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Re: Diflucan not working + Diet ?'s + Probiotic ?'s

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Here is a link many have said has helped, it even has a shopping list.  You

will also need to learn to read labels since they now make citric acid from

aspergillus.  Read label additives and learn what they are. 



God Bless !!




From: petehelfrich2004 <petehelfrich2004@...>

Sent: Thu, November 5, 2009 3:38:25 PM

Subject: [] Diflucan not working + Diet ?'s + Probiotic ?'s


I'm regressing in my tent..

Sore gums, teeth, kidneys, bruises coming back, etc.

I was told " DIET IS KEY " .. So what CAN I ACTUALLY EAT?


Is there a website for probiotics that anyone suggests?


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thanks for info

--- Pada Jum, 6/11/09, dragonflymcs <dragonflymcs@...> menulis:

Here is a link many have said has helped, it even has a shopping

list.  You will also need to learn to read labels since they now make citric

acid from aspergillus.  Read label additives and learn what they are. 

http://www.healingn aturallybybee. com/articles/ intro1.php

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Sorry, do not know your story, but I will tell you what worked and works for me.

First of all my first recovery took 1 year 3 months, and at one point I charted

my progress on Sickbuildings, I do not think my brain started to recover till I

took Cholestrymine, at 3 monts into the recovery-still take a maintenance

dose-4-5 doses a day are mandatory for recovery IMHO, Lots of fruit, fish,

greens, as per Shoemaker no grains, potatoes, read Mold Warriors.Lots of pharm

grade vitamins, and 900 mg of ALA a day-make sure you balance it with B's.

Zertec, (antihistamne,) helped me and still does Put that tent somewhere it will

do the most good-like far far away from people-top of a mountain better still-in

a dry dry place so the tent does not mold.

, 7 years out of original moldy house

--- In , " petehelfrich2004 " <petehelfrich2004@...>



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My pleasure !


God Bless !!




From: galih sari <ikm_05021@...>

Sent: Fri, November 6, 2009 2:38:25 AM

Subject: Re: [] Diflucan not working + Diet ?'s + Probiotic ?'s


thanks for info

--- Pada Jum, 6/11/09, dragonflymcs <dragonflymcs> menulis:

Here is a link many have said has helped, it even has a shopping list.  You

will also need to learn to read labels since they now make citric acid from

aspergillus.  Read label additives and learn what they are. 

http://www.healingn aturallybybee. com/articles/ intro1.php

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