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Re: Re:CDC to update website regarding mold induced illnesses.

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And the reason you would trust that is....why? I wouldn't bet on the

stars magically aliening to promote the truth, the whole truth and nothing but

the truth at the CDC over this one. Games are still playing out over this

issue. Old habits die hard,








" In October, he and Frumkin attended a conference for the Collegium

Ramazzini, a body of 180 recognized experts in occupational and environmental

health. It was held in Carpi, Italy. De took along his father, who is

Italian and had never been to Italy.

At an awards ceremony during the conference, Frumkin walked over to De

and his father and handed the toxicologist an unsatisfactory performance

evaluation, the first in his 27-year government career. A memo attached to

the performance evaluation told him he was being reassigned.

Several former and current CDC scientists interpreted De ’s

reassignment as a message that CDC employees should be wary of criticizing CDC

projects. "


(https://www.schoolmoldhelp.org/content/view/1877/1/) )

Dear Mrs. Brinchman,

Thank you for your letter of September 15, 2009.

I understand that you have spoken with Dr. Garbe, Chief of the Air

Pollution and Respiratory Health Branch at the National Center for

Environmental Health. As Dr. Garbe stated, the CDC recognizes the

importance of mold

as a public health concern, particularly for vulnerable individuals, such


individuals with asthma and other respiratory diseases or with other

underlying conditions. We appreciate that you share this concern, and thank


for bringing your specific suggestions to our attention.

As Dr. Garbe explained on your October 9 call, we are reviewing the new

World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines on indoor air quality,


and mold to determine if those findings are at significant variance with


Institute of Medicine (IOM) review/Damp Indoor Spaces and Health that CDC

sponsored in 2004. We feel the WHO authors' conclusions and their

recommendation for " prevention or remediation of dampness and mold-related


to significantly reduce harm to health " are in agreement with the IOM


and with what we have posted on our website. We are still reviewing the

evidence for WHO's characterization of mold as a " major cause of morbidity

and mortality " and will adjust our recommendations as needed based on that


In the meantime, we have provided a link to the WHO report on our mold



(https://www.schoolmoldhelp.org/www.cdc.gov/mold) ) ,

as a " Key resource " (on the right side of the page), and as a " Nonfederal "

resource on our mold " resources " page (__http://www.cdc.htt_

(http://www.cdc.gov/) 'mold/links.'mold/

(_http://www.cdc.htt_ (http://www.cdc.gov/)

'mold/links.'mold/links.<WBR>htm) ), as you suggested. A

to one of your emails on this matter, we have clarified some of the recent

redesign of our website to improve our links to the IOM report. Thank you

for bringing this oversight to our attention. We are reviewing how to more

clearly represent the IOM findings related to exposures and health


In particular we will review our presentation of the IOM findings

regarding " Limited or suggestive evidence " and " Sufficient evidence of an

association " association

I would also like to respond to two additional concerns you have raised.

1. The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) Audit on Mold, found

inconsistencies among federal agencies addressing mold. This problem is


addressed by the Federal Interagency Committee on Indoor Air quality


which is chaired by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Inquiries on

the CIAQ process should be addressed to the CIAQ. You may contact the CIAQ

at the following address: Philip Jalbert, Executive Secretary, Federal

Interagency Committee on Indoor Air quality (CIAQ) U.S. EPA, Indoor

Environments Division (6609J), 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington,

D.C. 20460

or via email at __ciaq@..._ (mailto:_ciaq@...) ._

(mailto:_ciaq@..._ (mailto:ciaq@...) .) This e-mail address

is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

2. You asked about email correspondence from Vangent Inc. CDC has used

Vangent Inc. to assist with public inquiry responses since 2005. The

information provided by Vangent in response to question about is prepared

by the

CDC's Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Branch.

Again, thank you for sharing your concerns with us.


Frumkin, M.D., Dr.P.H.

Director, National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic

Substances and Disease Registry

In a message dated 11/6/2009 9:04:41 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,

toxicologist1@... writes:

I trust that the CDC will open its eyes and ears to the complexity of the

indoor environment.

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Thanks, Sharon. I went to the website for the Collegium Ramazzini. I found

this interesting article.

05 August 2009

Editorial by President Landrigan featured in New York Times 04/08/2009An

editorial by Collegium Ramazzini President Philip Landrigan was

featured in the August 4, 2009 edition of The New York Times. The

article is part of a series of commentaries in The Times featuring

researchers and doctors from the Mount Sinai Medical Center. The full

text of the editorial is available below.

What's Getting Into Our Children?

Philip Landrigan, M.D.


the past century, the threats to our children's health have shifted

radically. Life-threatening infectious diseases - a smallpox, polio,

and cholera - have largely been conquered. Babies born in the United

States today are expected to live two decades longer than their

ancestors were 100 years ago.

But our children are growing up

in a world in which environmental toxins are ubiquitous. Measurable

levels of hundreds of manmade chemicals are routinely found in the

bodies of all Americans, including newborns. Infants are exposed to

polychlorinated biphenyls, lead, and mercury in the womb and through

breast milk. Baby bottles and toys have been found to contain

phthalates, bisphenol A, and lead, all toxins that have been linked to

reproductive and developmental disorders.

As harmful elements

detected in everyday household items increase, rates of chronic disease

have also risen sharply - and these conditions are now the leading

causes of childhood illness and death.

Air pollution and

cigarette smoke contribute to asthma, the most common chronic disease

of childhood, which has increased 160 percent in the past 15 years for

children under age 5. Chemicals called endocrine disruptors - found in

pesticides, herbicides, some plastics, and air and water - can

interfere with the body's hormone signaling system, potentially causing

reproductive disorders, neurologic impairments, and immune dysfunction.

Cancer, which kills more children under age 15 than any other disease,

is linked to solvents and pesticides.

Early exposure to lead,

mercury, and certain pesticides are suspected to contribute to autism,

attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and other developmental

conditions, which affect 5 to 10 percent of babies born each year.


contaminated environment takes an economic toll, costing $55 billion in

medical treatment and lost productivity each year. Health care reform

can be successful only if it is tied to strong environmental policies.


this has paid off. In the 1970s, landmark studies on childhood lead

poisoning resulted in its removal from paint and gasoline, producing a

90 percent decline in lead poisoning. Children's average intelligence

subsequently rose by 5 to 6 IQ points, and the economic productivity in

the United States increased by $100 billion to $300 billion annually.

And in the 1980s, two major pesticides were banned after being shown to have

detrimental effects on childhood development.


overdue is the National Children's Study (NCS), which was appropriated

in 2009 for two-thirds of its $300 million budget. The largest study of

children's health in U.S. history, NCS will track 100,000 children from

before birth through age 21 to determine the environmental and genetic

factors that influence health and development. The data we collect will

allow us to develop a national blueprint for prevention.


Child Safe Chemical Act (CSCA) is another measure that deserves

support. During the past 50 years, more than 80,000 synthetic chemicals

have been invented, and each year hundreds more are added to consumer

goods, including cosmetics, motor fuels, and food packaging. Most are

not tested for toxicity.

Introduced into Congress in 2005 and

2008, CSCA would mandate that all new chemicals be tested and found

safe for children before being brought to market. It would require that

62,000 untested chemicals currently in use be proven safe or be banned.

Similar legislation exists in Europe.

Our children are 30 percent of our population, but they are 100 percent of our

future. They deserve our protection.



Landrigan, M.D., is Chair of the Department of Preventive Medicine and

Professor of Pediatrics at The Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York

City. He is also principal investigator for the NCS.

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Here's more info about De :

CDC official loses key post after questioning research


what must have seemed like a cruel irony, De learned

of his reassignment within the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention last October when he attended an annual event in Italy

honoring the legacy of Bernardino Ramazzini, the late 17th and early

18th century Italian physician noted for his work on occupational

diseases. At a dinner there, a CDC colleague handed De a

memorandum explaining he would no longer serve as director of

toxicology and environmental medicine, a position he held for 15 years.

The position change came about after De had expressed

concerns regarding the scope of a study about formaldehyde levels in

Federal Emergency Management Agency trailers...




From: " snk1955@... " <snk1955@...>

Sent: Fri, November 6, 2009 9:31:25 AM

Subject: Re: [] Re:CDC to update website regarding mold induced



And the reason you would trust that is....why? I wouldn't bet on the

stars magically aliening to promote the truth, the whole truth and nothing but

the truth at the CDC over this one. Games are still playing out over this

issue. Old habits die hard,

_http://katysexposur e.wordpress. com/2009/ 09/25/new- orleans-family-


-trailer-suit- why-cdc-responde d-with-lack- of-urgency- to-formaldehyde-


s-top-government- officials- worried-about- lawsuits- from-the- beginning/ _

(http://katysexposur e.wordpress. com/2009/ 09/25/new- orleans-family-

loses-fema- trai

ler-suit-why- cdc-responded- with-lack- of-urgency- to-formaldehyde- warnings-


-government- officials- worried-about- lawsuits- from-the- beginning/ )

" In October, he and Frumkin attended a conference for the Collegium

Ramazzini, a body of 180 recognized experts in occupational and environmental

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Here's another one. De has integrity and wants to tell the truth.

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/13/us/13lakes.html?ei=5124 & en=59427388ffb05749 & ex\

=1363147200 & partner=permalink & exprod=permalink & pagewanted=print


From: " snk1955@... " <snk1955@...>

Sent: Fri, November 6, 2009 9:31:25 AM

Subject: Re: [] Re:CDC to update website regarding mold induced



And the reason you would trust that is....why? I wouldn't bet on the

stars magically aliening to promote the truth, the whole truth and nothing but

the truth at the CDC over this one. Games are still playing out over this

issue. Old habits die hard,

_http://katysexposur e.wordpress. com/2009/ 09/25/new- orleans-family-


-trailer-suit- why-cdc-responde d-with-lack- of-urgency- to-formaldehyde-


s-top-government- officials- worried-about- lawsuits- from-the- beginning/ _

(http://katysexposur e.wordpress. com/2009/ 09/25/new- orleans-family-

loses-fema- trai

ler-suit-why- cdc-responded- with-lack- of-urgency- to-formaldehyde- warnings-


-government- officials- worried-about- lawsuits- from-the- beginning/ )

" In October, he and Frumkin attended a conference for the Collegium

Ramazzini, a body of 180 recognized experts in occupational and environmental

health. It was held in Carpi, Italy. De took along his father, who is

Italian and had never been to Italy.

At an awards ceremony during the conference, Frumkin walked over to

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You are welcome. Collegium Ramazzini is made up of some of the finest

scientists/MDs in the United States. Some of their members are

s, who is waiting to be confirmed to head OSHA. Kaye Kilburn, who had


much research on mycotoxins, Joe LaDou, who is recognized as the conscience

of occ med, and others such as Jen Sass of NRDC, Egelman of IJOEH,




All and all, this bunch has had a positive impact on US health policy, as I

understand it. I certainly do not know everything, but I have a problem

with some of the thought processes of some of this group. They seem to be

highly attuned to the politics of occ-env medicine. As a result, some do

not always seem to me to take logical steps to stop deceits in science


I could care less if so and so heads such and such and they are friends of

whoever, so therefore one cannot....that's bs in my book. People are very

sick from contaminants in water damaged buildings. Industry took deceptive

measures to limit financial liability from the matter. ACOEM and the US

Chamber mass promoted misinformation to the courts to shut down the


Its real simple in my little mind. Make the deceit stop no matter who

your friends are, or who your friends' friends are. Lives are being

unnecessarily ruined and people are prematurely dying. It is not ethical to

knowingly allow the deceit to continue to influence healthcare for even one


minute. This is not politics for those of us living out here in the real


Some of our biggest professional advocates chose not to get in the fray of

the politics, they say. But by not getting into to it...they ARE getting

into it by allowing the deceit to continue - when they have the ability to

stop it



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Clear, concise and oh, so true!

Carl Grimes

Healthy Habitats LLC




....I certainly do not know everything, but I have a problem

with some of the thought processes of some of this group. They

seem to be

highly attuned to the politics of occ-env medicine. As a result,

some do

not always seem to me to take logical steps to stop deceits in



I could care less if so and so heads such and such and they are

friends of

whoever, so therefore one cannot....that's bs in my book. People

are very

sick from contaminants in water damaged buildings. Industry took


measures to limit financial liability from the matter. ACOEM and

the US

Chamber mass promoted misinformation to the courts to shut down



Its real simple in my little mind. Make the deceit stop no matter


your friends are, or who your friends' friends are. Lives are


unnecessarily ruined and people are prematurely dying. It is not

ethical to

knowingly allow the deceit to continue to influence healthcare for

even one more minute. This is not politics for those of us living

out here in the real world.

Some of our biggest professional advocates chose not to get in the

fray of

the politics, they say. But by not getting into to it...they ARE


into it by allowing the deceit to continue - when they have the

ability to

stop it



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I have one word to say:  AMEN!!  SOOOOOOOOO true!

From: Carl Grimes <grimes@...>

Subject: Re: [] Re:CDC to update website regarding mold induced


Date: Sunday, November 8, 2009, 5:57 AM



Clear, concise and oh, so true!

Carl Grimes

Healthy Habitats LLC




....I certainly do not know everything, but I have a problem

with some of the thought processes of some of this group. They

seem to be

highly attuned to the politics of occ-env medicine. As a result,

some do

not always seem to me to take logical steps to stop deceits in



I could care less if so and so heads such and such and they are

friends of

whoever, so therefore one cannot....that' s bs in my book. People

are very

sick from contaminants in water damaged buildings. Industry took


measures to limit financial liability from the matter. ACOEM and

the US

Chamber mass promoted misinformation to the courts to shut down



Its real simple in my little mind. Make the deceit stop no matter


your friends are, or who your friends' friends are. Lives are


unnecessarily ruined and people are prematurely dying. It is not

ethical to

knowingly allow the deceit to continue to influence healthcare for

even one more minute. This is not politics for those of us living

out here in the real world.

Some of our biggest professional advocates chose not to get in the

fray of

the politics, they say. But by not getting into to it...they ARE


into it by allowing the deceit to continue - when they have the

ability to

stop it



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