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H1N1 Vaccine

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I deleted the email our ped rheumy sent out. It went like this. He

said that a person can shed particles for up to a week when getting

the FluMist. He said the family should not get it. But you know, I

find that there is a ton of different info out there. Best to err on

the side of caution.

On Oct 27, 2009, at 11:36 AM, toivonen4 wrote:

> Thank you all for your insight. Our ped rheumy returned my call and

> they reccommend getting it as well. - do you know what the

> reasoning is behind the whole family not receiving the flumist?

> Haven't seen that in anything I have read. I don't know what we are

> going to do yet especially since Grant already had the flu like

> symptoms 2 weeks ago. He was out of school for 4 days. The CDC does

> reccommend still getting the vaccination if you already had the flu

> and didn't test positive for it.





> >

> > > The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine

> free of

> > > charge to the students and we have to have our signed consent form

> > > turned in this Friday if we want to get the vaccine. That has

> > > prompted me to do some research on the vaccine and I'm just

> curious

> > > if any of you have specifically had their doctors recommend that

> > > your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

> > > right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the

> > > vaccine has only been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the

> > > affects it will have on our immune compromised children? Also I

> > > know that Grant can't have the live virus which means that he

> needs

> > > to have the injection. The injection contains Thimerosal which is

> > > what some people think is linked to autism and other auto immune

> > > diseases.

> > >

> > > Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am

> just

> > > over analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.

> > >

> > > karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I think my son got the PPSV kind, because I remember reading that it protected

against many strains, 23 sound likes the number I read.


From: sfglover@...

Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 12:56:59 -0400

Subject: Re: Re: H1N1 vaccine

Kristy and JR,

Thanks! One of my boys had two rounds of the Prevnar when he was younger,

didn¹t have more rounds because of his age when it came out (I think). The

other one was older and hasn¹t had it.

I asked our pediatric office if the PREVNAR was the same as the pneumococcal

vaccine and they said that it wasn¹t.... I tried looking it up on the

internet and found that there is another vaccine that protects against more

strains of pneumococcal bacteria (PREVNAR protects against 7 strains and

seems to be for young children), while the ³Pneumococcal polysaccharide

vaccine² (PPSV) seems to protect against 23 strains.

Here¹s a link about the pneumococcal vaccines...


So I¹m thinking my kids need to if my kids should get the PPSV.

When we spoke to Dr. G., he didn¹t say ³get the PREVNAR², he said to get the

pneumococcal vaccine. Since my kids are older that makes sense.

Of course I just tried to call the office and it was closed. I wonder if

they will open today?

Our pediatrician said he could order the vaccine but doesn¹t have it in the


Anyway, just trying to figure it all out!


My twins had Prevnar vaccs, 3 or 4 when they were younger and Dr. G was

relieved because that is the one for pneumonia.


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I will let you know what I have been told by asking around regarding the

flumist. Of course our high risk kids shouldn't get it. But I was told there

is a small percentage or chance for the person who gets the flumist to pass it

to the person on immunosuppressive med's. I have been told by our rheumy and a

pediatrician as well as the school nurse the chance is very small. Our school

nurse actually said that a person who receives the flumist would actually pass

it through the feces...so as long as my daughter isn't going near my son (in the

bathroom)who had the flumist we should be alright. This would be a huge issue

if an adult was on immunosuppressive meds and changing a diaper etc of a child

who received the flumist. Of course they have to put all possible risks out

there. It is a tough call. I let my son get the seasonal flu mist in August

and he just got the h1n1 mist last night after standing in line for 2 1/2 hours.

I didn't have my daughter with us as our weekly injections of her methotrexate

are bad enough along with all the bloodwork that I cannot imagine standing in

line for 2 1/2 hours unless we both were but on some sedatives. LOL Actually

our daughter test " slightly " positive for influenza A which I believe is the

H1N1 and they are saying that H1N1 is the flu that is going around and we are

in one of the top cities in Ohio to have it spreading. She did get put on

tamiflu and has done pretty well, but missed all last week of school. So I am

on the fence about having her get the shot still, but probably will have her get

it just in case she is to get it again being on immunosuppressive drugs and

being at a higher risk. However, I will not be standing in a line for 2 plus

hours again...at least my daughter is only going to need one dose...where my son

is under 9 and the recommend 2 doses. It is a hard call/decision I am finding

with our higher risk kids. Best of luck to everyone and to finding the vaccine

in your area. I still want to get it myself and have my husband get it too!

(mom to , 9 on November 14th, poly) & Zach

Re: H1N1 vaccine

I deleted the email our ped rheumy sent out. It went like this. He

said that a person can shed particles for up to a week when getting

the FluMist. He said the family should not get it. But you know, I

find that there is a ton of different info out there. Best to err on

the side of caution.

On Oct 27, 2009, at 11:36 AM, toivonen4 wrote:

> Thank you all for your insight. Our ped rheumy returned my call and

> they reccommend getting it as well. - do you know what the

> reasoning is behind the whole family not receiving the flumist?

> Haven't seen that in anything I have read. I don't know what we are

> going to do yet especially since Grant already had the flu like

> symptoms 2 weeks ago. He was out of school for 4 days. The CDC does

> reccommend still getting the vaccination if you already had the flu

> and didn't test positive for it.





> >

> > > The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine

> free of

> > > charge to the students and we have to have our signed consent form

> > > turned in this Friday if we want to get the vaccine. That has

> > > prompted me to do some research on the vaccine and I'm just

> curious

> > > if any of you have specifically had their doctors recommend that

> > > your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

> > > right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the

> > > vaccine has only been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the

> > > affects it will have on our immune compromised children? Also I

> > > know that Grant can't have the live virus which means that he

> needs

> > > to have the injection. The injection contains Thimerosal which is

> > > what some people think is linked to autism and other auto immune

> > > diseases.

> > >

> > > Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am

> just

> > > over analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.

> > >

> > > karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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The flu-mist is a live vaccine, so if shed days after it is given, puts our kids

at risk because they are immune-compromised, so more likely to have

complications if they get it & being around the live vaccine exposes them to the

disease. In addition, if they don't get terribly ill from the flu, getting the

flu tirggers the immune response, which can cause a flare.

Also - the injectible vaccine is available with, or without Thimerosal - so find

out which your provider has. (Anyone pregnant should have the thimerosal free

vaccine.) Consult with your rheumatologist or obstetrician (as appropriate)

regarding concerns about thimerosal.


Rob's Mom (12, systemic)

-Original Message-----

From: Price <bc.price@...>

Sent: Tue, Oct 27, 2009 4:10 pm

Subject: Re: H1N1 vaccine

I deleted the email our ped rheumy sent out. It went like this. He

said that a person can shed particles for up to a week when getting

the FluMist. He said the family should not get it. But you know, I

find that there is a ton of different info out there. Best to err on

the side of caution.

On Oct 27, 2009, at 11:36 AM, toivonen4 wrote:

> Thank you all for your insight. Our ped rheumy returned my call and

> they reccommend getting it as well. - do you know what the

> reasoning is behind the whole family not receiving the flumist?

> Haven't seen that in anything I have read. I don't know what we are

> going to do yet especially since Grant already had the flu like

> symptoms 2 weeks ago. He was out of school for 4 days. The CDC does

> reccommend still getting the vaccination if you already had the flu

> and didn't test positive for it.





> >

> > > The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine

> free of

> > > charge to the students and we have to have our signed consent form

> > > turned in this Friday if we want to get the vaccine. That has

> > > prompted me to do some research on the vaccine and I'm just

> curious

> > > if any of you have specifically had their doctors recommend that

> > > your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

> > > right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the

> > > vaccine has only been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the

> > > affects it will have on our immune compromised children? Also I

> > > know that Grant can't have the live virus which means that he

> needs

> > > to have the injection. The injection contains Thimerosal which is

> > > what some people think is linked to autism and other auto immune

> > > diseases.

> > >

> > > Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am

> just

> > > over analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.

> > >

> > > karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I feel confident my daughter and son had H1N1, but they were never tested to

confirm. Do they still need the H1N1 vacine? I mean they are not immune to it

unless they had it.


> My twins had Prevnar vaccs, 3 or 4 when they were younger and Dr. G was

> relieved because that is the one for pneumonia.


> Kristy


> From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

> Caroline Glover

> Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 7:32 AM


> Subject: Re: Re: H1N1 vaccine



> Bill,


> Thanks so much. Now this pneumonia vaccine is the Pneumococcal Vaccination,

> am I correct? I spoke to our pediatrician¹s office about it and they will

> have to special order it if that is the one. I was aware that the nose

> spray was a big no-no, but I¹m sure Dr. G was talking about the H1N1

> injected vaccine rather than that.


> He did tell us that the pneumonia vaccination was the most important in his

> view.


> Caroline


> Ten Days ago he recommended the pneumonia vaccine in that the pneumonia is

> what is deadly. You will survive the H1N1 if you have the pneumonia vaccine.

> I have been told by our immunologist that under no circumstances give a

> kid the nose spray vaccine ever~



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I have read in several sources that the flumist live virus is shed from the

nasal passages after it is delivered. I have read in many places that the risk

for transmission to someone who is immune-suppressed is minimal - nowhere have I

read where it is not possible.

I have read in the past, in a variety of places where children on immune

suppressive therapy should be kept away from those who have recently recieved a

live vaccine (flu, chickenpox, etc). That again, though the risk is small, there

is a chance the disease could be transmitted.

I have known adults who have received the Zostovax who have been told to avoid

contact with family members who are immune suppressed or immune compromised.

I was advised by a rheumatologist to keep my child home the day the flumist was

to be given at school. I was advised by a pediatrician that the risk was

minimal - if there was a risk at all - but I should decide what to do and he

would support my decision and provide a note if I wanted for my son to be kept

at home. I kept my son at home. With that said - I kept him home only on the

days that the vaccine was being given, thinking that if the risk was minimal -

the worst day would be the initial day...who knows?

I know that my son has inevitably come into contact with people who have

recently recieved a live virus vaccine without my knowledge - and he is doing

well - but I believe that in doing my best to avoid it when I can will give me

some peace of mind - and protect him from some. I am also the one that refuses

to put my son in a bubble and know that he is certainly exposed to a potential

illness all the time, so I try to maintain a reasonable balance - with some kind

of consistency, though I am sure that I probably sound like a nut sometimes.

It is so very hard to know who is giving clear information & what actually is a

reason for concern at times. It has never been my intent to frighten anyone, or

cause undue concern. At the same time, I have seen my son deathly ill (before

and after his JRA diagnosis) often enough to know that I need to weigh all the

information available and sometimes just follow my instincts. I am as concerned

about exposure to these viruses causing a flare as I am a severe illness, as

has done so very well, for so very long & I don't want to compromise the

progress he has made.

So, all of us, I guess need to do our research, discuss our concerns with our

health care providers and move forward with the decision that we feel

comfortable with.

As for myself, I have gotten the flu vaccine nearly every year (with the

exception of the year that it was so very hard to obtain - and I work in health

care) - and I have not had get the flu vaccine during these years for a

variety of reasons - to name a couple: 1. Based on what I read in Dr. Lehman's

book 2. The idea that even though it wouldn't hurt , because the

injection is not a live vaccine, it was also not likely to be very effective in

a immune suppressed child - so what is the point? I have already received the

seasonal flu vaccine at work this year. has not had it. We will be

providing the H1N1 vaccine where I work very soon, and I am getting that vaccine

as well. I am also leaning towards getting the H1N1 vaccine as well -

which is the opposite of how I have looked at this for the last several years.

With the stats that I see through work everyday & with the recent death of a

local student, I have decided that if the vaccine is only minimally effective

in those immune suppressed, that every little bit can help - and I want to

protect my son to the best of my ability.

Sorry to have rambled on forever, just wanted to explain where I have been

coming from with the comments I have made and share some of my thoughts.

Wishing all a healthy, flu free fall & winter.


Rob's Mom (12,systemic)

Re: H1N1 vaccine

I will let you know what I have been told by asking around regarding the

flumist. Of course our high risk kids shouldn't get it. But I was told there is

a small percentage or chance for the person who gets the flumist to pass it to

the person on immunosuppressive med's. I have been told by our rheumy and a

pediatrician as well as the school nurse the chance is very small. Our school

nurse actually said that a person who receives the flumist would actually pass

it through the feces...so as long as my daughter isn't going near my son (in the

bathroom)who had the flumist we should be alright. This would be a huge issue if

an adult was on immunosuppressive meds and changing a diaper etc of a child who

received the flumist. Of course they have to put all possible risks out there.

It is a tough call. I let my son get the seasonal flu mist in August and he just

got the h1n1 mist last night after standing in line for 2 1/2 hours. I didn't

have my daughter with us as our weekly injections of her methotrexate are bad

enough along with all the bloodwork that I cannot imagine standing in line for 2

1/2 hours unless we both were but on some sedatives. LOL Actually our daughter

test " slightly " positive for influenza A which I believe is the H1N1 and they

are saying that H1N1 is the flu that is going around and we are in one of the

top cities in Ohio to have it spreading. She did get put on tamiflu and has done

pretty well, but missed all last week of school. So I am on the fence about

having her get the shot still, but probably will have her get it just in case

she is to get it again being on immunosuppressive drugs and being at a higher

risk. However, I will not be standing in a line for 2 plus hours again...at

least my daughter is only going to need one dose...where my son is under 9 and

the recommend 2 doses. It is a hard call/decision I am finding with our higher

risk kids. Best of luck to everyone and to finding the vaccine in your area. I

still want to get it myself and have my husband get it too!

(mom to , 9 on November 14th, poly) & Zach

Re: H1N1 vaccine

I deleted the email our ped rheumy sent out. It went like this. He

said that a person can shed particles for up to a week when getting

the FluMist. He said the family should not get it. But you know, I

find that there is a ton of different info out there. Best to err on

the side of caution.

On Oct 27, 2009, at 11:36 AM, toivonen4 wrote:

> Thank you all for your insight. Our ped rheumy returned my call and

> they reccommend getting it as well. - do you know what the

> reasoning is behind the whole family not receiving the flumist?

> Haven't seen that in anything I have read. I don't know what we are

> going to do yet especially since Grant already had the flu like

> symptoms 2 weeks ago. He was out of school for 4 days. The CDC does

> reccommend still getting the vaccination if you already had the flu

> and didn't test positive for it.





> >

> > > The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine

> free of

> > > charge to the students and we have to have our signed consent form

> > > turned in this Friday if we want to get the vaccine. That has

> > > prompted me to do some research on the vaccine and I'm just

> curious

> > > if any of you have specifically had their doctors recommend that

> > > your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

> > > right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the

> > > vaccine has only been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the

> > > affects it will have on our immune compromised children? Also I

> > > know that Grant can't have the live virus which means that he

> needs

> > > to have the injection. The injection contains Thimerosal which is

> > > what some people think is linked to autism and other auto immune

> > > diseases.

> > >

> > > Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am

> just

> > > over analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.

> > >

> > > karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I don¹t know if there is a way to test for the H1N1 after-the-fact... I

think the swab is looking for live virus. So I don¹t know if there is a

method, such as a blood test for antibodies, to check for exposure

after-the-fact. You¹re right... they¹re not immune unless they had it.

One thing it sounds like Dr. Goldberg would recommend regardless, though, is

the pneumococcal vaccine we¹ve been discussing today. That way they would

be protected from at least that aspect of flu complications.

Caroline G.

I feel confident my daughter and son had H1N1, but they were never tested to

confirm. Do they still need the H1N1 vacine? I mean they are not immune to

it unless they had it.

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I go with the assumption that if the odds are

a million to one, then n will get it.

If it is rare, she gets it. Systemic Jra. MAS.

I am overly cautious with her. Call it post

traumatic stress disorder or whatever.

But I have sat at her bedside while she was on

life support, praying to God to spare her. I take the statistics

with a grain of salt. That one in a million

means a lot when it is your child. (n ,20,systemic)

Sent from my iPod

On Oct 27, 2009, at 7:12 PM, carneyval@... wrote:


> I have read in several sources that the flumist live virus is shed

> from the nasal passages after it is delivered. I have read in many

> places that the risk for transmission to someone who is immune-

> suppressed is minimal - nowhere have I read where it is not possible.

> I have read in the past, in a variety of places where children on

> immune suppressive therapy should be kept away from those who have

> recently recieved a live vaccine (flu, chickenpox, etc). That again,

> though the risk is small, there is a chance the disease could be

> transmitted.

> I have known adults who have received the Zostovax who have been

> told to avoid contact with family members who are immune suppressed

> or immune compromised.

> I was advised by a rheumatologist to keep my child home the day the

> flumist was to be given at school. I was advised by a pediatrician

> that the risk was minimal - if there was a risk at all - but I

> should decide what to do and he would support my decision and

> provide a note if I wanted for my son to be kept at home. I kept my

> son at home. With that said - I kept him home only on the days that

> the vaccine was being given, thinking that if the risk was minimal -

> the worst day would be the initial day...who knows?


> I know that my son has inevitably come into contact with people who

> have recently recieved a live virus vaccine without my knowledge -

> and he is doing well - but I believe that in doing my best to avoid

> it when I can will give me some peace of mind - and protect him from

> some. I am also the one that refuses to put my son in a bubble and

> know that he is certainly exposed to a potential illness all the

> time, so I try to maintain a reasonable balance - with some kind of

> consistency, though I am sure that I probably sound like a nut

> sometimes.


> It is so very hard to know who is giving clear information & what

> actually is a reason for concern at times. It has never been my

> intent to frighten anyone, or cause undue concern. At the same time,

> I have seen my son deathly ill (before and after his JRA diagnosis)

> often enough to know that I need to weigh all the information

> available and sometimes just follow my instincts. I am as concerned

> about exposure to these viruses causing a flare as I am a severe

> illness, as has done so very well, for so very long & I don't

> want to compromise the progress he has made.


> So, all of us, I guess need to do our research, discuss our concerns

> with our health care providers and move forward with the decision

> that we feel comfortable with.


> As for myself, I have gotten the flu vaccine nearly every year (with

> the exception of the year that it was so very hard to obtain - and I

> work in health care) - and I have not had get the flu vaccine

> during these years for a variety of reasons - to name a couple: 1.

> Based on what I read in Dr. Lehman's book 2. The idea that even

> though it wouldn't hurt , because the injection is not a live

> vaccine, it was also not likely to be very effective in a immune

> suppressed child - so what is the point? I have already received the

> seasonal flu vaccine at work this year. has not had it. We

> will be providing the H1N1 vaccine where I work very soon, and I am

> getting that vaccine as well. I am also leaning towards

> getting the H1N1 vaccine as well - which is the opposite of how I

> have looked at this for the last several years. With the stats that

> I see through work everyday & with the recent death of a local

> student, I have decided that if the vaccine is only minimally

> effective in those immune suppressed, that every little bit can help

> - and I want to protect my son to the best of my ability.


> Sorry to have rambled on forever, just wanted to explain where I

> have been coming from with the comments I have made and share some

> of my thoughts. Wishing all a healthy, flu free fall & winter.

> Val

> Rob's Mom (12,systemic)


> Re: H1N1 vaccine


> I will let you know what I have been told by asking around regarding

> the flumist. Of course our high risk kids shouldn't get it. But I

> was told there is a small percentage or chance for the person who

> gets the flumist to pass it to the person on immunosuppressive

> med's. I have been told by our rheumy and a pediatrician as well as

> the school nurse the chance is very small. Our school nurse actually

> said that a person who receives the flumist would actually pass it

> through the feces...so as long as my daughter isn't going near my

> son (in the bathroom)who had the flumist we should be alright. This

> would be a huge issue if an adult was on immunosuppressive meds and

> changing a diaper etc of a child who received the flumist. Of course

> they have to put all possible risks out there. It is a tough call. I

> let my son get the seasonal flu mist in August and he just got the

> h1n1 mist last night after standing in line for 2 1/2 hours. I

> didn't have my daughter with us as our weekly injections of her

> methotrexate are bad enough along with all the bloodwork that I

> cannot imagine standing in line for 2 1/2 hours unless we both were

> but on some sedatives. LOL Actually our daughter test " slightly "

> positive for influenza A which I believe is the H1N1 and they are

> saying that H1N1 is the flu that is going around and we are in one

> of the top cities in Ohio to have it spreading. She did get put on

> tamiflu and has done pretty well, but missed all last week of

> school. So I am on the fence about having her get the shot still,

> but probably will have her get it just in case she is to get it

> again being on immunosuppressive drugs and being at a higher risk.

> However, I will not be standing in a line for 2 plus hours

> again...at least my daughter is only going to need one dose...where

> my son is under 9 and the recommend 2 doses. It is a hard call/

> decision I am finding with our higher risk kids. Best of luck to

> everyone and to finding the vaccine in your area. I still want to

> get it myself and have my husband get it too!


> (mom to , 9 on November 14th, poly) & Zach

> Re: H1N1 vaccine


> I deleted the email our ped rheumy sent out. It went like this. He

> said that a person can shed particles for up to a week when getting

> the FluMist. He said the family should not get it. But you know, I

> find that there is a ton of different info out there. Best to err on

> the side of caution.


> On Oct 27, 2009, at 11:36 AM, toivonen4 wrote:


> > Thank you all for your insight. Our ped rheumy returned my call and

> > they reccommend getting it as well. - do you know what the

> > reasoning is behind the whole family not receiving the flumist?

> > Haven't seen that in anything I have read. I don't know what we are

> > going to do yet especially since Grant already had the flu like

> > symptoms 2 weeks ago. He was out of school for 4 days. The CDC does

> > reccommend still getting the vaccination if you already had the flu

> > and didn't test positive for it.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > > The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine

> > free of

> > > > charge to the students and we have to have our signed consent

> form

> > > > turned in this Friday if we want to get the vaccine. That has

> > > > prompted me to do some research on the vaccine and I'm just

> > curious

> > > > if any of you have specifically had their doctors recommend that

> > > > your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

> > > > right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the

> > > > vaccine has only been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the

> > > > affects it will have on our immune compromised children? Also I

> > > > know that Grant can't have the live virus which means that he

> > needs

> > > > to have the injection. The injection contains Thimerosal which

> is

> > > > what some people think is linked to autism and other auto immune

> > > > diseases.

> > > >

> > > > Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am

> > just

> > > > over analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.

> > > >

> > > > karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I was told that the mist is a live vaccine, and the injection is a killed




> Thank you all for your insight. Our ped rheumy returned my call and

> they reccommend getting it as well. - do you know what the

> reasoning is behind the whole family not receiving the flumist?

> Haven't seen that in anything I have read. I don't know what we are

> going to do yet especially since Grant already had the flu like

> symptoms 2 weeks ago. He was out of school for 4 days. The CDC does

> reccommend still getting the vaccination if you already had the flu

> and didn't test positive for it.





> >

> > > The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine

> free of

> > > charge to the students and we have to have our signed consent form

> > > turned in this Friday if we want to get the vaccine. That has

> > > prompted me to do some research on the vaccine and I'm just

> curious

> > > if any of you have specifically had their doctors recommend that

> > > your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

> > > right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the

> > > vaccine has only been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the

> > > affects it will have on our immune compromised children? Also I

> > > know that Grant can't have the live virus which means that he

> needs

> > > to have the injection. The injection contains Thimerosal which is

> > > what some people think is linked to autism and other auto immune

> > > diseases.

> > >

> > > Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am

> just

> > > over analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.

> > >

> > > karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Is Dr. G concerned at all about supressing the immune system with the

pneumococcal vaccine, making the chances of getting the flu more likely?  I have

the flu myself right now and I eat healthy for the most part, lots of veggies,

take supplements, etc. and it still has taken me down.  It was light last week

and was gone in a day or two.  Quick recovery, I thought.  Now this week, it's

back in a  different form, a massive headache that is unbearable, some tightness

in the chest with a slight cough.  The headache is like nothing I've ever


Just wondering?



From: <jrodrig6605@...>


Sent: Tue, October 27, 2009 1:33:35 PM

Subject: RE: Re: H1N1 vaccine


I think my son got the PPSV kind, because I remember reading that it protected

against many strains, 23 sound likes the number I read.


groups (DOT) com

From: sfglovermac (DOT) com

Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 12:56:59 -0400

Subject: Re: Re: H1N1 vaccine

Kristy and JR,

Thanks! One of my boys had two rounds of the Prevnar when he was younger,

didn¹t have more rounds because of his age when it came out (I think). The

other one was older and hasn¹t had it.

I asked our pediatric office if the PREVNAR was the same as the pneumococcal

vaccine and they said that it wasn¹t.... I tried looking it up on the

internet and found that there is another vaccine that protects against more

strains of pneumococcal bacteria (PREVNAR protects against 7 strains and

seems to be for young children), while the ³Pneumococcal polysaccharide

vaccine² (PPSV) seems to protect against 23 strains.

Here¹s a link about the pneumococcal vaccines...

http://www.cdc. gov/vaccines/ vpd-vac/pneumo/ default.htm

So I¹m thinking my kids need to if my kids should get the PPSV.

When we spoke to Dr. G., he didn¹t say ³get the PREVNAR², he said to get the

pneumococcal vaccine. Since my kids are older that makes sense.

Of course I just tried to call the office and it was closed. I wonder if

they will open today?

Our pediatrician said he could order the vaccine but doesn¹t have it in the


Anyway, just trying to figure it all out!


My twins had Prevnar vaccs, 3 or 4 when they were younger and Dr. G was

relieved because that is the one for pneumonia.


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Aubrey did well with it and I grateful to have gotten it for her. Terri It might

be time to do it again.

H1N1 vaccine

The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine free of charge to

the students and we have to have our signed consent form turned in this Friday

if we want to get the vaccine. That has prompted me to do some research on the

vaccine and I'm just curious if any of you have specifically had their doctors

recommend that your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the vaccine has only

been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the affects it will have on our

immune compromised children? Also I know that Grant can't have the live virus

which means that he needs to have the injection. The injection contains

Thimerosal which is what some people think is linked to autism and other auto

immune diseases.

Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am just over

analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.

karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)

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Sorry I meant the Pneumonia shot. Terri

H1N1 vaccine

The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine free of charge to

the students and we have to have our signed consent form turned in this Friday

if we want to get the vaccine. That has prompted me to do some research on the

vaccine and I'm just curious if any of you have specifically had their doctors

recommend that your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped rheumy

right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the vaccine has only

been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the affects it will have on our

immune compromised children? Also I know that Grant can't have the live virus

which means that he needs to have the injection. The injection contains

Thimerosal which is what some people think is linked to autism and other auto

immune diseases.

Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am just over

analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.

karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)

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Hi Jill

i feel your worry too. My son has had the H1N1 since last Tuesday, ie we are on

Day 9. What medications is your son on right now? The fevers broke and then got

worse sounds like a possible second infection? Does he have any symptoms that

would leave you to believe he has a secondary infection....sinus, bronchial? Is

he eating and drinking OK?


> I just want to say that both of my kids came down with the flu one week and a

half ago. Their pediatrician would not verify if it was the H1N1 because she

said it is more likely than not since they have all of the symptoms and that the

H1N1 has hit everywhere. My kids did do O.K. last week and their fevers broke.

However, my oldest son got worse this past Sunday. He has increased seizure

activity and he is falling down, very wobbly and walking into walls. His

pediatrician said he looked fine and told me to make sure he gets plenty of

fluids. His neurologist recommended that I increase his seizure medications.


> It was too late to give my kids the H1N1 vaccination anyway but if I could, I

think I may have given them the vaccination. I am very leery of vaccinations but

I think this wild virus may have been worse. I am so nervous right now. My son

is scheduled to see the neurologist this Thursday. Does anybody have any advise

on what I should say to her or do you have any ideas on what to recommend to get

him better? 


> Please advise,


> Jill
























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Thanks for this info Caroline! My son too had 2 doses of Prevnar...I assumed

this was enough. I belive the pneumococcal vaccine is the one you can get at

any shot clinic, or Walgrrens or CVS. I think once my son is better we need to

head over there.


> Dr. G¹s office called back and this is what they said...


> He wants both of my boys to have the ³PPV23² pneumococcal vaccine. One of

> my boys never had the Prevnar and the other only had 2 Prevnar doses as an

> infant.


> In the below page (same link I posted before), it says that the ³PPV23² has

> been renamed to ³PPSV².


> http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd-vac/pneumo/default.htm


> So, if your child had all doses of the Prevnar you might want to check and

> see if Dr. G. is satisfied with that.


> Carry on!


> Caroline G.








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Thank you . The strange thing is, he does not have a fever but yet the

seizures have increased days after his seizure broke. I was going to take him to

the emergency room but we have been there several times and it is awful. It can

take up to 6-8 hours and you only see a doctor for 3 minutes and they just tell

you to increase his anti-seizure medications and you are on your way.

Fortunately, has an appt at 11:00 with his neurologist tomorrow so I am

just crossing my fingers and hoping he can last until then. He still has the dry

cough and I have no idea if his chest hurts.


From: meljackmom <meljackmom@...>

Subject: Re: H1N1 vaccine

Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 7:56 AM


Hi Jill

i feel your worry too. My son has had the H1N1 since last Tuesday, ie we are on

Day 9. What medications is your son on right now? The fevers broke and then got

worse sounds like a possible second infection? Does he have any symptoms that

would leave you to believe he has a secondary infection... .sinus, bronchial? Is

he eating and drinking OK?


> I just want to say that both of my kids came down with the flu one week and a

half ago. Their pediatrician would not verify if it was the H1N1 because she

said it is more likely than not since they have all of the symptoms and that the

H1N1 has hit everywhere. My kids did do O.K. last week and their fevers broke.

However, my oldest son got worse this past Sunday. He has increased seizure

activity and he is falling down, very wobbly and walking into walls. His

pediatrician said he looked fine and told me to make sure he gets plenty of

fluids. His neurologist recommended that I increase his seizure medications.


> It was too late to give my kids the H1N1 vaccination anyway but if I could, I

think I may have given them the vaccination. I am very leery of vaccinations but

I think this wild virus may have been worse. I am so nervous right now. My son

is scheduled to see the neurologist this Thursday. Does anybody have any advise

on what I should say to her or do you have any ideas on what to recommend to get

him better? 


> Please advise,


> Jill
























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Hi Jill-What you describe as the symptoms of swine flu are very alarming! The

vaccine isn't even available yet here in New York. I am leery of the vaccine

anyway with our kids immune problems. The seizures are probably the result of

the immune reaction to this very strong virus. My son also has had seizures and

is now on seizure medication. Hopefully the neurologist will help in this area

and maybe give him an EEG to make sure he is ok. Good luck and let us know after

you see the neurologist.


Re: H1N1 vaccine

Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 7:56 AM

Hi Jill

i feel your worry too. My son has had the H1N1 since last Tuesday, ie we are on

Day 9. What medications is your son on right now? The fevers broke and then got

worse sounds like a possible second infection? Does he have any symptoms that

would leave you to believe he has a secondary infection... .sinus, bronchial? Is

he eating and drinking OK?


> I just want to say that both of my kids came down with the flu one week and a

half ago. Their pediatrician would not verify if it was the H1N1 because she

said it is more likely than not since they have all of the symptoms and that the

H1N1 has hit everywhere. My kids did do O.K. last week and their fevers broke.

However, my oldest son got worse this past Sunday. He has increased seizure

activity and he is falling down, very wobbly and walking into walls. His

pediatrician said he looked fine and told me to make sure he gets plenty of

fluids. His neurologist recommended that I increase his seizure medications.


> It was too late to give my kids the H1N1 vaccination anyway but if I could, I

think I may have given them the vaccination. I am very leery of vaccinations but

I think this wild virus may have been worse. I am so nervous right now. My son

is scheduled to see the neurologist this Thursday. Does anybody have any advise

on what I should say to her or do you have any ideas on what to recommend to get

him better?


> Please advise,


> Jill
























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Is Dr. G recommending the vaccine?  They will be doing it for free at our high

school.  What do we check for in the shot? 

Barb Katsaros


From: donnaaron@... <donnaaron@...>

Subject: Re: H1N1 vaccine

Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 9:11 AM


FWIW, Dr. G said the H1N1 vaccine he'll be giving out will be

with the inactivated virus.


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He is not recommending the H1N1 vaccine for now.


From: barbkatsaros@...

Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 07:18:37 -0700

Subject: Re: Re: H1N1 vaccine

Is Dr. G recommending the vaccine? They will be doing it for free at our high

school. What do we check for in the shot?

Barb Katsaros


From: donnaaron@... <donnaaron@...>

Subject: Re: H1N1 vaccine

Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 9:11 AM

FWIW, Dr. G said the H1N1 vaccine he'll be giving out will be with the

inactivated virus.


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I forgot to mention that I was told to keep nie (5, psoriatic) home for

three days after getting the H1N1 vaccine shot because it takes a while for the

immunity to build up. I was told (by an infectious disease doctor) that it

really take two weeks to reach full strength but if I keep him home for three

days he should be ready to go back to school. This is something I hadn't heard

anywhere else and, like many of us, I know I err on the side of caution. And so,

he got the shot Monday afternoon and I'm keeping him home until Friday.



> The Pedi Rhematologist we go to in

> Nemours Clinic in Pensacola

> told us to get the

> H1N1 vaccine shot, not the nasal mist.


> JRA (16)


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We don't vax anymore. My oldest had most of his, and then we did a lot of

research and decided that we weren't going to do them anymore. With 5 children,

we got whooping cough, from a kid in VBS that had been misdiagnosed (and vaxed

previously). My children all did fine, 5 mo old baby included. My oldest, who

was 11 and fully vaxed for it got it as bad as everyone else.

Between those times, my Dh decided to get the flu shot. Why? I don't know, we

weren't vaxing anymore. He probably just gave in to the dr. He said he will

never do that again. He promptly got the flu (it was the shot), the worst ever

from before and after. No one else in the house got the flu and it is my opinion

that had he gotten it from someone instead, we would have all gotten it too.

There were 4 children at that time. Plenty of germs to go around.

My friend's baby had a slight cold, and they told her it was ok to start her vax

at 2 mos with the cold, and she promptly ended up with WC, and a PICU stay. They

tried EVERYTHING to prove that she didn't have WC, even to say she had leukemia.

Transferred, confirmed WC, and kept her until she was in the clear. There was an

epidemic from that. Most kids get vaxed, but there was an epidemic anyway. 5 of

her fully vaxed children got it, and the other 6 did not.

This is what I am thinking. If the vaxes are minimally effective (if effective

at all), then what is the point? They have reported that the swine flu has been

milder than predicted. Several have already said that their JRA kid had a milder

case. There has been an epidemic in our community, and all the kids have done

fine. The nursery lady had it in our church, and I am sooo glad that my children

have not been there, per his drs instructions to keep him out of crowds and

groups of children, besides his own siblings, of course. She got the vaccination

because of her health issues, and works in the elem school. Her mother drives

the special ed bus. I won't go to the church for a long while, for fear that she

has started the epidemic there. I don't think it would be my DD that would be at

risk, since she isn't on any JRA drugs, but my asthmatic 7yo and my baby, who

have been out of the hosp for only 5 wks now. He has handled the flu okay

though. It is cold viruses that can either get better, or put him in the hosp.

But, many times, it turns into pneumonia, which he also handles at home fine

with treatment.

His pulmo ped did mention the flu and pneumonia vaxes for him. But not the H1N1.

He was also okay that we won't vax.

I have read that the thirmesol in the vaxes are not in safe levels. Of course,

there have been decreased mercury in vaxes, and less vaxing overall, but still a

rise in autism. So, I am not concerned about that link. I am concerned about

vaxes causing the disease they are supposed to protect one from. And, the low

success rate of the vaxes overall. And, it has always been common practice that

if you have already had the disease, you are advised to NOT get the vax. What

point is it then? You are mostly immune at that point, if not fully, and if the

shot has minimal effect, then there would be none for someone who has already

had it, is my guess. The risk of the shot itself would rise above the risk of

being exposed again.

Vaxes are also causing these viruses to get stronger and change into superbugs.

I am probably not saying that right. So, then it is just a cycle of having to

come up with better vaccines, or the ones we have are ineffective. How many

times have they made the seasonal flu vax using the virus from the previous

winter, to have the next winter have a different flu virus?

I am not trying to convince anyone they shouldn't vax. But, for me and my house,

we will trust the Lord. I think that anything God (nature) made is preferable to

man made. And, illness does boost our immune systems, not vaxes. The healthiest

children I know aren't vaxed. I will never know if it was the dog bite, or the

tetanus shot that followed, that caused my DD's arthritis issues. She got strep

and RMSF from the dog bite, we know that. But, did the vax push her over the

edge? I don't know. But, we usually don't vax, and I really figured it would be

better to get it than not. I wished I had known that they can cause AI

reactions, I may have thought twice. But, with the baby in the hospital and my

friend treating her, it was a stressful time.

When we started having these problems, I was asked several times if she had the

cervical cancer vax. No way! Kymberli


> Sorry I meant the Pneumonia shot. Terri

> H1N1 vaccine


> The schools here where I live are offering the H1N1 vaccine free of charge

to the students and we have to have our signed consent form turned in this

Friday if we want to get the vaccine. That has prompted me to do some research

on the vaccine and I'm just curious if any of you have specifically had their

doctors recommend that your child get the vaccine. I have a call in to our ped

rheumy right now to see what he says. I am just concerned because the vaccine

has only been tested on healthy kids. How do we know the affects it will have on

our immune compromised children? Also I know that Grant can't have the live

virus which means that he needs to have the injection. The injection contains

Thimerosal which is what some people think is linked to autism and other auto

immune diseases.


> Just curious what others are thinking about this or maybe I am just over

analyzing the whole situation which I tend to do.


> karen & grant (12, psoriatic,uveitis)



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This summarizes my feelings...





> Hi All,


> I am wondering about whether people on this site are interested in getting the

H1N1 flu shot when it becomes available and what the ups and downs may be? I

think that their are good arguments from both sides and the risk of infection

(through normal or vaccine) becomes especially prominent for people with

underlying chronic infections. I myself am leaning on the side of getting the

shot rather than not but am still not certain whether the shot would inhibit my

immune system further or whether Rife/Buhner/saltC would help me if I did not.

I wonder what other people think of this combination? Rifes GB4000 seems to

have a frequency for british swine flu which is probably different from todays

variety but perhaps frequencies are similar. It is all very complicated and

thank anyone for their input.


> Sincerely



> PS. I am sorry if this post is off-topic but not sure if it violates any

rules of the chatroom?? I also understand that each person reacts differently

due to many different underlying variables (severity of disease, proximity to

others etc)


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If I gave anyone the impression that I thought the flu vaccine was " minimally

effective " that was not my intent. My reasoning was that it may not be

effective if given to someone who is immune suppressed due to the medications

that many of our kids take (pred, mtx, enbrel, cyclosporine, etc.)


Rob's Mom (12, systemic)

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Hi - I think the shot is a bad idea because it has adjuvants in it that can

harm - mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and lipid squalene. There is a lot of

discussion about the H1N1 flu shots and nasal spray on Lymenet.

www.lymenet.org/flashdiscussion/medicalquestions - click on any of the H1N1

threads - posters have listed informative links about the health hazards. Also

there is a lot of info there about what remedies to take to protect our immune

system. I haven't seen any posting re Rife frequencies for it. - Robin

[ ] H1N1 Vaccine

Hi All,

I am wondering about whether people on this site are interested in getting the

H1N1 flu shot when it becomes available and what the ups and downs may be? I

think that their are good arguments from both sides and the risk of infection

(through normal or vaccine) becomes especially prominent for people with

underlying chronic infections. I myself am leaning on the side of getting the

shot rather than not but am still not certain whether the shot would inhibit my

immune system further or whether Rife/Buhner/saltC would help me if I did not.

I wonder what other people think of this combination? Rifes GB4000 seems to

have a frequency for british swine flu which is probably different from todays

variety but perhaps frequencies are similar. It is all very complicated and

thank anyone for their input.


PS. I am sorry if this post is off-topic but not sure if it violates any rules

of the chatroom?? I also understand that each person reacts differently due to

many different underlying variables (severity of disease, proximity to others


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