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Re: Mc Cains possible VP Pick - Mom with Downs syndrome child?

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Sorry though that your doctor was not as kind or open minded!

> > > >> > > > This from the NY Times:> > > >> > > > "She is known to religious conservatives for choosing not to have> > an> > > > abortion after learning that she was carrying a child with Down> > > > syndrome. "It is almost impossible to exaggerate how important> > that> > > is> > > > to the conservative faith community," said Ralph , the former> > > head> > > > of the Christian Coalition. She gave birth to her son, Trig, in> > > April."> > > >> > > >> > > > If Palin chooses to do be an advocate for disabled children, and> > > there> > > > is no information out there yet to so indicate she would or> > > wouldn't,> > > > she would have the moral credentials that few could top by her> > > > choosing not to abort her DS son.> > > >> > > > This is a whole new race today, IMO, and I am left feeling right> > now> > > > that either way it turns out, it could be good for the autism> > > community.> > > >> > > > Lenny> > > >> > >> >>

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McCain jumped on the autism band wagon and even the vaccine causation band wagon. Where did it get him? The media attacked him. I didn't exactly see anyone rallying behind him. Seems like too many are still waiting for Obama to jump in. Not that he hasn't had every bit as much of a chance to and the same information.

I just find it interesting that she has already been raked over the coals and you hear very little to nothing about Biden.


> >>>>>>> > >>> > >> >>>>>>> > >>> > > Hate to say it- but I don¹t care.> >>>>>>> > >>> > >> >>>>>>> > >>> > > She has VERY LITTLE experience, is a republican, is> > anti-choice,> >>> > > is> >>>>> > >> > pro-guns> >>>>>>> > >>> > > and she is under investigation for firing someone for not> > hiring> >>> > > her> >>>>>>> > >>> > > brother-in-law.> >>>>>>>>> > >>>> > > >> >>>>>>> > >>> > >> >>>>>>> > >>> > >> >>>>>>> > >>> > >> >>>>>>> > >>> > >> >>> > >> >>> > >> >>> > >> >> >> > > > > >>

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I had an emergency C- section or it would have been sooner.

> > > >> > > > Hate to say it- but I don't care.> > > > > > > > She has VERY LITTLE experience, is a republican, is anti-choice, > > is > > > pro-guns> > > > and she is under investigation for firing someone for not hiring > > her> > > > brother-in-law.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >>

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What in the world does THAT have to do with anything?? There is a Mom

among us on this EOH board that holds numerous beauty titles...she

still has all of the crowns, banners and trophies to prove it. She

is a life-long Republican, too. And if you were to ask her, she would

tell you unequivocally that all of it means NOTHING!! Because when

her child was vaccine-injured she stood shoulder-to-shoulder with

other Moms and Dads, many of them life-long Democrats and demanded

accountability (often very loudly) from our Republican controlled

government. When it came to her child, beauty titles and politics

(or anything else from her life before the " A " word) meant NOTHING!!

So it is patently unfair to make assumptions or cast aspersions on

Gov. Palin because she won a beauty pageant long before she entered

politics or became a mother.

Furthermore, I can tell you for a FACT that Hillary has done MORE to

harm our cause than help it (ask Bobbie Manning how many times we

have met with her office). Not quite as overt as Bill Frist but damn

close! She, under her husband's administration, PUSHED the vaccine

agenda and helped push for MILLIONS of OUR tax dollars for GAVI

(Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations) which has had the

single most powerful influence on allowing this travesty to

continue. Actions speak louder than words.

I like the fact that Gov. Palin is NOT a Washington insider. I like

the fact that she has already proven she is willing to buck her own

party and the party line when she thinks they are wrong. I like

someone who won't go along to get along...a Maverick Mama (nod of

recognition and respect to my dear friend, Barbara Fischkin). I like

the fact that she is a mother...and hopefully a mother who can

understand our heartbreak and frustration of raising a special needs

child. Even if she doesn't do a 10 second sound bite in time for the

evening news uttering the " A " word...as long as she will listen and

ACT in the best interests of our children then I'm willing to reserve


As for me...I am now officially a member of the Mommy Party - any

candidate that will ACT in the best interests of our children and

FOLLOW THROUGH will have my vote and financial support regardless if

they are an ass or an elephant.



> she was also a beauty queen in the past.

> This probably has no relevance to what you just wrote, but I just

think it's odd.

> M


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Well Aasa, here in the US we don't have the option of a mere 17 paid weeks. I had 8 weeks and they were unpaid, but they were kind enough to hold my job for me - as a single mom I don't even remember how I afforded it but i took every day and then took my 8 week old baby to daycare. I cannot fathom 17 weeks, let alone a year. How wonderfully humane.

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Wasn't it a story that was posted here that stated 92% of DS babies are aborted??? I think it does say something about her character that she "chose" to give birth to her son. I look forward to learning more about her, and not from the same media that we usually are so quick to point out their errors...

(ok, I know that was bad grammar...sorry)


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Kirby is a journalist and a hell of alot more knowledgble than

Offit with all his degrees and experience.

> She seems like a nice woman, but I don¹t want her making decisions

for me or

> my family. She was a journalism major in Idaho!

> Barack went to Harvard and ran the Harvard Law Review

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I suspect some are making this into something a whole lobt bigger and

more controversial than it truly is.





April 21, 2008

ANCHORAGE—Gov. Palin worked briefly Monday, just three days

after giving birth to her fifth child, a boy who the governor's

spokeswoman confirmed has Down syndrome.

more stories like thisPalin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow described the

newborn, Trig, as " cute. "

Palin didn't spend the entire day at work, but she did meet in

Anchorage with her gas line team, which is preparing for a special

legislative session.

Leighow said the governor will be working on a limited basis for a

while. The Republican governor is in her second year as Alaska's

chief executive.

Trig Paxson Van Palin was born Friday morning after Palin returned to

Alaska from an energy conference in Texas.

A statement she issued following the birth said she knew her son

would face special challenges but wasn't specific. Down syndrome,

caused by the presence of an extra chromosome, results in mental

retardation and, often, serious heart defects.

Palin, 44, and her husband, Todd, have four other children, ages 18

to 7.

> >

> > My apologies if this has already been mentioned (I haven't


> reading all of today's EOHarm postings yet), but what struck me ODD

> about Sara Palin was reading today (tho' I can't recall

> exactly where) , that she went back to work a mere 3 DAYS after Trig

> was born!! How can you hope to " bond " with your kid, if you leave


> that early? That does not auger well for doing right by kids with

> disabilities.

> >  

> > Aasa

> >


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I think it depends on the job. I am not aware of any government funding. Not sure how I can see that as a fair system to tax payers (just my opinion).

I believe it is law your employer must allow for six weeks maternity. In my case it was not paid. I needed to use my own resources. i.e. vacation, personal time, sick leave. In my case, I hadn't been at my job long enough to have enough accrued. Who knew that after over two years of trying, we'd finally get pregnant then? To top it off, our son was 10 weeks premature and spent his first six weeks of life in the NICU. So, I didn't have enough time saved up and had to return to work.

Hope this helps.

Lin> > > >> > > > Hate to say it- but I don't care.> > > > > > > > She has VERY LITTLE experience, is a republican, is anti-choice, > > is > > > pro-guns> > > > and she is under investigation for firing someone for not hiring > > her> > > > brother-in-law.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >>

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Obviously I could never have put this as well or in perspective the way that my dear freind and mentor Lujene has.

Nice to see and hear from you, girlfriend!


> >> > she was also a beauty queen in the past.> > This probably has no relevance to what you just wrote, but I just > think it's odd.> > M> >>

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******Just curious, why do you think she would be an advocate for

autism, specifically for those of us here who know vaccines

contributed to the problem and we have done so many

biomedical/dietary/alternative interventions to heal our sick

kids?? How do you know if she wouldn't just be another one of those

moms with the " I love my kid the way God made him " attitude and

think we are all a bunch of loonies for doing what we have done? I

am sure you know there are plenty of those types of moms/dads out

there in the ASD community.. Just because someone has a child with a

disability does not mean they will listen to us. I certainly would

not chose a president based on the fact a mother of a child with a

disability is on the ticket. Has she made any type of statement to

convince you she would be an advocate for us?? Not trying to get

anything started, just really would like to know..


> > the fact that she is a mother...and hopefully a mother who can

> > understand our heartbreak and frustration of raising a special


> > child. Even if she doesn't do a 10 second sound bite in time for


> > evening news uttering the " A " word...as long as she will listen


> > ACT in the best interests of our children then I'm willing to


> > judgment.

> >

> > As for me...I am now officially a member of the Mommy Party - any

> > candidate that will ACT in the best interests of our children and

> > FOLLOW THROUGH will have my vote and financial support

regardless if

> > they are an ass or an elephant.

> >

> > Lujene

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Thanks for explaining. But, there is a lot of truth to what you say. Big corps and Congress are huge stumbling blocks for any President - past or future.


> > > >>> > >> > > >>> > > Hate to say it- but I don¹t care.> > > >>> > >> > > >>> > > She has VERY LITTLE experience, is a republican, is> > anti-choice,> > > > is> > > >> > pro-guns> > > >>> > > and she is under investigation for firing someone for not> > hiring> > > > her> > > >>> > > brother-in-law.> > > >>>> > > >> > > >>> > >> > > >>> > >> > > >>> > >> > > >>> > >> > > >> > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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I know you did not mean to offend and I love that you are passionate

about this and willing to contribute. I will always defend your

right to do that even if we may have differing views at times. I

just get a little touchy when people make assumptions based on

superficial things like appearances as they can be SO

deceiving...like a Hollywood facade.



> Lujene,

> You are right, it probably has nothing to do with anything. Sorry

if this offended anyone.  I am just so leery(as we probably all are)

of who really runs this country and how it is run

> and for all the discussion that goes back and forth on this list--

how much can any leader do really, without the backing of the big


> Maurine

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I know alot of people put their foot in their mouths after assuming

McCarthy would hurt our cause when she started talking about her

son. There were lots of negative comments made about her being a

hollyweird. And look at how valuable she's been.

> >

> > Lujene,

> > You are right, it probably has nothing to do with anything. Sorry

> if this offended anyone. I am just so leery(as we probably all are)

> of who really runs this country and how it is run

> > and for all the discussion that goes back and forth on this list--

> how much can any leader do really, without the backing of the big

> corporations?

> > Maurine


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WOW! Now THAT'S what I call a " Fair and Balanced " opinion... you

are just the kind of voter that this Country needs. To be straight

forward, I am for McCain and I love his pick of Palin for more

reasons than because she has a child with Downs syndrome. But I am

also open to anything and everything that Obama has to say on issues

that will impact me, my family, the People of America and around the

World. The race is close right now. My first pick, Ron , never

had a chance, and of course, I knew that from the get go. I was also

very disappointed to think that those Candidates left were the best

our Country could produce. But I am changing my mind as I think this

is the most exciting Presidential race in MY lifetime! These men and

women are very aware that the world is watching this time and if

they have any hidden agendas, they WILL be exposed.

Whoever we decide to support, we HAVE to let them know what we

expect. We NEED to get our Country back from the likes of Monsanto,

Merk, the HMOs, the CDC, FDA and everyone else who is contributing

to the " fleecing of America " ! Maureen is right... they are the ones

running this Country. WE know it, but does the average Joe Taxpayer

know it? We need to keep those letters, e-mails and phone calls

going. No matter who we support, we are really all on the same side

and whoever is our next President needs to keep that in mind!!!


" I'm voting for Obama by the way. I just don't really want to see

any woman bashed at least before we know more about her. Hey - worse

case scenario for me is that if Obama doesn't win the election - the

mother of a disabled child hopefully will do more for us than any of

the other options I saw. "



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> Still, when babies are only a few days old, it would make sense for

mom to be at home or at least be readily available for breastfeeding

purposes. Dads, unfortunately, cannot do that, at least not yet.

Well, we really don't know how much time the baby was with her when

she returned to work. In today's environment, women can be creative

about splitting their time between baby and job chores, if the job

situation is accommodating. Could she have worked from home, some?

Why do people assume an either or scenario? or assume the worst?

Dads can breast feed if they take the hormones necessary to start

lactating. This usually results in sexual impotence, however. An

interesting trade-off. I'm surprised the feminists never pushed for a

law demanding it. When it comes to slow dancing, men still take the

lead 90% of the time, too. Oh, when will we ever have real equality?


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Read the story before making judgments!!

One meeting (and she brought the baby with her) is not as if she

abandoned him for a 10 hour workday. In most states, the Governor's

Mansion is in VERY close proximity to their office - most even have

home offices. Furthermore, it's not like she could hire a temp to do

her job for a few weeks - for God's sake SHE WAS THE GOVERNOR OF THE

STATE!! She took a meeting - no freaking big deal - if it had been a

man you would all be applauding her dedication and commitment! The

fact is, none of us were there so we don't know what REALLY

happened. Chill out people.



JUNEAU — Gov. Palin worked briefly Monday, just three days

after giving birth to her fifth child.

She also confirmed that her new son, Trig, was born with Down

syndrome, said spokeswoman Sharon Leighow.

Palin didn't spend the entire day at work, but she did meet in

Anchorage with her gas line team, which is preparing for a special

legislative session.

Leighow said the governor will be working on a limited basis for a

while, and hopes to make some public appearances already on her


The Republican governor, now in her second year as Alaska's chief

executive, has said she did not believe the pregnancy would affect

her ability to run the state.

Monday wasn't the first time Palin decided return to public office

shortly after giving birth.

When announcing the pregnancy a few months ago, she said her work as

Wasilla mayor had only a brief interruption when she had her youngest

daughter, Piper, seven years ago.

Palin gave birth to Trig Paxson Van Palin on Friday morning. He

weighed 6 pounds, 2 ounces. On Friday, she said she knew her son

would face challenges.

Down syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome. It

results in mental retardation, a characteristic broad, flat face and

small head and, often, serious heart defects.

The baby's name is of mixed origin. Trig is a Norse word

meaning " true " and " brave victory. " Paxson is an area that both Palin

and her husband, Todd, feel is one of the most beautiful spots in

Alaska, where he enjoys driving snowmachines.

And the 44-year-old governor had earlier joked about naming the baby

Van Palin after the '80s rock group Van Halen.

Palin and her husband have four other children: a son, Track, 18, and

three daughters, Bristol, 17, Willow, 13 and Piper, 7.

Early during her pregnancy, Palin modeled for the fashion magazine


Former Massachusetts Gov. Jane Swift was the nation's first governor

to give birth while in office. She had twin girls in May 2001.

> >

> > My apologies if this has already been mentioned (I haven't


> reading all of today's EOHarm postings yet), but what struck me


> about Sara Palin was reading today (tho' I can't recall

> exactly where), that she went back to work a mere 3 DAYS after


> was born!! How can you hope to " bond " with your kid, if you leave


> that early? That does not auger well for doing right by kids with

> disabilities.

> >

> > Aasa

> >


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I had to recap this part Aasa wrote-- makes me wonder if she is not

in touch with her feelings/ body. I had several child births; easy

compared to many. But I was NOT ready to get up and go to work in 3

days! I could see handling some work issues from home, but not

putting in a full day, - plus her 4 other children. Maybe her husband

is able to carry the family when Mom is unavailable.

I didn't know about the beauty queen part until I read it here, but

how can anyone leave their newly born child at 3 days of age? That's

what hit me! Hell, how long did we have to fight to get decent

maternity leaves from work? When my oldest sons were born, paid mat

leave in Ontario was 17 weeks or so, now it is a more kid-friendly

year-long leave.


P.S., Besides, nature has its only little way of making sure most

moms cannot stray too far from home easily, shortly after giving

birth: all that ensuing bleeding. That's what I hated the most after

any/all of my pregnancies, the 6-week-looong " period " afterward. If I

had gone back to work after 3 days, I would have likely gotten fired

for spending too much time in the bathroom, aside from being a bit of

a wreck from too little sleep. Sorry guys, (to the male readers here,

especially), but that's the reality of giving birth. I just can't

wrap my head around how someone could even physically go back to work

(unless you're working from home, I suppose), 3 days after giving


In EOHarm , shellydavidson@... wrote:


> Yes I agree with you Aasa, I had a c-section and was in the

hospital for

> 7 days and couldn't imaging going back to work physically I would

have never

> lasted.


> --

> " Once you choose hope, anything's possible. "

> Reeve


> -------------- Original message --------------


> I didn't know about the beauty queen part until I read it here, but

how can anyone leave their newly born child at 3 days of age? That's

what hit me! Hell, how long did we have to fight to get decent

maternity leaves from work? When my oldest sons were born, paid mat

leave in Ontario was 17 weeks or so, now it is a more kid-friendly

year-long leave.


> Aasa

> P.S., Besides, nature has its only little way of making sure most

moms cannot stray too far from home easily, shortly after giving

birth: all that ensuing bleeding. That's what I hated the most after

any/all of my pregnancies, the 6-week-looong " period " afterward. If I

had gone back to work after 3 days, I would have likely gotten fired

for spending too much time in the bathroom, aside from being a bit of

a wreck from too little sleep. Sorry guys, (to the male readers here,

especially), but that's the reality of giving birth. I just can't

wrap my head around how someone could even physically go back to work

(unless you're working from home, I suppose), 3 days after giving









> http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ _Palin


> According to wikipedia, and other articles, the " investigation " of

> her is a little different than described. Some Republicans have


> our strongest allies. Sheila



> > >

> > > Hate to say it- but I don't care.

> > >

> > > She has VERY LITTLE experience, is a republican, is anti-


> is

> > pro-guns

> > > and she is under investigation for firing someone for not


> her

> > > brother-in-law.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >


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Not to put more fuel on this fire about Palin, but can somebody please

tell me

1) why a strong pro-life politician would even bother to be tested for

DS? They said that they knew in the womb that " tests " showed DS. My

guess is that she got an amnio, because blood tests are not

conclusive. I may be wrong about this.

I'm a strong believer " choice " as a public policy. But people may make

different personal decisions. That's what CHOICE means (pro choice

does NOT mean pro- abortion). I chose not to get an amnio and not to

abort when I was pregnant with my now only child, because I did not

want to risk a miscarriage with amnio and decided that I wanted the

baby no matter what. I made that personal decision, but I want women

to have that choice as a matter of public policy.

2) I know I will get a lot of heat for this but, why would anybody get

pregnant with their 5th child while bearing the very serious

responsibility of governing a state? And why would anyone get pregnant

at age 44 knowing that the risk is so high for DS? Can we assume that

it is possible that Palin may get pregnant with a 6th child while in

the White House? It's conceivable based on the pattern here. And

please don't tell me " what's wrong with that? "

3) forget going back to work after 3 days--which I assume was because

of her tremendous responsibilities as a governor, in which case she

should never have become pregnant at a job like that to begin with

IMHO-- but what about being able to give ANY kind of attention and

care to this special child down the road? How can anybody have 5

children, run for VP, still have the responsibilities of governorship

AND attend to all these kiddos properly? How? How? How?

I regard this part of this candidate's life (I'm not saying anything

about her political career--YET) a bit tainted by poor judgment.

My opinion. I too am ready to be slapped around. So go ahead if you like.


> >

> > My apologies if this has already been mentioned (I haven't finished

> reading all of today's EOHarm postings yet), but what struck me ODD

> about Sara Palin was reading today (tho' I can't recall

> exactly where), that she went back to work a mere 3 DAYS after Trig

> was born!! How can you hope to " bond " with your kid, if you leave them

> that early? That does not auger well for doing right by kids with

> disabilities.

> >

> > Aasa

> >


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> > >

> > > My apologies if this has already been mentioned (I haven't


> > reading all of today's EOHarm postings yet), but what struck

me ODD

> > about Sara Palin was reading today (tho' I can't recall

> > exactly where), that she went back to work a mere 3 DAYS after


> > was born!! How can you hope to " bond " with your kid, if you

leave them

> > that early? That does not auger well for doing right by kids


> > disabilities.

> > >

> > > Aasa

> > >

> >


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I know this may come as a surprise to you Beti, but not all

pregnancies are planned. ;-) The ONLY 100% fail-proof birth control

is abstinence which is not a reasonable or viable option in a happy,

healthy marriage. From news reports, it seems her pregnancy was a

happy surprise. It was not as if she intentionally set out to be

irresponsible to piss you off.


> > >

> > > My apologies if this has already been mentioned (I haven't


> > reading all of today's EOHarm postings yet), but what struck me


> > about Sara Palin was reading today (tho' I can't recall

> > exactly where), that she went back to work a mere 3 DAYS after


> > was born!! How can you hope to " bond " with your kid, if you

leave them

> > that early? That does not auger well for doing right by kids


> > disabilities.

> > >

> > > Aasa

> > >

> >


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I agree with you!! And do some of you really think a woman who

believes global warming is NOT man-made really will take on our

cause?? I know what harmed my son...

> > >

> > > My apologies if this has already been mentioned (I haven't


> > reading all of today's EOHarm postings yet), but what struck

me ODD

> > about Sara Palin was reading today (tho' I can't recall

> > exactly where), that she went back to work a mere 3 DAYS after


> > was born!! How can you hope to " bond " with your kid, if you

leave them

> > that early? That does not auger well for doing right by kids


> > disabilities.

> > >

> > > Aasa

> > >

> >


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