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Health Care Plan: what a misnomer. By Dr. Dan Harper

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Health Care Plan, ”what a misnomer. It involves illness and not health.

It is a money driven industry giving treatment and not care. It is a knee

jerk reaction to a century old failure of allopathic medicine that is killing

people, not a plan.

The politician’s answer to this problem is to ask nicely that the

insurance industry, allopathic physicians, and pharmaceutical industry find

ways of

cutting costs to the American consumer. Is that like asking the fox to

guard the hen house?

I love to sit in conferences listening to the spiels on “preventive

measures in medicineâ€. Their idea is to inoculate with toxic substances,


tubes up rears, and squeeze boobs in machines to radiate the tissue. What

ever happened to common sense? What would Paine have written in his

pamphlet about the health care reform that is going to raise taxes and impose

undesired control?

In 1940, 1 in 65 people got cancer in their lifetime. Today, it sits at 1

out of every 1.5 people and in ten years, it is believed that every person

on the face of the Earth will develop some type of cancer if they don’t die

of an accident or infection first.

In 1940, 1 in 16,000 children developed autism. This year, 1 in 89

developed autism. Guess we are better able to diagnose it now instead of

increasing rates, right?

In 1940, 1 in 25 we slightly overweight and had a risk of type 2 diabetes.

Today, one in four is obese (most considered morbidly) and have a risk of

type 2 diabetes mellitus. 40% of all children are above their ideal weight.

What happened between 1940 and now?

In the 1930’s, 90% of the population lived on farms that fertilized their

gardens with manure and used not pesticides or herbicides (organic


There was no alternating current creating abnormal ElectroMagnetic Fields

in household wiring, and no dangerous microwave energy beamed through the

homesteads for cell phones and WiFi’s.

There were no toxic vaccines being pushed onto an unsuspecting population.

There were few cars emitting lead fumes into the atmosphere and few coal

plants spewing mercury laden exhausts depleting the ozone and creating

global warming.

There were no antibiotics or hormones to inject into the animals and feeds

that entered into the food chain.

There were few processed foods to buy at the non-existent supermarkets and

no fast food chains to sell toxic white sugar/ white flour/ trans fatty

acids to a growing child… foods that have been shown to alter the genes of

these children and epigenetically affect the next four generations adversely.

Mediterranean fruit flies and West Nile carrying mosquitoes were not being

sprayed for with pesticides over the metropolitan areas on a weekly basis.

Car exhaust and diesel fumes were not being released into the atmosphere

affecting those with coronary or respiratory diseases causing a 400%

increase in ER visits and hospital admissions when small particulates rise in


There were not the number of medications used, causing drug-drug

interactions, side effects, adverse reactions, mis-dosing and even deaths that

account for more mortality than the number of murders and car accident

fatalities put together in this country today.

There was clean water without drug wastes, chlorine and fluoride radicles,

toxic industrial chemicals, run off fertilizers and chemicals from the


Water was consumed out of glass containers and not PCV or bisphenol A

laden plastic bottles…which turns into agent Orange (dioxin) when exposed to

sunlight or mild heat.

There was not indoor plumbing to leak or yard sprinklers to overwater and

cause mold toxicity. There were not heating and air conditioning ducts to

be filled with mold spores and dust mites.

The flooring was wood or cement without the toxic fumes from carpet dyes

and glues, and the accumulation of dust mites in the carpets creating

allergies and respiratory problems.

The homes were not air tight to save energy since we were not dependent on

Arab oil at that time. The air flow prevented toxic accumulation of

volatile organic compounds and inhibited mold growth. Homes today have over


poorer air quality compared to the outside air.

Get the drift of where I am going?

Health involves maintaining the life force that God created us to have

when we eat the right foods prepared in good ways, drink the right beverages,

get adequate exercise, think right thoughts, take time to enjoy

surroundings and relationships, and taking the time to heal if ill.

The press showed Mrs. Obama planting a garden on the White House grounds.

Not a bad idea. Mel Bartholomew wrote a book, “Square Foot Gardeningâ€,

trying to encourage even city folks to use inside or outside areas of soil to

grow healthy foods year round in small parcels. The composting of organic

wastes provides a vastly superior soil quality for plant growth and

nutrition than anything that can be purchased at a traditional grocery store and

even most health food markets. Fresh vegetables and fruits are the mainstay of

good health. Naturopaths have a saying…â€life and death begins in the gutâ€

.. Similarly, a misapplication of computer lingo goes “junk in…junk outâ€.

We become what we put into our mouths since those are the building blocks of

our constantly renewing body cells. Today, the cardboard boxes are more

nourishing and less toxic than the products they hold as a “foodâ€. Grow


own foods or go to a farmer’s market where you can get some fresh,

chemical free, nourishing items.

Food preparation is another area of change… we are distorting the already

empty foods with microwave ovens. The foil trays for TV dinners leech

dementia causing aluminum and the plastic covers put PVC, PBC, and other toxic

alphabet agents into the tissues of our bodies that can not be easily

removed in the normal detoxification pathways. Wouldn’t it have been nice if


had foreseen we would be living in such a toxic world and given us genes to

tolerate the atmosphere and survive the crap we are ingesting today?

Frying foods destroys the Omega double bonds in the “goodâ€oils such as

Olive Oil or Grape Seed Oil, converting them all to trans-fatty acids. Sorry,

but Ronnie Mc D will never be able to sell a non-trans-fatty acid French

Fry due to the destruction of the oils in the heating process. Even the

pressing of good seeds, such as sesame or flax, to produce oils creates enough

heat that the Omega 3 bond in “popped open†and the oil becomes an Omega 6

that turns into arachidonic acid, an inflammatory oil that promotes plaque

to form in arteries and cancers to grow more rapidly. We need to be using

more raw or lightly cooked organic foods at our meals. Schools and

workplaces need to serve wholesome, nourishing foods.

Ever notice that our Middle Schoolers are beginning to look like Miss

Americas or Pro Football Players? The hormones given the animals that lay the

eggs or are slaughtered to provide our meats end up in the young people,

causing abnormal growth and sex hormone activity. Even the plastics they eat

from or drink from are xenoestrogens stimulating the cell receptors for

hormones. Chlorinated water in showers or drinking water does the same thing.

Europe doesn’t allow chlorination of drinking water due to the toxicity. They

ozonate their water and their swimming pools. The Olympic Swimming Pools

are ozonated by Olympic rules, and even training is carried out in

non-chlorinated pools.

Thousands of scientific papers have been published on the effects of

microwave cell phone communications on the animals and humans. All of the

independently conducted studies confirm the abnormal changes in cell physiology

and the increased risk of chronic diseases, especially cancer and

neurological diseases. These papers have been out there since the 1940s when


scientists were warning the governments to avoid microwave use in the

civilian population and restrict the use to limited military applications of

warfare. The background radiation here in San Diego has risen ten million fold

since 1940 due to the cell phones and WiFi civilian applications, and the

military communications systems in the area. Best place to live—someplace

where you don’t get any bars on your cell phone. Just ask the bees that


t find their way back to the hives due to the cell phone towers beaming and

goofing up their navigation home. “Empty hive†syndrome in areas where

there is good cell phone coverage is well documented. Cell phone towers and

WiFi should be converted to a non-toxic form of technology and the

government convene a conference to find ways to remove the dangerous microwaves


our environment.

Read Dr Jeff ’s book “Seeds of Deception†or see some of the

documentaries on Monsanto’s genetically modifies foods before you take


bite of food. 90% of wheat and soy and 70% of corn is genetically modified.

The transosomes that are injected into the seeds to make them resistant to

the toxic sprays or to produce their own pesticides can be absorbed through

our ingesting them and transferring to our own chromosomes. This induces

major genetic transformation and misinformation in our cells. This damage can

be passed on in our genealogies from now to eternity, and can’t be taken

back. This was warned about for years before Congress and the FDA approved

them despite the lack of any studies being done. We have sown to the winds

seeds of destructions and will be watching the damage in our children and

grandchildren. It can’t be taken back. So now, we have to be diligent to


the FDA and Congress to label foods as genetically modified so that we don’

t eat them or feed them to the animals that will become part of our food

sources. The genetically modified seeds foods should be banned in the USA,

like most of Europe and Africa have done.

The pesticides routinely sprayed by our Home Owners Association or in the

City Parks are being absorbed into our bodies in our water supply and by

physical contact or drifting sprays (90% of the spray drifts for up to ten

miles, and only 10% stays where the spray was intended). These pesticides

shut down vital enzyme systems in our bodies, especially the cytochrome p450

sites in our livers that help us clean our bodies from other toxins and

process drugs and herbs into active healing compounds. These pesticides also

induce genetic changes that shut down the methylation system of the DNA

increasing the risk of cancer in our bodies, and inducing epigenetic changes

causing increased cancer rates in our offspring for three or four generations.

Scientific studies also confirm the long suspected relationship to

pesticides and neurological issues such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and


The city of Toronto banned the use of insecticide and herbicide sprays within

the city limits. Non-toxic substances and techniques are available for


Last month, I sent out a news article on vaccinations with an article by a

Neurosurgeon, Dr Blaylock. Hope you read it so that I don’t have to go

into details of the changes in the immune system that actually increase

susceptibility to dangerous illnesses not in the vaccines, increased risk of

vaccine induced autism, increased risk of vaccine induced auto-immune induced

diseases, and risk of cancer by suppression of the Th2 immune system by the

very nature of the vaccines. In summary, I suggested you choose your poisons

carefully, doing only single vaccines with no preservatives and spaced six

months apart and started no sooner that 3 year of age.

Talk to some experts about what you can do to make your home and workplace

safe from EMFs. The cell phone towers emit rays that interfere with delta

waves in the brain so you can’t sleep. They induce inflammatory changes in

your cell physiology that promotes neurological, cardiological, and

immunological illnesses, just to name a few of the systems affected. The EMFs


big screen TVs and computers are enough to cause major damage to health,

especially in those that are genetically predisposed to such injuries

(studies found 3% severely, 16% mildly in the general population). Living near

high power lines or transformers can increase risks of cancer by over 600%.

Guess where most new schools are built and new neighborhoods constructed?

Yeap, under the high power lines. Those could be placed underground, or more

solar power used.

The water supply is now full of recycled drugs (birth control pills,

statin drugs, heart medications, antidepressants, antibiotics… have all been

found in significant levels in municipal water supplies). The State of

California mandated fluoridation of the city water supplies so that they


have to pay such a high price on dental work in the Medical arena. They don’

t tell you that the fluoridation is not done with sodium fluoride, but with

waste products from the atomic nuclear plants and aluminum plants that

contain trace amounts of fluoride. Kills two stones with one bird (my wife


t let me kill animals), getting rid of toxic wastes and fluoridating at

the same time! Since fluoride has been added to the water, uranium levels on

the hair analysis I do for heavy metal toxicity screening are coming back

high on nearly every one that I order. Wasn’t that way in the past decades.

Yes, my generation played with quick silver (mercury) in our hands and

gnawed the lead paint off our cribs, but we handled it better since there were

fewer other toxins and our diets were able to help detoxify these heavy

metals. (Maybe we could even teach a few dentists to not use mercury amalgams

anymore.-- I would normally get a “DUH!†from one of my six daughters

about now.)

I probably shouldn’t go into the pharmaceutical industry’s attempt to

take over the health field by Codex legislation, making them the only ones to

oversee the production of the vitamins, producing synthetic vitamins that

don’t have any of the life force of plant derived vitamins and bind to cell

receptors without giving the benefits of the active vitamin from natural

sources. That is what happened in the English study on beta carotenes in the

prevention of cancer in smokers. The synthetic crap actually increased the

incidence of cancer by 30%, and started a smear campaign to label use of

vitamins as dangerous and foolhardy. Natural, complete antioxidants have been

shown to prevent cancer in numerous studies. So, we are going to let the

government have control of the health and run by pharmaceutical companies

doing studies like the one above and call it the “standard of medical careâ€

and make physicians practice by their dictated cookbook of treatments. “High

cholesterol- give statin drugsâ€â€” despite the Physician’s Desk Reference

saying “use only after trial of diet and exercise fails to lower the

cholesterol.†Medical schools say to stop eggs and meats but use margarine to

lower cholesterol, not recognizing that 70% or more of the cholesterol comes

from the consumption of excess carbohydrates in pastas, sugar, and refined

grain products that leads to excess glucose that is converted into

cholesterol for storage since it can’t be metabolized in the mitochondria for


fast enough. Cholesterol is not the enemy—never has been. 10% of the brain

is cholesterol and cholesterol is the precursor of CoQ10 and all adrenal

and sex hormones in the body. Inflammation that converts healthy cholesterol

into the lousy LDL cholesterol is the problem. Frying an egg at

temperatures over medium heat will convert that cholesterol into LDL before you


it, so cook foods on medium heat or lower for longer times to not destroy the

nutrients in your food.

Parents need to detoxify before trying to conceive. Rutgers reported a

study several years back of cord blood taken from ten infants at birth and

toxicology tests were run for presence of over 300 different toxic compounds.

Each of the ten tested positive for over 125 of the substances checked for,

and seven contained significant levels of the banned substance DDT

(outlawed over 40 years before the study). DDT??? It is still being sprayed on

foods in Mexico and many other third world countries where Monsanto pushes its

poisons, and the foods brought into the USA by GFTA return the poisons to

us. Also, the highly touted Splenda is one chlorine molecule away from DDT

and can easily be converted to DDT in our bodies. Great!

Consumption of green leafy vegetables and fruits prior to conception,

during pregnancy and while breast feeding provide methyl groups to minimize

birth defects and prevent cancer formation in that child at a later time in

life. Studies also show the importance of these good foods during

pre-pubescence and teen years to protect their offspring for generations to

come. So

the bad diets of our parents help our generation to have such poor health.

This generation of Americans will be the first since the history of our

country that does not outlive their predecessors. Frightening! Diet is so

important! Is that anywhere in this health reform?

I have over 35,000 hours of Emergency Room experience. I know we are the

greatest nation in the world at acute trauma care, intensive care in the

ICUs, and treatment of acute infections. But that is only 30% of health care.

The other 70% is care for chronic conditions that allopathic medicine has

not been taught about and has not any pharmacological regime to use. All of

our drugs are for acute problems to treat symptoms and not root causes.

We need view health care more like the Chinese doctor of 3,000 years ago

that took payment at the beginning of the marriage of a couple. He told them

where and how to safely build a house so that malarial vectors or fecal

contamination would not a health risk. He gave them instructions on how to

grow and prepare clean, nutritious foods. He taught how to care for their

children and how to raise them with respect and love. Did a lot of preventive

teaching, because if they got ill, it was felt the doctor had not prepared

them correctly and would have to treat them at no additional charge than the

one they had given him at the beginning of their marriage.

I could go on for many more pages, but who takes time to read that much?

Just like our foods, we want them served up quickly and cheaply.

Preventive health is not more medical tests or procedures. It is a

lifestyle and attitude that is foreign to modern America. Go back to the


Health involves maintaining the life force that God created us to have

when we eat the right foods prepared in good ways, drink the right beverages,

get adequate exercise, think right thoughts, take time to enjoy

surroundings and relationships, and taking the time to heal adequately if ill or


Dan O. Harper, MD

509 South Cedros, Suite B

Solana Beach, CA 92075


Fax 858-755-3530

website: www.drdanharper.com

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Excellent article but then again most on this website know all this. We've

educated ourselves because we had to. It's the mainstream population that is

missing the information. That's why we have to spread the word.

I find an appalling lack of information on GM food. When I explain the two most

obvious reasons GM food is bad as related to seed I see ignorance in their eyes.

It's shameful that people don't take the time to learn about the many different

ways we are being poisoned.

Sharon H.


> Health Care Plan, " what a misnomer. It involves illness and not health.

> It is a money driven industry giving treatment and not care.

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