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Fwd: [art-tx] Call for manuscripts Multicultural Experiential Activities

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I saw this listed on another list-serve to which I belong and thought some of you may be

interested. Please respond to them directly if interested. Thank you

MIchelle Dean, MA, ATR-BC, LPC, CGP

From: PopeML@....EDU


Sent: 11/19/2008 6:54:56 A.M. Eastern Standard Time

Subj: Call for Manuscripts ** Multicultural Experiential Activities ** Pope,

Pangelinan, & Coker ** ACA ** Extended Deadline January 15, 2009

Dear Colleagues -

Earlier this semester, you may have received this " call for manuscripts " for

experiential activities to be published in a book titled: Experiential

Activities for Teaching Multicultural Counseling Classes and Infusing

Cultural Diversity into Core Classes. This book is being edited by Mark

Pope, ph S. Pangelinan, and D. Coker and published by the

American Counseling Association.

We have already received many submissions; however, we know that our

deadline caught many of you unable to complete your submissions in time.

Because so many of you have responded that you needed additional time to

complete your manuscripts, we have extended the deadline for receipt of

manuscripts to January 15, 2009. Also, if you need additional time, please

feel free to contact me for a potential extension.

Let me mention that, although we did not specify a maximum for the number of

manuscript pages, most of these activities would be 2-5 pages in length

(with additional pages for handouts). If you are submitting more than one

experiential activity for publication, please submit a separate file for

each activity. If there are similar activities, we will use our editorial

judgment to select what we consider the best one. We want the classics as

well as the updated classics as well as the newest of the new.

Thank you for the many manuscripts that we have already received and we look

forward to receiving your new manuscripts.

Best regards,

Mark Pope




BOOK: Experiential Activities for Teaching Multicultural Counseling Classes

and Infusing Cultural Diversity into Core Classes

EDITORS: Mark Pope, ph S. Pangelinan, & D. Coker

This announcement is a ³call for manuscripts² for experiential

activities to be published in a book titled: Experiential Activities for

Teaching Multicultural Counseling Classes and Infusing Cultural Diversity

into Core Classes. This book will be edited by Mark Pope, ph S.

Pangelinan, and D. Coker and published by the American Counseling


The purpose of this book is to provide a resource to help faculty

to both teach multicultural counseling classes (beginning and advanced) and

infuse issues that specifically address cultural competence into the core

classes in the counseling curriculum. The faculty who are teaching

multicultural counseling classes or trying to infuse culture into their

other professional classes have been developing experiential activities to

make their classes more interesting to their students and to increase their

learning. They have been, however, developing those activities in

isolation. As professors prepare to teach counseling classes that they have

never taught previously, they realize that they have few resources available

to help them as they prepare to teach the multicultural counseling classes

or seek to inject their core counseling classes with relevant materials that

feature cultural diversity and social justice issues. The only resource

they may have is the help of the person who taught the course previously,

but who may already have moved elsewhere. They realize that they need a

resource to help them teach the course. This book is designed to meet that


Topics for Experiential Activities

The book will be organized around various topics with culture

broadly and inclusively defined. First, there will be sections on the

various topics covered in beginning and advanced multicultural counseling

classes. Then, there will also be sections on each of the eight Council for

Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) core

standards. Each section will be composed of relevant experiential

activities designed to teach the ideas from that area including sections

focused on several major cultural groups. There will also be special

indexes on topics, handouts, and authors. Additionally, each book will

include a CD-ROM containing electronic copies of each handout used in each


1 Introduction to Multicultural Counseling - This

chapter will contain activities that are designed to be used during the

first or introductory class for a semester. It will include student

introductions (a.k.a. ice-breakers) that focus on cultural diversity as well

as activities that focus on definitions of culture and multicultural


2 Definitions of Cultural Diversity - This chapter

will contain activities that are designed to be used in introducing the

definition of culture and other important foundational cultural issues,

including the components of culture, how culture is transmitted, rules and

assumptions of multicultural counseling, and other related topics.

2 Barriers to Effective Cross-Cultural Counseling -

This chapter will focus on activities that address the various barriers to

effective counseling with someone who is from cultures different from the

counselor's cultures, including YAVIS/HOUNDS, etic/emic approaches, and


3 Four Forces in Counseling - This chapter will focus

on activities designed to address the four basic approaches that have

influenced the development of our counseling models: psychodynamic,

cognitive-behavioral, humanistic/existential, and multicultural, including

the individualist/collectivist and dominant/target concepts.

4 Cultural Communication Styles - This chapter will

address activities related to the differences and similarities of

communication styles in various cultures, including issues of proxemics,

kinesics, paralanguage, and high/low context.

5 Cultural Identity Development - This chapter will

focus on activities related to the development of a cultural identity,

especially the developmental issues in racial identity, women's identity,

sexual orientation, and others.

6 Oppression and Discrimination - This chapter will

address activities related to issues of discrimination and oppression and

their affect on individuals and cultural groups, including issues of power,

occupational barriers, and others.

7 Dimensions of World Views - This chapter will

consist of activities that focus on the issue of the world view of the

counselor and clients and it's effect on the counseling relationship.

8 The Culturally Skilled Counselor - This chapter

will focus activities related to the necessary competencies to be an

effective multicultural counselor and how to apply those skills to working

with clients, including the various professional models of culturally

competent counseling such as the AMCD Multicultural Counseling Competencies

and the AGLBIC Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Counseling Competencies.

9 Cross-Cultural Family Counseling - This chapter

will address activities related to the intersection of family, ethnicity,

and culture including factors that influence the ways that ethnic patterns

surface in a family, acculturation and re-acculturation (returning home),

the role of the counselor in the family, and others.

Addressing Specific Cultures - These chapters will be composed of

activities that address the specific knowledge and awareness that are

required by counselors to counsel individuals from this cultural group.

10 Counseling African Americans

11 Counseling Native Americans

12 Counseling Asian and Pacific Island Americans

13 Counseling Hispanic/Latina/o Americans

14 Counseling European Americans

15 Gender Issues in Counseling

16 Counseling Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,

and Other Sexual Minority Clients

17 Counseling Aging Clients

18 Counseling People with Disabilities

Cultural Issues Infused into Courses Meeting the Other CACREP Standards

- These chapters focus on activities that assist the instructor in infusing

cultural issues into courses that address the other seven Council for

Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)

standards, for example, an activity that focuses on the special issues in

the use of assessment instruments with African American clients or

gay/lesbian clients.

19 Professional Identify

20 Human Growth and Development

21 Career Development

22 Helping Relationships

23 Group Work

24 Assessment

25 Research and Program Evaluation

Format for Experiential Activities

In order to be considered, each experiential activity must use

the following format addressing each of these sections:

Title of activity:

Authors: Include names, highest degree and all certifications, titles,

organizations, and contact information, including postal and email


Topics: Select one or more topics from the list above.

Purposes: ³The purpose of this activity is to S² or ³The activity aims to

S². For example: ³This activity aims to provide participants with

opportunities to explore the effect of culture on their professional

behavior and work ethic, and what a diverse work environment entails for

members from different cultural backgrounds. This activity also enhances

intergroup understanding in terms of professional behavior and work ethics.²

Learning objectives: Please be specific. For example: ³As a result of this

activity, students will: 1) have a better understanding of the effect of

culture on their behavior as a group facilitator.²

Target population: For whom specifically is this activity designed?

Group size:

Time required:

Setting: The specific type of room or seating arrangement or place for

which this is designed.

Materials: What kinds of materials would you need to conduct this activity?

For example, flipcharts, dry erase board, or scissors.

Instructions for conducting activity: Be very specific.

References: Formatted in APA style.

Additional readings: Formatted in APA style.

Handouts: Provide specific handouts that are used for this activity. If

this includes any previously published material, you must also secure

written permission from the copyright holder and pay any permission fees.

Biographical sketch: Please include a one paragraph biographical sketch of

each author. No more than 100 words or 700 characters with spaces for each


Submit Manuscript

Using Microsoft Word, please submit all manuscripts

electronically and in double-spaced manuscript format to mcbookumsl (DOT) edu by

June 1, 2008. All handouts, however, must be formatted as they would appear

in the book. You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your

manuscript. Manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and an editorial

advisory board and authors will be notified of the acceptance of their

proposal on or about August 1, 2008.



Mark Pope, Ed.D., NCC, MCC, MAC, ACS

Professor and Chair

Division of Counseling & Family Therapy

College of Education

University of Missouri - Saint Louis

415 Marillac Hall

One University Boulevard

Saint Louis, Missouri 63121-4499


voice 1.

email pope@... OR popeml@....edu

website http://www.umsl.edu/~pope

Professional affiliations:

Past Editor, The Career Development Quarterly

Past President, American Counseling Association

Past President, National Career Development Association

Past President, National Caucus of Gay and Lesbian Counselors (now

Association for

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Counseling)

Founder and Past Chair, Professional Counseling Fund


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Our Division of Counseling & Family Therapy M.Ed. Programs in Community,

School, and Career Counseling and our Ed.D. (Counselor Education and

Supervision)/Ph.D. (Counseling) Programs are accredited by the Council for

Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). We

are one of only two programs in Missouri and the only campus of the

University of Missouri to hold such accreditation, and only one of nine

programs in the entire USA that has been awarded CACREP accreditation in

Career Counseling.

" In a nation-wide survey of high school guidance counselors, UM-St. Louis

was identified as a 'hidden treasure,' one of 169 colleges and universities

recommended as 'terrific colleges that aren't as well known as they should

be.' " - Newsweek/Kaplan's How to Get Into College special issue 1999

The University of Missouri & shy; Saint Louis was ranked 5th in smaller


universities for the 2006-2007 Top Research Universities in the Faculty

Scholarly Productivity Index (behind only San Diego State University, Bryn

Mawr College, Boston College, and town University - The Chronicle of

Higher Education.


" It does not require many words to speak the truth. " Chief ph, Nez


" Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change

the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. " Margaret Mead

" The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who

is doing it. " - Chinese Proverb


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