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CMT Mustang bandsman gets wish granted

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Mustang bandsman gets wish granted

, Associate News Editor


Mustang Band drummer Leon went from performing at halftime of

football games to rock star status over night.

After adjusting the seat height of the drummer's stool and arranging

the drums to his liking, Leon found himself drumming along with

Grammy-award-winning artists , Jonny Buckland, Guy

Berryman and Will Champion, or better known to most as the British

alternative rock band Coldplay.

" I was so shocked to hear they were granting my wish, " Leon said. " I

wasn't surprised that Coldplay said yes; I knew that those guys were

the kind of people that would do something like that, but I was still

in shock. "

Leon, on the reference of his pulmonologist, was granted his wish of

getting to play drums with Coldplay by the Make a Wish Foundation.

" I couldn't really think of anything to wish for, I didn't want

something like a TV or a car, " Leon said. " I figured music is the way

to go since I'm very passionate about music. Coldplay is one of my

favorite bands, I knew they would do it. "

Drumming since he was 10 years old, Leon is not the usual marching

drummer in the Mustang Band. Leon was born with Charcot-Marie-Tooth

Disease, a form of neurological muscular dystrophy. Scoliosis has him

drumming from the seat of his wheelchair.

Leon has since transferred to University of Texas at Arlington in

pursuit of an architecture degree, but can still be seen zipping

along the Ford Stadium field, providing a beat for the Mustang Band.

Leon's drumming skills were required when his wish was granted at the

beginning of December. He said the Make a Wish Foundation provided

everything, including putting Leon up in a presidential sweet in his

Denver hotel. The concert took place at the Pepsi Center just blocks

from his hotel, but Leon said that the foundation still provided a

limousine for the short trip.

" All day before I got there I was extremely nervous, I mean I was

about to meet one of the biggest rock bands in the world, " Leon

said. " Once they got on stage I forgot they were rock stars, and they

seemed really normal; it was so surreal that they were just talking

to me like a member of the band. "

After some introductory chatting, lead singer asked Leon

which song he wanted to play first and was surprised to find his

choice " politic " was the favorite of .

Leon said that he was a little worried about botching some of the

song's drum beats, but was reassured by .

" He told me not to worry about messing up; he said he totally screws

that song up every time they play it as well, " Leon said. " He also

didn't think I could really play drums, that I would just be banging

on the drums. It was a great feeling after we kicked it off and he

turned around and was surprised I could play and mostly knew their

songs. "

After finishing the song, Leon thought his wish was filled and the

jam session with one of his favorite bands was over, but soon after

the song ended turned and asked what he wanted to play next

Leon said.

The band went on to play some of their bigger hits with Leon

including " Scientist, " and " Chinese Sleep Chant, " 's favorite

song from the band's most recent recording Viva la Vida.

After the jam session was over, ended by a manager stating the band

had gone over their sound check time, Leon said he gave them a gift

of his own. He gave them four of his paintings he created himself. He

said the band enjoyed them so much they were going to hang them up in

their recording studio.

Even the equipment staff enjoyed Leon's time playing with the band. A

roadie for the band, known as " Roadie number 42, " writes a blog after

every show and mentioned him in his thoughts after the Denver show.

" [it is] clear that he is not only an excellent time keeper, but he

also has the parts down to any Coldplay song they care to mention, "

the blog said. " They [sat] chatting for a while like old mates, it

was a lovely afternoon and is an all round top chap. "

Leon was provided tickets to the night's concert and came back to

listen to his jam session mates of a few hours prior. He said that

throughout the concert lead guitarist Jonny Buckland would wave at

Leon after songs; and lead singer gave him a shout out during

the last encore song.

Leon posted videos of his time with Coldplay on YouTube and he said

that someone found it and put it on coldplaying.com. The whole world

can see Leon jam with Coldplay under the forum " The Day I Jammed with

Coldplay. " Leon said it was posted on Dec. 2, and already has over


Leon is grateful for his time he got to play with his favorite rock

band, and is happy to find that there are still good people that

would never be too famous to help a guy like him.

" As far as performances go, it is safe to say that anything I do is

downhill from here, " Leon joked. " It is good to know that people, no

matter how big or famous, can still do things to help one person. "

Leon said when they first got to the Pepsi Center he was taken on

stage and was admiring the bands instruments when the foursome came

on stage.

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