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Re: help gettiing worse

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The progestogen-related side effects of the coil can include acne, decreased

libido, headache, lower abdominal pain, low back pain, nausea, period pain,

sweating, tender breasts, water retention and weight gain. So perhaps some of

your pain is coming from this.

Or your leg pain and constant movement may be from Restless Leg Syndrome. (RLS)

It has been linked to CMT type 2. The medication Mirapex may help, also drinking

tonic water (it has quinine in it) or perhaps quinine tablets would help.

Have you had your Iron levels checked? Are you hypoglycemic? Since you are

taking Gabapentin (which was originally a seizure medication), perhaps this is

aggravating your symptoms. Have you had any surgery recently? See


Good idea to talk to your doctor about all this.


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Thank you Gretchen for you reply, I think I may ask for my coil to be removed

even though the only symptoms from what you have listed is a non existant

libido, a little acne, tender breasts and lower back ache at times.

I have had my iron levels tested may times over the years results ranging from

anemic to my blood cells being small and low in count, I have never got to the

bottom of why as they always find something else wrong with me along the way so

get side tracked away from this. The Gabapentin is prescribed for the pain all

over me.

No surgery since 2002 on a heamangeoma on my foot, which was unsuccesful and I

have been advised that amputation is the only option for that now.

I will look into the restless legs as I know my father suffers like me too.

I see my doctor at least once a month normally and every week at the moment

because I feel so ill but he only has about 3 minutes to see me so every time I

go I feel that I am wasting my time because I don't get sorted out. Here in the

UK we do not have enough professional doctors etc who know what CMT is every

time I see another new doctor, paramedic or nurse I have to explain what CMT is,

and they look at me as if I have just made up a new thing.

I am seriously thinking of carring a printed sheet around with me so I can hand

it to them.

Another thing I forgot to ask was does CMT affect hearing as I now have to have

the TV that loud that my husband complains, he also says that I miss things that

people say. I also find that my voice is going deeper as I get older.....very


Once again that you for listening to me it helps

Kind Regards

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Dear ,

Reading your words my heart goes out to you! I am sorry you are going through

all this anguish. I hope you will find a way out of some of these difficulties.

Though I am not sick with CMT myself, I have this sickness very close to me

through my eldest daughter. I have seen her also in difficulties that I feel

resembles hers. I would therefore - and hope you don't mind - like to share some

her experiences in case they can help you.

1. First of all the doctor issue. If you have read some of the mails on this

lately, you may have seen this problem with uninformed doctors many meet as they

meet their doctors. Many good advice have passed and maybe my daughters practice

can be something for you to pick up. She has made a map for information

concerning a) general info on CMT, - types, symptoms, where to read more about

it, so on.

B) she also collected copies from journals whenever she saw a doctor, had tests

made, etc. so as to COLLECT the information about her. She also - of course -

carries her diagnoses with her (dna-test) and what this says about her sickness.

Anyway, this has helped her - and the doctors! - tremendously and whiped

sarcastic or insinuating remarks about her psychological frame of mind, off many


is partly their trainings fault - " we must know all " and partly something else.

Of course this does not apply to ALL doctors, but certainly to too many!!

Doctors are also very stressed...which seemes to be the case with your doctor.

It is absolutely unsatisfactory that you spend 3 minutes with him each

time...and he needs to get all the information he can. YOU NEED TO PREPAIRE

EVERY CONTACT WITH YOUR DOCTOR VERY CAREFULLY! - and you need to bring a bright

person with you as an " advocate " for you, when you go. Also - have you thought

of changing????????????????????  

Try this...collect all the good answers here...make " workingtime " in you weekly

scedule, to figure out who to contact, what to do..etc. as a next step.

2.just at last here: my daughter became terribly sick with Gabapetin. The nurse

that helped her to reduce pain mentally so forth (a clinic at a hospital) told

her this. She got a new life after ridding herself of this medicine.

3. At last: think intelligently.....use every good inch of your mind....bring

other minds in to help you to....write things down - or get someone else to do


You maybe on a better road if you try. I just with this for you.



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