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H1N1 Vaccine

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Did he have to get the shot in two separate doses? That is what I was told here

for na (5). That children under 9 have to get it two doses, 21 days apart.

So it won't full strength until after the last dose.

ne (na Poly MTX Remicade)

> >

> > The Pedi Rhematologist we go to in

> > Nemours Clinic in Pensacola

> > told us to get the

> > H1N1 vaccine shot, not the nasal mist.

> >

> > JRA (16)

> >


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So far he only got the first one. He has an appointment for the second.

From: ne Y <susannefountain@...>

Subject: Re: H1N1 vaccine

Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 4:14 PM


Did he have to get the shot in two separate doses? That is

what I was told here for na (5). That children under 9 have to get it two

doses, 21 days apart. So it won't full strength until after the last dose.

ne (na Poly MTX Remicade)

> >

> > The Pedi Rhematologist we go to in

> > Nemours Clinic in Pensacola

> > told us to get the

> > H1N1 vaccine shot, not the nasal mist.

> >

> > JRA (16)

> >


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, with my chronic babesia and candida I am not confident I can fight off

the new flu if it comes. I am waiting for it to be available in my town and will

definitely get the shot. My immunity is just too low to take a chance on getting

the swine flu. Doug

From: <neweng57@...>

Subject: [ ] H1N1 Vaccine

Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 3:30 PM


Hi All,

I am wondering about whether people on this site are interested in getting the

H1N1 flu shot when it becomes available and what the ups and downs may be? I

think that their are good arguments from both sides and the risk of infection

(through normal or vaccine) becomes especially prominent for people with

underlying chronic infections. I myself am leaning on the side of getting the

shot rather than not but am still not certain whether the shot would inhibit my

immune system further or whether Rife/Buhner/ saltC would help me if I did not.

I wonder what other people think of this combination? Rifes GB4000 seems to

have a frequency for british swine flu which is probably different from todays

variety but perhaps frequencies are similar. It is all very complicated and

thank anyone for their input.


PS. I am sorry if this post is off-topic but not sure if it violates any rules

of the chatroom?? I also understand that each person reacts differently due to

many different underlying variables (severity of disease, proximity to others


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Doug - there's a huge ongoing discussion on lymenet about the H1N1 flu vaccine.

Have you read any of it? People are concerned our immune systems are too weak to

handle the adjuvants in the flu shot - mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and lipid

squalene, the latter which can cause severe auto-immune reactions. There are

lists of things we can take to keep our immune systems strong during this time,

if you do a search there for H1N1 protective supplements. You can also check out

swineflu.mercola.com and www.healthfreedomusa.com for flu shot evals. Does not

look good. I understand you're concerned, but you can protect yourself

naturally, if you look at the supplement lists. The mercola site and

healthfreedom site also list natural ways to protect. - Robin

[ ] H1N1 Vaccine

Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 3:30 PM

Hi All,

I am wondering about whether people on this site are interested in getting the

H1N1 flu shot when it becomes available and what the ups and downs may be? I

think that their are good arguments from both sides and the risk of infection

(through normal or vaccine) becomes especially prominent for people with

underlying chronic infections. I myself am leaning on the side of getting the

shot rather than not but am still not certain whether the shot would inhibit my

immune system further or whether Rife/Buhner/ saltC would help me if I did not.

I wonder what other people think of this combination? Rifes GB4000 seems to

have a frequency for british swine flu which is probably different from todays

variety but perhaps frequencies are similar. It is all very complicated and

thank anyone for their input.


PS. I am sorry if this post is off-topic but not sure if it violates any rules

of the chatroom?? I also understand that each person reacts differently due to

many different underlying variables (severity of disease, proximity to others


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I agree that it is a bad idea because of the adjuvants and because the vaccine

is unproven until now. The strongly pro-vaccine bias (no info on risks) from our

government is not making me enthusiastic either.

Another issue is if Lymies are really at (higher) risk. I got the impression

from earlier research that especially people with strong immune systems are at

risk from H1N1, because they can die from their own immune response (haven't

followed all the recent discussions though). If this is true, then maybe Lymies

are less at risk than the general population because our immune systems have

broken down, or they are to busy with other things.

In my country the swine flue has just started to spread; officially it is called

Mexican flue over here, because farmers and politicians are scared people will

stop buying pig meat. Maybe I got it myself, suddenly had nearly 39C fever a few

days ago with some general flue symptoms. During my Lyme years temperatures over

36.5C have been extremely rare. Taking the vaccine does not make much sense in

this condition, so I don't have to worry about the question ;)

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Not that it matters much, so feel free not to answer. But, I am wondering why

one would need to keep a child home from school after a shot. If the

effectiveness isn't as well in 3 days, or 2 weeks, what difference would that be

from having the child at school before having the shot to start with. It seems

to me that unless the shot lowers their immune system for 3 days after having

it, it doesn't make any logical sense. One of the reasons that they won't let

kids come to school until they have their vaccines, is to protect the child from

large groups that could potentially expose them. Of course, you can always opt

out by exemption, and then they send the unvaxed kids home during an epidemic,

for those vaxes that are required. If there is a flu epidemic, they don't send

unvaxed kids home, because than it may be half the whole school. Although, I

know they shut schools down because of such epidemics.

Anyway, just wondering at the logic. Kymberli

> >

> > The Pedi Rhematologist we go to in

> > Nemours Clinic in Pensacola

> > told us to get the

> > H1N1 vaccine shot, not the nasal mist.

> >

> > JRA (16)

> >


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Robin, I will look that over thanks. I do not hear however of any adverse

reactions to the H1N1 shot. Doug

From: sfrobink@... <sfrobink@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] H1N1 Vaccine

Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009, 1:33 AM

Doug - there's a huge ongoing discussion on lymenet about the H1N1 flu vaccine.

Have you read any of it? People are concerned our immune systems are too weak to

handle the adjuvants in the flu shot - mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and lipid

squalene, the latter which can cause severe auto-immune reactions. There are

lists of things we can take to keep our immune systems strong during this time,

if you do a search there for H1N1 protective supplements. You can also check out

swineflu.mercola. com and www.healthfreedomus a.com for flu shot evals. Does not

look good. I understand you're concerned, but you can protect yourself

naturally, if you look at the supplement lists. The mercola site and

healthfreedom site also list natural ways to protect. - Robin

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I am writing an article about this and will post when I finish, but quickly I

wanted to mention some points you may consider:

1) The administration has over-hyped the degree of H1N1 flu.

Understand the the pharmaceutical industry donates billions of dollars to the

campaign coffers of both major political parties and they expect something for

all that money. In this case what they get is blanket immunity from any claims

resulting from vaccine-injury.

And they get an entire population held hostage to the jab.

2) In the United Kingdom over 40% of doctors have said they will not be


3) The Vaccine was rushed through without adequate testing.

4) Recall that in 1976 a similar situation prevailed - an " epidemic " which never

materialized, a rushed-thru vaccine, huge numbers of people vaccinated, huge

amounts of illness from the vaccine, eventually the vaccine withdrawn.

In the meantime the drug companies made a fortune.

5) Dr. Graeme Laver, who was involved in the invention of a flu vaccine, has

said that the vaccine he helped to create was ineffective and [that] natural

infection with the flu was safer. " I have never been impressed with its

efficacy, " said Dr. Laver.

6) Natural preventers of the flu: Vitamin D, and immune-builders like oil of

oregano. (see Null.com for details)




> Hi All,


> I am wondering about whether people on this site are interested in getting the

H1N1 flu shot when it becomes available and what the ups and downs may be? I

think that their are good arguments from both sides and the risk of infection

(through normal or vaccine) becomes especially prominent for people with

underlying chronic infections. I myself am leaning on the side of getting the

shot rather than not but am still not certain whether the shot would inhibit my

immune system further or whether Rife/Buhner/saltC would help me if I did not.

I wonder what other people think of this combination? Rifes GB4000 seems to

have a frequency for british swine flu which is probably different from todays

variety but perhaps frequencies are similar. It is all very complicated and

thank anyone for their input.


> Sincerely



> PS. I am sorry if this post is off-topic but not sure if it violates any

rules of the chatroom?? I also understand that each person reacts differently

due to many different underlying variables (severity of disease, proximity to

others etc)


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We're seeing panic as well because of lack of availability...

BTW, thanks guys for the canary bit :)

> >

> > Yeah your kids could get H1N1 and spread it to others who have also

> > not been vaccintaed. A perfect scenario for an epidemic.

> >

> > CE Grim MD




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Quick update, My ARR is still pending1 Ugh!!!!

BTW, my son's school has 4 cases of H1N1 and the vaccine is only avail. at the

end of the month.

The canary thinks that maybe she should just keep them home (schools not closing

until enough kids and teachers sick, hey, have to keep the economy going)

because I am in a unique situation. I'm home with this undiagnosed illness as

it is. I know it is inevitable, we will most likely get H1n1 (if he hasn't been

inoculated yet) but hey, I'd love to get my illness under control so I can be a

fit mom (ie. not debilitated )tackling it in my household. I am presented with

an unique opportunity to potentially " control " the if and when. It will be

rough and most likely I won't be successful but hey, why not?

The norm. will send their kids because they are working and don't really have a

choice. They indicate it is a mild illness but I guess we really don't need this

" illness " right now with mommy " out of commission " I was one of the first in

our region to homeschool and it wasn't that bad. Again, I've stocked up on the

necessities etc. but hey, let's see how long we can avoid it... I know about

the waves etc. but hopefully if the majority get the vaccine or the illness

itself, by then, I'll hopefully be on my way to some sort of recovery and I'll

be able to manage the illness a little better. I'm dreaming, right?

The system isn't working for me right now so why should I trust the system in

controlling this disease in the schools?

Anyhow, I'll contemplate my decision this evening. I've homeschooled them for

kindergarten but grade 4 and 6 will be a little more challenging esp. when my

patience/energy low. :) Luckily, they are smart cookies and I love having them

around, well most of the time ;)

I'm having a pretty good afternoon, I don't know what I did differently?? The

nap today worked wonders.

(ps. salt intake not different?)

Gosh, last night I was so discouraged/feeling terrible, my husband is most

likely coming to my next endo. app in 10 days.

So that's it, making the kids nuggets, i'm not touching them!! The nuggets that

is.... I'm making them healthy quinoa/veggies to go with it!

That's for me..

Chantal -anxiously awaiting the ARR!!!

What a system..

> > >

> > > Yeah your kids could get H1N1 and spread it to others who have also

> > > not been vaccintaed. A perfect scenario for an epidemic.

> > >

> > > CE Grim MD

> >

> >  

> >


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I did not have mine vaccinated - we have enough problems without adding

more.............. LOL


From: jchabot <jchabot@...>

Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 12:26:01 PM

Subject: [ ] H1N1 vaccine


I was just curious as to how many of you had your child vaccinated against H1N1



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We didn't want to vaccinate our daughter and our lyme doctor is telling her

patients she

Does not recomment it. If you would like some interesting info

On it you can go to mercola .com and check his websit for H1N1

Vaccine info.

Be well




[mailto: ] On Behalf Of jchabot

Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 1:26 PM

Subject: [ ] H1N1 vaccine

I was just curious as to how many of you had your child vaccinated against




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no way!

we are taking homeopathic precautions rather than upset an immune system that is

already compromised with lyme and asthma....

and at the end of the day it doesn't guarantee they won't get it!lots of people

who have been vaccinated get it anyway....

peace :)

From: Diane Biel <dkbmama@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] H1N1 vaccine

Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 1:28 PM


I did not have mine vaccinated - we have enough problems without adding

more........ ...... LOL

____________ _________ _________ __

From: jchabot <jchabotsnet (DOT) net>

Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 12:26:01 PM

Subject: [ ] H1N1 vaccine


I was just curious as to how many of you had your child vaccinated against H1N1



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We did not do the vaccine. Never have done the regular flu vaccine either. I

asked 2 LLMD's they both recommended NO to the H1N1 vaccine.



> I was just curious as to how many of you had your child vaccinated against


> Thanks

> judy



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we are just very proactive with our health, lots of washing hands,

sanitizing house, eating right, no sugar, and hand sanitizer for when we are


On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Elaina <lagassie@...> wrote:



> We didn't want to vaccinate our daughter and our lyme doctor is telling her

> patients she


> Does not recomment it. If you would like some interesting info


> On it you can go to mercola .com and check his websit for H1N1


> Vaccine info.


> Be well


> Elaina


> _____


> From: < %40>

> [mailto: < %40>]

> On Behalf Of jchabot

> Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 1:26 PM

> < %40>


> Subject: [ ] H1N1 vaccine


> I was just curious as to how many of you had your child vaccinated against

> H1N1

> Thanks

> judy



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Thanks so much for all the replies!!!

I am not for the shots, but my son's Lyme doctor suggested he get both.




From: darabeth2003 <dara.alewine@...>

Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 5:38:49 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: H1N1 vaccine


We did not do the vaccine. Never have done the regular flu vaccine either. I

asked 2 LLMD's they both recommended NO to the H1N1 vaccine.



> I was just curious as to how many of you had your child vaccinated against


> Thanks

> judy



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I will not have my daughter get it, already told the school, she has had

problems with other 'shots' grown in eggs...she can injest them just can't be

injected with them



> I was just curious as to how many of you had your child vaccinated against


> Thanks

> judy



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Hi Gretchen,

Firstly; thanks for the info on the B6 and for recommending ginger for the

morning sickness for my daughter...this has proven really helpful...you always

amaze me!

I have a question regarding the H1N1 vaccine for those of us with CMT. Here in

Canada they are recommending that everyone be vaccinated and we have an overload

of mixed opinions as to whether this is a good idea. I'm sure that in the US

you have also received all the doomsday warnings via email of the dangers of the

vaccine itself, which I try to ignore (being one of positive outlook) but I

must admit, I am somewhat confused and perplexed as to whether to have the

vaccine and more importantly whether my pregnant daughter (who also has CMT)

should take it?

I would appreciate hearing experiences and advise from other members.

Thanks again for the valuable work you do....it is more appreciated than you


Warmest wishes,

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