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H1N1 Vaccine

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Dr.Terry Hamblin (a retired CLL expert who was the ACOR advisor) says

to avoid those having received the flu mist for at least two weeks.

Another site suggested a month.


H1N1 vaccine

Question: Does anyone know: can folks who've had the live vaccine shot

pose a danger to folks like us with compromised immune responses? If

so, is there a time period?

-Ellen D.

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Yes the live virus does poss issues for anyone with a compromised immune system but not to the extent that someone walking around with the real full blown virus would present. During the cold and flu season remember to wash your hands thoroughly and avoid people who are sick. Tell people who are sick to stay away for at least 14 days from when symptoms first appeared (usually a fever). H1N1 vaccine

Question: Does anyone know: can folks who've had the live vaccine shot

pose a danger to folks like us with compromised immune responses? If

so, is there a time period?

-Ellen D.

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My doctor feels it is safer to take it than get H1N1.


> I'm wondering whether it is safe to take the swine flu vaccine

> considering our disease and type of meds we're taking?

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 I'm on Humira every 10 days and my rheumatologist said to take the vaccine.  In

the injectable form NOT the nasal spray as the spray has the live virus in it.



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Ask your doctor. Generally, it's OK to get vaccines only if they do not contain

live viruses. Regular yearly flu shots are typically OK but I wouldn't even

get that without checking with my doctor first.

Joanna Hoelscher

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have any of you had a phone consult with Dr. G lately? He told us at the

last one that he was very close to recommending the H1N1 vaccine and I¹m

wondering what came of that. Is he recommending it now?



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Ten Days ago he recommended the pneumonia vaccine in that the pneumonia is what

is deadly. You will survive the H1N1 if you have the pneumonia vaccine. I have

been told by our immunologist that under no circumstances give a kid the

nose spray vaccine ever~

From: Caroline Glover <sfglover@...>

Subject: Re: Re: H1N1 vaccine

Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 9:56 AM


Have any of you had a phone consult with Dr. G lately? He

told us at the

last one that he was very close to recommending the H1N1 vaccine and I¹m

wondering what came of that. Is he recommending it now?



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He told me the same.


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Bill


Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 7:12 AM

Subject: Re: Re: H1N1 vaccine

Ten Days ago he recommended the pneumonia vaccine in that the pneumonia is

what is deadly. You will survive the H1N1 if you have the pneumonia vaccine.

I have been told by our immunologist that under no circumstances give a

kid the nose spray vaccine ever~

From: Caroline Glover <sfglover@... <mailto:sfglover%40mac.com> >

Subject: Re: Re: H1N1 vaccine


Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 9:56 AM

Have any of you had a phone consult with Dr. G lately? He told us at the

last one that he was very close to recommending the H1N1 vaccine and I¹m

wondering what came of that. Is he recommending it now?



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Thanks so much. Now this pneumonia vaccine is the Pneumococcal Vaccination,

am I correct? I spoke to our pediatrician¹s office about it and they will

have to special order it if that is the one. I was aware that the nose

spray was a big no-no, but I¹m sure Dr. G was talking about the H1N1

injected vaccine rather than that.

He did tell us that the pneumonia vaccination was the most important in his



Ten Days ago he recommended the pneumonia vaccine in that the pneumonia is

what is deadly. You will survive the H1N1 if you have the pneumonia vaccine.

I have been told by our immunologist that under no circumstances give a

kid the nose spray vaccine ever~

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My twins had Prevnar vaccs, 3 or 4 when they were younger and Dr. G was

relieved because that is the one for pneumonia.


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

Caroline Glover

Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 7:32 AM

Subject: Re: Re: H1N1 vaccine


Thanks so much. Now this pneumonia vaccine is the Pneumococcal Vaccination,

am I correct? I spoke to our pediatrician¹s office about it and they will

have to special order it if that is the one. I was aware that the nose

spray was a big no-no, but I¹m sure Dr. G was talking about the H1N1

injected vaccine rather than that.

He did tell us that the pneumonia vaccination was the most important in his



Ten Days ago he recommended the pneumonia vaccine in that the pneumonia is

what is deadly. You will survive the H1N1 if you have the pneumonia vaccine.

I have been told by our immunologist that under no circumstances give a

kid the nose spray vaccine ever~

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We got the Pneumococcal Vaccination for our son at our local compounding

pharmacy for $10. I believe you can probably find it at you local Walgreens or

CVS, but I am not sure.


From: sfglover@...

Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 10:32:06 -0400

Subject: Re: Re: H1N1 vaccine


Thanks so much. Now this pneumonia vaccine is the Pneumococcal Vaccination,

am I correct? I spoke to our pediatrician¹s office about it and they will

have to special order it if that is the one. I was aware that the nose

spray was a big no-no, but I¹m sure Dr. G was talking about the H1N1

injected vaccine rather than that.

He did tell us that the pneumonia vaccination was the most important in his



Ten Days ago he recommended the pneumonia vaccine in that the pneumonia is

what is deadly. You will survive the H1N1 if you have the pneumonia vaccine.

I have been told by our immunologist that under no circumstances give a

kid the nose spray vaccine ever~

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I asked Hannah's immunologist last week and she said that yes, Hannah should

receive this because of her immune system (and asthma of course).  However, she,

like Grant cannot have the flumist, only the shot, which is in short supply in

Wisconsin, so far she not been able to get it.   Hope this helps some.  I will

be getting for Hannah when and if it becomes availabe to non medical personnel




" We can't direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails " -author unknown


From: toivonen4 <toivonen4@...>

Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:57:28 AM

Subject: H1N1 vaccine


The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine free of charge to

the students and we have to have our signed consent form turned in this Friday

if we want to get the vaccine. That has prompted me to do some research on the

vaccine and I'm just curious if any of you have specifically had their doctors

recommend that your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the vaccine has only

been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the affects it will have on our

immune compromised children? Also I know that Grant can't have the live virus

which means that he needs to have the injection. The injection contains

Thimerosal which is what some people think is linked to autism and other auto

immune diseases.

Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am just over

analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.

karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)

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Too late for our household.  Izzy was not able to get the vaccine, before we all

got the flu.  At least it was mild for her, I  had it the worst.  She was able

to get the regular vaccine which I think helped alot. Hopefully things will be

back to normal by next week and we won't have to go through this again.


From: Beth Yohnk <yohnkmom@...>

Subject: Re: H1N1 vaccine

Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 12:03 PM


I asked Hannah's immunologist last week and she said that yes,

Hannah should receive this because of her immune system (and asthma of course). 

However, she, like Grant cannot have the flumist, only the shot, which is in

short supply in Wisconsin, so far she not been able to get it.   Hope this helps

some.  I will be getting for Hannah when and if it becomes availabe to non

medical personnel here.



" We can't direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails " -author unknown

____________ _________ _________ __

From: toivonen4 <toivonen4 (DOT) com>

@group s.com

Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:57:28 AM

Subject: H1N1 vaccine


The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine free of charge to

the students and we have to have our signed consent form turned in this Friday

if we want to get the vaccine. That has prompted me to do some research on the

vaccine and I'm just curious if any of you have specifically had their doctors

recommend that your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the vaccine has only

been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the affects it will have on our

immune compromised children? Also I know that Grant can't have the live virus

which means that he needs to have the injection. The injection contains

Thimerosal which is what some people think is linked to autism and other auto

immune diseases.

Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am just over

analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.

karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)

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Did you all test positive for H1N1? The flu went through our household too a

couple weeks ago but we never went in to get it tested so don't know what it was

for sure.


> From: Beth Yohnk <yohnkmom@...>

> Subject: Re: H1N1 vaccine


> Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 12:03 PM




















> I asked Hannah's immunologist last week and she said

that yes, Hannah should receive this because of her immune system (and asthma of

course).  However, she, like Grant cannot have the flumist, only the shot, which

is in short supply in Wisconsin, so far she not been able to get it.   Hope

this helps some.  I will be getting for Hannah when and if it becomes availabe

to non medical personnel here.




> Beth


> " We can't direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails " -author unknown




> ____________ _________ _________ __


> From: toivonen4 <toivonen4 (DOT) com>


> @group s.com


> Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:57:28 AM


> Subject: H1N1 vaccine






> The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine free of charge to

the students and we have to have our signed consent form turned in this Friday

if we want to get the vaccine. That has prompted me to do some research on the

vaccine and I'm just curious if any of you have specifically had their doctors

recommend that your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the vaccine has only

been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the affects it will have on our

immune compromised children? Also I know that Grant can't have the live virus

which means that he needs to have the injection. The injection contains

Thimerosal which is what some people think is linked to autism and other auto

immune diseases.




> Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am just over

analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.




> karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)





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Hi, ,

Here's what we did: After much research I decided to have my son (5, psoriatic)

get the shot. We got it yesterday at our county health department (it's not

available anywhere else here). On the advice of an immunologist we wore masks to

the shot clinic because they were administering the mist in the same office. We

were also told to keep him home from school for three days. The doctor told us

that after three days the immunity is mostly built up (it's not totally built up

until 2 weeks) after the shot.




> The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine free of charge to

the students and we have to have our signed consent form turned in this Friday

if we want to get the vaccine. That has prompted me to do some research on the

vaccine and I'm just curious if any of you have specifically had their doctors

recommend that your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the vaccine has only

been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the affects it will have on our

immune compromised children? Also I know that Grant can't have the live virus

which means that he needs to have the injection. The injection contains

Thimerosal which is what some people think is linked to autism and other auto

immune diseases.


> Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am just over

analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.


> karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)


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Our pediatric rheumy is recommending all the JRA kids get the flu

vaccine. If your child is on mtx, prednisone, or a biological, he/

she can not get the FluMist. Nor anyone in your family. All must

get only the vaccine. The multi-dose vaccine does contain

thimerosal, but the single dose vaccine does not. You could always

request the single dose vaccine.

We have all had the flu so I am not getting anyone vaccinated. Were

we tested for the swine flu? No, they aren't testing anyone

anymore. But according to the CDC, almost ALL of the flu out there

at this particular time of year is H1N1. We all survived. My

asthmatic child was hit hard, but she stayed on her inhalers and

prednisone and recovered just fine. n, my systemic JRA child on

mtx, got it and was put on Tamiflu immediately. She recovered the

quickest of all of us. She loved that Tamiflu. (n, 20,


On Oct 27, 2009, at 8:57 AM, toivonen4 wrote:

> The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine free of

> charge to the students and we have to have our signed consent form

> turned in this Friday if we want to get the vaccine. That has

> prompted me to do some research on the vaccine and I'm just curious

> if any of you have specifically had their doctors recommend that

> your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

> right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the

> vaccine has only been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the

> affects it will have on our immune compromised children? Also I

> know that Grant can't have the live virus which means that he needs

> to have the injection. The injection contains Thimerosal which is

> what some people think is linked to autism and other auto immune

> diseases.


> Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am just

> over analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.


> karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)



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Kristy and JR,

Thanks! One of my boys had two rounds of the Prevnar when he was younger,

didn¹t have more rounds because of his age when it came out (I think). The

other one was older and hasn¹t had it.

I asked our pediatric office if the PREVNAR was the same as the pneumococcal

vaccine and they said that it wasn¹t.... I tried looking it up on the

internet and found that there is another vaccine that protects against more

strains of pneumococcal bacteria (PREVNAR protects against 7 strains and

seems to be for young children), while the ³Pneumococcal polysaccharide

vaccine² (PPSV) seems to protect against 23 strains.

Here¹s a link about the pneumococcal vaccines...


So I¹m thinking my kids need to if my kids should get the PPSV.

When we spoke to Dr. G., he didn¹t say ³get the PREVNAR², he said to get the

pneumococcal vaccine. Since my kids are older that makes sense.

Of course I just tried to call the office and it was closed. I wonder if

they will open today?

Our pediatrician said he could order the vaccine but doesn¹t have it in the


Anyway, just trying to figure it all out!


My twins had Prevnar vaccs, 3 or 4 when they were younger and Dr. G was

relieved because that is the one for pneumonia.


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I got through to Dr. G¹s office and I¹m waiting to hear back about the

pneumococcal vaccine.

I was told, though, that as of Friday, he will be giving the H1N1 vaccine in

his office, so I¹m assuming that means he is recommending it. I think they

don¹t have the vaccine in yet, but anyway he is going to be giving it.

They said the vaccines should be at least 3 weeks apart.

And once again, NOT the nasal spray!

That¹s my latest update!


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Dr. G¹s office called back and this is what they said...

He wants both of my boys to have the ³PPV23² pneumococcal vaccine. One of

my boys never had the Prevnar and the other only had 2 Prevnar doses as an


In the below page (same link I posted before), it says that the ³PPV23² has

been renamed to ³PPSV².


So, if your child had all doses of the Prevnar you might want to check and

see if Dr. G. is satisfied with that.

Carry on!

Caroline G.

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I just want to say that both of my kids came down with the flu one week and a

half ago. Their pediatrician would not verify if it was the H1N1 because she

said it is more likely than not since they have all of the symptoms and that the

H1N1 has hit everywhere. My kids did do O.K. last week and their fevers broke.

However, my oldest son got worse this past Sunday. He has increased seizure

activity and he is falling down, very wobbly and walking into walls. His

pediatrician said he looked fine and told me to make sure he gets plenty of

fluids. His neurologist recommended that I increase his seizure medications.

It was too late to give my kids the H1N1 vaccination anyway but if I could, I

think I may have given them the vaccination. I am very leery of vaccinations but

I think this wild virus may have been worse. I am so nervous right now. My son

is scheduled to see the neurologist this Thursday. Does anybody have any advise

on what I should say to her or do you have any ideas on what to recommend to get

him better? 

Please advise,


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Dont you love it when they love the tamiflu. Terri

Re: H1N1 vaccine

Our pediatric rheumy is recommending all the JRA kids get the flu

vaccine. If your child is on mtx, prednisone, or a biological, he/

she can not get the FluMist. Nor anyone in your family. All must

get only the vaccine. The multi-dose vaccine does contain

thimerosal, but the single dose vaccine does not. You could always

request the single dose vaccine.

We have all had the flu so I am not getting anyone vaccinated. Were

we tested for the swine flu? No, they aren't testing anyone

anymore. But according to the CDC, almost ALL of the flu out there

at this particular time of year is H1N1. We all survived. My

asthmatic child was hit hard, but she stayed on her inhalers and

prednisone and recovered just fine. n, my systemic JRA child on

mtx, got it and was put on Tamiflu immediately. She recovered the

quickest of all of us. She loved that Tamiflu. (n, 20,


On Oct 27, 2009, at 8:57 AM, toivonen4 wrote:

> The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine free of

> charge to the students and we have to have our signed consent form

> turned in this Friday if we want to get the vaccine. That has

> prompted me to do some research on the vaccine and I'm just curious

> if any of you have specifically had their doctors recommend that

> your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

> right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the

> vaccine has only been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the

> affects it will have on our immune compromised children? Also I

> know that Grant can't have the live virus which means that he needs

> to have the injection. The injection contains Thimerosal which is

> what some people think is linked to autism and other auto immune

> diseases.


> Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am just

> over analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.


> karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)



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Thank you all for your insight. Our ped rheumy returned my call and they

reccommend getting it as well. - do you know what the reasoning is behind

the whole family not receiving the flumist? Haven't seen that in anything I

have read. I don't know what we are going to do yet especially since Grant

already had the flu like symptoms 2 weeks ago. He was out of school for 4 days.

The CDC does reccommend still getting the vaccination if you already had the flu

and didn't test positive for it.


> > The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine free of

> > charge to the students and we have to have our signed consent form

> > turned in this Friday if we want to get the vaccine. That has

> > prompted me to do some research on the vaccine and I'm just curious

> > if any of you have specifically had their doctors recommend that

> > your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

> > right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the

> > vaccine has only been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the

> > affects it will have on our immune compromised children? Also I

> > know that Grant can't have the live virus which means that he needs

> > to have the injection. The injection contains Thimerosal which is

> > what some people think is linked to autism and other auto immune

> > diseases.

> >

> > Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am just

> > over analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.

> >

> > karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)

> >

> >





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Kaylee's rheumy said for her to get the H1N1, she just got the flu shot last

week. The clinic here called yesterday and told me they have the H1N1, so I am

taking Kaylee shortly to get that as well. I was also asked about a pneumonia

shot; has anyone heard anything on that?

, Kaylee, 7, Poly, Uveitis, Osteopenia, DBD and ADHD

H1N1 vaccine

The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine free of charge to

the students and we have to have our signed consent form turned in this Friday

if we want to get the vaccine. That has prompted me to do some research on the

vaccine and I'm just curious if any of you have specifically had their doctors

recommend that your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the vaccine has only

been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the affects it will have on our

immune compromised children? Also I know that Grant can't have the live virus

which means that he needs to have the injection. The injection contains

Thimerosal which is what some people think is linked to autism and other auto

immune diseases.

Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am just over

analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.

karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)

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Hannah got a pneumonia shot 2 years ago.

Beth & Hannah, 13, OA, HMJS, vit d deficiency, asthma



" We can't direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails " -author unknown


From: " maydo65@... " <maydo65@...>

Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 2:59:50 PM

Subject: Re: H1N1 vaccine


Kaylee's rheumy said for her to get the H1N1, she just got the flu shot last

week. The clinic here called yesterday and told me they have the H1N1, so I am

taking Kaylee shortly to get that as well. I was also asked about a pneumonia

shot; has anyone heard anything on that?

, Kaylee, 7, Poly, Uveitis, Osteopenia, DBD and ADHD

H1N1 vaccine

The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine free of charge to

the students and we have to have our signed consent form turned in this Friday

if we want to get the vaccine. That has prompted me to do some research on the

vaccine and I'm just curious if any of you have specifically had their doctors

recommend that your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the vaccine has only

been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the affects it will have on our

immune compromised children? Also I know that Grant can't have the live virus

which means that he needs to have the injection. The injection contains

Thimerosal which is what some people think is linked to autism and other auto

immune diseases.

Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am just over

analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.

karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)

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