [ ] Re: Water

> Drinking water usually moves water through your body, instead of making


> retain. Most people who retain water are dehydrated, and their bodies are

> swelling to hold onto the water that they lack. I feel so BAD when I


> drink a ton of water a day. I can really tell. Drink a lot of water and


> little salt. Call a dietician and ask about this.




> In a message dated 12/18/02 3:55:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> troycheryl@... writes:



> > I guess I'm doing the total opposite of what I should be doing. I asked


> > gyn. for a diuretic because I feel that I retain a lot of water due to


> > of the NSAIDS. Comments? Suggestions? Anyone?

> > Cheryl

> >






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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


Where is this information from?

I don't discount what you are saying, but I would like to have proof from a

very reliable source... hence more than 1 book or one person.

I know water does have a big impact on me. HUGE! I feel so bad if I don't

drink a ton of water. I don't know any scientific facts to ba

In a message dated 3/12/03 1:22:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,

costello@... writes:

> love water. Nothing satisfies my thirst like water. I just think we need to

> rethink our use of it as a cure all for everything and everyone. You might

> also consider trying to eliminate a beverage of any kind with your meal and

> for the next hour after. You will gain a lot more nutrition for your body.


> Ks Di


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Opps! I don't have any scientific facts to back the way I feel. I just know

how I feel on days that I don't drink enough. I also know that with the meds

I take I am suppose to flush with water constantly to avoid kidney stones. My

meds can make stones form without water intake.

I have read what you are talking about in a book before... about beverage

intake with meals. BUT... I didn't find any evidence to back it anywhere

else. I personally believe we can make anything make sense. Drink water cause

it flushes you clean and because we are made mostly of water... don't because

it depletes your body... don't drink with meals because it causes nutrients

in food to not digest right... I could make cases for and against all of

these. I guess it's just all in what you believe, AND what makes you feel

good. I can't handle less than 20 glasses of water a day. (no I am not

exaggerating) I have done this for years, and I can tell at the end of

everyday if I have had enough. My body lets me know!

In a message dated 3/12/03 1:22:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,

costello@... writes:

> love water. Nothing satisfies my thirst like water. I just think we need to

> rethink our use of it as a cure all for everything and everyone. You might

> also consider trying to eliminate a beverage of any kind with your meal and

> for the next hour after. You will gain a lot more nutrition for your body.


> Ks Di


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Guest guest

<<<If you look at other nations, they never drink water. Our foreign exchange

students can't believe we drink water as a beverage--let alone think we need it

for health. I might add that many of those other nations do not have the health

problems we do.>>>

I have to disagree on this one. I lived in London and in Portugal for a while

and we drank almost ONLY water. Unlike us Americans they don't drink all the

sodas we do. It took some adjusting on my part at first because I never drank

water. I used to go through so many cokes and iced teas. I remember that when

I lived in Portugal with my in-laws we only had soda or juice on the weekend.

We always bottled our water fresh from a spring. In London we only drank

bottled water. The strange thing was that when we came back to the states I

started drinking only water and juice. I guess my tastes changed.

I think one reason that other nations might appear to be more healthy has to

do with lifestyle habits. Europeans walk more than Americans which means they

get more exercise, eat less processed foods and less fast foods. I never had

fresh produce from a farm or fresh chicken until I moved to Portugal. It tasted

so different and so much better. I am sure it is better for you too. Still,

people in other countries get sick too and have arthritis as well too. In my

opinion I think diseases are treated better here because we have better health

care and better drugs. Just my opinion though.

take care,

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