Guest guest Posted August 27, 2008 Report Share Posted August 27, 2008 The Mechanism of Encephalitic Damage from Vaccines Production of Mass Behavioral and Neurological Problems Using Vaccination (originally here but URL no longer works) " In regions in which there is no organized vaccination of the population, general paralysis is rare. It is impossible to deny a connection between vaccination and the encephalitis which follows it. " Journal of the American Medical Association, July 3, 1926, p. 45. " Cases of cerebral symptoms, suggesting encephalitis, following vaccination have been reported from Holland, Czechoslovakia and Germany. From Switzerland there have been reported cases of meningitis. " New York State Journal of Medicine, May 15, 1926. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Technically speaking, encephalitis is defined as a brain inflammation, and is a sub-class of a category of disease known as encephalopathy, generally defined as brain disease; physicians do not make a systematic distinction between these concepts, and they are used as synonyms. Physicians have always known that encephalitis can be caused by vaccinations/immunizations. One of the remarkable aspects of encephalitis is that it spawns a great variety of physiological, neurological, mental, behavioral and emotional symptoms. It can be seen by the quotes that preface this chapter that it was known as early as 1926 that encephalitis could readily be caused by vaccines. Encephalitis that appeared in an otherwise healthy human being after vaccination was initially considered to be " atypical " , but it was realized that these " atypical " cases could in fact mimic meningitis, viral encephalitis, poliomyelitis and practically all acute diseases of the nervous system. This is true of encephalitis induced by any vaccination. For example, let's look at DPT vaccines. According to studies in 1965 by Margaret Pittman, one of the most prominent pertussis vaccine researchers in the United States, pertussis vaccine (the " P " in the DPT vaccine) is one of the most dangerous childhood vaccines. It is a vaccine made from Bordetella pertussis, the same bacterium that causes the disease, and is unique in its marked ability to modify biological responses. One of the manufacturers of pertussis vaccine, Connaught Laboratories, stated in a 1986 package insert for pertussis vaccine that " systemic reactions such as fever occur quite frequently. Respiratory difficulties have been observed. Moderate to severe systemic events such as a fever of 105 or higher, and persistent inconsolable crying lasting three hours or more, unusual high-pitched screaming, collapse, or convulsions occur. More severe neurologic complications, such as a prolonged convulsion or an encephalopathy, occasionally fatal, have been reported. Analphylactic reactions have been reported. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has occurred in infants following administration of DPT. Onset of infantile spasms has occurred in infants who have recently received DPT or DT. " Any of these symptoms are indicative of some degree of brain damage. As far as DPT and other vaccinations are concerned, a review of available literature produced a plethora of additional information relative to the known childhood reactions, also common with encephalitis: vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, gastroenteritis, stomach aches, enuresis, constipation, loss of sphincter control, back-arching, dilation of pupils, lack of appetite, disturbances of sleep rhythm, severe headache, bulging of the skull, night terrors and chronic sleep disturbances, violent respiration, sudden death, breath holding (apnea), cyanosis, convulsions, development of autistic symptoms, profuse soapy yellow-green diarrhea, dry cough, crossing of the eyes, loss of coordination, severe stuttering and stammering, inability to swallow food, otitis with consequent hearing loss, dyslexia, dysgraphia, reading difficulties, inability to deal with abstractions, facial palsy, hypersalivation, involuntary grunting, changed sensitivity to pain, unusual sensitivity to heat, hyperacute hearing, flaccidity, severe one-sided paralysis, paraplegia, quadriplegia, arrested mental development, spacticities, clumsiness, unexplained seizures, development of Parkinson's Disease later in life, intellectual and physical regression, development of left-handedness or ambidexterity, development of long-term effects in the absence of acute reaction, , pronouncement of the Moro Reflex,unexplained changes in muscle tone, stiffness of the neck, sudden lapse into unconsciousness, unusual difficulty in arousal and deafness. The initial symptoms of post-vaccination encephalitis may be minimal, but this does not prevent other effects from manifesting later on, or mean that minimal brain damage has not occurred. Any researcher who ignores or rejects the possibility that vaccination can cause the most serious neurologic disorders in the absence of a marked acute reaction on an immediate basis is faced with finding grounds for distinguishing post-vaccinal encephalistis from encephalitis due to other causes. A patient manifesting the typical long-term effects of vaccination is probably a victim of vaccination, even if no acute reaction was observed immediately subsequent to vaccination. The fact that many of the symptoms above could be connected was not generally publicized in professional circles until 1982, when Norman Geschwind and Behan published their finding of an association among autism, celiac disease, dyslexia, stuttering, migrane headaches, developmental disabilities and left-handedness, which are all features of post encephalitic syndrome. Their article caused a bit of a sensation in scientific circles because of the basic inability of professions to imagine what the connecting thread among these disparate conditions could be. We now know that vaccinations are the connecting thread, but for physicians and professionals to openly admit that would mean the loss of their professional license and livelihood which, of course, would serve them right for participating in this insidious process in the first place. It must be strange to be trapped in that vicious circle of professional deceit. The fact that something was going on became apparent in 1943, when world famous child psychologist Leo Kanner described 11 cases of a new mental illness in young people which he termed " inborn autistic disturbances of affective contact " . Initially known as early infantile autism, these first cases emerged in the United States at the same time as vaccination against pertussis (whooping cough) was becoming increasingly widespread. One of the outstanding features of the autistic child was self-absorbed alienation, or the inability to relate themselves in the normal way to people and situations from the very beginning as infants, living in a world of their own. This also manifests itself as a gross and sustained impairment of emotional relationships with others, aloofness, abnormal behavior toward other people as persons, difficulty in mixing or playing with other children. As these children become older, they appear to have almost a mechanistic function and seem to be without emotional awareness of social interaction or empathic relatedness. No doubt, vaccinations seem to be the ultimate origin of the " blind date from hell " which we have all experienced at one time or another, and this emotional emptiness is typically what we see today with young people and the preceding several generations subject to vaccines. The longer the problem goes on, the worse everything becomes on a social level. Other psychological symptoms attributed to minimum brain damage (MBD) caused by post vaccinal encephalitis are ego weakness , often with compensating hypersexuality and aggression, depression and suicide, resistance to change, inability to conceptualize and acquire experience, intellectual fragmentation, constant search for structure, development of contact disorders, development of feelings of inadequacy and sociopathic personality structures, and tendencies toward commission of violent criminal acts. As the neurological basis for all of this was gradually understood, the characteristic alienation, withdrawal and ego weakness (initially seen as a casual observation) were discovered to be the effect of a sense-perception disorder. Ordinarily, when we receive information through the senses, we extract meaning and organize it in the form of concepts or ideas. These are stored in the memory and recalled when necessary. In this way, sense perception and memory assist in the acquisition of experience. Minimum brain damage, however slight, has an effect on this process. Severely autistic children seem to have a preoccupation with sensory impressions, and are unable to organize them into functional patterns. Furthermore, the process of maturing involves moving beyond concrete sense perception into the world of abstraction. This process is impacted by situations where immature development and organization of the frontal and temporal lobes has taken place, hence the person affected cannot create and manipulate the symbols which normal people use to represent and act upon external reality. Testing of austistics has also disclosed damage to both the brainstem and cranial nerves. Thus, neurological research demonstrates that developmental delay reflects an actual biological delay in maturation of the brain and nervous system. This can manifest itself in the failure to develop abstract reasoning and the relative inability to process symbolic information. In the 1960's, there was a tremendous upsurge in childhood autism, and parents went in droves to psychiatrists. This increased prevalence of autism matches and reflects the expansion of mandated vaccination programs during the same time period. Today, autism is a real growth industry. The same parallels can be found in every country on the planet. But what does this have to do with most people, you ask, since most people do not appear to be classified as autistic? The answer is that post vaccinal encephalitis manifests itself on a sliding scale of minimum brain damage that also manifests as other physiological and psychological conditions. Hyperactivity began to manifest itself within about a decade after the first cases of childhood autism began to appear in the mid-1950's. In 1963, the U.S. Public Health Service listed nearly 100 symptoms and signs associated with hyperactivity, and changed the designation to minimal brain dysfunction. The expression " minimum brain damage " (MBD) is more accurate, since dysfunction is a consequence of actual brain damage. In 1971, Wender, a leading authority at the time, wrote that MBD " occurs in conjunction with and is possibly the basis of virtually all categories of childhood behavior disturbances. It is probably the most common single entity seen in child guidance clinics. " Even the Ivy League schools had something to say about MBD. A study at Yale Medical School in 1984 revealed that MBD is " perhaps the most common and time-consuming problems in current pediatric practice. " Even the AMA admits the severity of the objective problem. It is estimated that MBD affects up to 20% of school children , and is at this point referred to as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which the schools are treating with Ritalin and other stimulant drugs. These drugs themselves can induce further damage in children with MBD. Children who have MBD often have a limited attention span, even when of normal or superior IQ, and they do poorly in school because they are distracted easily and fail to complete work in the allotted time, often resulting in the label " absent-minded " . MBD children may also have an excessively long attention span, and can spend a long time on a project until they are completely done. It is possible for children to grow out of MBD, but this happens only in very mild cases; attention span difficulties and other problems, however, can continue into adult life. There is no cure once MBD has occurred. Medical and psychiatric approaches to MBD, as mentioned, involve heavy use of drugs to suppress or modify symptoms of MBD. In the same way that researchers found that autism was associated with many nervous symptom problems in 1982, they found that MBD syndrome was associated with mental retardation, seizures, cerebral palsy and other neurological signs and problems which do not readily fit into behavioral or emotional categories, despite the concerted effort to fit them into such categories. Because autism is essentially an MBD problem, all the problems associated with it are also reflected in other MBD categories. That is, the MBD syndrome is also associated with left-handedness, clumsiness, seizure disorders, etc. It is interesting that in 1987 a Washington Post-ABC News poll revealed that 16% of all Americans under 30 years of age are left-handed or ambidextrous, as opposed to only 12% of those under sixty. This is significant, because it ties the production of MBD in the population to specific time periods that just happen to coincide with all the major vaccination programs in the United States. Another survey revealed that 13% of 20 year olds were lefties, compared to 5% of persons in their fifties. Sleep disturbances are also very common in this population, and the emergence of MBD around 1955 also coincided with the emergence of this problem. Of course, it was viewed as strictly a psychiatric problem to be controlled with therapy and brain-altering drugs, further damaging the brain and psyche of all concerned. Since 1970, a new condition in adults arose, labeled " delayed sleep phase syndrome " - inability to fall asleep before the early hours of the morning. MBD children grown up. In addition, urinary control problems accompany this MBD condition. Children, adolescents and adults with MBD can also have appetite disorders, refusing to eat even when hungry. Those suffering from anorexia nervosa may in fact suffer from MBD, together with Psychosocial concerns about appearance. Anorexia can also be caused by the very amphetamines given to children to control hyperactivity. MBD children may also suffer from bulimia, also a condition which, like anorexia, came into prominence in the 1960's. Surveys indicate that 15% of adolescent girls in the United States experience serious problems with either anorexia or bulimia. Interestingly, hyperactivity seems to predominate in MBD males and eating disorders in MBD females - at least as visible physiological problems. Very often, the psychological and behavioral problems are much more severe. The Problem of Allergic Reaction to Vaccination As early as 1938, the relationship between allergies, vaccination and encephalitis has been a topic of medical investigation. In 1954, it was additionally noted by researchers that the common factor in the pathology of encephalitis from vaccination was " anaphylactic hypersensitivity. " Stanford University performed experiments in 1983 which gave indications that children with existing allergies many overreact to pertussis vaccine. It is interesting to note that 80% of autistic children and adults have severe allergies, as well as high levels of serotonin in the brain, released during the process of allergic and anaphylactic reaction. One of the most serious allergies is to products containing wheat or gluten. It is also known that hyperactive and MBD individuals also manifest a high level of allergic reaction. It is interesting to note that the autoimmune diseases - rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, erythematosus, allergic rhinitis, wheat allergy (celiac disease), pernicious anemia and others also came to prominence in the 1950's. In 1970, researcher G.A. Rosenburg theorized that " an autoimmune allergic mechanism has been postulated as the cause of post-vaccinal encephalitis, possibly with an initial invasion of the nervous system by a virus, with a subsequent antigen-antibody reaction " . In 1982, Israeli scientists found autistic children to have a " cell mediated immune response to brain tissue " , suggesting that a neural autoimmune reaction may play a part in the pathogenesis of autism. Researchers in both France and the United States have found the immune system of autistic children to be hypersensitive. Of course, all this is " after the fact " . It either does not occur to these researchers that the true source of the problem is the vaccination process, or they suspect it and are afraid for their lives or jobs, which of course depend on the true cause being hidden in the first place. The Mechanism of Encephalitic Damage from Vaccines One of the keys to understanding what is happening is to understand that the myelin sheath, the fatty protective coating around the nerves, spreads through the nervous system in developmental stages. The myelin sheath, in some nerves, does not even begin to grow until the child is at least eight months old. In fact, the growth of the insulating sheath proceeds at different rates in different areas in the nervous system for the first 15 years of life. In some areas, growth of myelin continues until the mid 40's. What does this mean? When cultural vaccination programs initiate neurotoxic processes in early childhood, it severely affects the development of the nervous system by impacting growth of the nervous system. Myelination processes begin in the phylogenetically older parts of the brain, such as the brain stem, and then moves to the areas of the nervous system that have developed recently in humans. Obviously, the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebral cortex are the last to be protected. The sheath is necessary for the development of the nerves, so when the cultural vaccination programs inject harmful toxins into a newborn infant or children, the myelination process is interrupted to one degree or another and MBD occurs. In 1947, Isaac Karlin suggested that stuttering was caused by " delay in the myelinization of the cortical areas in the brain concerned with speech. " In 1988, research by Dietrich and others using MRI imaging of the brains of infants and children from four days old to 36 months of age have found that those who were developmentally delayed had immature patterns of myelination. It has also been found that impairment of these processes can alter neural communication without necessarily causing severe CNS damage. So, these facts have been satisfactorily proven by science, but ignored and suppressed by mainstream medical establishment. Babies and children pay the price, and society pays the price when these individuals grow up and begin to exhibit aberrant behavior, affecting social structure, increasing crime and necessitating more authoritarian social control mechanisms. We can see that the assocition between post-encephalitic syndrome and either demyelination or incomplete myelination of the brain is pretty straight forward. In might be mentioned at this point that polio, or poliomyelitis, involves a breakdown of the myelin shealth, which causes paralysis. We also know that encephalitis, whether caused through disease or as a result of vaccination, can cause demyelination of the nerves, and that this has been known since the 1920's. The exact role of the allergic reaction in encephalitis was not completely understood until about 1935, with the discovery by Rivers of the phenomenon known as " experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, " or (EAE). Up until 1935, it was assumed that encephalitis was caused by some viral or bacterial infection of the nervous system, and a search began in the 1920's for some organism that might cause the problem. Rivers was able to produce brain inflammation in laboratory monkeys by injecting them repeatedly with extracts of sterile normal rabbit brain and spinal cord material, and this made it quite apparent that encephalitis was an allergic reaction. This explains the association of allergies and autoimmune states with prior cases of encephalitis. In 1922, the smallpox vaccination program caused an outbreak of encephalitis, with a secondary result of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, an ascending paralysis ending in death. For some reason, the fact that the vaccinations were directly connected was hidden from the public until 1942. In 1953 it was realized that some of the epidemic children's diseases, measles in particular, were demonstrating an increased propensity to attack the central nervous system. This indicated a growing allergic reaction in the population to both the diseases and the vaccinations for the diseases. In 1978, British researcher Bannister observed that the demyelinating diseases were getting more serious " because of some abnormal process of sensitization of the nervous system. " I submit that the process of increased sensitivity was a normal occurance - it could only be seen as abnormal if the connection between the vaccines and the sensitization process, which by then should have been obvious with the research conducted, was deliberately ignored. The fact of the matter is that it is a matter of record that it was known that vaccinations produced encephalitis since 1926. The sensitization of the population was being enhanced by vaccination programs. Someone had to know, since the connection was a matter of record. Now, people who suffer from certain degrees and aspects of MBD are less likely to have success in getting along in society. Not unexpectedly, as the number of MBD people increases and the number of people unable to relate to others because of degradation of the nervous system increases, the number of unsuccessful social interactions leading to unacceptable social behavior will also increase. A look at the statistics proves this to be the case. At the end of this chapter is a general chronological breakdown reflecting these trends. Some of the statistics are as follows: The murder rate doubled between 1960 and 1980, from four per 100,000 people (4:100,000) to 8:100,000. In 1987, there were over 20,000 murders in the United States. The largest increase was between 1960 and 1970. The murder rate in Western Europe remained at an even 1: 100,000. The general figures for crimes of all categories went from 4,000:100,000 in 1971 to 6000: 100,000 in 1980. It has stabilized around 5,000: 100,000. Between 1970 and 1980, the number of arson incidents rose 325%. In 1933, the incidence of violent crime (murder, rape, robbery) was 200: 100,000. By the 1940's it had declined to 100: 100,000, but by 1963 it was back to the 1933 level. Since 1963, it has climbed steadily, reaching 500: 100,000 in 1978 and 650: 100,000 in 1987. You really cannot blame all of this just on the concept of poverty, since it is three times higher today than in 1933 and six times higher than in the 1940's. The crimes are also taking on an air of real brutality, even those performed by females. In 1969 only 12% of female adolescents committed violent acts. By 1979, it had risen to 48%. Child abuse started to become a public problem in during the Bush and Reagan administration in the 1980's. In 1986, there were 2.1 million reports of child abuse in the United States - a 200% rise since 1976. The prison population has doubled since 1970. In California, it tripled between 1977 and 1988, after only 10 years. Today the ratio of people in prison is 250: 100,000 (in comparison, it was 29: 100,000 in 1850. The characteristics of murder changed from being predominately one between people who knew each other before 1963, but after 1963 it began to accelerate to where people are murdered by people they don't even know, more often than by someone they do know. It was noted in 1988 that adults with a history of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are predominant in the felon popoulation in prisons. A large majority of the prison population involved in serious crime appear to have been categorized as hyperactive in their youth. Hyperactivity often declines in MBD affected individuals, and is replaced by aggressiveness and a hair-trigger temper, with MBD individuals as adults showing destructive impulsive behavior. Other common features with violent criminals are short attention spans, dyslexia, general learning disabilities, dysgraohia, dyscalcula (inability to perform basic calculations), defective sequential memory, and reading disabilities, all of which contribute to a condition of social incompatibility. It is interesting to note that in 1970, it was found that 33% of children with conduct disorders were reading disabled. Students are graduated from high school with a reading level equivalent to that in second or third grade. The schools cannot cope with the increased number of MBD students, and are graduating them just to get rid of them. Those with MBD conduct disorders eventually move psychologically to where they have sociopathic personalities involving childish egotism and self-centeredness bound to conflict with ordinary society. In 1928, A British physician noted that changes in morals and character in patients who have had encephalitis reveal " a curious uniformity " . All those who were neurologically damaged react their own inability to successfully interact with society with aggression, impulsive unreflective behavior and irrationality. Adolescents within the vast spectrum involving MBD are often drawn to drugs and alcohol by the need to offset hyperactivity, or by an inherent realization that they somehow do not feel normal, unable to cope with life's ordinary stresses. The pertussis vaccination program was rather sporadic in the 1920's and 1930's, becoming widespread during and after World War II. The appearance of autism and learning disabilities reflects the growth of the vaccination program. Vaccinations yielded the first autistics in the early 1940's. Learning disabilities emerged eight or ten years later, when the children of this same generation were seen to have chronic difficulties in school. The learning disabled children of the early 1950's were brothers and sisters of the autistics of the early 1940's. The generation born in 1945, and thus exposed for the first time to widespread vaccination, came of age in 1963, when they reached the age of 18. The year 1963 also marked the beginning of the general decline of intelligence in the United States - a fact revealed when the generation in 1963 took entrance examinations for college and the military. In 1963, the average SAT verbal score was 478 and the math was 502. It began to decline until by 1980 the verbals score was 424 and the math 466. The scores today are the lowest ever recorded. Tests given to military recuits in the 1970's showed their mental capacity to be significantly lower than recruits between 1941 and 1945. In 1977, a panel was convened to ascertain the reasons for the IQ decline, and 79 hypotheses were advanced. None proved to explain the problem. The vaccination problem was not one of the 79 hypotheses. A national study in 1988 found that mathematical ability has virtually vanished in American adolescents. Half the applicants for college cannot read at the 10th grade level or solve eighth grade problems in mathematics. In 1965, Congress passed the Immunization Assistance Act. More and more states extended their vaccination programs and made them obligatory. By 1970, physicians encountered a whole new group of neurologically defective four and five-year-olds. A 1986 National Health Review Survey found that between 1969 and 1981, the prevalence of " activity-limiting chronic conditions " in children younger that 17 had increased, for no understandable reason, almost 44%. Almost all of the increase occurred between 1969 and 1975. Most of these conditions are readily associated with post encephalitic syndrome. All of the childhood respiratory diseases increased 47%, childhood asthma 65%, mental and nervous system disorders 80%, personality and non-psychotic mental disorders went up over 300%, diseases of the eyes and ears increased 120%, with hearing loss increasing 129 percent. In 1993, President Bill Clinton proposed a National Vaccination Program. " Nothing ever happens in politics by accident. If it happens, it was planned that way " - FDR -------------------------------------------------------- Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK Vaccines - Vaccine Dangers & Homeopathy Online/email courses - next classes Sept 08 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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