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intro and hello

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My name is Janet. I was diagnosed with fibro by a rhematologist Dec.


I'm skeptical about the diagnosis because I sat in the waiting room 1

hr. and 45 min. prior to his exam which lasted less than 5 min. I've

been told to get a 2nd opinion, but he's the person in the state

touted as the fibro expert. He did not draw labs, but I had mine

checked at my annual exam a few weeks later. Thyroid was OK.

I have a copy of my H and P from him, and disagree with many of his

statements that he dictated about my exam.

I don't consider myself to have " restless leg " for instance.

Bouncing my leg a bit while sitting is what 80% of my co-workers and

friends do. I don't kick around in my sleep, according to my hubby.

The doc was incredulous that I don't have IBS and tried to fit me

into that category. He tried to write me 4 prescriptions. (I asked

him which was most important and started that one, the lyrica)

He injected my neck and shoulder and started me on lyrica. Since I

was pain free due to this injection for 2 weeks, I attributed it to

the lyrica working. When the injections wore off the symptoms came

back. Oh, the lyrica causes me to have incontinence only when I

walk, not when I do a jump around exercise video. On my 2nd visit, I

told the doctor this, and he said, No Honey, it is the fibro that

causes that, interstitial cystitis, I believe.

So, why did this symptom start when I started the lyrica, and stop

when I stopped the lyrica? Duh.

Anyways, after my 2nd visit to the " expert " where I was in the

waiting room 1 hr and 30 min. the doc saw me maybe 3 min. and decided

to change me to neurontin, since I can't afford the lyrica. I asked

him about guaifenisin and he told me it was toxic and not a good

remedy, but his numerous prescriptions are. He can't believe we do

exercise videos at work (another nurse there has " fibro " also from

his diagnosis)

The very next day I went to see an herbalist that I'd heard good

things about. He is also a clairvoyant. He sat down with me and TOLD

ME my symptoms, not the other way around. He said, " You get up in

the a.m. and you are so stiff and in pain you can barely move. You

get into a hot shower and then feel much better. Then you put on

creams on the sore spots and are able to get through your day pretty

much pain free, unless you sit for a long period. " This repeats

itself daily. Bingo!

He told me that fibro is a fancy term for gout. He says it is caused

by yeast overgrowth in the urinary tract. He prescribed 3 things to

try for 60 days for the body to heal itself. 1 tlb. of dark cherry

juice concentrate in 5 oz. distilled water twice a day. Also, 3

tablets of NuEgress (by Thaumaturge) at the same time. This contains

wild lettuce, some amino acid, Sarspirilla, maybe one more thing.

Also for me to take a 1/2 tab. of a digestive enzyme containing Hcl

after lunch and dinner. He said my body doesn't make enough stomach


I stopped the lyrica this very day. The bladder incontinence

stopped. I woke up pain free and not stiff the day after I started

this program. I guess I will wait out my 60 days and see if I have

some fibro attack or what during this time.

Thanks for letting me share, and I tried not to make this too long,

so it may be a bit sketchy in details.


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  • 1 month later...

I just had to respond to you right away though I've put flags on my other

emails. I'm sick and would rather be in bed. When I was having all sorts

of weird problems my doctor started thinking I was a hypochondriac. I

eventually went to the Rheumatologist after talking to a few women who had

fibro. One lightly poked me in the upper arm and I yelped in pain. She

said, " Yep, you've got Fibro. " So, I went to the Rheumy after that and he

did diagnose me with Fibro. It all fit into place for me. But, the bottom

line was, he was a numbskull. I got tired of his weird looks and being

tested for Lupus. I quit seeing him and had my regular doctor treat me

instead. What is it with Rheumatologists anyway?

Back then I wasn't near as bad off as I am now. The pain and fatigue has

gotten a lot worse. Though I got diagnosed only 5 years ago it all started

much longer ago than that. I figured it out with my first strong, bizarre

symptom and I've had Fibro for 15 years. Personally, I wouldn't go on

Lyrica unless I was in a lot of pain like I am now. But I'm on Neurontin

which helps a lot. I take it mainly for my seizures but it helps with pain

as well.but not a lot.

Good-luck and if that Lyrica is giving you bad side affects (read and see if

what you have is one of them) I'd quit it.

My vitamin D levels are extremely low and my doctor has me on 3,000 (IU's? I

forget what it is, mcgs? Mgs?) a day. It would help a lot if I could

remember to take them. LOL




From: fibromyalgiacured

[mailto:fibromyalgiacured ] On Behalf Of lacy192

Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 6:13 AM

To: fibromyalgiacured

Subject: intro and hello


My name is Janet. I was diagnosed with fibro by a rhematologist Dec.


I'm skeptical about the diagnosis because I sat in the waiting room 1

hr. and 45 min. prior to his exam which lasted less than 5 min. I've

been told to get a 2nd opinion, but he's the person in the state

touted as the fibro expert. He did not draw labs, but I had mine

checked at my annual exam a few weeks later. Thyroid was OK.

I have a copy of my H and P from him, and disagree with many of his

statements that he dictated about my exam.

I don't consider myself to have " restless leg " for instance.

Bouncing my leg a bit while sitting is what 80% of my co-workers and

friends do. I don't kick around in my sleep, according to my hubby.

The doc was incredulous that I don't have IBS and tried to fit me

into that category. He tried to write me 4 prescriptions. (I asked

him which was most important and started that one, the lyrica)

He injected my neck and shoulder and started me on lyrica. Since I

was pain free due to this injection for 2 weeks, I attributed it to

the lyrica working. When the injections wore off the symptoms came

back. Oh, the lyrica causes me to have incontinence only when I

walk, not when I do a jump around exercise video. On my 2nd visit, I

told the doctor this, and he said, No Honey, it is the fibro that

causes that, interstitial cystitis, I believe.

So, why did this symptom start when I started the lyrica, and stop

when I stopped the lyrica? Duh.

Anyways, after my 2nd visit to the " expert " where I was in the

waiting room 1 hr and 30 min. the doc saw me maybe 3 min. and decided

to change me to neurontin, since I can't afford the lyrica. I asked

him about guaifenisin and he told me it was toxic and not a good

remedy, but his numerous prescriptions are. He can't believe we do

exercise videos at work (another nurse there has " fibro " also from

his diagnosis)

The very next day I went to see an herbalist that I'd heard good

things about. He is also a clairvoyant. He sat down with me and TOLD

ME my symptoms, not the other way around. He said, " You get up in

the a.m. and you are so stiff and in pain you can barely move. You

get into a hot shower and then feel much better. Then you put on

creams on the sore spots and are able to get through your day pretty

much pain free, unless you sit for a long period. " This repeats

itself daily. Bingo!

He told me that fibro is a fancy term for gout. He says it is caused

by yeast overgrowth in the urinary tract. He prescribed 3 things to

try for 60 days for the body to heal itself. 1 tlb. of dark cherry

juice concentrate in 5 oz. distilled water twice a day. Also, 3

tablets of NuEgress (by Thaumaturge) at the same time. This contains

wild lettuce, some amino acid, Sarspirilla, maybe one more thing.

Also for me to take a 1/2 tab. of a digestive enzyme containing Hcl

after lunch and dinner. He said my body doesn't make enough stomach


I stopped the lyrica this very day. The bladder incontinence

stopped. I woke up pain free and not stiff the day after I started

this program. I guess I will wait out my 60 days and see if I have

some fibro attack or what during this time.

Thanks for letting me share, and I tried not to make this too long,

so it may be a bit sketchy in details.


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