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Stachybotrys chartarum, Trichothecene Mycotoxins, and Damp Buildings

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I was trying to find the CDC article that was mentioned in the other threat " I

won my W/C "   and I found this document :


.... exciting, new findings have been made concerning S. chartarumrelative to

its environmental dissemination, novel bioactivecomponents, unique cellular and

subcellular targets, and molecularmechanisms of action. The goal of this review,

rather than reiteratethese past reviews or risk assessments, is (1) to

highlighteffects of both Stachybotrys and its bioactive constituentsin

experimental models within the context of these new advancesand (2) to relate

these findings to possible adverse effectsin humans and future research

strategies for resolving thisformidable public health



Approximately one-third of the S. chartarum isolates from theUnited States and

Europe represent a chemotype that producesmacrocyclic trichothecene mycotoxins

(Andersen, 2002). The capacityof S. chartarum to produce these biologically

potent trichotheceneshas been of great public health concern and has led to

thisfungus being colloquially termed " toxic black

mold. " ..................................

.............To date, animal models indicate that airway exposure to S.

chartarum(spores, extracts, bioactive components) can evoke

allergicsensitization, inflammation, and cytotoxicity in the upper andlower

respiratory tracts. Although earlier experiments wereconducted with relatively

high doses, more recent findings indicatethat lower doses can elicit similar

symptoms. Trichothecenetoxicity appears to be an underlying cause of many of S.

chartarum'sadverse effects. Stachybotrys isolates that produce low levelsof

trichothecenes can also evoke injury and several investigationshave convincingly

demonstrated that other constituents includingallergenic proteins, atranones,

proteinases, hemolysins, andβ-glucans might contribute to the pathophysiologic

effectsof this fungus. ..........



God Bless !!



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