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Workplace BPA exposure increases risk of male sexual dysfunction

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Maybe this is the route to expose the effects of mold and mycotoxins, start

focusing on how they to can cuase  male and female sexual dysfunction.   Lord

knows the way to a man's brain is not threw the head that sits on his neck  (no

I'm not a sexist, just sticking to the facts).   Just a thought...... 


The BPA-exposed workers had a nearly four-fold increased risk of reduced sexual

desire and overall satisfaction with their sex life, greater than four-fold

increased risk of erection difficulty, and more than seven-fold increased risk

of ejaculation difficulty.  

Workplace BPA exposure increases risk of male sexual dysfunction 

First human study to measure effects of BPA on male reproductive system 

http://www.eurekale rt.org/pub_ releases/ 2009-11/kp- wbe110309. php



November 11, 2009 (Oakland, Calif.) – High levels of workplace exposure to

Bisphenol-A may increase the risk of reduced sexual function in men, according

to a Kaiser Permanente study appearing in the journal Human Reproduction,

published by Oxford Journals. [1]


The five-year study examined 634 workers in factories in China, comparing

workers in BPA manufacturing facilities with a control group of workers in

factories where no BPA was present. The study found that the workers in the BPA

facilities had quadruple the risk of erectile dysfunction, and seven times more

risk of ejaculation difficulty.


This is the first research study to look at the effect of BPA on the male

reproductive system in humans. Previous animal studies have shown that BPA has a

detrimental effect on male reproductive system in mice and rats.


Funded by the U.S. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, this

study adds to the body of evidence questioning the safety of BPA, a chemical

made in the production of polycarbonated plastics and epoxy resins found in baby

bottles, plastic containers, the lining of cans used for food and beverages, and

in dental sealants.


The BPA levels experienced by the exposed factory workers in the study were 50

times higher than what the average American male faces in the United States, the

researchers said.


" Because the BPA levels in this study were very high, more research needs to be

done to see how low a level of BPA exposure may have effects on our reproductive

system, " said the study's lead author.


De-Kun Li, MD, Ph.D., a reproductive and perinatal epidemiologist at Kaiser

Permanente's Division of Research in Oakland, Calif. " This study raises the

question: Is there a safe level for BPA exposure, and what is that level? More

studies like this, which examine the effect of BPA on humans, are critically

needed to help establish prevention strategies and regulatory policies. "


The researchers explained that BPA is believed by some to be a highly suspect

human endocrine disrupter, likely affecting both male and female reproductive

systems. This first epidemiological study of BPA effects on the male

reproductive system provides evidence that has been lacking as the U.S. Food and

Drug Administration, and various U.S. government panels have explored this

controversial topic.


This study is the first of series of studies that examine the BPA effect in

humans and are to be published by Dr. Li and his colleagues.


The study finding, Dr. Li also points out, may have implications of adverse BPA

effects beyond male sexual dysfunction. Male sexual dysfunction could be a more

sensitive early indicator for adverse BPA effects than other disease endpoints

that are more difficult to study, such as cancer or metabolic diseases.


For this study, researchers compared 230 workers exposed to high levels of BPA

in their jobs as packagers, technical supervisors, laboratory technicians and

maintenance workers in one BPA manufacturing facility and three facilities using

BPA to manufacture epoxy resin, in several regions near Shanghai, to a control

group of 404 workers in the same city from factories where no BPA exposure in

the workplace was recorded. The factories with no BPA exposure produced

construction materials, water supplies, machinery, garments, textiles, and

electronics. The workers from the two groups were matched by age, education,

gender, and employment history.


Researchers gauged BPA levels by conducting spot air sampling, personal air

sample monitoring and walk-through evaluations, by reviewing factory records and

interviewing factory leaders and workers about personal hygiene habits, use of

protective equipment, and exposures to other chemicals. A subset of workers also

provided urine samples for assaying urine BPA level to confirm the higher BPA

exposure level among the workers with occupational BPA exposure.


Researchers measured sexual function based on in-person interviews using a

standard male sexual function inventory that measures four categories of male

sexual function including erectile function, ejaculation capability, sexual

desire, and overall satisfaction with sex life.


After adjusting for age, education, marital status, current smoking status, a

history of chronic diseases and exposure to other chemicals, and employment

history, the researchers found the BPA-exposed workers had a significantly

higher risk of sexual dysfunction compared to the unexposed workers.


The BPA-exposed workers had a nearly four-fold increased risk of reduced sexual

desire and overall satisfaction with their sex life, greater than four-fold

increased risk of erection difficulty, and more than seven-fold increased risk

of ejaculation difficulty.


A dose-response relationship was observed with an increasing level of cumulative

BPA exposure associated with a higher risk of sexual dysfunction. Furthermore,

compared to the unexposed workers, BPA-exposed workers reported significantly

higher frequencies of reduced sexual function within one year of employment in

the BPA-exposed factories.


Other authors on this study include: X. Weng, Ph.D., J.R. Ferber, MPH, and L.J.

Herrinton of the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research; Z. Zhou, Ph.D., MD, Y.

He, Ph.D., and T. Wu MD, Ph.D. of the Department of Occupational Health and

Toxicology, School of Public Health & WHO Collaborating Center for Occupational

Health, Fudan University, Shanghai, China; D. Qing, , M. Miao, PhD, J. Wang,

Ph.D, Q. Zhu, MD, E. Gao, MD, MPH, Ph.D., and W. Yuan of Shanghai Institute of

Planned Parenthood Research and National Population & Family Planning Key

Laboratory of Contraceptive Drugs and Devices; and H. Checkoway, Ph.D. of

Department of Environmental Health, University of Washington, Seattle.



[1] Occupational exposure to bisphenol-A (BPA) and the risk of self-reported

male sexual dysfunction. Human Reproduction journal. doi:10.1093/ humrep/dep381

http://www.oxfordjo urnals.org/ news/dep381. pdf

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I had trouble finding this article. Here's another link to it.



From: a Townsend <kmtown2003@...>

SD <sdkoukel@...>; AF <@...>

Cc: <bearparke@...>; sick buildiings < >

Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 11:36:28 AM

Subject: [] Workplace BPA exposure increases risk of male sexual


Maybe this is the route to expose the effects of mold and mycotoxins, start

focusing on how they to can cuase male and female sexual dysfunction. Lord

knows the way to a man's brain is not threw the head that sits on his neck (no

I'm not a sexist, just sticking to the facts). Just a thought..... .


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Is anybody else surprised that kaiser did this study??

From: <brianc8452@...>

Subject: Re: [] Workplace BPA exposure increases risk of male

sexual dysfunction

Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 12:11 PM

I had trouble finding this article. Here's another link to it.

http://www.eurekale rt.org/pub_ releases/ 2009-11/kp- wbe110309. php

____________ _________ _________ __

From: a Townsend <kmtown2003 (DOT) com>

Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 11:36:28 AM

Subject: [] Workplace BPA exposure increases risk of male sexual


Maybe this is the route to expose the effects of mold and mycotoxins, start

focusing on how they to can cuase male and female sexual dysfunction. Lord

knows the way to a man's brain is not threw the head that sits on his neck (no

I'm not a sexist, just sticking to the facts). Just a thought..... .

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